
701 lines
28 KiB

package com.massivecraft.factions.entity;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Rel;
import com.massivecraft.factions.engine.EngineChat;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsChunkChangeType;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.BackstringSet;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.WorldExceptionSet;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.command.editor.annotation.EditorName;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.command.editor.annotation.EditorType;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.command.editor.annotation.EditorTypeInner;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.command.type.TypeMillisDiff;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.store.Entity;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.MUtil;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.TimeUnit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class MConf extends Entity<MConf>
// -------------------------------------------- //
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protected static transient MConf i;
public static MConf get() { return i; }
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public MConf load(MConf that)
// Reactivate EngineChat if currently active.
// This way some event listeners are registered with the correct priority based on the config.
EngineChat engine = EngineChat.get();
if (engine.isActive())
return this;
// -------------------------------------------- //
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public int version = 1;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Don't you want "f" as the base command alias? Simply change it here.
public List<String> aliasesF = MUtil.list("f");
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Use this blacklist/whitelist system to toggle features on a per world basis.
// Do you only want claiming enabled on the one map called "Hurr"?
// In such case set standard to false and add "Hurr" as an exeption to worldsClaimingEnabled.
public WorldExceptionSet worldsClaimingEnabled = new WorldExceptionSet();
public WorldExceptionSet worldsPowerLossEnabled = new WorldExceptionSet();
public WorldExceptionSet worldsPowerGainEnabled = new WorldExceptionSet();
public WorldExceptionSet worldsPvpRulesEnabled = new WorldExceptionSet();
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Add player names here who should bypass all protections.
// Should /not/ be used for admins. There is "/f adminmode" for that.
// This is for other plugins/mods that use a fake player to take actions, which shouldn't be subject to our protections.
public Set<String> playersWhoBypassAllProtection = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Define the time in minutes between certain Factions system tasks is ran.
public double taskPlayerPowerUpdateMinutes = 1;
public double taskPlayerDataRemoveMinutes = 5;
public double taskEconLandRewardMinutes = 20;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Should players be kicked from their faction and their data erased when banned?
public boolean removePlayerWhenBanned = true;
// After how many milliseconds should players be automatically kicked from their faction?
// The Default
public long removePlayerMillisDefault = 10 * TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_DAY; // 10 days
// Player Age Bonus
@EditorTypeInner({TypeMillisDiff.class, TypeMillisDiff.class})
public Map<Long, Long> removePlayerMillisPlayerAgeToBonus = MUtil.map(
2 * TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_WEEK, 10 * TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_DAY // +10 days after 2 weeks
// Faction Age Bonus
@EditorTypeInner({TypeMillisDiff.class, TypeMillisDiff.class})
public Map<Long, Long> removePlayerMillisFactionAgeToBonus = MUtil.map(
4 * TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_WEEK, 10 * TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_DAY, // +10 days after 4 weeks
2 * TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_WEEK, 5 * TimeUnit.MILLIS_PER_DAY // +5 days after 2 weeks
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// These are a deprecated remnant from the universe system.
// We needed these to understand the difference between wilderness in different universes.
// Now that we are back to one universe only, we can have static names like simply "none", "safezone" and "warzone".
// Previously we set them to UUID.randomUUID().toString() but now we set them to null.
// If the value is set we use it to update map entries and then set it to null really quick.
public String factionIdNone = null;
public String factionIdSafezone = null;
public String factionIdWarzone = null;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Which faction should new players be followers of?
// "none" means Wilderness. Remember to specify the id, like "3defeec7-b3b1-48d9-82bb-2a8903df24e3" and not the name.
public String defaultPlayerFactionId = Factions.ID_NONE;
// What rank should new players joining a faction get?
// If not RECRUIT then MEMBER might make sense.
public Rel defaultPlayerRole = Rel.RECRUIT;
// What power should the player start with?
public double defaultPlayerPower = 0.0;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// During which event priority should the faction message of the day be displayed?
// This setting only matters if "motdDelayTicks" is set to -1
public EventPriority motdPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL;
// How many ticks should we delay the faction message of the day with?
// -1 means we don't delay at all. We display it at once.
// 0 means it's deferred to the upcoming server tick.
// 5 means we delay it yet another 5 ticks.
public int motdDelayTicks = -1;
// -------------------------------------------- //
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// What is the maximum player power?
public double powerMax = 10.0;
// What is the minimum player power?
// NOTE: Negative minimum values is possible.
public double powerMin = 0.0;
// How much power should be regained per hour online on the server?
public double powerPerHour = 2.0;
// How much power should be lost on death?
public double powerPerDeath = -2.0;
// Can players with negative power leave their faction?
// NOTE: This only makes sense to set to false if your "powerMin" setting is negative.
public boolean canLeaveWithNegativePower = true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Is there a maximum amount of members per faction?
// 0 means there is not. If you set it to 100 then there can at most be 100 members per faction.
public int factionMemberLimit = 0;
// Is there a maximum faction power cap?
// 0 means there is not. Set it to a positive value in case you wan't to use this feature.
public double factionPowerMax = 0.0;
// Limit the length of faction names here.
public int factionNameLengthMin = 3;
public int factionNameLengthMax = 16;
// Should faction names automatically be converted to upper case?
// You probably don't want this feature.
// It's a remnant from old faction versions.
public boolean factionNameForceUpperCase = false;
// -------------------------------------------- //
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// When using radius setting of faction territory, what is the maximum radius allowed?
public int setRadiusMax = 30;
// When using fill setting of faction territory, what is the maximum chunk count allowed?
public int setFillMax = 1000;
// -------------------------------------------- //
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// Must claims be connected to each other?
// If you set this to false you will allow factions to claim more than one base per world map.
// That would makes outposts possible but also potentially ugly weird claims messing up your Dynmap and ingame experiance.
public boolean claimsMustBeConnected = true;
// Would you like to allow unconnected claims when conquering land from another faction?
// Setting this to true would allow taking over someone elses base even if claims normally have to be connected.
// Note that even without this you can pillage/unclaim another factions territory in war.
// You just won't be able to take the land as your own.
public boolean claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction = false;
// Is claiming from other factions even allowed?
// Set this to false to disable territorial warfare altogether.
public boolean claimingFromOthersAllowed = true;
// Is a minimum distance (measured in chunks) to other factions required?
// 0 means the feature is disabled.
// Set the feature to 10 and there must be 10 chunks of wilderness between factions.
// Factions may optionally allow their allies to bypass this limit by configuring their faction permissions ingame themselves.
public int claimMinimumChunksDistanceToOthers = 0;
// Do you need a minimum amount of faction members to claim land?
// 1 means just the faction leader alone is enough.
public int claimsRequireMinFactionMembers = 1;
// Is there a maximum limit to chunks claimed?
// 0 means there isn't.
public int claimedLandsMax = 0;
// The max amount of worlds in which a player can have claims in.
public int claimedWorldsMax = -1;
// -------------------------------------------- //
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public boolean protectionLiquidFlowEnabled = true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
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// Is the home feature enabled?
// If you set this to false players can't set homes or teleport home.
public boolean homesEnabled = true;
// Must homes be located inside the faction's territory?
// It's usually a wise idea keeping this true.
// Otherwise players can set their homes inside enemy territory.
public boolean homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory = true;
// Is the home teleport command available?
// One reason you might set this to false is if you only want players going home on respawn after death.
public boolean homesTeleportCommandEnabled = true;
// These options can be used to limit rights to tp home under different circumstances.
public boolean homesTeleportAllowedFromEnemyTerritory = true;
public boolean homesTeleportAllowedFromDifferentWorld = true;
public double homesTeleportAllowedEnemyDistance = 32.0;
public boolean homesTeleportIgnoreEnemiesIfInOwnTerritory = true;
// Should players teleport to faction home on death?
// Set this to true to override the default respawn location.
public boolean homesTeleportToOnDeathActive = false;
// This value can be used to tweak compatibility with other plugins altering the respawn location.
public EventPriority homesTeleportToOnDeathPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean territoryInfoTitlesDefault = true;
public String territoryInfoTitlesMain = "{relcolor}{name}";
public String territoryInfoTitlesSub = "<i>{desc}";
public int territoryInfoTitlesTicksIn = 5;
public int territoryInfoTitlesTicksStay = 60;
public int territoryInfoTitleTicksOut = 5;
public String territoryInfoChat = "<i> ~ {relcolor}{name} <i>{desc}";
// -------------------------------------------- //
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// Set this to true if want to block the promotion of new leaders for permanent factions.
// I don't really understand the user case for this option.
public boolean permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion = false;
// How much health damage should a player take upon placing or breaking a block in a "pain build" territory?
// 2.0 means one heart.
public double actionDeniedPainAmount = 2.0D;
// If you set this option to true then factionless players cant partake in PVP.
// It works in both directions. Meaning you must join a faction to hurt players and get hurt by players.
public boolean disablePVPForFactionlessPlayers = false;
// If you set this option to true then factionless players cant damage each other.
// So two factionless can't PvP, but they can PvP with others if that is allowed.
public boolean enablePVPBetweenFactionlessPlayers = true;
// Set this option to true to create an exception to the rule above.
// Players inside their own faction territory can then hurt facitonless players.
// This way you may "evict" factionless trolls messing around in your home base.
public boolean enablePVPAgainstFactionlessInAttackersLand = false;
// Inside your own faction territory you take less damage.
// 0.1 means that you take 10% less damage at home.
public double territoryShieldFactor = 0.1D;
// Protects the faction land from piston extending/retracting
// through the denying of MPerm build
public boolean handlePistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild = true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
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// A list of commands to block for members of permanent factions.
// I don't really understand the user case for this option.
public List<String> denyCommandsPermanentFactionMember = new ArrayList<>();
// Lists of commands to deny depending on your relation to the current faction territory.
// You may for example not type /home (might be the plugin Essentials) in the territory of your enemies.
public Map<Rel, List<String>> denyCommandsTerritoryRelation = MUtil.map(
Rel.ENEMY, MUtil.list(
// Essentials commands
// Essentials e-alliases
// Essentials fallback alliases
// Other plugins
Rel.NEUTRAL, new ArrayList<String>(),
Rel.TRUCE, new ArrayList<String>(),
Rel.ALLY, new ArrayList<String>(),
Rel.MEMBER, new ArrayList<String>()
// The distance for denying the following commands. Set to -1 to disable.
public double denyCommandsDistance = -1;
// Lists of commands to deny depending on your relation to a nearby enemy in the above distance.
public Map<Rel, List<String>> denyCommandsDistanceRelation = MUtil.map(
Rel.ENEMY, MUtil.list(
Rel.NEUTRAL, new ArrayList<String>(),
Rel.TRUCE, new ArrayList<String>(),
Rel.ALLY, new ArrayList<String>(),
Rel.MEMBER, new ArrayList<String>()
// Allow bypassing the above setting when in these territories.
public List<Rel> denyCommandsDistanceBypassIn = MUtil.list(
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Should Factions set the chat format?
// This should be kept at false if you use an external chat format plugin.
// If you are planning on running a more lightweight server you can set this to true.
public boolean chatSetFormat = true;
// At which event priority should the chat format be set in such case?
// Choose between: LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH and HIGHEST.
public EventPriority chatSetFormatAt = EventPriority.LOWEST;
// What format should be set?
public String chatSetFormatTo = "<{factions_relcolor}§l{factions_roleprefix}§r{factions_relcolor}{factions_name|rp}§f%1$s> %2$s";
// Should the chat tags such as {factions_name} be parsed?
// NOTE: You can set this to true even with chatSetFormat = false.
// But in such case you must set the chat format using an external chat format plugin.
public boolean chatParseTags = true;
// At which event priority should the faction chat tags be parsed in such case?
// Choose between: LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST.
public EventPriority chatParseTagsAt = EventPriority.LOW;
// -------------------------------------------- //
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// Here you can alter the colors tied to certain faction relations and settings.
// You probably don't want to edit these to much.
// Doing so might confuse players that are used to Factions.
public ChatColor colorMember = ChatColor.GREEN;
public ChatColor colorAlly = ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE;
public ChatColor colorTruce = ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE;
public ChatColor colorNeutral = ChatColor.WHITE;
public ChatColor colorEnemy = ChatColor.RED;
// This one is for example applied to SafeZone since that faction has the pvp flag set to false.
public ChatColor colorNoPVP = ChatColor.GOLD;
// This one is for example applied to WarZone since that faction has the friendly fire flag set to true.
public ChatColor colorFriendlyFire = ChatColor.DARK_RED;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Here you may edit the name prefixes associated with different faction ranks.
public String prefixLeader = "**";
public String prefixOfficer = "*";
public String prefixMember = "+";
public String prefixRecruit = "-";
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean handleExploitObsidianGenerators = true;
public boolean handleExploitEnderPearlClipping = true;
public boolean handleExploitTNTWaterlog = false;
public boolean handleNetherPortalTrap = true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// These options can be used to tweak the "/f seechunk" particle effect.
// They are fine as is but feel free to experiment with them if you want to.
// Use 1 or multiple of 3, 4 or 5.
public int seeChunkSteps = 1;
// White/Black List for creating sparse patterns.
public int seeChunkKeepEvery = 5;
public int seeChunkSkipEvery = 0;
public long seeChunkPeriodMillis = 500;
public int seeChunkParticleAmount = 30;
public float seeChunkParticleOffsetY = 2;
public float seeChunkParticleDeltaY = 2;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public int unstuckSeconds = 30;
public int unstuckChunkRadius = 10;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Here you can disable logging of certain events to the server console.
public boolean logFactionCreate = true;
public boolean logFactionDisband = true;
public boolean logFactionJoin = true;
public boolean logFactionKick = true;
public boolean logFactionLeave = true;
public boolean logLandClaims = true;
public boolean logLandUnclaims = true;
public boolean logMoneyTransactions = true;
public boolean logPlayerCommands = true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// In this configuration section you can add support for Forge mods that add new Materials and EntityTypes.
// This way they can be protected in Faction territory.
// Use the "UPPER_CASE_NAME" for the Material or EntityType in question.
// If you are running a regular Spigot server you don't have to edit this section.
// In fact all of these sets can be empty on regular Spigot servers without any risk.
// Interacting with these materials when they are already placed in the terrain results in an edit.
public BackstringSet<Material> materialsEditOnInteract = new BackstringSet<>(Material.class);
// Interacting with the the terrain holding this item in hand results in an edit.
// There's no need to add all block materials here. Only special items other than blocks.
public BackstringSet<Material> materialsEditTools = new BackstringSet<>(Material.class);
// Interacting with these materials placed in the terrain results in door toggling.
public BackstringSet<Material> materialsDoor = new BackstringSet<>(Material.class);
// Interacting with these materials placed in the terrain results in opening a container.
public BackstringSet<Material> materialsContainer = new BackstringSet<>(Material.class);
// Interacting with these entities results in an edit.
public BackstringSet<EntityType> entityTypesEditOnInteract = new BackstringSet<>(EntityType.class);
// Damaging these entities results in an edit.
public BackstringSet<EntityType> entityTypesEditOnDamage = new BackstringSet<>(EntityType.class);
// Interacting with these entities results in opening a container.
public BackstringSet<EntityType> entityTypesContainer = new BackstringSet<>(EntityType.class);
// The complete list of entities considered to be monsters.
public BackstringSet<EntityType> entityTypesMonsters = new BackstringSet<>(EntityType.class);
// List of entities considered to be animals.
public BackstringSet<EntityType> entityTypesAnimals = new BackstringSet<>(EntityType.class);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// I you are using the chat plugin HeroChat Factions ship with built in integration.
// The two channels Faction and Allies will be created.
// Their data is actually stored right here in the factions config.
// NOTE: HeroChat will create it's own database files for these two channels.
// You should ignore those and edit the channel settings from here.
// Those HeroChat channel database files aren't read for the Faction and Allies channels.
// The Faction Channel
public String herochatFactionName = "Faction";
public String herochatFactionNick = "F";
public String herochatFactionFormat = "{color}[&l{nick}&r{color} &l{factions_roleprefix}&r{color}{factions_title|rp}{sender}{color}] &f{msg}";
public ChatColor herochatFactionColor = ChatColor.GREEN;
public int herochatFactionDistance = 0;
public boolean herochatFactionIsShortcutAllowed = false;
public boolean herochatFactionCrossWorld = true;
public boolean herochatFactionMuted = false;
public Set<String> herochatFactionWorlds = new HashSet<>();
// The Allies Channel
public String herochatAlliesName = "Allies";
public String herochatAlliesNick = "A";
public String herochatAlliesFormat = "{color}[&l{nick}&r&f {factions_relcolor}&l{factions_roleprefix}&r{factions_relcolor}{factions_name|rp}{sender}{color}] &f{msg}";
public ChatColor herochatAlliesColor = ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE;
public int herochatAlliesDistance = 0;
public boolean herochatAlliesIsShortcutAllowed = false;
public boolean herochatAlliesCrossWorld = true;
public boolean herochatAlliesMuted = false;
public Set<String> herochatAlliesWorlds = new HashSet<>();
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Do you need faction build rights in the territory to create an LWC protection there?
public boolean lwcMustHaveBuildRightsToCreate = true;
// The config option above does not handle situations where a player creates an LWC protection in Faction territory and then leaves the faction.
// The player would then have an LWC protection in a territory where they can not build.
// Set this config option to true to enable an automatic removal feature.
// LWC protections that couldn't be created will be removed on an attempt to open them by any player.
public boolean lwcRemoveIfNoBuildRights = false;
// WARN: Experimental and semi buggy.
// If you change this to true: alien LWC protections will be removed upon using /f set.
public Map<EventFactionsChunkChangeType, Boolean> lwcRemoveOnChange = MUtil.map(
EventFactionsChunkChangeType.BUY, false, // when claiming from wilderness
EventFactionsChunkChangeType.SELL, false, // when selling back to wilderness
EventFactionsChunkChangeType.CONQUER, false, // when claiming from another player faction
EventFactionsChunkChangeType.PILLAGE, false // when unclaiming (to wilderness) from another player faction
// -------------------------------------------- //
// INTEGRATION: WorldGuard
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Global WorldGuard Integration Switch
public boolean worldguardCheckEnabled = false;
// Enable the WorldGuard check per-world
// Specify which worlds the WorldGuard Check can be used in
public WorldExceptionSet worldguardCheckWorldsEnabled = new WorldExceptionSet();
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Should economy features be enabled?
// This requires that you have the external plugin called "Vault" installed.
public boolean econEnabled = true;
// A money reward per chunk. This reward is divided among the players in the faction.
// You set the time inbetween each reward almost at the top of this config file. (taskEconLandRewardMinutes)
public double econLandReward = 0.00;
// When paying a cost you may specify an account that should receive the money here.
// Per default "" the money is just destroyed.
public String econUniverseAccount = "";
// What is the price per chunk when using /f set?
public Map<EventFactionsChunkChangeType, Double> econChunkCost = MUtil.map(
EventFactionsChunkChangeType.BUY, 1.0, // when claiming from wilderness
EventFactionsChunkChangeType.SELL, 0.0, // when selling back to wilderness
EventFactionsChunkChangeType.CONQUER, 0.0, // when claiming from another player faction
EventFactionsChunkChangeType.PILLAGE, 0.0 // when unclaiming (to wilderness) from another player faction
// What is the price to create a faction?
public double econCostCreate = 100.0;
// And so on and so forth ... you get the idea.
public double econCostSethome = 0.0;
public double econCostJoin = 0.0;
public double econCostLeave = 0.0;
public double econCostKick = 0.0;
public double econCostInvite = 0.0;
public double econCostDeinvite = 0.0;
public double econCostHome = 0.0;
public double econCostName = 0.0;
public double econCostDescription = 0.0;
public double econCostTitle = 0.0;
public double econCostFlag = 0.0;
public Map<Rel, Double> econRelCost = MUtil.map(
Rel.ENEMY, 0.0,
Rel.ALLY, 0.0,
Rel.TRUCE, 0.0,
Rel.NEUTRAL, 0.0
// Should the faction bank system be enabled?
// This enables the command /f money.
public boolean bankEnabled = true;
// That costs should the faciton bank take care of?
// If you set this to false the player executing the command will pay instead.
public boolean bankFactionPaysCosts = true;
public boolean bankFactionPaysLandCosts = true;