# Added Placeholder support to Essentials Chat (Requires open curly bracket and close curly bracket).
# Fixed NPE when adding Placeholders to holograms because the hologram is an world entity.
# Fixed the 'Island Visit' menu not sorting the islands correctly when changing the sort.
# Fixed the 'Vote Leaderboard' not showing the positioning the islands correctly.
# Fixed 'Next' or 'Previous' page item not working in the 'Island Visit' menu.
# Fixed the command '/island level <player>' not showing the players level.
# Fixed IOOBE when there are no tiers in the 'Upgrade Editor - Size' menu.
# Fixed players dying from the void at an Island when void teleport is enabled in the configuration file.
# Fixed Flower Pots dropping when a structure is pasted on Island creation if a block below it is air.
# Fixed Flower Pot contents not being set when a structure is pasted on Island creation.
# Fixed 'Island Upgrade' menu showing 'Jump Boost' upgrade in two inventory slots for 1.13.
# Fixed 'Island Upgrade' menu not showing the correct potion items for 1.9-1.12.
# Fixed the command '/island admin delete' performing the command '/island delete' instead.
# Fixed NPE that can occur with some Java versions when the visit-data is being loaded.
# Fixed NPE when spawning entities when a structure is pasted on Island creation.
# Fixed 'Island Visit' menu occasionally returning NPE when opening.
# Added the alias '/island leaderboard [<Level|Votes>]' to directly open a leaderboard menu.
# Fixed ban message being sent to the player when they're not at the island they've been banned from.
# Fixed a spelling mistake with a message.
# Fixed signs showing debug message.
# Added a Hologram System that can display leaderboards of top 10 level or votes.
# Added the command '/island admin sethologram' to set the location of a hologram.
# Added the command '/island admin removehologram' to remove an existing hologram.
# Added the alias '/island teleport <player>' to the command '/island visit [<player>]'.
# Added the placeholder 'skyblock_leaderboard_level_<1-10>'.
# Added the placeholder 'skyblock_leaderboard_votes_<1-10>'.
# Fixed invalid unicode character when adding color codes to signs when saving a structure.
# Fixed NSME when sending a World Border to a player on servers using 1.9 & 1.10.
# Fixed NSFE when buying 'Spawner Boost' upgrade on servers using paperclip 1.12.
# Fixed Placeholders not working for Upgrade messages.
# The command '/island admin reload' will also reload the holograms.
# Added the alias '/island teleport <player>' to the command '/island visit [<player>]'.
# Fixed NSME when sending a World Border to a player on servers using 1.9 & 1.10.
# Fixed NSFE when buying 'Spawner Boost' upgrade on servers using paperclip 1.12.
# Fixed Placeholders not working for Upgrade messages.
# Added the 'Island Upgrade' menu to upgrade perks on your Island (Requires Vault Economy).
# Added the command '/island upgrade' to open the 'Island Upgrade' menu.
# Added the 'Upgrade Editor' menu to manage upgrades for islands.
# Added the command '/island admin upgrade' to open the 'Upgrade Editor' menu.
# Added the permission node 'skyblock.admin.upgrade' to open the 'Upgrade Editor' menu.
# Fixed CPE when opening an inventory on a seperate thread.
# Fixed Chunk error when setting the biome of the Island.
# Setting data now has its own file rather than being in the same file as the island data.
# Replaced the default structure file with an actual island.
# Recoded the Setting System.
# Fixed the '/island vote' command getting the Island owner of the player rather than the target player.
# The creation and deletion cooldown has been enabled by default. I strongly advice you keep them as this.
# The deletion cooldown now applies to all members of an Island.
# ArmorStand's can now spawn in the Island world to support certain plugins.
# Added the permission note 'skyblock.information' to open the 'Island Information' menu for other Islands.
# Added the command '/island information [<player>]' to open the 'Island Information' menu.
# Fixed Island Settings menu not allowing players to change settings when the menus share the same titles.
# Fixed IAE when opening the a menu that contains a skull when the texture isn't set.
# Fixed UE when teleporting to a players Island with the command '/island teleport'.
# Fixed ICE when having '#' characters in the 'language.yml' file.
# Fixed chunk error on Island creation when biome is set.
# Recorded all the menus.
# Fixed IAE when a material cannot be found when pasting a structure on Island creation. Block materials that cannot be found will be set to stone.
# Fixed NPE when the island world height is less than 256 blocks.
# Pasting a structure on Island creation should be a lot better now on performance.
# Added the path 'Island.Creation.Commands' to the configuration file where you can provide command you want to be executed by the player or console on Island creation.
# Added the variable '%island_radius' to the scoreboard that returns the radius of the Island.
# Added the variable '%island_size' to the scoreboard that returns the size of the Island.
# Added the placeholder 'skyblock_island_radius' that returns the Island radius.
# Added the placeholder 'skyblock_island_size' that returns the Island size.
# Added the alias 'new' to the '/island create' command.
# Added the alias 'banned' to the '/island bans' command.
# Added PlaceholderAPI support to the Island chat.
# Fixed NPE when loading an Island if an island world name has been changed in the configuration file while there's island data.
# Fixed NPE when teleporting to the set spawn point if the world is not loaded or no longer exists.
# Added the alias 'new' to the '/island create' command.
# Added the alias 'banned' to the '/island bans' command.
# Fixed NPE when loading an Island if an island world name has been changed in the configuration file while there's island data.
# Fixed NPE when teleporting to the set spawn point if the world is not loaded or no longer exists.
# Fixed comments in the 'config.yml' file creating a new line rather than remaining on the same line.
# Fixed ISE when performing the command '/island' or '/is'.
# Fixed the displayname on the scoreboard not updating.
# Fixed a word mistake in the 'language.yml' file.
# Added the permission note 'skyblock.bypass.<setting>' and 'skyblock.bypass.*' to bypass visitor permissions at a players Island.
# Added the permission note 'skyblock.admin' for tab completion for admin commands and permission to see admin help commands.
# Added the option in the configuration file to immediately create an Island rather than opening the 'Island Creator' menu.
# Added the permission note 'skyblock.bypass' to teleport to a players Island when it's not open to visitors.
# Added the placeholder 'skyblock_islands' to get the number of loaded islands.
# Added the command '/island vote' to vote for an Island.
# Added PlaceHolderAPI support to chat messages.
# Added Island creation cooldown.
# Fixed players not being able to place blocks at the island spawn locations when spawn protection is set to false in the configuration file.
# Fixed the 'config.yml' comments being removed when changes are made to it.
# Fixed islands not unloading when a player adds or removes a vote for it.
# Fixed the Island size being one block less than the size set.
# Fixed the WorldBorder being too close by extending the size.
# Fixed the 'config.yml' rewriting when making changes to it.
# Fixed a possible NPE when a player sends a message.
# Removed a debug message when a structure is pasted with certain blocks on Island creation.
# Added the 'Settings Editor' menu to edit the default settings for when an Island is created rather than having to change the settings from the 'settings.yml' file.
# Added the command '/island admin settings' to open the 'Settings Editor' menu.
# Fixed possible NPE when a player disconnects from the server preventing objects being removed. This is a problem with certain Java versions.
# Fixed 'Island Visit' menu not updating when the inventory viewer adds or removes a vote if voting is enabled.
# Fixed Island level not showing in the 'Island Visit' menu.
# Fixed players being teleported to the nether island world when they enter a nether portal when the nether island world is disabled.
# Fixed command tab completion suggesting all available commands rather than commands that contain an entered argument.
# Fixed Island level not updating in the Visit menu or the Leaderboard menu when peforming an Island level request.
# Fixed NPE when voting for another Island when the player who's voting doesn't own one.
# Fixed the Visit menu displaying the previous owner when changing the Island owner.
# Fixed players being able to remain in the nether island world when it is disabled.
# Fixed NSME when pasting an Island structure on creation when using 1.13 release 1.
# Fixed chunk error when setting the Island biome on 1.13.x builds.
# Fixed Leaderboard not sort values correctly.
# Players will now have to be at an Island to add or remove a vote if Island voting is enabled. You can change the error messages in the language file.
# Added 'DragonEggUse' setting to the settings menu which allows players to interact with Dragon Eggs or not or prevent them from teleporting.
# Added the path in the language configuration file to change the description of the '/island leaderboard' command.
# Added the option in the configuration file to change the reset time for the Leaderboard.
# Fixed exception when changing the option in the configuration file to print a list of all the commands.
# Fixed signature not updating in the 'Visitor Menu' when changing an Island signature.
# Fixed Multiverse-Core error message when setting the generator of an Island world.
# Fixed help commands printing backslash at the end of the command aliases.
# Fixed skulls not displaying skin textures for the menus in 1.8-1.12.
# Fixed biome not changing when creating an Island.
# Fixed generators only generating one material.