Unknown 94170b0ca9 Build 30
# Added the permission note 'skyblock.information' to open the 'Island Information' menu for other Islands.
# Added the command '/island information [<player>]' to open the 'Island Information' menu.
# Fixed Island Settings menu not allowing players to change settings when the menus share the same titles.
# Fixed IAE when opening the a menu that contains a skull when the texture isn't set.
# Fixed UE when teleporting to a players Island with the command '/island teleport'.
# Fixed ICE when having '#' characters in the 'language.yml' file.
# Fixed chunk error on Island creation when biome is set.
# Recorded all the menus.
2018-11-27 22:56:54 +00:00

12 lines
300 B

name: SkyBlock
main: me.goodandevil.skyblock.SkyBlock
version: 30
api-version: 1.13
description: A unique SkyBlock plugin
author: GoodAndEvil
softdepend: [PlaceholderAPI, MVdWPlaceholderAPI]
loadbefore: [Multiverse-Core]
description: Island command
aliases: [is]