bloodshot 343dfe9566 Update for 1.4.2 release.
* Fix entity damage not passing source in all cases.
* Fix vehicle destroy source.
* Fix collision interactions being ignored.
* Fix #vehicle context not being added on vehicle item use.
* Fix 'any' context showing up as 'all'.
* Fix context entity type format using '#' in front of name instead of modid.
* Fix parent exit claim messages showing on subclaims.
* Fix block-place using wrong target in some cases.
* Fix NPE during chunk load on new world creation.
* Fix claim resize/subdivide resetting on error.
* Fix offline players not being found with some commands.
* Fix NPE in migrator during claim migration of subclaims.
* Fix accrued blocks not being set for players if value exceeded max during migration.
* Fix playerdata migrate file not being created if parent folder did not exist.
* Fix hover contexts for partial results in flag GUI.
* Fix #pet tag not being formatted properly with contexts.
* Fix entity-damage used_item context not being added.
* Add new group context #hanging which represents hanging entities such as item frames.
* Add lava source to fire-spread flag definition.
* Add user context support for advanced flag GUI.
* Add endercrystal-use and armorstand-use definitions.
* Add entity-damage-source-blacklist.
* Add active claim visual time to config.
* Add tag support for used_item.
* Add visual tracking for create block visuals.
* (Bukkit) Add extra permission check when using item on a block.
* Add gd_claim_override=claim context to water-flow flag definition.
* Add new admin command '/abandonworld [<world>]' which will abandon all user claims in world specified.
* Add support for world argument in commands '/abandonall', '/deleteall', and '/deletealladmin'.
* Add MC 1.16.1 support.
* Update kyori libraries to latest.
* Don't process stair blocks on right-click.
* Refactor ADMIN group handling in PRESET GUI.
   - All ADMIN flags will now be forced to claim only.
   - If you want to change flags globally then simply provide a default context in the definition which will be applied at startup.
* Cleanup USER PRESET hover for normal users.
* Improve persistent check done if a user is trusted.
   - Only non-claim owners that are trusted will have an additional permission check to see if an admin denied/allowed something via a flag not given by trust system.
* (Hybrid) Add mod registry support for hybrid servers.
* (Hybrid) Add mod category to 'global.conf' to identify fakeplayers and mod id's.
* (Hybrid) Add initial fakeplayer support.
* (Hybrid) Added pixelmon animal support.
* (Hybrid) Added #pixelmon:animal tag for natural spawns.
* Check user/group permission excluding default group before trust is checked.
  Note: This allows admins to allow/deny permissions while using trust.
  Note: Only '/cfp' and '/cfg' is supported.
* Only check persistent permissions with overrides.
* Change user context to support all claim types except wilderness.
* Change global context to support all claim types including wilderness.
* Rename /cfd command to /cfdebug to avoid accidental use.
* Disable /cfdebug on logout.
2020-06-25 09:16:08 -04:00

201 lines
6.5 KiB

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