package com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil; import com.boydti.fawe.Fawe; import com.boydti.fawe.example.CharFaweChunk; import com.boydti.fawe.example.NMSMappedFaweQueue; import com.boydti.fawe.example.NullFaweChunk; import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.filters.DelegateMCAFilter; import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.history.IAnvilHistory; import com.boydti.fawe.jnbt.anvil.history.NullAnvilHistory; import com.boydti.fawe.object.FaweChunk; import com.boydti.fawe.object.FawePlayer; import com.boydti.fawe.object.FaweQueue; import com.boydti.fawe.object.RegionWrapper; import com.boydti.fawe.object.RunnableVal2; import com.boydti.fawe.object.RunnableVal4; import com.boydti.fawe.object.collection.IterableThreadLocal; import com.boydti.fawe.util.MainUtil; import com.sk89q.jnbt.CompoundTag; import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class MCAQueue extends NMSMappedFaweQueue { private FaweQueue parent; private NMSMappedFaweQueue parentNMS; private final boolean hasSky; private final File saveFolder; private final ThreadLocal blockStore = new ThreadLocal() { @Override protected MutableMCABackedBaseBlock initialValue() { return new MutableMCABackedBaseBlock(); } }; @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { IterableThreadLocal.clean(blockStore); super.finalize(); } public MCAQueue(FaweQueue parent) { super(parent.getWorldName(), new MCAQueueMap()); this.parent = parent; if (parent instanceof NMSMappedFaweQueue) { parentNMS = (NMSMappedFaweQueue) parent; } ((MCAQueueMap) getFaweQueueMap()).setParentQueue(parent); hasSky = parent.hasSky(); saveFolder = parent.getSaveFolder(); } public MCAQueue(String world, File saveFolder, boolean hasSky) { super(world, new MCAQueueMap()); ((MCAQueueMap) getFaweQueueMap()).setParentQueue(this); this.saveFolder = saveFolder; this.hasSky = hasSky; } @Override public FaweChunk loadChunk(FaweQueue faweQueue, int x, int z, boolean generate) { return getFaweChunk(x, z); } @Override public FaweChunk getSections(FaweChunk faweChunk) { return faweChunk; } @Override public FaweChunk getCachedChunk(FaweQueue faweQueue, int cx, int cz) { return getFaweChunk(cx, cz); } @Override public int getBiome(FaweChunk faweChunk, int x, int z) { if (faweChunk instanceof MCAChunk) { return ((MCAChunk) faweChunk).getBiomeArray()[((z & 0xF) << 4 | x & 0xF)]; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.getBiomeId(x, z); } else { return 0; } } /** * * @param newChunk * @param bx * @param tx * @param bz * @param tz * @param oX * @param oZ * @return true if the newChunk has been changed */ public boolean copyTo(MCAChunk newChunk, int bx, int tx, int bz, int tz, int oX, int oZ) { int obx = bx - oX; int obz = bz - oZ; int otx = tx - oX; int otz = tz - oZ; int otherBCX = (obx) >> 4; int otherBCZ = (obz) >> 4; int otherTCX = (otx) >> 4; int otherTCZ = (otz) >> 4; int cx = newChunk.getX(); int cz = newChunk.getZ(); int cbx = (cx << 4) - oX; int cbz = (cz << 4) - oZ; boolean changed = false; for (int otherCZ = otherBCZ; otherCZ <= otherTCZ; otherCZ++) { for (int otherCX = otherBCX; otherCX <= otherTCX; otherCX++) { FaweChunk chunk; synchronized (this) { chunk = this.getFaweChunk(otherCX, otherCZ); } if (!(chunk instanceof NullFaweChunk)) { changed = true; MCAChunk other = (MCAChunk) chunk; int ocbx = otherCX << 4; int ocbz = otherCZ << 4; int octx = ocbx + 15; int octz = ocbz + 15; int offsetY = 0; int minX = obx > ocbx ? (obx - ocbx) & 15 : 0; int maxX = otx < octx ? (otx - ocbx) : 15; int minZ = obz > ocbz ? (obz - ocbz) & 15 : 0; int maxZ = otz < octz ? (otz - ocbz) : 15; int offsetX = ocbx - cbx; int offsetZ = ocbz - cbz; newChunk.copyFrom(other, minX, maxX, 0, 255, minZ, maxZ, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ); } } } return changed; } @Override public boolean setMCA(int mcaX, int mcaZ, RegionWrapper region, Runnable whileLocked, boolean save, boolean unload) { if (parent != null) return parent.setMCA(mcaX, mcaZ, region, whileLocked, save, unload); return super.setMCA(mcaX, mcaZ, region, whileLocked, save, unload); } public void pasteRegion(MCAQueue from, final RegionWrapper regionFrom, Vector offset) throws IOException { pasteRegion(from, regionFrom, offset, new NullAnvilHistory()); } public void pasteRegion(MCAQueue from, final RegionWrapper regionFrom, Vector offset, IAnvilHistory history) throws IOException { int oX = offset.getBlockX(); int oZ = offset.getBlockZ(); int oY = offset.getBlockY(); int oCX = oX >> 4; int oCZ = oZ >> 4; RegionWrapper regionTo = new RegionWrapper(regionFrom.minX + oX, regionFrom.maxX + oX, regionFrom.minZ + oZ, regionFrom.maxZ + oZ); File folder = getSaveFolder(); int bMcaX = (regionTo.minX >> 9); int bMcaZ = (regionTo.minZ >> 9); int tMcaX = (regionTo.maxX >> 9); int tMcaZ = (regionTo.maxZ >> 9); filterCopy(new MCAFilter() { @Override public MCAFile applyFile(MCAFile mcaFile) { try { int mcaX = mcaFile.getX(); int mcaZ = mcaFile.getZ(); int bcx = Math.max(mcaX << 5, regionTo.minX >> 4); int bcz = Math.max(mcaZ << 5, regionTo.minZ >> 4); int tcx = Math.min((mcaX << 5) + 31, regionTo.maxX >> 4); int tcz = Math.min((mcaZ << 5) + 31, regionTo.maxZ >> 4); mcaFile.init(); final long heapSize = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); final long heapMaxSize = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); int free = (int) (((heapMaxSize - heapSize) + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()) / (1024 * 1024)); // int obcx = bcx - oCX; // int obcz = bcz - oCX; // int otcx = tcx - oCX; // int otcz = tcz - oCX; for (int cz = bcz; cz <= tcz; cz++) { for (int cx = bcx; cx <= tcx; cx++) { int bx = cx << 4; int bz = cz << 4; int tx = bx + 15; int tz = bz + 15; if (oX == 0 && oZ == 0) { if (bx >= regionTo.minX && tx <= regionTo.maxX && bz >= regionTo.minZ && tz <= regionTo.maxZ) { FaweChunk chunk = from.getFaweChunk(cx - oCX, cz - oCZ); if (!(chunk instanceof NullFaweChunk)) { // if (regionTo.minY == 0 && regionTo.maxY == 255) { // System.out.println("Vertical"); // MCAChunk mcaChunk = (MCAChunk) chunk; // mcaChunk.setLoc(null, cx, cz); // mcaChunk.setModified(); // mcaFile.setChunk(mcaChunk); // } else { MCAChunk newChunk = mcaFile.getChunk(cx, cz); if (newChunk == null) { newChunk = new MCAChunk(MCAQueue.this, cx, cz); mcaFile.setChunk(newChunk); } else { newChunk.setModified(); } newChunk.copyFrom((MCAChunk) chunk, regionFrom.minY, regionFrom.maxY, oY); } } continue; } } bx = Math.max(regionTo.minX, bx); bz = Math.max(regionTo.minZ, bz); tx = Math.min(regionTo.maxX, tx); tz = Math.min(regionTo.maxZ, tz); int obx = bx - oX; int obz = bz - oZ; int otx = tx - oX; int otz = tz - oZ; int otherBCX = (obx) >> 4; int otherBCZ = (obz) >> 4; int otherTCX = (otx) >> 4; int otherTCZ = (otz) >> 4; MCAChunk newChunk = mcaFile.getChunk(cx, cz); boolean created; if (newChunk == null) { newChunk = new MCAChunk(MCAQueue.this, cx, cz); created = true; } else { created = false; newChunk.setModified(); } boolean modified = false; int cbx = (cx << 4) - oX; int cbz = (cz << 4) - oZ; for (int otherCZ = otherBCZ; otherCZ <= otherTCZ; otherCZ++) { for (int otherCX = otherBCX; otherCX <= otherTCX; otherCX++) { FaweChunk chunk = from.getFaweChunk(otherCX, otherCZ); if (!(chunk instanceof NullFaweChunk)) { MCAChunk other = (MCAChunk) chunk; int ocbx = otherCX << 4; int ocbz = otherCZ << 4; int octx = ocbx + 15; int octz = ocbz + 15; int minY = regionFrom.minY; int maxY = regionFrom.maxY; int offsetY = oY; int minX = obx > ocbx ? (obx - ocbx) & 15 : 0; int maxX = otx < octx ? (otx - ocbx) : 15; int minZ = obz > ocbz ? (obz - ocbz) & 15 : 0; int maxZ = otz < octz ? (otz - ocbz) : 15; int offsetX = ocbx - cbx; int offsetZ = ocbz - cbz; newChunk.copyFrom(other, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ); newChunk.setModified(); modified = true; } } } if (created && modified) { mcaFile.setChunk(newChunk); } } } from.clear(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }, regionTo, history); from.clear(); } private void performCopy(MCAFile original, MCAFile copy, RegionWrapper region, IAnvilHistory task, ForkJoinPool pool) { original.clear(); File originalFile = original.getFile(); File copyFile = copy.getFile(); if (copy.isModified()) { if (copy.isDeleted()) { if (task.addFileChange(originalFile)) return; setMCA(original.getX(), original.getZ(), region, () -> task.addFileChange(originalFile), true, true); return; } else if (copyFile.exists()) { // If the task is the normal delete task, we can do a normal file move copy.close(pool); if (task.getClass() == NullAnvilHistory.class) { try { Files.move(copyFile.toPath(), originalFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE); return; } catch (IOException ignore) {} } setMCA(original.getX(), original.getZ(), region, () -> { task.addFileChange(originalFile); if (!copyFile.renameTo(originalFile)) { Fawe.debug("Failed to copy (2)"); } }, true, true); } } copy.clear(); copyFile.delete(); } public > T filterCopy(final T filter, RegionWrapper region) { return filterCopy(filter, region, new NullAnvilHistory()); } public > T filterCopy(final T filter, RegionWrapper region, IAnvilHistory task) { DelegateMCAFilter delegate = new DelegateMCAFilter(filter) { MCAFile original; MCAFile copy; ForkJoinPool pool; @Override public void withPool(ForkJoinPool pool, MCAQueue queue) { this.pool = pool; } @Override public MCAFile applyFile(MCAFile original) { this.original = original; this.original.clear(); File file = original.getFile(); file.setWritable(true); File copyDest = new File(file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + "-copy"); setMCA(original.getX(), original.getZ(), region, () -> { try { Files.copy(file.toPath(), copyDest.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }, true, false); this.copy = new MCAFile(original.getParent(), copyDest); MCAFile result = filter.applyFile(copy); if (result == null) { performCopy(original, copy, region, task, pool); } if (result == null || !copy.getFile().equals(result.getFile())) { copy.clear(); if (copyDest.exists() && !copyDest.delete()) copyDest.deleteOnExit(); } return result; } @Override public void finishFile(MCAFile newRegion, G cache) { performCopy(original, newRegion, region, task, pool); } }; if (region == RegionWrapper.GLOBAL()) { this.filterWorld(delegate); } else { this.filterRegion(delegate, region); } return filter; } public > T filterRegion(final T filter, final RegionWrapper region) { DelegateMCAFilter delegate = new DelegateMCAFilter(filter) { @Override public boolean appliesFile(Path path, BasicFileAttributes attr) { String name = path.toString(); int[] coords = MainUtil.regionNameToCoords(name); final int mcaX = coords[0]; final int mcaZ = coords[1]; return region.isInMCA(mcaX, mcaZ) && filter.appliesFile(path, attr); } @Override public boolean appliesFile(int mcaX, int mcaZ) { return region.isInMCA(mcaX, mcaZ) && filter.appliesFile(mcaX, mcaZ); } @Override public boolean appliesChunk(int cx, int cz) { return region.isInChunk(cx, cz) && filter.appliesChunk(cx, cz); } @Override public G get() { return filter.get(); } @Override public MCAChunk applyChunk(MCAChunk chunk, G value) { chunk = filter.applyChunk(chunk, value); if (chunk != null) { final MutableMCABackedBaseBlock mutableBlock = blockStore.get(); mutableBlock.setChunk(chunk); int bx = chunk.getX() << 4; int bz = chunk.getZ() << 4; int tx = bx + 15; int tz = bz + 15; bx = Math.max(bx, region.minX); bz = Math.max(bz, region.minZ); tx = Math.min(tx, region.maxX); tz = Math.min(tz, region.maxZ); int minLayer = region.minY >> 4; int maxLayer = region.maxY >> 4; for (int layer = minLayer; layer <= maxLayer; layer++) { if (chunk.doesSectionExist(layer)) { mutableBlock.setArrays(layer); int yStart = layer << 4; int yEnd = yStart + 15; yStart = Math.max(yStart, region.minY); yEnd = Math.min(yEnd, region.maxY); for (int y = yStart, y0 = (yStart & 15); y <= yEnd; y++, y0++) { int yIndex = ((y0) << 8); mutableBlock.setY(y); for (int z = bz, z0 = bz & 15; z <= tz; z++, z0++) { int zIndex = yIndex + ((z0) << 4); mutableBlock.setZ(z); for (int x = bx, x0 = bx & 15; x <= tx; x++, x0++) { int xIndex = zIndex + x0; mutableBlock.setX(x); mutableBlock.setIndex(xIndex); filter.applyBlock(x, y, z, mutableBlock, value); } } } } } } return null; } }; final int minMCAX = region.minX >> 9; final int minMCAZ = region.minZ >> 9; final int maxMCAX = region.maxX >> 9; final int maxMCAZ = region.maxZ >> 9; long mcaArea = (maxMCAX - minMCAX + 1l) * (maxMCAZ - minMCAZ + 1l); if (mcaArea < 128) { this.filterWorld(delegate, new RunnableVal2>() { @Override public void run(Path root, RunnableVal2 funx) { for (int x = minMCAX; x <= maxMCAX; x++) { for (int z = minMCAZ; z <= maxMCAZ; z++) { Path newPath = root.resolve(Paths.get("r." + x + "." + z + ".mca")); if (Files.exists(newPath)) { try { BasicFileAttributes attrs = Files.readAttributes(newPath, BasicFileAttributes.class);, attrs); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } }); } else { this.filterWorld(delegate); } return filter; } public > T createRegion(final T filter, final RegionWrapper region) { int botMcaX = region.minX >> 9; int botMcaZ = region.minZ >> 9; int topMcaX = region.maxX >> 9; int topMcaZ = region.maxZ >> 9; for (int mcaX = botMcaX >> 9; mcaX <= topMcaX; mcaX++) { for (int mcaZ = botMcaZ >> 9; mcaZ <= topMcaZ; mcaZ++) { } } return filter; } private > RunnableVal2 filterFunction(final T filter, ForkJoinPool pool) { return new RunnableVal2() { @Override public void run(Path path, BasicFileAttributes attr) { try { String name = path.getFileName().toString(); if (!name.endsWith(".mca") && !name.endsWith(".mcapm")) { return; } if (!filter.appliesFile(path, attr)) { return; } String[] split = name.split("\\."); final int mcaX = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); final int mcaZ = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); if (filter.appliesFile(mcaX, mcaZ)) { File file = path.toFile(); final MCAFile original = new MCAFile(MCAQueue.this, file); final MCAFile finalFile = filter.applyFile(original); if (finalFile != null && !finalFile.isDeleted()) { finalFile.init(); // May not do anything, but seems to lead to smaller lag spikes final int cbx = mcaX << 5; final int cbz = mcaZ << 5; finalFile.forEachSortedChunk(new RunnableVal4() { @Override public void run(final Integer rcx, final Integer rcz, Integer offset, Integer size) { pool.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { int cx = cbx + rcx; int cz = cbz + rcz; if (filter.appliesChunk(cx, cz)) { MCAChunk chunk = finalFile.getChunk(cx, cz); try { final G value = filter.get(); chunk = filter.applyChunk(chunk, value); if (chunk != null) { final MutableMCABackedBaseBlock mutableBlock = blockStore.get(); mutableBlock.setChunk(chunk); int bx = cx << 4; int bz = cz << 4; for (int layer = 0; layer < chunk.ids.length; layer++) { if (chunk.doesSectionExist(layer)) { mutableBlock.setArrays(layer); int yStart = layer << 4; int index = 0; for (int y = yStart; y < yStart + 16; y++) { mutableBlock.setY(y); for (int z = bz; z < bz + 16; z++) { mutableBlock.setZ(z); for (int x = bx; x < bx + 16; x++, index++) { mutableBlock.setX(x); mutableBlock.setIndex(index); filter.applyBlock(x, y, z, mutableBlock, value); } } } } } filter.finishChunk(chunk, value); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } }); pool.awaitQuiescence(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); filter.finishFile(finalFile, filter.get()); } else { if (original.isDeleted()) { try { original.close(pool); file.delete(); } catch (Throwable ignore) { ignore.printStackTrace(); } } pool.awaitQuiescence(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } original.close(pool); if (original.isDeleted()) { file.delete(); } } } catch (Throwable ignore) { ignore.printStackTrace(); } } }; } private > T filterWorld(final T filter, RunnableVal2> traverser) { File folder = getSaveFolder(); final ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(); filter.withPool(pool, this); RunnableVal2 task = filterFunction(filter, pool);, task); pool.shutdown(); try { pool.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return filter; } public > T filterWorld(final T filter) { return filterWorld(filter, new RunnableVal2>() { @Override public void run(Path value1, RunnableVal2 value2) { MainUtil.traverse(value1, value2); } }); } public > T filterWorld(final T filter, Comparator comparator) { return filterWorld(filter, new RunnableVal2>() { @Override public void run(Path value1, RunnableVal2 value2) { MainUtil.forEachFile(value1, value2, comparator); } }); } @Override public boolean supports(Capability capability) { switch (capability) { case CHANGE_TASKS: return false; } return super.supports(capability); } @Override public void relight(int x, int y, int z) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported"); } @Override public void relightBlock(int x, int y, int z) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported"); } @Override public void relightSky(int x, int y, int z) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported"); } @Override public boolean regenerateChunk(FaweQueue faweQueue, int x, int z, BaseBiome biome, Long seed) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported"); } @Override public CharFaweChunk getPrevious(CharFaweChunk fs, FaweChunk sections, Map tiles, Collection[] entities, Set createdEntities, boolean all) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported"); } @Override public FaweQueue getImpWorld() { return parent; } @Override public void setHeightMap(FaweChunk chunk, byte[] heightMap) { MCAChunk mca = (MCAChunk) chunk; if (mca != null) { int[] otherMap = mca.getHeightMapArray(); for (int i = 0; i < heightMap.length; i++) { int newHeight = heightMap[i] & 0xFF; int currentHeight = otherMap[i]; if (newHeight > currentHeight) { otherMap[i] = newHeight; } } } } @Override public void setFullbright(FaweChunk sections) { if (sections.getClass() == MCAChunk.class) { ((MCAChunk) sections).setFullbright(); } else if (parentNMS != null) { int cx = sections.getX(); int cz = sections.getZ(); parentNMS.ensureChunkLoaded(cx, cz); Object parentSections = parentNMS.getCachedSections(parentNMS.getWorld(), cx, cz); if (parentSections != null) { parentNMS.setFullbright(sections); } } } @Override public boolean removeSectionLighting(FaweChunk sections, int layer, boolean hasSky) { if (sections.getClass() == MCAChunk.class) { ((MCAChunk) sections).removeLight(layer); } else if (parentNMS != null) { int cx = sections.getX(); int cz = sections.getZ(); parentNMS.ensureChunkLoaded(cx, cz); Object parentSections = parentNMS.getCachedSections(parentNMS.getWorld(), cx, cz); if (parentSections != null) { parentNMS.removeSectionLighting(sections, layer, hasSky); } } return true; } @Override public boolean removeLighting(FaweChunk sections, RelightMode mode, boolean hasSky) { if (mode != RelightMode.NONE) { if (sections.getClass() == MCAChunk.class) { ((MCAChunk) sections).removeLight(); } else if (parentNMS != null) { int cx = sections.getX(); int cz = sections.getZ(); parentNMS.ensureChunkLoaded(cx, cz); Object parentSections = parentNMS.getCachedSections(parentNMS.getWorld(), cx, cz); if (parentSections != null) { parentNMS.removeLighting(sections, mode, hasSky); } } return true; } return false; } @Override public void setSkyLight(FaweChunk sections, int x, int y, int z, int value) { if (sections.getClass() == MCAChunk.class) { ((MCAChunk) sections).setSkyLight(x, y, z, value); } else if (parentNMS != null) { parentNMS.setSkyLight(x, y, z, value); } } @Override public void setBlockLight(FaweChunk sections, int x, int y, int z, int value) { if (sections.getClass() == MCAChunk.class) { ((MCAChunk) sections).setBlockLight(x, y, z, value); } else if (parentNMS != null) { parentNMS.setBlockLight(x, y, z, value); } } @Override public void refreshChunk(FaweChunk fs) { if (fs.getClass() != MCAChunk.class) { parentNMS.sendChunk(fs); } } @Override public void sendChunk(int x, int z, int bitMask) { if (parentNMS != null) { parentNMS.sendChunk(x, z, bitMask); } } @Override public CompoundTag getTileEntity(FaweChunk sections, int x, int y, int z) { if (sections.getClass() == MCAChunk.class) { return sections.getTile(x, y, z); } else { return parentNMS.getTileEntity(x, y, z); } } @Override public FaweChunk getFaweChunk(int cx, int cz) { return getFaweQueueMap().getFaweChunk(cx, cz); } @Override public File getSaveFolder() { return saveFolder; } @Override public boolean hasSky() { return hasSky; } @Override public MCAChunk getCachedSections(FaweQueue faweQueue, int cx, int cz) { return (MCAChunk) getFaweQueueMap().getFaweChunk(cx, cz); } @Override public FaweChunk getCachedSection(FaweChunk sections, int cy) { if (sections.getClass() == MCAChunk.class) { if (((MCAChunk) sections).doesSectionExist(cy)) { return sections; } return null; } else if (parentNMS != null) { return sections; } return null; } @Override public int getCombinedId4Data(FaweChunk sections, int x, int y, int z) { if (sections.getClass() == MCAChunk.class) { return sections.getBlockCombinedId(x, y, z); } else { return parentNMS.getCombinedId4Data(x, y, z); } } @Override public int getSkyLight(FaweChunk sections, int x, int y, int z) { if (sections.getClass() == MCAChunk.class) { return ((MCAChunk) sections).getSkyLight(x, y, z); } else { return parentNMS.getSkyLight(x, y, z); } } @Override public int getEmmittedLight(FaweChunk sections, int x, int y, int z) { if (sections.getClass() == MCAChunk.class) { return ((MCAChunk) sections).getBlockLight(x, y, z); } else { return parentNMS.getEmmittedLight(x, y, z); } } @Override public void startSet(boolean parallel) { if (parent != null) { parent.startSet(parallel); } } @Override public void endSet(boolean parallel) { if (parent != null) { parent.endSet(parallel); } } @Override public void sendBlockUpdate(FaweChunk chunk, FawePlayer... players) { if (parent != null) { parentNMS.sendBlockUpdate(chunk, players); } } }