# Added Console support to the command '/island admin delete', '/island admin owner', '/island admin reload', '/island admin removehologram', and '/island admin setsize'.
# Added a check when creating an island that checks if the spawn point has been set and if not an error message will be sent to the player.
# Added the setting 'ArmorStandPlacement' to the roles Visitor, Member, and Coop.
# Added the option to the configuration file to disable Island Coop.
# Added 'Coop Settings' to the 'Settings' menu.
# Added the setting 'Edit Coop Settings' to the 'Operator Settings' menu.
# Fixed players inventory not updating when interating with an item that is cancelled at an island if the player doesn't have permission.
# Fixed cobblestone generators not forming cobblestone when there are no generators or no materials in a generator.
# Fixed island operators being able to edit the island settings when they permission for that to do so has been disabled.
# Fixed NPE when a player doesn't have permission to change the permission of a setting when they've been removed access.
# Fixed the command '/island admin setsize' setting the size of the senders island when the target player is online.
# Fixed the command '/island admin owner' getting the island owner of the sender when the target player is online.
# Fixed the command '/island admin delete' deleting the senders island rather than the targets.
# Fixed NPE when a chance of a material for a generator is set to zero.
# Changed the unban item in the 'Operator Settings' menu from a name tag to a rose rose.
# Changed the setting name for 'ArmorStand' to 'ArmorStandUse'.
# Added a Coop System (Allow players to access your island even if it's closed as long as an operator or owner is online).
# Added the command '/island coop [<player>]' to open the 'Island Coop' menu or add/remove a coop player.
# Added the option to the configuration file to remove islands the player has been banned from when they open the 'Island Visit' menu.
# Added the setting 'CoopPlayers' to the 'Operator Settings' menu.
# Fixed players not being teleported from an island when the island is closed or the player has been banned from the island when they join the server at the island.
# Fixed players with bypass permission not being able to visit an Island from the 'Island Visit' menu if the island was closed after the player opened the menu.
# Fixed island time not being synchronized when a player joins the server at a loaded island.
# Fixed the 'Vote' leaderboard not showing the correct top 10 players.
# Fixed Placeholders for PlaceholderAPI returning an empty string.
# Fixed a memory leak issue when unloading islands.
# Fixed falling blocks not falling at an Island.
# Replaced statistics item in the 'Island Bans' menu with information item.
# Added Placeholder support to Essentials Chat (Requires open curly bracket and close curly bracket).
# Fixed NPE when adding Placeholders to holograms because the hologram is an world entity.
# Fixed the 'Island Visit' menu not sorting the islands correctly when changing the sort.
# Fixed the 'Vote Leaderboard' not showing the positioning the islands correctly.
# Fixed 'Next' or 'Previous' page item not working in the 'Island Visit' menu.
# Fixed the command '/island level <player>' not showing the players level.
# Fixed IOOBE when there are no tiers in the 'Upgrade Editor - Size' menu.
# Fixed players dying from the void at an Island when void teleport is enabled in the configuration file.
# Fixed Flower Pots dropping when a structure is pasted on Island creation if a block below it is air.
# Fixed Flower Pot contents not being set when a structure is pasted on Island creation.
# Fixed 'Island Upgrade' menu showing 'Jump Boost' upgrade in two inventory slots for 1.13.
# Fixed 'Island Upgrade' menu not showing the correct potion items for 1.9-1.12.
# Fixed the command '/island admin delete' performing the command '/island delete' instead.
# Fixed NPE that can occur with some Java versions when the visit-data is being loaded.
# Fixed NPE when spawning entities when a structure is pasted on Island creation.
# Fixed 'Island Visit' menu occasionally returning NPE when opening.
# Added the alias '/island leaderboard [<Level|Votes>]' to directly open a leaderboard menu.
# Fixed ban message being sent to the player when they're not at the island they've been banned from.
# Fixed a spelling mistake with a message.
# Fixed signs showing debug message.
# Added the alias '/island teleport <player>' to the command '/island visit [<player>]'.
# Fixed NSME when sending a World Border to a player on servers using 1.9 & 1.10.
# Fixed NSFE when buying 'Spawner Boost' upgrade on servers using paperclip 1.12.
# Fixed Placeholders not working for Upgrade messages.