Fix NPE in findOverlappingClaims.

* Fix safe teleport.
* Bump version to 1.2.1
This commit is contained in:
bloodshot 2019-08-25 11:19:25 -04:00
parent e9377d4935
commit d6f214db45
8 changed files with 44 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -368,6 +368,7 @@ public static MessageCache getInstance() {
public Component SCHEMATIC_NONE;
public Component SPAWN_NOT_SET;
public Component TITLE_ACCESSOR;
public Component TITLE_ALL;
public Component TITLE_BUILDER;
@ -717,6 +718,7 @@ public void loadCache() {
SCHEMATIC_CREATE_FAIL = MessageStorage.MESSAGE_DATA.getMessage("schematic-create-fail");
SCHEMATIC_NONE = MessageStorage.MESSAGE_DATA.getMessage("schematic-none");
SPAWN_NOT_SET = MessageStorage.MESSAGE_DATA.getMessage("spawn-not-set");
TELEPORT_NO_SAFE_LOCATION = MessageStorage.MESSAGE_DATA.getMessage("teleport-no-safe-location");
TITLE_ACCESSOR = MessageStorage.MESSAGE_DATA.getMessage("title-accessor");
TITLE_ALL = MessageStorage.MESSAGE_DATA.getMessage("title-all");
TITLE_BUILDER = MessageStorage.MESSAGE_DATA.getMessage("title-builder");

View File

@ -458,7 +458,11 @@ public Map<UUID, GDPlayerData> getPlayerDataMap() {
public Set<Claim> findOverlappingClaims(Claim claim) {
Set<Claim> claimSet = new HashSet<>();
for (Long chunkHash : claim.getChunkHashes()) {
for (Claim chunkClaim : this.chunksToClaimsMap.get(chunkHash)) {
final Set<Claim> chunkClaims = this.chunksToClaimsMap.get(chunkHash);
if (chunkClaims == null) {
for (Claim chunkClaim : chunkClaims) {
if (!chunkClaim.equals(claim) && (claim.overlaps(chunkClaim) || chunkClaim.overlaps(claim))) {

View File

@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
import com.griefdefender.permission.ui.UIHelper;
import com.griefdefender.text.action.GDCallbackHolder;
import com.griefdefender.util.PermissionUtil;
import com.griefdefender.util.PlayerUtil;
import com.griefdefender.util.TaskUtil;
import net.kyori.text.Component;
@ -1018,13 +1019,19 @@ public static Consumer<CommandSender> createTeleportConsumer(CommandSender src,
player.teleport(location, TeleportCause.PLUGIN);
final double safeY = player.getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(location);
int currentY = location.getBlockY();
while (currentY < player.getWorld().getMaxHeight()) {
if (PlayerUtil.getInstance().isSafeLocation(location)) {
player.teleport(location, TeleportCause.PLUGIN);
public static Consumer<CommandSender> createForceTeleportConsumer(Player player, Location location) {
return teleport -> {
player.teleport(location, TeleportCause.PLUGIN);
TextAdapter.sendComponent(player, MessageCache.getInstance().TELEPORT_NO_SAFE_LOCATION);

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
import com.griefdefender.cache.PermissionHolderCache;
import com.griefdefender.claim.GDClaim;
import com.griefdefender.configuration.MessageStorage;
import com.griefdefender.internal.util.NMSUtil;
import com.griefdefender.internal.visual.ClaimVisual;
import com.griefdefender.internal.visual.GDClaimVisualType;
import com.griefdefender.permission.GDPermissionUser;
@ -44,8 +45,11 @@
import net.kyori.text.format.TextColor;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
@ -181,4 +185,20 @@ public void sendInteractEntityDenyMessage(GDClaim claim, Player player, ItemStac
GriefDefenderPlugin.sendClaimDenyMessage(claim, player, message);
public boolean isSafeLocation(Location location) {
final Block currentBlock = location.getBlock();
final Block aboveBlock = currentBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);
final Block belowBlock =currentBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
if (!NMSUtil.getInstance().isBlockTransparent(currentBlock)) {
return false;
if (!NMSUtil.getInstance().isBlockTransparent(aboveBlock)) {
return false;
if (!belowBlock.getType().isSolid()) {
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -579,6 +579,7 @@ GriefDefender {
tax-claim-paid-partial="&aThe tax debt of '&6{amount}&a' has been partially paid. In order to unfreeze your claim, the remaining tax owed balance of '&6{balance}&a' must be paid."
tax-info="&aYour next scheduled tax payment of &6{amount}&a will be withdrawn from your account on &b{date}&a."
tax-past-due="&cYou currently have a past due tax balance of &a{balance}&c that must be paid by &b{date}&c. Failure to pay off your tax balance will result in losing your property."
teleport-no-safe-location="&cNo safe location found in claim to teleport!\n&aUse the '&f/claiminfo&a' command to set a safe spawn point instead."

View File

@ -576,6 +576,7 @@ GriefDefender {
tax-claim-paid-partial="&aLa dette de taxe de '&6{amount}&a' a été partiellement payée. Pour lever la mise en demeure de la protection, le reste de la taxe due de '&6{balance}&a' doit être payé."
tax-info="&aTon prélèvement de taxe d'un montant de &6{amount}&a va être prélevé depuis ton compte le &b{date}&a."
tax-past-due="&cTu as actuellement un défaut de paiement passé de taxe de &a{balance}&c qui nécessite d'être payé pour le &b{date}&c. L'échec de paiement de cette taxe entrainera la perte de la propriété."
teleport-no-safe-location="&cAucun emplacement sûr trouvé dans la protection pour la téléportation.\n&aUtilise la commande '&f/claiminfo&a' pour définir un point d'apparition sûr."

View File

@ -579,6 +579,7 @@ GriefDefender {
tax-claim-paid-partial="&aЗадолженность по налогам в размере '&6{amount}&a' частично оплачена. Чтобы разморозить регион, остаток долга в размере '&6{balance}&a' должен быть уплачен."
tax-info="&aСледующая выплата по налогам в размере &6{amount}&a будет списана с вашего счёта &b{date}&a."
tax-past-due="&cУ вас есть задолженность по налогам в размере &a{balance}&c, которая должна быть выплачена до &b{date}&c. В случае неуплаты ваша собственность будет потеряна."
teleport-no-safe-location="&cВ регионе не найдено безопасных мест для телепортации!\n&aВоспользуйтесь '&f/claiminfo&a', чтобы установить безопасную точку для возрождения/телепортации."

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@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ main: com.griefdefender.GDBootstrap
softdepend: [WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Vault]
depend: [LuckPerms]
version: '1.2.0'
version: '1.2.1'
api-version: 1.13