Unknown 5b62969a6a Leaderboard
# Players will now have to be at an Island to add or remove a vote if Island voting is enabled. You can change the error messages in the language file.
# Added 'DragonEggUse' setting to the settings menu which allows players to interact with Dragon Eggs or not or prevent them from teleporting.
# Added the path in the language configuration file to change the description of the '/island leaderboard' command.
# Added the option in the configuration file to change the reset time for the Leaderboard.
# Fixed exception when changing the option in the configuration file to print a list of all the commands.
# Fixed signature not updating in the 'Visitor Menu' when changing an Island signature.
# Fixed Multiverse-Core error message when setting the generator of an Island world.
# Fixed help commands printing backslash at the end of the command aliases.
# Fixed skulls not displaying skin textures for the menus in 1.8-1.12.
# Fixed biome not changing when creating an Island.
# Fixed generators only generating one material.
2018-11-23 13:30:47 +00:00

14 lines
218 B

# Required:
# Material Name
# Points Earned
Points: 1
Points: 10
Points: 5
Points: 100
Points: 30