package com.earth2me.essentials; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.LocationUtil; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.VersionUtil; import io.papermc.lib.PaperLib; import net.ess3.api.InvalidWorldException; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.Biome; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; public class RandomTeleport implements IConf { private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(); private static final int HIGHEST_BLOCK_Y_OFFSET = VersionUtil.getServerBukkitVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(VersionUtil.v1_15_R01) ? 1 : 0; private final IEssentials essentials; private final EssentialsConf config; private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue cachedLocations = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); public RandomTeleport(final IEssentials essentials) { this.essentials = essentials; final File file = new File(essentials.getDataFolder(), "tpr.yml"); config = new EssentialsConf(file); config.setTemplateName("/tpr.yml"); config.options().copyHeader(true); reloadConfig(); } @Override public void reloadConfig() { config.load(); cachedLocations.clear(); } public Location getCenter() { try { final Location center = config.getLocation("center", essentials.getServer()); if (center != null) { return center; } } catch (final InvalidWorldException ignored) { } final Location center = essentials.getServer().getWorlds().get(0).getWorldBorder().getCenter(); center.setY(center.getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(center) + 1); setCenter(center); return center; } public void setCenter(final Location center) { config.setProperty("center", center);; } public double getMinRange() { return config.getDouble("min-range", 0d); } public void setMinRange(final double minRange) { config.setProperty("min-range", minRange);; } public double getMaxRange() { return config.getDouble("max-range", getCenter().getWorld().getWorldBorder().getSize() / 2); } public void setMaxRange(final double maxRange) { config.setProperty("max-range", maxRange);; } public Set getExcludedBiomes() { final List biomeNames = config.getStringList("excluded-biomes"); final Set excludedBiomes = new HashSet<>(); for (final String biomeName : biomeNames) { try { excludedBiomes.add(Biome.valueOf(biomeName.toUpperCase())); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ignored) { } } return excludedBiomes; } public int getFindAttempts() { return config.getInt("find-attempts", 10); } public int getCacheThreshold() { return config.getInt("cache-threshold", 10); } public boolean getPreCache() { return config.getBoolean("pre-cache", false); } public Queue getCachedLocations() { return cachedLocations; } // Get a random location; cached if possible. Otherwise on demand. public CompletableFuture getRandomLocation(final Location center, final double minRange, final double maxRange) { final int findAttempts = this.getFindAttempts(); final Queue cachedLocations = this.getCachedLocations(); // Try to build up the cache if it is below the threshold if (cachedLocations.size() < this.getCacheThreshold()) { cacheRandomLocations(center, minRange, maxRange); } final CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>(); // Return a random location immediately if one is available, otherwise try to find one now if (cachedLocations.isEmpty()) { attemptRandomLocation(findAttempts, center, minRange, maxRange).thenAccept(future::complete); } else { future.complete(cachedLocations.poll()); } return future; } // Prompts caching random valid locations, up to a maximum number of attempts public void cacheRandomLocations(final Location center, final double minRange, final double maxRange) { essentials.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(essentials, () -> { for (int i = 0; i < this.getFindAttempts(); ++i) { calculateRandomLocation(center, minRange, maxRange).thenAccept(location -> { if (isValidRandomLocation(location)) { this.getCachedLocations().add(location); } }); } }); } // Recursively attempt to find a random location. After a maximum number of attempts, the center is returned. private CompletableFuture attemptRandomLocation(final int attempts, final Location center, final double minRange, final double maxRange) { final CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>(); if (attempts > 0) { calculateRandomLocation(center, minRange, maxRange).thenAccept(location -> { if (isValidRandomLocation(location)) { future.complete(location); } else { attemptRandomLocation(attempts - 1, center, minRange, maxRange).thenAccept(future::complete); } }); } else { future.complete(center); } return future; } // Calculates a random location asynchronously. private CompletableFuture calculateRandomLocation(final Location center, final double minRange, final double maxRange) { final CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>(); // Find an equally distributed offset by randomly rotating a point inside a rectangle about the origin final double rectX = RANDOM.nextDouble() * (maxRange - minRange) + minRange; final double rectZ = RANDOM.nextDouble() * (maxRange + minRange) - minRange; final double offsetX; final double offsetZ; final int transform = RANDOM.nextInt(4); if (transform == 0) { offsetX = rectX; offsetZ = rectZ; } else if (transform == 1) { offsetX = -rectZ; offsetZ = rectX; } else if (transform == 2) { offsetX = -rectX; offsetZ = -rectZ; } else { offsetX = rectZ; offsetZ = -rectX; } final Location location = new Location( center.getWorld(), center.getX() + offsetX, center.getWorld().getMaxHeight(), center.getZ() + offsetZ, 360 * RANDOM.nextFloat() - 180, 0 ); PaperLib.getChunkAtAsync(location).thenAccept(chunk -> { if (World.Environment.NETHER.equals(center.getWorld().getEnvironment())) { location.setY(getNetherYAt(location)); } else { location.setY(center.getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(location) + HIGHEST_BLOCK_Y_OFFSET); } future.complete(location); }); return future; } // Returns an appropriate elevation for a given location in the nether, or -1 if none is found private double getNetherYAt(final Location location) { for (int y = 32; y < location.getWorld().getMaxHeight() / 2; ++y) { if (!LocationUtil.isBlockUnsafe(location.getWorld(), location.getBlockX(), y, location.getBlockZ())) { return y; } } return -1; } private boolean isValidRandomLocation(final Location location) { return location.getBlockY() > 0 && !this.getExcludedBiomes().contains(location.getBlock().getBiome()); } }