package com.massivecraft.factions.cmd; import com.massivecraft.factions.Perm; import com.massivecraft.factions.Rel; import com.massivecraft.factions.cmd.arg.ARFPlayer; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.FPlayer; import com.massivecraft.mcore.cmd.req.ReqHasPerm; public class CmdFactionsPromote extends FCommand { public CmdFactionsPromote() { this.addAliases("promote"); this.addRequiredArg("player"); this.addRequirements(ReqHasPerm.get(Perm.PROMOTE.node)); //To promote someone from recruit -> member you must be an officer. //To promote someone from member -> officer you must be a leader. //We'll handle this internally } @Override public void perform() { FPlayer you = this.arg(0, ARFPlayer.getStartAny()); if (you == null) return; if (you.getFaction() != myFaction) { msg("%s is not a member in your faction.", you.describeTo(fme, true)); return; } if (you == fme) { msg("The target player mustn't be yourself."); return; } if (you.getRole() == Rel.RECRUIT) { if (!fme.getRole().isAtLeast(Rel.OFFICER)) { msg("You must be an officer to promote someone to member."); return; } you.setRole(Rel.MEMBER); myFaction.msg("%s was promoted to being a member of your faction.", you.describeTo(myFaction, true)); } else if (you.getRole() == Rel.MEMBER) { if (!fme.getRole().isAtLeast(Rel.LEADER)) { msg("You must be the leader to promote someone to officer."); return; } // Give you.setRole(Rel.OFFICER); myFaction.msg("%s was promoted to being a officer in your faction.", you.describeTo(myFaction, true)); } } }