Unknown aadd2f0817 Build 28
# Added the path 'Island.Creation.Commands' to the configuration file where you can provide command you want to be executed by the player or console on Island creation.
# Added the variable '%island_radius' to the scoreboard that returns the radius of the Island.
# Added the variable '%island_size' to the scoreboard that returns the size of the Island.
# Added the placeholder 'skyblock_island_radius' that returns the Island radius.
# Added the placeholder 'skyblock_island_size' that returns the Island size.
# Added the alias 'new' to the '/island create' command.
# Added the alias 'banned' to the '/island bans' command.
# Added PlaceholderAPI support to the Island chat.
# Fixed NPE when loading an Island if an island world name has been changed in the configuration file while there's island data.
# Fixed NPE when teleporting to the set spawn point if the world is not loaded or no longer exists.
2018-11-26 16:03:39 +00:00

12 lines
300 B

name: SkyBlock
main: me.goodandevil.skyblock.SkyBlock
version: 28
api-version: 1.13
description: A unique SkyBlock plugin
author: GoodAndEvil
softdepend: [PlaceholderAPI, MVdWPlaceholderAPI]
loadbefore: [Multiverse-Core]
description: Island command
aliases: [is]