* Add new permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.command.list.others' to
control whether a player can use target argument.
* Change permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.command.list' to
'griefdefender.user.claim.command.list.base' to account for others
* Remove call to Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(name) as it would return a UUID
for any name passed to it.
All file player data which stores accrued and bonus claim block totals
will now be stored with permissions as meta. This allows servers that
share permissions data across multiple servers to also provide the same
GD player data across servers if configured to do so.
In order to migrate the file player data, the following must be
configured :
1. Under the 'playerdata' section in 'global.conf', the
'context-storage-type' needs to be set to 'global', 'server', or
'world'. Read comment for more information.
2. Under the 'migrator' section in 'global.conf', the 'playerdata'
setting needs to be set to true. Make sure to read the comment carefully
as there are things to check before turning on the migrator.
As always, backup your permissions data before enabling the migrator.
Note: GD will no longer use the file player data. If you do not
migrate, all players will have 0 accrued and 0 bonus claim blocks.
Simply enable the migrator and follow the steps above to maintain the
current player data.
User Flag GUI will no longer show values as 'undefined'. Instead, if no
claim value is found then the default value will be displayed instead.
This should be more friendly for end-users.
* Fix sponge /givepet command.
* Add 'protect-tamed-entities' claim config to allow protection for tamed entities such as horses. This new config setting is enabled by default.
* Improve '/trustlist' command.
Note: This command now supports adding and removing trusted users and
* Improve '/claiminfo' command.
Note: Trusted users will now link to the improved '/trustlist' command.
* Fix sizing for various GUI's. All GUI's should now fill screen.
* Add '/claimreserve' command for administrators to reserve claim names.
* Add support for untrusting specific type via all untrust commands.
* Add #pet context support.
* Hide teleport button if player does not have access to teleport.
* Fix pagination error when swapping between menu's.
* Server contexts will be automatically added if not found on set.
* Flag definitions will automatically add a server context if none is
found on deserialization.
* Option and Flag GUI will fallback to no server context if none is
* Fix user permission check.
* Add check for max inspection distance.
* Add radius-inspect option to config.
* Add active contexts when checking permissions.
* Fix missing options from claim tab.
* Fix '/claimlist' showing claims to non-trusted users.
* Fix setOptionValue return result.
* Fix wrong version in 'plugin.yml'.
* Force local weather change to player on toggle.
* Add missing fr_FR translations.
* Fixed '/cfg' and '/cog' commands.
* Fixed 'create-mode' not working as intended.
* Fixed 'any' usage with flag commands.
* Fixed 'command-execute' usage.
* Fixed 'command-execute-pvp' usage.
* Fixed option removal/save with LP v5.
* Added context support for controlling user flag command usage.
* Added context support to option GUI.
* Added permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.arg' which controls if a user can use flag command with arguments.
* Added permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.gui' which controls if a user can use flag GUI.
* Added new group context '#all' which can be used to represent all sources or targets.
* Removed 'max-claim-inspection-distance' from config as it is now controlled by 'radius-inspect' option.
* Removed 'combat-timeout' from config as it is now controlled by 'pvp-combat-timeout' option.
* Implemented the folloing new options
'player-command-enter' - Handles executing commands when a player enters a claim.
'player-command-exit' - Handles executing commands when a player exits a claim.
Note: both command options support the following placeholders : %player%, %owner%, %uuid%, %world%, %server%, %location%
'player-gamemode' - Used to determine the gamemode of a player when entering a claim.
'player-deny-godmode' - Used to determine if a player can be in godmode when entering a claim.
'player-walk-speed' - Controls the player walk speed when entering a claim.
'player-weather' - Controls player local weather when entering a claim.
'pvp-combat-command' - Used to determine if a player can use commands during PvP combat.
'pvp-combat-teleport' - Used to determine if a player can teleport during PvP combat.
'pvp-combat-timeout' - Used to determine how many seconds PvP combat is considered to continue after the most recent damage.
'radius-inspect' - Controls the radius in blocks to search within when inspecting for claims.
'spawn-limit' - Used to control the spawn limit for a specific set of entities in a claim.
* Only save once when toggling flag definitions that include multiple definitions.
* Add PlaceholderAPI support. See https://github.com/bloodmc/GriefDefender/wiki/PlaceholderAPI
* Add Dynmap support. See https://github.com/bloodmc/GriefDefender/wiki/Dynmap
* Fix /claimexpand and /claimcontract up and down directions.
* Fix create claim location cache not clearing properly on delete.
* Fix being unable to interact with doors with access trust if holding an item.
* Fix getAllPlayerClaims not accounting for global playerdata.
* Avoid migrating empty claim files during GP migration.
Fixes#71, Fixes#73, Fixes#75
* Fix /buyblocks command adding to accrued instead of bonus blocks.
* Fix various relocation issues causing plugin event listeners not to be
* Move visual revert and claim creation cancel to shift right-click.
Note: With this change, visuals will no longer revert on left-click and/or item change.
* Add support to visualize claims, using left-click, during claim creation.
* Add teleport support for BorderClaimEvent.
* Add support for Java 13.
* Update FR/RU lang files. Thanks to Ark'I'Dian and Polyacov for
* Fix funds not being returned after claim create failure in economy
* Fix '/gd option claim' command with global options such as
* Fix schematics not loading on startup.
* Fix claim cleanup task.
* Remove item frame defaults.
* Add '/claimcreate <radius> [type]' command. Used to create a claim
around player.
* Add new direction parameter 'all' for commands '/claimexpand' and
* Add confirmation to '/cfr' command.
* Fix flags being reset on claim deletion.
* Fix user claim flag permission check.
* Fix sign interaction not using proper flag 'interact-block-secondary'.
* Fix '/claimexpand' and '/claimcontract' tab completion.
* Fix 'entity-damage' flag attempting to protect dropped items.
* Fix 'player-keep-inventory' not clearing drops on death.
* Fix 'player-keep-level' not clearing XP drops on death.
* Fix EntityChangeBlockEvent using wrong source location.
* Fix claim create mode triggering twice on first right-click.
* Fix default/override claim types not showing up properly in Flag GUI.
* Fix entity-damage flag not using proper user on left-click.
* Fix abandon-delay default value.
* Remove ability to resize claims when auto-schematic-restore is enabled.
* Add support for setting no modification/investigation tool in config.
* Add '/claim', '/gd mode claim' command to toggle a new claim mode for inspecting and claim creation.
* Add 'combat-timeout' pvp setting to config to control how long a player stays in pvp combat after an attack.
* Implement 'abandon-delay' option.
* Implement 'player-teleport-delay' option.
* Implement 'pvp' option.
- When a player attempts to attack another player, both players must have pvp allowed.
If 1 player is not allowed to PvP, the attack will be cancelled.
* Improve '/claimlist' command.
- Only trusted claims will be shown to users.
- Admins can use '/ignoreclaims' to see all claims.
- Fixed server crash if too many claims were listed.
- Fixed subdivision filter.
* Improve '/claimspawn' command.
- The command now takes the following arguments '/claimspawn [name] [player]'
Ex. If you want to spawn in a claim that you own named 'lair', you would enter '/claimspawn lair'
Ex. If you want to spawn in a claim owned by 'Mike' named 'stables', you would enter '/claimspawn stables mike'
* Improve flag definition defaults.
* Improve flag default configuration.
Fixes#51, Fixes#53, Fixes#54Fixes#55, Fixes#56, Fixes#57
* Fix claim inheritance.
* Fix getPermissionValue not continuing after matching contexts.
* Fix messages being sent to players during entity attacks.
* Fix item frame protection.
* Fix safe teleport being used for /claimspawn (temp fix)
* Fix safe teleport ending above nether.
* Fix PvP toggle not showing proper default value in /claiminfo.
* Fix a few issues with option GUI.
* Add /claimexpand <amount> [direction] and /claimcontract <amount> [direction] to resize claims without shovel.
* Add support for VehicleMoveEvent.
* Don't listen to InventoryOpenEvent. Handle inventory via interacts instead.
* Reset claim visuals on resize.
* Remove 'gd_claim_type' context as it is no longer needed.
* Fix user custom flag GUI init not showing USER group.
* Fix item frame protection during explosions.
* Fix entity-spawn not being triggered with slime splits.
* Fix 'SouthCorners' lang translation in /claiminfo.
* Fix 'explosion-entity' flag.
* Fix shovel visual not hitting leaves.
* Add explosion pre support.
* Add extra teleport check for claim corners.
* Add additional overlay/style for custom flags.
* Add javadocs for PermissionProvider.
* Add many improvements to custom flag GUI.
* Implement custom flag system to allow admins to create any flag they desire with contexts.
See wiki for more info.
* Rewrite option and flag GUI's to be more user friendly.
* Refactor permission handling to support more permission plugins.
* Refactor permission lookups to use storage directly for better context handling
* Refactor option system to support generics.
* Add many new options.
See https://github.com/bloodmc/GriefDefenderAPI/blob/master/src/main/java/com/griefdefender/api/permission/option/Options.java
* Add new permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.option' to control what options user's can use
in their claims. Ex. If a user tries to use 'player-deny-fly', GD will check 'griefdefender.user.claim.option.player-deny-fly'
* Added the following permissions to allow admins to designate a player to manage options
* Add new claim restore setting 'auto-schematic-restore'.
This setting will allow servers to have newly created claims auto-generate a schematic.
When these claims expire, the auto-generated schematic will be used for restore.
Note: This setting is only designed for newly created worlds where players cannot build
in the wilderness. Use with caution and read comments carefully.
* Add new message setting 'enter-exit-chat-type'.
This setting is used to control the default chat type (Chat/ActionBar/Title) used when sending
enter/exit claim messages to players.
Note: This can be overridden by plugins.
* Add support for controlling raids. You can find the new toggle in /raid
* Add various GP command aliases to make it easier for users transitioning to GD
* Add confirmations for all claim delete commands.
* Add GPFlags migrator.
Note: When the GP Bukkit migrator is enabled, GD will automatically look for GPFlags data and migrate
with claim data.
* Add support for EntityCombustByBlockEvent, EntityCombustByEntityEvent, and EntityDamageByBlockEvent.
* Add EssentialsX hook to deny '/fly' command when 'player-deny-flight' is true for a user
* Add event result cache.
* Add contexts to hover in '/cf' command
* Add /givepet command
* Add confirmations to abandon and delete commands
* Add support for /sellblocks in economy mode
* Add new messages for economy mode
* Fix NPE during checkSizeLimits
* Fix interactions with custom inventories.
* Fix custom flags not showing up in '/cf' command.
* Fix interact-inventory denying action when interact-block-secondary is true
* Fix interact-inventory not checking entity ids.
* Fix shovel location being reset with insufficient blocks
* Fix GP Bukkit migrator not handling subdivisions properly.
* Fix 'block-break' flag being ignored in wilderness
* Fix invalid playerdata UUID files being loaded causing errors in console.
* Fix HashSet error in TaxApplyTask
* Fix 'command-execute' flag
* Fix PvP setting in /claiminfo.
* Fix claim overrides not checking default group.
* Fix various message issues
* Fix 'minecraft:air' showing up as used_item context.
* Fix EntityChangeBlockEvent user tracking.
* Fix abandonclaims not returning blocks to player.
* Fix players not being able to use pet inventories in other claims.
* Fix players being kicked when using gd callbacks.
* Fix '/cf' display issues
* Fix '/cf' mod id not being set properly with contexts
* Fix '/cf' item id context lookups
* Fix '/scb' command
* Fix '/gddebug' start/end time.
* Fix economy plugin detection
* Fix economy mode buy/sell not applying proper funds
* Fix ClaimBlocks task not depositing funds while in economy mode
* Prevent /buyblocks working in economy mode
* Remove economy mode check from /scb and /acb
* Rewrite option and flag GUI's to be more user friendly.
* Improve PermissionHolderCache
* Refactor permission handling to support more permission plugins.
* Refactor permission lookups to use storage directly for better context handling
Note: '/lp verbose' will no longer be able to track GD flag lookups.
* Increase cache to 30min
* Change gddebug paste site to griefdefender.github.io
* Add support for all visual blocks to be changed in config.
* Add config setting 'hide-wecui-drag-visuals-2d' to disable drag
visuals while in 2D mode (true by default)
* Fix start block visual disappearing when second block overlaps an
existing claim.
* Fix second block point on existing claim corner starting a resize.
* Fix all active visuals disappearing when starting a resize.
* Fix some lang issues.
* Add WorldGuard migrator.
Note: This does not support custom flags atm.
* Add message cache for all messages that do not use parameters.
* Refactor option permission lookups.
* Update kyori text dependencies.
* Minor cleanup.
en_US lang will be delivered with assets and will no longer be generated.
The remaining translation files de_DE, ru_RU, and zh_CN have been
removed as they will need to be translated in the new format.
Thanks to Glare for the help making this happen. Closes#9