package world.bentobox.greenhouses.managers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Random; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.block.Hopper; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask; import world.bentobox.greenhouses.Greenhouses; import; /** * Runs the ecosystem for a greenhouse * @author tastybento * */ public class EcoSystemManager { private static final int PLANTS_PER_BONEMEAL = 6; private static final String MINUTES = " minutes"; private final Greenhouses addon; private final GreenhouseManager g; private BukkitTask plantTask; private BukkitTask mobTask; private BukkitTask blockTask; private BukkitTask ecoTask; public EcoSystemManager(Greenhouses addon, GreenhouseManager greenhouseManager) { this.addon = addon; this.g = greenhouseManager; } /** * Kick off schedulers */ void setup() { // Kick off flower growing long plantTick = addon.getSettings().getPlantTick() * 60 * 20L; // In minutes if (plantTick > 0) { addon.log("Kicking off flower growing scheduler every " + addon.getSettings().getPlantTick() + MINUTES); plantTask = addon.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(addon.getPlugin(), () -> g.getMap().getGreenhouses().forEach(this::growPlants), 80L, plantTick); } else { addon.log("Flower growth disabled."); } // Kick block conversion growing long blockTick = addon.getSettings().getBlockTick() * 60 * 20l; // In minutes if (blockTick > 0) { addon.log("Kicking off block conversion scheduler every " + addon.getSettings().getBlockTick() + MINUTES); blockTask = addon.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(addon.getPlugin(), () -> g.getMap().getGreenhouses().forEach(this::convertBlocks), 60L, blockTick); } else { addon.log("Block conversion disabled."); } // Kick off g/h verification long ecoTick = addon.getSettings().getEcoTick() * 60 * 20L; // In minutes if (ecoTick > 0) { addon.log("Kicking off greenhouse verify scheduler every " + addon.getSettings().getEcoTick() + MINUTES); ecoTask = addon.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(addon.getPlugin(), () -> g.getMap().getGreenhouses().forEach(this::verify), ecoTick, ecoTick); } else { addon.log("Greenhouse verification disabled."); } // Kick off mob population long mobTick = addon.getSettings().getMobTick() * 60 * 20L; // In minutes if (mobTick > 0) { addon.log("Kicking off mob populator scheduler every " + addon.getSettings().getMobTick() + MINUTES); mobTask = addon.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(addon.getPlugin(), () -> g.getMap().getGreenhouses().forEach(this::addMobs), 120L, mobTick); } else { addon.log("Mob disabled."); } } private void convertBlocks(Greenhouse gh) { if(!gh.getLocation().getWorld().isChunkLoaded(((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxX()) >> 4, ((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxZ()) >> 4) || !gh.getLocation().getWorld().isChunkLoaded(((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMinX()) >> 4, ((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMinZ()) >> 4)){ return; } for (int x = (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMinX() + 1; x < (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxX(); x++) { for (int z = (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMinZ() + 1; z < (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxZ(); z++) { for (int y = (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxY() - 2; y >= (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMinY() && y > 0; y--) { Block b = gh.getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z).getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN); if (!b.isEmpty()) gh.getBiomeRecipe().convertBlock(b); } } } } private void verify(Greenhouse gh) { if(!gh.getLocation().getWorld().isChunkLoaded(((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxX()) >> 4, ((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxZ()) >> 4) || !gh.getLocation().getWorld().isChunkLoaded(((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMinX()) >> 4, ((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMinZ()) >> 4)){ //addon.log("Skipping verify for unloaded greenhouse at " + gh.getLocation()); return; } if (!gh.getBiomeRecipe().checkRecipe(gh).isEmpty()) { addon.log("Greenhouse failed verification at " + gh.getLocation()); g.removeGreenhouse(gh); } } private void addMobs(Greenhouse gh) { if(!gh.getLocation().getWorld().isChunkLoaded(((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxX()) >> 4, ((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxZ()) >> 4) || !gh.getLocation().getWorld().isChunkLoaded(((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMinX()) >> 4, ((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMinZ()) >> 4)){ //addon.log("Skipping addmobs for unloaded greenhouse at " + gh.getLocation()); return; } if (gh.getBiomeRecipe().noMobs()) { return; } // Check greenhouse chunks are loaded for (double blockX = gh.getBoundingBox().getMinX(); blockX < gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxX(); blockX+=16) { for (double blockZ = gh.getBoundingBox().getMinZ(); blockZ < gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxZ(); blockZ+=16) { int chunkX = (int)(blockX / 16); int chunkZ = (int)(blockZ / 16); if (!gh.getWorld().isChunkLoaded(chunkX, chunkZ)) { return; } } } // Count the entities in the greenhouse long sum = gh.getWorld().getEntities().stream() .filter(e -> gh.getBiomeRecipe().getMobTypes().contains(e.getType())) .filter(e -> gh.contains(e.getLocation())).count(); // Get the blocks in the greenhouse where spawning could occur List list = new ArrayList<>(getAvailableBlocks(gh, false)); Collections.shuffle(list, new Random(System.currentTimeMillis())); Iterator it = list.iterator(); // Check if the greenhouse is full while (it.hasNext() && (sum == 0 || gh.getArea() / sum >= gh.getBiomeRecipe().getMobLimit())) { // Spawn something if chance says so if (gh.getBiomeRecipe().spawnMob( { // Add a mob to the sum in the greenhouse sum++; } } } /** * Grow plants in the greenhouse * @param gh - greenhouse */ private void growPlants(Greenhouse gh) { if(!gh.getLocation().getWorld().isChunkLoaded(((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxX()) >> 4, ((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxZ()) >> 4) || !gh.getLocation().getWorld().isChunkLoaded(((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMinX()) >> 4, ((int) gh.getBoundingBox().getMinZ()) >> 4)){ //addon.log("Skipping growplants for unloaded greenhouse at " + gh.getLocation()); return; } int bonemeal = getBoneMeal(gh); if (bonemeal > 0) { // Get a list of all available blocks int plantsGrown = getAvailableBlocks(gh, true).stream().limit(bonemeal).mapToInt(bl -> gh.getBiomeRecipe().growPlant(bl) ? 1 : 0).sum(); if (plantsGrown > 0) { setBoneMeal(gh, bonemeal - (int)Math.ceil((double)plantsGrown / PLANTS_PER_BONEMEAL )); } } } /** * Set a hopper's bone meal to this value * @param gh - greenhouse * @param value - value to set */ private void setBoneMeal(Greenhouse gh, int value) { Hopper hopper = getHopper(gh); if (hopper != null) { hopper.getInventory().remove(Material.BONE_MEAL); hopper.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Material.BONE_MEAL, value)); } } /** * Get a list of the lowest level blocks inside the greenhouse. May be air, liquid or plants. * These blocks sit just above solid blocks * @param gh - greenhouse * @param ignoreliquid - true if liquid blocks should be treated like air blocks * @return List of blocks */ List getAvailableBlocks(Greenhouse gh, boolean ignoreLiquid) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (int x = (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMinX() + 1; x < (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxX(); x++) { for (int z = (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMinZ() + 1; z < (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxZ(); z++) { for (int y = (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMaxY() - 2; y >= (int)gh.getBoundingBox().getMinY(); y--) { Block b = gh.getWorld().getBlockAt(x, y, z); if (!(b.isEmpty() || (ignoreLiquid && b.isLiquid())) && (b.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).isEmpty() || (b.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).isPassable() && !b.isLiquid()) || (ignoreLiquid && b.isLiquid() && b.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).isPassable()))) { result.add(b.getRelative(BlockFace.UP)); break; } } } } return result; } private int getBoneMeal(Greenhouse gh) { Hopper hopper = getHopper(gh); if (hopper == null || !hopper.getInventory().contains(Material.BONE_MEAL)) { return 0; } return .filter(i -> i.getType().equals(Material.BONE_MEAL)) .mapToInt(ItemStack::getAmount).sum(); } private Hopper getHopper(Greenhouse gh) { if (gh.getRoofHopperLocation() == null) { return null; } // Check if there are any bonemeal in the hopper if (gh.getRoofHopperLocation().getBlock().getType() != Material.HOPPER) { gh.setRoofHopperLocation(null); return null; } return (Hopper)gh.getRoofHopperLocation().getBlock().getState(); } /** * Cancel all the scheduled tasks */ public void cancel() { plantTask.cancel(); mobTask.cancel(); blockTask.cancel(); ecoTask.cancel(); } }