package world.bentobox.greenhouses.greenhouse; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.Particle; import org.bukkit.block.Biome; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util; import world.bentobox.greenhouses.Greenhouses; import; import world.bentobox.greenhouses.managers.GreenhouseManager.GreenhouseResult; public class BiomeRecipe implements Comparable { private Greenhouses addon; private Biome type; private Material icon; // Biome icon for control panel private int priority; private String name; private String friendlyName; private final List ADJ_BLOCKS = Arrays.asList( BlockFace.DOWN, BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.UP, BlockFace.WEST); // Content requirements // Material, Type, Qty. There can be more than one type of material required private final Map requiredBlocks = new HashMap<>(); // Plants private final TreeMap plantTree = new TreeMap<>(); // Mobs // Entity Type, Material to Spawn on, Probability private final TreeMap mobTree = new TreeMap<>(); // Conversions // Original Material, Original Type, New Material, New Type, Probability private final Map conversionBlocks = new HashMap<>(); private int mobLimit; private int waterCoverage; private int iceCoverage; private int lavaCoverage; private String permission = ""; private final Random random = new Random(); private Map missingBlocks; public BiomeRecipe() {} /** * @param type - biome * @param priority - priority (higher is better) */ public BiomeRecipe(Greenhouses addon, Biome type, int priority) { this.addon = addon; this.type = type; this.priority = priority; mobLimit = 9; // Default } /** * @param oldMaterial - material that will convert * @param newMaterial - what it will convert to * @param convChance - percentage chance * @param localMaterial - what material must be next to it for conversion to happen */ public void addConvBlocks(Material oldMaterial, Material newMaterial, double convChance, Material localMaterial) { double probability = Math.min(convChance/100 , 1D); conversionBlocks.put(oldMaterial, new GreenhouseBlockConversions(oldMaterial, newMaterial, probability, localMaterial)); addon.log(" " + convChance + "% chance for " + Util.prettifyText(oldMaterial.toString()) + " to convert to " + Util.prettifyText(newMaterial.toString())); } /** * @param mobType - entity type * @param mobProbability - reltive probability * @param mobSpawnOn - material to spawn on */ public void addMobs(EntityType mobType, int mobProbability, Material mobSpawnOn) { addon.log(" " + mobProbability + "% chance for " + Util.prettifyText(mobType.toString()) + " to spawn on " + Util.prettifyText(mobSpawnOn.toString())+ "."); double probability = ((double)mobProbability/100); double lastProb = mobTree.isEmpty() ? 0D : mobTree.lastKey(); // Add up all the probabilities in the list so far if ((1D - lastProb) >= probability) { // Add to probability tree mobTree.put(lastProb + probability, new GreenhouseMob(mobType, mobSpawnOn)); } else { addon.logError("Mob chances add up to > 100% in " + type.toString() + " biome recipe! Skipping " + mobType.toString()); } } /** * Creates a list of plants that can grow, the probability and what they must grow on. * Data is drawn from the file biomes.yml * @param plantMaterial - plant type * @param plantProbability - probability of growing * @param plantGrowOn - material on which it must grow */ public void addPlants(Material plantMaterial, int plantProbability, Material plantGrowOn) { double probability = ((double)plantProbability/100); // Add up all the probabilities in the list so far double lastProb = plantTree.isEmpty() ? 0D : plantTree.lastKey(); if ((1D - lastProb) >= probability) { // Add to probability tree plantTree.put(lastProb + probability, new GreenhousePlant(plantMaterial, plantGrowOn)); } else { addon.logError("Plant chances add up to > 100% in " + type.toString() + " biome recipe! Skipping " + plantMaterial.toString()); } addon.log(" " + plantProbability + "% chance for " + Util.prettifyText(plantMaterial.toString()) + " to grow on " + Util.prettifyText(plantGrowOn.toString())); } /** * @param blockMaterial - block material * @param blockQty - number of blocks required */ public void addReqBlocks(Material blockMaterial, int blockQty) { requiredBlocks.put(blockMaterial, blockQty); addon.log(" " + blockMaterial + " x " + blockQty); } // Check required blocks /** * Checks greenhouse meets recipe requirements. * @return GreenhouseResult - result */ public Set checkRecipe(Greenhouse gh) { Set result = new HashSet<>(); long area = gh.getArea(); Map blockCount = new HashMap<>(); // Look through the greenhouse and count what is in there for (int y = gh.getFloorHeight(); y< gh.getCeilingHeight();y++) { for (int x = (int) (gh.getBoundingBox().getMinX()+1); x < gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxX(); x++) { for (int z = (int) (gh.getBoundingBox().getMinZ()+1); z < gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxZ(); z++) { Block b = gh.getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z); if (!b.getType().equals(Material.AIR)) { blockCount.putIfAbsent(b.getType(), 0); blockCount.merge(b.getType(), 1, Integer::sum); } } } } // Calculate % water, ice and lava ratios double waterRatio = (double)blockCount.getOrDefault(Material.WATER, 0)/area * 100; double lavaRatio = (double)blockCount.getOrDefault(Material.LAVA, 0)/area * 100; int ice = blockCount.entrySet().stream().filter(en -> en.getKey().equals(Material.ICE) || en.getKey().equals(Material.BLUE_ICE) || en.getKey().equals(Material.PACKED_ICE)) .mapToInt(Map.Entry::getValue).sum(); double iceRatio = (double)ice/(double)area * 100; // Check required ratios - a zero means none of these are allowed, e.g.desert has no water if (waterCoverage == 0 && waterRatio > 0) { result.add(GreenhouseResult.FAIL_NO_WATER); } if (lavaCoverage == 0 && lavaRatio > 0) { result.add(GreenhouseResult.FAIL_NO_LAVA); } if (iceCoverage == 0 && iceRatio > 0) { result.add(GreenhouseResult.FAIL_NO_ICE); } if (waterCoverage > 0 && waterRatio < waterCoverage) { result.add(GreenhouseResult.FAIL_INSUFFICIENT_WATER); } if (lavaCoverage > 0 && lavaRatio < lavaCoverage) { result.add(GreenhouseResult.FAIL_INSUFFICIENT_LAVA); } if (iceCoverage > 0 && iceRatio < iceCoverage) { result.add(GreenhouseResult.FAIL_INSUFFICIENT_ICE); } // Compare to the required blocks missingBlocks = requiredBlocks.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> e.getValue() - blockCount.getOrDefault(e.getKey(), 0))); // Remove any entries that are 0 or less missingBlocks.values().removeIf(v -> v <= 0); return result; } /** * Check if block should be converted * @param b - block to check */ public void convertBlock(Block b) { GreenhouseBlockConversions bc = conversionBlocks.get(b.getType()); if (bc == null || random.nextDouble() > bc.getProbability()) { return; } // Check if the block is in the right area, up, down, n,s,e,w if ( -> bc.getLocalMaterial() == null || m == bc.getLocalMaterial())) { // Convert! b.setType(bc.getNewMaterial()); } } /** * @return the type */ public Biome getBiome() { return type; } /** * @return true if there are blocks to convert for this biome */ public boolean getBlockConvert() { return !conversionBlocks.isEmpty(); } /** * @return the friendly name */ public String getFriendlyName() { return friendlyName; } /** * @return the iceCoverage */ public int getIceCoverage() { return iceCoverage; } /** * @return the icon */ public Material getIcon() { return icon; } /** * @return the lavaCoverage */ public int getLavaCoverage() { return lavaCoverage; } /** * @return the mobLimit */ public int getMobLimit() { return mobLimit; } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * @return the permission */ public String getPermission() { return permission; } /** * @return the priority */ private int getPriority() { return priority; } /** * Spawn a mob on block b if it makes sense and random change suggests it * @param b - block * @return true if a mob was spawned */ public boolean spawnMob(Block b) { if (b.getY() == 0) { return false; } return getRandomMob() // Check if the spawn on block matches, if it exists .filter(m -> m.getMobSpawnOn().map(b.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType()::equals).orElse(true)) // If spawn occurs, return true .map(m -> b.getWorld().spawnEntity(b.getLocation(), m.getMobType()) != null).orElse(false); } /** * @return a mob that can spawn in the greenhouse */ private Optional getRandomMob() { // Return a random mob that can spawn in the biome or empty Double key = mobTree.ceilingKey(random.nextDouble()); return key == null ? Optional.empty() : Optional.ofNullable(mobTree.get(key)); } private Optional getRandomPlant() { // Grow a random plant that can grow double r = random.nextDouble(); Double key = plantTree.ceilingKey(r); return key == null ? Optional.empty() : Optional.ofNullable(plantTree.get(key)); } /** * @return a list of blocks that are required for this recipe */ public List getRecipeBlocks() { return requiredBlocks.entrySet().stream().map(en -> Util.prettifyText(en.getKey().toString()) + " x " + en.getValue()).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * @return the waterCoverage */ public int getWaterCoverage() { return waterCoverage; } /** * Plants a plant on block bl if it makes sense. * @param bl - block * @return true if successful */ public boolean growPlant(Block bl) { if (bl.getType() != Material.AIR) { return false; } return getRandomPlant().map(p -> { if (bl.getY() != 0 && p.getPlantGrownOn().map(m -> m.equals(bl.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType())).orElse(true)) { bl.setType(p.getPlantMaterial()); bl.getWorld().spawnParticle(Particle.SNOWBALL, bl.getLocation(), 10, 2, 2, 2); return true; } return false; }).orElse(false); } /** * @param friendlyName - set the friendly name */ public void setFriendlyName(String friendlyName) { this.friendlyName = friendlyName; } /** * @param iceCoverage the ice coverage to set */ public void setIcecoverage(int iceCoverage) { if (iceCoverage == 0) { addon.log(" No Ice Allowed"); } else if (iceCoverage > 0) { addon.log(" Ice > " + iceCoverage + "%"); } this.iceCoverage = iceCoverage; } /** * @param icon the icon to set */ public void setIcon(Material icon) { this.icon = icon; } /** * @param lavaCoverage the lava coverage to set */ public void setLavacoverage(int lavaCoverage) { if (lavaCoverage == 0) { addon.log(" No Lava Allowed"); } else if (lavaCoverage > 0) { addon.log(" Lava > " + lavaCoverage + "%"); } this.lavaCoverage = lavaCoverage; } /** * @param mobLimit the mobLimit to set */ public void setMobLimit(int mobLimit) { this.mobLimit = mobLimit; } /** * @param name the name to set */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } /** * @param permission the permission to set */ public void setPermission(String permission) { this.permission = permission; } /** * @param priority the priority to set */ public void setPriority(int priority) { this.priority = priority; } /** * @param type the type to set */ public void setType(Biome type) { this.type = type; } /** * @param waterCoverage the water coverage to set */ public void setWatercoverage(int waterCoverage) { if (waterCoverage == 0) { addon.log(" No Water Allowed"); } else if (waterCoverage > 0) { addon.log(" Water > " + waterCoverage + "%"); } this.waterCoverage = waterCoverage; } /** * @return the missingBlocks */ public Map getMissingBlocks() { return missingBlocks; } @Override public int compareTo(BiomeRecipe o) { return, this.getPriority()); } /** * @return true if this recipe has no mobs that may spawn */ public boolean noMobs() { return mobTree == null ? false : mobTree.isEmpty(); } /** * @return the mob types that may spawn due to this recipe */ public Set getMobTypes() { return mobTree == null ? Collections.emptySet() : mobTree.values().stream().map(GreenhouseMob::getMobType).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } }