mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 07:31:21 +01:00
Various minor
Tweak some messages Add command confirmation Optimize surface mask Optimize angle mask (further) Fix help formatting Fix rollback import from disk being a shallow summary
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ext {
date = git.head().date.format("yy.MM.dd")
revision = "-${git.head().abbreviatedId}"
parents = git.head().parentIds;
index = -93; // Offset to match CI
index = -94; // Offset to match CI
int major, minor, patch;
major = minor = patch = 0;
for (;parents != null && !parents.isEmpty();index++) {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package com.boydti.fawe.command;
import com.boydti.fawe.Fawe;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.FawePlayer;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.extent.NullExtent;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.extent.ResettableExtent;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit;
@ -61,6 +62,24 @@ public class FawePrimitiveBinding extends BindingHelper {
* Gets an {@link com.boydti.fawe.object.FawePlayer} from a {@link ArgumentStack}.
* @param context the context
* @return a FawePlayer
* @throws ParameterException on other error
@BindingMatch(type = FawePlayer.class,
behavior = BindingBehavior.PROVIDES)
public FawePlayer getFawePlayer(ArgumentStack context) throws ParameterException, InputParseException {
Actor sender = context.getContext().getLocals().get(Actor.class);
if (sender == null) {
throw new ParameterException("Missing 'Actor'");
} else {
return FawePlayer.wrap(sender);
* Gets an {@link com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.Extent} from a {@link ArgumentStack}.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class Rollback extends FaweCommand {
public boolean execute(final FawePlayer player, final String... args) {
BBC.SETTING_DISABLE.send(player, "history.use-database");
BBC.SETTING_DISABLE.send(player, "history.use-database (Import with /frb #import )");
return false;
if (args.length != 3) {
@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ public enum BBC {
PLACE_DISABLED("Now placing at the block you stand in.", "WorldEdit.General"),
KILL_SUCCESS("Killed %s0 entities in a radius of %s1.", "WorldEdit.Utility"),
NOTHING_CONFIRMED("You have no actions pending confirmation.", "WorldEdit.Utility"),
SCHEMATIC_DELETE("%s0 has been deleted.", "Worldedit.Schematic"),
@ -234,6 +235,7 @@ public enum BBC {
WORLDEDIT_SOME_FAILS_BLOCKBAG("&cMissing blocks: %s0", "Error"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_COUNT("&cCancelled %s0 edits.", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON_CONFIRM("&7Your selection is large (%s0 -> %s1). Use &c//confirm &7to execute &c%s2", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON("&cYour WorldEdit action was cancelled:&7 %s0&c.", "Cancel"),
WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON_MANUAL("Manual cancellation", "Cancel"),
@ -130,9 +130,13 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
public int INVENTORY_MODE = 0;
"Place chunks instead of individual blocks"
"Place chunks instead of individual blocks"
public boolean FAST_PLACEMENT = true;
"Should large edits require confirmation (>16384 chunks)",
public boolean CONFIRM_LARGE = true;
public static class HISTORY {
@ -402,6 +406,7 @@ public class Settings extends Config {
return limit;
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ public class FaweLimit {
public int INVENTORY_MODE = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public int SPEED_REDUCTION = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public boolean FAST_PLACEMENT = false;
public boolean CONFIRM_LARGE = true;
public static FaweLimit MAX;
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ public class FaweLimit {
public boolean MAX_CHANGES() {
@ -109,6 +111,7 @@ public class FaweLimit {
public FaweLimit copy() {
@ -124,6 +127,7 @@ public class FaweLimit {
return limit;
@ -21,9 +21,12 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEditException;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.entity.Player;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.event.platform.CommandEvent;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.Actor;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.CommandManager;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.clipboard.Clipboard;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.RegionOperationException;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.RegionSelector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.selector.CuboidRegionSelector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.session.ClipboardHolder;
@ -64,6 +67,9 @@ public abstract class FawePlayer<T> extends Metadatable {
if (obj == null) {
return FakePlayer.getConsole().toFawePlayer();
if (obj instanceof FawePlayer) {
return (FawePlayer<V>) obj;
if (obj instanceof FakePlayer) {
return ((FakePlayer) obj).toFawePlayer();
@ -120,6 +126,39 @@ public abstract class FawePlayer<T> extends Metadatable {
public void checkConfirmation(String command) throws RegionOperationException {
if (getMeta("cmdConfirmRunning", false)) {
Region sel = getSelection();
if (sel != null) {
Vector min = sel.getMinimumPoint();
Vector max = sel.getMaximumPoint();
int area = (int) ((max.getX() - min.getX()) * (max.getZ() - min.getZ() + 1));
if (area > 2 << 22) {
setMeta("cmdConfirm", command);
throw new RegionOperationException(BBC.WORLDEDIT_CANCEL_REASON_CONFIRM.f(min, max, command));
public boolean confirm() {
String confirm = deleteMeta("cmdConfirm");
if (confirm == null) {
return false;
queueAction(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
setMeta("cmdConfirmRunning", true);
CommandEvent event = new CommandEvent(getPlayer(), confirm);
setMeta("cmdConfirmRunning", false);
return true;
public boolean toggle(String perm) {
if (this.hasPermission(perm)) {
this.setPermission(perm, false);
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class Metadatable {
* - deleting other plugin's metadata may cause issues
* @param key
public Object deleteMeta(String key) {
return this.meta == null ? null : this.meta.remove(key);
public <V> V deleteMeta(String key) {
return this.meta == null ? null : (V) this.meta.remove(key);
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class InspectBrush extends BrushTool implements DoubleActionTraceTool {
return false;
player.print(BBC.getPrefix() + BBC.SETTING_DISABLE.f("history.use-database"));
player.print(BBC.getPrefix() + BBC.SETTING_DISABLE.f("history.use-database (Import with /frb #import )"));
return false;
WorldVector target = getTarget(player, rightClick);
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public class SurfaceSphereBrush implements Brush {
SurfaceMask surface = new SurfaceMask(editSession);
final SolidBlockMask solid = new SolidBlockMask(editSession);
final RadiusMask radius = new RadiusMask(0, (int) size);
RecursiveVisitor visitor = new RecursiveVisitor(vector -> radius.test(vector) && surface.test(vector), vector -> editSession.setBlock(vector, pattern));
RecursiveVisitor visitor = new RecursiveVisitor(vector -> surface.test(vector) && radius.test(vector), vector -> editSession.setBlock(vector, pattern));
@ -182,6 +182,21 @@ public class LocalBlockVectorSet implements Set<Vector> {
return array;
public boolean canAdd(int x, int y, int z) {
if (offsetX == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return false;
int relX = x - offsetX;
int relZ = z - offsetZ;
if (relX > 1023 || relX < -1024 || relZ > 1023 || relZ < -1024) {
return false;
if (y < 0 || y > 256) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean add(int x, int y, int z) {
if (offsetX == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
offsetX = x;
@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ public class AbstractDelegateMask extends AbstractMask {
this.mask = parent;
public final Mask getMask() {
return mask;
public boolean test(Vector vector) {
return mask.test(vector);
@ -10,15 +10,12 @@ import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.mask.Mask;
public class AdjacentAnyMask extends AbstractMask implements ResettableMask {
private final Mask mask;
private final CachedMask mask;
private transient MutableBlockVector mutable = new MutableBlockVector();
public AdjacentAnyMask(Mask mask) {
this.mask = mask;
public Mask getMask() {
return mask;
this.mask = CachedMask.cache(mask);
mutable = new MutableBlockVector();
@ -26,26 +23,21 @@ public class AdjacentAnyMask extends AbstractMask implements ResettableMask {
mutable = new MutableBlockVector();
public CachedMask getParentMask() {
return mask;
public boolean test(Vector v) {
int x = v.getBlockX();
int y = v.getBlockY();
int z = v.getBlockZ();
v.mutY(y + 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutY(y); return true; }
v.mutY(y - 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutY(y); return true; }
v.mutX(x + 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutX(x); return true; }
v.mutX(x - 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutX(x); return true; }
v.mutZ(z + 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutZ(z); return true; }
v.mutZ(z - 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutZ(z); return true; }
if (mask.test(x, y + 1, z)) { return true; }
if (mask.test(x + 1, y, z)) { return true; }
if (mask.test(x - 1, y, z)) { return true; }
if (mask.test(x, y, z + 1)) { return true; }
if (mask.test(x, y, z - 1)) { return true; }
if (mask.test(x, y - 1, z)) { return true; }
return false;
@ -53,21 +45,12 @@ public class AdjacentAnyMask extends AbstractMask implements ResettableMask {
int x = v.getBlockX();
int y = v.getBlockY();
int z = v.getBlockZ();
v.mutY(y + 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutY(y); return mutable.setComponents(0, 1, 0); }
v.mutY(y - 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutY(y); return mutable.setComponents(0, -1, 0); }
v.mutX(x + 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutX(x); return mutable.setComponents(1, 0, 0); }
v.mutX(x - 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutX(x); return mutable.setComponents(-1, 0, 0); }
v.mutZ(z + 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutZ(z); return mutable.setComponents(0, 0, 1); }
v.mutZ(z - 1);
if (mask.test(v)) { v.mutZ(z); return mutable.setComponents(0, 0, - 1); }
if (mask.test(x, y + 1, z)) { return mutable.setComponents(0, 1, 0); }
if (mask.test(x + 1, y, z)) { return mutable.setComponents(1, 0, 0); }
if (mask.test(x - 1, y, z)) { return mutable.setComponents(-1, 0, 0); }
if (mask.test(x, y, z + 1)) { return mutable.setComponents(0, 0, 1); }
if (mask.test(x, y, z - 1)) { return mutable.setComponents(0, 0, - 1); }
if (mask.test(x, y - 1, z)) { return mutable.setComponents(0, -1, 0); }
return null;
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ public class AngleMask extends SolidBlockMask implements ResettableMask {
mutable = new MutableBlockVector();
cacheBotX = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
cacheBotZ = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
lastX = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
lastX = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
if (cacheHeights != null) {
Arrays.fill(cacheHeights, (byte) 0);
@ -43,8 +45,12 @@ public class AngleMask extends SolidBlockMask implements ResettableMask {
private transient int cacheBotX = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private transient int cacheBotZ = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private transient int cacheCenterZ;
private transient byte[] cacheHeights = null;
private transient int lastY = 0;
private transient byte[] cacheHeights;
private transient int lastY;
private transient int lastX = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private transient int lastZ = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private transient boolean foundY;
private transient boolean lastValue;
public int getHeight(int x, int y, int z) {
try {
@ -74,6 +80,22 @@ public class AngleMask extends SolidBlockMask implements ResettableMask {
private boolean testSlope(int x, int y, int z) {
double slope;
boolean aboveMin;
if ((lastX == (lastX = x) & lastZ == (lastZ = z))) {
return lastValue;
slope = Math.abs(getHeight(x + 1, y, z) - getHeight(x - 1, y, z)) * ADJACENT_MOD;
if (slope >= min && max >= Math.max(maxY - y, y)) {
return lastValue = true;
slope = Math.max(slope, Math.abs(getHeight(x, y, z + 1) - getHeight(x, y, z - 1)) * ADJACENT_MOD);
slope = Math.max(slope, Math.abs(getHeight(x + 1, y, z + 1) - getHeight(x - 1, y, z - 1)) * DIAGONAL_MOD);
slope = Math.max(slope, Math.abs(getHeight(x - 1, y, z + 1) - getHeight(x + 1, y, z - 1)) * DIAGONAL_MOD);
return lastValue = (slope >= min && slope <= max);
public boolean test(Vector vector) {
int x = vector.getBlockX();
@ -83,20 +105,11 @@ public class AngleMask extends SolidBlockMask implements ResettableMask {
if (!test(block.getId(), block.getData())) {
return false;
block = getExtent().getLazyBlock(x, y + 1, z);
if (overlay && test(block.getId(), block.getData())) {
return false;
if (overlay) {
block = getExtent().getLazyBlock(x, y + 1, z);
if (test(block.getId(), block.getData())) return lastValue = false;
double slope;
boolean aboveMin;
slope = Math.abs(getHeight(x + 1, y, z) - getHeight(x - 1, y, z)) * ADJACENT_MOD;
if (slope >= min && max >= Math.max(maxY - y, y)) {
return true;
slope = Math.max(slope, Math.abs(getHeight(x, y, z + 1) - getHeight(x, y, z - 1)) * ADJACENT_MOD);
slope = Math.max(slope, Math.abs(getHeight(x + 1, y, z + 1) - getHeight(x - 1, y, z - 1)) * DIAGONAL_MOD);
slope = Math.max(slope, Math.abs(getHeight(x - 1, y, z + 1) - getHeight(x + 1, y, z - 1)) * DIAGONAL_MOD);
return (slope >= min && slope <= max);
return testSlope(x, y, z);
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package com.boydti.fawe.object.mask;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.collection.LocalBlockVectorSet;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.function.mask.AbstractDelegateMask;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.MutableBlockVector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.function.mask.Mask;
public class CachedMask extends AbstractDelegateMask implements ResettableMask {
private transient MutableBlockVector mutable = new MutableBlockVector();
private transient LocalBlockVectorSet cache_checked = new LocalBlockVectorSet();
private transient LocalBlockVectorSet cache_results = new LocalBlockVectorSet();
public CachedMask(Mask mask) {
cache_checked.setOffset(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
cache_results.setOffset(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
public static CachedMask cache(Mask mask) {
if (mask instanceof CachedMask) {
return (CachedMask) mask;
return new CachedMask(mask);
public void reset() {
mutable = new MutableBlockVector();
cache_checked = new LocalBlockVectorSet();
cache_results = new LocalBlockVectorSet();
private void resetCache() {
cache_checked.setOffset(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
cache_results.setOffset(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
public boolean test(Vector vector) {
return test(vector.getBlockX(), vector.getBlockY(), vector.getBlockZ());
public boolean test(int x, int y, int z) {
if (cache_checked.contains(x, y, z)) {
return cache_results.contains(x, y, z);
boolean result = getMask().test(mutable.setComponents(x, y, z));
try {
cache_checked.add(x, y, z);
if (result) cache_results.add(x, y, z);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ignore) {
cache_checked.setOffset(x, z);
cache_results.setOffset(x, z);
cache_checked.add(x, y, z);
if (result) cache_results.add(x, y, z);
return result;
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ public class SurfaceMask extends AdjacentAnyMask {
public SurfaceMask(Extent extent) {
super(new BlockMask(extent, new BaseBlock(0)));
BlockMask mask = (BlockMask) getMask();
BlockMask mask = (BlockMask) getParentMask().getMask();
for (int id = 0; id < 256; id++) {
if (FaweCache.canPassThrough(id, 0)) {
mask.add(new BaseBlock(id, -1));
@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ public class SurfaceMask extends AdjacentAnyMask {
public boolean test(Vector v) {
return !getMask().test(v) && super.test(v);
return !getParentMask().test(v.getBlockX(), v.getBlockY(), v.getBlockZ()) && super.test(v);
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
package com.boydti.fawe.regions.general.plot;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.MCAChunk;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.MCAQueue;
import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.MCAWriter;
import com.boydti.fawe.object.FaweQueue;
import com.boydti.fawe.util.SetQueue;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.PS;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands.CommandCategory;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands.MainCommand;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands.RequiredType;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.C;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Location;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Plot;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotArea;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotId;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotPlayer;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.RunnableVal2;
import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.RunnableVal3;
import com.plotsquared.general.commands.Command;
import com.plotsquared.general.commands.CommandDeclaration;
import java.io.File;
command = "moveto512",
permission = "plots.moveto512",
category = CommandCategory.ADMINISTRATION,
requiredType = RequiredType.CONSOLE,
description = "Move plots to a 512 sized region",
usage = "/plots moveto512 [world]"
public class MoveTo512 extends Command {
public MoveTo512() {
super(MainCommand.getInstance(), true);
public void execute(PlotPlayer player, String[] args, RunnableVal3<Command, Runnable, Runnable> confirm, RunnableVal2<Command, CommandResult> whenDone) throws CommandException {
checkTrue(args.length == 1, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, getUsage());
PlotArea area = PS.get().getPlotAreaByString(args[0]);
check(area, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, getUsage());
FaweQueue defaultQueue = SetQueue.IMP.getNewQueue(area.worldname, true, false);
MCAQueue queueFrom = new MCAQueue(area.worldname, defaultQueue.getSaveFolder(), defaultQueue.hasSky());
File folder = null; // TODO
int minRoad = 5;
PlotId nextId = new PlotId(0, 0);
for (Plot plot : area.getPlots()) {
Location bot = plot.getBottomAbs();
Location top = plot.getTopAbs();
int pLen = Math.max(top.getX() - bot.getX(), 512 - minRoad);
int roadWidth = pLen - 512;
int roadPosLower;
if ((roadWidth & 1) == 0) {
roadPosLower = (short) (Math.floor(roadWidth / 2) - 1);
} else {
roadPosLower = (short) Math.floor(roadWidth / 2);
int roadPosUpper = 512 - roadWidth + roadPosLower;
MCAWriter writer = new MCAWriter(512, 512, folder) {
public boolean shouldWrite(int chunkX, int chunkZ) {
return true;
public MCAChunk write(MCAChunk input, int bx, int tx, int bz, int tz) {
// int obx = bx - oX;
// int obz = bz - oZ;
// int otx = tx - oX;
// int otz = tz - oZ;
// int otherBCX = (obx) >> 4;
// int otherBCZ = (obz) >> 4;
// int otherTCX = (otx) >> 4;
// int otherTCZ = (otz) >> 4;
return input;
writer.setMCAOffset(nextId.x, nextId.y);
nextId = nextId.getNextId(1);
@ -74,14 +74,16 @@ public class HistoryCommands {
aliases = { "/frb", "frb", "fawerollback", "/fawerollback", "/rollback" },
usage = "<user=Empire92> <radius=5> <time=3d4h>",
desc = "Undo a specific edit. The time uses s, m, h, d, y.",
desc = "Undo a specific edit. " +
" - The time uses s, m, h, d, y.\n" +
" - Import from disk: /frb #import",
min = 1,
max = 3
public void faweRollback(final Player player, LocalSession session, final String user, @Optional("0") int radius, @Optional("0") String time) throws WorldEditException {
BBC.SETTING_DISABLE.send(player, "history.use-database");
BBC.SETTING_DISABLE.send(player, "history.use-database (Import with /frb #import )");
switch (user.charAt(0)) {
@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ public class HistoryCommands {
RollbackOptimizedHistory rollback = new RollbackOptimizedHistory(world, uuid, Integer.parseInt(name.substring(0, name.length() - 3)));
DiskStorageHistory.DiskStorageSummary summary = rollback.summarize(RegionWrapper.GLOBAL(), true);
DiskStorageHistory.DiskStorageSummary summary = rollback.summarize(RegionWrapper.GLOBAL(), false);
if (summary != null) {
rollback.setDimensions(new Vector(summary.minX, 0, summary.minZ), new Vector(summary.maxX, 255, summary.maxZ));
@ -125,6 +127,7 @@ public class HistoryCommands {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ public class HistoryCommands {
String toParse = user.substring(1);
if (!MathMan.isInteger(toParse)) {
BBC.COMMAND_SYNTAX.send(player, "/frb <user> <radius> <time>");
BBC.COMMAND_SYNTAX.send(player, "/frb #<index>");
int index = Integer.parseInt(toParse);
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class MethodCommands {
public MethodCommands() {
this.worldEdit = WorldEdit.getInstance();
public void register(Method method, CommandCallable callable, Dispatcher dispatcher) {
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ import static com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Regions.minimumBlockY;
* Commands that operate on regions.
@Command(aliases = {}, desc = "Commands that operate on regions: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Region_operations)")
public class RegionCommands {
public class RegionCommands extends MethodCommands{
private final WorldEdit worldEdit;
@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ public class RegionCommands {
* @param worldEdit reference to WorldEdit
public RegionCommands(WorldEdit worldEdit) {
this.worldEdit = worldEdit;
@ -306,13 +307,14 @@ public class RegionCommands {
public void replace(Player player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region region, @Optional Mask from, Pattern to) throws WorldEditException {
public void replace(FawePlayer player, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region region, @Optional Mask from, Pattern to, CommandContext context) throws WorldEditException {
if (from == null) {
from = new ExistingBlockMask(editSession);
int affected = editSession.replaceBlocks(region, from, to);
BBC.VISITOR_BLOCK.send(player, affected);
if (!FawePlayer.wrap(player).hasPermission("fawe.tips")) BBC.TIP_REPLACE_ID.or(BBC.TIP_REPLACE_LIGHT, BBC.TIP_REPLACE_MARKER, BBC.TIP_TAB_COMPLETE).send(player);
if (!player.hasPermission("fawe.tips")) BBC.TIP_REPLACE_ID.or(BBC.TIP_REPLACE_LIGHT, BBC.TIP_REPLACE_MARKER, BBC.TIP_TAB_COMPLETE).send(player);
@ -324,7 +326,8 @@ public class RegionCommands {
public void set(Player player, LocalSession session, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region selection, Pattern to) throws WorldEditException {
public void set(FawePlayer player, LocalSession session, EditSession editSession, @Selection Region selection, Pattern to, CommandContext context) throws WorldEditException {
int affected;
if (to instanceof BlockPattern) {
affected = editSession.setBlocks(selection, ((BlockPattern) to).getBlock());
@ -333,7 +336,7 @@ public class RegionCommands {
if (affected != 0) {
BBC.OPERATION.send(player, affected);
if (!FawePlayer.wrap(player).hasPermission("fawe.tips")) BBC.TIP_FAST.or(BBC.TIP_CANCEL, BBC.TIP_MASK, BBC.TIP_MASK_ANGLE, BBC.TIP_SET_LINEAR, BBC.TIP_SURFACE_SPREAD, BBC.TIP_SET_HAND).send(player);
@ -516,6 +516,16 @@ public class UtilityCommands extends MethodCommands {
aliases = { "/confirm" },
desc = "Confirm a command"
public void confirm(FawePlayer fp) throws WorldEditException {
if (!fp.confirm()) {
aliases = { "/help" },
usage = "[<command>]",
@ -523,7 +533,6 @@ public class UtilityCommands extends MethodCommands {
min = 0,
max = -1
public void help(Actor actor, CommandContext args) throws WorldEditException {
help(args, worldEdit, actor);
@ -852,6 +861,7 @@ public class UtilityCommands extends MethodCommands {
aliases = new ArrayList<CommandMapping>(dispatcher.getCommands());
} else {
aliases = new ArrayList<>(mappings);
page = Math.max(0, page);
} else if (grouped.size() > 1) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user