
1113 lines
58 KiB

#version: ${full.version}
# Single quotes have to be doubled: ''
# by:
action=§5* {0} §5{1}
addedToAccount=§a{0} has been added to your account.
addedToOthersAccount=§a{0} added to {1}§a account. New balance\: {2}
afkCommandDescription=Marks you as away-from-keyboard.
afkCommandUsage=/<command> [player/message...]
afkCommandUsage1=/<command> [message]\n
alertFormat=§3[{0}] §r {1} §6 {2} at\: {3}
alphaNames=§4Player names can only contain letters, numbers and underscores.
antiBuildBreak=§4You are not permitted to break§c {0} §4blocks here.
antiBuildCraft=§4You are not permitted to create§c {0}§4.
antiBuildDrop=§4You are not permitted to drop§c {0}§4.
antiBuildInteract=§4You are not permitted to interact with§c {0}§4.
antiBuildPlace=§4You are not permitted to place§c {0} §4here.
antiBuildUse=§4You are not permitted to use§c {0}§4.
antiochCommandDescription=A little surprise for operators.
antiochCommandUsage=/<command> [message]\n
anvilCommandDescription=Opens up an anvil.
autoAfkKickReason=You have been kicked for idling more than {0} minutes.
autoTeleportDisabled=§6You are no longer automatically approving teleport requests.
autoTeleportDisabledFor=§c{0}§6 is no longer automatically approving teleport requests.
autoTeleportEnabled=§6You are now automatically approving teleport requests.
autoTeleportEnabledFor=§c{0}§6 is now automatically approving teleport requests.
backAfterDeath=§6Use the§c /back§6 command to return to your death point.
backCommandDescription=Teleports you to your location prior to tp/spawn/warp.
backCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
backCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
backOther=§6Returned§c {0}§6 to previous location.
backupCommandDescription=Runs the backup if configured.
backupDisabled=§4An external backup script has not been configured.
backupFinished=§6Backup finished.
backupStarted=§6Backup started.
backupInProgress=§6An external backup script is currently in progress\! Halting plugin disable until finished.
backUsageMsg=§6Returning to previous location.
balance=§aBalance\:§c {0}
balanceCommandDescription=States the current balance of a player.
balanceCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
balanceCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
balanceOther=§aBalance of {0}§a\:§c {1}
balanceTop=§6Top balances ({0})
balanceTopLine={0}. {1}, {2}
balancetopCommandDescription=Gets the top balance values.
banCommandDescription=Bans a player.
banCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [reason]
banCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> [reason]
banExempt=§4You cannot ban that player.
banExemptOffline=§4You may not ban offline players.
banFormat=§cYou have been banned\:\n§r{0}
banIpJoin=Your IP address is banned from this server. Reason\: {0}
banJoin=You are banned from this server. Reason\: {0}
banipCommandDescription=Bans an IP address.
bedMissing=§4Your bed is either unset, missing or blocked.
bedOffline=§4Cannot teleport to the beds of offline users.
bedSet=§6Bed spawn set\!
beezookaCommandDescription=Throw an exploding bee at your opponent.
bigTreeFailure=§4Big tree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
bigTreeSuccess=§6Big tree spawned.
bigtreeCommandDescription=Spawn a big tree where you are looking.
bigtreeCommandUsage=/<command> <tree|redwood|jungle|darkoak>
bigtreeCommandUsage1=/<command> <tree|redwood|jungle|darkoak>
blockList=§6EssentialsX is relaying the following commands to other plugins\:
blockListEmpty=§6EssentialsX is not relaying any commands to other plugins.
bookAuthorSet=§6Author of the book set to {0}.
bookCommandDescription=Allows reopening and editing of sealed books.
bookCommandUsage=/<command> [title|author [name]]\n
bookLocked=§6This book is now locked.
bookTitleSet=§6Title of the book set to {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Breaks the block you are looking at.
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcast§6]§a {0}
broadcastCommandDescription=Broadcasts a message to the entire server.
broadcastCommandUsage=/<command> <msg>
broadcastCommandUsage1=/<command> <message>
broadcastworldCommandDescription=Broadcasts a message to a world.
broadcastworldCommandUsage=/<command> <world> <msg>
broadcastworldCommandUsage1=/<command> <world> <msg>
burnCommandDescription=Set a player on fire.
burnCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <seconds>
burnCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <seconds>
burnMsg=§6You set§c {0} §6on fire for§c {1} seconds§6.
cannotSellNamedItem=§6You are not allowed to sell named items.
cannotSellTheseNamedItems=§6You are not allowed to sell these named items\: §4{0}
cannotStackMob=§4You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs.
canTalkAgain=§6You can now talk again.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Can''t find GeoIP database\!
cantGamemode=§4You do not have permission to change to gamemode {0}
cantReadGeoIpDB=Failed to read GeoIP database\!
cantSpawnItem=§4You are not allowed to spawn the item§c {0}§4.
cartographytableCommandDescription=Opens up a cartography table.
cleaned=Userfiles Cleaned.
cleaning=Cleaning userfiles.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOff=§6You will no longer be prompted to confirm inventory clears.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOn=§6You will now be prompted to confirm inventory clears.
clearinventoryCommandDescription=Clear all items in your inventory.
clearinventoryCommandUsage=/<command> [player|*] [item[\:<data>]|*|**] [amount]
clearinventoryCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
clearinventoryconfirmtoggleCommandDescription=Toggles whether you are prompted to confirm inventory clears.
commandCooldown=§cYou cannot type that command for {0}.
commandDisabled=§cThe command§6 {0}§c is disabled.
commandFailed=Command {0} failed\:
commandHelpFailedForPlugin=Error getting help for plugin\: {0}
commandNotLoaded=§4Command {0} is improperly loaded.
compassBearing=§6Bearing\: {0} ({1} degrees).
compassCommandDescription=Describes your current bearing.
condenseCommandDescription=Condenses items into a more compact blocks.
condenseCommandUsage2=/<command> <item>
configFileMoveError=Failed to move config.yml to backup location.
configFileRenameError=Failed to rename temp file to config.yml.
confirmClear=§7To §lCONFIRM§7 inventory clear, please repeat command\: §6{0}
confirmPayment=§7To §lCONFIRM§7 payment of §6{0}§7, please repeat command\: §6{1}
connectedPlayers=§6Connected players§r
connectionFailed=Failed to open connection.
cooldownWithMessage=§4Cooldown\: {0}
coordsKeyword={0}, {1}, {2}
couldNotFindTemplate=§4Could not find template {0}
createdKit=§6Created kit §c{0} §6with §c{1} §6entries and delay §c{2}
createkitCommandDescription=Create a kit in game\!
createkitCommandUsage=/<command> <kitname> <delay>
createkitCommandUsage1=/<command> <kitname> <delay>
createKitFailed=§4Error occurred whilst creating kit {0}.
createKitSuccess=§6Created Kit\: §f{0}\n§6Delay\: §f{1}\n§6Link\: §f{2}\n§6Copy contents in the link above into your kits.yml.
creatingConfigFromTemplate=Creating config from template\: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig=Creating empty config\: {0}
currentWorld=§6Current World\:§c {0}
customtextCommandDescription=Allows you to create custom text commands.
customtextCommandUsage=/<alias> - Define in bukkit.yml
defaultBanReason=The Ban Hammer has spoken\!
deleteFileError=Could not delete file\: {0}
deleteHome=§6Home§c {0} §6has been removed.
deleteJail=§6Jail§c {0} §6has been removed.
deleteKit=§6Kit§c {0} §6has been removed.
deleteWarp=§6Warp§c {0} §6has been removed.
delhomeCommandDescription=Removes a home.
delhomeCommandUsage=/<command> [player\:]<name>
deljailCommandDescription=Removes a jail.
deljailCommandUsage=/<command> <jailname>
deljailCommandUsage1=/<command> <jailname>
delkitCommandDescription=Deletes the specified kit.
delkitCommandUsage=/<command> <kit>
delkitCommandUsage1=/<command> <kit>
delwarpCommandDescription=Deletes the specified warp.
delwarpCommandUsage=/<command> <warp>
delwarpCommandUsage1=/<command> <warp>
deniedAccessCommand=§c{0} §4was denied access to command.
denyBookEdit=§4You cannot unlock this book.
denyChangeAuthor=§4You cannot change the author of this book.
denyChangeTitle=§4You cannot change the title of this book.
depth=§6You are at sea level.
depthAboveSea=§6You are§c {0} §6block(s) above sea level.
depthBelowSea=§6You are§c {0} §6block(s) below sea level.
depthCommandDescription=States current depth, relative to sea level.
destinationNotSet=Destination not set\!
disabledToSpawnMob=§4Spawning this mob was disabled in the config file.
disableUnlimited=§6Disabled unlimited placing of§c {0} §6for§c {1}§6.
disposalCommandDescription=Opens a portable disposal menu.
distance=§6Distance\: {0}
dontMoveMessage=§6Teleportation will commence in§c {0}§6. Don''t move.
downloadingGeoIp=Downloading GeoIP database... this might take a while (country\: 1.7 MB, city\: 30MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Duplicated userdata\: {0} and {1}.
durability=§6This tool has §c{0}§6 uses left.
ecoCommandDescription=Manages the server economy.
ecoCommandUsage=/<command> <give|take|set|reset> <player> <amount>
editBookContents=§eYou may now edit the contents of this book.
enchantCommandDescription=Enchants the item the user is holding.
enchantCommandUsage=/<command> <enchantmentname> [level]
enableUnlimited=§6Giving unlimited amount of§c {0} §6to §c{1}§6.
enchantmentApplied=§6The enchantment§c {0} §6has been applied to your item in hand.
enchantmentNotFound=§4Enchantment not found\!
enchantmentPerm=§4You do not have the permission for§c {0}§4.
enchantmentRemoved=§6The enchantment§c {0} §6has been removed from your item in hand.
enchantments=§6Enchantments\:§r {0}
enderchestCommandDescription=Lets you see inside an enderchest.
enderchestCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
enderchestCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
errorCallingCommand=Error calling the command /{0}
errorWithMessage=§cError\:§4 {0}
essentialsCommandDescription=Reloads essentials.
essentialsHelp1=The file is broken and Essentials can''t open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can''t fix the file yourself, go to http\://
essentialsHelp2=The file is broken and Essentials can''t open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can''t fix the file yourself, either type /essentialshelp in game or go to http\://
essentialsReload=§6Essentials reloaded§c {0}.
exp=§c{0} §6has§c {1} §6exp (level§c {2}§6) and needs§c {3} §6more exp to level up.
expCommandDescription=Give, set, reset, or look at a players experience.
expCommandUsage=/<command> [reset|show|set|give] [playername [amount]]
expSet=§c{0} §6now has§c {1} §6exp.
extCommandDescription=Extinguish players.
extCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
extCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
extinguish=§6You extinguished yourself.
extinguishOthers=§6You extinguished {0}§6.
failedToCloseConfig=Failed to close config {0}.
failedToCreateConfig=Failed to create config {0}.
failedToWriteConfig=Failed to write config {0}.
feed=§6Your appetite was sated.
feedCommandDescription=Satisfy the hunger.
feedCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
feedCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
feedOther=§6You satiated the appetite of §c{0}§6.
fileRenameError=Renaming file {0} failed\!
fireballCommandDescription=Throw a fireball or other assorted projectiles.
fireballCommandUsage=/<command> [fireball|small|large|arrow|skull|egg|snowball|expbottle|dragon|splashpotion|lingeringpotion|trident] [speed]
fireworkColor=§4Invalid firework charge parameters inserted, must set a colour first.
fireworkCommandDescription=Allows you to modify a stack of fireworks.
fireworkCommandUsage=/<command> <<meta param>|power [amount]|clear|fire [amount]>
fireworkEffectsCleared=§6Removed all effects from held stack.
fireworkSyntax=§6Firework parameters\:§c color\:<colour> [fade\:<colour>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n§6To use multiple colours/effects, separate values with commas\: §cred,blue,pink\n§6Shapes\:§c star, ball, large, creeper, burst §6Effects\:§c trail, twinkle.
flyCommandDescription=Take off, and soar\!
flyCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
flyCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
flyMode=§6Set fly mode§c {0} §6for {1}§6.
foreverAlone=§4You have nobody to whom you can reply.
fullStack=§4You already have a full stack.
fullStackDefault=§6Your stack has been set to its default size, §c{0}§6.
fullStackDefaultOversize=§6Your stack has been set to its maximum size, §c{0}§6.
gameMode=§6Set game mode§c {0} §6for §c{1}§6.
gameModeInvalid=§4You need to specify a valid player/mode.
gamemodeCommandDescription=Change player gamemode.
gamemodeCommandUsage=/<command> <survival|creative|adventure|spectator> [player]
gamemodeCommandUsage1=/<command> <survival|creative|adventure|spectator> [player]
gcCommandDescription=Reports memory, uptime and tick info.
gcfree=§6Free memory\:§c {0} MB.
gcmax=§6Maximum memory\:§c {0} MB.
gctotal=§6Allocated memory\:§c {0} MB.
gcWorld=§6{0} "§c{1}§6"\: §c{2}§6 chunks, §c{3}§6 entities, §c{4}§6 tiles.
geoipJoinFormat=§6Player §c{0} §6comes from §c{1}§6.
getposCommandDescription=Get your current coordinates or those of a player.
getposCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
getposCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
giveCommandDescription=Give a player an item.
giveCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <item|numeric> [amount [itemmeta...]]
geoipCantFind=§6Player §c{0} §6comes from §aan unknown country§6.
geoIpErrorOnJoin=Unable to fetch GeoIP data for {0}. Please ensure that your license key and configuration are correct.
geoIpLicenseMissing=No license key found\! Please visit https\:// for first time setup instructions.
geoIpUrlEmpty=GeoIP download url is empty.
geoIpUrlInvalid=GeoIP download url is invalid.
givenSkull=§6You have been given the skull of §c{0}§6.
godCommandDescription=Enables your godly powers.
godCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
godCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
giveSpawn=§6Giving§c {0} §6of§c {1} §6to§c {2}§6.
giveSpawnFailure=§4Not enough space, §c{0} {1} §4was lost.
godDisabledFor=§cdisabled§6 for§c {0}
godEnabledFor=§aenabled§6 for§c {0}
godMode=§6God mode§c {0}§6.
grindstoneCommandDescription=Opens up a grindstone.
groupDoesNotExist=§4There''s no one online in this group\!
groupNumber=§c{0}§f online, for the full list\:§c /{1} {2}
hatArmor=§4You cannot use this item as a hat\!
hatCommandDescription=Get some cool new headgear.
hatCommandUsage=/<command> [remove]
hatCurse=§4You cannot remove a hat with the curse of binding\!
hatEmpty=§4You are not wearing a hat.
hatFail=§4You must have something to wear in your hand.
hatPlaced=§6Enjoy your new hat\!
hatRemoved=§6Your hat has been removed.
haveBeenReleased=§6You have been released.
heal=§6You have been healed.
healCommandDescription=Heals you or the given player.
healCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
healCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
healDead=§4You cannot heal someone who is dead\!
healOther=§6Healed§c {0}§6.
helpCommandDescription=Views a list of available commands.
helpCommandUsage=/<command> [search term] [page]
helpConsole=To view help from the console, type ''?''.
helpFrom=§6Commands from {0}\:
helpLine=§6/{0}§r\: {1}
helpMatching=§6Commands matching "§c{0}§6"\:
helpOp=§4[HelpOp]§r §6{0}\:§r {1}
helpPlugin=§4{0}§r\: Plugin Help\: /help {1}
helpopCommandDescription=Message online admins.
helpopCommandUsage=/<command> <message>
helpopCommandUsage1=/<command> <message>
holdBook=§4You are not holding a writable book.
holdFirework=§4You must be holding a firework to add effects.
holdPotion=§4You must be holding a potion to apply effects to it.
holeInFloor=§4Hole in floor\!
homeCommandDescription=Teleport to your home.
homeCommandUsage=/<command> [player\:][name]
homes=§6Homes\:§r {0}
homeConfirmation=§6You already have a home named §c{0}§6\!\nTo overwrite your existing home, type the command again.
homeSet=§6Home set to current location.
iceCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
iceCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
ignoreCommandDescription=Ignore or unignore other players.
ignoreCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
ignoreCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
ignoredList=§6Ignored\:§r {0}
ignoreExempt=§4You may not ignore that player.
ignorePlayer=§6You ignore player§c {0} §6from now on.
illegalDate=Illegal date format.
infoAfterDeath=§6You died in §e{0} §6at §e{1}, {2}, {3}§6.
infoChapter=§6Select chapter\:
infoChapterPages=§e ---- §6{0} §e--§6 Page §c{1}§6 of §c{2} §e----
infoCommandDescription=Shows information set by the server owner.
infoCommandUsage=/<command> [chapter] [page]
infoPages=§e ---- §6{2} §e--§6 Page §c{0}§6/§c{1} §e----
infoUnknownChapter=§4Unknown chapter.
insufficientFunds=§4Insufficient funds available.
invalidBanner=§4Invalid banner syntax.
invalidCharge=§4Invalid charge.
invalidFireworkFormat=§4The option §c{0} §4is not a valid value for §c{1}§4.
invalidHome=§4Home§c {0} §4doesn''t exist\!
invalidHomeName=§4Invalid home name\!
invalidItemFlagMeta=§4Invalid itemflag meta\: §c{0}§4.
invalidMob=§4Invalid mob type.
invalidNumber=Invalid Number.
invalidPotion=§4Invalid Potion.
invalidPotionMeta=§4Invalid potion meta\: §c{0}§4.
invalidSignLine=§4Line§c {0} §4on sign is invalid.
invalidSkull=§4Please hold a player skull.
invalidWarpName=§4Invalid warp name\!
invalidWorld=§4Invalid world.
inventoryClearFail=§4Player§c {0} §4does not have§c {1} §4of§c {2}§4.
inventoryClearingAllArmor=§6Cleared all inventory items and armour from {0}§6.
inventoryClearingAllItems=§6Cleared all inventory items from§c {0}§6.
inventoryClearingFromAll=§6Clearing the inventory of all users...
inventoryClearingStack=§6Removed§c {0} §6of§c {1} §6from§c {2}§6.
invseeCommandDescription=See the inventory of other players.
invseeCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
invseeCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
isIpBanned=§6IP §c{0} §6is banned.
internalError=§cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.
itemCannotBeSold=§4That item cannot be sold to the server.
itemCommandDescription=Spawn an item.
itemCommandUsage=/<command> <item|numeric> [amount [itemmeta...]]
itemId=§6ID\:§c {0}
itemloreClear=§6You have cleared this item''s lore.
itemloreCommandDescription=Edit the lore of an item.
itemloreCommandUsage=/<command> <add/set/clear> [text/line] [text]
itemloreInvalidItem=§4You need to hold an item to edit its lore.
itemloreNoLine=§4Your held item does not have lore text on line §c{0}§4.
itemloreNoLore=§4Your held item does not have any lore text.
itemloreSuccess=§6You have added "§c{0}§6" to your held item''s lore.
itemloreSuccessLore=§6You have set line §c{0}§6 of your held item''s lore to "§c{1}§6".
itemMustBeStacked=§4Item must be traded in stacks. A quantity of 2s would be two stacks, etc.
itemNames=§6Item short names\:§r {0}
itemnameClear=§6You have cleared this item''s name.
itemnameCommandDescription=Names an item.
itemnameCommandUsage=/<command> [name]
itemnameInvalidItem=§cYou need to hold an item to rename it.
itemnameSuccess=§6You have renamed your held item to "§c{0}§6".
itemNotEnough1=§4You do not have enough of that item to sell.
itemNotEnough2=§6If you meant to sell all of your items of that type, use§c /sell itemname§6.
itemNotEnough3=§c/sell itemname -1§6 will sell all but one item, etc.
itemsConverted=§6Converted all items into blocks.
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Could not load {0}\!
itemSellAir=You really tried to sell Air? Put an item in your hand.
itemsNotConverted=§4You have no items that can be converted into blocks.
itemSold=§aSold for §c{0} §a({1} {2} at {3} each).
itemSoldConsole=§e{0} §asold§e {1}§a for §e{2} §a({3} items at {4} each).
itemSpawn=§6Giving§c {0} §6of§c {1}
itemType=§6Item\:§c {0} §6
itemdbCommandDescription=Searches for an item.
itemdbCommandUsage=/<command> <item>
itemdbCommandUsage1=/<command> <item>
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=§4Person is already in jail\:§c {0}
jailList=§6Jails\:§r {0}
jailMessage=§4You do the crime, you do the time.
jailNotExist=§4That jail does not exist.
jailReleased=§6Player §c{0}§6 unjailed.
jailReleasedPlayerNotify=§6You have been released\!
jailSentenceExtended=§6Jail time extended to §c{0}§6.
jailSet=§6Jail§c {0} §6has been set.
jumpEasterDisable=§6Flying wizard mode disabled.
jumpEasterEnable=§6Flying wizard mode enabled.
jailsCommandDescription=List all jails.
jumpCommandDescription=Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight.
jumpError=§4That would hurt your computer''s brain.
kickCommandDescription=Kicks a specified player with a reason.
kickCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [reason]
kickCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> [reason]
kickDefault=Kicked from server.
kickedAll=§4Kicked all players from server.
kickExempt=§4You cannot kick that person.
kickallCommandDescription=Kicks all players off the server except the issuer.
kickallCommandUsage=/<command> [reason]
kickallCommandUsage1=/<command> [reason]
kill=§6Killed§c {0}§6.
killCommandDescription=Kills specified player.
killCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
killCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
killExempt=§4You cannot kill §c{0}§4.
kitCommandDescription=Obtains the specified kit or views all available kits.
kitCommandUsage=/<command> [kit] [player]
kitCommandUsage2=/<command> <kit> [player]
kitContains=§6Kit §c{0} §6contains\:
kitCost=\ §7§o({0})§r
kitError=§4There are no valid kits.
kitError2=§4That kit is improperly defined. Contact an administrator.
kitGiveTo=§6Giving kit§c {0}§6 to §c{1}§6.
kitInvFull=§4Your inventory was full, placing kit on the floor.
kitInvFullNoDrop=§4There is not enough room in your inventory for that kit.
kitItem=§6- §f{0}
kitNotFound=§4That kit does not exist.
kitOnce=§4You can''t use that kit again.
kitReceive=§6Received kit§c {0}§6.
kitReset=§6Reset cooldown for kit §c{0}§6.
kitresetCommandDescription=Resets the cooldown on the specified kit.
kitresetCommandUsage=/<command> <kit> [player]
kitresetCommandUsage1=/<command> <kit> [player]
kitResetOther=§6Resetting kit §c{0} §6cooldown for §c{1}§6.
kits=§6Kits\:§r {0}
kittycannonCommandDescription=Throw an exploding kitten at your opponent.
kitTimed=§4You can''t use that kit again for another§c {0}§4.
leatherSyntax=§6Leather colour syntax\:§c color\:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg\: color\:255,0,0§6 OR§c color\:<rgb int> eg\: color\:16777011
lightningCommandDescription=The power of Thor. Strike at cursor or player.
lightningCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [power]
lightningCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
lightningSmited=§6Thou hast been smitten\!
lightningUse=§6Smiting§c {0}
listAmount=§6There are §c{0}§6 out of maximum §c{1}§6 players online.
listAmountHidden=§6There are §c{0}§6/§c{1}§6 out of maximum §c{2}§6 players online.
listCommandDescription=List all online players.
listCommandUsage=/<command> [group]
listCommandUsage1=/<command> [group]
loadWarpError=§4Failed to load warp {0}.
localFormat=[L]<{0}> {1}
loomCommandDescription=Opens up a loom.
mailClear=§6To mark your mail as read, type§c /mail clear§6.
mailCleared=§6Mail cleared\!
mailCommandDescription=Manages inter-player, intra-server mail.
mailCommandUsage=/<command> [read|clear|send [to] [message]|sendall [message]]
mailDelay=Too many mails have been sent within the last minute. Maximum\: {0}
mailFormat=§6[§r{0}§6] §r{1}
mailSent=§6Mail sent\!
mailSentTo=§c{0}§6 has been sent the following mail\:
mailTooLong=§4Mail message too long. Try to keep it below 1000 characters.
markMailAsRead=§6To mark your mail as read, type§c /mail clear§6.
matchingIPAddress=§6The following players previously logged in from that IP address\:
maxHomes=§4You cannot set more than§c {0} §4homes.
maxMoney=§4This transaction would exceed the balance limit for this account.
mayNotJail=§4You may not jail that person\!
mayNotJailOffline=§4You may not jail offline players.
meCommandDescription=Describes an action in the context of the player.
meCommandUsage=/<command> <description>
meCommandUsage1=/<command> <description>
minimumBalanceError=§4The minimum balance a user can have is {0}.
minimumPayAmount=§cThe minimum amount you can pay is {0}.
missingItems=§4You do not have §c{0}x {1}§4.
mobDataList=§6Valid mob data\:§r {0}
mobsAvailable=§6Mobs\:§r {0}
mobSpawnError=§4Error while changing mob spawner.
mobSpawnLimit=Mob quantity limited to server limit.
mobSpawnTarget=§4Target block must be a mob spawner.
moneyRecievedFrom=§a{0}§6 has been received from§a {1}§6.
moneySentTo=§a{0} has been sent to {1}.
moreCommandDescription=Fills the item stack in hand to specified amount, or to maximum size if none is specified.
moreCommandUsage=/<command> [amount]
moreCommandUsage1=/<command> [amount]
moreThanZero=§4Quantities must be greater than 0.
motdCommandDescription=Views the Message Of The Day.
motdCommandUsage=/<command> [chapter] [page]
moveSpeed=§6Set§c {0}§6 speed to§c {1} §6for §c{2}§6.
msgCommandDescription=Sends a private message to the specified player.
msgCommandUsage=/<command> <to> <message>
msgCommandUsage1=/<command> <to> <message>
msgDisabled=§6Receiving messages §cdisabled§6.
msgDisabledFor=§6Receiving messages §cdisabled §6for §c{0}§6.
msgEnabled=§6Receiving messages §cenabled§6.
msgEnabledFor=§6Receiving messages §cenabled §6for §c{0}§6.
msgFormat=§6[§c{0}§6 -> §c{1}§6] §r{2}
msgIgnore=§c{0} §4has messages disabled.
msgtoggleCommandDescription=Blocks receiving all private messages.
msgtoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
msgtoggleCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
multipleCharges=§4You cannot apply more than one charge to this firework.
multiplePotionEffects=§4You cannot apply more than one effect to this potion.
muteCommandDescription=Mutes or unmutes a player.
muteCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [datediff] [reason]
muteCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
mutedPlayer=§6Player§c {0} §6muted.
mutedPlayerFor=§6Player§c {0} §6muted for§c {1}§6.
mutedPlayerForReason=§6Player§c {0} §6muted for§c {1}§6. Reason\: §c{2}
mutedPlayerReason=§6Player§c {0} §6muted. Reason\: §c{1}
mutedUserSpeaks={0} tried to speak, but is muted.
muteExempt=§4You may not mute that player.
muteExemptOffline=§4You may not mute offline players.
muteNotify=§c{0} §6has muted player §c{1}§6.
muteNotifyFor=§c{0} §6has muted player §c{1}§6 for§c {2}§6.
muteNotifyForReason=§c{0} §6has muted player §c{1}§6 for§c {2}§6. Reason\: §c{3}
muteNotifyReason=§c{0} §6has muted player §c{1}§6. Reason\: §c{2}
nearCommandDescription=Lists the players near by or around a player.
nearCommandUsage=/<command> [playername] [radius]
nearCommandUsage3=/<command> <player>
nearbyPlayers=§6Players nearby\:§r {0}
negativeBalanceError=§4User is not allowed to have a negative balance.
nickChanged=§6Nickname changed.
nickCommandDescription=Change your nickname or that of another player.
nickCommandUsage=/<command> [player] <nickname|off>
nickCommandUsage1=/<command> <nickname>
nickDisplayName=§4You have to enable change-displayname in Essentials config.
nickInUse=§4That name is already in use.
nickNameBlacklist=§4That nickname is not allowed.
nickNamesAlpha=§4Nicknames must be alphanumeric.
nickNamesOnlyColorChanges=§4Nicknames can only have their colours changed.
nickNoMore=§6You no longer have a nickname.
nickSet=§6Your nickname is now §c{0}§6.
nickTooLong=§4That nickname is too long.
noAccessCommand=§4You do not have access to that command.
noAccessPermission=§4You do not have permission to access that §c{0}§4.
noAccessSubCommand=§4You do not have access to §c{0}§4.
noBreakBedrock=§4You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=§4You do not have permission to destroy that §c{0}§4.
noGodWorldWarning=§4Warning\! God mode in this world disabled.
noHomeSetPlayer=§6Player has not set a home.
noIgnored=§6You are not ignoring anyone.
noJailsDefined=§6No jails defined.
noKitGroup=§4You do not have access to this kit.
noKitPermission=§4You need the §c{0}§4 permission to use that kit.
noKits=§6There are no kits available yet.
noLocationFound=§4No valid location found.
noMail=§6You do not have any mail.
noMatchingPlayers=§6No matching players found.
noMetaFirework=§4You do not have permission to apply firework meta.
noMetaJson=JSON Metadata is not supported in this version of Bukkit.
noMetaPerm=§4You do not have permission to apply §c{0}§4 meta to this item.
noNewMail=§6You have no new mail.
nonZeroPosNumber=§4A non-zero number is required.
noPendingRequest=§4You do not have a pending request.
noPerm=§4You do not have the §c{0}§4 permission.
noPermissionSkull=§4You do not have permission to modify that skull.
noPermToAFKMessage=§4You don''t have permission to set an AFK message.
noPermToSpawnMob=§4You don''t have permission to spawn this mob.
noPlacePermission=§4You do not have permission to place a block near that sign.
noPotionEffectPerm=§4You do not have permission to apply potion effect §c{0} §4to this potion.
noPowerTools=§6You have no power tools assigned.
notAcceptingPay=§4{0} §4is not accepting payment.
notAllowedToQuestion=§4You are not authorised to use question.
notAllowedToShout=§4You are not authorised to shout.
notEnoughExperience=§4You do not have enough experience.
notEnoughMoney=§4You do not have sufficient funds.
notFlying=not flying
nothingInHand=§4You have nothing in your hand.
noWarpsDefined=§6No warps defined.
nuke=§5May death rain upon them.
nukeCommandDescription=May death rain upon them.
nukeCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
numberRequired=A number goes there, silly.
onlyDayNight=/time only supports day/night.
onlyPlayers=§4Only in-game players can use §c{0}§4.
onlyPlayerSkulls=§4You can only set the owner of player skulls (§c397\:3§4).
onlySunStorm=§4/weather only supports sun/storm.
openingDisposal=§6Opening disposal menu...
orderBalances=§6Ordering balances of§c {0} §6users, please wait...
oversizedMute=§4You may not mute a player for this period of time.
oversizedTempban=§4You may not ban a player for this period of time.
passengerTeleportFail=§4You cannot be teleported while carrying passengers.
payCommandDescription=Pays another player from your balance.
payCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <amount>
payCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <amount>
payConfirmToggleOff=§6You will no longer be prompted to confirm payments.
payConfirmToggleOn=§6You will now be prompted to confirm payments.
payDisabledFor=§6Disabled accepting payments for §c{0}§6.
payEnabledFor=§6Enabled accepting payments for §c{0}§6.
payMustBePositive=§4Amount to pay must be positive.
payOffline=§4You cannot pay offline users.
payToggleOff=§6You are no longer accepting payments.
payToggleOn=§6You are now accepting payments.
payconfirmtoggleCommandDescription=Toggles whether you are prompted to confirm payments.
paytoggleCommandDescription=Toggles whether you are accepting payments.
paytoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
paytoggleCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
pendingTeleportCancelled=§4Pending teleportation request cancelled.
playerBanIpAddress=§6Player§c {0} §6banned IP address§c {1} §6for\: §c{2}§6.
playerTempBanIpAddress=§6Player§c {0} §6temporarily banned IP address §c{1}§6 for §c{2}§6\: §c{3}§6.
playerBanned=§6Player§c {0} §6banned§c {1} §6for\: §c{2}§6.
playerJailed=§6Player§c {0} §6jailed.
playerJailedFor=§6Player§c {0} §6jailed for§c {1}§6.
playerKicked=§6Player§c {0} §6kicked§c {1}§6 for§c {2}§6.
playerMuted=§6You have been muted\!
playerMutedFor=§6You have been muted for§c {0}§6.
playerMutedForReason=§6You have been muted for§c {0}§6. Reason\: §c{1}
playerMutedReason=§6You have been muted\! Reason\: §c{0}
playerNeverOnServer=§4Player§c {0} §4was never on this server.
playerNotFound=§4Player not found.
playerTempBanned=§6Player §c{0}§6 temporarily banned §c{1}§6 for §c{2}§6\: §c{3}§6.
playerUnbanIpAddress=§6Player§c {0} §6unbanned IP\:§c {1}
playerUnbanned=§6Player§c {0} §6unbanned§c {1}
playerUnmuted=§6You have been unmuted.
posPitch=§6Pitch\: {0} (Head angle)
possibleWorlds=§6Possible worlds are the numbers §c0§6 through §c{0}§6.
potionCommandDescription=Adds custom potion effects to a potion.
potionCommandUsage=/<command> <clear|apply|effect\:<effect> power\:<power> duration\:<duration>>
posX=§6X\: {0} (+East <-> -West)
posY=§6Y\: {0} (+Up <-> -Down)
posYaw=§6Yaw\: {0} (Rotation)
posZ=§6Z\: {0} (+South <-> -North)
potions=§6Potions\:§r {0}§6.
powerToolAir=§4Command can''t be attached to air.
powerToolAlreadySet=§4Command §c{0}§4 is already assigned to §c{1}§4.
powerToolAttach=§c{0}§6 command assigned to§c {1}§6.
powerToolClearAll=§6All powertool commands have been cleared.
powerToolList=§6Item §c{1} §6has the following commands\: §c{0}§6.
powerToolListEmpty=§4Item §c{0} §4has no commands assigned.
powerToolNoSuchCommandAssigned=§4Command §c{0}§4 has not been assigned to §c{1}§4.
powerToolRemove=§6Command §c{0}§6 removed from §c{1}§6.
powerToolRemoveAll=§6All commands removed from §c{0}§6.
powerToolsDisabled=§6All of your power tools have been disabled.
powerToolsEnabled=§6All of your power tools have been enabled.
powertoolCommandDescription=Assigns a command to the item in hand.
powertoolCommandUsage=/<command> [l\:|a\:|r\:|c\:|d\:][command] [arguments] - {player} can be replaced by name of a clicked player.
powertooltoggleCommandDescription=Enables or disables all current powertools.
ptimeCommandDescription=Adjust player''s client time. Add @ prefix to fix.
ptimeCommandUsage=/<command> [list|reset|day|night|dawn|17\:30|4pm|4000ticks] [player|*]
pweatherCommandDescription=Adjust a player''s weather
pweatherCommandUsage=/<command> [list|reset|storm|sun|clear] [player|*]
pTimeCurrent=§c{0}§6''s time is§c {1}§6.
pTimeCurrentFixed=§c{0}§6''s time is fixed to§c {1}§6.
pTimeNormal=§c{0}§6''s time is normal and matches the server.
pTimeOthersPermission=§4You are not authorised to set other players'' time.
pTimePlayers=§6These players have their own time\:§r
pTimeReset=§6Player time has been reset for\: §c{0}
pTimeSet=§6Player time is set to §c{0}§6 for\: §c{1}.
pTimeSetFixed=§6Player time is fixed to §c{0}§6 for\: §c{1}.
pWeatherCurrent=§c{0}§6''s weather is§c {1}§6.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=§4Invalid weather type
pWeatherNormal=§c{0}§6''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=§4You are not authorised to set other players'' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=§6These players have their own weather\:§r
pWeatherReset=§6Player weather has been reset for\: §c{0}
pWeatherSet=§6Player weather is set to §c{0}§6 for\: §c{1}.
questionFormat=§2[Question]§r {0}
rCommandDescription=Quickly reply to the last player to message you.
rCommandUsage=/<command> <message>
rCommandUsage1=/<command> <message>
radiusTooBig=§4Radius is too big\! Maximum radius is§c {0}§4.
readNextPage=§6Type§c /{0} {1} §6to read the next page.
realName=§f{0}§r§6 is §f{1}
realnameCommandDescription=Displays the username of a user based on nick.
realnameCommandUsage=/<command> <nickname>
realnameCommandUsage1=/<command> <nickname>
recentlyForeverAlone=§4{0} recently went offline.
recipe=§6Recipe for §c{0}§6 (§c{1}§6 of §c{2}§6)
recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number.
recipeCommandDescription=Displays how to craft items.
recipeCommandUsage=/<command> <item> [number]
recipeFurnace=§6Smelt\: §c{0}§6.
recipeGrid=§c{0}X §6| §{1}X §6| §{2}X
recipeGridItem=§c{0}X §6is §c{1}
recipeMore=§6Type§c /{0} {1} <number>§6 to see other recipes for §c{2}§6.
recipeNone=No recipes exist for {0}.
recipeShapeless=§6Combine §c{0}
recipeWhere=§6Where\: {0}
removeCommandDescription=Removes entities in your world.
removeCommandUsage=/<command> <all|tamed|named|drops|arrows|boats|minecarts|xp|paintings|itemframes|endercrystals|monsters|animals|ambient|mobs|[mobType]> [radius|world]
removed=§6Removed§c {0} §6entities.
repair=§6You have successfully repaired your\: §c{0}§6.
repairAlreadyFixed=§4This item does not need repairing.
repairCommandDescription=Repairs the durability of one or all items.
repairCommandUsage=/<command> [hand|all]
repairEnchanted=§4You are not allowed to repair enchanted items.
repairInvalidType=§4This item cannot be repaired.
repairNone=§4There were no items that needed repairing.
replyLastRecipientDisabled=§6Replying to last message recipient §cdisabled§6.
replyLastRecipientDisabledFor=§6Replying to last message recipient §cdisabled §6for §c{0}§6.
replyLastRecipientEnabled=§6Replying to last message recipient §cenabled§6.
replyLastRecipientEnabledFor=§6Replying to last message recipient §cenabled §6for §c{0}§6.
requestAccepted=§6Teleport request accepted.
requestAcceptedAuto=§6Automatically accepted a teleport request from {0}.
requestAcceptedFrom=§c{0} §6accepted your teleport request.
requestAcceptedFromAuto=§c{0} §6accepted your teleport request automatically.
requestDenied=§6Teleport request denied.
requestDeniedFrom=§c{0} §6denied your teleport request.
requestSent=§6Request sent to§c {0}§6.
requestSentAlready=§4You have already sent {0}§4 a teleport request.
requestTimedOut=§4Teleport request has timed out.
resetBal=§6Balance has been reset to §c{0} §6for all online players.
resetBalAll=§6Balance has been reset to §c{0} §6for all players.
rest=§6You feel well rested.
restCommandDescription=Rests you or the given player.
restCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
restCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
restOther=§6Resting§c {0}§6.
returnPlayerToJailError=§4Error occurred when trying to return player§c {0} §4to jail\: §c{1}§4\!
rtoggleCommandDescription=Change whether the recipient of the reply is last recipient or last sender
rtoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
rulesCommandDescription=Views the server rules.
rulesCommandUsage=/<command> [chapter] [page]
runningPlayerMatch=§6Running search for players matching ''§c{0}§6'' (this could take a little while).
seenAccounts=§6Player has also been known as\:§c {0}
seenCommandDescription=Shows the last logout time of a player.
seenCommandUsage=/<command> <playername>
seenCommandUsage1=/<command> <playername>
seenOffline=§6Player§c {0} §6has been §4offline§6 since §c{1}§6.
seenOnline=§6Player§c {0} §6has been §aonline§6 since §c{1}§6.
sellBulkPermission=§6You do not have permission to bulk sell.
sellCommandDescription=Sells the item currently in your hand.
sellHandPermission=§6You do not have permission to hand sell.
serverFull=Server is full\!
serverReloading=There''s a good chance you''re reloading your server right now. If that''s the case, why do you hate yourself? Expect no support from the EssentialsX team when using /reload.
serverTotal=§6Server Total\:§c {0}
serverUnsupported=You are running an unsupported server version\!
serverUnsupportedClass=Status determining class\: {0}
serverUnsupportedCleanroom=You are running a server that does not properly support Bukkit plugins that rely on internal Mojang code. Consider using an Essentials replacement for your server software.
serverUnsupportedDangerous=You are running a server fork that is known to be extremely dangerous and lead to data loss. It is strongly recommended you switch to a more stable, high-performing server software, like Paper or Tuinity.
serverUnsupportedLimitedApi=You are running a server with limited API functionality. EssentialsX will still work, but certain features may be disabled.
serverUnsupportedMods=You are running a server that does not properly support Bukkit plugins. Bukkit plugins should not be used with Forge/Fabric mods\! For Forge\: Consider using ForgeEssentials, or SpongeForge + Nucleus.
setBal=§aYour balance was set to {0}.
setBalOthers=§aYou set {0}§a''s balance to {1}.
setSpawner=§6Changed spawner type to§c {0}§6.
sethomeCommandDescription=Set your home to your current location.
sethomeCommandUsage=/<command> [[player\:]name]
setjailCommandDescription=Creates a jail where you specified named [jailname].
setjailCommandUsage=/<command> <jailname>
setjailCommandUsage1=/<command> <jailname>
settprCommandDescription=Set the random teleport location and parameters.
settprCommandUsage=/<command> [center|minrange|maxrange] [value]
settpr=§6Set random teleport center.
settprValue=§6Set random teleport §c{0}§6 to §c{1}§6.
setwarpCommandDescription=Creates a new warp.
setwarpCommandUsage=/<command> <warp>
setwarpCommandUsage1=/<command> <warp>
setworthCommandDescription=Set the sell value of an item.
setworthCommandUsage=/<command> [itemname|id] <price>
sheepMalformedColor=§4Malformed colour.
shoutDisabled=§6Shout mode §cdisabled§6.
shoutDisabledFor=§6Shout mode §cdisabled §6for §c{0}§6.
shoutEnabled=§6Shout mode §cenabled§6.
shoutEnabledFor=§6Shout mode §cenabled §6for §c{0}§6.
shoutFormat=§6[Shout]§r {0}
editsignCommandClear=§6Sign cleared.
editsignCommandClearLine=§6Cleared line§c {0}§6.
showkitCommandDescription=Show contents of a kit.
showkitCommandUsage=/<command> <kitname>
showkitCommandUsage1=/<command> <kitname>
editsignCommandDescription=Edits a sign in the world.
editsignCommandLimit=§4Your provided text is too big to fit on the target sign.
editsignCommandNoLine=§4You must enter a line number between §c1-4§4.
editsignCommandSetSuccess=§6Set line§c {0}§6 to "§c{1}§6".
editsignCommandTarget=§4You must be looking at a sign to edit its text.
editsignCopy=§6Sign copied\! Paste it with §c/{0} paste§6.
editsignCopyLine=§6Copied line §c{0} §6of sign\! Paste it with §c/{1} paste {0}§6.
editsignPaste=§6Sign pasted\!
editsignPasteLine=§6Pasted line §c{0} §6of sign\!
editsignCommandUsage=/<command> <set/clear/copy/paste> [line number]
signProtectInvalidLocation=§4You are not allowed to create sign here.
similarWarpExist=§4A warp with a similar name already exists.
skullChanged=§6Skull changed to §c{0}§6.
skullCommandDescription=Set the owner of a player skull
skullCommandUsage=/<command> [owner]
skullCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
slimeMalformedSize=§4Malformed size.
smithingtableCommandDescription=Opens up a smithing table.
socialSpy=§6SocialSpy for §c{0}§6\: §c{1}
socialSpyMsgFormat=§6[§c{0}§7 -> §c{1}§6] §7{2}
socialSpyMutedPrefix=§f[§6SS§f] §7(muted) §r
socialspyCommandDescription=Toggles if you can see msg/mail commands in chat.
socialspyCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
socialspyCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
socialSpyPrefix=§f[§6SS§f] §r
soloMob=§4That mob likes to be alone.
spawnerCommandDescription=Change the mob type of a spawner.
spawnerCommandUsage=/<command> <mob> [delay]
spawnerCommandUsage1=/<command> <mob> [delay]
spawnmobCommandDescription=Spawns a mob.
spawnmobCommandUsage=/<command> <mob>[\:data][,<mount>[\:data]] [amount] [player]
spawnSet=§6Spawn location set for group§c {0}§6.
speedCommandDescription=Change your speed limits.
speedCommandUsage=/<command> [type] <speed> [player]
stonecutterCommandDescription=Opens up a stonecutter.
sudoCommandDescription=Make another user perform a command.
sudoCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <command [args]>
sudoExempt=§4You cannot sudo this user.
sudoRun=§6Forcing§c {0} §6to run\:§r /{1}
suicideCommandDescription=Causes you to perish.
suicideMessage=§6Goodbye cruel world...
suicideSuccess=§6Player §c{0} §6took their own life.
takenFromAccount=§e{0}§a has been taken from your account.
takenFromOthersAccount=§e{0}§a taken from§e {1}§a account. New balance\:§e {2}
teleportAAll=§6Teleport request sent to all players...
teleportAll=§6Teleporting all players...
teleportationCommencing=§6Teleportation commencing...
teleportationDisabled=§6Teleportation §cdisabled§6.
teleportationDisabledFor=§6Teleportation §cdisabled §6for §c{0}§6.
teleportationDisabledWarning=§6You must enable teleportation before other players can teleport to you.
teleportationEnabled=§6Teleportation §cenabled§6.
teleportationEnabledFor=§6Teleportation §cenabled §6for §c{0}§6.
teleportAtoB=§c{0}§6 teleported you to §c{1}§6.
teleportDisabled=§c{0} §4has teleportation disabled.
teleportHereRequest=§c{0}§6 has requested that you teleport to them.
teleportHome=§6Teleporting to §c{0}§6.
teleportInvalidLocation=Value of coordinates cannot be over 30000000
teleportNewPlayerError=§4Failed to teleport new player\!
teleportNoAcceptPermission=§c{0} §4does not have permission to accept teleport requests.
teleportRequest=§c{0}§6 has requested to teleport to you.
teleportRequestAllCancelled=§6All outstanding teleport requests cancelled.
teleportRequestCancelled=§6Your teleport request to §c{0}§6 was cancelled.
teleportRequestSpecificCancelled=§6Outstanding teleport request with§c {0}§6 cancelled.
teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=§6This request will timeout after§c {0} seconds§6.
teleportTop=§6Teleporting to top.
teleportToPlayer=§6Teleporting to §c{0}§6.
teleportOffline=§6The player §c{0}§6 is currently offline. You are able to teleport to them using /otp.
tempbanExempt=§4You may not tempban that player.
tempbanExemptOffline=§4You may not tempban offline players.
tempbanJoin=You are banned from this server for {0}. Reason\: {1}
tempBanned=§cYou have been temporarily banned for§r {0}\:\n§r{2}
tempbanCommandDescription=Temporary ban a user.
tempbanipCommandDescription=Temporarily ban an IP Address.
thunder=§6You§c {0} §6thunder in your world.
thunderCommandDescription=Enable/disable thunder.
thunderCommandUsage=/<command> <true/false> [duration]
thunderDuration=§6You§c {0} §6thunder in your world for§c {1} §6seconds.
timeBeforeHeal=§4Time before next heal\:§c {0}§4.
timeBeforeTeleport=§4Time before next teleport\:§c {0}§4.
timeCommandDescription=Display/Change the world time. Defaults to current world.
timeCommandUsage=/<command> [set|add] [day|night|dawn|17\:30|4pm|4000ticks] [worldname|all]
timeFormat=§c{0}§6 or §c{1}§6 or §c{2}§6
timeSetPermission=§4You are not authorised to set the time.
timeSetWorldPermission=§4You are not authorised to set the time in world ''{0}''.
timeWorldAdd=§6The time was moved forward by§c {0} §6in\: §c{1}§6.
timeWorldCurrent=§6The current time in§c {0} §6is §c{1}§6.
timeWorldSet=§6The time was set to§c {0} §6in\: §c{1}§6.
togglejailCommandDescription=Jails/Unjails a player, TPs them to the jail specified.
togglejailCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <jailname> [datediff]
toggleshoutCommandDescription=Toggles whether you are talking in shout mode
toggleshoutCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
toggleshoutCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
topCommandDescription=Teleport to the highest block at your current position.
totalSellableAll=§aThe total worth of all sellable items and blocks is §c{1}§a.
totalSellableBlocks=§aThe total worth of all sellable blocks is §c{1}§a.
totalWorthAll=§aSold all items and blocks for a total worth of §c{1}§a.
totalWorthBlocks=§aSold all blocks for a total worth of §c{1}§a.
tpCommandDescription=Teleport to a player.
tpCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [otherplayer]
tpCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpaCommandDescription=Request to teleport to the specified player.
tpaCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpaCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpaallCommandDescription=Requests all players online to teleport to you.
tpaallCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpaallCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpacancelCommandDescription=Cancel all outstanding teleport requests. Specify [player] to cancel requests with them.
tpacancelCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
tpacancelCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
tpacceptCommandDescription=Accepts a teleport request.
tpacceptCommandUsage=/<command> [otherplayer]
tpahereCommandDescription=Request that the specified player teleport to you.
tpahereCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpahereCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpallCommandDescription=Teleport all online players to another player.
tpallCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
tpallCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
tpautoCommandDescription=Automatically accept teleportation requests.
tpautoCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
tpautoCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
tpdenyCommandDescription=Reject a teleport request.
tphereCommandDescription=Teleport a player to you.
tphereCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tphereCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpoCommandDescription=Teleport override for tptoggle.
tpoCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [otherplayer]
tpoCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpofflineCommandDescription=Teleport to a player''s last known logout location
tpofflineCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpofflineCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpohereCommandDescription=Teleport here override for tptoggle.
tpohereCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpohereCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpposCommandDescription=Teleport to coordinates.
tpposCommandUsage=/<command> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch] [world]
tpposCommandUsage1=/<command> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch] [world]
tprCommandDescription=Teleport randomly.
tprSuccess=§6Teleporting to a random location...
tps=§6Current TPS \= {0}
tptoggleCommandDescription=Blocks all forms of teleportation.
tptoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
tptoggleCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
tradeSignEmpty=§4The trade sign has nothing available for you.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=§4There is nothing to collect from this trade sign.
treeCommandDescription=Spawn a tree where you are looking.
treeCommandUsage=/<command> <tree|birch|redwood|redmushroom|brownmushroom|jungle|junglebush|swamp>
treeCommandUsage1=/<command> <tree|birch|redwood|redmushroom|brownmushroom|jungle|junglebush|swamp>
treeFailure=§4Tree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
treeSpawned=§6Tree spawned.
typeTpacancel=§6To cancel this request, type §c/tpacancel§6.
typeTpaccept=§6To teleport, type §c/tpaccept§6.
typeTpdeny=§6To deny this request, type §c/tpdeny§6.
typeWorldName=§6You can also type the name of a specific world.
unableToSpawnItem=§4Cannot spawn §c{0}§4; this is not a spawnable item.
unableToSpawnMob=§4Unable to spawn mob.
unbanCommandDescription=Unbans the specified player.
unbanCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
unbanCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
unbanipCommandDescription=Unbans the specified IP address.
unbanipCommandUsage=/<command> <address>
unbanipCommandUsage1=/<command> <address>
unignorePlayer=§6You are not ignoring player§c {0} §6anymore.
unknownItemId=§4Unknown item id\:§r {0}§4.
unknownItemInList=§4Unknown item {0} in {1} list.
unknownItemName=§4Unknown item name\: {0}.
unlimitedCommandDescription=Allows the unlimited placing of items.
unlimitedCommandUsage=/<command> <list|item|clear> [player]
unlimitedItemPermission=§4No permission for unlimited item §c{0}§4.
unlimitedItems=§6Unlimited items\:§r
unmutedPlayer=§6Player§c {0} §6unmuted.
unsafeTeleportDestination=§4The teleport destination is unsafe and teleport-safety is disabled.
unsupportedBrand=§4The server platform you are currently running does not provide the capabilities for this feature.
unsupportedFeature=§4This feature is not supported on the current server version.
unvanishedReload=§4A reload has forced you to become visible.
upgradingFilesError=Error while upgrading the files.
uptime=§6Uptime\:§c {0}
userAFK=§7{0} §5is currently AFK and may not respond.
userAFKWithMessage=§7{0} §5is currently AFK and may not respond\: {1}
userdataMoveBackError=Failed to move userdata/{0}.tmp to userdata/{1}\!
userdataMoveError=Failed to move userdata/{0} to userdata/{1}.tmp\!
userDoesNotExist=§4The user§c {0} §4does not exist.
uuidDoesNotExist=§4The user with UUID§c {0} §4does not exist.
userIsAway=§7* {0} §7is now AFK.
userIsAwayWithMessage=§7* {0} §7is now AFK.
userIsNotAway=§7* {0} §7is no longer AFK.
userIsAwaySelf=§7You are now AFK.
userIsAwaySelfWithMessage=§7You are now AFK.
userIsNotAwaySelf=§7You are no longer AFK.
userJailed=§6You have been jailed\!
userUnknown=§4Warning\: The user ''§c{0}§4'' has never joined this server.
usingTempFolderForTesting=Using temp folder for testing\:
vanish=§6Vanish for {0}§6\: {1}
vanishCommandDescription=Hide yourself from other players.
vanishCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
vanishCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
vanished=§6You are now completely invisible to normal users, and hidden from in-game commands.
versionCheckDisabled=§6Update checking disabled in config.
versionCustom=§6Unable to check your version\! Self-built? Build information\: §c{0}§6.
versionDevBehind=§4You''re §c{0} §4EssentialsX dev build(s) out of date\!
versionDevDiverged=§6You''re running an experimental build of EssentialsX that is §c{0} §6builds behind the latest dev build\!
versionDevDivergedBranch=§6Feature Branch\: §c{0}§6.
versionDevDivergedLatest=§6You''re running an up to date experimental EssentialsX build\!
versionDevLatest=§6You''re running the latest EssentialsX dev build\!
versionError=§4Error while fetching EssentialsX version information\! Build information\: §c{0}§6.
versionErrorPlayer=§6Error while checking EssentialsX version information\!
versionFetching=§6Fetching version information...
versionOutputVaultMissing=§4Vault is not installed. Chat and permissions may not work.
versionOutputFine=§6{0} version\: §a{1}
versionOutputWarn=§6{0} version\: §c{1}
versionOutputUnsupported=§d{0} §6version\: §d{1}
versionOutputUnsupportedPlugins=§6You are running §dunsupported plugins§6\!
versionMismatch=§4Version mismatch\! Please update {0} to the same version.
versionMismatchAll=§4Version mismatch\! Please update all Essentials jars to the same version.
versionReleaseLatest=§6You''re running the latest stable version of EssentialsX\!
versionReleaseNew=§4There is a new EssentialsX version available for download\: §c{0}§4.
versionReleaseNewLink=§4Download it here\:§c {0}
voiceSilenced=§6Your voice has been silenced\!
voiceSilencedTime=§6Your voice has been silenced for {0}\!
voiceSilencedReason=§6Your voice has been silenced\! Reason\: §c{0}
voiceSilencedReasonTime=§6Your voice has been silenced for {0}\! Reason\: §c{1}
warpCommandDescription=List all warps or warp to the specified location.
warpCommandUsage=/<command> <pagenumber|warp> [player]
warpDeleteError=§4Problem deleting the warp file.
warpInfo=§6Information for warp§c {0}§6\:
warpinfoCommandDescription=Finds location information for a specified warp.
warpinfoCommandUsage=/<command> <warp>
warpinfoCommandUsage1=/<command> <warp>
warpingTo=§6Warping to§c {0}§6.
warpListPermission=§4You do not have permission to list warps.
warpNotExist=§4That warp does not exist.
warpOverwrite=§4You cannot overwrite that warp.
warps=§6Warps\:§r {0}
warpsCount=§6There are§c {0} §6warps. Showing page §c{1} §6of §c{2}§6.
weatherCommandDescription=Sets the weather.
weatherCommandUsage=/<command> <storm/sun> [duration]
warpSet=§6Warp§c {0} §6set.
warpUsePermission=§4You do not have permission to use that warp.
weatherInvalidWorld=World named {0} not found\!
weatherStorm=§6You set the weather to §cstorm§6 in§c {0}§6.
weatherStormFor=§6You set the weather to §cstorm§6 in§c {0} §6for§c {1} seconds§6.
weatherSun=§6You set the weather to §csun§6 in§c {0}§6.
weatherSunFor=§6You set the weather to §csun§6 in§c {0} §6for §c{1} seconds§6.
whoisAFK=§6 - AFK\:§r {0}
whoisAFKSince=§6 - AFK\:§r {0} (Since {1})
whoisBanned=§6 - Banned\:§r {0}
whoisCommandDescription=Determine the username behind a nickname.
whoisCommandUsage=/<command> <nickname>
whoisCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
whoisExp=§6 - Exp\:§r {0} (Level {1})
whoisFly=§6 - Fly mode\:§r {0} ({1})
whoisSpeed=§6 - Speed\:§r {0}
whoisGamemode=§6 - Gamemode\:§r {0}
whoisGeoLocation=§6 - Location\:§r {0}
whoisGod=§6 - God mode\:§r {0}
whoisHealth=§6 - Health\:§r {0}/20
whoisHunger=§6 - Hunger\:§r {0}/20 (+{1} saturation)
whoisIPAddress=§6 - IP Address\:§r {0}
whoisJail=§6 - Jail\:§r {0}
whoisLocation=§6 - Location\:§r ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=§6 - Money\:§r {0}
whoisMuted=§6 - Muted\:§r {0}
whoisMutedReason=§6 - Muted\:§r {0} §6Reason\: §c{1}
whoisNick=§6 - Nick\:§r {0}
whoisOp=§6 - OP\:§r {0}
whoisPlaytime=§6 - Playtime\:§r {0}
whoisTempBanned=§6 - Ban expires\:§r {0}
whoisTop=§6 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:§c {0} §6\=\=\=\=\=\=
whoisUuid=§6 - UUID\:§r {0}
workbenchCommandDescription=Opens up a workbench.
worldCommandDescription=Switch between worlds.
worldCommandUsage=/<command> [world]
worth=§aStack of {0} worth §c{1}§a ({2} item(s) at {3} each)
worthCommandDescription=Calculates the worth of items in hand or as specified.
worthCommandUsage=/<command> <<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [-][amount]
worthMeta=§aStack of {0} with metadata of {1} worth §c{2}§a ({3} item(s) at {4} each)
worthSet=§6Worth value set
youAreHealed=§6You have been healed.
youHaveNewMail=§6You have§c {0} §6messages\! Type §c/mail read§6 to view your mail.
xmppNotConfigured=XMPP is not configured properly. If you do not know what XMPP is, you may wish to remove the EssentialsXXMPP plugin from your server.