
991 lines
53 KiB

#version: ${full.version}
# Single quotes have to be doubled: ''
# by:
action=§5* {0} §5{1}
addedToAccount=§a{0} haz been addd 2 ur akownt.
addedToOthersAccount=§a{0} addd 2 {1}§a akownt. New balace\: {2}
afkCommandDescription=Markz u as away-frum-keybord.
afkCommandUsage=/<command> [playr/mesage...]
afkCommandUsage1=/<command> [mesage]
afkCommandUsage1Description=Togglez Ur Afk Status Wif An Opshunal Reason
afkCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> [message]
afkCommandUsage2Description=Togglez Teh Afk Status Ov Teh Specifid Playr Wif An Opshunal Reason
alertFormat=§3[{0}] §r {1} §6 {2} at\: {3}
alphaNames=§4Playr namez kan only hav lettahz, numbahz and undahskorz.
antiBuildBreak=§4Ur not allowd 2 brek§c {0} §4blokz her.
antiBuildCraft=§4Ur not allowd 2 creat§c {0}§4.
antiBuildDrop=§4Ur not allowd 2 drop§c {0}§4.
antiBuildInteract=§4Ur not allowd 2 interacc wif§c {0}§4.
antiBuildPlace=§4Ur not allowd 2 place§c {0} §4her.
antiBuildUse=§4Ur not allowd 2 use§c {0}§4.
antiochCommandDescription=A smol surprize 4 oprators.
antiochCommandUsage=/<command> [mesage]
anvilCommandDescription=Openz up a vanvil.
autoAfkKickReason=U has been kikd 4 idlin moar than {0} minutez.
autoTeleportDisabled=§6u r no longr automatically approvin teleport requests.
autoTeleportDisabledFor=§c{0}§6 Iz no longr automatically approvin teleport requests.
autoTeleportEnabled=§6Ur nao automaticly yesing 2 wrapz asks.
autoTeleportEnabledFor=§c{0}§6 iz yesin 2 teleportz asks automaticly.
backAfterDeath=§6Uze za§c /back§6 comnd 2 retrn 2 ur rip point.
backCommandDescription=tps yA 2 yuor locashon b4 tp or spawn or warp\!\!\!
backCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
backCommandUsage1Description=Teleports U 2 Ur Prior Locashun
backCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
backCommandUsage2Description=Teleports teh specified playr 2 dem prior locashun
backOther=§6reTurnD§c {0}§6 to pREVIOUz locashun.
backupCommandDescription=Runz teh bakup if configurd.
backupDisabled=§4An External Bakup Script Has Not Been Configurd.
backupFinished=§6Bakup Finishd.
backupStarted=§6Bakup Startd.
backupInProgress=§6An External Bakup Script Iz Currently In Progres\! Haltin Plugin Disable Til Finishd.
backUsageMsg=§6Returnin 2 Previous Locashun.
balance=§aBalance\:§c {0}
balanceCommandDescription=Statez Teh Current Balance Ov Playr.
balanceCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
balanceCommandUsage1Description=Statez Ur Current Balance
balanceCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
balanceCommandUsage2Description=Displays Teh Balance Ov Teh Specifid Playr
balanceOther=§aBalance ov {0}§a\:§c {1}
balanceTop=§6Top balancez ({0})
balanceTopLine={0}. {1}, {2}
balancetopCommandDescription=Gets Teh Top Balance Valuez.
balancetopCommandUsage=/<command> [page]
balancetopCommandUsage1=/<command> [page]
balancetopCommandUsage1Description=Displays Teh Furst (Or Specifid) Paeg Ov Teh Top Balance Valuez
banCommandDescription=Banz Playr.
banCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [reason]
banCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> [reason]
banCommandUsage1Description=Banz Teh Specifid Playr Wif An Opshunal Reason
banExempt=§4U Cant Ban Dat Playr.
banExemptOffline=§4U Cud Not Ban Offline Players.
banFormat=§cU Has Been Bannd\:\n§r{0}
banJoin=U R Bannd Frum Dis Servr. Reason\: {0}
banipCommandDescription=BANZ AN IP ADDRES.
banipCommandUsage=/<command> <address> [reason]
banipCommandUsage1=/<command> <address> [reason]
bedMissing=§4UR Bed Iz Eithr Unset, Misin Or Blockd.
bedOffline=§4CANT Teleport 2 Teh Bedz Ov Offline Users.
bedSet=§6BED Spawn Set\!
beezookaCommandDescription=Throw An Explodin Bee At Ur Opponent.
bigTreeFailure=§4HOOJ Tree Generashun Failure. Try Again On Gras Or Dirt.
bigTreeSuccess=§6HOOJ Tree Spawnd.
bigtreeCommandDescription=Spawn Hooj Tree Wer U R Lookin.
bigtreeCommandUsage=/<command> <tree|redwood|jungle|darkoak>
bigtreeCommandUsage1=/<command> <tree|redwood|jungle|darkoak>
bigtreeCommandUsage1Description=Spawns Hooj Tree Ov Teh Specifid Type
blockList=§6ESSENTIALSX Iz Relayin Teh Followin Commandz 2 Othr Plugins\:
blockListEmpty=§6ESSENTIALSX Iz Not Relayin Any Commandz 2 Othr Plugins.
bookAuthorSet=§6AUTHOR Ov Teh Book Set 2 {0}.
bookCommandDescription=Allows Reopenin An Editin Ov Seald Bookz.
bookCommandUsage=/<command> [title|author [name]]
bookCommandUsage1Description=Lockz/Unlockz Book-An-Quill/Signd Book
bookCommandUsage2=/<command> author <author>
bookCommandUsage2Description=Sets Teh Author Ov Signd Book
bookCommandUsage3=/<command> title <title>
bookCommandUsage3Description=Sets Teh Title Ov Signd Book
bookLocked=§6DIS Book Iz Nao Lockd.
bookTitleSet=§6TITLE Ov Teh Book Set 2 {0}.
breakCommandDescription=Breakz Teh Block U R Lookin At.
broadcast=§6[§4Broadcats§6]§a {0}
broadcastCommandDescription=Broadcats Mesage 2 Teh Entire Servr.
broadcastCommandUsage=/<command> <msg>
broadcastCommandUsage1=/<command> <message>
broadcastCommandUsage1Description=Broadcats Teh Given Mesage 2 Teh Entire Servr
broadcastworldCommandDescription=Broadcats Mesage 2 Wurld.
broadcastworldCommandUsage=/<command> <world> <msg>
broadcastworldCommandUsage1=/<command> <world> <msg>
broadcastworldCommandUsage1Description=Broadcats Teh Given Mesage 2 Teh Specifid Wurld
burnCommandDescription=Set Playr On Fire.
burnCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <seconds>
burnCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <seconds>
burnCommandUsage1Description=Sets Teh Specifid Playr On Fire 4 Da Specifid Amount Ov Secondz
burnMsg=§6U Set§c {0} §6ON Fire 4§c {1} Secondz§6.
cannotSellNamedItem=§6U R Not Allowd 2 Sell Namd Items.
cannotSellTheseNamedItems=§6U R Not Allowd 2 Sell Thees Namd Items\: §4{0}
cannotStackMob=§4u do Not haz permishun tO Stak Multipl mobz.
canTalkAgain=§6u can now talk again?? K?
cantFindGeoIpDB=Cant fin geoip database\!
cantGamemode=§4u Do Not haZ permishun tO change to gamemode {0}
cantReadGeoIpDB=Faild to red geoIP database\!
cantSpawnItem=§4oh hi u iz not alowd To sporn teh item plz?§c {0}§4.
cartographytableCommandDescription=Openz up cartograpHy tabl?? k.
cleaned=Userfilez cleEND.
cleaning=cleenin userfilez??
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOff=§6u WIl no longr be promptd to cOnfIRM ENvenTORY CLEerz.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOn=§6u wIl now be promptd to confirm enventory CLEERZ?? k?
clearinventoryCommandDescription=cler al itemz in ur enventory?? Plz?
clearinventoryCommandUsage=/<command> [PLAYR|*] [item[\:<data>]|*|**] [imount]
clearinventoryCommandUsage1Description=cleerz al itemz in ur enventorY
clearinventoryCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
clearinventoryCommandUsage2Description=cleerz al itemZ fRUM Teh speCIfID PLAYERZ enventory k?
clearinventoryCommandUsage3=/<command> <player> <item> [amount]
clearinventoryCommandUsage3Description=Oh hi cleerz Al (r TeH SpeciFID imoUNT) For Teh Gived Item frum teh specifid plAyerz enventory
clearinventoryconfirmtoggleCommandDescription=togglez wethr U IZ PROmptd to confirm envENtory cleerz?? plz?
commandCooldown=§cu cannot TYPE that commAn fr k? {0}.
commandDisabled=§cteh cOMman§6 {0}§c R dISABLD.
commandFailed=COMMAN {0} FAild\:
commandHelpFailedForPlugin=ERRR gettin halp fr plugin\: {0}
commandHelpLine1=§6comman halp\: §f/{0}
commandHelpLine2=§6deescripshun\: §f{0}
commandHelpLine4=§6aliaSEZ(z)\: §f{0}
commandHelpLineUsage={0} §6- {1}
commandNotLoaded=§4comman {0} oH HI r EMPROPErle loadd.
compassBearing=§6beerin\: {0} ({1} deegrez).
compassCommandDescription=Oh hi deescribez ur currnt beerin.
condenseCommandDescription=Condensez itemz ento moar compact blokz.
condenseCommandUsage=/<command> [item]
condenseCommandUsage1Description=Condensez al Itemz in ur enVentory
condenseCommandUsage2=/<command> <item>
condenseCommandUsage2Description=CondeNSez teh specifid item in ur enVENTORY
configFileMoveError=FaILd to move Config.yml to bakup locasHUN.
configFileRenameError=faild To renAMe teMp fil to config.ymL.
confirmClear=§7tO §lCONFIRM§7 enventory cleer pleez rEPEET Command §6{0}
confirmPayment=§7ot §lCONFIRM§7 pAYMnt fOR §6{0}§7, pLEez repeet comman plz\: §6{1}
connectedPlayers=§6connectd playerZ plz§r
connectionFailed=faILD to opin conneCshun??
cooldownWithMessage=§4oh hi COldown\: {0}
coordsKeyword={0}, {1}, {2}
couldNotFindTemplate=§4Could not fin templmicate k? {0}
createdKit=§6creetd kit §c{0} §6wif §c{1} §6intriEZ an deelai §c{2}
createkitCommandDescription=creete kit in game\!?? k?
createkitCommandUsage=/<command> <kitname> <delay>
createkitCommandUsage1=/<command> <kitname> <delay>
createkitCommandUsage1Description=creetez kiT wif TEh gived neme an deelai
createKitFailed=§4errr occurRD WILsT creetin kit {0}.
createKitSuccess=§6creetd kit\: §f{0}\n§6deelai\: §f{1}\n§6lnk\: §f{2}\n§6copy COntentz IN teh link abOVe ento ur kits.ymL
createKitUnsupported=§4nbt item SERIALIZASHUN HAZ biN INAbled bUt thiz servr r not runnin papr 1.15.2+++ falin bak to standard item serializashun?? k?
creatingConfigFromTemplate=oh hi creetin config fRum template {0}
creatingEmptyConfig=creetin empty config\: {0}
currentWorld=§6curRNt world\:§c {0}
customtextCommandDescription=alowz u to creete custom teXT Commandz.
customtextCommandUsage=/<alias> - deeFine in BUKKIT.yml
day=oH hi DAi
defaultBanReason=oh hi tEH BAN haMmr HAZ speaked\!??
deletedHomes=al homez deelETd.
deletedHomesWorld=al homez in {0} deeletd.
deleteFileError=Could not deeletE fILE\: {0}
deleteHome=§6Oh hi home§c {0} §6haz biN REMOvd.
deleteJail=§6oH hi jail§c {0} §6haz bin REMOVD.
deleteKit=§6Kit§c {0} §6haz BIN REmovd.
deleteWarp=§6Warp§c {0} §6haz bin REMOVD.
deletingHomes=oh hi DEELeTIN AL HOMEZ.
deletingHomesWorld=deeletin aL HOMEZ IN {0}...
delhomeCommandDescription=removez home.
delhomeCommandUsage=/<command> [player\:]<name>
delhomeCommandUsage1=/<command> <name>
delhomeCommandUsage1Description=deeleTEz ur home wIF teH gived neme
delhomeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>\:<name>
delhomeCommandUsage2Description=dEELEtez teh specifid playerz home wif teh gived nemE
deljailCommandDescription=oh hi removez jail.
deljailCommandUsage=/<command> <jailname>
deljailCommandUsage1=/<command> <jailname>
deljailCommandUsage1Description=deeletez teh jail wif teh gived neme
delkitCommandDescription=deeletEz teh specifid kit.
delkitCommandUsage=/<command> <kit>
delkitCommandUsage1=/<command> <kit>
delkitCommandUsage1Description=oh hi deeletez teh kit wif teh gived neme
delwarpCommandDescription=dEeLETez teh specifid warp.
delwarpCommandUsage=/<command> <warp>
delwarpCommandUsage1=/<command> <warp>
delwarpCommandUsage1Description=deeleteZ TEH WARp WIF teh gived neme
deniedAccessCommand=§c{0} §4weRE deeniD Accez to Comman.
denyBookEdit=§4u cannot unlOK THiz bok.
denyChangeAuthor=§4oh hi u cannot CHange teh Authr for THiZ BOK.
denyChangeTitle=§4u cannot CHAnge teh titl for tHIz bok.
depth=§6u iz et See leVEL.
depthAboveSea=§6u iz§c {0} §6bloK(Z) above see lEVEl
depthBelowSea=§6u IZ§c {0} §6bLok(s) beloW see leVel
depthCommandDescription=statez currnt Deepth relatif to see Level.
destinationNotSet=deestinashun noT seted\!
disabledToSpawnMob=§4sporniN thiz mob Were DIsabld in teh CONFIG fil.
disableUnlimited=§6oh hi disabld unlimitD PLacin foR§c {0} §6fr§c {1}§6.
discordbroadcastCommandDescription=Oh hi bROADcatz mESAgE TO teh specifid discord channEl?? K?
discordbroadcastCommandUsage=/<command> <channel> <msg>
discordbroadcastCommandUsage1=/<command> <channel> <msg>
discordbroadcastCommandUsage1Description=sendz teh gived meSAGe to teh speciFID DISCOrd chaNnel
discordbroadcastInvalidChannel=§4discord chaNnel §c{0}§4 dus not exis????
discordbroadcastPermission=§4u do not haz permISHUn to sen mesagez to teh §c{0}§4 chnnEl.
discordbroadcastSent=§6mesage sended to §c{0}§6\!
discordCommandDescription=senDZ Teh DISCOrd envite link to teh playr,
discordCommandLink=§6join our discord servr et §c{0}§6\!
discordCommandUsage1Description=SenDZ Teh Discord envite link to teh playr
discordCommandExecuteDescription=oh hi execuTez cONSOL COmman on teh mINecraf serVR??
discordCommandExecuteArgumentCommand=teh coMMan to be executd plz?
discordCommandExecuteReply=executIN comman\: "/{0}"
discordCommandListDescription=gETz lis for onliNe playerz.
discordCommandListArgumentGroup=SpecifiC group to Limit ur seerch by
discordCommandMessageDescription=Mesagez plaYR On Teh minecraf servr.
discordCommandMessageArgumentUsername=Teh playr to SeN Teh mesaGE to
discordCommandMessageArgumentMessage=Teh mesAge to sen to teh playr
discordErrorCommand=u addd ur bot to ur serVR ENCORRECTLY\!?? pleez folow teh tUTOriel in teh conFig an add ur bot usin https\://
discordErrorCommandDisabled=Oh Hi that comman r disabled\!\!\!
discordErrorLogin=oh HI AN Errr OCCURRD wil loggin ento discord wicH haz causd teh plugin to disabl Itself\:\n{0}
discordErrorLoggerInvalidChannel=Discord coNSOL loggin haz bin DISABld due to an envalid CHANNel deefinitiON\!?? if u enten to diSABL it seted teh CHANNel id TO "none" otherwis chek that ur channel id r correct.
discordErrorLoggerNoPerms=Discord consol loggr haz bin disabld due to ensufficint permisions\!?? pleez maKE sure ur bot haZ Teh "Manage Webhoks" permisionz On teh servr aftr fixin That runed "/ess reload".
discordErrorNoGuild=envaLid OR MIZin servr id\!?? pleez folow teh tutoriel in teh config in ordr to sEtup teh plugin?? k?
discordErrorNoGuildSize=ur BoT r NOt in any servers\!?? PLEEZ FOLOw teh tutoriel in teh cONFIG in oRDr to setup teh plugin??
discordErrorNoPerms=ur bot cannot se or talK iN ANY channel\!?? pleEZ make sure ur bot haZ red an wRITe permiSionz iN AL cHANNelZ u wISH to us??
discordErrorNoPrimary=Oh hi u Doed not deEFINe Primary channel or ur deefind primary channel r envalid?? fALIN Bak to teh deefAULT channel \#{0}.
discordErrorNoPrimaryPerms=Ur bot cannoT Speek in ur primary channel?? \#{0}. pleez make Sure Ur Bot haz red an write Permisionz in Al channelz u wish to Us?? K.
discordErrorNoToken=oh hi no tokiN ProviDEd\!?? plEEZ Folow teh tutoriel in teh config in ordr to setup tEH plugIn??
discordErrorWebhook=an errr occuRRD WIL SENDIn meSaGEZ TO UR consoL CHANNEl\!?? thiz Were lIkele cAUSd by accideNtale DEELETIN ur coNsol webhok?? thiz CAn usuale by fixd by insurin UR bot HAz teh "manage webhoks" perMIShun an ruNnin "/ess reload".
discordLoggingIn=attemptin to loGin to disCOrd??????
discordLoggingInDone=sucCEsfule loggd in Az {0}
discordNoSendPermission=cannot sen mEsage in channel\: \#{0} pleez insure teh bot haz "seN mesages" permiSHun in that channel\!??
discordReloadInvalid=trid to reload esentialsks discord config wil teH PLugin r in AN envalid staTe\!?? if uVE MODIfid ur coNfig restart uR SERVR
disposal=oh hi disposel PLz?
disposalCommandDescription=openz porTabl disposel menu?? k?
distance=§6distens\: {0}
dontMoveMessage=§6teleportashun wil coMMANS in§c {0}§6. DOnT move plz?
downloadingGeoIp=downloadiN GEOip databas?????? THiz mite take wil (country 13600000 bit ciTY 240000000bit)
dumpConsoleUrl=oh hi servr DUMP WERE creeTd plz?\: §c{0}
dumpCreating=§6OH Hi crEETIN seRVR DUMP?????? k?
dumpDeleteKey=§6if u want to deelete thiz dUMP AT latr date us teh foLOWin deeleshun key\: §c{0}
dumpError=§4errrrrrrrrr WIL Creetin dump §c{0}§4.
dumpErrorUpload=§4errrrrr wil uplOAdiN plz? §c{0}§4\: §c{1}
dumpUrl=§6creeTD SErvr dump\: §c{0}
duplicatedUserdata=duplicatd userdata\: {0} an {1}.
durability=§6thiz tol hAZ §c{0}§6 usez lEAftis.
ecoCommandDescription=managez teh servr economy??
ecoCommandUsage=/<command> <give|take|set|reset> <player> <amount>
ecoCommandUsage1=/<command> give <player> <amount>
ecoCommandUsage1Description=gIVez TEH SPecifid playr teh sPECIFid imount for moneyz
ecoCommandUsage2=/<command> take <player> <amount>
ecoCommandUsage2Description=takez teh Specifid IMOUnT For moneys FRUM teh speCIFId playr
ecoCommandUsage3=/<command> set <player> <amount>
ecoCommandUsage3Description=setz teh speciFID PLAYERz balens to TEH SPECIFid imounT For moneyS
ecoCommandUsage4=/<command> reset <player> <amount>
ecoCommandUsage4Description=resetz teh specifid playerZ bAlens to teh serverz startin BALENS K?
editBookContents=§eu can now edit teH CONtenTZ For thiz bok
enchantCommandDescription=inchantz TEH ITEM Teh usr r HOLdin.
enchantCommandUsage=/<command> <enchantmentname> [level]
enchantCommandUsage1=/<command> <enchantment name> [level]
enchantCommandUsage1Description=inchantZ ur holdED ITem wif teh gived inchantmnt to an optIONEL LEVel
enableUnlimited=§6givin uNLimITd imount FOR§c {0} §6tO §c{1}§6.
enchantmentApplied=§6teh inchantmnt§c {0} §6haz bin appLID to ur itEm in hnd.
enchantmentNotFound=§4inchantmnt noT finded\!?\!
enchantmentPerm=§4u do not hAZ teh pERMISHUN fR§c {0}§4.
enchantmentRemoved=§6TEh inchantmnt§c {0} §6haz bin removd frum ur ITEm In hNd.
enchantments=§6inchantmentz\:§r {0}
enderchestCommandDescription=letz u se enside an inderchEST
enderchestCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
enderchestCommandUsage1Description=openz ur indR CHESt
enderchestCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
enderchestCommandUsage2Description=openz teh indr chEst For teh targET playr
errorCallingCommand=errr caLiN TEh comman /{0}
errorWithMessage=§ceEerrRrr\:§4 {0}
essChatNoSecureMsg=esentialsKS chat vershun {0} dus not support secure CHAt on thiz seRvr software?? updmicate esentiaLsx an if thIz isUe persists enFErm teh deEVElOPERZ,
essentialsCommandDescription=reloadz ezentials
essentialsCommandUsage1=/<command> reload
essentialsCommandUsage1Description=reLOADZ eszentiaLs configh
essentialsCommandUsage2=/<command> version
essentialsCommandUsage2Description=giVez ENformaShun abowt tEH esentIALZ Vershun
essentialsCommandUsage3=/<command> commands
essentialsCommandUsage3Description=givez enformashun abowt wat commandz eSentialz R forWardin
essentialsCommandUsage4=/<command> debug
essentialsCommandUsage4Description=oh hi togglez eseNTIAls "debug mode"
essentialsCommandUsage5=/<command> reset <player>
essentialsCommandUsage5Description=resetz teh GIved playerz usErdatA
essentialsCommandUsage6=/<command> cleanup
essentialsCommandUsage6Description=cleenz up old userdatA
essentialsCommandUsage7=/<command> homes
essentialsCommandUsage7Description=managez usr homez
essentialsCommandUsage8=/<command> dump [all] [config] [discord] [kits] [log]
essentialsCommandUsage8Description=geneRATEZ SERVR dump wif teh rekwestd EnformAShun
essentialsHelp1=teh fil r breaked an esentialz cant opin iT?? esenTialz r nOW DIsabld?? if u CANT fIKS teh fil yourSELF go to http\://
essentialsHelp2=oh hi tEH fil r breaked AN esentialz CANT opin it?? eseNtialz r now diSabld?? if U CANt FIKs teh fIL YOUrself EITHR TYpe /essentialshelp in game or go to http\://
essentialsReload=§6esentialz reloaddd§c {0}.
exp=§c{0} §6hAz§c {1} §6experIANs (lvel§c {2}§6) an Nedz§c {3} §6MOAR experians to lEVEL Up
expCommandDescription=gve sETED reseted or lok at playerz experians?? k?
expCommandUsage=/<command> [reset|show|set|give] [playername [amount]]
expCommandUsage1=/<command> give <player> <amount>
expCommandUsage1Description=givez teh taRGEt playr teh specifid imount for xp
expCommandUsage2=/<command> set <playername> <amount>
expCommandUsage2Description=setz teH Target playERZ Xp TEH SPEcIFId Imount
expCommandUsage3=/<command> show <playername>
expCommandUsage4Description=displayz TEH IMount for xp teh taRget playr hAZ
expCommandUsage5=/<command> reset <playername>
expCommandUsage5Description=resetz teh target plaYERz xp to 0
expSet=§c{0} §6now haz§c {1} §6EXPerians.
extCommandDescription=oh hi Extinguish pLAYerz.
extCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
extCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
extCommandUsage1Description=extinguish yourself or ANOTHR PLAYR IF specIfiD
extinguish=§6OH hi u extinGUIShd yourself??
extinguishOthers=§6oh hi u extinguishd {0}§6.
failedToCloseConfig=faild to clos config {0}.
failedToCreateConfig=faild to creEte config {0}.
failedToWriteConfig=faild to write config {0}.
feed=§6ur appetite Were satD.
feedCommandDescription=satisfy teh hungr
feedCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
feedCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
feedCommandUsage1Description=fule fedz yourself or anothr playr if specifid
feedOther=§6u Satiatd teh appetite for §c{0}§6.
fileRenameError=renamin FIl {0} faild\!
fireballCommandDescription=THrow fireBEL OR OTHr asortd projectilez.
fireballCommandUsage=/<command> [fireball|small|large|arrow|skull|egg|snowball|expbottle|dragon|splashpotion|lingeringpotion|trident] [speed]
fireballCommandUsage1Description=throwz regular firebel frum ur locashun
fireballCommandUsage2=/<command> <fireball|small|large|arrow|skull|egg|snowball|expbottle|dragon|splashpotion|lingeringpotion|trident> [speed]
fireballCommandUsage2Description=oh hi tHrowz teH specifid projectil frum ur Location wIF AN optionel speedeD
fireworkColor=§4envalid firEWOrK Charge PARAMETErz enserted mus seted colr fersT.
fireworkCommandDescription=oh hi alowz u to moDifY stak For fireworkz.
fireworkCommandUsage=/<command> <<meta param>|power [amount]|clear|fire [amount]>
fireworkCommandUsage1=/<command> clear
fireworkCommandUsage1Description=cleeRz Al effectz frUm ur hoLdEd fiREWORk
fireworkCommandUsage2=/<command> power <amount>
fireworkCommandUsage2Description=setZ teh POWr for tEH holded firewOrk
fireworkCommandUsage3=/<command> fire [amount]
fireworkCommandUsage3Description=launchez eithr one or teh imount specifeid copiez for tEh holded firewoRk
fireworkCommandUsage4=/<command> <meta>
fireworkCommandUsage4Description=addz teH gived efFECt to teh holded firework
fireworkEffectsCleared=§6reMOvd al effectz frum holded stak.
fireworkSyntax=§6fiRework PArameterz\:§c colr\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n§6to us multipl coloRS/Effects SEpaRMICATe VAluez wif commaz\: §cred,blue,pink\n§6SHApez\:§c star, ball, large, creeper, burst §6effectz\:§c trail, twinkle.
fixedHomes=envalid homez deeletd.
fixingHomes=DEELetin ENvalid homEz......\!.......
flyCommandDescription=oh Hi tAke off an soar\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!???\!
flyCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
flyCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
flyCommandUsage1Description=togglez fle fr yourself oR AnoTHR playr if specIFID
flyMode=§6seted FLE moDE§c {0} §6fr {1}§6.
foreverAlone=§4oh hi u haz nobody TO wom u can reple.\!???
fullStack=§4u ALREedy haz Ful stak
fullStackDefault=§6ur stAk haz bIN SETEd to Itz deefaULT SIze, §c{0}§6.
fullStackDefaultOversize=§6ur stAk haZ Bin SETED To iTZ MAXIMUM size, §c{0}§6.
gameMode=§6setED gamE mode§c {0} §6fR §c{1}§6.
gameModeInvalid=§4oh hi u nd to speciFY VALId plAYer/modE
gamemodeCommandDescription=change playr gaMeMODE.
gamemodeCommandUsage=/<command> <survival|creative|adventure|spectator> [player]
gamemodeCommandUsage1=/<command> <survival|creative|adventure|spectator> [player]
gamemodeCommandUsage1Description=oh hi SETZ TEh gamemode for eithr U OR anothr playr if specifid
gcCommandDescription=REPOrtz memory uptime an tik enfo.
gcfree=§6fre memOry\:§c {0} MegaBytez.
gcmax=§6maXIMUm memory\:§c {0} MegaBytez.
gctotal=§6alocatD memory\:§c {0} MegaBYTEz.
gcWorld=§6{0} "§c{1}§6"\: §c{2}§6 chunkz, §c{3}§6 intitiez, §c{4}§6 tilez\!
geoipJoinFormat=§6playr §c{0} §6comez frum §c{1}§6.
getposCommandDescription=GET UR Currnt cordiNatez or thos fOR playr.
getposCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
getposCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
getposCommandUsage1Description=etz teh cordinatez for eithr u oR Anothr playr if specifid
giveCommandDescription=GIF playr an item.
giveCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <item|numeric> [amount [itemmeta...]]
giveCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <item> [amount]
giveCommandUsage1Description=givez tEH tARGEt playr 64 (r teh specifid imount) for teh speCifid item
giveCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <item> <amount> <meta>
giveCommandUsage2Description=givez teh tArget playr teh specifiD imount FOR teh specifid item wIF TEH GIVed metadata
geoipCantFind=§6pLayR §c{0} §6coMEZ frum §aUNKNown countRY§6 plz?
geoIpErrorOnJoin=uNabl TO FECH GEOIP DAtaS Fr {0}. pleez insure tHat ur liceNs keY AN ConfigurashUn iz correct.
geoIpLicenseMissing=no licens key Finded\!?? pleez visit https\:// fr Ferst time setup enstructionz.
geoIpUrlEmpty=geoip doWNload url r empty.
geoIpUrlInvalid=geoip downloaD URl r envaLId.
givenSkull=§6HAZ bIn gived teh skul for §c{0}§6.
godCommandDescription=inaBlez ur gODLI powERZ
godCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
godCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
godCommandUsage1Description=togGlez god MODe fr u or ANothr playr if specifid
giveSpawn=§6giVin§c {0} §6or§c {1} §6tO§c {2}§6.
giveSpawnFailure=§4not iNOO sPas, §c{0} {1} §4were losed.
godDisabledFor=§cdesabld§6 fR§c {0}
godEnabledFor=§aiNablD§6 fOr§c {0}
godMode=§6gOd mod§c {0}§6.
grindstoneCommandDescription=oh hi openz up grindstone
groupDoesNotExist=§4THerez no one oNLIne in thiz group\!
groupNumber=§c{0}§f ONline fr teh ful lis\:§c /{1} {2}
hatArmor=§4cannot us thiz itEm AZ hat
hatCommandDescription=get some coL new heedger,
hatCommandUsage=/<command> [remove]
hatCommandUsage1Description=setz ur hat to ur curreNTLE HOlDEd item
hatCommandUsage2=/<command> remove
hatCommandUsage2Description=remOvez Ur currnt hat
hatCurse=§4cannot remove hat Wif teh curs for binding\!?
hatEmpty=§4u iz Not weERin hat
hatFail=§4u mus haz sumfiN TO wer iN ur hnd.
hatPlaced=§6injoi ur neW Hat
hatRemoved=§6ur hat haz bin removd
haveBeenReleased=§6u hAZ bin releesD
heal=§6u haz bin heeald?
healCommandDescription=heelz u or teh gived playr
healCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
healCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
healCommandUsage1Description=heelz u or aNothr playr if specifID
healDead=§4U cannot heEL Sumone wO R deeed\!\!\!\!\!\!
healOther=§6heeld§c {0}§6.
helpCommandDescription=viEwz lis FOR AVAilabl commanDZ.
helpCommandUsage=/<command> [search term] [page]
helpConsole=to view halp frum teh console type ''?''.
helpFrom=§6coMMAndz fRUm {0}\:
helpLine=§6/{0}§r\: {1}
helpMatching=§6commandz matchin "§c{0}§6"\:
helpOp=§4[heLPOp]§r §6{0}\:§r {1}
helpPlugin=§4{0}§r\: plugin halp\: /help {1}
helpopCommandDescription=mesage online adminz,
helpopCommandUsage=/<command> <message>
helpopCommandUsage1=/<command> <message>
helpopCommandUsage1Description=sendz teh gived mesage to al onliNE adminz
holdBook=§4u iz not holdin wrITABl bok.
holdFirework=§4u mus be holdin firework To add effECTz,
holdPotion=§4u mus bE hoLDIN pOSHUN TO APple effectZ to it,
holeInFloor=§4HOl in flor\!
homeCommandDescription=telepoRt TO UR home
homeCommandUsage=/<command> [player\:][name]
homeCommandUsage1=/<command> <name>
homeCommandUsage1Description=teleportz U to ur home Wif teh gived neme
homeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>\:<name>
homeCommandUsage2Description=telEPortz u to teh specifid playerz home wif teh gived neme
homes=§6hoMez\:§r {0}
homeConfirmation=§6u alrEEDy haz HOme nemd §c{0}§6\!\nto ovrwrITe UR existin home type teh comman agaiN.
homeRenamed=§6HOMe §c{0} §6haz bin renamd to §c{1}§6.
homeSet=§6home seteD to cURRnt locashun.
ice=§6FeL Much coldr............?.........
iceCommandDescription=colz playr off,
iceCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
iceCommandUsage1Description=colz u Off
iceCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
iceCommandUsage2Description=colz teH givED Playr off
iceCommandUsage3=/<command> *
iceCommandUsage3Description=colZ al oNLine playerz
iceOther=§6chilin§c {0}§6.
ignoreCommandDescription=ignoaR OR unlgnOAR othr playeRz
ignoreCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
ignoreCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
ignoreCommandUsage1Description=ignorez or unlgnOREZ Teh gived playR
ignoredList=§6ignord\:§r {0}
ignoreExempt=§4NOt ignoar that playR.
ignorePlayer=§6ignoar plAYR§c {0} §6frum now on.
illegalDate=ilegel dmicate format.
infoAfterDeath=§6u did IN §e{0} §6aTt §e{1}, {2}, {3}§6.
infoChapter=§6sElect cHAPTEr;
infoChapterPages=§e ---- §6{0} §e--§6 Pge §c{1}§6 for §c{2} §e----
infoCommandDescription=showz enFormashun seted by teh servr ownR.,
infoCommandUsage=/<command> [chapter] [page]
infoPages=§e ---- §6{2} §e--§6 pGe §c{0}§6\!§c{1} §e----
infoUnknownChapter=§4unknowN CHAPtR.,
insufficientFunds=§4u iz pr an doNt haz inoo Moneys
invalidBanner=§4envAlid baNnr syntaKS,
invalidCharge=§4envalid charge;
invalidFireworkFormat=§4teh opshun §c{0} §4r noT Valid value fr §c{1}§4.
invalidHome=§4Home§c {0} §4doesnt exist\!?
invalidHomeName=§4envalid home nemE\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!
invalidItemFlagMeta=§4ENVALid itemflag meta? §c{0}§4.
invalidMob=§4enVAliD mob TYPE\!
invalidNumber=oh hi envalid numbr\!
invalidPotion=§4envalid poshun\!
invalidPotionMeta=§4envalid poshun meTA- §c{0}§4.
invalidSignLine=§4lire§c {0} §4on sign r envalid;
invalidSkull=§4oh hi PLeez hold teh playerz skul\! (dont take hr wif him alive)
invalidWarpName=§4envalid warp NEMe\!
invalidWorld=§4Envalid world
inventoryClearFail=§4Playr§c {0} §4dus not haz§c {1} §4fof§c {2}§4.
inventoryClearingAllArmor=§6cleerd al enventory itemz an arMR frum§c {0}§6.
inventoryClearingAllItems=§6CLeerd al enventoRY ITEMZ FRUm§c {0}§6.
inventoryClearingFromAll=§6cleerin teh envENTOry for al userz\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!a111
inventoryClearingStack=§6removd§c {0} §6oOof§c {1} §6frum§c {2}§6.
invseeCommandDescription=se teh enventoRY For Othr playerz,
invseeCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
invseeCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
invseeCommandUsage1Description=openz teh SPECIfid PLAYeRz enventory (an sTEELZ IT)
invseeNoSelf=§cu CAN onle VIEW OTHr players enventoriez
isIpBanned=§6enternet protocoL §c{0} §6r bannd\!
internalError=§can eNterNEL ERRR ocCurrd wil attemptin to perferm thiz coMMAn.
itemCannotBeSold=§4that item cannot be selled to teh servr.
itemCommandDescription=sporn an item,
itemCommandUsage=/<command> <item|numeric> [amount [itemmeta...]]
itemCommandUsage1=/<command> <item> [amount]
itemCommandUsage1Description=givez u fUl sTAK (R Teh specifid imoUnt) for teh specifid item
itemCommandUsage2=/<command> <item> <amount> <meta>
itemCommandUsage2Description=givez u teh specifid imount fOr TEh specifID item WIF TEH gived metadatA
itemId=§6iD\:§c {0}
itemloreClear=yoU HAZ cleerd thiz itemz loAR,
itemloreCommandDescription=edit teh lOAR FOR An item..
itemloreCommandUsage=/<command> <add/set/clear> [text/line] [text]
itemloreCommandUsage1=/<command> add [text]
itemloreCommandUsage1Description=addz tEH gived tEXt to teh inD for teh holded itemz loar
itemloreCommandUsage2=/<command> set <line number> <text>
itemloreCommandUsage2Description=setz teH specifID LIne for teh holded itemz loar to teh giveD TEXT
itemloreCommandUsage3=/<command> clear
itemloreCommandUsage3Description=cleerz teh holded itemz loar
itemloreInvalidItem=§4u nd to hoLD an ITEM to edit itZ LOAR
itemloreNoLine=§4ur holded iTEM DUS not haz loar text ON line §c{0}§4.
itemloreNoLore=§4ur holded itEM DUs not haz any loar tEXT
itemloreSuccess=§6U haz addd "§c{0}§6" to UR hOlded itemZ loar
itemloreSuccessLore=§6u HAZ SETEd line §c{0}§6 for ur holded ITEmz LOAR TO "§c{1}§6".
itemMustBeStacked=§4item mus be tradd IN stakz?? Kwantitie For 2z would be two staks etc,,..
itemNames=§6item short nemeZ\:§r {0}
itemnameClear=§6u haz CLEerd thiz ITEMz neme
itemnameCommandDescription=nemeZ an item,
itemnameCommandUsage=/<command> [name]
itemnameCommandUsage1Description=clEERZ TEH HOLDEd itemz neme
itemnameCommandUsage2=/<command> <name>
itemnameCommandUsage2Description=setz tEH HOlded itemz neme to teh gived texT
itemnameInvalidItem=§cu nd to hoLd an iteM to renamE it
itemnameSuccess=§6u haz renamd ur holded item to "§c{0}§6".
itemNotEnough1=§4u do nOT HAZ Inoo for tHAt ITEM TO Sel?
itemNotEnough2=§6if u ment to sel al for uR itemz for that type use§c /sell itemneme§6.
itemNotEnough3=§c/sell itemnem3 -1§6 wil sel al but one item etc,
itemsConverted=§6convERTd al itemz ento blokz
itemsCsvNotLoaded=could not loard {0}\!
itemSellAir=u reele trid To sel air? puTED An iteM in uR HAN
itemsNotConverted=§4u haz no ITEMZ THat can bE cONVErtd ento blokz
itemSold=§aSELled FR §c{0} §a({1} {2} at {3} each).
itemSoldConsole=§e{0} §aoh hi selled§e {1}§a for §e{2} §a({3} ites atT {4} eech).
itemSpawn=§6GivNg§c {0} §6o0f§c {1}
itemType=§6iTm\:§c {0}
itemdbCommandDescription=seerchez fr an item
itemdbCommandUsage=/<command> <item>
itemdbCommandUsage1=/<command> <item>
itemdbCommandUsage1Description=seerchEZ TEh ITEM dATABas fr teh Gived iTEM k?
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=§4OH hi person R alreedy in jail\:§c {0}
jailList=§6jAilZ\:§r {0}
jailMessage=§4u do teh crime u do teh time?
jailNotExist=§4thAT jail dus not exis??\!\!\!\!\!
jailNotifyJailed=§6pLayR§c {0} §6jaild by §c{1}.
jailNotifyJailedFor=§6pLaer§c {0} §6jaild fr§c {1}§6b §c{2}§6.
jailNotifySentenceExtended=§6pLAyer§c{0} §6jailz time EXTEndd to §c{1} §6by §c{2}§6.
jailReleased=§6plAYR §c{0}§6 njaild
jailReleasedPlayerNotify=§6u HAZ bin reLeesed
jailSentenceExtended=§6OH HI JAil time extendd to §c{0}§6.
jailSet=§6jail§c {0} §6haz bin sETed
jailWorldNotExist=§4that jailz worlD DUS not exis,
jumpEasterDisable=§6flyin wizard mode disabld,
jumpEasterEnable=§6flyin wizard mode inabld.,
jailsCommandDescription=lis al jailz
jumpCommandDescription=jumpz to teh neerest blOK IN TEH LINE for site
jumpError=§4hat would hurted ur comPUTerz brain,
kickCommandDescription=kikZ spECIFId plAYR wif reesON\!
kickCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [reason]
kickCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> [reason]
kickCommandUsage1Description=kikz specifid playr wif reson
kickDefault=helO u haz bin kIkd frum teh server pleez go to REcEpshun plz?
kickedAll=§4U kikd every playr on teh servr uuuhr
kickExempt=§4You cannot kick that person.
kickallCommandDescription=kikz al playerz off teh Servr except teh isur
kickallCommandUsage=/<command> [reason]
kickallCommandUsage1=/<command> [reason]
kickallCommandUsage1Description=kikZ al plaYErz wif an Optionel reeson
kill=§6kiled§c {0}§6.
killCommandDescription=kiLz SPecifid playr
killCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
killCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
killCommandUsage1Description=kilz tEh specifid playr
killExempt=§4u cannot kil §c{0}§4.
kitCommandDescription=oBTAInz teh spEcifid kit or viewz al availabl kitz
kitCommandUsage=/<command> [kit] [player]
kitCommandUsage1Description=printin al kit listz on uR scrin
kitCommandUsage2=/<command> <kit> [player]
kitCommandUsage2Description=givez teh specifid kit TO U or anotHR plaYr if spECIfid
kitContains=§6Kit §c{0} §6cOntainz\:
kitCost=\ §7§o({0})§r
kitError=§4ther Iz no valid kitz
kitError2=§4that kIT r emproperle deefind?? contacT An administRAtr
kitError3=caNNOt gif kit itEM In kit "{0}" to usr{1} az kit item rekwIREZ papr 1.15.2+ to deeSERIALIZE
kitGiveTo=§6ivin kit§c {0}§6 tTo §c{1}§6.
kitInvFull=§4enventory were fuL placin kiT on teh flor,.
kitInvFullNoDrop=§4ther r noT INOo rom in ur enventorY FR that kit,
kitItem=§6- §f{0}
kitNotFound=§4that kit dus not exis,
kitOnce=§4u cant us that kit again,
kitReceive=§6oh HI ReceivD KIT§c {0}§6.
kitReset=§6reseted coldoWN fr kit §c{0}§6.
kitresetCommandDescription=resetz teh colDown on teh specIFID KIT
kitresetCommandUsage=/<command> <kit> [player]
kitresetCommandUsage1=/<command> <kit> [player]
kitresetCommandUsage1Description=resetz teh coldown for teh SpecifiD kit Fr u or anothr pLAYr if SPECIFId
kitResetOther=§6reSETtin kit §c{0} §6coldown FR §c{1}§6.
kits=§6kiTZ\:§r {0}
kittycannonCommandDescription=thROw an explodin kittin et ur opponnt
kitTimed=§4u cant us that kit again fr ANOTHr§c {0}§4.
leatherSyntax=§6leethr colr Syntaks\:§c cOLr\:<rd>,<grin>,<blue> eg\: color\:255,0,0§6 r§c color\:<rgb int> eg\: color\:16777011
lightningCommandDescription=teh PowR FOR Thr?? strikE AT CurSR or PLayr
lightningCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [power]
lightningCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
lightningCommandUsage1Description=oh hi stRIkez lightin eithr wer u iz lOkin or Et anothr playr if sPECiFid
lightningCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <power>
lightningCommandUsage2Description=strikez lIGHTin AT TEH target playr wif teh gived powr plz?
lightningSmited=§6thou HAsT BiN smitten\!\!\!\!\!\!
lightningUse=§6smitng§c {0}
listAmount=§6ther iz §c{0}§6 owT FOR MAXIMUM §c{1}§6 plAyERZ online,
listAmountHidden=§6ther iZ §c{0}§6/§c{1}§6 oWT FOr maximuM §c{2}§6 playerz onlinE
listCommandDescription=lIs al online playerz
listCommandUsage=/<command> [group]
listCommandUsage1=/<command> [group]
listCommandUsage1Description=lIstz al pLayerz on Teh sERVeR Or TEh gIVED Group if specifid
loadWarpError=§4Fai.....L..Faild to load warp {0}.
localFormat=§3[L] §r<{0}> {1}
loomCommandDescription=opeNz up loM
mailClear=§6to cLER ur maIL type§c /mail clear§6.
mailCleared=§6mail cleered\!\!?\!
mailClearIndex=§4oh hi u mus specify numBR betwiN 1-{0}.
mailCommandDescription=manaGEz enterplayer enTRASERVr maiL
mailCommandUsage=/<command> [read|clear|clear [number]|send [to] [message]|sendtemp [to] [expire time] [message]|sendall [message]]
mailCommandUsage1=/<command> read [page]
mailCommandUsage1Description=reeDZ Teh ferst (R specifeid) page for ur mail
mailCommandUsage2=/<command> clear [number]
mailCommandUsage2Description=cLEERZ eithr al or teh specifid mail(Z)
mailCommandUsage3=/<command> send <player> <message>
mailCommandUsage3Description=sendz tEH specifid PlayR TEh gived mesAGE
mailCommandUsage4=/<command> sendall <message>
mailCommandUsage4Description=oh hi sendz AL playerz teh gived mesage
mailCommandUsage5=/<command> sendtemp <player> <expire time> <message>
mailCommandUsage5Description=endz teh spECIfid playr tEH Gived meSAGE WICH wiL EXPIRE in teh specifid time
mailCommandUsage6=/<command> sendtempall <expire time> <message>
mailCommandUsage6Description=sendz al pLayerz teh gIVEd mesage wiCh wil expirE in teh SPECIfid TIMe
mailDelay=to MANY maiLZ haz Bin sended withIN TEH LAST MINUte?? maximum\: {0}
mailFormatNew=§6[§r{0}§6] §6[§r{1}§6] §r{2}
mailFormatNewTimed=§6[§e⚠§6] §6[§r{0}§6] §6[§r{1}§6] §r{2}
mailFormatNewRead=§6[§r{0}§6] §6[§r{1}§6] §7§o{2}
mailFormatNewReadTimed=§6[§e⚠§6] §6[§r{0}§6] §6[§r{1}§6] §7§o{2}
mailFormat=§6[§r{0}§6] §r{1}
mailSent=§6mail SEnded\!?
mailSentTo=§c{0}§6 haz bin sendEd teh folowiN MAIL
mailSentToExpire=§c{0}§6 haz bin sended teh folowin mail wich wil expire IN §c{1}§6\:
mailTooLong=§4mail mesagE TO long?? trY to kep IT below 1000 CHARacTerZ
markMailAsRead=§6TO maRk ur MaIL az reeD Type§c /mail clear§6.
matchingIPAddress=§6teh folowIn playerZ PREViousle loggd in fruM that IP addres\:
maxHomes=§4u cannot seted moar THAn§c {0} §4homez.
maxMoney=§4THIZ TRANSACSHuN wouLd excd teh balens Limit fr thiz aCcount??
mayNotJail=§4u can not jail that person\!
mayNotJailOffline=§4u can not jail offlinE playerZ.
meCommandDescription=deescribez an acshun in teH CONText for teh playr.
meCommandUsage=/<command> <description>
meCommandUsage1=/<command> <description>
meCommandUsage1Description=deescrIBEZ aN Acshun
minimumBalanceError=§4teh minimum BALENS Usr can haz r {0}.
minimumPayAmount=§cteh minimuM Imount u can pai r {0}.
missingItems=§4U DO NOt haz §c{0}x {1}§4.
mobDataList=§6valid mob datAS\:§r {0}
mobsAvailable=§6mobz\:§r {0}
mobSpawnError=§4errr wil changin mob spornr.
mobSpawnLimit=mob kwantitie lIMitd TO SERVR limit.
mobSpawnTarget=§4target BLok mus be mob spornr.
moneyRecievedFrom=§a{0}§6 haz BIN receivd frum§a {1}§6.
moneySentTo=§a{0} haz bin sended to {1}.
moreCommandDescription=fIlZ TEh item stak in hAN TO SPECifid imount or to maximum size if none r specifid.
moreCommandUsage=/<command> [amount]
moreCommandUsage1=/<command> [amount]
moreCommandUsage1Description=filz teh holded item to teh specifid imount or itz MAKS SIze if none r specifid
moreThanZero=§4quantitiez mus Be greETr than 0
motdCommandDescription=VIEwz teh mesage for TEh dai.
motdCommandUsage=/<command> [chapter] [page]
moveSpeed=§6sETed§c {0}§6 speeded to §c {1} §6fR §c{2}§6.
msgCommandDescription=sENDZ priVMICaTE MESagE TO Teh speCifid playr.
msgCommandUsage=/<command> <to> <message>
msgCommandUsage1=/<command> <to> <message>
msgCommandUsage1Description=pRIVATele sendz teh gived mesage to teh spECIFID playr
msgDisabled=§6receivin mesagez §cdisabld§6.
msgDisabledFor=§6receivin mesagez §cdisABld §6fr §c{0}§6.
msgEnabled=§6reCEIvin mesagEz §cinabld§6.
msgtoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
msgtoggleCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
msgtoggleCommandUsage1Description=togglez fle fr yourself oR AnoTHR playr if specIFID
muteCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [datediff] [reason]
muteCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
muteCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <datediff> [reason]
muteNotifyFor=§c{0} §6haz mutd Playr §c{1}§6 fr§c {2}§6.
muteNotifyForReason=§c{0} §6haz mutd Playr §c{1}§6 fR§c {2}§6. reeson\: §c{3}
muteNotifyReason=§c{0} §6haz MUTd PLAYr§c{1}§6. reeson\: §c{2}
nearCommandDescription=oh hi LisTz teh playerz nER By or aroun playr??
nearCommandUsage=/<command> [playername] [radius]
nearCommandUsage1Description=oh hi LISTZ Al playerz within teh deefAUlt neR radiuz for u
nearCommandUsage2=/<command> <radius>
nearCommandUsage2Description=listz al plaYErz Within teh gived radiuz for U
nearCommandUsage3=/<command> <player>
nearCommandUsage3Description=listZ al playerz within teh deefault ner radiuz FOR TEH SpecifiD playr k?
nearCommandUsage4=/<command> <player> <radius>
nearCommandUsage4Description=liStz al playErz within teh gived radiuz foR Teh specifid playr
nearbyPlayers=§6plAYERZ neerby\:§r {0}
negativeBalanceError=§4usr r nOT ALowd to haz Negatif balens?? k?
nickChanged=§6nikname changD
nickCommandDescription=change ur niKname or that for anOTHr playr??
nickCommandUsage=/<command> [player] <nickname|off>
nickCommandUsage1=/<command> <nickname>
nickCommandUsage1Description=chaNgeZ UR NIKNamE TO teh gived text
nickCommandUsage2=/<command> off
nickCommandUsage2Description=removez ur niknaME plz?
nickCommandUsage3=/<command> <player> <nickname>
nickCommandUsage3Description=changEZ Teh specIfid plAyerz nikname to teh gived text
nickCommandUsage4=/<command> <player> off
nickCommandUsage4Description=removez teh Gived playerz niknAme plz?
nickDisplayName=§4haz to Inabl changedisplayname in esENTIALz config
nickInUse=§4that neme r alrEedy in use
nickNameBlacklist=§4thAT NIKNAme r not alowd
nickNamesAlpha=§4niknamez MUs be alphanumeric
nickNamesOnlyColorChanges=§4niknamez can onle haz Their colorZ CHANGD?? plz?
nickNoMore=§6u no loNGR haz nikname??
nickSet=§6ur nikname r now §c{0}§6.
nickTooLong=§4that niknAMe r to long
noAccessCommand=§4u DO not haz accez to THAT comman
noAccessPermission=§4u do not haz permIshun to acCEZ That §c{0}§4.
noAccessSubCommand=§4u do noT hAZ acceZ TO §c{0}§4.
noBreakBedrock=§4u iz NOT ALOwd to deesTROI bedrok
noDestroyPermission=§4U do Not HAz permishun to deestroi that §c{0}§4.
noGodWorldWarning=§4WARNING\!?? god MOde in thIZ World diSABLd
noHomeSetPlayer=§6playr haz not Seted Home
noIgnored=§6oh hi U iz not ignorin anyone
noJailsDefined=§6no jailz deefind
noKitGroup=§4u do not haz acceZ to THiz kit
noKitPermission=§4u nd tEh §c{0}§4 perMIshun TO US that kit,
noKits=§6hi ther iz no kITZ availabl yet
noLocationFound=§4no valid locashun fiNDed
noMail=§6u do noT HAZ aNY Mail
noMatchingPlayers=§6NO mAtchIN playerz finded
noMetaFirework=§4u do not hAZ permishun to aPplE fIrework mETa
noMetaJson=json metadata R not sUpportd in thiz vershun for bukkt
noMetaPerm=§4u do not haz permishun to apple §c{0}§4 meta to thiz iteM
noNewMail=§6u haz no new mail
nonZeroPosNumber=§4oh hi A nonzerO nuMbr r rekwird
noPendingRequest=§4u dO NOT haz penDIN REKwest
noPerm=§4u do not haz teH §c{0}§4 permishun
nukeCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
nukeCommandUsage1=/<command> [players...]
orderBalances=§6orderin balanCEZ for§c {0} §6userS pleez waiT\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!
passengerTeleportFail=§4U cant b teleportd wiz da passeger onboard.
payCommandDescription=payz anothr playr frUm ur balEns??
payCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <amount>
payCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <amount>
paytoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
paytoggleCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
playtimeCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
playtimeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
potionCommandUsage=/<command> <clear|apply|effect\:<effect> power\:<power> duration\:<duration>>
potionCommandUsage1=/<command> clear
potionCommandUsage2=/<command> apply
potionCommandUsage3=/<command> effect\:<effect> power\:<power> duration\:<duration>
powertoolCommandUsage=/<command> [l\:|a\:|r\:|c\:|d\:][command] [arguments] - {player} can be replacd by nEMe for clikd playr.
powertoolCommandUsage1=/<command> l\:
powertoolCommandUsage2=/<command> d\:
powertoolCommandUsage3=/<command> r\:<cmd>
powertoolCommandUsage4=/<command> <cmd>
powertoolCommandUsage5=/<command> a\:<cmd>
ptimeCommandUsage=/<command> [list|reset|day|night|dawn|17\:30|4pm|4000ticks] [player|*]
ptimeCommandUsage1=/<command> list [player|*]
ptimeCommandUsage2=/<command> <time> [player|*]
ptimeCommandUsage3=/<command> reset [player|*]
pweatherCommandUsage=/<command> [list|reset|storm|sun|clear] [player|*]
pweatherCommandUsage1=/<command> list [player|*]
pweatherCommandUsage2=/<command> <storm|sun> [player|*]
pweatherCommandUsage3=/<command> reset [player|*]
rCommandUsage=/<command> <message>
rCommandUsage1=/<command> <message>
realnameCommandUsage=/<command> <nickname>
realnameCommandUsage1=/<command> <nickname>
recipeCommandUsage=/<command> <item> [number]
recipeCommandUsage1=/<command> <item> [page]
removeCommandUsage=/<command> <all|tamed|named|drops|arrows|boats|minecarts|xp|paintings|itemframes|endercrystals|monsters|animals|ambient|mobs|[mobType]> [radius|world]
removeCommandUsage1=/<command> <mob type> [world]
removeCommandUsage2=/<command> <mob type> <radius> [world]
repairCommandUsage=/<command> [hand|all]
repairCommandUsage2=/<command> all
resetBal=§6Balens haz bin reseted to §c{0} §6fr al online plaYErz??
resetBalAll=§6oH hi balens haz BIN RESeted TO §c{0} §6oh hi fr al PLAyERZ??\!\!???\!
restCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
restCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
rtoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
rulesCommandUsage=/<command> [chapter] [page]
seenCommandUsage=/<command> <playername>
seenCommandUsage1=/<command> <playername>
sellCommandUsage=/<command> <<itemname>|<id>|hand|inventory|blocks> [amount]
sellCommandUsage1=/<command> <itemname> [amount]
sellCommandUsage2=/<command> hand [amount]
sellCommandUsage3=/<command> all
sellCommandUsage4=/<command> blocks [amount]
setBal=§aoh hi Ur baleNS were seTED to {0}.
setBalOthers=§au seted {0}§a''z balens tO k? {1}.
sethomeCommandUsage=/<command> [[player\:]name]
sethomeCommandUsage1=/<command> <name>
sethomeCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>\:<name>
setjailCommandUsage=/<command> <jailname>
setjailCommandUsage1=/<command> <jailname>
settprCommandUsage=/<command> [center|minrange|maxrange] [value]
settprCommandUsage1=/<command> center
settprCommandUsage2=/<command> minrange <radius>
settprCommandUsage3=/<command> maxrange <radius>
setwarpCommandUsage=/<command> <warp>
setwarpCommandUsage1=/<command> <warp>
setworthCommandUsage=/<command> [itemname|id] <price>
setworthCommandUsage1=/<command> <price>
setworthCommandUsage2=/<command> <itemname> <price>
showkitCommandUsage=/<command> <kitname>
showkitCommandUsage1=/<command> <kitname>
editsignCommandUsage=/<command> <set/clear/copy/paste> [line number] [text]
editsignCommandUsage1=/<command> set <line number> <text>
editsignCommandUsage2=/<command> clear <line number>
editsignCommandUsage3=/<command> copy [line number]
editsignCommandUsage4=/<command> paste [line number]
skullCommandUsage=/<command> [owner]
skullCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
socialspyCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
socialspyCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
spawnerCommandUsage=/<command> <mob> [delay]
spawnerCommandUsage1=/<command> <mob> [delay]
spawnmobCommandUsage=/<command> <mob>[\:data][,<mount>[\:data]] [amount] [player]
spawnmobCommandUsage1=/<command> <mob>[\:data] [amount] [player]
spawnmobCommandUsage2=/<command> <mob>[\:data],<mount>[\:data] [amount] [player]
speedCommandUsage=/<command> [type] <speed> [player]
speedCommandUsage1=/<command> <speed>
speedCommandUsage2=/<command> <type> <speed> [player]
sudoCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <command [args]>
sudoCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <command> [args]
takenFromOthersAccount=§e{0}§a TakeD frum §e {1}§a Account?? nEw balens\:§e {2}
tempbanCommandUsage=/<command> <playername> <datediff> [reason]
tempbanCommandUsage1=/<command> <player> <datediff> [reason]
tempbanipCommandUsage=/<command> <playername> <datediff> [reason]
tempbanipCommandUsage1=/<command> <player|ip-address> <datediff> [reason]
thunderCommandUsage=/<command> <true/false> [duration]
thunderCommandUsage1=/<command> <true|false> [duration]
timeCommandUsage=/<command> [set|add] [day|night|dawn|17\:30|4pm|4000ticks] [worldname|all]
timeCommandUsage2=/<command> set <time> [world|all]
timeCommandUsage3=/<command> add <time> [world|all]
togglejailCommandUsage=/<command> <player> <jailname> [datediff]
toggleshoutCommandDescription=Turns on if you are speakin in a screaming type
toggleshoutCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
toggleshoutCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
tpCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [otherplayer]
tpCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <other player>
tpaCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpaCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpaallCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpaallCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpacancelCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
tpacancelCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
tpacceptCommandUsage=/<command> [otherplayer]
tpacceptCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
tpacceptCommandUsage3=/<command> *
tpahereCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpahereCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpallCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
tpallCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
tpautoCommandUsage=/<command> [player]
tpautoCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
tpdenyCommandUsage2=/<command> <player>
tpdenyCommandUsage3=/<command> *
tphereCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tphereCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpoCommandUsage=/<command> <player> [otherplayer]
tpoCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpoCommandUsage2=/<command> <player> <other player>
tpofflineCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpofflineCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpohereCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
tpohereCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
tpposCommandUsage=/<command> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch] [world]
tpposCommandUsage1=/<command> <x> <y> <z> [yaw] [pitch] [world]
tptoggleCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
tptoggleCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
unbanCommandUsage=/<command> <player>
unbanCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
vanishCommandUsage=/<command> [player] [on|off]
vanishCommandUsage1=/<command> [player]
versionOutputEconLayer=§6econOmy layr\: §r{0}
warpCommandUsage1=/<command> [page]
warpinfoCommandUsage=/<command> <warp>
warpinfoCommandUsage1=/<command> <warp>
whoisCommandUsage=/<command> <nickname>
whoisCommandUsage1=/<command> <player>
worthCommandUsage1=/<command> <itemname> [amount]
worthCommandUsage2=/<command> hand [amount]
worthCommandUsage3=/<command> all
worthCommandUsage4=/<command> blocks [amount]
youAreHealed=§6u haz bin heeald?