
953 lines
25 KiB

package com.massivecraft.factions.entity;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FactionsParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Perm;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Rel;
import com.massivecraft.factions.RelationParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsChunkChangeType;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsChunksChange;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsDisband;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsMembershipChange;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsMembershipChange.MembershipChangeReason;
import com.massivecraft.factions.event.EventFactionsRemovePlayerMillis;
import com.massivecraft.factions.mixin.PowerMixin;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.RelationUtil;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.mixin.MixinSenderPs;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.mixin.MixinTitle;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.ps.PS;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.ps.PSFormatHumanSpace;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.store.SenderEntity;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.IdUtil;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.MUtil;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.Txt;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.xlib.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
public class MPlayer extends SenderEntity<MPlayer> implements FactionsParticipator
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static final transient String NOTITLE = Txt.parse("<em><silver>no title set");
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static MPlayer get(Object oid)
return MPlayerColl.get().get(oid);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public MPlayer load(MPlayer that)
return this;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean isDefault()
// Last activity millis is data we use for clearing out inactive players. So it does not in itself make the player data worth keeping.
if (this.hasFaction()) return false;
// Role means nothing without a faction.
// Title means nothing without a faction.
if (this.hasPowerBoost()) return false;
if (this.getPowerRounded() != (int) Math.round(MConf.get().defaultPlayerPower)) return false;
// if (this.isMapAutoUpdating()) return false; // Just having an auto updating map is not in itself reason enough for database storage.
if (this.isOverriding()) return false;
if (this.isTerritoryInfoTitles() != MConf.get().territoryInfoTitlesDefault) return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public void updateFactionIndexes(String beforeId, String afterId)
// Really?
if (!Factions.get().isDatabaseInitialized()) return;
if (!this.attached()) return;
// Fix IDs
if (beforeId == null) beforeId = MConf.get().defaultPlayerFactionId;
if (afterId == null) afterId = MConf.get().defaultPlayerFactionId;
// NoChange
if (MUtil.equals(beforeId, afterId)) return;
// Resolve
Faction before = FactionColl.get().get(beforeId, false);
Faction after = FactionColl.get().get(afterId, false);
// Apply
if (before != null) before.mplayers.remove(this);
if (after != null) after.mplayers.add(this);
public void postAttach(String id)
String beforeId = null;
String afterId = this.getFactionId();
this.updateFactionIndexes(beforeId, afterId);
public void preDetach(String id)
String before = this.getFactionId();
String after = null;
this.updateFactionIndexes(before, after);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// In this section of the source code we place the field declarations only.
// Each field has it's own section further down since just the getter and setter logic takes up quite some place.
// The last known time of explicit player activity, such as login or logout.
// This value is most importantly used for removing inactive players.
// For that reason it defaults to the current time.
// Really inactive players will be considered newly active when upgrading Factions from 2.6 --> 2.7.
// There is actually more than one reason we store this data ourselves and don't use the OfflinePlayer#getLastPlayed.
// 1. I don't trust that method. It's been very buggy or even completely broken in previous Bukkit versions.
// 2. The method depends on the player.dat files being present.
// Server owners clear those files at times, or move their database data around between different servers.
private long lastActivityMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
// This is a foreign key.
// Each player belong to a faction.
// Null means default.
private String factionId = null;
// What role does the player have in the faction?
// Null means default.
private Rel role = null;
// What title does the player have in the faction?
// The title is just for fun. It's not connected to any game mechanic.
// The player title is similar to the faction description.
// Question: Can the title contain chat colors?
// Answer: Yes but in such case the policy is that they already must be parsed using Txt.parse.
// If the title contains raw markup, such as "<white>" instead of "§f" it will not be parsed and "<white>" will be displayed.
// Null means the player has no title.
private String title = null;
// Player usually do not have a powerboost. It defaults to 0.
// The powerBoost is a custom increase/decrease to default and maximum power.
// Note that player powerBoost and faction powerBoost are very similar.
private Double powerBoost = null;
// Each player has an individual power level.
// The power level for online players is occasionally updated by a recurring task and the power should stay the same for offline players.
// For that reason the value is to be considered correct when you pick it. Do not call the power update method.
// Null means default.
private Double power = null;
// Has this player requested an auto-updating ascii art map?
// Null means false
private Boolean mapAutoUpdating = null;
// Is this player overriding?
// Null means false
@SerializedName(value = "usingAdminMode")
private Boolean overriding = null;
// Does this player use titles for territory info?
// Null means default specified in MConf.
private Boolean territoryInfoTitles = null;
// The id for the faction this player is currently autoclaiming for.
// Null means the player isn't auto claiming.
// NOTE: This field will not be saved to the database ever.
private transient Faction autoClaimFaction = null;
public Faction getAutoClaimFaction() { return this.autoClaimFaction; }
public void setAutoClaimFaction(Faction autoClaimFaction) { this.autoClaimFaction = autoClaimFaction; }
// Does the player have /f seechunk activated?
// NOTE: This field will not be saved to the database ever.
private transient boolean seeingChunk = false;
public boolean isSeeingChunk() { return this.seeingChunk; }
public void setSeeingChunk(boolean seeingChunk) { this.seeingChunk = seeingChunk; }
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public void resetFactionData()
// The default neutral faction
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: lastActivityMillis
// -------------------------------------------- //
public long getLastActivityMillis()
return this.lastActivityMillis;
public void setLastActivityMillis(long lastActivityMillis)
// Clean input
long target = lastActivityMillis;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.lastActivityMillis, target)) return;
// Apply
this.lastActivityMillis = target;
// Mark as changed
public void setLastActivityMillis()
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: factionId
// -------------------------------------------- //
public String getDefaultFactionId()
return MConf.get().defaultPlayerFactionId;
// This method never returns null
public String getFactionId()
if (this.factionId == null) return MConf.get().defaultPlayerFactionId;
return this.factionId;
// This method never returns null
public Faction getFaction()
Faction ret = Faction.get(this.getFactionId());
if (ret == null) ret = Faction.get(MConf.get().defaultPlayerFactionId);
return ret;
public boolean hasFaction()
return !this.getFactionId().equals(Factions.ID_NONE);
// This setter is so long because it search for default/null case and takes
// care of updating the faction member index
public void setFactionId(String factionId)
// Before
String beforeId = this.factionId;
// After
String afterId = factionId;
// NoChange
if (MUtil.equals(beforeId, afterId)) return;
// Apply
this.factionId = afterId;
// Must be attached and initialized
if (!this.attached()) return;
if (!Factions.get().isDatabaseInitialized()) return;
if (beforeId == null) beforeId = MConf.get().defaultPlayerFactionId;
// Update index
Faction before = Faction.get(beforeId);
Faction after = this.getFaction();
if (before != null) before.mplayers.remove(this);
if (after != null) after.mplayers.add(this);
// Mark as changed
public void setFaction(Faction faction)
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: role
// -------------------------------------------- //
public Rel getDefaultRole()
return MConf.get().defaultPlayerRole;
public Rel getRole()
if (this.role == null) return MConf.get().defaultPlayerRole;
return this.role;
public void setRole(Rel role)
// Clean input
Rel target = role;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.role, target)) return;
// Apply
this.role = target;
// Mark as changed
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: title
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean hasTitle()
return this.title != null;
public String getTitle()
if (this.hasTitle()) return this.title;
return NOTITLE;
public void setTitle(String title)
// Clean input
String target = title;
if (target != null)
target = target.trim();
if (target.length() == 0)
target = null;
// NOTE: That we parse the title here is considered part of the 1.8 -->
// 2.0 migration.
// This should be removed once the migration phase is considered to be
// over.
if (target != null)
target = Txt.parse(target);
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.title, target)) return;
// Apply
this.title = target;
// Mark as changed
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: powerBoost
// -------------------------------------------- //
public double getPowerBoost()
Double ret = this.powerBoost;
if (ret == null) ret = 0D;
return ret;
public void setPowerBoost(Double powerBoost)
// Clean input
Double target = powerBoost;
if (target == null || target == 0) target = null;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.powerBoost, target)) return;
// Apply
this.powerBoost = target;
// Mark as changed
public boolean hasPowerBoost()
return this.getPowerBoost() != 0D;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: power
// -------------------------------------------- //
public double getPowerMaxUniversal()
return PowerMixin.get().getMaxUniversal(this);
public double getPowerMax()
return PowerMixin.get().getMax(this);
public double getPowerMin()
return PowerMixin.get().getMin(this);
public double getPowerPerHour()
return PowerMixin.get().getPerHour(this);
public double getPowerPerDeath()
return PowerMixin.get().getPerDeath(this);
public double getLimitedPower(double power)
power = Math.max(power, this.getPowerMin());
power = Math.min(power, this.getPowerMax());
return power;
public int getPowerMaxRounded()
return (int) Math.round(this.getPowerMax());
public int getPowerMinRounded()
return (int) Math.round(this.getPowerMin());
public int getPowerMaxUniversalRounded()
return (int) Math.round(this.getPowerMaxUniversal());
// RAW
public double getDefaultPower()
return MConf.get().defaultPlayerPower;
public double getPower()
Double ret = this.power;
if (ret == null) ret = MConf.get().defaultPlayerPower;
ret = this.getLimitedPower(ret);
return ret;
public void setPower(Double power)
// Clean input
Double target = power;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.power, target)) return;
// Apply
this.power = target;
// Mark as changed
public int getPowerRounded()
return (int) Math.round(this.getPower());
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: mapAutoUpdating
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean isMapAutoUpdating()
if (this.mapAutoUpdating == null) return false;
if (this.mapAutoUpdating == false) return false;
return true;
public void setMapAutoUpdating(Boolean mapAutoUpdating)
// Clean input
Boolean target = mapAutoUpdating;
if (MUtil.equals(target, false)) target = null;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.mapAutoUpdating, target)) return;
// Apply
this.mapAutoUpdating = target;
// Mark as changed
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: overriding
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean isOverriding()
if (this.overriding == null) return false;
if (this.overriding == false) return false;
if (!this.hasPermission(Perm.OVERRIDE, true))
return false;
return true;
public void setOverriding(Boolean overriding)
// Clean input
Boolean target = overriding;
if (MUtil.equals(target, false)) target = null;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.overriding, target)) return;
// Apply
this.overriding = target;
// Mark as changed
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: territoryInfoTitles
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean isTerritoryInfoTitles()
if (!MixinTitle.get().isAvailable()) return false;
if (this.territoryInfoTitles == null) return MConf.get().territoryInfoTitlesDefault;
return this.territoryInfoTitles;
public void setTerritoryInfoTitles(Boolean territoryInfoTitles)
// Clean input
Boolean target = territoryInfoTitles;
if (MUtil.equals(target, MConf.get().territoryInfoTitlesDefault)) target = null;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.territoryInfoTitles, target)) return;
// Apply
this.territoryInfoTitles = target;
// Mark as changed
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public String getFactionName()
Faction faction = this.getFaction();
if (faction.isNone()) return "";
return faction.getName();
// Base concatenations:
public String getNameAndSomething(String color, String something)
String ret = "";
ret += color;
ret += this.getRole().getPrefix();
if (something != null && something.length() > 0)
ret += something;
ret += " ";
ret += color;
ret += this.getName();
return ret;
public String getNameAndFactionName()
return this.getNameAndSomething("", this.getFactionName());
public String getNameAndTitle(String color)
if (this.hasTitle())
return this.getNameAndSomething(color, this.getTitle());
return this.getNameAndSomething(color, null);
// Colored concatenations:
// These are used in information messages
public String getNameAndTitle(Faction faction)
return this.getNameAndTitle(this.getColorTo(faction).toString());
public String getNameAndTitle(MPlayer mplayer)
return this.getNameAndTitle(this.getColorTo(mplayer).toString());
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public String describeTo(RelationParticipator observer, boolean ucfirst)
return RelationUtil.describeThatToMe(this, observer, ucfirst);
public String describeTo(RelationParticipator observer)
return RelationUtil.describeThatToMe(this, observer);
public Rel getRelationTo(RelationParticipator observer)
return RelationUtil.getRelationOfThatToMe(this, observer);
public Rel getRelationTo(RelationParticipator observer, boolean ignorePeaceful)
return RelationUtil.getRelationOfThatToMe(this, observer, ignorePeaceful);
public ChatColor getColorTo(RelationParticipator observer)
return RelationUtil.getColorOfThatToMe(this, observer);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public void heal(int amnt)
Player player = this.getPlayer();
if (player == null)
player.setHealth(player.getHealth() + amnt);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean isInOwnTerritory()
PS ps = MixinSenderPs.get().getSenderPs(this.getId());
if (ps == null) return false;
return BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(ps) == this.getFaction();
public boolean isInEnemyTerritory()
PS ps = MixinSenderPs.get().getSenderPs(this.getId());
if (ps == null) return false;
return BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(ps).getRelationTo(this) == Rel.ENEMY;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public long getRemovePlayerMillis(boolean async)
EventFactionsRemovePlayerMillis event = new EventFactionsRemovePlayerMillis(async, this);
return event.getMillis();
public boolean considerRemovePlayerMillis(boolean async)
// This may or may not be required.
// Some users have been reporting a loop issue with the same player
// detaching over and over again.
// Maybe skipping ahead if the player is detached will solve the issue.
if (this.detached()) return false;
// Get the last activity millis.
long lastActivityMillis = this.getLastActivityMillis();
// Consider
long toleranceMillis = this.getRemovePlayerMillis(async);
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastActivityMillis <= toleranceMillis) return false;
// Inform
if (MConf.get().logFactionLeave || MConf.get().logFactionKick)
Factions.get().log("Player " + this.getName() + " was auto-removed due to inactivity.");
// Apply
// Promote a new leader if required.
if (this.getRole() == Rel.LEADER)
Faction faction = this.getFaction();
if (faction != null)
return true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public void leave()
Faction myFaction = this.getFaction();
boolean permanent = myFaction.getFlag(MFlag.getFlagPermanent());
if (myFaction.getMPlayers().size() > 1)
if (!permanent && this.getRole() == Rel.LEADER)
msg("<b>You must give the leader role to someone else first.");
if (!MConf.get().canLeaveWithNegativePower && this.getPower() < 0)
msg("<b>You cannot leave until your power is positive.");
// Event
EventFactionsMembershipChange membershipChangeEvent = new EventFactionsMembershipChange(this.getSender(), this, myFaction, MembershipChangeReason.LEAVE);
if (membershipChangeEvent.isCancelled()) return;
if (myFaction.isNormal())
for (MPlayer mplayer : myFaction.getMPlayersWhereOnline(true))
mplayer.msg("%s<i> left %s<i>.", this.describeTo(mplayer, true), myFaction.describeTo(mplayer));
if (MConf.get().logFactionLeave)
Factions.get().log(this.getName() + " left the faction: " + myFaction.getName());
if (myFaction.isNormal() && !permanent && myFaction.getMPlayers().isEmpty())
EventFactionsDisband eventFactionsDisband = new EventFactionsDisband(this.getSender(), myFaction);
if (!eventFactionsDisband.isCancelled())
// Remove this faction
this.msg("%s <i>was disbanded since you were the last player.", myFaction.describeTo(this, true));
if (MConf.get().logFactionDisband)
Factions.get().log("The faction " + myFaction.getName() + " (" + myFaction.getId() + ") was disbanded due to the last player (" + this.getName() + ") leaving.");
// NEW
public boolean tryClaim(Faction newFaction, Collection<PS> pss)
return this.tryClaim(newFaction, pss, null, null);
public boolean tryClaim(Faction newFaction, Collection<PS> pss, String formatOne, String formatMany)
// Args
if (formatOne == null) formatOne = "<h>%s<i> %s <h>%d <i>chunk %s<i>.";
if (formatMany == null) formatMany = "<h>%s<i> %s <h>%d <i>chunks near %s<i>.";
if (newFaction == null) throw new NullPointerException("newFaction");
if (pss == null) throw new NullPointerException("pss");
final Set<PS> chunks = PS.getDistinctChunks(pss);
// NoChange
// We clean the chunks further by removing what does not change.
// This is also very suggested cleaning of EventFactionsChunksChange input.
Iterator<PS> iter = chunks.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
PS chunk = iter.next();
Faction oldFaction = BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(chunk);
if (newFaction == oldFaction) iter.remove();
if (chunks.isEmpty())
msg("%s<i> already owns this land.", newFaction.describeTo(this, true));
return true;
// Event
// NOTE: We listen to this event ourselves at LOW.
// NOTE: That is where we apply the standard checks.
CommandSender sender = this.getSender();
if (sender == null)
msg("<b>ERROR: Your \"CommandSender Link\" has been severed.");
msg("<b>It's likely that you are using Cauldron.");
msg("<b>We do currently not support Cauldron.");
msg("<b>We would love to but lack time to develop support ourselves.");
msg("<g>Do you know how to code? Please send us a pull request <3, sorry.");
return false;
EventFactionsChunksChange event = new EventFactionsChunksChange(sender, chunks, newFaction);
if (event.isCancelled()) return false;
// Apply
for (PS chunk : chunks)
BoardColl.get().setFactionAt(chunk, newFaction);
// Inform
for (Entry<Faction, Set<PS>> entry : event.getOldFactionChunks().entrySet())
final Faction oldFaction = entry.getKey();
final Set<PS> oldChunks = entry.getValue();
final PS oldChunk = oldChunks.iterator().next();
final Set<MPlayer> informees = getClaimInformees(this, oldFaction, newFaction);
final EventFactionsChunkChangeType type = EventFactionsChunkChangeType.get(oldFaction, newFaction, this.getFaction());
String chunkString = oldChunk.toString(PSFormatHumanSpace.get());
String typeString = type.past;
for (MPlayer informee : informees)
informee.msg((oldChunks.size() == 1 ? formatOne : formatMany), this.describeTo(informee, true), typeString, oldChunks.size(), chunkString);
informee.msg(" <h>%s<i> --> <h>%s", oldFaction.describeTo(informee, true), newFaction.describeTo(informee, true));
// Success
return true;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static Set<MPlayer> getClaimInformees(MPlayer msender, Faction... factions)
Set<MPlayer> ret = new HashSet<>();
if (msender != null) ret.add(msender);
for (Faction faction : factions)
if (faction == null) continue;
if (faction.isNone()) continue;
if (MConf.get().logLandClaims)
return ret;