package; import java.util.LinkedList; import; import; /** * A simple class to help manage input from the stream. */ public class InputHandler extends Thread { //static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(InputHandler.class); private BufferedReader reader; private IRCConnection connection; private final LinkedList messages; private final Object eventMonitor; private static int serialGen = 0; private int serialNumber = serialGen++; private boolean doShutdown = false; public InputHandler( BufferedReader reader, IRCConnection connection, Object eventMonitor ) { super("InputHandler"); this.reader = reader; this.connection = connection; messages = new LinkedList(); this.eventMonitor = eventMonitor; //log.debug("IRCConnection: New"); } /** * Set the shutdown flag, so that after next read, or on any error, the thread will just exit. */ public void signalShutdown() { synchronized(this) { doShutdown = true; } } /** * @return true if there are messages waiting to be processed. */ public boolean pendingMessages() { synchronized( messages ) { return ! messages.isEmpty(); } } /** * Gets the message at the top of the message queue and removes it from the * message queue. * * @return Message from top of list. */ public String getMessage() { synchronized( messages ) { return messages.removeFirst(); } } /** * Waits for input from the server. When input arrives, it is added to a * queue and eventMonitor.notifyAll() is called. */ public void run() { //log.debug("IRCConnection: Running"); try{ String str; while( true ) { synchronized(this) { if( doShutdown ) { return; } } str = reader.readLine(); if( str == null ) { connection.socketError( new IOException( "Socket disconnected" ) ); return; } synchronized( messages ) { messages.addLast( str ); } synchronized( eventMonitor ) { eventMonitor.notifyAll(); } } } catch( IOException ioe ) { if( doShutdown ) { return; } connection.socketError( ioe ); } finally { //log.debug("IRCConnection: Input handler has DIED!"); } } public String toString() { return "InputHandler[" + serialNumber + "]"; } // ----- END InputHandler -------------------------------------------- }