Updated WorldEdit and FAWE patterns (markdown)

Jesse Boyd 2016-09-28 18:12:05 +10:00
parent d000dfe0e4
commit 09a3018dd5

@ -1,2 +1,41 @@
# Patterns
Patterns are used in various commands when changing blocks. e.g. `//set <pattern>`
Learn more about the block data format supported by WorldEdit here:
## List of Patterns
#### Simple patterns
`#clipboard` Use the blocks in your clipboard as the pattern (alias #copy)
`#existing` Use the block that is already there (alias #*)
#### Block pattern `<block>`
Example: `stone`
Explanation: Uses stone for the pattern
#### Pattern list `<pattern-1>,<pattern-2>`
Example: `stone,wood,#clipboard`
Example2: `80%stone,20%wood`
Explanation: Mix several patterns together
#### Relative `#relative:<pattern>`
Aliases: `#~`, `#r`, `#rel`
Example: `#relative:#clipboard`
Explanation: The clipboard pattern is offset relative to where you click
#### No axis `#!x`, `#!y`, `#!z`
Aliases: `#nx`, `#ny`, `#nz`, `#nox`, `#noy`, `#noz`
Example: `#!x:#!z:#~:#l3d:<pattern list> 5`
Explanation: Will linearly apply the pattern along the y-axis
Example2: `/br sphere #!x:#!z:#~:#l3d:121,24,5:2,100:11,5,99:14,3:1,5:1,88,159:7,5:5,159:15 5`, `/mask %20 !0`
Explanation 2: A gradient brush with a given set of block ids
#### Linear list `#linear:<pattern list>`
Aliases: `#l`
Example: `#l:stone,wood,bedrock`
Explanation: Each block change will use the next item in the list
#### Linear 3D list `#linear3d:<pattern list>`
Aliases: `#l3d`
Example: `#l:stone,wood,bedrock`
Explanation: Uses the x,y,z coordinate to pick the next block from the list