
373 lines
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# +-------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | EssentialsX Discord | #
# +-------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This is the config file for EssentialsX Discord.
# This config was generated for version ${full.version}.
# You need to create a bot user in order to connect your server to Discord.
# You can find instructions on this here:
# The token for your bot from the Discord Developers site.
# Please make sure to use this site to add the bot to your server as it grants special permissions you may not be familiar with:
# The ID of your server.
guild: 000000000000000000
# The Discord invite URL that will be shown when a player when using the /discord command or in other areas.
discord-url: ""
# Defined text channels
# =====================
# Channels defined here can be used for two different purposes:
# Firstly, channels defined here can be used to give players permission to see messages from said channel.
# This can be done by give your players the permission node "essentials.discord.receive.<channel>".
# For example, if you wanted to let a player see messages from the primary channel, you'd give them "essentials.discord.receive.primary".
# Secondly, channels defined here can be used in the section below to specify which channel a message goes to.
# If a defined channel ID is invalid, the primary channel will be used as a fallback.
# If the primary channel is not defined or invalid, the default channel of the server will be used.
# If your server doesn't have any text channels, the plugin will be disabled.
# By default, two channels are defined:
# - primary, which will send basic join/leave/death/chat messages
# - staff, which will send kick/mute messages
# (note: you will need to replace the zeros with the actual channel ID you want to use)
primary: 000000000000000000
staff: 000000000000000000
# Should all players receive Discord messages from the primary channel, regardless of their permissions?
# This is intended for use for people without permission plugins. If you have a permission plugin, please give your
# players the essentials.discord.receive.primary permission.
always-receive-primary: false
# Chat relay settings
# General settings for chat relays between Minecraft and Discord.
# To configure the channel Minecraft chat is sent to, see the "message-types" section of the config.
# The maximum amount of characters messages from Discord should be before being truncated.
discord-max-length: 2000
# Whether or not new lines from Discord should be filtered or not.
filter-newlines: true
# A regex pattern which will ignore matching incoming messages from Discord.
# By default, this will ignore messages starting with '!' or '?'.
discord-filter: "^[!?]"
# Whether or not webhook messages from Discord should be shown in Minecraft.
show-webhook-messages: false
# Whether or not bot messages from Discord should be shown in Minecraft.
show-bot-messages: false
# Whether or not to show all Minecraft chat messages that are not shown to all players.
# You shouldn't need to enable this unless you're not seeing all chat messages go through to Discord.
show-all-chat: false
# A list of Discord channels which should be logged to console.
# If you want to use the channels below, remember to uncomment the line by removing the '#' before the '-'.
#- primary
#- chat
# Console relay settings
# The console relay sends every message shown in the console to a Discord channel.
# The channel ID (or webhook URL) to send the console output to.
# If the channel ID/webhook URL is invalid or set to 'none', the console relay will be disabled.
# Note: If you use a channel ID, the bot must have the "Manage Webhooks" permission in Discord or else the console relay will not work.
channel: 000000000000000000
# The format of the console message. The following placeholders can be used:
# - {timestamp}: Timestamp in HH:mm:ss format
# - {level}: The console logging level
# - {message}: The actual message being logged
format: "[{timestamp} {level}] {message}"
# The name of the webhook that will be created, if a channel ID is provided.
webhook-name: "EssentialsX Console Relay"
# Set to true if all messages in the console relay channel should be treated as commands.
# Note: Enabling this means everyone who can send messages in the console channel will be able to send commands as the
# console. It's recommended you stick to the /execute command which has role permission checks (see command configuration below).
# Note 2: This option requires a channel ID and is not supported if you specify a webhook URL above. You'll need to use /execute in Discord if you use a webhook URL.
command-relay: false
# Set to true if bots/webhooks should be able to send commands through the command relay.
bot-command-relay: false
# The maximum log level of messages to send to the console relay.
# The following is a list of available log levels in order of highest to lowest.
# Changing the log level will send all log levels above it to the console relay.
# For example, setting this to 'info' will display log messages with info, warn, error, and fatal levels.
# Log Levels:
# - fatal
# - error
# - warn
# - info
# - debug
# - trace
log-level: info
# Blocks any console message from sending to Discord if it matches this regex pattern.
# This is useful if you want to ignore certain messages from the console.
# Can also be a list of regex patterns in addition to a single regex pattern.
console-filter: ""
# Configure which Discord channels different messages will be sent to.
# You can either use the names of the channels listed above or just the id of a channel.
# If an invalid channel is used, the primary channel will be used instead.
# To disable a message from showing, use 'none' as the channel name.
# Join messages sent when a player joins the Minecraft server.
join: primary
# Join messages sent when a player joins the Minecraft server for the first time. This type is sent instead of the join type.
first-join: primary
# Leave messages sent when a player leaves the Minecraft server.
leave: primary
# Chat messages sent when a player chats on the Minecraft server.
chat: primary
# Death messages sent when a player dies on the Minecraft server.
death: primary
# AFK status change messages sent when a player's AFK status changes.
afk: primary
# Achievement/advancement messages sent when a player is awarded an achievement/advancement.
advancement: primary
# Action messages sent when a player runs the /me or /action commands.
action: primary
# Message sent when the server starts up.
server-start: primary
# Message sent when the server shuts down.
server-stop: primary
# Message sent when a player is kicked from the Minecraft server.
kick: staff
# Message sent when a player's mute state is changed on the Minecraft server.
mute: staff
# Whether or not player messages should show their avatar as the profile picture in Discord.
# The bot will require the "Manage Webhooks" permission in the defined channels in order to use this feature.
show-avatar: false
# The URL which should be used to get the avatars of users when "show-avatar" is set to true.
# Any URL in here should only return a proper JPEG/PNG image and nothing else.
# To include the UUID of the player in this URL, use "{uuid}".
# To include the name of the player in this URL, use "{name}".
avatar-url: "{uuid}"
# Whether or not player messages should show their name as the bot name in Discord.
show-name: false
# Whether or not player messages should show their display-name/nickname as the bot name in Discord.
# You must disable show-name for this option to work.
show-displayname: false
# Whether or not fake join and leave messages should be sent to Discord when a player toggles vanish in Minecraft.
# Fake join/leave messages will be sent the same as real join and leave messages (and to the same channel).
vanish-fake-join-leave: true
# Whether or not messages from vanished players should be sent to Discord.
# This affects join, leave, death, and afk message types by default.
vanish-hide-messages: true
# Settings pertaining to the varies commands registered by EssentialsX on Discord.
# The execute command allows for Discord users to execute MC commands from Discord.
# MC commands executed by this will be ran as the console and you should therefore be careful to who you grant this to.
# Set to false if you do not want this command to show up on the Discord command selector.
# You must restart your server after changing this.
enabled: true
# Whether or not the command should be hidden from other people in the channel.
# If set to false, members of the Discord guild will be able to see the exact command you executed as well as its response.
hide-command: true
# List of user IDs or role names/IDs allowed to use this command (or * to allow anyone to access it).
- "Admins"
- "123456789012345678"
# The msg command allows for Discord users to message MC players from Discord.
# Set to false if you do not want this command to show up on the Discord command selector.
# You must restart your server after changing this.
enabled: true
# Whether or not the command should be hidden from other people in the channel.
# If set to false, members of the Discord guild will be able to see the target and content of your message.
hide-command: true
# List of user IDs or role names/IDs allowed to use this command (or '*' to allow anyone to access it).
- "*"
# List of user IDs or role names/IDs who can message vanished players or players who disable messages. If '*' is
# used, all people on Discord would be allowed to message vanished players (and therefore expose they are actually online)
# and message players who disable messages.
- "Admins"
- "123456789012345678"
# The list command allows Discord users to see a list of players currently online on Minecraft.
# Set to false if you do not want this command to show up on the Discord command selector.
# You must restart your server after changing this.
enabled: true
# Whether or not the command should be hidden from other people in the channel.
# If set to false, members of the Discord guild will be able to see when you use this command as well as its response.
hide-command: true
# List of user IDs or role names/IDs allowed to use this command (or '*' to allow anyone to access it).
- "*"
# List of user IDs or role names/IDs who can see vanished players in the player list. If '*' is used, all people
# on Discord would be allowed to see vanished players (and therefore expose they are actually online).
- "Admins"
- "123456789012345678"
# Whether or not links to attachments in Discord messages should be displayed in chat or not.
# If this is set to false and a message from Discord only contains an image/file and not any text, nothing will be sent.
show-discord-attachments: true
# A list of roles allowed to send Minecraft color/formatting codes from Discord to MC.
# This applies to all aspects such as that Discord->MC chat relay as well as commands.
# You can either use '*' (for everyone), a role name/ID, or a user ID.
- "Admins"
- "Color Codes"
# The presence of the bot, including its status, activity and status message.
# The online status of the bot. Must be one of the following:
# - "online": Shows as green circle (Online)
# - "idle": Shows as yellow half-circle (Away)
# - "dnd": Shows as red circle (Do Not Disturb)
# - "invisible": Makes the bot appear offline
status: online
# The activity of the bot to be prefixed before your message below. Must be one of the following;
# - "playing": Shows up as "Playing <message>"
# - "listening": Shows up as "Listening to <message>"
# - "watching": Shows up as "Watching <message>"
# - "competing": Shows up as "Competing in <message>"
# - "none": Don't show any activity message
activity: "playing"
# The activity status message.
message: "Minecraft"
# The following entries allow you to customize the formatting of messages sent by the plugin.
# Each message has a description of how it is used along with placeholders that can be used.
# This is the message that is used to show Discord chat to players in game.
# Color/formatting codes and the following placeholders can be used here:
# - {channel}: The name of the Discord channel the message was sent from
# - {username}: The username of the user who sent the message
# - {discriminator}: The four numbers displayed after the user's name
# - {fullname}: Equivalent to typing "{username}#{discriminator}"
# - {nickname}: The nickname of the user who sent the message. (Will return username if user has no nickname)
# - {role}: The name of the user's topmost role on Discord. If the user doesn't have a role, the placeholder is empty.
# - {color}: The minecraft color representative of the user's topmost role color on Discord. If the user doesn't have a role color, the placeholder is empty.
# - {message}: The content of the message being sent
discord-to-mc: "&6[#{channel}] &3{fullname}&7: &f{message}"
# This is the message that is used to relay minecraft chat in Discord.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The username of the player sending the message
# - {displayname}: The display name of the player sending the message (This would be their nickname)
# - {message}: The content of the message being sent
# - {world}: The name of the world the player sending the message is in
# - {prefix}: The prefix of the player sending the message
# - {suffix}: The suffix of the player sending the message
# ... PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported here too!
mc-to-discord: "{displayname}: {message}"
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player is temporarily muted in minecraft.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The username of the player being muted
# - {displayname}: The display name of the player being muted
# - {controllername}: The username of the user who muted the player
# - {controllerdisplayname}: The display name of the user who muted the player
# - {time}: The amount of time the player was muted for
temporary-mute: "{controllerdisplayname} has muted player {displayname} for {time}."
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player is temporarily muted (with a reason specified) in minecraft.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The username of the player being muted
# - {displayname}: The display name of the player being muted
# - {controllername}: The username of the user who muted the player
# - {controllerdisplayname}: The display name of the user who muted the player
# - {time}: The amount of time the player was muted for
# - {reason}: The reason the player was muted for
temporary-mute-reason: "{controllerdisplayname} has muted player {displayname} for {time}. Reason: {reason}."
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player is permanently muted in minecraft.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The username of the player being muted
# - {displayname}: The display name of the player being muted
# - {controllername}: The username of the user who muted the player
# - {controllerdisplayname}: The display name of the user who muted the player
permanent-mute: "{controllerdisplayname} has muted player {displayname}."
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player is permanently muted (with a reason specified) in minecraft.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The username of the player being muted
# - {displayname}: The display name of the player being muted
# - {controllername}: The username of the user who muted the player
# - {controllerdisplayname}: The display name of the user who muted the player
# - {reason}: The reason the player was muted for
permanent-mute-reason: "{controllerdisplayname} has permanently muted player {displayname}. Reason: {reason}."
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player is unmuted in minecraft.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The username of the player being unmuted
# - {displayname}: The display name of the player being unmuted
unmute: "{displayname} unmuted."
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player joins the minecraft server.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The name of the user joining
# - {displayname}: The display name of the user joining
# - {joinmessage}: The full default join message used in game
# - {online}: The amount of players online
# - {unique}: The amount of unique players to ever join the server
# ... PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported here too!
join: ":arrow_right: {displayname} has joined!"
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player joins the minecraft server for the first time.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The name of the user joining
# - {displayname}: The display name of the user joining
# - {joinmessage}: The full default join message used in game
# - {online}: The amount of players online
# - {unique}: The amount of unique players to ever join the server
# ... PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported here too!
first-join: ":arrow_right: :first_place: {displayname} has joined the server for the first time!"
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player leaves the minecraft server.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The name of the user leaving
# - {displayname}: The display name of the user leaving
# - {quitmessage}: The full default leave message used in game
# - {online}: The amount of players online
# - {unique}: The amount of unique players to ever join the server
# ... PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported here too!
quit: ":arrow_left: {displayname} has left!"
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player dies.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The name of the user who died
# - {displayname}: The display name of the user who died
# - {deathmessage}: The full default death message used in game
# ... PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported here too!
death: ":skull: {deathmessage}"
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player becomes afk.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The name of the user who became afk
# - {displayname}: The display name of the user who became afk
# ... PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported here too!
afk: ":person_walking: {displayname} is now AFK!"
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player is no longer afk.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The name of the user who is no longer afk
# - {displayname}: The display name of the user who is no longer afk
# ... PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported here too!
un-afk: ":keyboard: {displayname} is no longer AFK!"
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player is awarded an advancement.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The name of the user who was awarded the advancement.
# - {displayname}: The display name of the user who was awarded the advancement.
# - {advancement}: The name of the advancement.
# ... PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported here too!
advancement: ":medal: {displayname} has completed the advancement **{advancement}**!"
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player runs the /me or /action command.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The name of the user who ran the command
# - {displayname}: The display name of the user who ran the command
# - {action}: The action (message) the user used in the command.
# ... PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported here too!
action: ":person_biking: {displayname} *{action}*"
# This is the message sent to Discord when the server starts.
server-start: ":white_check_mark: The server has started!"
# This is the message sent to Discord when the server stops.
server-stop: ":octagonal_sign: The server has stopped!"
# This is the message sent to Discord when a player is kicked from the server.
# The following placeholders can be used here:
# - {username}: The name of the user who got kicked
# - {displayname}: The display name of the user who got kicked
# - {reason}: The reason the player was kicked
kick: "{displayname} was kicked with reason: {reason}"