package com.massivecraft.factions.entity; import com.massivecraft.factions.Const; import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions; import com.massivecraft.factions.RelationParticipator; import com.massivecraft.factions.TerritoryAccess; import com.massivecraft.factions.util.AsciiCompass; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.MassiveMap; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.MassiveSet; import; import; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.Txt; import com.massivecraft.massivecore.xlib.gson.reflect.TypeToken; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; public class Board extends Entity implements BoardInterface { public static final transient Type MAP_TYPE = new TypeToken>(){}.getType(); // -------------------------------------------- // // META // -------------------------------------------- // public static Board get(Object oid) { return BoardColl.get().get(oid); } // -------------------------------------------- // // OVERRIDE: ENTITY // -------------------------------------------- // @Override public Board load(Board that) { =; return this; } @Override public boolean isDefault() { if ( == null) return true; if ( return true; return false; } // -------------------------------------------- // // FIELDS // -------------------------------------------- // // TODO: Make TerritoryAccess immutable. private ConcurrentSkipListMap map; public Map getMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(; } public Map getMapRaw() { return; } // -------------------------------------------- // // CONSTRUCT // -------------------------------------------- // public Board() { = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(); } public Board(Map map) { = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(map); } // -------------------------------------------- // // OVERRIDE: BOARD // -------------------------------------------- // // GET @Override public TerritoryAccess getTerritoryAccessAt(PS ps) { if (ps == null) return null; ps = ps.getChunkCoords(true); TerritoryAccess ret =; if (ret == null || ret.getHostFaction() == null) ret = TerritoryAccess.valueOf(Factions.ID_NONE); return ret; } @Override public Faction getFactionAt(PS ps) { if (ps == null) return null; TerritoryAccess ta = this.getTerritoryAccessAt(ps); return ta.getHostFaction(); } // SET @Override public void setTerritoryAccessAt(PS ps, TerritoryAccess territoryAccess) { ps = ps.getChunkCoords(true); if (territoryAccess == null || (territoryAccess.getHostFactionId().equals(Factions.ID_NONE) && territoryAccess.isDefault())) {; } else {, territoryAccess); } this.changed(); } @Override public void setFactionAt(PS ps, Faction faction) { TerritoryAccess territoryAccess = null; if (faction != null) { territoryAccess = TerritoryAccess.valueOf(faction.getId()); } this.setTerritoryAccessAt(ps, territoryAccess); } // REMOVE @Override public void removeAt(PS ps) { this.setTerritoryAccessAt(ps, null); } @Override public void removeAll(Faction faction) { String factionId = faction.getId(); for (Entry entry : { TerritoryAccess territoryAccess = entry.getValue(); if ( ! territoryAccess.getHostFactionId().equals(factionId)) continue; PS ps = entry.getKey(); this.removeAt(ps); } } // CHUNKS @Override public Set getChunks(Faction faction) { return this.getChunks(faction.getId()); } @Override public Set getChunks(String factionId) { Set ret = new HashSet<>(); for (Entry entry : { TerritoryAccess ta = entry.getValue(); if (!ta.getHostFactionId().equals(factionId)) continue; PS ps = entry.getKey(); ps = ps.withWorld(this.getId()); ret.add(ps); } return ret; } @Override public Map> getFactionToChunks() { Map> ret = new MassiveMap<>(); for (Entry entry : { // Get Faction TerritoryAccess ta = entry.getValue(); Faction faction = ta.getHostFaction(); if (faction == null) continue; // Get Chunks Set chunks = ret.get(faction); if (chunks == null) { chunks = new MassiveSet<>(); ret.put(faction, chunks); } // Add Chunk PS chunk = entry.getKey(); chunk = chunk.withWorld(this.getId()); chunks.add(chunk); } return ret; } // COUNT @Override public int getCount(Faction faction) { return this.getCount(faction.getId()); } @Override public int getCount(String factionId) { int ret = 0; for (TerritoryAccess ta : { if (!ta.getHostFactionId().equals(factionId)) continue; ret += 1; } return ret; } @Override public Map getFactionToCount() { Map ret = new MassiveMap<>(); for (Entry entry : { // Get Faction TerritoryAccess ta = entry.getValue(); Faction faction = ta.getHostFaction(); if (faction == null) continue; // Get Count Integer count = ret.get(faction); if (count == null) { count = 0; } // Add Chunk ret.put(faction, count + 1); } return ret; } // CLAIMED @Override public boolean hasClaimed(Faction faction) { return this.hasClaimed(faction.getId()); } @Override public boolean hasClaimed(String factionId) { for (TerritoryAccess ta : { if ( ! ta.getHostFactionId().equals(factionId)) continue; return true; } return false; } // NEARBY DETECTION // Is this coord NOT completely surrounded by coords claimed by the same faction? // Simpler: Is there any nearby coord with a faction other than the faction here? @Override public boolean isBorderPs(PS ps) { ps = ps.getChunk(true); PS nearby = null; Faction faction = this.getFactionAt(ps); nearby = ps.withChunkX(ps.getChunkX() +1); if (faction != this.getFactionAt(nearby)) return true; nearby = ps.withChunkX(ps.getChunkX() -1); if (faction != this.getFactionAt(nearby)) return true; nearby = ps.withChunkZ(ps.getChunkZ() +1); if (faction != this.getFactionAt(nearby)) return true; nearby = ps.withChunkZ(ps.getChunkZ() -1); if (faction != this.getFactionAt(nearby)) return true; return false; } @Override public boolean isAnyBorderPs(Set pss) { for (PS ps : pss) { if (this.isBorderPs(ps)) return true; } return false; } // Is this coord connected to any coord claimed by the specified faction? @Override public boolean isConnectedPs(PS ps, Faction faction) { ps = ps.getChunk(true); PS nearby = null; nearby = ps.withChunkX(ps.getChunkX() +1); if (faction == this.getFactionAt(nearby)) return true; nearby = ps.withChunkX(ps.getChunkX() -1); if (faction == this.getFactionAt(nearby)) return true; nearby = ps.withChunkZ(ps.getChunkZ() +1); if (faction == this.getFactionAt(nearby)) return true; nearby = ps.withChunkZ(ps.getChunkZ() -1); if (faction == this.getFactionAt(nearby)) return true; return false; } @Override public boolean isAnyConnectedPs(Set pss, Faction faction) { for (PS ps : pss) { if (this.isConnectedPs(ps, faction)) return true; } return false; } // MAP GENERATION @Override public List getMap(RelationParticipator observer, PS centerPs, double inDegrees, int width, int height) { centerPs = centerPs.getChunkCoords(true); List ret = new ArrayList<>(); Faction centerFaction = this.getFactionAt(centerPs); ret.add(Txt.titleize("(" + centerPs.getChunkX() + "," + centerPs.getChunkZ() + ") " + centerFaction.getName(observer))); int halfWidth = width / 2; int halfHeight = height / 2; width = halfWidth * 2 + 1; height = halfHeight * 2 + 1; PS topLeftPs = centerPs.plusChunkCoords(-halfWidth, -halfHeight); // Get the compass List asciiCompass = AsciiCompass.getAsciiCompass(inDegrees); // Make room for the list of names height--; Map fList = new HashMap<>(); int chrIdx = 0; boolean overflown = false; // For each row for (int dz = 0; dz < height; dz++) { // Draw and add that row StringBuilder row = new StringBuilder(); for (int dx = 0; dx < width; dx++) { if (dx == halfWidth && dz == halfHeight) { row.append(Const.MAP_KEY_SEPARATOR); continue; } if ( ! overflown && chrIdx >= Const.MAP_KEY_CHARS.length) overflown = true; PS herePs = topLeftPs.plusChunkCoords(dx, dz); Faction hereFaction = this.getFactionAt(herePs); boolean contains = fList.containsKey(hereFaction); if (hereFaction.isNone()) { row.append(Const.MAP_KEY_WILDERNESS); } else if ( ! contains && overflown) { row.append(Const.MAP_KEY_OVERFLOW); } else { if ( ! contains) fList.put(hereFaction, Const.MAP_KEY_CHARS[chrIdx++]); char fchar = fList.get(hereFaction); row.append(hereFaction.getColorTo(observer).toString()).append(fchar); } } String line = row.toString(); // Add the compass if (dz == 0) line = asciiCompass.get(0) + line.substring(3*3); if (dz == 1) line = asciiCompass.get(1) + line.substring(3*3); if (dz == 2) line = asciiCompass.get(2) + line.substring(3*3); ret.add(line); } String fRow = ""; for (Faction keyfaction : fList.keySet()) { fRow += keyfaction.getColorTo(observer).toString() + fList.get(keyfaction) + ": " + keyfaction.getName() + " "; } if (overflown) fRow += Const.MAP_OVERFLOW_MESSAGE; fRow = fRow.trim(); ret.add(fRow); return ret; } }