Command: Island: Argument: Unrecognised: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat arugment was not recognised." Help: Lines: - "&bSkyBlock &aEarth &7- &e%type Commands&8:" - "&c&o[&f&o!&c&o] &7&oHover over commands for info." - "&8&l* &e%commands &7- &f&o%info" Word: Next: "&a&lNext Page" Previous: "&a&lPrevious Page" Pipe: "&8|" Integer: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &ePlease provide a numerical value." Page: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThere are not that many pages." ControlPanel: Info: Message: "&f&oOpens the Island Control Panel menu." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Create: Info: Message: "&f&oOpens the Island Creator menu." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are already an Island owner." Delete: Info: Message: "&f&oDeletes your Island." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to delete your Island." Confirmation: Pending: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou currently have a pending confirmation. Please try again in a few seconds!" Confirm: Word: Confirm: "confirm" Tutorial: "&7Click to &f&oconfirm &r&7Island deletion!" Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou want to delete your Island. You have &c%time &eseconds to confirm." Teleport: Info: Message: "&f&oTeleport to your Island." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island teleport []" Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to teleport to other players Islands." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Teleported: Yourself: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been teleported to your Island." Other: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been teleport to &a%player's &eIsland." Island: None: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not a Member or owns an Island." Closed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat players Island is not open to Visitors." SetSpawn: Info: Message: "&f&oSet your Visitor and Main spawn point." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island setspawn " Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Role: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not the correct role to set the %spawn spawn point for your Island." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to set the %spawn spawn point for your Island." Island: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must be at your Island to set the %spawn spawn point." Spawn: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat is not a correct spawn type." Protection: Block: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must be standing on top of a block for spawn protection." Ground: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must be standing on the ground for spawn protection." Liquid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must not be standing in a liquid source for spawn protection." Portal: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must not be standing in a portal for spawn protection." Centre: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must be standing close to the centre of the block for spawn protection." Set: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe %spawn spawn point for your Island has been set to your location." Invite: Info: Message: "&f&oInvite a Player to join your Island." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island invite " Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to invite players to your Island." Capacity: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot invite any more players to your Island because your Island has reached the member capacity." Offline: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player could not be found." Yourself: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot invite yourself." Member: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is already a member of the Island." Already: Other: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eAnother Island has invited this player to join them." Own: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eAn invite has already been sent to that player." Invited: Word: Second: "second(s)" Minute: "minute(s)" Cancel: "cancel" Accept: "accept" Deny: "deny" Resend: "resend" Tutorial: "&7Click to &f&o%action &r&7invite!" Sender: Sent: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have invited the player &d%player &eto join your Island. They have &c%time &eto respond." Expired: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe player &c%player's &edidn't respond to your invite in time." Disconnected: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe player &c%player's &edisconnected and didn't respond to your invite." Target: Received: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been invited to join &d%player's &eIsland. You have &c%time &eto respond." Expired: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou didn't respond to &c%player's &einvite in time." Accept: Info: Message: "&f&oAccept an Island invitation." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island accept " Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must leave your Island to join another." Invite: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou have not received an invite." Invited: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player hasn't invited you to their Island." Capacity: Broadcast: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYour recent invite from &d%player &ehas automatically been cancelled because the Island has reached the member capacity." Accepted: Target: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe player &d%player &eaccepted your invite." Sender: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou accepted the player &d%player's &einvite." Broadcast: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe player &6%player &ejoined your Island!" Deny: Info: Message: "&f&oDeny an Island invitation." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island deny " Invited: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player hasn't invited you to their Island." Denied: Target: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe player &c%player &ehas denied your invite." Sender: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have denied the player &c%player's &einvite." Cancel: Info: Message: "&f&oCancel a Player invitation." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island cancel " Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to cancel invites to your Island." Offline: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player could not be found." Member: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is a member of the Island." Invited: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player hasn't been invited to your Island." Cancelled: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have cancelled the player &c%player's &einvite." Leave: Info: Message: "&f&oLeave another Player's Island." Member: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not a member of an Island." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot leave your own Island." Left: Sender: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have left the Island." Broadcast: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe player &c%player &ehas left your Island." Promote: Info: Message: "&f&oPromotes a Member to Operator." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island promote " Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to promote Island members." Member: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not a member of your Island." Operator: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is already an Operator." Promoted: Sender: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have promoted the player &d%player &eto an &dOperator&e." Target: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been promoted to an &dOperator&e." Broadcast: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe player &d%player &ehas been promoted to an &dOperator&e." Demote: Info: Message: "&f&oDemotes an Operator to Member." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island demote " Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to demote Island members." Member: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not a member of your Island." Role: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is already a Member." Demoted: Sender: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have demoted the player &d%player &eto a &dMember&e." Target: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been demoted to a &dMember&e." Kick: Info: Message: "&f&oRemove a Member or Visitor from your Island." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island kick " Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Permission: Visit: Open: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to kick Island members or visitors." Closed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to kick Island members." Occupant: Visit: Open: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not a member or visitor of your Island." Closed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not a member of your Island." Yourself: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot kick yourself from the Island." Role: Operator: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot kick a member the Island the same role as you." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot kick the owner from their own Island." Kicked: Sender: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have kicked the player &c%player &efrom the Island." Target: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been kicked from the Island." Ban: Info: Message: "&f&oBan a player from your Island." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island ban " Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Disabled: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot perform this command because Island banning has been disabled." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to ban Island members." Found: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eA player by that name was not found." Yourself: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot ban yourself from the Island." Member: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot ban that player from the Island because they are a Member of it." Already: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is already banned from the Island." Banned: Sender: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have banned the player &c%player &efrom the Island." Target: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been banned from the Island." Unban: Info: Message: "&f&oUnban a Player from your Island." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island unban " Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Disabled: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot perform this command because Island banning has been disabled." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to unban Island members." Found: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eA player by that name was not found." Yourself: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not banned from the Island because you are a Member of it." Member: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not banned from the Island because they are a Member of it." Banned: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player has not been banned from the Island." Unbanned: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have unbanned the player &c%player &efrom the Island." Bans: Info: Message: "&f&oOpens the Island Bans menu." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to view your Island bans." Bans: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThere are no player bans for your Island." Biome: Info: Message: "&f&oOpens the Island Biome menu." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to change your Island's biome." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Weather: Info: Message: "&f&oOpens the Island Weather menu." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to change your Island's weather." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Rollback: Info: Message: "&f&oOpens the Island Rollback menu." Role: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not the correct role to access the Island Rollback menu." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Level: Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island level []" Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to get the level of other players Islands." Info: Message: "&f&oOpens the Island Level menu." Processing: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &7&oProcessing Island level request... Please wait!" Loading: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &7&oLoading Island Materials... Please wait!" Owner: Yourself: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Other: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not a Member or owns an Island." Level: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe player &d%player's &eIsland level is &6%level&e." Materials: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThere are no significant materials on your Island." Cooldown: Word: Hour: "hour(s)" Minute: "minute(s)" Second: "second(s)" Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must wait &c&o%time &ebefore processing an Island level request." Settings: Info: Message: "&f&oOpen the Island Settings menu." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Role: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not the correct role to access the Island Settings." Permission: Default: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to change or access your Island's settings." Access: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to access this setting." Change: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to change this setting." Members: Info: Message: "&f&oOpen the Island Members menu." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Ownership: Info: Message: "&f&oOpen the Island Ownership menu." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island ownership / ( / )" Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Member: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not a member of your Island." Yourself: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot assign ownership to yourself. You are already the owner." Confirmation: Pending: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou currently have a pending confirmation. Please try again in a few seconds!" Confirm: Word: Confirm: "confirm" Tutorial: "&7Click to &f&oconfirm &r&7ownership assignment!" Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou want to assign ownership of the Island to the player &d%player&e. You have &c%time &eseconds to confirm." Password: Unset: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThe owner of the Island has not set a password." Incorrect: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThe password you have entered is incorrect." Assigned: Sender: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have assigned yourself ownership of the Island." Broadcast: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe ownership of the Island has been assigned to the player &a%player&e!" Confirmation: Info: Message: "&f&oConfirmation for permanent operations." Pending: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have a pending confirmation." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot confirm your pending confirmation because you are not an Island owner." Specified: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eA reason for confirmation hasn't been specified. This wasn't suppose to happen." Role: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot confirm your pending confirmation because you are no longer the Island owner." Ownership: Member: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot confirm your pending confirmation because the player you assigned ownership to is no longer a Member of the Island." Assigned: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been assigned ownership of the Island." Deletion: Sender: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou are no longer an Island owner." Broadcast: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe Island owner has disbanded the Island." Confirmed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have confirmed your pending confirmation." Chat: Info: Message: "&f&oCommunicate privately with Island Members." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Team: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot toggle Island chat because your Island is not a team." Offline: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot toggle Island chat because no members are online." Toggled: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have toggled the Island chat. Chat messages will only be visible to Island members." Untoggled: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have untoggled the Island chat. Chat messages will now be visible for all players." Visitors: Info: Message: "&f&oOpens the Island Visitors menu." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Closed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot open the Visitors menu because your Island is closed." Visitors: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThere are no Visitors at your Island." KickAll: Info: Message: "&f&oKick all Visitors from your Island." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not an Island owner." Role: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are not the correct role to kick visitors." Closed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot kick visitors because your Island is closed." Visitors: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThere are no visitors at your Island." Kicked: Target: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been kicked from the Island." Sender: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have kicked &c%visitors &evisitors from your Island." Current: Info: Message: "&f&oDisplay the current Island you are at." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island current " Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to see what Island other players are at." Offline: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not connected to the server." Island: Owner: Yourself: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou are at &d%player's &eIsland." Other: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe player &a%target &eis at &d%owner's &eIsland." None: Yourself: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou are not at an Island." Other: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThat player is not at an Island." Visit: Info: Message: "&f&oOpens a menu of public Islands to Visit." Open: Info: Message: "&f&oOpens your Island to Visitors." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not an Island owner." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to open the Island." Already: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYour Island is already open." Opened: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYour Island has been opened." Close: Info: Message: "&f&oCloses your Island to Visitors." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not an Island owner." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to close the Island." Already: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYour Island is already closed." Closed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYour Island has been closed." Public: Info: Message: "&f&oMake your Island private or public." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not an Island owner." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to make the Island public or private." Public: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYour Island is now &aPublic&e." Private: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYour Island is now &cPrivate&e." Admin: Create: Info: Message: "&f&oManage Structures for the Island Creator menu." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to perform that command." Generator: Info: Message: "&f&oManager generators for coddlestone generators." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to perform that command." Disabled: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot peform that command because the generator has been disabled." Level: Info: Message: "&f&oChange Island level materials and points." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to perform that command." Structure: Info: Message: "&f&oCreate structures for Islands." Tool: Info: Message: "&f&oGives the player the Structure tool item." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to perform that command." Inventory: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou already have the Structure tool in your Inventory." Equiped: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been given the Structure tool." Save: Info: Message: "&f&oSaves a selected Structure." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to perform that command." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island admin structure save " Position: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &ePlease use the structure tool to select two positions of an area." Complete: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &ePlease complete the area selection by using the structure tool and selecting two positions of an area." Selection: World: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eBoth selected positions have to be in the same World." Player: World: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must be in the same World as the selected positions." Area: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must be inside the selected area." Saved: Successful: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe structure with the name '&d%name&e' has been saved!" Failed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eAn error occured when trying to save the Structure." SetSpawn: Info: Message: "&f&oSets the spawn point to your location." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to perform that command." World: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot set the spawn point in an Island world." Set: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe spawn point has been set to your location." Delete: Info: Message: "&f&oDelete a players Island permanently." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to perform that command." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island admin delete " Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not an Island owner." Deleted: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have deleted the player &c%player's &eIsland." Owner: Info: Message: "&f&oGet the owner of a player's Island." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to perform that command." Invalid: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eInvalid: /island admin owner " Island: None: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat player is not a Member or owns an Island." Member: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe player &d%player's Island owner is &d%player&e." Owner: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe player &d%player &eis an Island owner." Reload: Info: Message: "&f&oReload all loaded files." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to perform that command." Reloaded: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eAll loaded files have been reloaded." Island: Creator: Selector: Created: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou are now an Island owner." None: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThere are no Structures available to use." Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to use that Structure." File: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThe File for that Structure does not exist." Cooldown: Word: Minute: "minute(s)" Second: "second(s)" Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must wait &c&o%time &ebefore creating an Island." Biome: Cooldown: Word: Minute: "minute(s)" Second: "second(s)" Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must wait &c&o%time &ebefore changing your Island biome." Settings: Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou do not have the right to do that on this Island." Visitor: Welcome: Disabled: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to use that feature." Signature: Disabled: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to use that feature." WorldBorder: Outside: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou went too far outside the Island WorldBorder." Disappeared: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThe Island you were on suddenly disappeared." Visit: Already: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou are already at that player's Island." Exist: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat Island no longer exists." Closed: Menu: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat Island is no longer open for visitors." Island: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe Island you were at is no longer open for visitors." Plugin: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot teleport to the destination location because the Island isn't open for visitors." Banned: Island: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been banned from the Island you were at." Teleport: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot teleport to the destination location because you are banned from that Island." Teleported: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been teleported to &a%player's &eIsland." Unloaded: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThere are no Members of the Island online. You have been kicked from the Island." Deleted: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe owner of the Island has deleted their Island. You have been kicked from the Island." Vote: Island: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must be at that Island to vote." Added: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYour vote has been &a&lADDED &efor &a%player's &eIsland." Removed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYour vote has been &c&lREMOVED &efor &a%player's &eIsland." Banned: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been banned from the Island." Structure: Tool: Position: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &ePosition &b%position &ehas been selected!" Material: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThe defined material in the configuration file for the Structure selection tool could not be found." Item: Displayname: "&bStructure Tool" Lore: - "&7Select two positions of" - "&7an area." Chat: Format: Role: Member: "&a[Member]" Operator: "&b[Operator]" Owner: "&c[Owner]" Message: "&8[&bSkyBlock &8| &dChat&8] %role &e%player&8: &f%message" Untoggled: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eThe Island chat has been untoggled because there are no Island members online. Chat messages will now be visible for all players." Admin: Creator: Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to do that." Already: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eA structure by that name already exists." Exist: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat structure does not exist." Selected: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou have not selected a structure." File: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat file does not exist in the structures directory." Characters: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThe structure name can only contain letters and numbers." Item: Added: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eSelect an item in your inventory." Removed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have been removed from the item selector." Cancelled: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have cancelled the item selector." Created: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have created a structure with the name '&d%structure&e'." Removed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have removed the structure with the name '&d%structure&e'." Generator: Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to do that." Disabled: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot do that because generators have been disabled." Already: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eA generator by that name already exists." Exist: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat generator does not exist." Selected: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou have not selected a generator." Characters: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThe generator name can only contain letters and numbers." Chance: Numerical: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou must enter a numerical value." Over: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou cannot set the chance of the material to that because the overall chance total of the materials for this generator goes over 100." Material: Limit: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou have reached the limit of materials for that generator." Already: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat material type has already been added to that generator." Added: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have added the material '&d%material&e' to the generator '&d%generator&e'." Created: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have created a generator with the name '&d%generator&e'." Removed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have removed the generator with the name '&d%generator&e'." Levelling: Permission: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eYou don't have permission to do that." Already: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat material type has already been added." Exist: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &eThat material type has not been added." Numerical: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &cError&8: &ePlease provide a numerical value." Added: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have added the material '&d%material&e'." Removed: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have removed the material '&d%material&e'." Points: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have set the material '&d%material&e' points to '&6%points&8'." Division: Message: "&bSkyBlock &8| &aInfo&8: &eYou have set the points division to '&f%division&e'." Placeholder: skyblock_island_level: Empty: Message: "&c0" Non-empty: Message: "&f%placeholder" skyblock_island_points: Empty: Message: "&c0" Non-empty: Message: "&f%placeholder" skyblock_island_role: Empty: Message: "&f&oNone" Non-empty: Message: "&f%placeholder" skyblock_island_owner: Empty: Message: "&f&oNone" Non-empty: Yourself: Message: "&fYou" Other: Message: "&f%placeholder" skyblock_island_biome: Empty: Message: "&f&oNone" Non-empty: Message: "&f%placeholder" skyblock_island_time: Empty: Message: "&c0" Non-empty: Message: "&f%placeholder" skyblock_island_weather: Empty: Message: "&c0" Non-empty: Message: "&f%placeholder" skyblock_island_bans: Empty: Message: "&c0" Non-empty: Message: "&f%placeholder" skyblock_island_members_total: Empty: Message: "&c0" Non-empty: Message: "&f%placeholder" skyblock_island_members: Empty: Message: "&c0" Non-empty: Message: "&f%placeholder" skyblock_island_operators: Empty: Message: "&c0" Non-empty: Message: "&f%placeholder" skyblock_island_visitors: Empty: Message: "&c0" Non-empty: Message: "&f%placeholder" Scoreboard: Tutorial: Displayname: " &b&lSkyBlock &7(&f%players_online&7/&f%players_max&7)" Displaylines: - "" - "&bIsland&f:" - "&cYou do not own an Island." - " &8- &7/island create" - "" - "&bProfile&f:" - " &8- &7Rank&8: &fDefault" - " &8- &7Balance&8: &f$0" - "" - "&" Island: Solo: Displayname: " &b&lSkyBlock &7(&f%players_online&7/&f%players_max&7)" Occupied: Displaylines: - "" - "&bIsland&f:" - " &8- &7Level&8: &f%island_level" - " &8- &7Visitors&8: &f%island_visitors" - "" - "&bProfile&f:" - " &8- &7Rank&8: &fDefault" - " &8- &7Balance&8: &f$0" - "" - "&" Empty: Displaylines: - "" - "&bIsland&f:" - " &8- &7Level&8: &f%island_level" - "" - "&bProfile&f:" - " &8- &7Rank&8: &fDefault" - " &8- &7Balance&8: &f$0" - "" - "&" Team: Word: Owner: "Owner" Operator: "Operator" Member: "Member" Displayname: " &b&lSkyBlock &7(&f%players_online&7/&f%players_max&7)" Occupied: Displaylines: - "" - "&bIsland&f:" - " &8- &7Role&8: &f%island_role" - " &8- &7Members&8: &f%island_members" - " &8- &7Level&8: &f%island_level" - " &8- &7Visitors&8: &f%island_visitors" - "" - "&bProfile&f:" - " &8- &7Rank&8: &fDefault" - " &8- &7Balance&8: &f$0" - "" - "&" Empty: Displaylines: - "" - "&bIsland&f:" - " &8- &7Role&8: &f%island_role" - " &8- &7Members&8: &f%island_members" - " &8- &7Level&8: &f%island_level" - "" - "&bProfile&f:" - " &8- &7Rank&8: &fDefault" - " &8- &7Balance&8: &f$0" - "" - "&" Menu: Creator: Selector: Title: "&8Island Creator" Item: Island: Word: Empty: "&f&oEmpty" Displayname: "%displayname &aIsland" Lore: - "&7Description&8:" - "%description" - "" - "&eClick to create Island!" ControlPanel: Title: "&8Island Control Panel" Item: Teleport: Displayname: "&aIsland Teleport" Lore: - "&7[&f!&7] Teleports you to the main" - " &7spawn point of your Island." - "" - "&eClick to Teleport to your Island!" Barrier: Displayname: "&cIsland Control Panel" Level: Displayname: "&aIsland Level" Lore: - "&7[&f!&7] Gain Levels by expanding" - " &7your Island and placing down" - " &7rare blocks." - "" - "&eClick to calculate Island level!" Settings: Displayname: "&aIsland Settings" Lore: - "&7[&f!&7] Manage your Island settings" - " &7and decide what permissions you" - " &7want to give." - "" - "&eClick to view Island settings!" Members: Displayname: "&aIsland Members" Lore: - "&7[&f!&7] View what players are Members" - " &7of your Island and see their" - " &7role and statistics." - "" - "&eClick to view Island members!" Biome: Displayname: "&aIsland Biome" Lore: - "&7[&f!&7] Select multiple biomes for" - " &7your Island and decide which" - " &7one best suits it." - "" - "&eClick to change Island biome!" Weather: Displayname: "&aIsland Weather" Lore: - "&7[&f!&7] Change the weather for" - " &7your Island and change the" - " &7time." - "" - "&eClick to change Island weather!" Bans: Displayname: "&aIsland Bans" Lore: - "&7[&f!&7] View what players have" - " &7been banned from entering" - " &7your Island." - "" - "&eClick to view Island bans!" Visitors: Displayname: "&aIsland Visitors" Lore: - "&7[&f!&7] View what players are" - " &7visiting your Island and" - " &7see how long they have" - " &7been visiting for." - "" - "&eClick to view Island visitors!" Biome: Title: "&8Select a Biome" Item: Info: Displayname: "&bCurrent Biome" Lore: - "&7Type&8: &e%biome_type" Barrier: Displayname: "&cSelect a Biome >" Biome: Current: Displayname: "&a&mBiome: &e&m%biome_type" Lore: - "&cCurrently Set" Select: Displayname: "&aBiome: &e%biome_type" Lore: - "&7Click to Set!" Weather: Title: "&8Island Weather" Item: Info: Displayname: "&bWeather Information" Synchronised: Enabled: "&atrue" Disabled: "&cfalse" Time: Dawn: "dawn/sunrise" Day: "day" Noon: "midday/noon" Dusk: "dusk/sunset" Night: "night" Midnight: "midnight" Lore: - "&7Synchronised&8: %synchronised" - "&7Weather&8: &6%weather" - "&7Time&8: &6%time &o(%time_name)" Barrier: Displayname: "&cIsland Weather Options >" Time: Displayname: "&aTime" Choice: Dawn: "dawn/sunrise" Day: "day" Noon: "midday/noon" Dusk: "dusk/sunset" Night: "night" Midnight: "midnight" Lore: - "&7Choice&8: &b%choice" - "" - "&eClick to change time!" Weather: Displayname: "&aWeather" Choice: Clear: "clear" Downfall: "downfall" Lore: - "&7Choice&8: &b%choice" - "" - "&eClick to change weather!" Synchronised: Displayname: "&aSynchronised" Choice: Enable: "Enable" Disable: "Disable" Lore: - "&7When enabled, the weather" - "&7and time will operate the" - "&7same weather and time as" - "&7the world. When disabled," - "&7the weather and time will" - "&7be fixed." - "" - "&eClick to %choice!" Rollback: Title: "&8Island Rollback" Item: Info: Displayname: "&bRollback Information" Barrier: Displayname: "&cIsland Rollback Options >" Save: Displayname: "&aSave Rollback" Lore: - "&7Save the current Island" - "&7state for both the normal" - "&7and nether world." - "" - "&eClick to save rollback!" Load: Displayname: "&aLoad Rollback" Lore: - "&7Load the saved rollback." - "" - "&c&oWarning: You will not be" - "&c&oable to recover your" - "&c&ocurrent Island state." - "" - "&eClick to load rollback!" Reset: Displayname: "&aReset Island" Lore: - "&7Reset the Island back to" - "&7its beginning state." - "" - "&c&oWarning: You will not be" - "&c&oable to recover your" - "&c&ocurrent Island state." - "" - "&eClick to reset Island!" Levelling: Title: "&8Island Levelling" Item: Exit: Displayname: "&cExit Island Levelling" Previous: Displayname: "&a< Previous Page" Next: Displayname: "&aNext Page >" Barrier: Displayname: "&cIsland Materials Below" Rescan: Displayname: "&aRescan Island Materials" Lore: - "&7Click to rescan your island" - "&7materials to gather overall" - "&7points and your level." - "" - "&cWarning: You must wait a" - "&chour after a rescan to" - "&cperform another one!" Statistics: Displayname: "&3&nIsland Materials Statistics" Lore: - "&bLevel:" - "&e%level" - "" - "&bPoints:" - "&e%level_points" Nothing: Displayname: "&c&oNothing to see here..." Material: Displayname: "&7%material &8(&e+%points Points&8)" Settings: Categories: Title: "&8Settings - Categories" Item: Exit: Displayname: "&cClick to Exit" Visitor: Displayname: "&aVisitor Settings" Lore: - "&7Edit and decide what permissions" - "&7your want Visitors to have while" - "&7they explore your Island." - "" - "&eClick to Edit Settings!" Member: Displayname: "&aMember Settings" Lore: - "&7Edit and decide what permissions" - "&7you want Members to have when" - "&7playing on your Island." - "" - "&eClick to Edit Settings!" Operator: Displayname: "&aOperator Settings" Lore: - "&7Edit and decide what permissions" - "&7you want Operators to have when" - "&7operating your Island." - "" - "&eClick to Edit Settings!" Owner: Displayname: "&aIsland Settings" Lore: - "&7Edit and decide what permissions" - "&7are most suitable for your Island." - "" - "&eClick to Edit Settings!" Visitor: Title: "&8Visitor Settings" Item: Return: Displayname: "&cClick to Return" Statistics: Displayname: "&aIsland Visit Statistics" Vote: Enabled: Open: Lore: - "&7Island Visits&8: &e%visits" - "&7Island Votes&8: &e%votes" - "" - "&7Current Visitors&8: &a%visitors" - "" - "&eClick to close Island!" Closed: Lore: - "&7Island Visits&8: &e%visitors" - "&7Island Votes&8: &e%votes" - "" - "&aClick to open Island!" Disabled: Open: Lore: - "&7Island Visits&8: &e%visits" - "" - "&7Current Visitors&8: &a%visitors" - "" - "&eClick to close Island!" Closed: Lore: - "&7Island Visits&8: &e%visitors" - "" - "&eClick to open Island!" Signature: Displayname: "&bIsland Signature" Lore: - "&7Set a custom signature that is" - "&7show in the Visit Islands menu" - "&7when your Island is open." - "" - "&eClick to open panel!" Welcome: Displayname: "&bIsland Welcome Message" Lore: - "&7Set a custom welcome message" - "&7to be sent to Visitors when" - "&7they enter your Island." - "" - "&eClick to open panel!" Panel: Signature: Title: "&8Set a Signature" Item: Return: Displayname: "&cClick to Return" Message: Displayname: "&bSignature&f:" Word: Empty: "&7&oEmpty" Line: Add: Displayname: "&aAdd a Line" More: Lore: - "" - "&7Click to add a Line!" Limit: Lore: - "" - "&cYou have reached the Limit!" Word: Enter: "Enter Text" Remove: Displayname: "&cRemove a Line" Lines: Lore: - "" - "&7Click to remove the bottom Line!" None: Lore: - "" - "&cThere are no lines to remove!" Welcome: Title: "&8Set a Welcome Message" Item: Return: Displayname: "&cClick to Return" Message: Displayname: "&bWelcome Message&f:" Word: Empty: "&7&oEmpty" Line: Add: Displayname: "&aAdd a Line" More: Lore: - "" - "&7Click to add a Line!" Limit: Lore: - "" - "&cYou have reached the Limit!" Word: Enter: "Enter Text" Remove: Displayname: "&cRemove a Line" Lines: Lore: - "" - "&7Click to remove the bottom Line!" None: Lore: - "" - "&cThere are no lines to remove!" Member: Title: "&8Member Settings" Item: Return: Displayname: "&cClick to Return" Operator: Title: "&8Operator Settings" Item: Return: Displayname: "&cClick to Return" Setting: Status: Enabled: Lore: - "&7Status&8: &atrue" Disabled: Lore: - "&7Status&8: &cfalse" Invite: Displayname: "&aSend Invites" Kick: Displayname: "&aKick Members & Visitors" Ban: Displayname: "&aBan Visitors" Unban: Displayname: "&aUnban Visitors" Visitor: Displayname: "&aEdit Visitor Settings" Member: Displayname: "&aEdit Member Settings" Island: Displayname: "&aEdit Island Settings" MainSpawn: Displayname: "&aSet Island Main Spawn" VisitorSpawn: Displayname: "&aSet Island Visitor Spawn" Biome: Displayname: "&aSet Biome" Weather: Displayname: "&aSet Weather" Owner: Title: "&8Island Settings" Item: Return: Displayname: "&cClick to Return" Setting: Status: Enabled: Lore: - "&7Status&8: &atrue" Disabled: Lore: - "&7Status&8: &cfalse" NaturalMobSpawning: Displayname: "&aNatural Mob Spawning" MobGriefing: Displayname: "&aMob Griefing" PvP: Displayname: "&aPvP" Explosions: Displayname: "&aExplosions" FireSpread: Displayname: "&aFire Spread" LeafDecay: Displayname: "&aLeaf Decay" KeepItemsOnDeath: Displayname: "&aKeep Items on Death" Default: Item: Setting: Status: Enabled: Lore: - "&7Status&8: &atrue" Disabled: Lore: - "&7Status&8: &cfalse" Destroy: Displayname: "&aDestroy Blocks" Place: Displayname: "&aPlace Blocks" Anvil: Displayname: "&aAnvil Use" ArmorStand: Displayname: "&aArmorStand Use" Beacon: Displayname: "&aBeacon Use" Bed: Displayname: "&aBed Use" AnimalBreeding: Displayname: "&aAnimal Breeding" Brewing: Displayname: "&aBrewing Stand Use" Bucket: Displayname: "&aBucket Use" WaterCollection: Displayname: "&aWater Collection" Storage: Displayname: "&aAccess Storage" Workbench: Displayname: "&aWorkbench Use" Crop: Displayname: "&aCrop Trampling" Door: Displayname: "&aDoor Use" Gate: Displayname: "&aGate Use" Projectile: Displayname: "&aProjectile Launch" Enchant: Displayname: "&aEnchantment Table Use" Fire: Displayname: "&aFire Extinguish" Furnace: Displayname: "&aFurnace Use" HorseInventory: Displayname: "&aAccess Horse Inventory" MobRiding: Displayname: "&aMob Riding" MobHurting: Displayname: "&aMob Hurting" MobTaming: Displayname: "&aMob Taming" Leash: Displayname: "&aLeash Use" LeverButton: Displayname: "&aLever/Button Use" Milking: Displayname: "&aMilking" Jukebox: Displayname: "&aJukebox Use" PressurePlate: Displayname: "&aPressure Plate Activate" Redstone: Displayname: "&aRedstone Use" Shearing: Displayname: "&aMob Shearing" Trading: Displayname: "&aVillager Trading" ItemDrop: Displayname: "&aItem Drop" ItemPickup: Displayname: "&aItem Pickup" Fishing: Displayname: "&aFishing" DropperDispenser: Displayname: "&aDropper/Dispenser Use" SpawnEgg: Displayname: "&aSpawn Eggs" Cake: Displayname: "&aCake Consumption" MinecartBoat: Displayname: "&aMinecart/Boat Use" Portal: Displayname: "&aPortal Use" Hopper: Displayname: "&aHopper Use" Members: Title: "&8Island Members" Item: Exit: Displayname: "&cExit Island Members" Previous: Displayname: "&a< Previous Page" Next: Displayname: "&aNext Page >" Barrier: Displayname: "&cIsland Members Below" Type: Displayname: "&aChange Type" Lore: - "&7Current Type&8: &b%type" - "" - "&bDefault&7: Show all Island" - "&7members." - "&bMembers&7: Show Members only." - "&bOperators&7: Show Operators" - "&7only." - "&bOwner&7: Show the Owner only." - "" - "&eClick to change between all" - "ðe available type options." Statistics: Displayname: "&3&nIsland Member Statistics" Lore: - "&bIsland Members:" - "&e%island_members/%island_capacity" - "" - "&bMembers:" - "&e%members" - "" - "&bOperators:" - "&e%operators" Sort: Displayname: "&aChange Sort" Lore: - "&7Current Sort&8: &b%sort" - "" - "&bDefault&7: Show Island members" - "&7ordered from highest-lowest" - "&7role." - "&bPlaytime&7: Show Island Members" - "&7ordered from the most time played." - "&bMember Since&7: Show Island Members" - "&7ordered from member since." - "&bLast Online&7: Show Island Members" - "&7ordered from last online." - "" - "&eClick to change between all" - "ðe available sort options." Nothing: Displayname: "&c&oNothing to see here..." Member: Displayname: "&b%player" Word: Days: "day(s)" Hours: "hour(s)" Minutes: "minute(s)" Seconds: "second(s)" Click: "Click" Left-Click: "Left-Click" Right-Click: "Right-Click" Role: Word: Member: "&aMember" Operator: "&bOperator" Owner: "&6Owner" Lore: - "&7Role&8:" - "%role" Playtime: Lore: - "&7Playtime&8:" - "&d%playtime" Since: Lore: - "&7Member Since&8:" - "&a%since" LastOnline: Lore: - "&7Last Online&8:" - "&c%last_online" Action: Word: Promote: "promote" Demote: "demote" Kick: "kick" Lore: "&e%click to %action player!" Ownership: Title: "&8Island Ownership" Item: Original: Displayname: "&bOriginal Owner" Lore: - "&7Player&8: &e%player" Barrier: Displayname: "&cIsland Ownership Options >" Assign: Word: Enter: "Enter a Player" Displayname: "&aAssign Owner" Lore: - "&7Assign ownership to a Member" - "&7of your Island." - "" - "&eClick to enter player name!" Password: Displayname: "&aOwnership Password" Unset: Lore: - "&7Set a password that can be" - "&7used by any Member of your" - "&7Island to automatically" - "&7assign them ownership." - "" - "&7Password&8:" - "&c&oUnset" - "" - "&eClick to set password!" Visible: Lore: - "&7Set a password that can be" - "&7used by any Member of your" - "&7Island to automatically" - "&7assign them ownership." - "" - "&7Password&8:" - "&f&o%password" - "" - "&eLeft-Click to set password!" - "&eMiddle-Click to show password!" - "&eRight-Click to reset password!" Hidden: Word: Enter: "Enter a Password" Lore: - "&7Set a password that can be" - "&7used by any Member of your" - "&7Island to automatically" - "&7assign them ownership." - "" - "&7Password&8:" - "&f&oHidden" - "" - "&eLeft-Click to set password!" - "&eMiddle-Click to show password!" - "&eRight-Click to reset password!" Visit: Title: "&8Island Visit" Item: Exit: Displayname: "&cExit Island Visit" Previous: Displayname: "&a< Previous Page" Next: Displayname: "&aNext Page >" Barrier: Displayname: "&cOpen Islands Below" Type: Displayname: "&aChange Type" Lore: - "&7Current Type&8: &b%type" - "" - "&bDefault&7: Show all open Islands." - "&bSolo&7: Show Solo Islands only." - "&bTeam&7: Show Team Islands only." - "" - "&eClick to change between all" - "ðe available type options." Statistics: Displayname: "&bIsland Statistics" Lore: - "&7Islands Open&8: &f%islands_open&7/&f%islands" Sort: Displayname: "&aChange Sort" Lore: - "&7Current Sort&8: &b%sort" - "" - "&bDefault&7: Show Islands ordered" - "&7randomly." - "&bPlayers&7: Show Islands ordered" - "&7from most-least players at Island." - "&bLevel&7: Show Islands ordered from" - "&7higest-lowest Island level." - "&bMembers&7: Show Islands ordered" - "&7from most-least Island members." - "&bVisits&7: Show Islands ordered from" - "&7most-least Island visits." - "&bVotes&7: Show Islands ordered from" - "&7most-least Island votes." - "" - "&eClick to change between all" - "ðe available sort options." Nothing: Displayname: "&c&oNo Islands were found..." Island: Displayname: "&a%player" Vote: Word: Empty: "&f&oEmpty" Enabled: Signature: Word: Add: "add" Remove: "remove" Enabled: Member: Lore: - "&7Signature&8:" - "%signature" - "" - "&7Players At Island&8: &f%players&7/&f%player_capacity" - "" - "&7Level&8: &b%level" - "&7Members&8: &e%members" - "&7Visits&8: &e%visits" - "&7Votes&8: &6%votes" - "" - "&eClick to visit Island!" Visitor: Lore: - "&7Signature&8:" - "%signature" - "" - "&7Players At Island&8: &f%players&7/&f%player_capacity" - "" - "&7Level&8: &b%level" - "&7Members&8: &e%members" - "&7Visits&8: &e%visits" - "&7Votes&8: &6%votes" - "" - "&eLeft-Click to visit Island!" - "&eRight-Click to %action vote!" Disabled: Member: Lore: - "&7Players At Island&8: &f%players&7/&f%player_capacity" - "" - "&7Level&8: &b%level" - "&7Members&8: &e%members" - "&7Visits&8: &e%visits" - "&7Votes&8: &6%votes" - "" - "&eClick to visit Island!" Visitor: Lore: - "&7Players At Island&8: &f%players&7/&f%player_capacity" - "" - "&7Level&8: &b%level" - "&7Members&8: &e%members" - "&7Visits&8: &e%visits" - "&7Votes&8: &6%votes" - "" - "&eLeft-Click to visit Island!" - "&eRight-Click to %action vote!" Disabled: Signature: Enabled: Lore: - "&7Signature&8:" - "%signature" - "" - "&7Players At Island&8: &f%players&7/&f%player_capacity" - "" - "&7Level&8: &b%level" - "&7Members&8: &e%members" - "&7Visits&8: &e%visits" - "" - "&eClick to visit Island!" Disabled: Lore: - "&7Players At Island&8: &f%players&7/&f%player_capacity" - "" - "&7Level&8: &b%level" - "&7Members&8: &e%members" - "&7Visits&8: &e%visits" - "" - "&eClick to visit Island!" Visitors: Title: "&8Island Visitors" Item: Exit: Displayname: "&cExit Island Visitors" Previous: Displayname: "&a< Previous Page" Next: Displayname: "&aNext Page >" Barrier: Displayname: "&cIsland Visitors Below" Statistics: Displayname: "&bIsland Visitors" Lore: - "&7Visitors&8: &f%visitors" Nothing: Displayname: "&cThere are no Visitors at your Island." Visitor: Displayname: "&a%player" Word: Days: "day(s)" Hours: "hour(s)" Minutes: "minute(s)" Seconds: "second(s)" Kick: Permission: Ban: Permission: Lore: - "&7Visit Time&8:" - "&d%time" - "" - "&eLeft-Click to Kick player!" - "&eRight-Click to Ban player!" NoPermission: Lore: - "&7Visit Time&8:" - "&d%time" - "" - "&eClick to Kick player!" NoPermission: Ban: Permission: Lore: - "&7Visit Time&8:" - "&d%time" - "" - "&eClick to Ban player!" NoPermission: Lore: - "&7Visit Time&8:" - "&d%time" Bans: Title: "&8Island Ban" Item: Exit: Displayname: "&cExit Island Bans" Previous: Displayname: "&a< Previous Page" Next: Displayname: "&aNext Page >" Barrier: Displayname: "&cIsland Bans Below" Statistics: Displayname: "&bIsland Bans" Lore: - "&7Bans&8: &f%bans" Nothing: Displayname: "&cThere are no Bans at your Island." Ban: Displayname: "&a%player" Lore: - "" - "&eClick to Unban player!" Admin: Creator: Title: "&8Structure Editor" Browse: Item: Exit: Displayname: "&cExit Creator Editor" Previous: Displayname: "&a< Previous Page" Next: Displayname: "&aNext Page >" Barrier: Displayname: "&cStructures Below" Nothing: Displayname: "&c&oNothing to see here..." Information: Word: Enter: "Enter Name" Displayname: "&bInformation" Lore: - "&7Structures&8: &f%structures" - "" - "&eClick to create a Structure!" Structure: Displayname: "&a%structure" Lore: - "&eLeft-Click to view options!" - "&eRight-Click to remove structure!" Options: Item: Return: Displayname: "&cReturn to browse" Word: Unset: "&f&oUnset" Displayname: Word: Enter: "Enter Displayname" Displayname: "&aDisplayname" Lore: - "&7Displayname&8:" - "&f&o%displayname" - "" - "&eClick to set displayname!" Description: Word: Enter: "Enter Line" Displayname: "&aDescription" Unset: Lore: - "&7Description&8:" - "%description" - "" - "&eClick to add line!" Set: Lore: - "&7Description&8:" - "%description" - "" - "&eLeft-Click to add line!" - "&eRight-click to remove line!" Permission: Displayname: "&aPermission" Enable: Lore: - "&7Permission&8:" - "&f&o%permission" - "" - "&eClick to enable!" Disable: Lore: - "&7Permission&8:" - "&f&o%permission" - "" - "&eClick to disable!" File: Word: Enter: "Enter file name" Displayname: "&aStructure File" Lore: - "&7File&8:" - "&f&o%file" - "" - "&eClick to set file!" Item: Displayname: "&aItem" Lore: - "&7Material&8:" - "&f&o%material" - "" - "&7When clicked, select" - "&7an item in your" - "&7inventory or click" - "&7this item again to" - "&7cancel." - "" - "&eClick to set item!" Generator: Title: "&8Generator Editor" Browse: Item: Exit: Displayname: "&cExit Generator Editor" Previous: Displayname: "&a< Previous Page" Next: Displayname: "&aNext Page >" Barrier: Displayname: "&cGenerators Below" Nothing: Displayname: "&c&oNothing to see here..." Information: Word: Enter: "Enter Name" Displayname: "&bInformation" Lore: - "&7Generators&8: &f%generators" - "" - "&eClick to create a Generator!" Generator: Displayname: "&a%generator" Lore: - "&eLeft-Click to manager generator!" - "&eRight-Click to remove generator!" Generator: Item: Return: Displayname: "&cReturn to browse" Barrier: Displayname: "&cMaterials Below" Information: Displayname: "&bInformation" Permission: Enable: Lore: - "&7Name&8: &f%name" - "&7Permission&8:" - "&f&o%permission" - "" - "&eClick to enable permission!" Disable: Lore: - "&7Name&8: &f%name" - "&7Permission&8:" - "&f&o%permission" - "" - "&eClick to disable permission!" Nothing: Displayname: "&c&oNothing to see here..." Material: Word: Enter: "Enter Chance" Displayname: "&a%material" Lore: - "&7Chance&8: &f%chance" - "" - "&eLeft-Click to set chance!" - "&eRight-Click to remove material!" Levelling: Title: "&8Levelling Editior" Item: Exit: Displayname: "&cExit Levelling Editor" Previous: Displayname: "&a< Previous Page" Next: Displayname: "&aNext Page >" Barrier: Displayname: "&cLevelling Materials Below" Nothing: Displayname: "&c&oNothing to see here..." Information: Word: Enter: "Enter Division" Displayname: "&bInformation" Lore: - "&7Materials&8: &f%materials" - "&7Division&8: &f%division" - "" - "&eClick to set Division!" Material: Word: Enter: "Enter Points" Displayname: "&a%material" Lore: - "&7Points&8: &6%points" - "" - "&eLeft-Click to change points!" - "&eRight-Click to remove material!"