diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9589eef..65f4566 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,40 +1,126 @@
-# ForkTest - A Paper fork, using paperweight
Fork of Paper which adds regionised multithreading to the dedicated server.
-This is an example project, showcasing how to setup a fork of Paper (or any other fork using paperweight), using paperweight.
+## Overview
-The files of most interest are
-- build.gradle.kts
-- settings.gradle.kts
-- gradle.properties
+Folia groups nearby loaded chunks to form an "independent region."
+See [REGION_LOGIC.md](REGION_LOGIC.md) for exact details on how Folia
+will group nearby chunks.
+Each independent region has its own tick loop, which is ticked at the
+regular Minecraft tickrate (20TPS). The tick loops are executed
+on a thread pool in parallel. There is no main thread anymore,
+as each region effectively has its own "main thread" that executes
+the entire tick loop.
-## Tasks
+For a server with many spread out players, Folia will create many
+spread out regions and tick them all in parallel on a configurable sized
+threadpool. Thus, Folia should scale well for servers like this.
-Paperweight tasks
-cleanCache - Delete the project setup cache and task outputs.
-createMojmapBundlerJar - Build a runnable bundler jar
-createMojmapPaperclipJar - Build a runnable paperclip jar
-createReobfBundlerJar - Build a runnable bundler jar
-createReobfPaperclipJar - Build a runnable paperclip jar
-reobfJar - Re-obfuscate the built jar to obf mappings
-runDev - Spin up a non-relocated Mojang-mapped test server
-runReobf - Spin up a test server from the reobfJar output jar
-runShadow - Spin up a test server from the shadowJar archiveFile
+Folia is also its own project, this will not be merged into Paper
+for the foreseeable future.
-## Branches
+## Plugin compatibility
-Each branch of this project represents an example:
+There is no more main thread. I expect _every_ single plugin
+that exists to require _some_ level of modification to function
+in Folia. Additionally, multithreading of _any kind_ introduces
+possible race conditions in plugin held data - so, there are bound
+to be changes that need to be made.
- - [`main` is the standard example](https://github.com/PaperMC/paperweight-examples/tree/main)
- - [`submodules` shows how paperweight can be applied on a fork using the more traditional git submodule system](https://github.com/PaperMC/paperweight-examples/tree/submodules)
- - [`mojangapi` shows how a fork could patch arbitrary non-git directories (such as `Paper-MojangAPI`)](https://github.com/PaperMC/paperweight-examples/tree/mojangapi)
- - [`submodules-mojang` shows the same as `mojangapi`, but on the git submodules setup from `submodules`](https://github.com/PaperMC/paperweight-examples/tree/submodules-mojangapi)
+So, have your expectations for compatibility at 0.
+## API plans
+Currently, there is a lot of API that relies on the main thread.
+I expect basically zero plugins that are compatible with Paper to
+be compatible with Folia. However, there are plans to add API that
+would allow Folia plugins to be compatible with Paper.
+For example, the Bukkit Scheduler. The Bukkit Scheduler inherently
+relies on a single main thread. Folia's RegionisedScheduler and Folia's
+EntityScheduler allow scheduling of tasks to the "next tick" of whatever
+region "owns" either a location or an entity. These could be implemented
+on regular Paper, except they schedule to the main thread - in both cases,
+the execution of the task will occur on the thread that "owns" the
+location or entity. This concept applies in general, as the current Paper
+(single threaded) can be viewed as one giant "region" that encompasses
+all chunks in all worlds.
+It is not yet decided whether to add this API to Paper itself directly
+or to Paperlib.
+### The new rules
+The other important rule is that the regions tick in _parallel_, and not
+_concurrently_. They do not share data, they do not expect to share data,
+and sharing of data _will_ cause data corruption.
+Code that is running in one region under no circumstance can
+be accessing or modifying data that is in another region. Just
+because multithreading is in the name, it doesn't mean that everything
+is now thread-safe. In fact, there are only a _few_ things that were
+made thread-safe to make this happen. As time goes on, the number
+of thread context checks will only grow, even _if_ it comes at a
+performance penalty - _nobody_ is going to use or develop for a
+server platform that is buggy as hell, and the only way to
+prevent and find these bugs is to make bad accesses fail _hard_ at the
+source of the bad access.
+This means that Folia compatible plugins need to take advantage of
+API like the RegionisedScheduler and the EntityScheduler to ensure
+their code is running on the correct thread context.
+In general, it is safe to assume that a region owns chunk data
+in an approximate 8 chunks from the source of an event (i.e player
+breaks block, can probably access 8 chunks around that block). But,
+this is not guaranteed - plugins should take advantage of upcoming
+thread-check API to ensure correct behavior.
+The only guarantee of thread-safety comes from the fact that a
+single region owns data in certain chunks - and if that region is
+ticking, then it has full access to that data. This data is
+specifically entity/chunk/poi data, and is entirely unrelated
+to **ANY** plugin data.
+Normal multithreading rules apply to data that plugins store/access
+their own data or another plugin's - events/commands/etc are called
+in _parallel_ because regions are ticking in _parallel_ (we CANNOT
+call them in a synchronous fashion, as this opens up deadlock issues
+and would handicap performance). There are no easy ways out of this,
+it depends solely on what data is being accessed. Sometimes a
+concurrent collection (like ConcurrentHashMap) is enough, and often a
+concurrent collection used carelessly will only _hide_ threading
+issues, which then become near impossible to debug.
+### Current API additions
+- RegionisedScheduler and EntityScheduler acting as a replacement for
+ the BukkitScheduler, however they are not yet fully featured.
+### Current broken API
+- Most API that interacts with portals / respawning players / some
+ player login API is broken.
+- ALL scoreboard API is considered broken (this is global state that
+ I've not figured out how to properly implement yet)
+- World loading/unloading
+- Entity#teleport. This will NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE come back,
+ use teleportAsync
+- Could be more
+### Planned API additions
+- Proper asynchronous events. This would allow the result of an event
+ to be completed later, on a different thread context. This is required
+ to implement some things like spawn position select, as asynchronous
+ chunk loads are required when accessing chunk data out-of-region.
+- World loading/unloading
+- TickThread#isTickThread overloads to API
+- More to come here
+### Planned API changes
+- Super aggressive thread checks across the board. This is absolutely
+ required to prevent plugin devs from shipping code that may randomly
+ break random parts of the server in entirely _undiagnosable_ manners.
+- More to come here
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/REGION_LOGIC.md b/REGION_LOGIC.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70497cf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+## Fundamental regionising logic
+## Region
+A region is simply a set of owned chunk positions and implementation
+defined unique data object tied to that region. It is important
+to note that for any non-dead region x, that for each chunk position y
+it owns that there is no other non-dead region z such that
+the region z owns the chunk position y.
+## Regioniser
+Each world has its own regioniser. The regioniser is a term used
+to describe the logic that the class "ThreadedRegioniser" executes
+to create, maintain, and destroy regions. Maintenance of regions is
+done by merging nearby regions together, marking which regions
+are eligible to be ticked, and finally by splitting any regions
+into smaller independent regions. Effectively, it is the logic
+performed to ensure that groups of nearby chunks are considered
+a single independent region.
+## Guarantees the regioniser provides
+The regioniser provides a set of important invariants that allows
+regions to tick in parallel without race condtions:
+### First invariant
+The first invariant is simply that any chunk holder that exists
+has one, and only one, corresponding region.
+### Second invariant
+The second invariant is that for every _existing_ chunk holder x that is
+contained in a region that every each chunk position within the
+"merge radius" of x is owned by the region. Effectively, this invariant
+guarantees that the region is not close to another region, which allows
+the region to assume while ticking it can create data for chunk holders
+"close" to it.
+### Third invariant
+The third invariant is that a ticking region _cannot_ expand
+the chunk positions it owns as it ticks. The third invariant
+is important as it prevents ticking regions from "fighting"
+over non-owned nearby chunks, to ensure that they truly tick
+in parallel, no matter what chunk loads they may issue while
+To comply with the first invariant, the regioniser will
+create "transient" regions _around_ ticking regions. Specifically,
+around in this context means close enough that would require a merge,
+but not far enough to be considered independent. The transient regions
+created in these cases will be merged into the ticking region
+when the ticking region finishes ticking.
+Both of the second invariant and third invariant combined allow
+the regioniser to guarantee that a ticking region may create
+and then access chunk holders around it (i.e sync loading) without
+the possibility that it steps on another region's toes.
+### Fourth invariant
+The fourth invariant is that a region is only in one of four
+states: "transient", "ready", "ticking", or "dead."
+The "ready" state allows a state to transition to the "ticking" state,
+while the "transient" state is used as a state for a region that may
+not tick. The "dead" state is used to mark regions which should
+not be use.
+The states transistions are explained later, as it ties in
+with the regioniser's merge and split logic.
+## Regioniser implementation
+The regioniser implementation is a description of how
+the class "ThreadedRegioniser" adheres to the four invariants
+described previously.
+### Splitting the world into sections
+The regioniser does not operate on chunk coordinates, but rather
+on "region section coordinates." Region section coordinates simply
+represent a grouping of NxN chunks on a grid, where N is some power
+of two. The actual number is left ambiguous, as region section coordinates
+are only an internal detail of how chunks are grouped.
+For example, with N=16 the region section (0,0) encompasses all
+chunks x in [0,15] and z in [0,15]. This concept is similar to how
+the chunk coordinate (0,0) encompasses all blocks x in [0, 15]
+and z in [0, 15]. Another example with N=16, the chunk (17, -5) is
+contained within region section (1, -1).
+Region section coordinates are used only as a performance
+tradeoff in the regioniser, as by approximating chunks to their
+region coordinate allows it to treat NxN chunks as a single
+unit for regionising. This means that regions do not own chunks positions,
+but rather own region section positions. The grouping of NxN chunks
+allows the regionising logic to be performed only on
+the creation/destruction of region sections.
+For example with N=16 this means up to NxN-1=255 possible
+less operations in areas such as addChunk/region recalculation
+assuming region sections are always full.
+### Implementation variables
+The implemnetation variables control how aggressively the
+regioniser will maintain regions and merge regions.
+#### Recalculation count
+The recalculation count is the minimum number of region sections
+that a region must own to allow it to re-calculate. Note that
+a recalculation operation simply calculates the set of independent
+regions that exist within a region to check if a split can be
+This is a simple performance knob that allows split logic to be
+turned off for small regions, as it is unlikely that small regions
+can be split in the first place.
+#### Max dead section percent
+The max dead section percent is the minimum percent of dead
+sections in a region that must exist before a region can run
+re-calculation logic.
+#### Empty section creation radius
+The empty section creation radius variable is used to determine
+how many empty region sections are to exist around _any_
+region section with at least one chunk.
+Internally, the regioniser enforces the third invariant by
+preventing ticking regions from owning new region sections.
+The creation of empty sections around any non-empty section will
+then enforce the second invariant.
+#### Region section merge radius
+The merge radius variable is used to ensure that for any
+existing region section x that for any other region section y within
+the merge radius are either owned by region that owns x
+or are pending a merge into the region that owns x or that the
+region that owns x is pending a merge into the region that owns y.
+#### Region section chunk shift
+The region section chunk shift is simply log2(grid size N). Thus,
+N = 1 << region section chunk shift. The conversion from
+chunk position to region section is additionally defined as
+region coordinate = chunk coordinate >> region section chunk shift.
+### Operation
+The regioniser is operated by invoking ThreadedRegioniser#addChunk(x, z)
+or ThreadedRegioniser#removeChunk(x, z) when a chunk holder is created
+or destroyed.
+Additionally, ThreadedRegion#tryMarkTicking can be used by a caller
+that attempts to move a region from the "ready" state to the "ticking"
+state. It is vital to note that this function will return false if
+the region is not in the "ready" state, as it is possible
+that even a region considered to be "ready" in the past (i.e scheduled
+to tick) may be unexpectedly marked as "transient." Thus, the caller
+needs to handle such cases. The caller that successfully marks
+a region as ticking must mark it as non-ticking by using
+The function ThreadedRegion#markNotTicking returns true if the
+region was migrated from "ticking" state to "ready" state, and false
+in all other cases. Effectively, it returns whether the current region
+may be later ticked again.
+### Region section state
+A region section state is one of "dead" or "alive." A region section
+may additionally be considered "non-empty" if it contains
+at least one chunk position, and "empty" otherwise.
+A region section is considered "dead" if and only if the region section
+is also "empty" and that there exist no other "empty" sections within the
+empty section creation radius.
+The existence of the dead section state is purely for performance, as it
+allows the recalculation logic of a region to be delayed until the region
+contains enough dead sections. However, dead sections are still
+considered to belong to the region that owns them just as alive sections.
+### Addition of chunks (addChunk)
+The addition of chunks to the regioniser boils down to two cases:
+#### Target region section already exists and is not empty
+In this case, it simply adds the chunk to the section and returns.
+#### Target region section does not exist or is empty
+In this case, the region section will be created if it does not exist.
+Additionally, the region sections in the "create empty radius" will be
+created as well.
+Then, any region in the create empty radius + merge radius are collected
+into a set X. This set represents the regions that need to be merged
+later to adhere to the second invariant.
+If the set X contains no elements, then a region is created in the ready
+state to own all of the created sections.
+If the set X contains just 1 region, then no regions need to be merged
+and no region state is modified, and the sections are added to this
+1 region.
+Merge logic needs to occur when there are more than 1 region in the
+set X. From the set X, a region x is selected that is not ticking. If
+no such x exists, then a region x is created. Every region section
+created is added to the set x, as it is the section that is known
+to not be ticking - this is done to adhere to invariant third invariant.
+Every region y in the set X that is not x is merged into x if
+y is not in the ticking state, otherwise x runs the merge later
+logic into y.
+### Merge later logic
+A merge later operation may only take place from
+a non-ticking, non-dead region x into a ticking region y.
+The merge later logic relies on maintaining a set of regions
+to merge into later per region, and another set of regions
+that are expected to merge into this region.
+Effectively, a merge into later operation from x into y will add y into x's
+merge into later set, and add x into y's expecting merge from set.
+When the ticking region finishes ticking, the ticking region
+will perform the merge logic for all expecting merges.
+### Merge logic
+A merge operation may only take place between a dead region x
+and another region y which may be either "transient"
+or "ready." The region x is effectively absorbed into the
+region y, as the sections in x are moved to the region y.
+The merge into later is also forwarded to the region y,
+such so that the regions x was to merge into later, y will
+now merge into later.
+Additionally, if there is implementation specific data
+on region x, the region callback to merge the data into the
+region y is invoked.
+The state of the region y may be updated after a merge operation
+completes. For example, if the region x was "transient", then
+the region y should be downgraded to transient as well. Specifically,
+the region y should be marked as transient if region x contained
+merge later targets that were not y. The downgrading to transient is
+required to adhere to the second invariant.
+### Removal of chunks (removeChunk)
+Removal of chunks from region sections simple updates
+the region sections state to "dead" or "alive", as well as the
+region sections in the empty creation radius. It will not update
+any region state, and nor will it purge region sections.
+### Region tick start (tryMarkTicking)
+The tick start simply migrates the state to ticking, so that
+invariants #2 and #3 can be met.
+### Region tick end (markNotTicking)
+At the end of a tick, the region's new state is not immediately known.
+First, tt first must process its pending merges.
+After it processes its pending merges, it must then check if the
+region is now pending merge into any other region. If it is, then
+it transitions to the transient state.
+Otherwise, it will process the removal of dead sections and attempt
+to split into smaller regions. Note that it is guaranteed
+that if a region can be possibly split, it must remove dead sections,
+otherwise, this would contradict the rules used to build the region
+in the first place.
diff --git a/patches/server/0004-Threaded-Regions.patch b/patches/server/0004-Threaded-Regions.patch
index 34bd3d0..11c2602 100644
--- a/patches/server/0004-Threaded-Regions.patch
+++ b/patches/server/0004-Threaded-Regions.patch
@@ -6142,19 +6142,14 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84b4ff07735fb84e28ee8966ffdedb1b
diff --git a/src/main/java/io/papermc/paper/threadedregions/ThreadedRegioniser.java b/src/main/java/io/papermc/paper/threadedregions/ThreadedRegioniser.java
new file mode 100644
-index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf516e93c20
+index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3588a0ad7996d77f3e7ee076961e5b1210aa384e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/io/papermc/paper/threadedregions/ThreadedRegioniser.java
-@@ -0,0 +1,1187 @@
+@@ -0,0 +1,1186 @@
+package io.papermc.paper.threadedregions;
-+import ca.spottedleaf.concurrentutil.collection.MultiThreadedQueue;
+import ca.spottedleaf.concurrentutil.map.SWMRLong2ObjectHashTable;
+import ca.spottedleaf.concurrentutil.util.ConcurrentUtil;
-+import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
-+import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
-+import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
-+import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
+import io.papermc.paper.util.CoordinateUtils;
+import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ReferenceOpenHashMap;
+import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList;
@@ -6164,7 +6159,6 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+import net.minecraft.world.entity.Entity;
+import net.minecraft.world.level.ChunkPos;
-+import java.io.FileReader;
+import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
@@ -6195,10 +6189,14 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ private final MultiThreadedQueue ops = new MultiThreadedQueue<>();
+ */
++ /*
++ * See REGION_LOGIC.md for complete details on what this class is doing
++ */
+ public ThreadedRegioniser(final int minSectionRecalcCount, final double maxDeadRegionPercent,
-+ final int emptySectionCreateRadius, final int regionSectionMergeRadius,
-+ final int regionSectionChunkShift, final ServerLevel world,
-+ final RegionCallbacks callbacks) {
++ final int emptySectionCreateRadius, final int regionSectionMergeRadius,
++ final int regionSectionChunkShift, final ServerLevel world,
++ final RegionCallbacks callbacks) {
+ if (emptySectionCreateRadius <= 0) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Region section create radius must be > 0");
+ }
@@ -6408,7 +6406,7 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ } else {
+ section.addChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
+ }
-+ // due to the fast check from above, we know the section is empty whether we need to create it
++ // due to the fast check from above, we know the section is empty whether we needed to create it or not
+ // enforce the adjacency invariant by creating / updating neighbour sections
+ final int createRadius = this.emptySectionCreateRadius;
@@ -6520,8 +6518,8 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ if (delayedTrueMerge && firstUnlockedRegion != null) {
+ // we need to retire this region, as it can no longer tick
-+ if (regionOfInterest.state == ThreadedRegion.STATE_STEADY_STATE) {
-+ regionOfInterest.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_NOT_READY;
++ if (regionOfInterest.state == ThreadedRegion.STATE_READY) {
++ regionOfInterest.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_TRANSIENT;
+ this.callbacks.onRegionInactive(regionOfInterest);
+ }
+ }
@@ -6531,7 +6529,7 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ }
+ if (regionOfInterestAlive) {
-+ regionOfInterest.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_STEADY_STATE;
++ regionOfInterest.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_READY;
+ if (!regionOfInterest.mergeIntoLater.isEmpty() || !regionOfInterest.expectingMergeFrom.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Should not happen on region " + this);
+ }
@@ -6610,7 +6608,7 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ if (!region.mergeIntoLater.isEmpty()) {
+ // There is another nearby ticking region that we need to merge into
-+ region.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_NOT_READY;
++ region.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_TRANSIENT;
+ this.callbacks.onRegionInactive(region);
+ // return to avoid removing dead sections or splitting, these actions will be performed
+ // by the region we merge into
@@ -6647,7 +6645,8 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ // if we removed dead sections, we should check if the region can be split into smaller ones
+ // otherwise, the region remains alive
+ if (!removedDeadSections) {
-+ region.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_STEADY_STATE;
++ // didn't remove dead sections, don't check for split
++ region.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_READY;
+ if (!region.expectingMergeFrom.isEmpty() || !region.mergeIntoLater.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal state " + region);
+ }
@@ -6711,7 +6710,7 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ if (newRegions.size() == 1) {
+ // no need to split anything, we're done here
-+ region.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_STEADY_STATE;
++ region.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_READY;
+ if (!region.expectingMergeFrom.isEmpty() || !region.mergeIntoLater.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal state " + region);
+ }
@@ -6745,7 +6744,7 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ // only after invoking data callbacks
+ for (final ThreadedRegion newRegion : newRegionsSet) {
-+ newRegion.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_STEADY_STATE;
++ newRegion.state = ThreadedRegion.STATE_READY;
+ if (!newRegion.expectingMergeFrom.isEmpty() || !newRegion.mergeIntoLater.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal state " + newRegion);
+ }
@@ -6758,8 +6757,8 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ private static final AtomicLong REGION_ID_GENERATOR = new AtomicLong();
-+ private static final int STATE_NOT_READY = 0;
-+ private static final int STATE_STEADY_STATE = 1;
++ private static final int STATE_TRANSIENT = 0;
++ private static final int STATE_READY = 1;
+ private static final int STATE_TICKING = 2;
+ private static final int STATE_DEAD = 3;
@@ -6780,7 +6779,7 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ public ThreadedRegion(final ThreadedRegioniser regioniser) {
+ this.regioniser = regioniser;
+ this.id = REGION_ID_GENERATOR.getAndIncrement();
-+ this.state = STATE_NOT_READY;
++ this.state = STATE_TRANSIENT;
+ this.data = regioniser.callbacks.createNewData(this);
+ }
@@ -6900,12 +6899,12 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ private boolean tryKill() {
+ switch (this.state) {
-+ case STATE_NOT_READY: {
+ this.state = STATE_DEAD;
+ this.onRemove(false);
+ return true;
+ }
++ case STATE_READY: {
+ this.state = STATE_DEAD;
+ this.onRemove(true);
+ return true;
@@ -6955,12 +6954,12 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ public boolean tryMarkTicking() {
+ this.regioniser.acquireWriteLock();
+ try {
-+ if (this.state != STATE_STEADY_STATE) {
++ if (this.state != STATE_READY) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!this.mergeIntoLater.isEmpty() || !this.expectingMergeFrom.isEmpty()) {
-+ throw new IllegalStateException("Region " + this + " should not be steady state");
++ throw new IllegalStateException("Region " + this + " should not be ready");
+ }
+ this.state = STATE_TICKING;
@@ -6979,7 +6978,7 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f05546aa9124d4c0e34005f528483bf5
+ this.regioniser.onRegionRelease(this);
-+ return this.state == STATE_STEADY_STATE;
++ return this.state == STATE_READY;
+ } finally {
+ this.regioniser.releaseWriteLock();
+ }