Unknown 03adddeefd Minor Fixes
# Fixed possible NPE when a player disconnects from the server preventing objects being removed. This is a problem with certain Java versions.
# Fixed 'Island Visit' menu not updating when the inventory viewer adds or removes a vote if voting is enabled.
# Fixed Island level not showing in the 'Island Visit' menu.
2018-11-23 21:57:02 +00:00

12 lines
296 B

name: SkyBlock
main: me.goodandevil.skyblock.Main
version: 23
api-version: 1.13
description: A unique SkyBlock plugin
author: GoodAndEvil
softdepend: [PlaceholderAPI, MVdWPlaceholderAPI]
loadbefore: [Multiverse-Core]
description: Island command
aliases: [is]