Created Brushes (markdown)

Jesse Boyd 2017-03-12 05:33:08 +11:00
parent f0d89495af
commit 35c6856ef2

153 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
FAWE changes a lot of how brushes are handled in WorldEdit.
### Equipping a brush:
`/br <brush>`
Equip it to right click:
`/br primary <brush>`
Equip in to left click:
`/br secondary <brush>`
### Changing brush settings
- `/mat <material>`
- `/mask <mask>`
- `/smask <mask>`
- `/transform <transform>`
- `/range <range>`
- `/size <size>`
- `/none` - Unbind tool
Use the `-h` flag to change the settings for your offhand brush.
### Change brush targeting
You can change the target mode to assist building in different areas (air, walls, ground etc.)
Changing the `//brush range` can also be useful.
`/br target <0-3>`
- 0 = Target block
- 1 = Target point directly ahead, distance depends on pitch
- 2 = Target point, distance depends on height from ground
- 3 = Target block face
### Add brush actions
Use the mouse wheel to change brush behavior
- `/br scroll clipboard <file|folder|asset url>`
- `/br scroll mask <mask1> <mask2...>`
- `/br scroll pattern <mat1> <mat2...>`
- `/br scroll range`
- `/br scroll size`
- `/br scroll target`
### Visualize the brush
With FAWE you can visualize how the brush will change blocks:
`/br vis <0-2>`
- 0 = No visualization
- 1 = Single point
- 2 = All block changes are visualized
### Brushes
#### `//brush blendball [radius=5]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.blendball`
Desc: Blend terrain
#### `//brush erode [radius=5]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.erode`
Desc: Erode terrain
#### `//brush pull [radius]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.pull`
Desc: Pull terrain towards you
#### `//brush circle <pattern> [radius=5]`
Perm: ``
Desc: Creates a circle which revolves around your facing direction
Note: Decrease brush radius, and enabled visualization to assist with placement mid-air
#### `//brush recursive <pattern> [radius=5]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.recursive`
Desc: Set all connected blocks
Flags: -d will apply in depth first order
Note: Set a mask to change behavior
#### `//brush line <pattern> [radius=0]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.line`
Desc: Create lines
Flags: -h: create shell -s: selects clicked point -f: flat line
#### `//brush spline <pattern> [radius=25]`
Perm `worldedit.brush.spline`
Desc: Click to select some objects,click the same block twice to connect the objects.
Note: Insufficient brush radius, or clicking the the wrong spot will result in undesired shapes. The shapes must be simple lines or loops.
Pic1: ->
Pic2: ->
#### `//brush sphere <pattern> [radius=5]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.sphere`
Desc: Creates a sphere
Flags: -h: creates a hollow sphere
#### `//brush shatter <pattern> [radius=10] [count=10]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.shatter`
Desc: Creates uneven lines separating terrain into multiple pieces
#### `//brush color <pattern> [radius=5] [file|#clipboard|imgur=null] [rotation=360] [yscale=1.0]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.stencil`
Desc: Use a height map to paint any surface
Flags: -w: Only applies at max saturation, -r: Applies random rotation
#### `//brush height [radius=5] [file|#clipboard|imgur=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.height`
Desc: Raise or lower terrain (ommitting an argument will use the default value)
Note: Use a negative yscale to reduce height
Flags: -r: Enables random rotation
#### `//brush flat [radius=5] [file|#clipboard|imgur=null] [rotation=0] [yscale=1.00]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.height`
Desc: Flattens terrain according to a heightmap
Flags: -r: Enables random rotation for the heightmap
Note: Use `/br cliff` For sharper default heightmap
#### `//brush scatter <patter> [radius=5] [points=5] [distance=1]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.scatter`
Desc: Set a number of blocks randomly on a surface each a certain distance apart
Flags: -o To overlay the pattern
Example 1: `/br scatter #fullcopy 30 5 -o` - Places your clipboard (e.g. tree) randomly on the surface
#### `//brush splatter <pattern> [radius=5] [seeds=1] [recursion=5] [solid=true]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.splatter`
Desc: Sets a bunch of blocks randomly on a surface
Example: `/br splatter stone,dirt 30 15`
Note: The seeds define how many splotches there are, recursion defines how large, solid defines whether the pattern is applied per seed, else per block.
#### `//brush scmd <scatter-radius> <points> <cmd-radius> <cmd1;cmd2...>`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.scattercommand`
Desc: Scatters commands on a surface
Example: `/br scmd 30 5 1 /sphere stone 5+randint(5)` - places random sized spheres on any surface
#### `//brush cylinder <block> [radius=2] [height=1]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.cylinder`
Desc: Creates a cylinder
Flags: -h: Creates a hollow cylinder
#### `//brush copypaste [depth=5]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.copy`
Desc: Recursively copies blocks to your clipboard on first click, then pastes
Flags: -r: Applies random rotation
Note: Works well with the clipboard scroll action
#### `//brush gravity [radius=5]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.gravity`
Desc: Makes blocks fall
Flags: -h Affects all blocks vertically
Note: See also `//fall`
#### `//brush command <radius> [cmd1;cmd2...]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.command`
Desc: Performs multiple WorldEdit commands at the clicked location with a provided selection radius
#### `//inspect`
Perm: `worldedit.tool.inspect`
Desc: View past edits at a location
#### `//brush butcher [radius=5]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.butcher`
Desc: Butchers entities
- -p also kills pets.
- -n also kills NPCs.
- -g also kills Golems.
- -a also kills animals.
- -b also kills ambient mobs.
- -t also kills mobs with name tags.
- -f compounds all previous flags.
- -r also destroys armor stands.
- -l currently does nothing.
#### `//brush extinguish [radius=5]`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.ex`
Desc: Extinguish fires
#### `//brush clipboard`
Perm: `worldedit.brushclipboard.`
Desc: Deprecated
Flags: -a: skip air, -p: center clipboard
#### `//brush smooth`
Perm: `worldedit.brush.smooth`
Desc: Deprecated
Flags: -n: Considers only natural blocks