Updated Commands (markdown)

Jesse Boyd 2017-04-19 05:22:07 +10:00
parent bf300f5631
commit 2a85cef452

@ -1,145 +1,739 @@
> These are just the commands FAWE adds (or improves functionality of). For the commands already in WorldEdit, see here:
> - http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Reference
## Overview
This page is generated from the source. Click one of the edit buttons below to modify a command class. You will need to find the parts which correspond to the documentation. Command documentation will be consistent with what is available ingame
# General commands
#### `//fast`
Perm: `worldedit.fast`
Desc: Toggles WorldEdit undo
#### `//wea`
Perm: `fawe.admin`
Always Bypass Perm: `fawe.bypass`
#### `//wer`
Perm: `fawe.worldeditregion`
Desc: Select your current worldedit region
#### `//fawe [reload|version|threads|debugpaste]`:
Perm: `fawe.reload`
#### `//cancel`
Perm: `fawe.cancel`
Desc: Cancel your current edit
To view this information ingame use `//help`
## See also
- [Masks](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/wiki/WorldEdit---FAWE-mask-list)
- [Patterns](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/wiki/WorldEdit-and-FAWE-patterns)
- [Transforms](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/wiki/Transforms)
# Region commands
#### `//fixlighting`
Perm: `worldedit.light.fix`
Desc: Fix light in a selection, or radius 8 chunks if no selection exists
#### `//removelighting`
Perm: `worldedit.light.remove `
Desc: Remove light in a selection
#### `//setblocklight <value>`
Perm: `worldedit.light.set`
Desc: Set the block light in a selection
#### `//setskylight <value>`
Perm: `worldedit.light.set`
Desc: Set the sky light in a selection
## Content
- [`World Edit Commands`](#World-Edit-Commands-) (Updating, informational, debug and help commands)
- [`General Commands`](#General-Commands-) (Player toggles, settings and item info)
- [`Utility Commands`](#Utility-Commands-) (Various utility commands: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Utilities))
- [`Region Commands`](#Region-Commands-) (Commands that operate on regions: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Region_operations))
- [`Selection Commands`](#Selection-Commands-) (Change your selection points, mode or view info about your selection: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Selection))
- [`History Commands`](#History-Commands-) (Commands to undo, redo, and clear history: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Features#History))
- [`Schematic Commands`](#Schematic-Commands-) (Commands that work with schematic files)
- [`Clipboard Commands`](#Clipboard-Commands-) (Related commands to copy and pasting blocks: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Clipboard))
- [`Generation Commands`](#Generation-Commands-) (Create structures and features: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Generation))
- [`Biome Commands`](#Biome-Commands-) (Change, list and inspect biomes)
- [`Tool Commands`](#Tool-Commands-) (Bind functions to held items: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Tools))
- [`Tool Util Commands`](#Tool-Util-Commands-) (Tool commands)
- [`Brush Commands`](#Brush-Commands-) (Commands to build and draw from far away: [More Info](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/wiki/Brushes))
- [`Anvil Commands`](#Anvil-Commands-) (Manipulate billions of blocks: [More Info](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/wiki/Anvil-API))
- [`Super Pickaxe Commands`](#Super-Pickaxe-Commands-) (Super-pickaxe commands: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Super_pickaxe))
- [`Navigation Commands`](#Navigation-Commands-) (Commands for moving the player around: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Getting_around))
- [`Snapshot Commands`](#Snapshot-Commands-) (List, load and view information related to snapshots)
- [`Snapshot Util Commands`](#Snapshot-Util-Commands-) ([More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Snapshots))
- [`Scripting Commands`](#Scripting-Commands-) (Run craftscripts: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Scripting))
- [`Chunk Commands`](#Chunk-Commands-) ([legacy] Inspect chunks: [More Info](http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Chunk_tools))
# Navigation commands
#### `//jumpto [world,x,y,z]`
Perm: `worldedit.navigation.jumpto.command`
Desc: Jumpt to a position
#### Uncategorized
| Aliases | Permission | flags | Usage |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| //cancel | fawe.cancel | | Cancels your current operations |
| /plot replaceall | plots.replaceall | | Replace all blocks in the plot world |
| /plot createfromimage | plots.createfromimage | | Starts world creation from a heightmap image: [More Info](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJZk1GTig7A) |
# History commands
#### `//frb <user> <radius> <time>`
Perm: `worldedit.history.rollback`
Desc: Rollback a specific edit. The time uses `s`, `m`, `h`, `d`, `y`.
Usage: `//frb Empire92 20 5s`
#### `//frb #import 0 0`
Perm: `worldedit.history.import`
Desc: Import old history files to the database
# Clipboard commands
#### `//lazycopy`
Perm: `worldedit.clipboard.lazycopy`
Desc: Use the selected area as your clipboard
#### `//lazycut`
Perm: `worldedit.clipboard.lazycut`
Desc: Use the selected area as your clipboard
#### `//loadall [<format>] <filename|folder|url>`
Perm: `worldedit.clipboard.load`
Desc: Load multiple clipboards (paste will randomly choose one)
#### `//place`
Perm: `worldedit.clipboard.place`
Desc: Pastes without tranforming the clipboard
#### `//download`
Perm: `worldedit.clipboard.download`
Desc: Downloads your clipboard through the configured web interface
# Selection commands
#### `//sel fuzzy[:<mask]`
Desc: Left click to select all connected blocks, right click to add all connected blocks to the existing selection. To select an air cavity, use `//pos1`. Selections are limited to 2048x256x2048 and 16777216 blocks.
Usage: `//sel fuzzy`
# Brushes/Tools
FAWE adds a lot of brushes and changes the mechanics of them:
- https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/wiki/Brushes
# Masks
Masks are used for brushes and other commands:
- FAWE adds a lot of mask functionality
# Patterns
Patterns are used with brushes and other commands:
- FAWE adds a lot of pattern functionality
# Transforms
Transforms are used with brushes and other commands:
- FAWE adds the transform command
# Anvil commands
Anvil commands are used to manipulate entire worlds, or billions of blocks very quickly. It works by directly modifying the world region files.
### **World Edit Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/WorldEditCommands.java)
> ### `!! These commands operate on entire worlds !!`
> - The world should not be in use when performing these (unload the world)
> - It is recommended to run these from console
#### `//anvil countall <world> <blocks>`
Perm: `worldedit.anvil.countall`
Desc: Count all the blocks in a world
#### `//anvil replaceAll <world> [from-blocks] <to-blocks>`
Perm: `worldedit.anvil.replaceall`
Desc: Replace all blocks in a world
#### `//anvil replaceAllPattern <world> [from-blocks] <to-pattern>`
Perm: `worldedit.anvil.replaceall`
Desc: Replace All blocks in a world that match `[from]` with a specified pattern
#### `//anvil deleteallold <world> <age-ticks> [file-age=60000]`
Perm: `worldedit.anvil.deleteallold`
Desc: Delete all chunks which haven't been occupied for `age-ticks` and have been accessed since `file-age` (ms) after creation
#### (PlotSquared) `/plot trimchunks <world> <trim-unowned>`
Perm: Console
Desc: It will output a duplicate world with all the trimmed chunks removed
Example: /plot trimchunks plotworld true
Note: You need spare disk space to use this
#### `/we threads `
**Perm**: `worldedit.threads`
**Desc**: Print all thread stacks
#### `/we version `
**Desc**: Get WorldEdit/FAWE version
#### `/we help [<command>]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.help`
**Desc**: Displays help for WorldEdit commands
#### `/we debugpaste `
**Perm**: `worldedit.debugpaste`
**Desc**: Upload debug information to hastebin.com
#### `/we tz [timezone]`
**Desc**: Set your timezone for snapshots
#### `/we cui `
**Desc**: Complete CUI handshake (internal usage)
#### `/we changelog `
**Perm**: `worldedit.changelog`
**Desc**: View the FAWE changelog
#### `/we reload `
**Perm**: `worldedit.reload`
**Desc**: Reload configuration
> ### `!! These commands operate within existing worlds !!`
> - The server will be frozen while they perform
> - Increase spigot's `timeout-time` if you need to do anything large
> - These commands can operate at larger scales than normal WorldEdit commands.
### **General Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/GeneralCommands.java)
#### `//gsmask [mask]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.global-mask`
**Desc**: Set the global source mask
#### `//tips `
**Desc**: Toggle WorldEdit tips
#### `//fast [on|off]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.fast`
**Desc**: Toggles WorldEdit undo
#### `//gmask [mask]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.global-mask`
**Desc**: Set the global mask
#### `//gtransform [transform]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.global-trasnform`
**Desc**: Set the global transform
#### `//toggleplace `
**Desc**: Switch between your position and pos1 for placement
#### `//searchitem <query>`
**Desc**: Search for an item
### **Utility Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/UtilityCommands.java)
#### `/remove <type> <radius>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.remove`
**Desc**: Remove all entities of a type
#### `//fill <block> <radius> [depth]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.fill`
**Desc**: Fill a hole
#### `//help [<command>]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.help`
**Desc**: Displays help for WorldEdit commands
#### `//thaw [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.thaw`
**Desc**: Thaws the area
#### `//green [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.green`
**Desc**: Greens the area
#### `//snow [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.snow`
**Desc**: Simulates snow
#### `//removeabove [size] [height]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.removeabove`
**Desc**: Remove blocks above your head.
#### `//removebelow [size] [height]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.removebelow`
**Desc**: Remove blocks below you.
#### `//removenear <block> [size]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.removenear`
**Desc**: Remove blocks near you.
#### `//fixlava <radius>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.fixlava`
**Desc**: Fix lava to be stationary
#### `//fixwater <radius>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.fixwater`
**Desc**: Fix water to be stationary
#### `//fillr <block> <radius> [depth]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.fill.recursive`
**Desc**: Fill a hole recursively
#### `//drain <radius>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.drain`
**Desc**: Drain a pool
#### `/butcher [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.butcher`
**Desc**: Kill all or nearby mobs
#### `//replacenear <size> <from-id> <to-id>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.replacenear`
**Desc**: Replace nearby blocks
#### `//ex [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.extinguish`
**Desc**: Extinguish nearby fire
#### `//calc <expression>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.calc`
**Desc**: Evaluate a mathematical expression
### **Region Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/RegionCommands.java)
#### `//replace [from-block] <to-block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.replace`
**Desc**: Replace all blocks in the selection with another
#### `//stack [count] [direction]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.stack`
**Desc**: Repeat the contents of the selection
#### `//set [pattern]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.set`
**Desc**: Set all blocks within selection
#### `//fall [replace]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.fall`
**Desc**: Have the blocks in the selection fall
#### `//hollow [<thickness>[ <block>]]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.hollow`
**Desc**: Hollows out the object contained in this selection
#### `//center <block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.center`
**Desc**: Set the center block(s)
#### `//faces <block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.faces`
**Desc**: Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection
#### `//flora [density]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.flora`
**Desc**: Make flora within the region
#### `//forest [type] [density]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.forest`
**Desc**: Make a forest within the region
#### `//removelight `
**Perm**: `worldedit.light.remove`
**Desc**: Removing lighting in a selection
#### `//fixlighting `
**Perm**: `worldedit.light.fix`
**Desc**: Get the light at a position
#### `//getlighting `
**Perm**: `worldedit.light.fix`
**Desc**: Get the light at a position
#### `//setblocklight `
**Perm**: `worldedit.light.set`
**Desc**: Set block lighting in a selection
#### `//setskylight `
**Perm**: `worldedit.light.set`
**Desc**: Set sky lighting in a selection
#### `//nbtinfo `
**Perm**: `worldedit.nbtinfo`
**Desc**: View nbt info for a block
#### `//line <block> [thickness]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.line`
**Desc**: Draws a line segment between cuboid selection corners
#### `//wea `
**Perm**: `fawe.admin`
**Desc**: Bypass region restrictions
#### `//move [count] [direction] [leave-id]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.move`
**Desc**: Move the contents of the selection
#### `//overlay <block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.overlay`
**Desc**: Set a block on top of blocks in the region
#### `//regen [biome] [seed]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.regen`
**Desc**: Regenerates the contents of the selection
#### `//wer `
**Perm**: `fawe.worldeditregion`
**Desc**: Select your current allowed region
#### `//deform <expression>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.deform`
**Desc**: Deforms a selected region with an expression
#### `//curve <block> [thickness]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.curve`
**Desc**: Draws a spline through selected points
#### `//lay <block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.overlay`
**Desc**: Set the top block in the region
#### `//walls <block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.walls`
**Desc**: Build the four sides of the selection
#### `//smooth [iterations]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.smoothsnow`
**Desc**: Smooth the elevation in the selection
#### `//naturalize `
**Perm**: `worldedit.region.naturalize`
**Desc**: 3 layers of dirt on top then rock below
### **Selection Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/SelectionCommands.java)
#### `//count <block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.analysis.count`
**Desc**: Counts the number of a certain type of block
#### `//size `
**Perm**: `worldedit.selection.size`
**Desc**: Get information about the selection
#### `//expand <amount> [reverse-amount] <direction>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.selection.expand`
**Desc**: Expand the selection area
#### `//shift <amount> [direction]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.selection.shift`
**Desc**: Shift the selection area
#### `//sel [cuboid|extend|poly|ellipsoid|sphere|cyl|convex]`
**Desc**: Choose a region selector
#### `/toggleeditwand `
**Perm**: `worldedit.wand.toggle`
**Desc**: Toggle functionality of the edit wand
#### `//hpos2 `
**Perm**: `worldedit.selection.hpos`
**Desc**: Set position 2 to targeted block
#### `//wand `
**Perm**: `worldedit.wand`
**Desc**: Get the wand object
#### `//outset <amount>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.selection.outset`
**Desc**: Outset the selection area
#### `//hpos1 `
**Perm**: `worldedit.selection.hpos`
**Desc**: Set position 1 to targeted block
#### `//pos1 [coordinates]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.selection.pos`
**Desc**: Set position 1
#### `//pos2 [coordinates]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.selection.pos`
**Desc**: Set position 2
#### `//chunk [x,z coordinates]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.selection.chunk`
**Desc**: Set the selection to your current chunk.
#### `//contract <amount> [reverse-amount] [direction]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.selection.contract`
**Desc**: Contract the selection area
#### `//distr `
**Perm**: `worldedit.analysis.distr`
**Desc**: Get the distribution of blocks in the selection
#### `//inset <amount>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.selection.inset`
**Desc**: Inset the selection area
### **History Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/HistoryCommands.java)
#### `//redo [times] [player]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.history.redo`
**Desc**: Redoes the last action (from history)
#### `//clearhistory `
**Perm**: `worldedit.history.clear`
**Desc**: Clear your history
#### `//undo [times] [player]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.history.undo`
**Desc**: Undoes the last action
#### `//frb <user=Empire92> <radius=5> <time=3d4h>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.history.rollback`
**Desc**: Undo a specific edit. The time uses s, m, h, d, y.
### **Schematic Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/SchematicCommands.java)
#### `/load [<format>] <filename>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.load`, `worldedit.schematic.load`, `worldedit.schematic.upload`
**Desc**: Load a schematic into your clipboard
#### `/delete <filename>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.schematic.delete`
**Desc**: Delete a saved schematic
#### `/list `
**Perm**: `worldedit.schematic.list`
**Desc**: List saved schematics
#### `/save [<format>] <filename>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.save`, `worldedit.schematic.save`
**Desc**: Save a schematic into your clipboard
#### `/formats `
**Perm**: `worldedit.schematic.formats`
**Desc**: List available formats
#### `/loadall [<format>] <filename|url>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.load`, `worldedit.schematic.load`, `worldedit.schematic.upload`
**Desc**: Load multiple clipboards (paste will randomly choose one)
### **Clipboard Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/ClipboardCommands.java)
#### `//copy `
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.copy`
**Desc**: Copy the selection to the clipboard
#### `//flip [<direction>]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.flip`
**Desc**: Flip the contents of the clipboard
#### `//rotate <y-axis> [<x-axis>] [<z-axis>]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.rotate`
**Desc**: Rotate the contents of the clipboard
#### `//lazycopy `
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.lazycopy`
**Desc**: Lazily copy the selection to the clipboard
#### `/clearclipboard `
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.clear`
**Desc**: Clear your clipboard
#### `/asset [category]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.asset`
**Desc**: Create an asset
#### `//paste `
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.paste`
**Desc**: Paste the clipboard's contents
#### `//place `
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.place`
**Desc**: Place the clipboard's contents without applying transformations (e.g. rotate)
#### `//lazycut `
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.lazycut`
**Desc**: Lazily cut the selection to the clipboard
#### `/download `
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.download`
**Desc**: Downloads your clipboard through the configured web interface
#### `//cut [leave-id]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.clipboard.cut`
**Desc**: Cut the selection to the clipboard
### **Generation Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/GenerationCommands.java)
#### `//generate <block> <expression>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.shape`
**Desc**: Generates a shape according to a formula.
#### `//caves [size=8] [freq=40] [rarity=7] [minY=8] [maxY=127] [sysFreq=1] [sysRarity=25] [pocketRarity=0] [pocketMin=0] [pocketMax=3]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.caves`
**Desc**: Generates caves
#### `//hsphere <block> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.sphere`
**Desc**: Generates a hollow sphere.
#### `//generatebiome <biome> <expression>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.shape`, `worldedit.biome.set`
**Desc**: Sets biome according to a formula.
#### `/pumpkins [size]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.pumpkins`
**Desc**: Generate pumpkin patches
#### `//hpyramid <block> <size>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.pyramid`
**Desc**: Generate a hollow pyramid
#### `/forestgen [size] [type] [density]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.forest`
**Desc**: Generate a forest
#### `//pyramid <block> <size>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.pyramid`
**Desc**: Generate a filled pyramid
#### `//ores `
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.cylinder`
**Desc**: Generates ores
#### `//hcyl <pattern> <radius>[,<radius>] [height]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.cylinder`
**Desc**: Generates a hollow cylinder.
#### `//ore <mask> <pattern> <size> <freq> <rarity> <minY> <maxY>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.cylinder`
**Desc**: Generates ores
#### `//cyl <block> <radius>[,<radius>] [height]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.cylinder`
**Desc**: Generates a cylinder.
#### `//sphere <block> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.generation.sphere`
**Desc**: Generates a filled sphere.
### **Biome Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/BiomeCommands.java)
#### `//setbiome <biome>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.biome.set`
**Desc**: Sets the biome of the player's current block or region.
#### `/biomelist [page]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.biome.list`
**Desc**: Gets all biomes available.
#### `/biomeinfo `
**Perm**: `worldedit.biome.info`
**Desc**: Get the biome of the targeted block.
### **Tool Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/ToolCommands.java)
#### `/tool tree [type]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.tool.tree`
**Desc**: Tree generator tool
#### `/tool repl <block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.tool.replacer`
**Desc**: Block replacer tool
#### `/tool info `
**Perm**: `worldedit.tool.info`
**Desc**: Block information tool
#### `/tool lrbuild <leftclick block> <rightclick block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.tool.lrbuild`
**Desc**: Long-range building tool
#### `/tool farwand `
**Perm**: `worldedit.tool.farwand`
**Desc**: Wand at a distance tool
#### `/tool cycler `
**Perm**: `worldedit.tool.data-cycler`
**Desc**: Block data cycler tool
#### `/tool floodfill <pattern> <range>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.tool.flood-fill`
**Desc**: Flood fill tool
#### `/tool none `
**Desc**: Unbind a bound tool from your current item
#### `/tool inspect `
**Perm**: `worldedit.tool.inspect`
**Desc**: Inspect edits within a radius
#### `/tool deltree `
**Perm**: `worldedit.tool.deltree`
**Desc**: Floating tree remover tool
### **Tool Util Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/ToolUtilCommands.java)
#### `/size [pattern]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.options.size`
**Desc**: Set the brush size
#### `/mask [mask]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.options.mask`
**Desc**: Set the brush mask
#### `/range [pattern]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.options.range`
**Desc**: Set the brush range
#### `/transform [transform]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.options.transform`
**Desc**: Set the brush transform
#### `/mat [pattern]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.options.material`
**Desc**: Set the brush material
#### `/smask [mask]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.options.mask`
**Desc**: Set the brush mask
#### `// [on|off]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.superpickaxe`
**Desc**: Toggle the super pickaxe function
### **Brush Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/BrushCommands.java)
#### `/brush target [mode]`
**Desc**: Toggle between different target modes
#### `/brush copypaste [depth]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.copy`
**Desc**: Copy Paste brush
#### `/brush command <radius> [cmd1;cmd2...]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.command`
**Desc**: Command brush
#### `/brush populateschematic <mask> <file|folder|url> [radius=30] [points=5]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.populateschematic`
**Desc**: Scatter a schematic on a surface
#### `/brush scmd <scatter-radius> <points> <cmd-radius=1> <cmd1;cmd2...>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.scattercommand`
**Desc**: Scatter commands on a surface
#### `/brush secondary [brush arguments]`
**Desc**: Set the left click brush
#### `/brush primary [brush arguments]`
**Desc**: Set the right click brush
#### `/brush scatter <pattern> [radius=5] [points=5] [distance=1]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.scatter`
**Desc**: Scatter blocks on a surface
#### `/brush pull [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.pull`
**Desc**: Choose the raise brush
#### `/brush sphere <pattern> [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.sphere`
**Desc**: Choose the sphere brush
#### `/brush splatter <pattern> [radius=5] [seeds=1] [recursion=5] [solid=true]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.splatter`
**Desc**: Splatter blocks on a surface
#### `/brush shatter <pattern> [radius] [count]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.shatter`
**Desc**: Creates random lines to break the terrain into pieces
#### `/brush layer <radius> <pattern1> <patern2> <pattern3>...`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.layer`
**Desc**: Scatter a schematic on a surface
#### `/brush circle <pattern> [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.sphere`
**Desc**: Choose the circle brush
#### `/brush erode [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.erode`
**Desc**: Choose the erode brush
#### `/brush sspl <pattern> [size] [tension] [bias] [continuity] [quality]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.surfacespline`
**Desc**: Draws a spline on the surface
#### `/brush blendball [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.blendball`
**Desc**: Choose the blend ball brush
#### `/brush stencil <pattern> [radius] [file|#clipboard|null] [rotation] [yscale]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.stencil`
**Desc**: Use a height map to paint a surface
#### `/brush visualize [mode]`
**Desc**: Toggle between different visualization modes
#### `/brush recursive <pattern-to> [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.recursive`
**Desc**: Choose the recursive brush
#### `/brush spline <pattern>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.spline`
**Desc**: Choose the spline brush
#### `/brush line <pattern> [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.line`
**Desc**: Choose the line brush
#### `/brush scroll [none|clipboard|mask|pattern|range|size|visual|target]`
**Desc**: Toggle between different target modes
#### `/brush smooth [size] [iterations]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.smooth`
**Desc**: Choose the terrain softener brush
#### `/brush flatten [radius] [file|#clipboard|null] [rotation] [yscale]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.height`
**Desc**: This brush raises and lowers land towards the clicked point
#### `/brush butcher [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.butcher`
**Desc**: Butcher brush
#### `/brush gravity [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.gravity`
**Desc**: Gravity brush
#### `/brush cylinder <block> [radius] [height]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.cylinder`
**Desc**: Choose the cylinder brush
#### `/brush ex [radius]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.ex`
**Desc**: Shortcut fire extinguisher brush
#### `/brush height [radius] [file|#clipboard|null] [rotation] [yscale]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.height`
**Desc**: Height brush
#### `/brush clipboard `
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.clipboard`
**Desc**: Choose the clipboard brush
#### `/brush cliff [radius] [file|#clipboard|null] [rotation] [yscale]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.brush.height`
**Desc**: Cliff brush
### **Anvil Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/boydti/fawe/command/AnvilCommands.java)
#### `/anvil replace [from-block] <to-block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.anvil.replace`
**Desc**: Replace all blocks in the selection with another
#### `/anvil replaceall <folder> [from-block] <to-block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.anvil.replaceall`
**Desc**: Replace all blocks in the selection with another
#### `/anvil copy `
**Perm**: `worldedit.anvil.copychunks`
**Desc**: Lazily copy chunks to your anvil clipboard
#### `/anvil paste `
**Perm**: `worldedit.anvil.pastechunks`
**Desc**: Paste chunks from your anvil clipboard
#### `/anvil distr `
**Perm**: `worldedit.anvil.distr`
**Desc**: Replace all blocks in the selection with another
#### `/anvil deleteallold <folder> <age-ticks> [file-age=60000]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.anvil.deleteallold`
**Desc**: Delete all chunks which haven't been occupied for `age-ticks` and have been accessed since `file-age` (ms) after creation
#### `/anvil countall <folder> [hasSky] <id>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.anvil.countallstone`
**Desc**: Count all blocks in a world
#### `/anvil removelayers <id>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.anvil.removelayer`
**Desc**: Removes matching chunk layers
#### `/anvil replaceallpattern <folder> [from-block] <to-pattern>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.anvil.replaceall`
**Desc**: Replace all blocks in the selection with another
### **Super Pickaxe Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/SuperPickaxeCommands.java)
#### `/sp recur <radius>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.superpickaxe.recursive`
**Desc**: Enable the recursive super pickaxe pickaxe mode
#### `/sp area <radius>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.superpickaxe.area`
**Desc**: Enable the area super pickaxe pickaxe mode
#### `/sp single `
**Perm**: `worldedit.superpickaxe`
**Desc**: Enable the single block super pickaxe mode
### **Navigation Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/NavigationCommands.java)
#### `/descend [# of floors]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.navigation.descend`
**Desc**: Go down a floor
#### `/thru `
**Perm**: `worldedit.navigation.thru.command`
**Desc**: Passthrough walls
#### `/ceil [clearance]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.navigation.ceiling`
**Desc**: Go to the celing
#### `/up <block>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.navigation.up`
**Desc**: Go upwards some distance
#### `/ascend [# of levels]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.navigation.ascend`
**Desc**: Go up a floor
#### `/unstuck `
**Perm**: `worldedit.navigation.unstuck`
**Desc**: Escape from being stuck inside a block
#### `/jumpto [world,x,y,z]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.navigation.jumpto.command`
**Desc**: Teleport to a location
### **Snapshot Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/SnapshotCommands.java)
#### `/list [num]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.snapshots.list`
**Desc**: List snapshots
#### `/after <date>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.snapshots.restore`
**Desc**: Choose the nearest snapshot after a date
#### `/before <date>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.snapshots.restore`
**Desc**: Choose the nearest snapshot before a date
#### `/sel <index>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.snapshots.restore`
**Desc**: Choose the snapshot based on the list id
#### `/use <snapshot>`
**Perm**: `worldedit.snapshots.restore`
**Desc**: Choose a snapshot to use
### **Snapshot Util Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/SnapshotUtilCommands.java)
#### `/restore [snapshot]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.snapshots.restore`
**Desc**: Restore the selection from a snapshot
### **Scripting Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/ScriptingCommands.java)
#### `/cs <filename> [args...]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.scripting.execute`
**Desc**: Execute a CraftScript
#### `/.s [args...]`
**Perm**: `worldedit.scripting.execute`
**Desc**: Execute last CraftScript
### **Chunk Commands** [`✎`](https://github.com/boy0001/FastAsyncWorldedit/edit/master/core/src/main/java/com/sk89q/worldedit/command/ChunkCommands.java)
#### `/delchunks `
**Perm**: `worldedit.delchunks`
**Desc**: Delete chunks that your selection includes
#### `/chunkinfo `
**Perm**: `worldedit.chunkinfo`
**Desc**: Get information about the chunk that you are inside
#### `/listchunks `
**Perm**: `worldedit.listchunks`
**Desc**: List chunks that your selection includes
#### `//anvil replace [from] <to>`
Perm: `anvil.replace`
Desc: Replace blocks in your selection using Anvil
#### `//anvil copy`
Perm: `anvil.copy`
Desc: Copy a region to your anvil clipboard
#### `//anvil paste`
Perm: `anvil.paste`
Desc: Paste your anvil clipboard
#### (PlotSquared) `/plot replaceall <from-blocks> <to-blocks>`
Perm: `plots.replaceall`
Desc: Replace all blocks in the plot world
Note: Requires `enabled-components.worlds` in the PlotSquared `settings.yml`
#### (PlotSquared) `/plot createfromimage <url>`
Perm: `plots.createfromimage`
Desc: Starts world creation from a heightmap image.
Example: `/2 cfi <setbiome|setoverlay|setmain|setfloor|setcolumn|addcaves|addore[s]|addschems|done|cancel>`
Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJZk1GTig7A
Note: Requires `enabled-components.worlds` in the PlotSquared `settings.yml`