
607 lines
21 KiB

package world.bentobox.greenhouses.greenhouse;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Particle;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Biome;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.block.Hopper;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Pair;
import world.bentobox.greenhouses.Greenhouses;
import world.bentobox.greenhouses.Settings;
* Defines a greenhouse
* @author tastybento
public class Greenhouse {
private Greenhouses plugin;
private final Location pos1;
private final Location pos2;
private final World world;
private UUID owner;
private String playerName;
private HashMap<String,Object> flags = new HashMap<String,Object>();
private Biome originalBiome;
private Biome greenhouseBiome;
private Location roofHopperLocation;
private int area;
private int heightY;
private int height;
private int groundY;
private BiomeRecipe biomeRecipe;
public Greenhouse(Greenhouses plugin, Location pos1, Location pos2, UUID owner) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.pos1 = pos1;
this.pos2 = pos2;
int minx = Math.min(pos1.getBlockX(), pos2.getBlockX());
int maxx = Math.max(pos1.getBlockX(), pos2.getBlockX());
int minz = Math.min(pos1.getBlockZ(), pos2.getBlockZ());
int maxz = Math.max(pos1.getBlockZ(), pos2.getBlockZ());
this.area = (maxx-minx - 1) * (maxz-minz -1);
this.heightY = Math.max(pos1.getBlockY(), pos2.getBlockY()); // Should always be pos2 is higher, but just in case
this.groundY = Math.min(pos1.getBlockY(), pos2.getBlockY());
this.height = heightY - groundY; = pos1.getWorld();
if (pos1.getWorld() == null || pos2.getWorld() == null) {
plugin.getLogger().severe("This greenhouse's world does not exist!");
} else {
if (!pos1.getWorld().equals(pos2.getWorld())) {
plugin.getLogger().severe("Pos 1 and Pos 2 are not in the same world!");
this.originalBiome = pos1.getBlock().getBiome();
this.greenhouseBiome = pos2.getBlock().getBiome();
this.owner = owner;
this.playerName = "";
flags.put("enterMessage", "");
flags.put("farewellMessage", "");
* @return the originalBiome
public Biome getOriginalBiome() {
return originalBiome;
* @return the greenhouseBiome
public Biome getBiome() {
return greenhouseBiome;
* @param winner.getType() the greenhouseBiome to set
public void setBiomeRecipe(BiomeRecipe winner) {
this.greenhouseBiome = winner.getBiome();
this.biomeRecipe = winner;
* @return the greenhouse's biome recipe
public BiomeRecipe getBiomeRecipe() {
return biomeRecipe;
public void setBiome(Biome greenhouseBiome2) {
this.greenhouseBiome = greenhouseBiome2;
public boolean insideGreenhouse(Location loc) {
if (loc.getWorld().equals(world)) {
plugin.logger(4,"Checking intersection");
Vector v = loc.toVector();
plugin.logger(4,"Pos 1 = " + pos1.toString());
plugin.logger(4,"Pos 2 = " + pos2.toString());
plugin.logger(4,"V = " + v.toString());
boolean i = v.isInAABB(Vector.getMinimum(pos1.toVector(), pos2.toVector()), Vector.getMaximum(pos1.toVector(), pos2.toVector()));
return i;
return false;
* Check to see if a location is above a greenhouse
* @param loc
* @return
public boolean aboveGreenhouse(Location loc) {
if (loc.getWorld().equals(world)) {
Vector v = loc.toVector();
Vector p1 = new Vector(pos1.getBlockX(),heightY,pos1.getBlockZ());
Vector p2 = new Vector(pos2.getBlockX(),world.getMaxHeight(),pos2.getBlockZ());
boolean i = v.isInAABB(Vector.getMinimum(p1, p2), Vector.getMaximum(p1, p2));
return i;
return false;
* Returns true if this location is in a greenhouse wall
* @param loc
* @return
public boolean isAWall(Location loc) {
plugin.logger(3,"wall check");
if (loc.getBlockX() == pos1.getBlockX() || loc.getBlockX() == pos2.getBlockX()
|| loc.getBlockZ() == pos1.getBlockZ() || loc.getBlockZ() == pos2.getBlockZ()) {
return true;
return false;
* @return the pos1
public Location getPos1() {
return new Location (world, pos1.getBlockX(), pos1.getBlockY(), pos1.getBlockZ());
* @return the pos2
public Location getPos2() {
return new Location (world, pos2.getBlockX(), pos2.getBlockY(), pos2.getBlockZ());
* @return the owner
public UUID getOwner() {
return owner;
* @return the flags
public HashMap<String, Object> getFlags() {
return flags;
* @param flags the flags to set
public void setFlags(HashMap<String, Object> flags) {
this.flags = flags;
* @param owner the owner to set
public void setOwner(UUID owner) {
this.owner = owner;
* @return the playerName
public String getPlayerName() {
return playerName;
* @param playerName the playerName to set
public void setPlayerName(String playerName) {
//plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: setting name to " + playerName);
this.playerName = playerName;
* @return the enterMessage
public String getEnterMessage() {
return (String)flags.get("enterMessage");
* @return the farewallMessage
public String getFarewellMessage() {
return (String)flags.get("farewellMessage");
* @param enterMessage the enterMessage to set
public void setEnterMessage(String enterMessage) {
* @param farewallMessage the farewallMessage to set
public void setFarewellMessage(String farewellMessage) {
public void setOriginalBiome(Biome originalBiome) {
this.originalBiome = originalBiome;
public void setRoofHopperLocation(Location roofHopperLoc) {
this.roofHopperLocation = roofHopperLoc;
* @return the world
public World getWorld() {
return world;
public Location getRoofHopperLocation() {
return roofHopperLocation;
* @return the area
public int getArea() {
return area;
* @return the heightY
public int getHeightY() {
return heightY;
* @return the height
public int getHeight() {
return height;
* Reruns the recipe check to see if this greenhouse is still viable
* @return true if okay, otherwise false
public boolean checkEco() {
plugin.logger(3,"Checking the ecology of the greenhouse.");
if (biomeRecipe != null) {
return this.biomeRecipe.checkRecipe(getPos1(), getPos2(), null);
} else {
plugin.logger(3,"BiomeRecipe is null! ");
plugin.getLogger().warning("[Greenhouse info]");
plugin.getLogger().warning("Owner: " + getOwner());
plugin.getLogger().warning("Location :" + getPos1().toString() + " to " + getPos2().toString());
return false;
* Starts the biome in the greenhouse
* @param teleport - if true will teleport the player away and back to force the biome to change
public void startBiome(boolean teleport) {
setBiomeBlocks(greenhouseBiome, teleport);
* Reverts the biome of the greenhouse to the original unless someone is in this greenhouse
* @param to
public void endBiome() {
setBiomeBlocks(originalBiome, false);
* Actually set blocks to a biome
* The chunk refresh command has been deprecated and no longer works on 1.8+
* so jumping through hoops to refresh mobs is no longer needed
* If teleport is true, this biome starting is happening during a teleport
* sequence, i.e, gh is being generated or removed
* @param biome
* @param teleport
private void setBiomeBlocks(Biome biome, boolean teleport) {
if (biome == null) {
plugin.logger(2,"Biome seting to " + biome.toString());
Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> chunkCoords = new HashSet<>();
final Set<Chunk> chunks = new HashSet<Chunk>();
for (int x = pos1.getBlockX();x<pos2.getBlockX();x++) {
for (int z = pos1.getBlockZ();z<pos2.getBlockZ();z++) {
Block b = world.getBlockAt(x, groundY, z);
if (teleport) {
if (plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
chunkCoords.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(b.getChunk().getX(), b.getChunk().getZ()));
* Spawns friendly mobs according to the type of biome
public void populateGreenhouse() {
if (biomeRecipe == null) {
plugin.logger(3,"populating mobs in greenhouse");
// Make sure no players are around
if (plugin.players.getNumberInGreenhouse(this) > 0)
// Quick check - see if any animal is going to spawn
EntityType mob = biomeRecipe.getRandomMob();
if (mob == null) {
plugin.logger(3,"Mob ready to spawn in location " + pos1.getBlockX() + "," + pos2.getBlockZ() + " in world " + world.getName());
// Load greenhouse chunks
int numberOfMobs = 0;
Set<Pair> chunkSet = new HashSet<Pair>();
for (int x = (pos1.getBlockX()-15); x < (pos2.getBlockX()+15); x += 16) {
for (int z = (pos1.getBlockZ()-15); z < (pos2.getBlockZ()+15); z += 16) {
Chunk chunk = world.getChunkAt(x/16, z/16);
chunkSet.add(new Pair(x/16,z/16));
plugin.logger(3, "Chunk = " + (x/16) + "," + (z/16) + " number of entities = " + chunk.getEntities().length);
for (Entity entity : chunk.getEntities()) {
if (mob.equals(entity.getType())) {
plugin.logger(3,"Mobs in area = " + numberOfMobs);
plugin.logger(3,"Area of greenhouse = " + area);
if (area - (numberOfMobs * biomeRecipe.getMobLimit()) <= 0) {
plugin.logger(3,"Too many mobs already in this greenhouse");
for (Pair pair: chunkSet) {
world.unloadChunkRequest(pair.getLeft(), pair.getRight());
Material type = biomeRecipe.getMobSpawnOn(mob);
int minx = Math.min(pos1.getBlockX(), pos2.getBlockX());
int maxx = Math.max(pos1.getBlockX(), pos2.getBlockX());
int minz = Math.min(pos1.getBlockZ(), pos2.getBlockZ());
int maxz = Math.max(pos1.getBlockZ(), pos2.getBlockZ());
// Try 10 times
for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) {
int x = Greenhouses.randInt(minx,maxx);
int z = Greenhouses.randInt(minz,maxz);
Block h = getHighestBlockInGreenhouse(x,z);
Block b = h.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
Block a = h.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);
plugin.logger(3,"block found " + h.getType().toString());
plugin.logger(3,"below found " + b.getType().toString());
plugin.logger(3,"above found " + a.getType().toString());
if ((b.getType().equals(type) && h.getType().equals(Material.AIR))
|| (h.getType().equals(type) && a.getType().equals(Material.AIR)) ) {
Location midBlock = new Location(world, h.getLocation().getX()+0.5D, h.getLocation().getY(), h.getLocation().getZ()+0.5D);
Entity e = world.spawnEntity(midBlock, mob);
if (e != null)
plugin.logger(1,"Spawned a "+ Util.prettifyText(mob.toString()) + " on "+ Util.prettifyText(type.toString()) + " at "
+ midBlock.getBlockX() + "," + midBlock.getBlockY() + "," + midBlock.getBlockZ());
for (Pair pair: chunkSet) {
world.unloadChunkRequest(pair.getLeft(), pair.getRight());
* Lay down snow in the greenhouse
public void snow() {
// Lay down snow and ice
List<Block> waterToIceBlocks = new ArrayList<Block>();
long water = 0;
int minx = Math.min(pos1.getBlockX(), pos2.getBlockX());
int maxx = Math.max(pos1.getBlockX(), pos2.getBlockX());
int minz = Math.min(pos1.getBlockZ(), pos2.getBlockZ());
int maxz = Math.max(pos1.getBlockZ(), pos2.getBlockZ());
for (int x = minx+1; x < maxx; x++) {
for (int z = minz+1; z < maxz;z++) {
Block b = getHighestBlockInGreenhouse(x,z);
// Display snow particles in air above b and count water blocks
for (int y = pos1.getBlockY(); y < heightY; y++) {
Block airCheck = world.getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if (airCheck.getType().equals(Material.AIR)) {
//).display(0F,0F,0F, 0.1F, 5,
world.spawnParticle(Particle.SNOWBALL, airCheck.getLocation(), 5);
} else if (airCheck.getType().equals(Material.WATER)) {
Block belowB = b.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
if (Math.random()<Settings.snowDensity) {
if (belowB.getType().equals(Material.WATER)) {
// If the recipe requires a certain amount of water, then we need to wait until later to make ice
if (biomeRecipe.getWaterCoverage() > 0) {
} else {
} else if (belowB.getType().equals(Material.SNOW)) {
Snow snow = (Snow)belowB.getBlockData();
// Increment snow layers
snow.setLayers(Math.min(snow.getLayers() + 1, snow.getMaximumLayers()));
} else if (b.getType().equals(Material.AIR)) {
// Don't put snow on liquids or snow...
if (!belowB.isLiquid() && !belowB.getType().equals(Material.SNOW))
plugin.logger(3,"water = " + water);
if (biomeRecipe.getWaterCoverage() > 0 && water >0) {
plugin.logger(3,"water coverage required = " + biomeRecipe.getWaterCoverage());
// Check if ice can be made
for (Block toIce: waterToIceBlocks) {
plugin.logger(3,"water ratio = " + ((double)(water-1)/(double)area * 100));
if (((double)(water-1)/(double)area * 100) > biomeRecipe.getWaterCoverage()) {
} else {
plugin.logger(3,"no more ice allowed");
public void growFlowers() {
if (biomeRecipe == null) {
Location hopper = roofHopperLocation;
if (hopper != null) {
plugin.logger(3,"Hopper location:" + hopper.toString());
Block b = hopper.getBlock();
// Check the hopper is still there
if (b.getType().equals(Material.HOPPER)) {
Hopper h = (Hopper)b.getState();
plugin.logger(3,"Hopper found!");
// Check what is in the hopper
if (h.getInventory().contains(Material.BONE_MEAL)) {
int total = h.getInventory().all(Material.BONE_MEAL).values().stream().mapToInt(ItemStack::getAmount).sum();
// We need one bonemeal for each flower made
if (total > 0) {
ItemStack remBoneMeal = new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK);
// Rewrite to use on bonemeal per flower
plugin.logger(3,"Bonemeal found! Amount = " + total);
// Now go and grow stuff with the set probability
int minx = Math.min(pos1.getBlockX(), pos2.getBlockX());
int maxx = Math.max(pos1.getBlockX(), pos2.getBlockX());
int minz = Math.min(pos1.getBlockZ(), pos2.getBlockZ());
int maxz = Math.max(pos1.getBlockZ(), pos2.getBlockZ());
for (int x = minx+1; x < maxx; x++) {
for (int z = minz+1; z < maxz;z++) {
Block bl = getHighestBlockInGreenhouse(x,z);
//if (Math.random()<Settings.flowerChance) {
plugin.logger(3,"Block is " + bl.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN).getType().toString());
if (total > 0 && biomeRecipe.growPlant(bl)) {
total --;
plugin.logger(3,"Grew plant, spraying bonemeal");
// Spray the bonemeal
for (int y = bl.getLocation().getBlockY(); y< heightY; y++) {
Block airCheck = world.getBlockAt(x, y, z);
if (airCheck.getType().equals(Material.AIR)) {
world.spawnParticle(Particle.EXPLOSION_NORMAL, airCheck.getLocation(), 5);
//ParticleEffect.EXPLOSION_NORMAL.display(0F,0F,0F, 0.1F, 5, airCheck.getLocation(), 30D);
plugin.logger(3,"Bonemeal left = " + total);
// Remove the bonemeal from the hopper
h.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Material.BONE_MEAL, total));
} else {
// Greenhouse is broken or no longer has a hopper when it should
// TODO remove the greenhouse
plugin.logger(3,"Hopper is not there anymore...");
* Converts blocks in the greenhouse over time at a random rate
* Depends on the biome recipe
public void convertBlocks() {
if (biomeRecipe == null) {
if (biomeRecipe.getBlockConvert()) {
// Check biome recipe
int minx = Math.min(pos1.getBlockX(), pos2.getBlockX());
int maxx = Math.max(pos1.getBlockX(), pos2.getBlockX());
int minz = Math.min(pos1.getBlockZ(), pos2.getBlockZ());
int maxz = Math.max(pos1.getBlockZ(), pos2.getBlockZ());
for (int x = minx+1; x < maxx; x++) {
for (int z = minz+1; z < maxz;z++) {
for (int y = groundY; y < heightY; y++) {
* Replaces the getHighestBlock function by only looking within a greenhouse
* @param x
* @param z
* @return Non-solid block just above the highest solid block at x,z - should always be AIR
public Block getHighestBlockInGreenhouse(int x, int z) {
Block bl = world.getBlockAt(x,heightY,z).getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
while (bl.getLocation().getBlockY() >= groundY && bl.isEmpty()) {
bl = bl.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
return bl.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);