package com.earth2me.essentials; import com.earth2me.essentials.api.IItemDb; import com.earth2me.essentials.commands.IEssentialsCommand; import com.earth2me.essentials.config.ConfigurateUtil; import com.earth2me.essentials.config.EssentialsConfiguration; import com.earth2me.essentials.signs.EssentialsSign; import com.earth2me.essentials.signs.Signs; import com.earth2me.essentials.textreader.IText; import com.earth2me.essentials.textreader.SimpleTextInput; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.EnumUtil; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.FormatUtil; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.LocationUtil; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.NumberUtil; import net.ess3.api.IEssentials; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.spongepowered.configurate.CommentedConfigurationNode; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import static; public class Settings implements net.ess3.api.ISettings { private static final BigDecimal DEFAULT_MAX_MONEY = new BigDecimal("10000000000000"); private static final BigDecimal DEFAULT_MIN_MONEY = new BigDecimal("-10000000000000"); private final transient EssentialsConfiguration config; private final transient IEssentials ess; private final transient AtomicInteger reloadCount = new AtomicInteger(0); private final Map chatFormats = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>()); private int chatRadius = 0; // #easteregg private char chatShout = '!'; // #easteregg private char chatQuestion = '?'; private boolean teleportSafety; private boolean forceDisableTeleportSafety; private Set disabledCommands = new HashSet<>(); private List overriddenCommands = Collections.emptyList(); private List playerCommands = Collections.emptyList(); private final transient Map disabledBukkitCommands = new HashMap<>(); private Map commandCosts; private Set socialSpyCommands = new HashSet<>(); private Set muteCommands = new HashSet<>(); private String nicknamePrefix = "~"; private String operatorColor = null; private List itemSpawnBl = new ArrayList<>(); private List enabledSigns = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean signsEnabled = false; private boolean warnOnBuildDisallow; private boolean debug = false; private boolean configDebug = false; // #easteregg private boolean economyDisabled = false; private BigDecimal maxMoney = DEFAULT_MAX_MONEY; private BigDecimal minMoney = DEFAULT_MIN_MONEY; private boolean economyLog = false; // #easteregg private boolean economyLogUpdate = false; private boolean changeDisplayName = true; private boolean changePlayerListName = false; private boolean prefixsuffixconfigured = false; private boolean addprefixsuffix = false; private boolean essentialsChatActive = false; // #easteregg private boolean disablePrefix = false; // #easteregg private boolean disableSuffix = false; private boolean getFreezeAfkPlayers; private boolean cancelAfkOnMove; private boolean cancelAfkOnInteract; private boolean sleepIgnoresAfkPlayers; private String afkListName; private boolean isAfkListName; private boolean broadcastAfkMessage; private KeepInvPolicy vanishingItemPolicy; private KeepInvPolicy bindingItemPolicy; private Set noGodWorlds = new HashSet<>(); private boolean registerBackInListener; private boolean disableItemPickupWhileAfk; private long teleportInvulnerabilityTime; private boolean teleportInvulnerability; private long loginAttackDelay; private int signUsePerSecond; private int mailsPerMinute; // #easteregg private long economyLagWarning; // #easteregg private long permissionsLagWarning; private boolean allowSilentJoin; private String customJoinMessage; private boolean isCustomJoinMessage; private String customQuitMessage; private boolean isCustomQuitMessage; private String customNewUsernameMessage; private boolean isCustomNewUsernameMessage; private List spawnOnJoinGroups; private Map commandCooldowns; private boolean npcsInBalanceRanking = false; private NumberFormat currencyFormat; private List unprotectedSigns = Collections.emptyList(); private List defaultEnabledConfirmCommands; private TeleportWhenFreePolicy teleportWhenFreePolicy; private boolean isCompassTowardsHomePerm; private boolean isAllowWorldInBroadcastworld; private String itemDbType; // #EasterEgg - admins can manually switch items provider if they want private boolean allowOldIdSigns; private boolean isWaterSafe; private boolean isSafeUsermap; private boolean logCommandBlockCommands; private Set> nickBlacklist; private double maxProjectileSpeed; private boolean removeEffectsOnHeal; private Map worldAliases; public Settings(final IEssentials ess) { this.ess = ess; config = new EssentialsConfiguration(new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"), "/config.yml"); reloadConfig(); } @Override public File getConfigFile() { return config.getFile(); } @Override public boolean getRespawnAtHome() { return config.getBoolean("respawn-at-home", false); } @Override public boolean isRespawnAtAnchor() { return config.getBoolean("respawn-at-anchor", false); } @Override public boolean getUpdateBedAtDaytime() { return config.getBoolean("update-bed-at-daytime", true); } @Override public Set getMultipleHomes() { final CommentedConfigurationNode section = config.getSection("sethome-multiple"); return section == null ? null : ConfigurateUtil.getKeys(section); } @Override public int getHomeLimit(final User user) { int limit = 1; if (user.isAuthorized("essentials.sethome.multiple")) { limit = getHomeLimit("default"); } final Set homeList = getMultipleHomes(); if (homeList != null) { for (final String set : homeList) { if (user.isAuthorized("essentials.sethome.multiple." + set) && (limit < getHomeLimit(set))) { limit = getHomeLimit(set); } } } return limit; } @Override public int getHomeLimit(final String set) { return config.getInt("sethome-multiple." + set, config.getInt("sethome-multiple.default", 3)); } private int _getChatRadius() { return config.getInt("chat.radius", config.getInt("chat-radius", 0)); } @Override public int getChatRadius() { return chatRadius; } @Override public int getNearRadius() { return config.getInt("near-radius", 200); } private char _getChatShout() { return config.getString("chat.shout", "!").charAt(0); } @Override public char getChatShout() { return chatShout; } private char _getChatQuestion() { return config.getString("chat.question", "?").charAt(0); } @Override public char getChatQuestion() { return chatQuestion; } @Override public boolean isShoutDefault() { return config.getBoolean("chat.shout-default", false); } @Override public boolean isPersistShout() { return config.getBoolean("chat.persist-shout", false); } @Override public boolean isChatQuestionEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("chat.question-enabled", true); } public boolean _isTeleportSafetyEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("teleport-safety", true); } @Override public boolean isTeleportSafetyEnabled() { return teleportSafety; } private boolean _isForceDisableTeleportSafety() { return config.getBoolean("force-disable-teleport-safety", false); } @Override public boolean isForceDisableTeleportSafety() { return forceDisableTeleportSafety; } @Override public boolean isAlwaysTeleportSafety() { return config.getBoolean("force-safe-teleport-location", false); } @Override public boolean isTeleportPassengerDismount() { return config.getBoolean("teleport-passenger-dismount", true); } @Override public boolean isForcePassengerTeleport() { return config.getBoolean("force-passenger-teleportation", false); } @Override public double getTeleportDelay() { return config.getDouble("teleport-delay", 0); } @Override public int getOversizedStackSize() { return config.getInt("oversized-stacksize", 64); } @Override public int getDefaultStackSize() { return config.getInt("default-stack-size", -1); } @Override public BigDecimal getStartingBalance() { return config.getBigDecimal("starting-balance", BigDecimal.ZERO); } @Override public boolean isCommandDisabled(final IEssentialsCommand cmd) { return isCommandDisabled(cmd.getName()); } @Override public boolean isCommandDisabled(final String label) { return disabledCommands.contains(label); } @Override public Set getDisabledCommands() { return disabledCommands; } @Override public boolean isVerboseCommandUsages() { return config.getBoolean("verbose-command-usages", true); } private void _addAlternativeCommand(final String label, final Command current) { Command cmd = ess.getAlternativeCommandsHandler().getAlternative(label); if (cmd == null) { for (final Map.Entry entry : ess.getKnownCommandsProvider().getKnownCommands().entrySet()) { final String[] split = entry.getKey().split(":"); if (entry.getValue() != current && split[split.length - 1].equals(label)) { cmd = entry.getValue(); break; } } } if (cmd != null) { ess.getKnownCommandsProvider().getKnownCommands().put(label, cmd); } } private Set _getDisabledCommands() { final Set disCommands = new HashSet<>(); for (final String c : config.getList("disabled-commands", String.class)) { disCommands.add(c.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } for (final String c : config.getKeys()) { if (c.startsWith("disable-")) { disCommands.add(c.substring(8).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } } return disCommands; } private List _getPlayerCommands() { return config.getList("player-commands", String.class); } @Override public boolean isPlayerCommand(final String label) { for (final String c : playerCommands) { if (!c.equalsIgnoreCase(label)) { continue; } return true; } return false; } private List _getOverriddenCommands() { return config.getList("overridden-commands", String.class); } @Override public boolean isCommandOverridden(final String name) { for (final String c : overriddenCommands) { if (!c.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { continue; } return true; } return config.getBoolean("override-" + name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), false); } @Override public BigDecimal getCommandCost(final IEssentialsCommand cmd) { return getCommandCost(cmd.getName()); } private Map _getCommandCosts() { final Map section = ConfigurateUtil.getMap(config.getSection("command-costs")); if (!section.isEmpty()) { final Map newMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry entry : section.entrySet()) { final String command = entry.getKey(); final CommentedConfigurationNode node = entry.getValue(); if (command.charAt(0) == '/') { ess.getLogger().warning("Invalid command cost. '" + command + "' should not start with '/'."); } try { if (ConfigurateUtil.isDouble(node)) { newMap.put(command.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), BigDecimal.valueOf(node.getDouble())); } else if (ConfigurateUtil.isInt(node)) { newMap.put(command.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), BigDecimal.valueOf(node.getInt())); } else if (ConfigurateUtil.isString(node)) { final String costString = node.getString(); //noinspection ConstantConditions final double cost = Double.parseDouble(costString.trim().replace("$", "").replace(getCurrencySymbol(), "").replaceAll("\\W", "")); newMap.put(command.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), BigDecimal.valueOf(cost)); } else { ess.getLogger().warning("Invalid command cost for: " + command); } } catch (final Exception ex) { ess.getLogger().warning("Invalid command cost for: " + command); } } return newMap; } return null; } @Override public BigDecimal getCommandCost(String name) { name = name.replace('.', '_').replace('/', '_'); if (commandCosts != null && commandCosts.containsKey(name)) { return commandCosts.get(name); } return BigDecimal.ZERO; } private Set _getSocialSpyCommands() { final Set socialspyCommands = new HashSet<>(); if (config.isList("socialspy-commands")) { for (final String c : config.getList("socialspy-commands", String.class)) { socialspyCommands.add(c.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } } else { socialspyCommands.addAll(Arrays.asList("msg", "r", "mail", "m", "whisper", "emsg", "t", "tell", "er", "reply", "ereply", "email", "action", "describe", "eme", "eaction", "edescribe", "etell", "ewhisper", "pm")); } return socialspyCommands; } @Override public Set getSocialSpyCommands() { return socialSpyCommands; } @Override public boolean getSocialSpyListenMutedPlayers() { return config.getBoolean("socialspy-listen-muted-players", true); } @Override public boolean isSocialSpyMessages() { return config.getBoolean("socialspy-messages", true); } private Set _getMuteCommands() { final Set muteCommands = new HashSet<>(); if (config.isList("mute-commands")) { for (final String s : config.getList("mute-commands", String.class)) { muteCommands.add(s.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } } return muteCommands; } @Override public Set getMuteCommands() { return muteCommands; } private String _getNicknamePrefix() { return config.getString("nickname-prefix", "~"); } @Override public String getNicknamePrefix() { return nicknamePrefix; } @Override public double getTeleportCooldown() { return config.getDouble("teleport-cooldown", 0); } @Override public double getHealCooldown() { return config.getDouble("heal-cooldown", 0); } @Override public CommentedConfigurationNode getKitSection() { return config.getSection("kits"); } @Override public boolean isSkippingUsedOneTimeKitsFromKitList() { return config.getBoolean("skip-used-one-time-kits-from-kit-list", false); } @Override public String getOperatorColor() { return operatorColor; } private String _getOperatorColor() { final String colorName = config.getString("ops-name-color", null); if (colorName == null) { return ChatColor.RED.toString(); } else if (colorName.equalsIgnoreCase("none") || colorName.isEmpty()) { return null; } try { return FormatUtil.parseHexColor(colorName); } catch (final NumberFormatException ignored) { } try { return ChatColor.valueOf(colorName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)).toString(); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ignored) { } final ChatColor lastResort = ChatColor.getByChar(colorName); if (lastResort != null) { return lastResort.toString(); } return null; } @Override public int getSpawnMobLimit() { return config.getInt("spawnmob-limit", 10); } @Override public boolean showNonEssCommandsInHelp() { return config.getBoolean("non-ess-in-help", true); } @Override public boolean hidePermissionlessHelp() { return config.getBoolean("hide-permissionless-help", true); } @Override public int getProtectCreeperMaxHeight() { return config.getInt("protect.creeper.max-height", -1); } @Override public boolean areSignsDisabled() { return !signsEnabled; } @Override public long getBackupInterval() { return config.getInt("backup.interval", 1440); // 1440 = 24 * 60 } @Override public String getBackupCommand() { return config.getString("backup.command", null); } @Override public boolean isAlwaysRunBackup() { return config.getBoolean("backup.always-run", false); } @Override public String getChatFormat(final String group) { String mFormat = chatFormats.get(group); if (mFormat == null) { mFormat = config.getString("" + (group == null ? "Default" : group), config.getString("chat.format", "&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}")); mFormat = FormatUtil.replaceFormat(mFormat); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{DISPLAYNAME}", "%1$s"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{MESSAGE}", "%2$s"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{GROUP}", "{0}"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{WORLD}", "{1}"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{WORLDNAME}", "{1}"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{SHORTWORLDNAME}", "{2}"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{TEAMPREFIX}", "{3}"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{TEAMSUFFIX}", "{4}"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{TEAMNAME}", "{5}"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{PREFIX}", "{6}"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{SUFFIX}", "{7}"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{USERNAME}", "{8}"); mFormat = mFormat.replace("{NICKNAME}", "{9}"); mFormat = "§r".concat(mFormat); chatFormats.put(group, mFormat); } if (isDebug()) { ess.getLogger().info(String.format("Found format '%s' for group '%s'", mFormat, group)); } return mFormat; } @Override public String getWorldAlias(String world) { return worldAliases.getOrDefault(world.toLowerCase(), world); } private Map _getWorldAliases() { final Map map = new HashMap<>(); final CommentedConfigurationNode section = config.getSection(""); if (section == null) { return map; } for (Map.Entry entry : ConfigurateUtil.getMap(section).entrySet()) { map.put(entry.getKey().toLowerCase(), FormatUtil.replaceFormat(entry.getValue().getString())); } return map; } @Override public boolean getAnnounceNewPlayers() { return !config.getString("newbies.announce-format", "-").isEmpty(); } @Override public IText getAnnounceNewPlayerFormat() { return new SimpleTextInput(FormatUtil.replaceFormat(config.getString("newbies.announce-format", "&dWelcome {DISPLAYNAME} to the server!"))); } @Override public String getNewPlayerKit() { return config.getString("newbies.kit", ""); } @Override public String getNewbieSpawn() { return config.getString("newbies.spawnpoint", "default"); } @Override public boolean getPerWarpPermission() { return config.getBoolean("per-warp-permission", false); } @Override public Map getListGroupConfig() { final CommentedConfigurationNode node = config.getSection("list"); if (node != null && node.isMap()) { final Map values = ConfigurateUtil.getRawMap(node); if (!values.isEmpty()) { return values; } } final Map defaultMap = new HashMap<>(); if (config.getBoolean("sort-list-by-groups", false)) { defaultMap.put("ListByGroup", "ListByGroup"); } else { defaultMap.put("Players", "*"); } return defaultMap; } @Override public void reloadConfig() { config.load(); noGodWorlds = new HashSet<>(config.getList("no-god-in-worlds", String.class)); enabledSigns = _getEnabledSigns(); teleportSafety = _isTeleportSafetyEnabled(); forceDisableTeleportSafety = _isForceDisableTeleportSafety(); teleportInvulnerabilityTime = _getTeleportInvulnerability(); teleportInvulnerability = _isTeleportInvulnerability(); disableItemPickupWhileAfk = _getDisableItemPickupWhileAfk(); registerBackInListener = _registerBackInListener(); cancelAfkOnInteract = _cancelAfkOnInteract(); cancelAfkOnMove = _cancelAfkOnMove(); getFreezeAfkPlayers = _getFreezeAfkPlayers(); sleepIgnoresAfkPlayers = _sleepIgnoresAfkPlayers(); afkListName = _getAfkListName(); isAfkListName = afkListName != null && !afkListName.equalsIgnoreCase("none"); broadcastAfkMessage = _broadcastAfkMessage(); itemSpawnBl = _getItemSpawnBlacklist(); loginAttackDelay = _getLoginAttackDelay(); signUsePerSecond = _getSignUsePerSecond(); chatFormats.clear(); changeDisplayName = _changeDisplayName(); disabledCommands = _getDisabledCommands(); overriddenCommands = _getOverriddenCommands(); playerCommands = _getPlayerCommands(); // This will be late loaded if (ess.getKnownCommandsProvider() != null) { boolean mapModified = false; if (!disabledBukkitCommands.isEmpty()) { if (isDebug()) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Re-adding " + disabledBukkitCommands.size() + " disabled commands!"); } ess.getKnownCommandsProvider().getKnownCommands().putAll(disabledBukkitCommands); disabledBukkitCommands.clear(); mapModified = true; } for (final String command : disabledCommands) { final String effectiveAlias = command.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); final Command toDisable = ess.getPluginCommand(effectiveAlias); if (toDisable != null) { if (isDebug()) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Attempting removal of " + effectiveAlias); } final Command removed = ess.getKnownCommandsProvider().getKnownCommands().remove(effectiveAlias); if (removed != null) { if (isDebug()) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Adding command " + effectiveAlias + " to disabled map!"); } disabledBukkitCommands.put(effectiveAlias, removed); } // This is 2 because Settings are reloaded twice in the startup lifecycle if (reloadCount.get() < 2) { ess.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(() -> _addAlternativeCommand(effectiveAlias, toDisable)); } else { _addAlternativeCommand(effectiveAlias, toDisable); } mapModified = true; } } if (mapModified) { if (isDebug()) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Syncing commands"); } if (reloadCount.get() < 2) { ess.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(() -> ess.getSyncCommandsProvider().syncCommands()); } else { ess.getSyncCommandsProvider().syncCommands(); } } } nicknamePrefix = _getNicknamePrefix(); operatorColor = _getOperatorColor(); changePlayerListName = _changePlayerListName(); configDebug = _isDebug(); prefixsuffixconfigured = _isPrefixSuffixConfigured(); addprefixsuffix = _addPrefixSuffix(); disablePrefix = _disablePrefix(); disableSuffix = _disableSuffix(); chatRadius = _getChatRadius(); chatShout = _getChatShout(); chatQuestion = _getChatQuestion(); commandCosts = _getCommandCosts(); socialSpyCommands = _getSocialSpyCommands(); warnOnBuildDisallow = _warnOnBuildDisallow(); mailsPerMinute = _getMailsPerMinute(); maxMoney = _getMaxMoney(); minMoney = _getMinMoney(); permissionsLagWarning = _getPermissionsLagWarning(); economyLagWarning = _getEconomyLagWarning(); economyLog = _isEcoLogEnabled(); economyLogUpdate = _isEcoLogUpdateEnabled(); economyDisabled = _isEcoDisabled(); allowSilentJoin = _allowSilentJoinQuit(); customJoinMessage = _getCustomJoinMessage(); isCustomJoinMessage = !customJoinMessage.equals("none"); customQuitMessage = _getCustomQuitMessage(); isCustomQuitMessage = !customQuitMessage.equals("none"); customNewUsernameMessage = _getCustomNewUsernameMessage(); isCustomNewUsernameMessage = !customNewUsernameMessage.equals("none"); muteCommands = _getMuteCommands(); spawnOnJoinGroups = _getSpawnOnJoinGroups(); commandCooldowns = _getCommandCooldowns(); npcsInBalanceRanking = _isNpcsInBalanceRanking(); currencyFormat = _getCurrencyFormat(); unprotectedSigns = _getUnprotectedSign(); defaultEnabledConfirmCommands = _getDefaultEnabledConfirmCommands(); teleportWhenFreePolicy = _getTeleportWhenFreePolicy(); isCompassTowardsHomePerm = _isCompassTowardsHomePerm(); isAllowWorldInBroadcastworld = _isAllowWorldInBroadcastworld(); itemDbType = _getItemDbType(); allowOldIdSigns = _allowOldIdSigns(); isWaterSafe = _isWaterSafe(); isSafeUsermap = _isSafeUsermap(); logCommandBlockCommands = _logCommandBlockCommands(); nickBlacklist = _getNickBlacklist(); maxProjectileSpeed = _getMaxProjectileSpeed(); removeEffectsOnHeal = _isRemovingEffectsOnHeal(); vanishingItemPolicy = _getVanishingItemsPolicy(); bindingItemPolicy = _getBindingItemsPolicy(); currencySymbol = _getCurrencySymbol(); worldAliases = _getWorldAliases(); reloadCount.incrementAndGet(); } void _lateLoadItemSpawnBlacklist() { itemSpawnBl = _getItemSpawnBlacklist(); } @Override public List itemSpawnBlacklist() { return itemSpawnBl; } private List _getItemSpawnBlacklist() { final List epItemSpwn = new ArrayList<>(); //noinspection deprecation final IItemDb itemDb = ess.getItemDb(); if (itemDb == null || !itemDb.isReady()) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Skipping item spawn blacklist read; item DB not yet loaded."); return epItemSpwn; } for (String itemName : config.getString("item-spawn-blacklist", "").split(",")) { itemName = itemName.trim(); if (itemName.isEmpty()) { continue; } try { final ItemStack iStack = itemDb.get(itemName); epItemSpwn.add(iStack.getType()); } catch (final Exception ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, tl("unknownItemInList", itemName, "item-spawn-blacklist"), ex); } } return epItemSpwn; } @Override public List enabledSigns() { return enabledSigns; } private List _getEnabledSigns() { this.signsEnabled = false; // Ensure boolean resets on reload. final List newSigns = new ArrayList<>(); for (String signName : config.getList("enabledSigns", String.class)) { signName = signName.trim().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (signName.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (signName.equals("COLOR") || signName.equals("COLOUR")) { signsEnabled = true; continue; } try { newSigns.add(Signs.valueOf(signName).getSign()); } catch (final Exception ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, tl("unknownItemInList", signName, "enabledSigns")); continue; } signsEnabled = true; } return newSigns; } private boolean _warnOnBuildDisallow() { return config.getBoolean("protect.disable.warn-on-build-disallow", false); } @Override public boolean warnOnBuildDisallow() { return warnOnBuildDisallow; } private boolean _isDebug() { return config.getBoolean("debug", false); } @Override public boolean isDebug() { return debug || configDebug; } @Override public void setDebug(final boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; } @Override public boolean warnOnSmite() { return config.getBoolean("warn-on-smite", true); } @Override public boolean permissionBasedItemSpawn() { return config.getBoolean("permission-based-item-spawn", false); } @Override public String getLocale() { return config.getString("locale", ""); } private String currencySymbol = "$"; // A valid currency symbol value must be one non-integer character. private String _getCurrencySymbol() { String value = config.getString("currency-symbol", "$").trim(); if (value.length() > 1 || value.matches("\\d")) { value = "$"; } return value; } @Override public String getCurrencySymbol() { return currencySymbol; } @Override public boolean isCurrencySymbolSuffixed() { return config.getBoolean("currency-symbol-suffix", false); } // #easteregg @Override @Deprecated public boolean isTradeInStacks(final int id) { return config.getBoolean("trade-in-stacks-" + id, false); } // #easteregg @Override public boolean isTradeInStacks(final Material type) { return config.getBoolean("trade-in-stacks." + type.toString().toLowerCase().replace("_", ""), false); } public boolean _isEcoDisabled() { return config.getBoolean("disable-eco", false); } @Override public boolean isEcoDisabled() { return economyDisabled; } @Override public boolean getProtectPreventSpawn(final String creatureName) { return config.getBoolean("protect.prevent.spawn." + creatureName, false); } @Override public List getProtectList(final String configName) { final List list = new ArrayList<>(); for (String itemName : config.getString(configName, "").split(",")) { itemName = itemName.trim(); if (itemName.isEmpty()) { continue; } Material mat = EnumUtil.getMaterial(itemName.toUpperCase()); if (mat == null) { try { final ItemStack itemStack = ess.getItemDb().get(itemName); mat = itemStack.getType(); } catch (final Exception ignored) { } } if (mat == null) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, tl("unknownItemInList", itemName, configName)); } else { list.add(mat); } } return list; } @Override public String getProtectString(final String configName) { return config.getString(configName, null); } @Override public boolean getProtectBoolean(final String configName, final boolean def) { return config.getBoolean(configName, def); } private BigDecimal _getMaxMoney() { return config.getBigDecimal("max-money", DEFAULT_MAX_MONEY); } @Override public BigDecimal getMaxMoney() { return maxMoney; } private BigDecimal _getMinMoney() { BigDecimal min = config.getBigDecimal("min-money", DEFAULT_MIN_MONEY); if (min.signum() > 0) { min = min.negate(); } return min; } @Override public BigDecimal getMinMoney() { return minMoney; } @Override public boolean isEcoLogEnabled() { return economyLog; } public boolean _isEcoLogEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("economy-log-enabled", false); } @Override public boolean isEcoLogUpdateEnabled() { return economyLogUpdate; } @Override public boolean realNamesOnList() { return config.getBoolean("real-names-on-list", false); } public boolean _isEcoLogUpdateEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("economy-log-update-enabled", false); } @Override public boolean removeGodOnDisconnect() { return config.getBoolean("remove-god-on-disconnect", false); } private boolean _changeDisplayName() { return config.getBoolean("change-displayname", true); } @Override public boolean changeDisplayName() { return changeDisplayName; } private boolean _changePlayerListName() { return config.getBoolean("change-playerlist", false); } @Override public boolean changePlayerListName() { return changePlayerListName; } @Override public boolean changeTabCompleteName() { return config.getBoolean("change-tab-complete-name", false); } @Override public boolean useBukkitPermissions() { return config.getBoolean("use-bukkit-permissions", false); } private boolean _addPrefixSuffix() { return config.getBoolean("add-prefix-suffix", false); } private boolean _isPrefixSuffixConfigured() { return config.hasProperty("add-prefix-suffix"); } @Override public void setEssentialsChatActive(final boolean essentialsChatActive) { this.essentialsChatActive = essentialsChatActive; } @Override public boolean addPrefixSuffix() { return prefixsuffixconfigured ? addprefixsuffix : essentialsChatActive; } private boolean _disablePrefix() { return config.getBoolean("disablePrefix", false); } @Override public boolean disablePrefix() { return disablePrefix; } private boolean _disableSuffix() { return config.getBoolean("disableSuffix", false); } @Override public boolean disableSuffix() { return disableSuffix; } @Override public long getAutoAfk() { return config.getLong("auto-afk", 300); } @Override public long getAutoAfkKick() { return config.getLong("auto-afk-kick", -1); } @Override public boolean getFreezeAfkPlayers() { return getFreezeAfkPlayers; } private boolean _getFreezeAfkPlayers() { return config.getBoolean("freeze-afk-players", false); } @Override public boolean cancelAfkOnMove() { return cancelAfkOnMove; } private boolean _cancelAfkOnMove() { return config.getBoolean("cancel-afk-on-move", true); } @Override public boolean cancelAfkOnInteract() { return cancelAfkOnInteract; } private boolean _cancelAfkOnInteract() { return config.getBoolean("cancel-afk-on-interact", true); } @Override public boolean cancelAfkOnChat() { return config.getBoolean("cancel-afk-on-chat", true); } @Override public boolean sleepIgnoresAfkPlayers() { return sleepIgnoresAfkPlayers; } private boolean _sleepIgnoresAfkPlayers() { return config.getBoolean("sleep-ignores-afk-players", true); } @Override public boolean sleepIgnoresVanishedPlayers() { return config.getBoolean("sleep-ignores-vanished-player", true); } public String _getAfkListName() { return FormatUtil.replaceFormat(config.getString("afk-list-name", "none")); } @Override public boolean isAfkListName() { return isAfkListName; } @Override public String getAfkListName() { return afkListName; } @Override public boolean broadcastAfkMessage() { return broadcastAfkMessage; } private boolean _broadcastAfkMessage() { return config.getBoolean("broadcast-afk-message", true); } @Override public boolean areDeathMessagesEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("death-messages", true); } public KeepInvPolicy _getVanishingItemsPolicy() { final String value = config.getString("vanishing-items-policy", "keep").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); try { return KeepInvPolicy.valueOf(value.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { return KeepInvPolicy.KEEP; } } @Override public KeepInvPolicy getVanishingItemsPolicy() { return vanishingItemPolicy; } public KeepInvPolicy _getBindingItemsPolicy() { final String value = config.getString("binding-items-policy", "keep").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); try { return KeepInvPolicy.valueOf(value.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { return KeepInvPolicy.KEEP; } } @Override public KeepInvPolicy getBindingItemsPolicy() { return bindingItemPolicy; } @Override public Set getNoGodWorlds() { return noGodWorlds; } @Override public boolean getRepairEnchanted() { return config.getBoolean("repair-enchanted", true); } @Override public boolean allowUnsafeEnchantments() { return config.getBoolean("unsafe-enchantments", false); } @Override public boolean isWorldTeleportPermissions() { return config.getBoolean("world-teleport-permissions", false); } @Override public boolean isWorldHomePermissions() { return config.getBoolean("world-home-permissions", false); } @Override public boolean registerBackInListener() { return registerBackInListener; } @Override public int getMaxTreeCommandRange() { return config.getInt("tree-command-range-limit", 300); } private boolean _registerBackInListener() { return config.getBoolean("register-back-in-listener", false); } @Override public boolean getDisableItemPickupWhileAfk() { return disableItemPickupWhileAfk; } private boolean _getDisableItemPickupWhileAfk() { return config.getBoolean("disable-item-pickup-while-afk", false); } private EventPriority getPriority(final String priority) { if ("none".equals(priority)) { return null; } if ("lowest".equals(priority)) { return EventPriority.LOWEST; } if ("low".equals(priority)) { return EventPriority.LOW; } if ("normal".equals(priority)) { return EventPriority.NORMAL; } if ("high".equals(priority)) { return EventPriority.HIGH; } if ("highest".equals(priority)) { return EventPriority.HIGHEST; } return EventPriority.NORMAL; } @Override public EventPriority getRespawnPriority() { final String priority = config.getString("respawn-listener-priority", "normal").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); return getPriority(priority); } @Override public EventPriority getSpawnJoinPriority() { final String priority = config.getString("spawn-join-listener-priority", "normal").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); return getPriority(priority); } @Override public long getTpaAcceptCancellation() { return config.getLong("tpa-accept-cancellation", 120); } @Override public int getTpaMaxRequests() { return config.getInt("tpa-max-requests", 5); } private long _getTeleportInvulnerability() { return config.getLong("teleport-invulnerability", 0) * 1000; } @Override public long getTeleportInvulnerability() { return teleportInvulnerabilityTime; } private boolean _isTeleportInvulnerability() { return config.getLong("teleport-invulnerability", 0) > 0; } @Override public boolean isTeleportInvulnerability() { return teleportInvulnerability; } private long _getLoginAttackDelay() { return config.getLong("login-attack-delay", 0) * 1000; } @Override public long getLoginAttackDelay() { return loginAttackDelay; } private int _getSignUsePerSecond() { final int perSec = config.getInt("sign-use-per-second", 4); return perSec > 0 ? perSec : 1; } @Override public int getSignUsePerSecond() { return signUsePerSecond; } @Override public double getMaxFlySpeed() { final double maxSpeed = config.getDouble("max-fly-speed", 0.8); return maxSpeed > 1.0 ? 1.0 : Math.abs(maxSpeed); } @Override public double getMaxWalkSpeed() { final double maxSpeed = config.getDouble("max-walk-speed", 0.8); return maxSpeed > 1.0 ? 1.0 : Math.abs(maxSpeed); } private int _getMailsPerMinute() { return config.getInt("mails-per-minute", 1000); } @Override public int getMailsPerMinute() { return mailsPerMinute; } private long _getEconomyLagWarning() { // Default to 25ms return (long) (config.getDouble("economy-lag-warning", 25.0) * 1000000); } @Override public long getEconomyLagWarning() { return economyLagWarning; } private long _getPermissionsLagWarning() { // Default to 25ms return (long) (config.getDouble("permissions-lag-warning", 25.0) * 1000000); } @Override public long getPermissionsLagWarning() { return permissionsLagWarning; } @Override public long getMaxMute() { return config.getLong("max-mute-time", -1); } @Override public long getMaxTempban() { return config.getLong("max-tempban-time", -1); } @Override public int getMaxNickLength() { return config.getInt("max-nick-length", 30); } @Override public boolean ignoreColorsInMaxLength() { return config.getBoolean("ignore-colors-in-max-nick-length", false); } @Override public boolean hideDisplayNameInVanish() { return config.getBoolean("hide-displayname-in-vanish", false); } public boolean _allowSilentJoinQuit() { return config.getBoolean("allow-silent-join-quit", false); } @Override public boolean allowSilentJoinQuit() { return allowSilentJoin; } public String _getCustomJoinMessage() { return FormatUtil.replaceFormat(config.getString("custom-join-message", "none")); } @Override public String getCustomJoinMessage() { return customJoinMessage; } @Override public boolean isCustomJoinMessage() { return isCustomJoinMessage; } public String _getCustomQuitMessage() { return FormatUtil.replaceFormat(config.getString("custom-quit-message", "none")); } @Override public String getCustomQuitMessage() { return customQuitMessage; } @Override public boolean isCustomQuitMessage() { return isCustomQuitMessage; } public String _getCustomNewUsernameMessage() { return FormatUtil.replaceFormat(config.getString("custom-new-username-message", "none")); } @Override public String getCustomNewUsernameMessage() { return customNewUsernameMessage; } @Override public boolean isCustomNewUsernameMessage() { return isCustomNewUsernameMessage; } @Override public boolean isCustomServerFullMessage() { return config.getBoolean("use-custom-server-full-message", true); } @Override public int getJoinQuitMessagePlayerCount() { return config.getInt("hide-join-quit-messages-above", -1); } @Override public boolean hasJoinQuitMessagePlayerCount() { return getJoinQuitMessagePlayerCount() >= 0; } @Override public boolean isNotifyNoNewMail() { return config.getBoolean("notify-no-new-mail", true); } @Override public boolean isDropItemsIfFull() { return config.getBoolean("drop-items-if-full", false); } // #easteregg @Override public int getMaxUserCacheCount() { final long count = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024 / 96; return config.getInt("max-user-cache-count", (int) count); } @Override public boolean isLastMessageReplyRecipient() { return config.getBoolean("last-message-reply-recipient", false); } @Override public boolean isReplyToVanished() { return config.getBoolean("last-message-reply-vanished", true); } @Override public BigDecimal getMinimumPayAmount() { return new BigDecimal(config.getString("minimum-pay-amount", "0.001")); } @Override public boolean isPayExcludesIgnoreList() { return config.getBoolean("pay-excludes-ignore-list", false); } @Override public long getLastMessageReplyRecipientTimeout() { return config.getLong("last-message-reply-recipient-timeout", 180); } @Override public boolean isMilkBucketEasterEggEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("milk-bucket-easter-egg", true); } @Override public boolean isSendFlyEnableOnJoin() { return config.getBoolean("send-fly-enable-on-join", true); } @Override public boolean isWorldTimePermissions() { return config.getBoolean("world-time-permissions", false); } @Override public boolean isSpawnOnJoin() { return !this.spawnOnJoinGroups.isEmpty(); } public List _getSpawnOnJoinGroups() { final List def = Collections.emptyList(); if (config.hasProperty("spawn-on-join")) { if (config.isList("spawn-on-join")) { return new ArrayList<>(config.getList("spawn-on-join", String.class)); } else if (config.isBoolean("spawn-on-join")) { // List of [*] to make all groups go to spawn on join. // This also maintains backwards compatibility with initial impl of single boolean value. return config.getBoolean("spawn-on-join", true) ? Collections.singletonList("*") : def; } // Take whatever the value is, convert to string and add it to a list as a single value. final String val = config.get("spawn-on-join").toString(); return !val.isEmpty() ? Collections.singletonList(val) : def; } else { return def; } } @Override public List getSpawnOnJoinGroups() { return this.spawnOnJoinGroups; } @Override public boolean isUserInSpawnOnJoinGroup(@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final IUser user) { for (final String group : this.spawnOnJoinGroups) { if (group.equals("*") || user.inGroup(group)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean isTeleportToCenterLocation() { return config.getBoolean("teleport-to-center", true); } private Map _getCommandCooldowns() { final CommentedConfigurationNode section = config.getSection("command-cooldowns"); if (section == null) { return null; } final Map result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry entry : ConfigurateUtil.getRawMap(section).entrySet()) { String cmdEntry = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); Pattern pattern = null; /* ================================ * >> Regex * ================================ */ if (cmdEntry.startsWith("^")) { try { pattern = Pattern.compile(cmdEntry.substring(1)); } catch (final PatternSyntaxException e) { ess.getLogger().warning("Command cooldown error: " + e.getMessage()); } } else { // Escape above Regex if (cmdEntry.startsWith("\\^")) { cmdEntry = cmdEntry.substring(1); } final String cmd = cmdEntry .replaceAll("\\*", ".*"); // Wildcards are accepted as asterisk * as known universally. pattern = Pattern.compile(cmd + "( .*)?"); // This matches arguments, if present, to "ignore" them from the feature. } /* ================================ * >> Process cooldown value * ================================ */ if (value instanceof String) { try { value = Double.parseDouble(value.toString()); } catch (final NumberFormatException ignored) { } } if (!(value instanceof Number)) { ess.getLogger().warning("Command cooldown error: '" + value + "' is not a valid cooldown"); continue; } final double cooldown = ((Number) value).doubleValue(); if (cooldown < 1) { ess.getLogger().warning("Command cooldown with very short " + cooldown + " cooldown."); } result.put(pattern, (long) cooldown * 1000); // convert to milliseconds } return result; } @Override public boolean isCommandCooldownsEnabled() { return commandCooldowns != null; } @Override public long getCommandCooldownMs(final String label) { final Entry result = getCommandCooldownEntry(label); return result != null ? result.getValue() : -1; // return cooldown in milliseconds } @Override public Entry getCommandCooldownEntry(final String label) { if (isCommandCooldownsEnabled()) { for (final Entry entry : this.commandCooldowns.entrySet()) { // Check if label matches current pattern (command-cooldown in config) final boolean matches = entry.getKey().matcher(label).matches(); if (isDebug()) { ess.getLogger().info(String.format("Checking command '%s' against cooldown '%s': %s", label, entry.getKey(), matches)); } if (matches) { return entry; } } } return null; } @Override public boolean isCommandCooldownPersistent(final String label) { // TODO: enable per command cooldown specification for persistence. return config.getBoolean("command-cooldown-persistence", true); } private boolean _isNpcsInBalanceRanking() { return config.getBoolean("npcs-in-balance-ranking", false); } @Override public boolean isNpcsInBalanceRanking() { return npcsInBalanceRanking; } private NumberFormat _getCurrencyFormat() { final String currencyFormatString = config.getString("currency-format", "#,##0.00"); final String symbolLocaleString = config.getString("currency-symbol-format-locale", null); final DecimalFormatSymbols decimalFormatSymbols; if (symbolLocaleString != null) { decimalFormatSymbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.forLanguageTag(symbolLocaleString)); } else { // Fallback to the JVM's default locale decimalFormatSymbols = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.US); } final DecimalFormat currencyFormat = new DecimalFormat(currencyFormatString, decimalFormatSymbols); currencyFormat.setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.FLOOR); // Updates NumberUtil#PRETTY_FORMAT field so that all of Essentials can follow a single format. NumberUtil.internalSetPrettyFormat(currencyFormat); return currencyFormat; } @Override public NumberFormat getCurrencyFormat() { return this.currencyFormat; } @Override public List getUnprotectedSignNames() { return this.unprotectedSigns; } private List _getUnprotectedSign() { final List newSigns = new ArrayList<>(); for (String signName : config.getList("unprotected-sign-names", String.class)) { signName = signName.trim().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (signName.isEmpty()) { continue; } try { newSigns.add(Signs.valueOf(signName).getSign()); } catch (final Exception ex) { ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, tl("unknownItemInList", signName, "unprotected-sign-names")); } } return newSigns; } @Override public boolean isKitAutoEquip() { return config.getBoolean("kit-auto-equip", false); } @Override public boolean isPastebinCreateKit() { return config.getBoolean("pastebin-createkit", false); } @Override public boolean isUseBetterKits() { return config.getBoolean("use-nbt-serialization-in-createkit", false); } @Override public boolean isAllowBulkBuySell() { return config.getBoolean("allow-bulk-buy-sell", false); } @Override public boolean isAllowSellNamedItems() { return config.getBoolean("allow-selling-named-items", false); } @Override public boolean isAddingPrefixInPlayerlist() { return config.getBoolean("add-prefix-in-playerlist", false); } @Override public boolean isAddingSuffixInPlayerlist() { return config.getBoolean("add-suffix-in-playerlist", false); } @Override public int getNotifyPlayerOfMailCooldown() { return config.getInt("notify-player-of-mail-cooldown", 0); } @Override public int getMotdDelay() { return config.getInt("delay-motd", 0); } @Override public boolean isDirectHatAllowed() { return config.getBoolean("allow-direct-hat", true); } @Override public boolean isWorldChangeFlyResetEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("world-change-fly-reset", true); } @Override public boolean isWorldChangeSpeedResetEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("world-change-speed-reset", true); } private List _getDefaultEnabledConfirmCommands() { final List commands = config.getList("default-enabled-confirm-commands", String.class); for (int i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++) { commands.set(i, commands.get(i).toLowerCase()); } return commands; } @Override public List getDefaultEnabledConfirmCommands() { return defaultEnabledConfirmCommands; } @Override public boolean isConfirmCommandEnabledByDefault(final String commandName) { return getDefaultEnabledConfirmCommands().contains(commandName.toLowerCase()); } private TeleportWhenFreePolicy _getTeleportWhenFreePolicy() { if (config.hasProperty("teleport-back-when-freed-from-jail")) { return config.getBoolean("teleport-back-when-freed-from-jail", true) ? TeleportWhenFreePolicy.BACK : TeleportWhenFreePolicy.OFF; } if (config.hasProperty("teleport-when-freed")) { // snakeyaml more like cursedyaml final String value = config.getString("teleport-when-freed", "back").replace("false", "off"); try { return TeleportWhenFreePolicy.valueOf(value.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid value \"" + value + "\" for config option \"teleport-when-freed\"!", e); } } return TeleportWhenFreePolicy.BACK; } @Override public TeleportWhenFreePolicy getTeleportWhenFreePolicy() { return teleportWhenFreePolicy; } @Override public boolean isJailOnlineTime() { return config.getBoolean("jail-online-time", false); } private boolean _isCompassTowardsHomePerm() { return config.getBoolean("compass-towards-home-perm", false); } @Override public boolean isCompassTowardsHomePerm() { return isCompassTowardsHomePerm; } private boolean _isAllowWorldInBroadcastworld() { return config.getBoolean("allow-world-in-broadcastworld", false); } @Override public boolean isAllowWorldInBroadcastworld() { return isAllowWorldInBroadcastworld; } private String _getItemDbType() { return config.getString("item-db-type", "auto"); } @Override public String getItemDbType() { return itemDbType; } private boolean _allowOldIdSigns() { return config.getBoolean("allow-old-id-signs", false); } @Override public boolean allowOldIdSigns() { return allowOldIdSigns; } private boolean _isWaterSafe() { final boolean _isWaterSafe = config.getBoolean("is-water-safe", false); LocationUtil.setIsWaterSafe(_isWaterSafe); return _isWaterSafe; } @Override public boolean isWaterSafe() { return isWaterSafe; } private boolean _isSafeUsermap() { return config.getBoolean("safe-usermap-names", true); } @Override public boolean isSafeUsermap() { return isSafeUsermap; } private boolean _logCommandBlockCommands() { return config.getBoolean("log-command-block-commands", true); } @Override public boolean logCommandBlockCommands() { return logCommandBlockCommands; } private Set> _getNickBlacklist() { final Set> blacklist = new HashSet<>(); config.getList("nick-blacklist", String.class).forEach(entry -> { try { blacklist.add(Pattern.compile(entry).asPredicate()); } catch (final PatternSyntaxException e) { ess.getLogger().warning("Invalid nickname blacklist regex: " + entry); } }); return blacklist; } @Override public Set> getNickBlacklist() { return nickBlacklist; } private double _getMaxProjectileSpeed() { return config.getDouble("max-projectile-speed", 8); } @Override public double getMaxProjectileSpeed() { return maxProjectileSpeed; } private boolean _isRemovingEffectsOnHeal() { return config.getBoolean("remove-effects-on-heal", true); } @Override public boolean isRemovingEffectsOnHeal() { return removeEffectsOnHeal; } @Override public boolean isSpawnIfNoHome() { return config.getBoolean("spawn-if-no-home", true); } @Override public boolean isConfirmHomeOverwrite() { return config.getBoolean("confirm-home-overwrite", false); } @Override public boolean infoAfterDeath() { return config.getBoolean("send-info-after-death", false); } @Override public boolean isRespawnAtBed() { return config.getBoolean("respawn-at-home-bed", true); } @Override public boolean isUpdateCheckEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("update-check", true); } @Override public boolean showZeroBaltop() { return config.getBoolean("show-zero-baltop", true); } }