
348 lines
14 KiB

package com.massivecraft.factions.engine;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.TerritoryAccess;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.Board;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.BoardColl;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.Faction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.FactionColl;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MConf;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MPerm;
import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MPlayer;
import com.massivecraft.factions.integration.spigot.IntegrationSpigot;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.EnumerationUtil;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.Engine;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.ps.PS;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.MUtil;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.block.Action;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDamageEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonRetractEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingBreakByEntityEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingPlaceEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketFillEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import java.util.Map;
public class EnginePermBuild extends Engine
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private static EnginePermBuild i = new EnginePermBuild();
public static EnginePermBuild get() { return i; }
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public static Boolean isProtected(ProtectCase protectCase, boolean verboose, MPlayer mplayer, PS ps, Object object)
if (mplayer == null) return null;
if (protectCase == null) return null;
String name = mplayer.getName();
if (MConf.get().playersWhoBypassAllProtection.contains(name)) return false;
if (mplayer.isOverriding()) return false;
MPerm perm = protectCase.getPerm(object);
if (perm == null) return null;
if (protectCase != ProtectCase.BUILD) return !perm.has(mplayer, ps, verboose);
if (!perm.has(mplayer, ps, false) && MPerm.getPermPainbuild().has(mplayer, ps, false))
if (!verboose) return false;
Faction hostFaction = BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(ps);
mplayer.msg("<b>It is painful to build in the territory of %s<b>.", hostFaction.describeTo(mplayer));
Player player = mplayer.getPlayer();
if (player != null) player.damage(MConf.get().actionDeniedPainAmount);
return !perm.has(mplayer, ps, verboose);
public static Boolean protect(ProtectCase protectCase, boolean verboose, Object senderObject, PS ps, Object object, Cancellable cancellable)
Boolean ret = isProtected(protectCase, verboose, MPlayer.get(senderObject), ps, object);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(ret) && cancellable != null) cancellable.setCancelled(true);
return ret;
public static Boolean build(Entity entity, Block block, Event event)
if (!(event instanceof Cancellable)) return true;
boolean verboose = !isFake(event);
return protect(ProtectCase.BUILD, verboose, entity, PS.valueOf(block), block, (Cancellable) event);
public static Boolean useItem(Entity entity, Block block, Material material, Cancellable cancellable)
return protect(ProtectCase.USE_ITEM, true, entity, PS.valueOf(block), material, cancellable);
public static Boolean useEntity(Entity player, Entity entity, boolean verboose, Cancellable cancellable)
return protect(ProtectCase.USE_ENTITY, verboose, player, PS.valueOf(entity), entity, cancellable);
public static Boolean useBlock(Player player, Block block, boolean verboose, Cancellable cancellable)
return protect(ProtectCase.USE_BLOCK, verboose, player, PS.valueOf(block), block.getType(), cancellable);
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public static boolean canPlayerBuildAt(Object senderObject, PS ps, boolean verboose)
MPlayer mplayer = MPlayer.get(senderObject);
if (mplayer == null) return false;
Boolean ret = isProtected(ProtectCase.BUILD, verboose, mplayer, ps, null);
return !Boolean.TRUE.equals(ret);
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@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void build(BlockPlaceEvent event) { build(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock(), event); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void build(BlockBreakEvent event) { build(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock(), event); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void build(BlockDamageEvent event) { build(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock(), event); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void build(SignChangeEvent event) { build(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock(), event); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void build(HangingPlaceEvent event) { build(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlock(), event); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void build(HangingBreakByEntityEvent event) { build(event.getRemover(), event.getEntity().getLocation().getBlock(), event); }
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@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void useBlockItem(PlayerInteractEvent event)
// If the player right clicks (or is physical with) a block ...
if (event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && event.getAction() != Action.PHYSICAL) return;
Block block = event.getClickedBlock();
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (block == null) return;
// ... and we are either allowed to use this block ...
Boolean ret = useBlock(player, block, true, event);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(ret)) return;
// ... or are allowed to right click with the item, this event is safe to perform.
if (event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) return;
useItem(player, block, event.getMaterial(), event);
// For some reason onPlayerInteract() sometimes misses bucket events depending on distance
// (something like 2-3 blocks away isn't detected), but these separate bucket events below always fire without fail
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void useItem(PlayerBucketEmptyEvent event) { useItem(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlockClicked(), event.getBucket(), event); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void useItem(PlayerBucketFillEvent event) { useItem(event.getPlayer(), event.getBlockClicked(), event.getBucket(), event); }
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// This event will not fire for Minecraft 1.8 armor stands.
// Armor stands are handled in EngineSpigot instead.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void useEntity(PlayerInteractEntityEvent event)
// Ignore Off Hand
if (isOffHand(event)) return;
useEntity(event.getPlayer(), event.getRightClicked(), true, event);
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@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void buildEntity(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event)
// If a player ...
Entity damager = MUtil.getLiableDamager(event);
if (MUtil.isntPlayer(damager)) return;
Player player = (Player)damager;
// ... damages an entity which is edited on damage ...
Entity entity = event.getEntity();
if (entity == null || !EnumerationUtil.isEntityTypeEditOnDamage(entity.getType())) return;
// ... and the player can't build there, cancel the event
build(player, entity.getLocation().getBlock(), event);
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* NOTE: These piston listeners are only called on 1.7 servers.
* Originally each affected block in the territory was tested, but since we found that pistons can only push
* up to 12 blocks and the width of any territory is 16 blocks, it should be safe (and much more lightweight) to test
* only the final target block as done below.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void buildPiston(BlockPistonExtendEvent event)
// Is using Spigot or is checking deactivated by MConf?
if (IntegrationSpigot.get().isIntegrationActive() || !MConf.get().handlePistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild) return;
// Targets end-of-the-line empty (air) block which is being pushed into, including if piston itself would extend into air
Block block = event.getBlock();
Block targetBlock = block.getRelative(event.getDirection(), event.getLength() + 1);
// Factions involved
Faction pistonFaction = BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(PS.valueOf(block));
Faction targetFaction = BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(PS.valueOf(targetBlock));
// Members of a faction might not have build rights in their own territory, but pistons should still work regardless
if (targetFaction == pistonFaction) return;
// If potentially pushing into air/water/lava in another territory, we need to check it out
if (!targetBlock.isEmpty() && !targetBlock.isLiquid()) return;
if (MPerm.getPermBuild().has(pistonFaction, targetFaction)) return;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void buildPiston(BlockPistonRetractEvent event)
// Is using Spigot or is checking deactivated by MConf?
if (IntegrationSpigot.get().isIntegrationActive() || ! MConf.get().handlePistonProtectionThroughDenyBuild) return;
// If not a sticky piston, retraction should be fine
if ( ! event.isSticky()) return;
Block retractBlock = event.getRetractLocation().getBlock();
PS retractPs = PS.valueOf(retractBlock);
// if potentially retracted block is just air/water/lava, no worries
if (retractBlock.isEmpty() || retractBlock.isLiquid()) return;
// Factions involved
Faction pistonFaction = BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(PS.valueOf(event.getBlock()));
Faction targetFaction = BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(retractPs);
// Members of a faction might not have build rights in their own territory, but pistons should still work regardless
if (targetFaction == pistonFaction) return;
if (MPerm.getPermBuild().has(pistonFaction, targetFaction)) return;
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@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void buildFire(PlayerInteractEvent event)
// If it is a left click on block and the clicked block is not null...
if (event.getAction() != Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK || event.getClickedBlock() == null) return;
// ... and the potential block is not null either ...
Block potentialBlock = event.getClickedBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.UP, 1);
if (potentialBlock == null) return;
Material blockType = potentialBlock.getType();
// ... and we're only going to check for fire ... (checking everything else would be bad performance wise)
if (blockType != Material.FIRE) return;
// ... check if they can't build, cancel the event ...
if (!Boolean.FALSE.equals(build(event.getPlayer(), potentialBlock, event))) return;
// ... and compensate for client side prediction
event.getPlayer().sendBlockChange(potentialBlock.getLocation(), blockType, potentialBlock.getState().getRawData());
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@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void buildMove(BlockFromToEvent event)
if ( ! MConf.get().protectionLiquidFlowEnabled) return;
// Prepare fields
Block fromBlock = event.getBlock();
int chunkFromX = fromBlock.getX() >> 4;
int chunkFromZ = fromBlock.getZ() >> 4;
BlockFace face = event.getFace();
int chunkToX = (fromBlock.getX() + face.getModX()) >> 4;
int chunkToZ = (fromBlock.getZ() + face.getModZ()) >> 4;
// If a liquid (or dragon egg) moves from one chunk to another ...
if (chunkToX == chunkFromX && chunkToZ == chunkFromZ) return;
// ... get the correct board for this block ...
Board board = BoardColl.get().getFixed(fromBlock.getWorld().getName().toLowerCase(), false);
if (board == null) return;
// ... get the access map ...
Map<PS, TerritoryAccess> map = board.getMapRaw();
if (map.isEmpty()) return;
// ... get the faction ids from and to ...
PS fromPs = PS.valueOf(chunkFromX, chunkFromZ);
PS toPs = PS.valueOf(chunkToX, chunkToZ);
TerritoryAccess fromTa = map.get(fromPs);
TerritoryAccess toTa = map.get(toPs);
String fromId = fromTa != null ? fromTa.getHostFactionId() : Factions.ID_NONE;
String toId = toTa != null ? toTa.getHostFactionId() : Factions.ID_NONE;
// ... and the chunks belong to different factions ...
if (toId.equals(fromId)) return;
// ... and the faction "from" can not build at "to" ...
Faction fromFac = FactionColl.get().getFixed(fromId);
Faction toFac = FactionColl.get().getFixed(toId);
if (MPerm.getPermBuild().has(fromFac, toFac)) return;
// ... cancel the event!