2013-01-03 08:34:07 +01:00

158 lines
6.8 KiB

name: Factions
version: 1.8.1
main: com.massivecraft.factions.P
authors: [Olof Cayorion Larsson, Brett Flannigan]
softdepend: [PermissionsEx, Permissions, Essentials, EssentialsChat, HeroChat, iChat, LocalAreaChat, LWC, nChat, ChatManager, CAPI, AuthMe, Vault, Spout, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, AuthDB, CaptureThePoints, CombatTag]
description: The Factions base command
aliases: [f]
# -------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------- #
factions.access: {description: grant territory access for your faction, with the proper fperm}
factions.access.any: {description: grant territory access for any faction}
factions.access.view: {description: view territory access info for your faction}
factions.adminmode: {description: enable admin bypass mode}
factions.autoclaim: {description: auto-claim land as you walk around}
factions.cape: {description: manage faction capes}
factions.cape.get: {description: get faction cape}
factions.cape.set: {description: set faction cape}
factions.cape.remove: {description: remove faction cape}
factions.claim: {description: claim land where you are standing}
factions.config: {description: change a conf.json setting}
factions.create: {description: create a new faction}
factions.deinvite: {description: remove a pending invitation}
factions.description: {description: change the faction description}
factions.disband: {description: disband a faction}
factions.flag: {description: read faction flags}
factions.flag.set: {description: set faction flags}
factions.help: {description: display a help page}
factions.home: {description: teleport to the faction home}
factions.invite: {description: invite a player to your faction}
factions.join: {description: join a faction}
factions.join.any: {description: join any faction, bypassing invitation process for closed factions}
factions.join.others: {description: specify another player in the join command, to move them to the specified faction}
factions.kick: {description: kick a player from the faction}
factions.leader: {description: hand over leader rights}
factions.leader.any: {description: give or revoke leader status for any player in any faction}
factions.leave: {description: leave your faction}
factions.list: {description: see a list of the factions}
factions.lock: {description: lock all write stuff}
factions.map: {description: show the territory map, and set optional auto update}
factions.money.balance: {description: show your factions current money balance}
factions.money.balance.any: {description: show money balance for factions other than your own}
factions.money.deposit: {description: deposit money into a faction bank}
factions.money.f2f: {description: transfer money from faction to faction}
factions.money.f2p: {description: transfer money from faction to player}
factions.money.p2f: {description: transfer money from player to faction}
factions.money.withdraw: {description: withdraw money from your faction bank}
factions.officer: {description: give or revoke officer rights}
factions.officer.any: {description: give or revoke officer rights for any player in any faction}
factions.open: {description: switch if invitation is required to join}
factions.perm: {description: change faction permissions}
factions.power: {description: show player power info}
factions.power.any: {description: view an other players power level}
factions.powerboost: {description: apply permanent power bonus/penalty to specified player or faction}
factions.relation: {description: set relation wish to another faction}
factions.reload: {description: reload data file(s) from disk}
factions.save: {description: save all data to disk}
factions.seechunk: {description: see the chunk you stand in}
factions.sethome: {description: set the faction home}
factions.show: {description: show faction information}
factions.tag: {description: change the faction tag}
factions.title: {description: set or remove a players title}
factions.unclaim: {description: unclaim the land where you are standing}
factions.unclaimall: {description: unclaim all of your factions land}
factions.version: {description: see the version of the plugin}
# -------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------- #
factions.cape.get: true
factions.cape.set: true
factions.cape.remove: true
factions.money.balance: true
factions.money.balance.any: true
factions.money.deposit: true
factions.money.f2f: true
factions.money.f2p: true
factions.money.p2f: true
factions.money.withdraw: true
# -------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------- #
description: All faction permissions.
factions.kit.mod: true
factions.config: true
factions.lock: true
factions.reload: true
factions.save: true
description: This is just an alias for factions.kit.admin
factions.kit.admin: true
description: All faction permissions but configuration and persistance.
factions.kit.halfmod: true
factions.flag.set: true
factions.powerboost: true
factions.join.any: true
factions.join.others: true
factions.leader.any: true
factions.officer.any: true
factions.access.any: true
description: Can use adminmode and chat spy
factions.kit.fullplayer: true
factions.adminmode: true
description: Can also create new factions.
factions.kit.halfplayer: true
factions.create: true
description: Can do all but create factions.
factions.access: true
factions.access.view: true
factions.autoclaim: true
factions.cape: true
factions.cape.*: true
factions.claim: true
factions.deinvite: true
factions.description: true
factions.disband: true
factions.flag: true
factions.help: true
factions.home: true
factions.invite: true
factions.join: true
factions.kick: true
factions.leader: true
factions.leave: true
factions.list: true
factions.map: true
factions.money.*: true
factions.officer: true
factions.open: true
factions.perm: true
factions.power: true
factions.power.any: true
factions.relation: true
factions.seechunk: true
factions.sethome: true
factions.show: true
factions.tag: true
factions.title: true
factions.unclaim: true
factions.unclaimall: true
factions.version: true