GUI: Bank: Main: Title: 'Bank' Placeholder: Material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE DisplayName: "&fBank" Lore: [] Exit1: Material: OAK_FENCE_GATE Position: 0 DisplayName: "&cExit" Lore: - "&7Exits the Menu" Exit2: Material: OAK_FENCE_GATE Position: 8 DisplayName: "&cExit" Lore: - "&7Exits the Menu" Transaction: Material: BOOK Position: 4 DisplayName: "&fTransaction log" Lore: - "Click to view full log" Balance: Material: GOLD_INGOT Position: 13 DisplayName: "&fBalance" Lore: - "&7Bank balance: &6${BALANCE}" Deposit: Material: GREEN_DYE Position: 10 DisplayName: "&a{DATETIME}" Lore: - '&7Click to deposit your money. Everything or a custom amount.' Withdraw: Material: RED_DYE Position: 16 DisplayName: "&c{DATETIME}" Lore: - '&7Click to withdraw your money. Everything or a custom amount.' Selector: Title: 'Select amount' Placeholder: Material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE DisplayName: "&fBank" Lore: [] Exit1: Material: OAK_FENCE_GATE Position: 0 DisplayName: "&cExit" Lore: - "&7Exits the Menu" Exit2: Material: OAK_FENCE_GATE Position: 8 DisplayName: "&cExit" Lore: - "&7Exits the Menu" All: Material: GOLD_BLOCK Position: 2 DisplayName: "&fAll" Lore: [] Custom: Material: PAPER Position: 6 DisplayName: "&fCustom" Lore: [] Transactions: Title: 'Transactions' Placeholder: Material: AIR DisplayName: "" Lore: [] Empty: Material: BARRIER Position: 31 DisplayName: "&cNo transactions" Lore: [] Info: Material: PAINTING Position: 31 Displayname: '&fInfo' Lore: - '&7Total transactions: {TRANSACTIONS}' Deposit: Material: GREEN_DYE Position: 31 Displayname: '&a%dateTime' Lore: - '&7 {PLAYERNAME} deposited {AMOUNT}' Withdraw: Material: RED_DYE Position: 31 Displayname: '&c%dateTime' Lore: - '&7 {PLAYERNAME} withdrawn {AMOUNT}' PrevPage: Material: ARROW Position: 50 Displayname: '&a&lPrevious Page' Lore: [] NextPage: Material: ARROW Position: 54 Displayname: '&a&lNext Page' Lore: [] Bans: Title: '&8Island bans' Exit1: Material: OAK_FENCE_GATE Position: 0 DisplayName: "&cExit" Lore: - "&7Exits the Menu" Exit2: Material: OAK_FENCE_GATE Position: 8 DisplayName: "&cExit" Lore: - "&7Exits the Menu" PrevPage: Material: ARROW Position: 50 Displayname: '&a&lPrevious Page' Lore: [] NextPage: Material: ARROW Position: 54 Displayname: '&a&lNext Page' Lore: [] Empty: Material: BARRIER Position: 31 Displayname: '&cNo banned users' Lore: [] Head: Displayname: '&a{PLAYERNAME}' Lore: - '' - '&eClick to Unban player!' Info: Material: PAINTING Position: 4 Displayname: '&bInformations' Lore: - '&7Prevent certain players' - '&7from entering your Island' - '&7by banning them.' - '' - '&eClick to ban a player!'