* Fix user permission check.
* Add check for max inspection distance.
* Add radius-inspect option to config.
* Add active contexts when checking permissions.
* Fix missing options from claim tab.
* Fix '/claimlist' showing claims to non-trusted users.
* Fix setOptionValue return result.
* Fix wrong version in 'plugin.yml'.
* Force local weather change to player on toggle.
* Add missing fr_FR translations.
* Fixed '/cfg' and '/cog' commands.
* Fixed 'create-mode' not working as intended.
* Fixed 'any' usage with flag commands.
* Fixed 'command-execute' usage.
* Fixed 'command-execute-pvp' usage.
* Fixed option removal/save with LP v5.
* Added context support for controlling user flag command usage.
* Added context support to option GUI.
* Added permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.arg' which controls if a user can use flag command with arguments.
* Added permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.gui' which controls if a user can use flag GUI.
* Added new group context '#all' which can be used to represent all sources or targets.
* Removed 'max-claim-inspection-distance' from config as it is now controlled by 'radius-inspect' option.
* Removed 'combat-timeout' from config as it is now controlled by 'pvp-combat-timeout' option.
* Implemented the folloing new options
'player-command-enter' - Handles executing commands when a player enters a claim.
'player-command-exit' - Handles executing commands when a player exits a claim.
Note: both command options support the following placeholders : %player%, %owner%, %uuid%, %world%, %server%, %location%
'player-gamemode' - Used to determine the gamemode of a player when entering a claim.
'player-deny-godmode' - Used to determine if a player can be in godmode when entering a claim.
'player-walk-speed' - Controls the player walk speed when entering a claim.
'player-weather' - Controls player local weather when entering a claim.
'pvp-combat-command' - Used to determine if a player can use commands during PvP combat.
'pvp-combat-teleport' - Used to determine if a player can teleport during PvP combat.
'pvp-combat-timeout' - Used to determine how many seconds PvP combat is considered to continue after the most recent damage.
'radius-inspect' - Controls the radius in blocks to search within when inspecting for claims.
'spawn-limit' - Used to control the spawn limit for a specific set of entities in a claim.
* Only save once when toggling flag definitions that include multiple definitions.
* Add PlaceholderAPI support. See https://github.com/bloodmc/GriefDefender/wiki/PlaceholderAPI
* Add Dynmap support. See https://github.com/bloodmc/GriefDefender/wiki/Dynmap
* Fix /claimexpand and /claimcontract up and down directions.
* Fix create claim location cache not clearing properly on delete.
* Fix being unable to interact with doors with access trust if holding an item.
* Fix getAllPlayerClaims not accounting for global playerdata.
* Avoid migrating empty claim files during GP migration.
Fixes#71, Fixes#73, Fixes#75
* Fix /buyblocks command adding to accrued instead of bonus blocks.
* Fix various relocation issues causing plugin event listeners not to be
* Move visual revert and claim creation cancel to shift right-click.
Note: With this change, visuals will no longer revert on left-click and/or item change.
* Add support to visualize claims, using left-click, during claim creation.
* Add teleport support for BorderClaimEvent.
* Add support for Java 13.
* Update FR/RU lang files. Thanks to Ark'I'Dian and Polyacov for
* Fix funds not being returned after claim create failure in economy
* Fix '/gd option claim' command with global options such as
* Fix schematics not loading on startup.
* Fix claim cleanup task.
* Remove item frame defaults.
* Add '/claimcreate <radius> [type]' command. Used to create a claim
around player.
* Add new direction parameter 'all' for commands '/claimexpand' and
* Add confirmation to '/cfr' command.
* Fix flags being reset on claim deletion.
* Fix user claim flag permission check.
* Fix sign interaction not using proper flag 'interact-block-secondary'.
* Fix '/claimexpand' and '/claimcontract' tab completion.
* Fix 'entity-damage' flag attempting to protect dropped items.
* Fix 'player-keep-inventory' not clearing drops on death.
* Fix 'player-keep-level' not clearing XP drops on death.
* Fix EntityChangeBlockEvent using wrong source location.
* Fix claim create mode triggering twice on first right-click.
* Fix default/override claim types not showing up properly in Flag GUI.
* Fix entity-damage flag not using proper user on left-click.
* Fix abandon-delay default value.
* Remove ability to resize claims when auto-schematic-restore is enabled.
* Add support for setting no modification/investigation tool in config.
* Add '/claim', '/gd mode claim' command to toggle a new claim mode for inspecting and claim creation.
* Add 'combat-timeout' pvp setting to config to control how long a player stays in pvp combat after an attack.
* Implement 'abandon-delay' option.
* Implement 'player-teleport-delay' option.
* Implement 'pvp' option.
- When a player attempts to attack another player, both players must have pvp allowed.
If 1 player is not allowed to PvP, the attack will be cancelled.
* Improve '/claimlist' command.
- Only trusted claims will be shown to users.
- Admins can use '/ignoreclaims' to see all claims.
- Fixed server crash if too many claims were listed.
- Fixed subdivision filter.
* Improve '/claimspawn' command.
- The command now takes the following arguments '/claimspawn [name] [player]'
Ex. If you want to spawn in a claim that you own named 'lair', you would enter '/claimspawn lair'
Ex. If you want to spawn in a claim owned by 'Mike' named 'stables', you would enter '/claimspawn stables mike'
* Improve flag definition defaults.
* Improve flag default configuration.
Fixes#51, Fixes#53, Fixes#54Fixes#55, Fixes#56, Fixes#57
* Fix claim inheritance.
* Fix getPermissionValue not continuing after matching contexts.
* Fix messages being sent to players during entity attacks.
* Fix item frame protection.
* Fix safe teleport being used for /claimspawn (temp fix)
* Fix safe teleport ending above nether.
* Fix PvP toggle not showing proper default value in /claiminfo.
* Fix a few issues with option GUI.
* Add /claimexpand <amount> [direction] and /claimcontract <amount> [direction] to resize claims without shovel.
* Add support for VehicleMoveEvent.
* Don't listen to InventoryOpenEvent. Handle inventory via interacts instead.
* Reset claim visuals on resize.
* Remove 'gd_claim_type' context as it is no longer needed.
* Fix user custom flag GUI init not showing USER group.
* Fix item frame protection during explosions.
* Fix entity-spawn not being triggered with slime splits.
* Fix 'SouthCorners' lang translation in /claiminfo.
* Fix 'explosion-entity' flag.
* Fix shovel visual not hitting leaves.
* Add explosion pre support.
* Add extra teleport check for claim corners.
* Add additional overlay/style for custom flags.
* Add javadocs for PermissionProvider.
* Add many improvements to custom flag GUI.
* Implement custom flag system to allow admins to create any flag they desire with contexts.
See wiki for more info.
* Rewrite option and flag GUI's to be more user friendly.
* Refactor permission handling to support more permission plugins.
* Refactor permission lookups to use storage directly for better context handling
* Refactor option system to support generics.
* Add many new options.
See https://github.com/bloodmc/GriefDefenderAPI/blob/master/src/main/java/com/griefdefender/api/permission/option/Options.java
* Add new permission 'griefdefender.user.claim.option' to control what options user's can use
in their claims. Ex. If a user tries to use 'player-deny-fly', GD will check 'griefdefender.user.claim.option.player-deny-fly'
* Added the following permissions to allow admins to designate a player to manage options
* Add new claim restore setting 'auto-schematic-restore'.
This setting will allow servers to have newly created claims auto-generate a schematic.
When these claims expire, the auto-generated schematic will be used for restore.
Note: This setting is only designed for newly created worlds where players cannot build
in the wilderness. Use with caution and read comments carefully.
* Add new message setting 'enter-exit-chat-type'.
This setting is used to control the default chat type (Chat/ActionBar/Title) used when sending
enter/exit claim messages to players.
Note: This can be overridden by plugins.
* Add support for controlling raids. You can find the new toggle in /raid
* Add various GP command aliases to make it easier for users transitioning to GD
* Add confirmations for all claim delete commands.
* Add GPFlags migrator.
Note: When the GP Bukkit migrator is enabled, GD will automatically look for GPFlags data and migrate
with claim data.
* Add support for EntityCombustByBlockEvent, EntityCombustByEntityEvent, and EntityDamageByBlockEvent.
* Add EssentialsX hook to deny '/fly' command when 'player-deny-flight' is true for a user
* Add event result cache.
* Add contexts to hover in '/cf' command
* Add /givepet command
* Add confirmations to abandon and delete commands
* Add support for /sellblocks in economy mode
* Add new messages for economy mode
* Fix NPE during checkSizeLimits
* Fix interactions with custom inventories.
* Fix custom flags not showing up in '/cf' command.
* Fix interact-inventory denying action when interact-block-secondary is true
* Fix interact-inventory not checking entity ids.
* Fix shovel location being reset with insufficient blocks
* Fix GP Bukkit migrator not handling subdivisions properly.
* Fix 'block-break' flag being ignored in wilderness
* Fix invalid playerdata UUID files being loaded causing errors in console.
* Fix HashSet error in TaxApplyTask
* Fix 'command-execute' flag
* Fix PvP setting in /claiminfo.
* Fix claim overrides not checking default group.
* Fix various message issues
* Fix 'minecraft:air' showing up as used_item context.
* Fix EntityChangeBlockEvent user tracking.
* Fix abandonclaims not returning blocks to player.
* Fix players not being able to use pet inventories in other claims.
* Fix players being kicked when using gd callbacks.
* Fix '/cf' display issues
* Fix '/cf' mod id not being set properly with contexts
* Fix '/cf' item id context lookups
* Fix '/scb' command
* Fix '/gddebug' start/end time.
* Fix economy plugin detection
* Fix economy mode buy/sell not applying proper funds
* Fix ClaimBlocks task not depositing funds while in economy mode
* Prevent /buyblocks working in economy mode
* Remove economy mode check from /scb and /acb
* Rewrite option and flag GUI's to be more user friendly.
* Improve PermissionHolderCache
* Refactor permission handling to support more permission plugins.
* Refactor permission lookups to use storage directly for better context handling
Note: '/lp verbose' will no longer be able to track GD flag lookups.
* Increase cache to 30min
* Change gddebug paste site to griefdefender.github.io
* Add support for all visual blocks to be changed in config.
* Add config setting 'hide-wecui-drag-visuals-2d' to disable drag
visuals while in 2D mode (true by default)
* Fix start block visual disappearing when second block overlaps an
existing claim.
* Fix second block point on existing claim corner starting a resize.
* Fix all active visuals disappearing when starting a resize.
* Fix some lang issues.
* Add WorldGuard migrator.
Note: This does not support custom flags atm.
* Add message cache for all messages that do not use parameters.
* Refactor option permission lookups.
* Update kyori text dependencies.
* Minor cleanup.