mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 23:01:24 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,3 +11,5 @@
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
@ -27,32 +27,27 @@
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package su.nightexpress.excellentenchants;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentTarget;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import su.nexmedia.engine.NexPlugin;
import su.nexmedia.engine.Version;
@ -12,18 +13,22 @@ import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.command.TierbookCommand;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config.Config;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config.Lang;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.EnchantManager;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.type.FitItemType;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.nms.EnchantNMS;
public class ExcellentEnchants extends NexPlugin<ExcellentEnchants> {
public static boolean isLoaded = false;
private Config config;
private Lang lang;
private EnchantNMS enchantNMS;
private EnchantManager enchantManager;
protected ExcellentEnchants getSelf() {
return this;
public void enable() {
if (!this.setNMS()) {
@ -62,12 +67,16 @@ public class ExcellentEnchants extends NexPlugin<ExcellentEnchants> {
public void setConfig() {
this.config = new Config(this);
public void loadConfig() {
this.lang = new Lang(this);
public void loadLang() {
@ -83,18 +92,6 @@ public class ExcellentEnchants extends NexPlugin<ExcellentEnchants> {
public Config cfg() {
return this.config;
public Lang lang() {
return this.lang;
public EnchantManager getEnchantManager() {
return this.enchantManager;
@ -10,11 +10,13 @@ import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.JYML;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.manager.IListener;
import su.nexmedia.engine.lang.LangManager;
import su.nexmedia.engine.manager.leveling.Scaler;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.*;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.random.Rnd;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config.Config;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config.Lang;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.EnchantManager;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.object.EnchantScaler;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.object.EnchantTier;
@ -28,9 +30,9 @@ import java.util.stream.Stream;
public abstract class ExcellentEnchant extends Enchantment implements IListener {
public static final String PLACEHOLDER_NAME = "%enchantment_name%";
public static final String PLACEHLDER_NAME_FORMATTED = "%enchantment_name_formatted%";
public static final String PLACEHOLDER_DESCRIPTION = "%enchantment_description%";
public static final String PLACEHOLDER_NAME = "%enchantment_name%";
public static final String PLACEHOLDER_NAME_FORMATTED = "%enchantment_name_formatted%";
public static final String PLACEHOLDER_DESCRIPTION = "%enchantment_description%";
public static final String PLACEHOLDER_LEVEL = "%enchantment_level%";
public static final String PLACEHOLDER_LEVEL_MIN = "%enchantment_level_min%";
public static final String PLACEHOLDER_LEVEL_MAX = "%enchantment_level_max%";
@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ public abstract class ExcellentEnchant extends Enchantment implements IListener
this.priority = priority;
this.displayName = StringUtil.color(cfg.getString("Name", this.getId()));
this.tier = EnchantManager.getTierById(cfg.getString("Tier", Constants.DEFAULT));
this.tier = EnchantManager.getTierById(cfg.getString("Tier", Placeholders.DEFAULT));
if (this.tier == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid tier provided for the '" + id + "' enchantment!");
@ -114,28 +116,75 @@ public abstract class ExcellentEnchant extends Enchantment implements IListener
for (ObtainType obtainType : ObtainType.values()) {
cfg.addMissing(obtainType.getPathName() + ".Chance", 25D);
/*String scalabe = "Scalable. Placeholder: " + PLACEHOLDER_LEVEL + ". See:";
cfg.setComments("Is_Treasure", Arrays.asList("Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.", "Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing."));
cfg.setComments("Name", Arrays.asList("Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI."));
cfg.setComments("Tier", Arrays.asList("Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded."));
cfg.setComments("Description", Arrays.asList("Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.", "You can use multiple lines here.", "You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:"));
cfg.setComments("Level", Arrays.asList("Enchantment level settings."));
cfg.setComments("Level.Min", Arrays.asList("Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1."));
cfg.setComments("Level.Max", Arrays.asList("Maximal (final) enchantment level.", "Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level."));
cfg.setComments("Anvil", Arrays.asList("Enchantment settings for Anvil."));
cfg.setComments("Anvil.Merge_Cost", Arrays.asList("Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.", scalabe));
cfg.setComments("Enchanting_Table", Arrays.asList("Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table."));
cfg.setComments("Enchanting_Table.Level_By_Exp_Cost", Arrays.asList("Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.", "Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.", scalabe));
cfg.setComments("Enchanting_Table.Chance", Arrays.asList("A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table."));
cfg.setComments("Villagers.Chance", Arrays.asList("A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades."));
cfg.setComments("Loot_Generation.Chance", Arrays.asList("A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers."));
cfg.setComments("Fishing.Chance", Arrays.asList("A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing."));
cfg.setComments("Mob_Spawning.Chance", Arrays.asList("A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning."));
cfg.setComments("Settings", Arrays.asList("Individual enchantment settings."));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Trigger_Chance", Arrays.asList("A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.", scalabe));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Cost", Arrays.asList("A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered."));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Cost.Enabled", Arrays.asList("Enables/Disables cost feature."));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Cost.Item", Arrays.asList("A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.", "See for item options."));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Potion_Effect", Arrays.asList("Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim."));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Potion_Effect.Level", Arrays.asList("Potion effect level (amplifier).", scalabe));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Potion_Effect.Duration", Arrays.asList("Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.", scalabe));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Particle", Arrays.asList("Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger."));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Particle.Name", Arrays.asList("Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.", "https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html"));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Particle.Data", Arrays.asList("Particle data (additional settings).", "- BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html", "- REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)"));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Sound", Arrays.asList("Sound that will be played on enchantment trigger.", "https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html"));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Arrow", Arrays.asList("Enchantment arrow settings."));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Arrow.Trail", Arrays.asList("A particle effect to play as an arrow trail."));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Arrow.Trail.Name", Arrays.asList("Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.", "https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html"));
cfg.setComments("Settings.Arrow.Trail.Data", Arrays.asList("Particle data (additional settings).", "- BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html", "- REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)"));
List<String> placeholders = new ArrayList<>();
placeholders.add("Additional placeholders:");
for (Field field : Reflex.getFields(this.getClass())) {
if (field.getType() != String.class) continue;
if (!field.getName().startsWith("PLACEHOLDER")) continue;
if (field.getDeclaringClass().equals(ExcellentEnchant.class)) continue;
String value = (String) Reflex.getFieldValue(this, field.getName());
String name = StringUtil.capitalizeFully(value.replace("%", "").replace("_", " "));
placeholders.add("- " + value + ": " + name.trim());
public UnaryOperator<String> replacePlaceholders(int level) {
String conflicts = this.getConflicts().isEmpty() ? plugin.lang().Other_None.getLocalized() : this.getConflicts().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).map(en -> plugin.lang().getEnchantment(en)).collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
String conflicts = this.getConflicts().isEmpty() ? plugin.getMessage(Lang.OTHER_NONE).getLocalized() : this.getConflicts().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).map(LangManager::getEnchantment).collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
return str -> str
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_NAME, this.getDisplayName())
.replace(PLACEHLDER_NAME_FORMATTED, this.getNameFormatted(level))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_NAME_FORMATTED, this.getNameFormatted(level))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_LEVEL, NumberUtil.toRoman(level))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_LEVEL_MIN, String.valueOf(this.getStartLevel()))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_LEVEL_MAX, String.valueOf(this.getMaxLevel()))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_TARGET, plugin.lang().getEnum(this.getItemTarget()))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_TARGET, plugin.getLangManager().getEnum(this.getItemTarget()))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_TIER, this.getTier().getName())
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_CONFLICTS, conflicts)
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_FIT_ITEM_TYPES, String.join(", ", Stream.of(this.getFitItemTypes()).map(type -> plugin.lang().getEnum(type)).toList()))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_FIT_ITEM_TYPES, String.join(", ", Stream.of(this.getFitItemTypes()).map(type -> plugin.getLangManager().getEnum(type)).toList()))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_OBTAIN_CHANCE_ENCHANTING, NumberUtil.format(this.getObtainChance(ObtainType.ENCHANTING)))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_OBTAIN_CHANCE_VILLAGER, NumberUtil.format(this.getObtainChance(ObtainType.VILLAGER)))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_OBTAIN_CHANCE_LOOT_GENERATION, NumberUtil.format(this.getObtainChance(ObtainType.LOOT_GENERATION)))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_OBTAIN_CHANCE_FISHING, NumberUtil.format(this.getObtainChance(ObtainType.FISHING)))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_OBTAIN_CHANCE_MOB_SPAWNING, NumberUtil.format(this.getObtainChance(ObtainType.MOB_SPAWNING)))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_COST_ITEM, this.hasCostItem() ? ItemUtil.getItemName(this.costItem) : plugin.lang().Other_None.getLocalized())
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_COST_ITEM, this.hasCostItem() ? ItemUtil.getItemName(this.costItem) : plugin.getMessage(Lang.OTHER_NONE).getLocalized())
@ -246,7 +295,8 @@ public abstract class ExcellentEnchant extends Enchantment implements IListener
public int getLevelByEnchantCost(int expLevel) {
Optional<Map.Entry<Integer, Double>> opt = this.levelByEnchantCost.getValues().entrySet().stream().filter(en -> expLevel >= en.getValue().intValue()).max(Comparator.comparingInt(Map.Entry::getKey));
Optional<Map.Entry<Integer, Double>> opt = this.levelByEnchantCost.getValues().entrySet().stream()
.filter(en -> expLevel >= en.getValue().intValue()).max(Comparator.comparingInt(Map.Entry::getKey));
return opt.isPresent() ? opt.get().getKey() : Rnd.get(this.getStartLevel(), this.getMaxLevel());
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.JYML;
import su.nexmedia.engine.lang.LangManager;
import su.nexmedia.engine.manager.leveling.Scaler;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.NumberUtil;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ public abstract class IEnchantPotionTemplate extends IEnchantChanceTemplate {
return str -> super.replacePlaceholders(level).apply(str
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_POTION_LEVEL, NumberUtil.toRoman(this.getEffectLevel(level)))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_POTION_DURATION, NumberUtil.format((double) this.getEffectDuration(level) / 20D))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_POTION_TYPE, plugin.lang().getPotionType(this.getEffectType()))
.replace(PLACEHOLDER_POTION_TYPE, LangManager.getPotionType(this.getEffectType()))
@ -9,11 +9,13 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.EnchantmentStorageMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.command.AbstractCommand;
import su.nexmedia.engine.lang.LangManager;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.PlayerUtil;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.StringUtil;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.random.Rnd;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.Perms;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config.Lang;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.EnchantManager;
import java.util.Arrays;
@ -28,13 +30,13 @@ public class BookCommand extends AbstractCommand<ExcellentEnchants> {
public String getDescription() {
return plugin.lang().Command_Book_Desc.getLocalized();
return plugin.getMessage(Lang.COMMAND_BOOK_DESC).getLocalized();
public String getUsage() {
return plugin.lang().Command_Book_Usage.getLocalized();
return plugin.getMessage(Lang.COMMAND_BOOK_USAGE).getLocalized();
@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ public class BookCommand extends AbstractCommand<ExcellentEnchants> {
Enchantment enchantment = Enchantment.getByKey(NamespacedKey.minecraft(args[2].toLowerCase()));
if (enchantment == null) {
@ -91,8 +93,8 @@ public class BookCommand extends AbstractCommand<ExcellentEnchants> {
PlayerUtil.addItem(player, item);
.replace("%enchant%", plugin.lang().getEnchantment(enchantment))
.replace("%enchant%", LangManager.getEnchantment(enchantment))
.replace("%player%", player.getName()).send(sender);
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.StringUtil;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.random.Rnd;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.Perms;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config.Lang;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.EnchantManager;
import java.util.Arrays;
@ -27,13 +28,13 @@ public class EnchantCommand extends AbstractCommand<ExcellentEnchants> {
public String getDescription() {
return plugin.lang().Command_Enchant_Desc.getLocalized();
return plugin.getMessage(Lang.COMMAND_ENCHANT_DESC).getLocalized();
public String getUsage() {
return plugin.lang().Command_Enchant_Usage.getLocalized();
return plugin.getMessage(Lang.COMMAND_ENCHANT_USAGE).getLocalized();
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ public class EnchantCommand extends AbstractCommand<ExcellentEnchants> {
Enchantment enchantment = Enchantment.getByKey(NamespacedKey.minecraft(args[1].toLowerCase()));
if (enchantment == null) {
@ -100,6 +101,6 @@ public class EnchantCommand extends AbstractCommand<ExcellentEnchants> {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.command.AbstractCommand;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.Perms;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config.Lang;
public class ListCommand extends AbstractCommand<ExcellentEnchants> {
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ public class ListCommand extends AbstractCommand<ExcellentEnchants> {
public String getDescription() {
return plugin.lang().Command_List_Desc.getLocalized();
return plugin.getMessage(Lang.COMMAND_LIST_DESC).getLocalized();
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.random.Rnd;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.Perms;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.api.enchantment.ExcellentEnchant;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config.Lang;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.EnchantManager;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.object.EnchantTier;
@ -27,13 +28,13 @@ public class TierbookCommand extends AbstractCommand<ExcellentEnchants> {
public String getDescription() {
return plugin.lang().Command_TierBook_Desc.getLocalized();
return plugin.getMessage(Lang.COMMAND_TIER_BOOK_DESC).getLocalized();
public String getUsage() {
return plugin.lang().Command_TierBook_Usage.getLocalized();
return plugin.getMessage(Lang.COMMAND_TIER_BOOK_USAGE).getLocalized();
@ -71,13 +72,13 @@ public class TierbookCommand extends AbstractCommand<ExcellentEnchants> {
EnchantTier tier = EnchantManager.getTierById(args[2].toLowerCase());
if (tier == null) {
ExcellentEnchant enchant = Rnd.get(tier.getEnchants());
if (enchant == null) {
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ public class TierbookCommand extends AbstractCommand<ExcellentEnchants> {
EnchantManager.addEnchant(item, enchant, level, true);
PlayerUtil.addItem(player, item);
.replace("%tier%", tier.getName())
.replace("%player%", player.getName()).send(sender);
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.ConfigTemplate;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.Constants;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.JYML;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.Placeholders;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.StringUtil;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.random.Rnd;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
@ -14,11 +14,7 @@ import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.type.ObtainType;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class Config extends ConfigTemplate {
public Config(@NotNull ExcellentEnchants plugin) {
public class Config {
@ -37,14 +33,15 @@ public class Config extends ConfigTemplate {
private static Map<ObtainType, ObtainSettings> OBTAIN_SETTINGS;
private static Map<String, EnchantTier> TIERS;
public void load() {
public static void load(@NotNull ExcellentEnchants plugin) {
JYML cfg = plugin.getConfig();
String path = "General.Tasks.";
TASKS_ARROW_TRAIL_TICKS_INTERVAL = cfg.getLong(path + "Arrow_Trails.Ticks_Interval", 1);
TASKS_PASSIVE_ENCHANTS_TICKS_INTERVAL = cfg.getLong(path + "Passive_Enchants.Ticks_Interval", 100);
path = "General.Enchantments.";
cfg.addMissing(path + "Disabled_In_Worlds.my_world", Collections.singletonList(Constants.MASK_ANY));
cfg.addMissing(path + "Disabled_In_Worlds.my_world", Collections.singletonList(Placeholders.MASK_ANY));
cfg.addMissing(path + "Disabled_In_Worlds.other_world", Arrays.asList("enchant_name", "another_enchant"));
ENCHANTMENTS_DISABLED = cfg.getStringSet(path + "Disabled").stream().map(String::toLowerCase).collect(Collectors.toSet());
@ -87,19 +84,20 @@ public class Config extends ConfigTemplate {
OBTAIN_SETTINGS.put(obtainType, settings);
private void setupTiers() {
private static void setupTiers(@NotNull ExcellentEnchants plugin) {
// Reloading tiers will reset their lists with enchants = break the plugin mechanics
if (ExcellentEnchants.isLoaded) return;
JYML cfg = plugin.getConfig();
TIERS = new HashMap<>();
// No tiers defined, setup a default one.
// Every enchantment must have a tier.
if (cfg.getSection("Tiers").isEmpty()) {
this.plugin.info("No tiers defined! Creating a default one for you...");
plugin.info("No tiers defined! Creating a default one for you...");
cfg.set("Tiers.default.Name", "&7Default");
cfg.set("Tiers.default.Color", "&7");
for (ObtainType obtainType : ObtainType.values()) {
@ -128,12 +126,12 @@ public class Config extends ConfigTemplate {
TIERS.put(tier.getId(), tier);
this.plugin.info("Tiers Loaded: " + TIERS.size());
plugin.info("Tiers Loaded: " + TIERS.size());
public static boolean isEnchantmentDisabled(@NotNull ExcellentEnchant enchant, @NotNull String world) {
Set<String> disabled = ENCHANTMENTS_DISABLED_IN_WORLDS.getOrDefault(world, Collections.emptySet());
return disabled.contains(enchant.getKey().getKey()) || disabled.contains(Constants.MASK_ANY);
return disabled.contains(enchant.getKey().getKey()) || disabled.contains(Placeholders.MASK_ANY);
@ -1,35 +1,25 @@
package su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentTarget;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.LangMessage;
import su.nexmedia.engine.core.config.CoreLang;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.type.FitItemType;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.lang.LangKey;
import su.nexmedia.engine.lang.EngineLang;
public class Lang extends CoreLang {
public class Lang extends EngineLang {
public Lang(@NotNull ExcellentEnchants plugin) {
public static final LangKey COMMAND_LIST_DESC = new LangKey("Command.List.Desc", "List of all custom enchantments.");
public LangMessage Command_List_Desc = new LangMessage(this, "List of all custom enchantments.");
public static final LangKey COMMAND_ENCHANT_USAGE = new LangKey("Command.Enchant.Usage", "<enchant> <level>");
public static final LangKey COMMAND_ENCHANT_DESC = new LangKey("Command.Enchant.Desc", "Enchants the item in your hand.");
public static final LangKey COMMAND_ENCHANT_DONE = new LangKey("Command.Enchant.Done", "&aSuccessfully enchanted!");
public LangMessage Command_Enchant_Usage = new LangMessage(this, "<enchant> <level>");
public LangMessage Command_Enchant_Desc = new LangMessage(this, "Enchants the item in your hand.");
public LangMessage Command_Enchant_Done = new LangMessage(this, "&aSuccessfully enchanted!");
public static final LangKey COMMAND_BOOK_USAGE = new LangKey("Command.Book.Usage", "<player> <enchant> <level>");
public static final LangKey COMMAND_BOOK_DESC = new LangKey("Command.Book.Desc", "Gives custom enchanted book.");
public static final LangKey COMMAND_BOOK_DONE = new LangKey("Command.Book.Done", "Given &6%enchant%&7 enchanted book to &6%player%&7.");
public LangMessage Command_Book_Usage = new LangMessage(this, "<player> <enchant> <level>");
public LangMessage Command_Book_Desc = new LangMessage(this, "Gives custom enchanted book.");
public LangMessage Command_Book_Done = new LangMessage(this, "Given &6%enchant%&7 enchanted book to &6%player%&7.");
public static final LangKey COMMAND_TIER_BOOK_USAGE = new LangKey("Command.TierBook.Usage", "<player> <tier> <level>");
public static final LangKey COMMAND_TIER_BOOK_DESC = new LangKey("Command.TierBook.Desc", "Gives an enchanted book.");
public static final LangKey COMMAND_TIER_BOOK_ERROR = new LangKey("Command.TierBook.Error", "&cInvalid tier!");
public static final LangKey COMMAND_TIER_BOOK_DONE = new LangKey("Command.TierBook.Done", "Given &6%tier%&7 enchanted book to &6%player%&7.");
public LangMessage Command_TierBook_Usage = new LangMessage(this, "<player> <tier> <level>");
public LangMessage Command_TierBook_Desc = new LangMessage(this, "Gives an enchanted book.");
public LangMessage Command_TierBook_Error = new LangMessage(this, "&cInvalid tier!");
public LangMessage Command_TierBook_Done = new LangMessage(this, "Given &6%tier%&7 enchanted book to &6%player%&7.");
public LangMessage Error_NoEnchant = new LangMessage(this, "&cNo such enchant.");
public static final LangKey ERROR_NO_ENCHANT = new LangKey("Error.NoEnchant", "&cNo such enchant.");
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentTarget;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Projectile;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.EnchantmentStorageMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
@ -36,8 +35,6 @@ public class EnchantManager extends AbstractManager<ExcellentEnchants> {
private ArrowTrailsTask arrowTrailsTask;
private EnchantEffectPassiveTask enchantEffectPassiveTask;
private static final Map<UUID, ItemStack> PROJECTILE_WEAPON = new HashMap<>();
public EnchantManager(@NotNull ExcellentEnchants plugin) {
@ -236,13 +233,4 @@ public class EnchantManager extends AbstractManager<ExcellentEnchants> {
public static EnchantTier getTierByChance(@NotNull ObtainType obtainType) {
return Config.getTierByChance(obtainType);
public static void setArrowWeapon(@NotNull Projectile projectile, @NotNull ItemStack bow) {
PROJECTILE_WEAPON.put(projectile.getUniqueId(), bow);
public static ItemStack getArrowWeapon(@NotNull Projectile projectile) {
return PROJECTILE_WEAPON.get(projectile.getUniqueId());
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ public class EnchantBomber extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements BowEnchant
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ public class EnchantEnderBow extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements BowEnchan
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ public class EnchantGhast extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements BowEnchant {
@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ public class EnchantCurseOfBreaking extends IEnchantChanceTemplate {
this.durabilityAmount = new EnchantScaler(this, "Settings.Durability_Amount");
public boolean isCursed() {
return true;
public int getDurabilityAmount(int level) {
return (int) this.durabilityAmount.getValue(level);
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public class EnchantDivineTouch extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements BlockB
stateItem.setDisplayName(this.spawnerName.replace("%type%", plugin.lang().getEnum(spawnerBlock.getSpawnedType())));
stateItem.setDisplayName(this.spawnerName.replace("%type%", plugin.getLangManager().getEnum(spawnerBlock.getSpawnedType())));
return itemSpawner;
@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ public class EnchantSmelter extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements BlockDropE
return this.smeltingTable.containsKey(material);
public void playEffect(@NotNull Block block) {
Location location = LocationUtil.getCenter(block.getLocation(), true);
MessageUtil.sound(location, this.sound);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDropItemEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.JYML;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.LangMessage;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.lang.LangMessage;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.ItemUtil;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.PlayerUtil;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.StringUtil;
@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ public class EnchantTelekinesis extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements Custom
private final LangMessage messageDropReceived;
private final String messageItemName;
private final String messageItemSeparator;
private final String messageItemSeparator;
public static final String ID = "telekinesis";
public EnchantTelekinesis(@NotNull ExcellentEnchants plugin, @NotNull JYML cfg) {
super(plugin, cfg, EnchantPriority.LOWEST);
this.messageDropReceived = new LangMessage(plugin.lang(), cfg.getString("Settings.Message.Drop_Received", ""));
this.messageDropReceived = new LangMessage(plugin, cfg.getString("Settings.Message.Drop_Received", ""));
this.messageItemName = StringUtil.color(cfg.getString("Settings.Message.Item_Name", "&7x%item_amount% &f%item_name%"));
this.messageItemSeparator = StringUtil.color(cfg.getString("Settings.Message.Item_Separator", "&7, "));
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.JYML;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.manager.ICleanable;
import su.nexmedia.engine.manager.player.PlayerBlockTracker;
import su.nexmedia.engine.manager.player.blocktracker.PlayerBlockTracker;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.EffectUtil;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.LocationUtil;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.MessageUtil;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class EnchantTreasures extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements CustomDr
private final String particleName;
private final String particleData;
private final String sound;
private final Sound sound;
private final Map<Material, Map<Material, Double>> treasures;
private final Predicate<Block> blockTracker;
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public class EnchantTreasures extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements CustomDr
this.particleName = cfg.getString("Settings.Particle.Name", Particle.REDSTONE.name());
this.particleData = cfg.getString("Settings.Particle.Data", "200,180,0");
this.sound = cfg.getString("Settings.Sound", Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BELL.name());
this.sound = cfg.getEnum("Settings.Sound", Sound.class, Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BELL);
this.treasures = new HashMap<>();
for (String sFromArray : cfg.getSection("Settings.Treasures")) {
for (String sFrom : sFromArray.split(",")) {
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ public class EnchantTreasures extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements CustomDr
return mat != null && !mat.isAir() ? new ItemStack(mat) : null;
public void playEffect(@NotNull Block block) {
Location location = LocationUtil.getCenter(block.getLocation());
MessageUtil.sound(location, this.sound);
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import su.nexmedia.engine.Version;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.JYML;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.EffectUtil;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.LocationUtil;
@ -37,9 +36,7 @@ public class EnchantTunnel extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements BlockBreakE
static {
if (Version.CURRENT.isHigher(Version.V1_16_R3)) {
public EnchantTunnel(@NotNull ExcellentEnchants plugin, @NotNull JYML cfg) {
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public class EnchantCutter extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements CombatEncha
EffectUtil.playEffect(victim.getEyeLocation(), Particle.ITEM_CRACK.name(), itemCut.getType().name(), 0.2f, 0.15f, 0.2f, 0.15f, 40);
if (this.sound != null) MessageUtil.sound(victim.getLocation(), this.sound.name());
MessageUtil.sound(victim.getLocation(), this.sound);
return true;
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ public class EnchantDecapitator extends IEnchantChanceTemplate implements DeathE
String texture = this.headTextures.get(victim.getType().name());
if (texture == null) return false;
entityName = this.headName.replace("%entity%", plugin.lang().getEnum(victim.getType()));
ItemUtil.addSkullTexture(item, texture, ID + victim.getType().name());
entityName = this.headName.replace("%entity%", plugin.getLangManager().getEnum(victim.getType()));
ItemUtil.setSkullTexture(item, texture);
meta = (SkullMeta) item.getItemMeta();
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import su.nexmedia.engine.Version;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.JYML;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.api.enchantment.EnchantPriority;
@ -23,9 +22,7 @@ public class EnchantIceAspect extends IEnchantCombatPotionTemplate {
public boolean use(@NotNull EntityDamageByEntityEvent e, @NotNull LivingEntity damager, @NotNull LivingEntity victim, @NotNull ItemStack weapon, int level) {
if (!super.use(e, damager, victim, weapon, level)) return false;
if (Version.CURRENT.isHigher(Version.V1_16_R3)) {
return true;
@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ import org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.manager.AbstractListener;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.EntityUtil;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
@ -29,10 +31,21 @@ import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.EnchantManager;
public class EnchantHandlerListener extends AbstractListener<ExcellentEnchants> {
private static final String META_PROJECTILE_WEAPON = "sourceWeapon";
public EnchantHandlerListener(@NotNull EnchantManager enchantManager) {
private void setSourceWeapon(@NotNull Projectile projectile, @NotNull ItemStack item) {
projectile.setMetadata(META_PROJECTILE_WEAPON, new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, item));
private ItemStack getSourceWeapon(@NotNull Projectile projectile) {
return projectile.hasMetadata(META_PROJECTILE_WEAPON) ? (ItemStack) projectile.getMetadata(META_PROJECTILE_WEAPON).get(0).value() : null;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Combat Attacking Enchants
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
@ -103,7 +116,7 @@ public class EnchantHandlerListener extends AbstractListener<ExcellentEnchants>
if (e.getProjectile() instanceof Projectile projectile) {
EnchantManager.setArrowWeapon(projectile, bow);
this.setSourceWeapon(projectile, bow);
@ -116,7 +129,7 @@ public class EnchantHandlerListener extends AbstractListener<ExcellentEnchants>
if (!(e.getDamager() instanceof Projectile projectile)) return;
if (!(projectile.getShooter() instanceof LivingEntity damager)) return;
ItemStack bow = EnchantManager.getArrowWeapon(projectile);
ItemStack bow = this.getSourceWeapon(projectile);
if (bow == null || bow.getType().isAir() || bow.getType() == Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK) return;
EnchantManager.getItemCustomEnchants(bow, BowEnchant.class).forEach((bowEnchant, level) -> {
@ -131,7 +144,7 @@ public class EnchantHandlerListener extends AbstractListener<ExcellentEnchants>
public void onEnchantBowHit(ProjectileHitEvent e) {
Projectile projectile = e.getEntity();
ItemStack bow = EnchantManager.getArrowWeapon(projectile);
ItemStack bow = this.getSourceWeapon(projectile);
if (bow == null || bow.getType().isAir() || bow.getType() == Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK) return;
EnchantManager.getItemCustomEnchants(bow, BowEnchant.class).forEach((bowEnchant, level) -> {
@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.config.JYML;
import su.nexmedia.engine.api.menu.*;
import su.nexmedia.engine.lang.LangManager;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.CollectionsUtil;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.ItemUtil;
import su.nexmedia.engine.utils.PDCUtil;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.ExcellentEnchants;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.api.enchantment.ExcellentEnchant;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.config.Lang;
import su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.manager.EnchantRegister;
import java.util.*;
@ -63,9 +65,9 @@ public class EnchantListGUI extends AbstractMenu<ExcellentEnchants> {
// Override the conflicts placeholder display to make it in a list.
List<String> conflicts = enchant.getConflicts().isEmpty()
? plugin.lang().Other_None.asList()
? plugin.getMessage(Lang.OTHER_NONE).asList()
: enchant.getConflicts().stream().filter(Objects::nonNull)
.map(en -> plugin.lang().getEnchantment(en)).toList();
ItemUtil.replaceLore(icon, ExcellentEnchant.PLACEHOLDER_CONFLICTS, conflicts);
ItemUtil.replace(icon, enchant.formatString(level));
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ Plugin:
# To create a new language config, simply copy the default one and rename it to your language code.
Language: en
# Plugin prefix name.
# To change a prefix format, edit language config in '/NexEngine/lang'.
Prefix: ExcellentEnchants
Name: ExcellentEnchants
Prefix: '&e%plugin_name% &8» &7'
# General plugin settings.
@ -1,31 +1,73 @@
Name: 'Aquaman'
Tier: 'exotic'
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Aquaman
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Grants %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% effect that costs x1 %enchantment_cost_item%.'
- Grants %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% effect that costs x1
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 1
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '%enchantment_level% * 15.0'
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 25.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: true
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '1'
Duration: '25.0'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: '25.0'
@ -1,34 +1,80 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_damage%: Enchantment Damage
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Bane of Netherspawn
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to inflict %enchantment_damage% more damage to Nether mobs.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to inflict %enchantment_damage% more damage
to Nether mobs.'
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 25.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '6 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 6 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 80.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 80.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 80.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 50.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
# Enchantment damage settings.
# When 'true' damage 'Formula' will work as a multiplier to the original damage.
# When 'false' damage 'Formula' will be added to the original damage.
As_Modifier: false
Formula: '0.5 * %enchantment_level%'
# Damage formula.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Formula: 0.5 * %enchantment_level%
@ -1,31 +1,72 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_explosion_power%: Enchantment Explosion Power
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Blast Mining
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: legendary
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to mine blocks by x%enchantment_explosion_power% power explosion.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to mine blocks by x%enchantment_explosion_power%
power explosion.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 5.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '6.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 6.0 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 10.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 10.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '20.0 * %enchantment_level%'
Min_Block_Strength: '1.5 - %enchantment_level% / 10'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 20.0 * %enchantment_level%
# Minimal block strength value for the enchantment to be triggered.
# Block strength value is how long it takes to break the block by a hand.
# For example, a Stone has 3.0 strength.
Min_Block_Strength: 1.5 - %enchantment_level% / 10
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment explosion settings.
Power: '3.0 + (%enchantment_level% - 1.0 * 0.25)'
# Explosion power. The more power = the more blocks (area) to explode.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Power: 3.0 + (%enchantment_level% - 1.0 * 0.25)
@ -1,34 +1,82 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Blindness
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level%
for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 60.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 30.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '15.0 + %enchantment_level% * 3'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 15.0 + %enchantment_level% * 3
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '3.5 + %enchantment_level%'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 3.5 + %enchantment_level%
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
@ -1,29 +1,65 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_fuse_ticks%: Enchantment Fuse Ticks
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Bomber
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch TNT that explodes in %enchantment_fuse_ticks%s.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch TNT that explodes in %enchantment_fuse_ticks%s.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 20.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 5.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '4.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 4.0 * %enchantment_level%
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: TNT
Amount: 1
Fuse_Ticks: '100 - %enchantment_level% * 10'
# Fuse ticks value for the TNT launched.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Fuse_Ticks: 100 - %enchantment_level% * 10
@ -1,30 +1,72 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Bunny Hop
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Grants permanent %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level%.'
- Grants permanent %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level%.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 50.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 25.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: '25.0'
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
@ -1,31 +1,73 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Cold Steel
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. to attacker.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level%
for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. to attacker.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 50.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 30.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '60.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 60.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '4.0 + %enchantment_level%'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 4.0 + %enchantment_level%
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
@ -1,32 +1,73 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Confusing Arrows
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an arrow with %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% (%enchantment_potion_duration%s.)'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an arrow with %enchantment_potion_type%
%enchantment_potion_level% (%enchantment_potion_duration%s.)'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 45.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 75.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 35.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '20.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5.0'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 20.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5.0
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '6.0 + %enchantment_level% * 3.0'
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 6.0 + %enchantment_level% * 3.0
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
@ -1,34 +1,82 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Confusion
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level%
for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 50.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 30.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '15.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 15.0 * %enchantment_level%
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '5.0 + %enchantment_level% * 1.5'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 5.0 + %enchantment_level% * 1.5
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
@ -1,32 +1,73 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Cure
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to cure Zombified Piglins and Zombie Villagers.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to cure Zombified Piglins and Zombie Villagers.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 60.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '5 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 5 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 75.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '20.0 + %enchantment_level% * 8'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 20.0 + %enchantment_level% * 8
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
Name: 'CLOUD'
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
# Sound that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
Sound: ''
@ -1,29 +1,66 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_durability_amount%: Enchantment Durability Amount
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: true
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Curse of Breaking
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: cursed
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance the item will consume extra %enchantment_durability_amount% durability points.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance the item will consume extra %enchantment_durability_amount%
durability points.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 20.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '15.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 15.0 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 0.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '10.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 10.0 * %enchantment_level%
# Amount of durability points to be taken from the item.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Durability_Amount: '%enchantment_level%'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
Amount: 1
@ -1,29 +1,63 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: true
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Curse of Misfortune
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: cursed
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to have no drops from blocks or mobs.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to have no drops from blocks or mobs.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 1
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 20.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '15.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 15.0 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 0.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '20.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 20.0 * %enchantment_level%
# When 'false', it will also prevent exp drop from the blocks.
Drop_Exp: false
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
Amount: 1
@ -1,31 +1,70 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_durability_damage%: Enchantment Durability Damage
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Cutter
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to throw away enemy''s armor and damage it for %enchantment_durability_damage%%.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to throw away enemy''s armor and damage it
for %enchantment_durability_damage%%.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 0.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '6 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 6 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 5.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '1.0 + %enchantment_level% * 0.6'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 1.0 + %enchantment_level% * 0.6
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Amount (in percent) of how much item durability will be reduced.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Durability_Reduction: '%enchantment_level% / 100.0'
# A sound to play when item durability is reduced.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
@ -1,42 +1,88 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Decapitator
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain player''s or mob''s head.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain player''s or mob''s head.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 4
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 30.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '7 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 7 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 15.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '5.0 + %enchantment_level% * 1.75'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 5.0 + %enchantment_level% * 1.75
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
# List of entity types that will not drop the heads.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
# Settings for the head item.
# Item display name. Use '%entity%' for entity name.
Name: '&cHead of &e%entity%'
# Head texture values for each entity type.
# You can take some from http://minecraft-heads.com
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
BAT: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOWU5OWRlZWY5MTlkYjY2YWMyYmQyOGQ2MzAyNzU2Y2NkNTdjN2Y4YjEyYjlkY2E4ZjQxYzNlMGEwNGFjMWNjIn19fQ==
@ -1,33 +1,74 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Divine Touch
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: legendary
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain &fMob Spawner&8.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain &fMob Spawner&8.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 5.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '6.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 6.0 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 5.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 5.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 8.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '15.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 15.0 * %enchantment_level%
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
# Spawner item settings.
# Spawner display name. Use '%type%' for entity type name.
Name: '&aMob Spawner &7(%type%)'
@ -1,32 +1,73 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Double Strike
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: legendary
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to inflict double damage.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to inflict double damage.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 4
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 10.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '7 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 7 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 10.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 10.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 15.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 10.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '4.0 + %enchantment_level% * 0.8'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 4.0 + %enchantment_level% * 0.8
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
# Sound that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
@ -1,35 +1,83 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_fire_radius%: Enchantment Fire Radius
# - %enchantment_fire_duration%: Enchantment Fire Duration
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Dragonfire Arrows
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an dragonfire arrow (R=%enchantment_fire_radius%, %enchantment_fire_duration%s).'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an dragonfire arrow (R=%enchantment_fire_radius%,
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 25.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 25.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 5.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment dragonfire settings.
# Dragonfire area cloud effect duration.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: '%enchantment_level% * 100.0'
Radius: '2.0 + %enchantment_level%'
# Dragonfire area cloud effect radius.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Radius: 2.0 + %enchantment_level%
# Enchantment arrow settings.
# A particle effect to play as an arrow trail.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
@ -1,33 +1,72 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Electrified Arrows
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an electrified arrow.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an electrified arrow.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 75.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 25.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 45.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 10.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment arrow settings.
# A particle effect to play as an arrow trail.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
@ -1,28 +1,61 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Ender Bow
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: legendary
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to shoot Ender Pearl instead of arrows.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to shoot Ender Pearl instead of arrows.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 1
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 5.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '30'
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 5.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 3.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 10.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Amount: 1
@ -1,34 +1,82 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Exhaust
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level%
for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 70.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 50.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '20.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 20.0 * %enchantment_level%
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '3.0 + %enchantment_level% * 1.5'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 3.0 + %enchantment_level% * 1.5
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
Name: ''
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
@ -1,29 +1,66 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_exp_modifier%: Enchantment Exp Modifier
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Exp Hunter
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain +%enchantment_exp_modifier%% more exp from mobs.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain +%enchantment_exp_modifier%% more
exp from mobs.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 45.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '6 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 6 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 45.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 45.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 45.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '50.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 50.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
Exp_Modifier: '1.0 + %enchantment_level% * 0.5'
# Exp modifier value. The original exp amount will be multiplied on this value.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Exp_Modifier: 1.0 + %enchantment_level% * 0.5
@ -1,37 +1,85 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_explosion_power%: Enchantment Explosion Power
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Explosive Arrows
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an explosive arrow with x%enchantment_explosion_power% power.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an explosive arrow with x%enchantment_explosion_power%
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 40.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 25.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment explosion settings.
# When 'true' an explosion will create fire on nearby blocks.
Fire_Spread: true
# When 'true' an explosion will destroy all nearby items on the ground.
Damage_Items: true
# When 'true' an explosion will destroy blocks.
Damage_Blocks: false
Size: '2.0 + %enchantment_level%'
# Explosion size. The more size = the more damage and explosion area.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Size: 2.0 + %enchantment_level%
# Enchantment arrow settings.
# A particle effect to play as an arrow trail.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
@ -1,29 +1,64 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Flame Walker
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Ability to walk on lava and on magma blocks without getting damage.'
- Ability to walk on lava and on magma blocks without getting damage.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 40.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
Block_Decay: '5.0 + %enchantment_level% * 2'
# How soon (in seconds) blocks created by the enchantment will be destroyed back to lava?
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Block_Decay: 5.0 + %enchantment_level% * 2
@ -1,30 +1,66 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Ghast
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch a fireball instead of arrow.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch a fireball instead of arrow.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 40.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 20.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# When 'true' a fireball explosion will ignite nearby blocks.
Fire_Spread: true
Yield: '1.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# Fireball explosion size/radius. The more value = the bigger the explosion.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Yield: 1.0 * %enchantment_level%
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
Amount: 1
@ -1,31 +1,73 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Hardened
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. when damaged.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level%
for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. when damaged.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 30.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 20.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '2.5 + %enchantment_level%'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 2.5 + %enchantment_level%
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
@ -1,31 +1,72 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Haste
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Grants %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% effect.'
- Grants %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% effect.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 40.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: SUGAR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: '25.0'
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
@ -1,31 +1,73 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Hover
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an arrow with %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% (%enchantment_potion_duration%s.)'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an arrow with %enchantment_potion_type%
%enchantment_potion_level% (%enchantment_potion_duration%s.)'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 50.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 10.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '2.5 + %enchantment_level%'
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 2.5 + %enchantment_level%
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
@ -1,34 +1,82 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Ice Aspect
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to freeze and apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to freeze and apply %enchantment_potion_type%
%enchantment_potion_level% for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 70.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 50.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '25.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 25.0 * %enchantment_level%
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '3.0 + %enchantment_level%'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 3.0 + %enchantment_level%
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
Data: 'ICE'
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ICE
@ -1,29 +1,66 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_fire_duration%: Enchantment Fire Duration
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Infernus
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch flaming Trident that ignites the enemy for %enchantment_fire_duration%s.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch flaming Trident that ignites the
enemy for %enchantment_fire_duration%s.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 45.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 35.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 45.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 45.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 30.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
Fire_Ticks: '60 + %enchantment_level% * 20'
# How long (in ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second) the damaged entity will be ignited for?
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Fire_Ticks: 60 + %enchantment_level% * 20
@ -1,29 +1,66 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_exp_modifier%: Enchantment Exp Modifier
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Lucky Miner
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain +%enchantment_exp_modifier%% more exp from ores.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain +%enchantment_exp_modifier%% more
exp from ores.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 50.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '6 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 6 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '30.0 + %enchantment_level% * 7.0'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 30.0 + %enchantment_level% * 7.0
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
Exp_Modifier: '1.0 + %enchantment_level% * 0.5'
# Exp modifier value. The original exp amount will be multiplied on this value.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Exp_Modifier: 1.0 + %enchantment_level% * 0.5
@ -1,31 +1,73 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Night Vision
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Grants %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% effect that costs x1 %enchantment_cost_item%.'
- Grants %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% effect that costs x1
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 1
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 20.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '15'
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: true
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: '60.0'
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '1'
@ -1,28 +1,61 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Nimble
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Moves all mob''s loot directly to your inventory.'
- Moves all mob's loot directly to your inventory.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 1
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 40.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '15 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 15 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
Amount: 1
@ -1,34 +1,82 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Paralyze
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level%
for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 50.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 25.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '10.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 10.0 * %enchantment_level%
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '2.5 + %enchantment_level% * 0.5'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 2.5 + %enchantment_level% * 0.5
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
@ -1,31 +1,73 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Poisoned Arrows
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an arrow with %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% (%enchantment_potion_duration%s.)'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an arrow with %enchantment_potion_type%
%enchantment_potion_level% (%enchantment_potion_duration%s.)'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 50.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 30.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '25.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 25.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '2.0 + %enchantment_level%'
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 2.0 + %enchantment_level%
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
@ -1,34 +1,82 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Rage
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to get %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% effect for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to get %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level%
effect for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 30.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 15.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '7.0 + %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 7.0 + %enchantment_level%
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '3.0 + %enchantment_level% * 0.5'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 3.0 + %enchantment_level% * 0.5
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
Name: 'LAVA'
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
Name: LAVA
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
@ -1,34 +1,80 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_health_amount%: Enchantment Health Amount
# - %enchantment_health_interval%: Enchantment Health Interval
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Regrowth
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Restores %enchantment_health_amount% hearts every %enchantment_health_interval%s. with %enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance.'
- Restores %enchantment_health_amount% hearts every %enchantment_health_interval%s.
with %enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 15.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '6 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 6 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 10.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 15.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 15.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 10.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '20.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 20.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
Name: 'HEART'
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
# Enchantment health restore settings.
# How many hearts will be restored on enchantment trigger?
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Amount: '%enchantment_level% * 0.25'
Interval: 100
# How often (in ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second) enchantment will be triggered?
Interval: 100
@ -1,31 +1,67 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Replanter
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Automatically replant crops on right click and harvest.'
- Automatically replant crops on right click and harvest.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 1
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 50.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '15'
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment replant settings.
# When 'true', player will be able to replant crops when right-clicking the farmlang.
On_Right_Click: true
# When 'true', crops will be automatically replanted when player breaks the plant with enchanted tool in hand.
On_Plant_Break: true
@ -1,29 +1,64 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Rocket
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch your enemy into the space.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch your enemy into the space.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 50.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 20.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '4.0 + %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 4.0 + %enchantment_level%
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Firework power. The more power = the higher the fly distance.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Firework_Power: '%enchantment_level%'
@ -1,31 +1,71 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_saturation_amount%: Enchantment Saturation Amount
# - %enchantment_saturation_interval%: Enchantment Saturation Interval
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Saturation
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Restores %enchantment_saturation_amount% food points every %enchantment_saturation_interval%s. with %enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance.'
- Restores %enchantment_saturation_amount% food points every %enchantment_saturation_interval%s.
with %enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 20.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 25.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 25.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '25.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 25.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment saturation settings.
# How much of food points will be restored on enchantment trigger?
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Amount: '%enchantment_level%'
# How often (in ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second) this enchantment will be triggered?
Interval: 150
@ -1,37 +1,77 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Scavenger
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain additional loot from mobs.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain additional loot from mobs.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 4
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 60.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '7 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 7 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '15.0 + %enchantment_level% * 10'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 15.0 + %enchantment_level% * 10
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment treasures table.
# Entity type to have an additional drop from.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
# Material name for the item to drop.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Item amount. Syntax: 'Min:Max'.
Amount: '1:1'
# Item drop chance.
Chance: 5.0
Amount: '1:2'
Chance: 50.0
Chance: 50.0
@ -1,30 +1,68 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_explosion_power%: Enchantment Explosion Power
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Self-Destruction
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to create an x%enchantment_explosion_power% power explosion on death.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to create an x%enchantment_explosion_power%
power explosion on death.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 20.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 15.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '20.0 + %enchantment_level% * 10'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 20.0 + %enchantment_level% * 10
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment explosion settings.
Size: '1.0 + %enchantment_level%'
# Explosion size. The more size = the bigger the explosion.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Size: 1.0 + %enchantment_level%
@ -1,30 +1,68 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Silk Chest
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Drop chests and saves all its content.'
- Drop chests and saves all its content.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 1
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 30.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '30'
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Chest item settings.
# Item display name.
# Placeholders:
# - %name% - Item material name.
# - %items% - Amount of items in chest.
Name: '&f%name% &7(%items% items)'
@ -1,38 +1,84 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Smelter
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to smelt ore or a block on mining.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to smelt ore or a block on mining.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 60.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '5 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 5 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 60.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '25.0 + %enchantment_level% * 10'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 25.0 + %enchantment_level% * 10
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
Name: 'FLAME'
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Smelting table.
# Syntax: 'Material Source : Material Result'.
# Note: Material source is material name of the dropped item, not the broken block!
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Sound that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
@ -1,30 +1,72 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Sonic
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Grants %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% effect.'
- Grants %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% effect.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 30.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 20.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: FEATHER
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: '25.0'
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
@ -1,34 +1,82 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Surprise
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply random potion effect to enemy on hit.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply random potion effect to enemy on
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 50.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 40.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '2.25 * %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 2.25 * %enchantment_level%
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '3.0 + %enchantment_level%'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 3.0 + %enchantment_level%
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
@ -1,31 +1,65 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Telekinesis
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Moves all blocks loot directly to your inventory.'
- Moves all blocks loot directly to your inventory.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 20.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Message to display for a player with a list of received items.
Drop_Received: '{message: ~type: ACTION_BAR; ~prefix: false;}%items%'
Item_Name: '&7x%item_amount% &f%item_name%'
@ -1,34 +1,79 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_damage_amount%: Enchantment Damage Amount
# - %enchantment_damage_capacity%: Enchantment Damage Capacity
# - %enchantment_health_point%: Enchantment Health Point
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Temper
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to inflict %enchantment_damage_amount%% (max. %enchantment_damage_capacity%%) more damage for each %enchantment_health_point% hearts missing.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to inflict %enchantment_damage_amount%% (max.
%enchantment_damage_capacity%%) more damage for each %enchantment_health_point%
hearts missing.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 25.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '6 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 6 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 15.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 25.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 10.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment damage settings.
Amount: '0.01 * %enchantment_level%'
# On how much (in percent) the damage will be increased per each Health Point?
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Amount: 0.01 * %enchantment_level%
# The maximal possible value for the Damage Amount.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Capacity: '2.0'
# Enchantment health settings.
# For how much missing hearts the damage will be increased?
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Point: '0.5'
@ -1,35 +1,72 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Thrifty
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain mob Spawn Egg on kill.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to obtain mob Spawn Egg on kill.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 15.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 15.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 10.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 10.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '5.0 + %enchantment_level% * 3'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 5.0 + %enchantment_level% * 3
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# List of entity types, that will not drop spawn eggs.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
# List of spawn reasons, from which entities will not drop spawn eggs.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.html
@ -1,29 +1,63 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Thunder
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to summon lightning to enemy on hit.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to summon lightning to enemy on hit.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 70.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 40.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '10.0 * %enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 10.0 * %enchantment_level%
# When 'true' the enchantment will be triggered only if there is an active thunderstorm in the world.
During_Thunderstorm_Only: false
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
Amount: 1
@ -1,37 +1,83 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Treasures
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to attempt to find a treasure in mined block.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to attempt to find a treasure in mined block.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 70.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '6 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 6 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 75.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 75.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 4.0'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 4.0
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
Data: '200,180,0'
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: 200,180,0
# Sound that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# Enchantment treasures table.
# List of source materials (blocks that will drop additional loot). Separated by a comma.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# List of Materials and chances for the additional loot.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
AIR: 95.0
@ -62,4 +108,4 @@ Settings:
APPLE: 15.0
AIR: 50.0
VINE: 50.0
VINE: 50.0
@ -1,29 +1,63 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Tunnel
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: legendary
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Allows you to mine multiple blocks at once in a shape.'
- Allows you to mine multiple blocks at once in a shape.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 20.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# When 'true' the enchantment won't be triggered when sneaking.
Ignore_When_Sneaking: true
@ -1,34 +1,79 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_heal_amount%: Enchantment Heal Amount
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Vampire
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: exotic
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to heal yourself for %enchantment_heal_amount% heart(s) on hit.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to heal yourself for %enchantment_heal_amount%
heart(s) on hit.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 4
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 30.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '7 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 7 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 20.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5.0'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5.0
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
Name: 'HEART'
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
# Enchantment heal settings.
Amount: '0.35 * %enchantment_level%'
# On how much hearts the damager will be healed?
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Amount: 0.35 * %enchantment_level%
# When 'true', the option above will work as a multiplier of the inflicted damage.
As_Multiplier: false
@ -1,49 +1,88 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_block_limit%: Enchantment Block Limit
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Veinminer
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- 'Mines up to %enchantment_block_limit% blocks of the ore vein at once.'
- Mines up to %enchantment_block_limit% blocks of the ore vein at once.
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 25.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '10 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 10 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 25.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 25.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 40.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment blocks settings.
Max_At_Once: '6 + %enchantment_level%'
# How much amount of blocks can be destroted at single use?
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Max_At_Once: 6 + %enchantment_level%
# List of blocks, that will be affected by this enchantment.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
@ -1,34 +1,82 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Venom
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level%
for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 50.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 50.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 60.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 30.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '30.0 + %enchantment_level% * 10.0'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 30.0 + %enchantment_level% * 10.0
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '2.0 + %enchantment_level%'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 2.0 + %enchantment_level%
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
@ -1,34 +1,79 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_damage_amount%: Enchantment Damage Amount
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Village Defender
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: common
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to inflict %enchantment_damage_amount% more damage on Pillagers.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to inflict %enchantment_damage_amount% more
damage on Pillagers.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 5
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 60.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '6 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 6 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 80.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 80.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 70.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 0.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: '100.0'
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
# Enchantment damage settings.
# When 'true' the 'Damage.Formula' will work as a multiplier to the original damage.
As_Modifier: false
Formula: '0.5 * %enchantment_level%'
# On how much the damage will be increased?
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Formula: 0.5 * %enchantment_level%
@ -1,34 +1,82 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Wither
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to apply %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level%
for %enchantment_potion_duration%s. on hit.'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 20.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 20.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 30.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 15.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 10.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '3.0 + %enchantment_level%'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 3.0 + %enchantment_level%
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Particle effect that will be played on enchantment trigger.
# Particle name. Set this to empty '' or 'NONE' to disable.
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Particle.html
Name: ''
# Particle data (additional settings).
# - BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_MARKER, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK, FALLING_DUST: Use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
# - REDSTONE: Use RGB (like 255,255,255)
Data: ''
@ -1,31 +1,73 @@
# Additional placeholders:
# - %enchantment_trigger_chance%: Enchantment Trigger Chance
# - %enchantment_potion_level%: Enchantment Potion Level
# - %enchantment_potion_duration%: Enchantment Potion Duration
# - %enchantment_potion_type%: Enchantment Potion Type
# Defines if this enchantment is a treasure enchantment.
# Treasure enchantments can only be received via looting, trading, or fishing.
Is_Treasure: false
# Enchantment display name. This name will be displayed in item lore and in enchantments list GUI.
Name: Withered Arrows
# Enchantment tier. Must be a valid tier from the 'config.yml'. Enchantments with invalid tier won't be loaded.
Tier: rare
# Enchantment description. Will be displayed in item lore (if not disabled in the main config.yml) and in enchantments list GUI.
# You can use multiple lines here.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an arrow with %enchantment_potion_type% %enchantment_potion_level% (%enchantment_potion_duration%s.)'
- '%enchantment_trigger_chance%% chance to launch an arrow with %enchantment_potion_type%
%enchantment_potion_level% (%enchantment_potion_duration%s.)'
# Enchantment level settings.
# Minimal (start) enchantment level. Can not be smaller then 1.
Min: 1
# Maximal (final) enchantment level.
# Keep in mind that while you can enchant items with bypass max. enchantment level, all enchantment 'Scalable' option values will not exceed the max. enchantment level.
Max: 3
# Enchantment settings for Anvil.
# Defines the exp cost to merge this enchantment on other items on anvil.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Merge_Cost: '%enchantment_level%'
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items received from fishing.
Chance: 25.0
# Enchantment settings for Enchanting Table.
Level_By_Exp_Cost: '9 * %enchantment_level%'
# Defines which enchantment level will be generated in Enchanting Table depends on the enchanting cost.
# Example: expression '9 * %enchantment_level%' for enchantment levels 1-3 will result in I = 9+ Levels, II = 18+ Levels, III = 27+ Levels.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level_By_Exp_Cost: 9 * %enchantment_level%
# A chance that this enchantment will be appeared in Enchanting Table.
Chance: 25.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in Villager trades.
Chance: 25.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items in cave/dungeon/castle chests/minecarts and other containers.
Chance: 25.0
# A chance that this enchantment will be populated on items equipped on mob on spawning.
Chance: 15.0
# Individual enchantment settings.
Trigger_Chance: '15.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5.0'
# A chance that this enchantment will be triggered.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Trigger_Chance: 15.0 + %enchantment_level% * 5.0
# A cost a player will have to pay to have this enchantment triggered.
# Enables/Disables cost feature.
Enabled: false
# A (custom) item that player must have in his inventory, that will be consumed to trigger the enchantment effect.
# See for item options.
Material: AIR
Amount: 1
# Enchantment settings for the Potion Effect applied to a wearer or victim.
Duration: '2.5 + %enchantment_level% * 0.75'
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
# Potion effect duration (in seconds). Keep in mind that settings this to a low value (smaller than Passive Task Interval in the config.yml) will result in effect reappear delay.
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Duration: 2.5 + %enchantment_level% * 0.75
# Potion effect level (amplifier).
# Scalable. Placeholder: %enchantment_level%. See:
Level: '%enchantment_level%'
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# See
# Menu title.
Title: 'Excellent Enchants List'
# Menu size. Allowed values: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54.
@ -6,6 +7,7 @@ Size: 36
# Enchantment display settings.
# Enchantment display item options.
# You can use 'Enchantment' placeholders:
Name: '%enchantment_name_formatted%'
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
package su.nightexpress.excellentenchants.nms;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.*;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftWorld;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.entity.CraftLivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.event.CraftEventFactory;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class V1_16_R3 implements EnchantNMS {
public Set<Block> handleFlameWalker(@NotNull LivingEntity entity1, @NotNull Location location, int level) {
EntityLiving entity = ((CraftLivingEntity) entity1).getHandle();
BlockPosition pos = new BlockPosition(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ());
World world = ((CraftWorld) entity1.getWorld()).getHandle();
IBlockData bStone = Blocks.MAGMA_BLOCK.getBlockData();
float rad = Math.min(16, 2 + level);
BlockPosition.MutableBlockPosition posMut = new BlockPosition.MutableBlockPosition();
Set<Block> blocks = new HashSet<>();
for (BlockPosition bNear : BlockPosition.a(pos.a(-rad, -1.0, -rad), pos.a(rad, -1.0, rad))) {
if (!bNear.a(entity.getPositionVector(), rad)) continue;
posMut.d(bNear.getX(), bNear.getY() + 1, bNear.getZ());
IBlockData bLavaUp = world.getType(posMut);
IBlockData bLava = world.getType(bNear);
if (!bLavaUp.isAir()) continue;
if (bLava.getMaterial() != Material.LAVA) continue;
if (bLava.get(BlockFluids.LEVEL) != 0) continue;
if (!bStone.canPlace(world, bNear)) continue;
if (!world.a(bStone, bNear, VoxelShapeCollision.a())) continue;
if (!CraftEventFactory.handleBlockFormEvent(world, bNear, bStone, entity)) continue;
world.getBlockTickList().a(bNear, Blocks.MAGMA_BLOCK, MathHelper.nextInt(entity.getRandom(), 60, 120));
Location loc2 = new Location(world.getWorld(), bNear.getX(), bNear.getY(), bNear.getZ());
return blocks;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
@ -9,16 +9,16 @@ import net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.world.phys.shapes.CollisionContext;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftWorld;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.entity.CraftLivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.event.CraftEventFactory;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R1.CraftWorld;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R1.entity.CraftLivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R1.event.CraftEventFactory;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class V1_18_R1 implements EnchantNMS {
public class V1_19_R1 implements EnchantNMS {
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class V1_18_R1 implements EnchantNMS {
Set<Block> blocks = new HashSet<>();
for (BlockPos posNear : BlockPos.betweenClosed(pos.offset(-radius, -1.0, -radius), pos.offset(radius, -1.0, radius))) {
if (!posNear.closerThan(entity.position(), radius)) continue;
if (!posNear.closerThan(entity.blockPosition(), radius)) continue;
posAbove.set(posNear.getX(), posNear.getY() + 1, posNear.getZ());
@ -7,14 +7,13 @@
@ -26,7 +25,7 @@
Reference in New Issue
Block a user