Spottedleaf 3aeb021748 Make PoiCompetitorScan region-safe
We implement it by ensuring that if the entity is not nearby
the job site, they automatically lose.
2023-03-12 15:25:06 -07:00

11 lines
629 B

# You can use this file to import files from minecraft libraries into the project
# format:
# <artifactId> <fileName>
# both fully qualified and a file based syntax are accepted for <fileName>:
# authlib com/mojang/authlib/yggdrasil/
# datafixerupper com.mojang.datafixers.DataFixerBuilder
# datafixerupper com/mojang/datafixers/util/
# To import classes from the vanilla Minecraft jar use `minecraft` as the artifactId:
# minecraft
# minecraft net/minecraft/world/level/entity/