Updated CreateFromImage (markdown)

Jesse Boyd 2017-09-18 14:48:53 +10:00
parent 7a6201b377
commit 92cd55bbc3

@ -23,88 +23,88 @@ Dependencies:
## Starting
To begin you need to either specify a heightmap to use, or the dimensions you want.
- Using a heightmap: `/2 cfi <url>`
- Or using a fixed size: `/2 cfi <width> <length>`
- Using a heightmap: `//cfi <url>`
- Or using a fixed size: `//cfi <width> <length>`
Do not run these yet, but when you are happy with your settings:
- `/2 cfi done` - Build the world
- `/2 cfi cancel` - Cancel creation
- `//cfi done` - Build the world
- `//cfi cancel` - Cancel creation
## Modifying the world
### The palette
- You may want to color the world using an image e.g. https://i.imgur.com/TlH2uhU.jpg
- Before you color parts of the world, you should change your palette (coloring) settings.
##### `/2 cfi paletteComplexity <min=0> <max=100>`
##### `//cfi paletteComplexity <min=0> <max=100>`
- Filter out blocks to use based on their complexity, which is a measurement of how much color variation there is in the texture for that block.
- Glazed terracotta is complex, and not very pleasant for terrain, whereas stone and wool are simpler textures.
- Using `0 73` for the min/max would use the simplest 73% of blocks for coloring, and is a reasonable value.
##### `/2 cfi paletteRandomization <enabled=true>`
##### `//cfi paletteRandomization <enabled=true>`
- This is enabled by default, randomization will add some random variation in the blocks used to closer match the provided image.
- If disabled, the closest block to the color will always be used.
- Randomization will allow [mixing biomes](https://i.imgur.com/ltqTDIJ.jpg) when coloring with biomes
##### `/2 cfi paletteBlocks <block-list|#clipboard>`
##### `//cfi paletteBlocks <block-list|#clipboard>`
- Allow only specific blocks to be used for coloring
- `block-list` is a list of blocks e.g. stone,bedrock,wool
- `#clipboard` will only use the blocks present in your clipboard.
##### `/2 cfi paletteBiomePriority <percent=50>`
##### `//cfi paletteBiomePriority <percent=50>`
- Increase or decrease biome priority when using `blockBiomeColor`.
- A value of `50` is the default
- Above `50` will prefer to color with biomes
- Below `50` will prefer to color with blocks
### Coloring commands
##### `/2 cfi color <image-url> [image-mask|mask] [whiteOnly=true]`
##### `//cfi color <image-url> [image-mask|mask] [whiteOnly=true]`
- Color the terrain using only blocks
- Provide an image, or worldedit mask for the 2nd argument to restrict what areas are colored
- `whiteOnly` will restrict coloring to the white parts of the image mask (if provided)
##### `/2 cfi glass <image-url>`
##### `//cfi glass <image-url>`
- Color the terrain using glass (unique, but [looks weird](https://i.imgur.com/Z48Gaaj.jpg) from an angle)
##### `/2 cfi biomeColor <image-url>`
##### `//cfi biomeColor <image-url>`
- Color the terrain using biomes.
Note: Biome coloring does not change blocks:
- If you changed the block to something other than grass you will not see anything.
##### `/2 cfi blockBiomeColor <image-url> [image-mask|mask] [whiteOnly=true]`
##### `//cfi blockBiomeColor <image-url> [image-mask|mask] [whiteOnly=true]`
- Color the terrain using blocks and biomes.
- Provide an image, or worldedit mask for the 2nd argument to restrict what areas are colored
- `whiteOnly` will restrict coloring to the white parts of the image mask (if provided)
##### `/2 cfi biome [url|mask] <biome> [whiteOnly=false]`
##### `//cfi biome [url|mask] <biome> [whiteOnly=false]`
Set the biome in specific parts of the map.
- If an image is used, the biome will have a chance to be set based on how white the pixel is (white #FFF = 100% chance)
- The `whiteOnly` parameter determines if only white values on the image are set
- If a mask is used, the biome will be set anywhere the mask applies
### Height settings
#### `/2 cfi height <url|height>`
#### `//cfi height <url|height>`
- Set the terrain height either based on an image heightmap, or a numeric value.
#### `/2 cfi waterHeight <height=0>`
#### `//cfi waterHeight <height=0>`
- Change the level water is generated at.
- By default water is disabled (with a value of 0)
#### `/2 cfi waterId <number-id>`
#### `//cfi waterId <number-id>`
- Use another block id instead of water. e.g Maybe you want to use lava.
#### `/2 cfi smooth <image-mask|mask> <radius> <iterations> [whiteonly=true]`
#### `//cfi smooth <image-mask|mask> <radius> <iterations> [whiteonly=true]`
- Smooth terrain within an image-mask, or worldedit mask
- You can use `!0` as the mask to smooth everything
- This supports smoothing snow layers (set the floor to `78:7`)
- A good value for `radius` and `iterations` would be `1 8`.
### Material settings
#### `/2 cfi overlay [url|mask] <pattern> [white=false]`
#### `//cfi overlay [url|mask] <pattern> [white=false]`
- Change the block directly above the floor (default: air)
- e.g. Tallgrass
#### `/2 cfi main [url|mask] <pattern> [white=false]`
#### `//cfi main [url|mask] <pattern> [white=false]`
- Change the block to use as filling (default: stone)
#### `/2 cfi floor [url|mask] <pattern> [white=false]`
#### `//cfi floor [url|mask] <pattern> [white=false]`
- Change the block to use as the floor (default: grass)
#### `/2 cfi column [url|mask] <pattern> [white=false]`
#### `//cfi column [url|mask] <pattern> [white=false]`
- Change both the floor and main block.
### Populators
#### `/2 cfi caves`
#### `//cfi caves`
- Generate vanilla caves
#### `/2 cfi ore[s]`
##### `/2 cfi addores`
#### `//cfi ore[s]`
##### `//cfi addores`
- Add the default minecraft ores.
##### `/2 cfi ore <mask> <pattern> <size> <frequency> <rarity> <min-Y> <max-Y>`
##### `//cfi ore <mask> <pattern> <size> <frequency> <rarity> <min-Y> <max-Y>`
- Use a specific pattern and settings to generate ore.
#### `/2 cfi schem [url] <mask> <file|folder|url> <rarity> <distance> <rotate>`
#### `//cfi schem [url] <mask> <file|folder|url> <rarity> <distance> <rotate>`
- Populate a schematic on the terrain.
- Change the mask (e.g. angle mask) to only place the schematic in specific locations.
- The rarity is a value between 0 and 100.