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GriefDefender {
descriptions {
abandon-all="Abandons ALL your claims."
abandon-claim="Abandons a claim."
abandon-top="Abandons top level claim."
abandon-world="Special admin command used to abandon ALL user claims in world."
buy-blocks="Purchases additional claim blocks with server money.\nNote: Requires economy plugin."
buy-claim="List all claims available for purchase.\nNote: Requires economy plugin."
callback="Execute a callback registered as part of a Text object. Primarily for internal use."
claim-ban="Bans a specific block, entity, or item id from all usage in ALL claims."
claim-bank="Used to withdraw or deposit money for use in claim."
claim-clear="Allows clearing of entities within one or more claims."
claim-contract="Contracts/Shrinks the claim from the direction you are facing."
claim-create="Creates a claim around the player."
claim-debug="Toggles claim flag debug mode."
claim-expand="Expands the claim in the direction you are facing."
claim-farewell="Sets the farewell message of your claim."
claim-greeting="Sets the greeting message of your claim."
claim-ignore="Toggles ignore claims mode."
claim-info="Displays all known information for claim you are standing in."
claim-inherit="Toggles whether this claim should inherit permissions from parent(s)."
claim-investigate="Investigates the target or nearby claims."
claim-list="Lists all known claims in area."
claim-name="Sets the claim name."
claim-rent="Used to rent/list claims. \nNote: Requires economy plugin."
claim-reserve="Reserves a claim name for administrator use."
claim-restore="Restores claim to its natural state. Use with caution."
claim-setspawn="Sets the claim spawn for players."
claim-spawn="Teleports you to claim spawn if available."
claim-tax="Used to check or pay your claim tax balance."
claim-tool="Used to enable or disable the claiming tool."
claim-transfer="Transfers a basic or admin claim to another player."
claim-unban="Unbans a specific block, entity, or item id allowing it to be used again."
claim-worldedit="Uses the worldedit selection to create a claim."
confirm="Alternate way to confirm chat confirmations."
cuboid="Toggles cuboid claims mode."
debug="Captures all GD actions for debugging purposes."
delete-all="Delete all of another player's claims."
delete-all-admin="Deletes all administrative claims."
delete-claim="Deletes the claim you're standing in, even if it's not your claim."
delete-top="Deletes the claim you're standing in, even if it's not your claim."
economy-block-transfer="Transfers ALL player remaining accrued/bonus claim blocks into currency then sets their accrued and bonus amounts to 0.\nNote: This MUST be used if you are switching from claim blocks system to economy mode."
flag-claim="Gets/Sets claim flags in the claim you are standing in."
flag-group="Gets/Sets flag permission for a group in claim you are standing in."
flag-player="Gets/Sets flag permission for a player in claim you are standing in."
flag-reset="Resets a claim to flag defaults."
help="Displays GriefDefender command help."
mode-admin="Switches the claim tool to administrative claims mode"
mode-basic="Switches the claim tool back to basic claims mode."
mode-claim="Toggles claim mode creation. Note: This will default to basic claim mode."
mode-nature="Switches the claim tool to restoration mode."
mode-subdivision="Switches the claim tool to subdivision mode, used to subdivide your claims."
mode-town="Switches the claim tool to town claims mode."
option-claim="Gets/Sets claim options in the claim you are standing in."
option-group="Gets/Sets option for a group in claim you are standing in."
option-player="Gets/Sets option for a player in claim you are standing in."
permission-group="Sets a permission on a group with a claim context."
permission-player="Sets a permission on a player with a claim context."
player-adjust-bonus-blocks="Updates a player's bonus claim block total."
player-adjust-bonus-blocks-all="Adjusts bonus claim block total for all online players by amount specified."
player-give-blocks="Transfers a specific amount of claim blocks you have accrued to another player."
player-give-pet="Transfers a pet you own to a new owner."
player-info="Shows information about a player."
player-set-accrued-blocks="Updates a player's accrued claim block total."
player-unlock-drops="Allows other players to pickup any items dropped from death."
reload="Reloads GriefDefender's configuration settings."
schematic="Manages claim schematics. Use '/claimschematic create <name>' to create a live backup of claim."
sell-blocks="Sell your claim blocks for server money.\nNote: Requires economy plugin."
sell-claim="Puts your claim up for sale. Use /claimsell amount.\nNote: Requires economy plugin."
town-chat="Toggles town chat."
town-tag="Sets the tag of your town."
trapped="Teleports the player to a safe location if stuck and unable to build."
trust-access="Grants a player access to interact with all blocks except inventory."
trust-container="Grants a player access to interact with all blocks including inventory."
trust-group="Grants a group access to your claim.\nAccessor: access to interact with all blocks except inventory.\nContainer: access to interact with all blocks including inventory.\nBuilder: access to everything above including ability to place and break blocks.\nManager: access to everything above including ability to manage claim settings."
trust-group-all="Grants a group access to ALL your claim(s).\nAccessor: access to interact with all blocks except inventory.\nContainer: access to interact with all blocks including inventory.\nBuilder: access to everything above including ability to place and break blocks.\nManager: access to everything above including ability to manage claim settings."
trust-list="Manages trust for the claim you're standing in."
trust-player="Grants a player access to your claim.\nAccessor: access to interact with all blocks except inventory.\nContainer: access to interact with all blocks including inventory.\nBuilder: access to everything above including ability to place and break blocks.\nManager: access to everything above including ability to manage claim settings."
trust-player-all="Grants a player access to ALL your claim(s).\nAccessor: access to interact with all blocks except inventory.\nContainer: access to interact with all blocks including inventory.\nBuilder: access to everything above including ability to place and break blocks.\nManager: access to everything above including ability to manage claim settings."
untrust-group="Revokes group access to your claim."
untrust-group-all="Revokes group access to all your claims."
untrust-player="Revokes player access to your claim."
untrust-player-all="Revokes player access to all your claims."
version="Displays GriefDefender's version information."
messages {
abandon-all-delay-warning="&aThese claims were recently created and cannot be abandoned."
abandon-all-success="&aAll your claims have been abandoned. You now have &6{amount}&a available claim blocks."
abandon-all-success-world="&aAll your claims have been abandoned in &6{world}&a. You now have &6{amount}&a available claim blocks."
abandon-all-warning="&6Are you sure you want to abandon &cALL&6 your claims?"
abandon-all-warning-world="&6Are you sure you want to abandon &cALL&6 your claims in &a{world}&6?"
abandon-claim-delay-warning="&aThis claim was recently created and cannot be abandoned until &6{date}&a."
abandon-claim-failed="&aCould not abandon claim. Claim result was &f{result}&a."
abandon-claim-missing="&cNo claim found. Stand in the claim you want to abandon, or consider &f/abandonall&c."
abandon-other-success="&6{player}&a's claim has been abandoned. &6{player}&a now has &6{amount}&a available claim blocks."
abandon-success="&aClaim abandoned. You now have &6{amount}&a available claim blocks."
abandon-top-level="&cThis claim cannot be abandoned as it contains one or more child claims. In order to abandon a claim with child claims, you must use &f/abandontop&c instead."
abandon-town-children="&cYou do not have permission to abandon a town with child claims you do not own. Use &f/ignoreclaims&c or have the child claim owner abandon their claim first. If you just want to abandon the town without affecting children then use &f/abandon&c instead."
abandon-warning="&6Are you sure you want to abandon this claim? It will no longer be protected from grief."
abandon-world-success="&aAbandoned all player claims in &6{world}&a."
abandon-world-warning="&6Are you sure you want to abandon &cALL&6 user claims in &a{world}&6?"
adjust-accrued-blocks-success="&aAdjusted &6{player}&a's accrued claim blocks by &6{amount}&a. New total accrued blocks: &6{total}&a."
adjust-bonus-blocks-all-success="&aAdjusted &6{count} &aonline players' bonus claim blocks by &6{amount}&a."
adjust-bonus-blocks-all-warning="&6Are you sure you want to adjust &cALL&6 online players' bonus claim blocks by &b{amount}&6?"
adjust-bonus-blocks-success="&aAdjusted &6{player}&a's bonus claim blocks by &6{amount}&a. New total bonus blocks: &6{total}&a."
bank-click-view-transactions="Click here to view bank transactions"
bank-deposit="&aSuccessful deposit of &6{amount}&a into bank."
bank-deposit-no-funds="&cYou do not have enough funds to deposit into the bank."
bank-info="&aBalance: &6{balance}&a \nTax: &6{tax-amount}&f due in &7{time-remaining}&a \nTax Owed: &6{tax-balance}."
bank-no-permission="&cYou don't have permission to manage &6{player}&c's claim bank."
bank-system-disabled="&cThe bank system is not enabled."
bank-tax-system-disabled="&cThe bank/tax system is not enabled."
bank-title-transactions="Bank Transactions"
bank-withdraw="&aSuccessful withdraw of &6{amount} &afrom bank."
bank-withdraw-no-funds="&cThe claim bank has a remaining balance of &a{balance}&c and does not have enough funds to withdraw &a{amount}&c."
block-claimed="&aThat block has been claimed by &6{player}&a."
block-not-claimed="&cNo one has claimed this block."
block-sale-value="&aEach claim block is worth &6{amount}&a. You have &6{total}&a available for sale."
claim-above-level="&cUnable to claim block as it is above your maximum claim level limit of &a{limit}&c."
claim-action-not-available="&cThis action is not available in {type}&c."
claim-automatic-notification="&cThis chest and nearby blocks are protected."
claim-below-level="&cUnable to claim block as it is below your minimum claim level limit of &a{limit}&c."
claim-chest-confirmation="&cThis chest is protected."
claim-chest-outside-level="&cThis chest can't be protected as the position is outside your claim level limits of &a{min-level}&c and &a{max-level}&c."
claim-children-warning="&6This claim includes child claims. If you're sure you want to delete it, use &f/deleteclaim&6 again."
claim-context-not-found="&cContext &f{context}&c was not found."
claim-disabled-world="&cClaims are disabled in this world."
claim-expired-inactivity="&6{player}'s &cclaim with id &f{uuid}&c has expired and has been removed due to inactivity."
claim-farewell="&aSet claim farewell to {farewell}&a."
claim-farewell-clear="&aThe claim farewell message has been cleared."
claim-farewell-invalid="&cClaim flag &f{flag}&c is invalid."
claim-greeting="&aSet claim greeting to {greeting}&a."
claim-greeting-clear="&aThe claim greeting message has been cleared."
claim-ignore="&aNow ignoring claims."
claim-last-active="&aClaim last active &6{date}&a."
claim-mode-start="{type}&a corner set! Right click again at the opposite corner to claim a rectangle of land. To cancel, type &f/claim&a to exit claim mode."
claim-display-name="&aSet claim display name to {name}&a."
claim-no-claims="&cYou don't have any land claims."
claim-no-set-home="&cYou must be trusted in order to use /sethome here."
claim-not-found="&cThere's no claim here."
claim-not-yours="&cThis isn't your claim."
claim-owner-already="&cYou are already the claim owner."
claim-owner-only="&cOnly &6{player}&c can modify this claim."
claim-prefix-enter="&f[&6{owner}&f] "
claim-prefix-exit="&f[&6{owner}&f] "
claim-protected-entity="&cThat belongs to &6{player}&c."
claim-reserve-add="&aThe claim name &6{name}&a has been added to the reserved list."
claim-reserve-exists="&aThe claim name you specified is already reserved."
claim-reserved-name="&cThe claim name you specified is reserved. Please choose another or ensure you have the appropriate permission."
claim-respecting="&aNow respecting claims."
claim-restore-in-progress="&aClaim is currently being restored, please wait..."
claim-restore-success="&aSuccessfully restored claim."
claim-show-nearby="&aFound &6{amount}&a nearby claims."
claim-size-max="&cThe claim &6{axis}&c size of &a{size}&c exceeds the max size of &a{max-size}&c.\nThe area needs to be a minimum of &a{min-area}&c and a max of &a{max-area}"
claim-size-min="&cThe claim &6{axis}&c size of &a{size}&c is below the min size of &a{min-size}&c.\nThe area needs to be a minimum of &a{min-area}&c and a max of &a{max-area}"
claim-size-need-blocks-2d="&cYou don't have enough blocks for this claim size.\nYou need &a{block-amount}&c more blocks."
claim-size-need-blocks-3d="&cYou don't have enough blocks for this claim size.\nYou need &a{chunk-amount}&c more chunks. &f({block-amount})"
claim-size-too-small="&cThe selected claim size of &a{width}&fx&a{length}&c would be too small. A claim must be at least &a{min-width}&fx&a{min-length}&c in size."
claim-start="{type}&a corner set! Use the {item}&a again at the opposite corner to claim a rectangle of land. To cancel, put your {item}&a away."
claim-too-far="&cThat's too far away."
claim-transfer-exceeds-limit="&cClaim could not be transferred as it would exceed the new owner's creation limit."
claim-transfer-success="&aClaim transferred."
claim-type-not-found="&cNo {type}&c claims found."
claiminfo-ui-admin-settings="Admin Settings"
claiminfo-ui-bank-info="Bank Info"
claiminfo-ui-claim-expiration="Claim Expiration"
claiminfo-ui-click-admin="Click here to view admin settings"
claiminfo-ui-click-bank="Click here to check bank information"
claiminfo-ui-click-change-claim="Click here to change claim to {type}"
claiminfo-ui-click-farewell="Click here to change farewell message"
claiminfo-ui-click-greeting="Click here to change greeting message"
claiminfo-ui-click-name="Click here to change claim name"
claiminfo-ui-click-toggle="Click here to toggle value"
claiminfo-ui-deny-messages="Deny Messages"
claiminfo-ui-flag-overrides="Flag Overrides"
claiminfo-ui-for-sale="For Sale"
claiminfo-ui-inherit-parent="Inherit Parent"
claiminfo-ui-last-active="Last Active"
claiminfo-ui-north-corners="North Corners"
claiminfo-ui-pvp-override="PvP Override"
claiminfo-ui-requires-claim-blocks="Requires Claim Blocks"
claiminfo-ui-return-bankinfo="Return to bank info"
claiminfo-ui-return-claiminfo="Return to claim info"
claiminfo-ui-return-settings="Return to standard Settings"
claiminfo-ui-size-restrictions="Size Restrictions"
claiminfo-ui-south-corners="South Corners"
claiminfo-ui-teleport-direction="Click here to teleport to {direction}&f corner of claim"
claiminfo-ui-teleport-feature="You do not have permission to use the teleport feature in this claim"
claiminfo-ui-teleport-spawn="Click here to teleport to claim spawn"
claiminfo-ui-title-claiminfo="Claim Info"
claiminfo-ui-town-settings="Town Settings"
claimlist-ui-click-info="Click to check more info"
claimlist-ui-click-player-list="Click here to show player claim list"
claimlist-ui-click-purchase="Click here to purchase claim"
claimlist-ui-click-rent="Click here to rent claim"
claimlist-ui-click-teleport-target="Click here to teleport to {name}&f {target}&f in &6{world}"
claimlist-ui-click-toggle-value="Click here to toggle {type} value"
claimlist-ui-click-view-children="Click here to view child claim list"
claimlist-ui-click-view-claims="Click here to view the claims you own"
claimlist-ui-no-claims-found="No claims found in world."
claimlist-ui-return-claimlist="Return to claims list"
claimlist-ui-title="Claim list"
claimlist-ui-title-child-claims="Child Claims"
claimtool-not-enabled="&6The claim tool is not enabled. Use &f/claimtool&6 to re-enable for claiming."
command-blocked="&cThe command &f{command}&c has been blocked by claim owner &6{player}&c."
command-claimban-success-block="&aSuccessfully &cBANNED&a block with id {id}&a."
command-claimban-success-entity="&aSuccessfully &cBANNED&a entity with id {id}&a."
command-claimban-success-item="&aSuccessfully &cBANNED&a item with id {id}&a."
command-claimbuy-title="&bClaims for sale"
command-claimclear-killed="&cKilled &6{amount}&a entities of type {type}&f."
command-claimclear-no-entities="&cCould not locate any entities of type {type}&c."
command-claimclear-uuid-deny="&cOnly administrators may clear claims by UUID."
command-claimflagdebug-disabled="Claim flags debug &cOFF"
command-claimflagdebug-enabled="Claim flags debug &aON"
command-claiminfo-not-found="&cNo valid player or claim UUID found."
command-claiminfo-uuid-required="&cClaim UUID is required if executing from non-player source."
command-claiminherit-disabled="Parent claim inheritance &cOFF"
command-claiminherit-enabled="Parent claim inheritance &aON"
command-claimmode-disabled="Claim mode &cOFF"
command-claimmode-enabled="Claim mode &aON&f\n&aLeft-click to inspect.\n&aRight-click to claim.&b\nNote&f: &aUse &f/claim&a to exit mode."
command-claimspawn-not-found="&aCould not locate a claim with name {name}&a."
command-claimtool-disabled="&cClaim tool disabled."
command-claimtool-enabled="&aClaim tool enabled."
command-claimunban-success-block="&aSuccessfully &6UNBANNED&a block with id {id}&a."
command-claimunban-success-entity="&aSuccessfully &6UNBANNED&a entity with id {id}&a."
command-claimunban-success-item="&aSuccessfully &6UNBANNED&a item with id {id}&a."
command-cuboid-disabled="&aNow claiming in &d2D&a mode."
command-cuboid-enabled="&aNow claiming in &d3D&a mode."
command-execute-failed="&cFailed to execute command '{command} {args}'"
command-giveblocks-confirmation="&6Are you sure you want to give {player}&6 {amount}&6 claim blocks?"
command-giveblocks-confirmed="&aClaim block transfer complete."
command-giveblocks-not-enough="&cNot enough claim blocks! You only have {amount}&c available claim blocks to transfer.\n&bNote&f: This amount does not include initial claim blocks. It only includes accrued and bonus."
command-giveblocks-received="&aYou have been given {amount}&a claim blocks from {player}&a."
command-inherit-only-child="&cThis command can only be used in child claims."
command-invalid="&cNo valid command entered."
command-invalid-amount="&cInvalid amount &6{amount}&c entered."
command-invalid-claim="&cThis command cannot be used in {type}&c claims."
command-invalid-group="&cGroup &6{group}&c is not valid."
command-invalid-input="&cInvalid command input '{input}&c'."
command-invalid-player="&cPlayer &6{player}&c is not valid."
command-invalid-player-group="&cNot a valid player or group."
command-invalid-type="&cInvalid type {type}&c specified."
command-not-available-economy="&cThis command is not available while server is in economy mode."
command-option-exceeds-admin="&cOption value of &a'{value}&c' exceeds admin set value of '&a{admin-value}&c'. Adjusting to admin value..."
command-pet-confirmation="&aPet transferred."
command-pet-invalid="&cPet type {type} is not currently supported for transfer."
command-pet-transfer-cancel="&aPet giveaway cancelled."
command-pet-transfer-ready="&aReady to transfer! Right-click the pet you'd like to give away, or cancel by left-clicking."
command-player-not-found="&cPlayer '&6{player}&c' could not be found."
command-trapped-build-access="&bYou arent trapped since you have build access in this claim."
command-trapped-cancel-cooldown="&cYour usage of &f/trapped&c is on cooldown. The cooldown will end in &6{time-remaining} seconds."
command-trapped-cancel-move="&bYour &ftrapped&b request has been &ccancelled&b due to movement.\nYou must issue another request if you want to be teleported."
command-trapped-pvp-combat="&cYou may not use &f/trapped&c while in PvP combat."
command-trapped-request="&bYou have issued a &ftrapped&b request.\nIn order to be teleported, you must &cNOT &bmove for &6{time-remaining}&b seconds or the request will be cancelled."
command-trapped-success="&bYou have successfully been teleported to a safe location."
command-unlock-drops="&aYour dropped items can now be picked up by other players."
command-unlock-drops-none="&aNone of your dropped items are protected."
command-world-not-found="&cWorld '&6{world}&c' could not be found."
command-worldedit-missing="&cThis command requires WorldEdit to be installed on server."
confirm-not-found="No confirmation found."
create-cancel="&cThe creation of this claim has been cancelled."
create-cuboid-disabled="&cThe creation of &d3D&c cuboid claims has been disabled by an administrator.\nYou can only create &d3D&c claims as an Admin or on a &d2D&c claim that you own."
create-failed-claim-limit="&cYou've reached your limit of &a{limit}&c on {type}&c claims. Use &f/abandon&c to remove one before creating another."
create-failed-result="&aThe claim failed to be created due to : &6{reason}&a."
create-insufficient-blocks-2d="&cYou don't have enough blocks to claim this area.\nYou need &a{block-amount}&c more blocks."
create-insufficient-blocks-3d="&cYou don't have enough blocks to claim this area.\nYou need &a{chunk-amount}&c more chunks. &f({block-amount})"
create-overlap="&cYou can't create a claim here because it would overlap an existing claim."
create-overlap-player="&cYou can't create a claim here because it would overlap &6{player}&c's claim."
create-overlap-short="&cYour selected area overlaps an existing claim."
create-subdivision-fail="&cNo claim exists at selected corner. Please click a valid block location within parent claim in order to create your subdivision."
create-subdivision-only="&cUnable to create claim. Only subdivisions can be created at a single block location."
create-success="{type}&a created! Use &f/trust&a to share it with friends."
debug-click-to-expand="Click to expand!"
debug-error-upload="&cError uploading content {content}&c."
debug-no-records="&cNo debug records to paste!"
debug-paste-success="&aPaste success!"
debug-record-end="Record end"
debug-record-start="Record start"
debug-time-elapsed="Time elapsed"
delete-all-player-failed="&aCould not delete all of &6{player}&a's claims. Claim result was &f{result}&a."
delete-all-player-success="&aDeleted all of &6{player}&a's claims."
delete-all-player-success-world="&aDeleted all of &6{player}&a's claims in &6{world}&a."
delete-all-player-warning="&6Are you sure you want to delete all of {player}&6's claims?"
delete-all-player-warning-world="&6Are you sure you want to delete all of {player}&6's claims in &a{world}&6?"
delete-all-type-deny="&cCould not delete all {type}&c claims. A plugin has denied it."
delete-all-type-success="&cDeleted all {type}&c claims."
delete-all-type-success-world="&cDeleted all {type}&c claims in &6{world}&c."
delete-all-type-warning="&6Are you sure you want to delete all {type}&6 claims?"
delete-all-type-warning-world="&6Are you sure you want to delete all {type}&6 claims in &a{world}&6?"
delete-claim-failed="&aCould not delete claim. Claim result was &f{result}&a."
delete-claim-success="&aDeleted {player}&a's claim."
delete-claim-warning="&6Are you sure you want to delete {player}&6's claim?"
economy-balance="&aYour new balance is &6{balance}&a."
economy-block-available-purchase-2d="&aYou have enough funds to claim up to &6{block-amount} &amore blocks."
economy-block-available-purchase-3d="&aYou have enough funds to claim up to &6{chunk-amount} &amore chunks. &f({block-amount})"
economy-block-buy-invalid="&cBlock count must be greater than 0."
economy-block-buy-sell-disabled="&cSorry, buying and selling claim blocks is disabled."
economy-block-cost="&aEach claim block costs &6{amount}&a."
economy-block-not-available="&cYou don't have that many claim blocks available for sale."
economy-block-only-buy="&cClaim blocks may only be purchased, not sold."
economy-block-only-sell="&cClaim blocks may only be sold, not purchased."
economy-block-purchase-confirmation="&aWithdrew &6{amount}&a from your account. You now have &6{balance}&a available claim blocks."
economy-block-purchase-cost="&aEach claim block costs &6{amount}&a. Your balance is &6{balance}&a."
economy-block-purchase-limit="&cThe new claim block total of &a{total}&c will exceed your claim block limit of &a{limit}&c. The transaction has been cancelled."
economy-block-sale-confirmation="&aDeposited &6{deposit}&a in your account. You now have &6{amount}&a available claim blocks."
economy-block-sell-error="&cCould not sell blocks. Reason: &f{reason}&c."
economy-block-transfer-cancel="&cTransfer cancelled. Could not locate any players with remaining claim blocks."
economy-block-transfer-success="&aTransfer complete. You have successfully transferred &6{count}&a players remaining claimblocks into currency."
economy-block-transfer-warning="&6Are you sure you want to transfer &cALL&6 player remaining claim blocks into currency? This will reset each player's accrued and bonus blocks to 0 after transfer. \n\nClick confirm to proceed."
economy-claim-abandon-success="&aClaim(s) abandoned. You have been refunded a total of '&6{amount}&a'."
economy-claim-abandon-success-world="&aClaim(s) abandoned in &6{world}&a. You have been refunded a total of '&6{amount}&a'."
economy-claim-buy-cancelled="&cBuy cancelled! Could not buy claim from &6{player}&c. Result was &a{result}"
economy-claim-buy-confirmation="&6Are you sure you want to buy this claim for &a{amount}&6? Click confirm to proceed."
economy-claim-buy-confirmed="&aYou have successfully bought the claim for &6{amount}&a."
economy-claim-buy-not-enough-funds="&cYou do not have enough funds to purchase this claim for &a{amount}&c. You currently have a balance of &a{balance}&c and need &a{amount_required}&c more for purchase."
economy-claim-buy-transfer-cancelled="&cClaim transfer cancelled! Could not transfer owner &6{owner}&c to &6{player}&c. Result was &a{result}"
economy-claim-not-for-sale="&cThis claim is not for sale."
economy-claim-rent-cancel-confirmation="&6Are you sure you want to cancel your claim rental&6? Click confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-rent-cancel-confirmation-balance="&6Are you sure you want to cancel your claim rental? You have an outstanding balance of &a{balance}&6 that must be paid. If you continue, you will be added as a delinquent and will receive payment collections until your balance is paid off.\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-rent-cancelled="&aYou have cancelled your claim rental."
economy-claim-rent-confirmation="&6Are you sure you want to rent out your claim?\n\n&bPrice: &a{amount} per &a{type}&6\n\nOnce your claim is rented, you will lose access to it.\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-rent-confirmation-max="&6Are you sure you want to rent out your claim?\n\n&bPrice: &a{amount} per &a{type}\n&bRental will end in: &a{max-time}&6\n\nOnce your claim is rented, you will lose access to it.\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-rent-confirmation-min="&6Are you sure you want to rent out your claim?\n\n&bPrice: &a{amount} per &a{type}\n&bMinimum Time: &a{min-time}&6\n\nOnce your claim is rented, you will lose access to it.\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-rent-confirmation-min-max="&6Are you sure you want to rent out your claim?\n\n&bPrice: &a{amount} per &a{type}\n&bMinimum Time: &a{min-time}\n&bRental will end in: &a{max-time}&6\n\nOnce your claim is rented, you will lose access to it.\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-rent-confirmed="&aYou have successfully set your claim up for rent. Type '/claimrent info' inside this claim for details."
economy-claim-rent-end="&aYour claim rental '{claim}&a' has ended."
economy-claim-rent-end-restore="&aYour claim rental '{claim}&a' has ended. It has been restored to its original state."
economy-claim-rent-invalid-price="&cThe rent price of &a{amount}&c must be greater than or equal to &a0&c."
economy-claim-rent-not-enough-funds="&cYou do not have enough funds to rent this claim for &a{amount}&c. You currently have a balance of &a{balance}&c and need &a{amount_required}&c more for rent."
economy-claim-rent-not-renting="&aYou are not renting this claim."
economy-claim-rent-owner-not-renting="&aYou are not renting this claim."
economy-claim-rent-payment-failure="&cYou have a total of &a{total-funds}&c and were unable to pay the rent amount of &a{amount}&c. You currently have a balance of &a{balance}&c and have &a{days-remaining}&c to pay it in full."
economy-claim-rent-payment-success="&aYou have successfully paid your rent balance of &6{balance}&a."
economy-claim-rent-restore-cancel-confirmation="&6Are you sure you want to cancel your claim rental&6? This claim rental will be restored to its original state and you will lose &cALL&6 blocks/entities that you have added to it.\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-rent-restore-cancel-confirmation-balance="&6Are you sure you want to cancel your claim rental&6? This claim rental will be restored to its original state and you will lose &cALL&6 blocks/entities that you have added to it. You also have an outstanding balance of &a{balance}&6 that must be paid and will be added as a delinquent until it is paid in full.\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-rented="&aYour claim has been rented! The initial rent amount of &6{amount}&a has been deposited into your account. Your total available balance is now &6{balance}&a."
economy-claim-rented-already="&aThis claim is already being rented by &6{player}&a."
economy-claim-rented-expired="&cThis claim has been frozen due to unpaid rent. The current balance owed is '&a{balance}&c'.\nThere is '&a{time}&c' left to pay off your balance in order to unfreeze this claim.\nFailure to pay this debt will result in eviction.\nNote: To pay your balance, use &f/claimrent&c pay <amount>."
economy-claim-rented-no-cancel="&cYour claim is currently being rented by &6{player}&c and cannot be cancelled."
economy-claim-rented-time-warning="&aYou have &6{time}&a remaining to continue renting this claim."
economy-claim-rented-time-warning-restore="&aYou have &6{time}&a remaining to continue renting this claim before it is restored to its original state. Remove any personal items, blocks, or entities before rent expires."
economy-claim-renter-cancel-balance="&aYou have succesfully cancelled your rental to stop future payments. However, you have been added as a delinquent due to an outstanding balance of &6{balance}&c that must be paid off. Use &f'/claimrent pay'&c if you want to pay off your balance now."
economy-claim-renter-confirmation="&6Are you sure you want to rent this claim?\n\n&bPrice: &a{amount} per &a{type}\n&bInitial Fee: &a{fee}&6\n\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-renter-confirmation-max="&6Are you sure you want to rent this claim?\n\n&bPrice: &a{amount} per &a{type}\n&bRental will end in: &a{max-time}\n&bInitial Fee: &a{fee}&6\n\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-renter-confirmation-min="&6Are you sure you want to rent this claim?\n\n&bPrice: &a{amount} per &a{type}\n&bMinimum Time: &a{min-time}\n&bInitial Fee: &a{fee}&6\n\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-renter-confirmation-min-max="&6Are you sure you want to rent this claim?\n\n&bPrice: &a{amount} per &a{type}\n&bMinimum Time: &a{min-time}\n&bRental will end in: &a{max-time}\n&bInitial Fee: &a{fee}&6\n\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-renter-confirmed="&aYou have successfully started to rent this claim. Type '/claimrent info' inside this claim for details."
economy-claim-sale-cancel-confirmation="&6Are you sure you want to cancel your claim sale&6? Click confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-sale-cancelled="&aYou have cancelled your claim sale."
economy-claim-sale-confirmation="&6Are you sure you want to sell your claim for &a{amount}&6 ? If your claim is sold, all items and blocks will be transferred to the buyer.\nClick confirm if this is OK."
economy-claim-sale-confirmed="&aYou have successfully put your claim up for sale for the amount of &6{amount}&a."
economy-claim-sale-invalid-price="&cThe sale price of &a{amount}&c must be greater than or equal to &a0&c."
economy-claim-sold="&aYour claim sold! The amount of &6{amount}&a has been deposited into your account. Your total available balance is now &6{balance}&a."
economy-deposit-error="&cCould not deposit funds. Reason: &f{reason}&c."
economy-mode-block-cost-not-set="&cEconomy mode is enabled but the current price for blocks is &6{price}&c.\nRaise the value for option 'economy-block-cost' in 'options.conf' or via '/gd option claim' command."
economy-mode-block-sale-confirmation="&aDeposited &6{deposit}&a in your account. Your total balance is &6{balance}&a. You now have enough funds to claim up to &6{amount}&a more claim blocks."
economy-mode-not-enabled="&cEconomy mode is not enabled."
economy-mode-resize-success-2d="&aClaim resized. Your new balance is &6{balance}&a. You have enough funds to claim up to &6{block-amount} &amore blocks."
economy-mode-resize-success-3d="&aClaim resized. Your new balance is &6{balance}&a. You have enough funds to claim up to &6{chunk-amount} &amore chunks. &f({block-amount})"
economy-not-enough-funds="&cYou do not have enough funds to purchase this land. Your current economy balance is '&a{balance}&c' but you require '&a{amount}&c' to complete the purchase."
economy-not-installed="&cEconomy plugin not installed!."
economy-player-not-found="&cNo economy account found for player &6{player}&c."
economy-remaining-funds="&aYou have &6{amount}&a available for claiming land."
economy-sign-rent-footer="&fClick to rent!"
economy-sign-rented-line3="&4Time Left: "
economy-sign-sell-description="&2For Sale!"
economy-sign-sell-footer="&fClick to buy!"
economy-virtual-not-supported="&cEconomy plugin does not support virtual accounts which is required. Use another economy plugin or contact plugin dev for virtual account support."
economy-withdraw-error="&cCould not withdraw funds. Reason: &f{reason}&c."
feature-not-available="&cThis feature is currently being worked on and will be available in a future release."
flag-description-block-break="Controls whether a block can be broken.\n&dExample&f : To prevent any source from breaking dirt blocks, enter\n&a/cf block-break minecraft:dirt false\n&bNote&f : minecraft represents the modid and dirt represents the block id.\nSpecifying no modid will always default to minecraft."
flag-description-block-grow="Controls whether a block can grow.\n&dExample&f : To prevent a cactus from growing, enter\n&a/cf block-grow minecraft:cactus false\n&bNote&f : minecraft represents the modid and cactus represents the block id.\nSpecifying no modid will always default to minecraft."
flag-description-block-modify="Controls whether a block can be modified.\n&dExample&f : To prevent any source from igniting a block, enter\n&a/cf block-modify minecraft:fire false\n&bNote&f : minecraft represents the modid and fire represents the block id.\nSpecifying no modid will always default to minecraft."
flag-description-block-place="Controls whether a block can be placed.\n&dExample&f : To prevent any source from placing dirt blocks, enter\n&a/cf block-place minecraft:dirt false\n&bNote&f : minecraft represents the modid and dirt represents the block id.\nSpecifying no modid will always default to minecraft."
flag-description-block-spread="Controls whether a block can spread to another block.\n&dExample&f : To prevent fire from spreading, enter\n&a/cf block-spread any false context[source=fire]\n&bNote&f : 'any' represents any target block and fire represents the source block id.\nSpecifying no modid will always default to minecraft."
flag-description-collide-block="Controls whether an entity can collide with a block.\n&dExample&f : To prevent entity collisions with stone pressure plates, enter\n&a/cf collide-block minecraft:stone_pressure_plate false\n&bNote&f : minecraft represents the modid and stone_pressure_plate represents the block id.\nSpecifying no modid will always default to minecraft."
flag-description-collide-entity="Controls whether an entity can collide with an entity.\n&dExample&f : To prevent entity collisions with item frames, enter\n&a/cf collide-entity minecraft:item_frame false\n&bNote&f : minecraft represents the modid and item_frame represents the entity id.\nSpecifying no modid will always default to minecraft."
flag-description-command-execute="Controls whether a command can be executed.\n&dExample&f : To prevent pixelmon's command '/shop select' from being run, enter\n&a/cf command-execute pixelmon:shop[select] false\n&bNote&f : &o&6pixelmon&f represents the modid and &o&6shop&f represents the base command, and &o&6select&f represents the argument.\nSpecifying no modid will always default to minecraft."
flag-description-command-execute-pvp="Controls whether a command can be executed while engaged in PvP.\n&dExample&f : To prevent pixelmon's command '/shop select' from being run, enter\n&a/cf command-execute pixelmon:shop[select] false\n&bNote&f : &o&6pixelmon&f represents the modid and &o&6shop&f represents the base command, and &o&6select&f represents the argument.\nSpecifying no modid will always default to minecraft."
flag-description-custom-armorstand-use="Controls whether armorstands can be placed or broken."
flag-description-custom-block-trampling="Controls whether farmland and turtle eggs can be trampled."
flag-description-custom-build="Controls whether actions are allowed against blocks and entities such as mining, placement, and interactions."
flag-description-custom-chest-access="Controls whether a player can access chest inventories."
flag-description-custom-chorus-fruit-teleport="Controls whether a player can use chorus fruit to teleport."
flag-description-custom-creeper-block-explosion="Controls whether a creeper can explode blocks."
flag-description-custom-creeper-entity-explosion="Controls whether a creeper can explode entities."
flag-description-custom-crop-growth="Controls whether crops can grow."
flag-description-custom-damage-animals="Controls whether animals can be damaged."
flag-description-custom-endcrystal-use="Controls whether endcrystals can be placed or broken."
flag-description-custom-enderman-grief="Controls whether enderman can grief."
flag-description-custom-entity-armorstand-damage="Controls whether entities can deal damage to armorstands."
flag-description-custom-entity-itemframe-damage="Controls whether entities can deal damage to item frames."
flag-description-custom-exp-drop="Controls whether experience orbs can drop."
flag-description-custom-explosion-block="Controls whether explosions affect blocks."
flag-description-custom-explosion-entity="Controls whether explosions affect entities."
flag-description-custom-fall-entity-damage="Controls whether entities can take fall damage."
flag-description-custom-fall-player-damage="Controls whether players can take fall damage."
flag-description-custom-falling-block-break="Controls whether falling blocks can break."
flag-description-custom-fire-block-damage="Controls whether fire can cause block damage."
flag-description-custom-fire-entity-damage="Controls whether fire can cause entity damage."
flag-description-custom-fire-spread="Controls whether fire can spread."
flag-description-custom-grass-growth="Controls whether grass can grow."
flag-description-custom-ice-form="Controls whether ice can form."
flag-description-custom-ice-melt="Controls whether ice can melt."
flag-description-custom-lava-flow="Controls whether lava can flow."
flag-description-custom-leaf-decay="Controls whether leaves can decay."
flag-description-custom-lighter="Controls whether a player can use flint and steel."
flag-description-custom-lightning-damage="Controls whether lightning can cause harm."
flag-description-custom-monster-animal-damage="Controls whether monsters can deal damage to animals."
flag-description-custom-monster-player-damage="Controls whether monsters can deal damage to players."
flag-description-custom-monster-spawn="Controls whether monsters, such as creepers and skeletons, can spawn."
flag-description-custom-mushroom-growth="Controls whether mushrooms can grow."
flag-description-custom-mycelium-spread="Controls whether mycelium can spread."
flag-description-custom-piston-item-spawn="Controls whether pistons can spawn items."
flag-description-custom-piston-use="Controls whether pistons can be used."
flag-description-custom-player-block-break="Controls whether players can break blocks."
flag-description-custom-player-block-interact="Controls whether players can interact with blocks.\n&bNote&f: This does not include inventory blocks such as chests."
flag-description-custom-player-block-place="Controls whether players can place blocks."
flag-description-custom-player-damage="Controls whether players can be damaged."
flag-description-custom-player-enderpearl-interact="Controls whether players can use an enderpearl."
flag-description-custom-player-endportal-use="Controls whether players can use end portal."
flag-description-custom-player-enter="Controls whether a player can enter this claim."
flag-description-custom-player-entity-interact="Controls whether players can interact with entities.\n&bNote&f: This does not include chest access with entities such as horses."
flag-description-custom-player-exit="Controls whether a player can exit this claim."
flag-description-custom-player-inventory-interact="Controls whether players can interact with inventory."
flag-description-custom-player-item-drop="Controls whether players can drop items."
flag-description-custom-player-item-pickup="Controls whether players can pickup items."
flag-description-custom-player-itemframe-interact="Controls whether players can interact with item frames."
flag-description-custom-player-itemhanging-place="Controls whether players can place hanging items such as itemframes."
flag-description-custom-player-netherportal-use="Controls whether players can use nether portal."
flag-description-custom-player-teleport-from="Controls whether players can teleport from this claim."
flag-description-custom-player-teleport-to="Controls whether players can teleport to this claim."
flag-description-custom-player-villager-damage="Controls whether players can deal damage to villagers."
flag-description-custom-pvp="Controls whether PvP combat is allowed."
flag-description-custom-ride="Controls whether vehicles(including animals) can be mounted."
flag-description-custom-sleep="Controls whether players can sleep in beds."
flag-description-custom-snow-fall="Controls whether snow can fall."
flag-description-custom-snow-melt="Controls whether snow can melt."
flag-description-custom-snowman-trail="Controls whether snowmen can create snow beneath them."
flag-description-custom-soil-dry="Controls whether soil will dry."
flag-description-custom-spawn-ambient="Controls whether ambients, such as bats, can spawn."
flag-description-custom-spawn-animal="Controls whether animals, such as cows and pigs, can spawn."
flag-description-custom-spawn-aquatic="Controls whether aquatics, such as squids and guardians, can spawn."
flag-description-custom-tnt-block-explosion="Controls whether tnt can explode blocks."
flag-description-custom-tnt-entity-explosion="Controls whether tnt can explode entities."
flag-description-custom-turtle-egg-hatch="Controls whether turtle eggs can hatch."
flag-description-custom-use="Controls whether players can use non-inventory blocks in this claim."
flag-description-custom-vehicle-use="Controls whether vehicles(boats, minecarts, etc.) can be placed, ridden and broken."
flag-description-custom-villager-farm="Controls whether villages can farm crops."
flag-description-custom-villager-trade="Controls whether players can trade with villagers."
flag-description-custom-vine-growth="Controls whether vines(and kelp) can grow."
flag-description-custom-water-flow="Controls whether water can flow."
flag-description-custom-wither-block-break="Controls whether withers can break blocks."
flag-description-custom-wither-entity-damage="Controls whether withers can damage entities."
flag-description-enter-claim="Controls whether an entity can enter a claim.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from entering a claim, enter\n&a/cf enter-claim player false\n&bNote&f : If you want to use this for groups, use the /cfg command."
flag-description-entity-chunk-spawn="Controls whether a saved entity can be spawned during chunk load.\n&dExample&f : To prevent horses from spawning during chunk load, enter\n&a/cf entity-chunk-spawn minecraft:horse false\n&bNote&f : This will remove &cALL&f saved entities when a chunk loads. If a chunk is already loaded, it will take affect after it reloads. Use with extreme caution."
flag-description-entity-damage="Controls whether an entity can be damaged.\n&dExample&f : To prevent animals from being damaged, enter\n&a/cf entity-damage minecraft:animal false."
flag-description-entity-riding="Controls whether an entity can be mounted.\n&dExample&f : To prevent horses from being mounted, enter\n&a/cf entity-riding minecraft:horse false."
flag-description-entity-spawn="Controls whether an entity can be spawned into the world.\n&dExample&f : To prevent pigs from spawning, enter\n&a/cf entity-spawn minecraft:pig false\n&bNote&f : This does not include entity items. See item-spawn flag"
flag-description-entity-teleport-from="Controls whether an entity can teleport from a claim.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from teleporting from this claim, enter\n&a/cf entity-teleport-from player false\n&bNote&f : If you want to use this for groups, use the /cfg command."
flag-description-entity-teleport-to="Controls whether an entity can teleport to a claim.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from teleporting to this claim, enter\n&a/cf entity-teleport-to player false\n&bNote&f : If you want to use this for groups, use the /cfg command."
flag-description-exit-claim="Controls whether an entity can exit a claim.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from exiting this claim, enter\n&a/cf exit-claim player false\n&bNote&f : If you want to use this for groups, use the /cfg command."
flag-description-explosion-block="Controls whether an explosion can damage blocks in a claim.\n&dExample&f : To prevent an explosion from affecting any block, enter\n&a/cf explosion-block any false"
flag-description-explosion-entity="Controls whether an explosion can damage entities in a claim.\n&dExample&f : To prevent an explosion from affecting any entity, enter\n&a/cf explosion-entity any false"
flag-description-interact-block-primary="Controls whether a player can left-click(attack) a block.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from left-clicking chests, enter\n&a/cf interact-block-primary minecraft:chest false"
flag-description-interact-block-secondary="Controls whether a player can right-click a block.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from right-clicking(opening) chests, enter\n&a/cf interact-block-secondary minecraft:chest false"
flag-description-interact-entity-primary="Controls whether a player can left-click(attack) an entity.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from left-clicking cows, enter\n&a/cf interact-entity-primary minecraft:cow false"
flag-description-interact-entity-secondary="Controls whether a player can right-click on an entity.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from interacting with villagers, enter\n&a/cf interact-entity-secondary minecraft:villager false"
flag-description-interact-inventory="Controls whether a player can right-click(open) a block that contains inventory such as a chest.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from opening chests, enter\n&a/cf interact-inventory minecraft:chest false"
flag-description-interact-inventory-click="Controls whether a player can click on an inventory slot.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from clicking on an inventory slot that contains a diamond, enter\n&a/cf interact-inventory-click minecraft:diamond false"
flag-description-interact-item-primary="Controls whether a player can left-click(attack) with an item.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from left-clicking with a diamond sword, enter\n&a/cf interact-item-primary minecraft:diamond_sword false"
flag-description-interact-item-secondary="Controls whether a player can right-click with an item.\n&dExample&f : To prevent players from right-clicking with flint and steel, enter\n&a/cf interact-item-secondary minecraft:flint_and_steel false"
flag-description-item-drop="Controls whether an item can be dropped in a claim.\n&dExample&f : To prevent diamond's from being dropped by players in this claim, enter\n&a/cf item-drop minecraft:flint_and_steel false context[source=player]"
flag-description-item-pickup="Controls whether an item can be picked up in a claim.\n&dExample&f : To prevent diamond's from being picked up by players, enter\n&a/cf item-pickup minecraft:diamond false"
flag-description-item-spawn="Controls whether an item can be spawned in a claim.\n&dExample&f : To prevent feather's from being spawned in this claim, enter\n&a/cf item-spawn minecraft:feather false"
flag-description-item-use="Controls whether an item can be used.\n&dExample&f : To prevent apples from being eaten in this claim, enter\n&a/cf item-use minecraft:apple false"
flag-description-leaf-decay="Controls whether leaves can decay in a claim.\n&dExample&f : To prevent leaves from decaying in this claim, enter\n&a/cf leaf-decay any false"
flag-description-liquid-flow="Controls whether liquid, such as lava and water, is allowed to flow in a claim.\n&dExample&f : To prevent any type of liquid flow in this claim, enter\n&a/cf liquid-flow any false"
flag-description-portal-use="Controls whether a portal can be used.\n&dExample&f : To prevent only players from using portal without affecting non-players, enter\n&a/cf portal-use any false context[source=player]"
flag-description-projectile-impact-block="Controls whether a projectile can impact(collide) with a block.\n&dExample&f : To prevent pixelmon pokeball's from impacting blocks, enter\n&a/cf projectile-impact-block any false[source=pixelmon:occupiedpokeball]\n&bNote&f : This involves things such as potions, arrows, throwables, pixelmon pokeballs, etc."
flag-description-projectile-impact-entity="Controls whether a projectile can impact(collide) with an entity.\n&dExample&f : To prevent arrows shot by players from impacting entities, enter\n&a/cf projectile-impact-entity minecraft:arrow false[source=player]\n&bNote&f : This involves things such as potions, arrows, throwables, pixelmon pokeballs, etc."
flag-invalid-context="&cInvalid context '&f{context}&c' entered for base flag &f{flag}&c."
flag-invalid-meta="&cInvalid target meta '&f{value}&c' entered for base flag &f{flag}&c."
flag-invalid-target="&cInvalid target '&f{target}&c' entered for base flag &f{flag}&c."
flag-not-enabled="&cFlag &f{flag}&c not enabled."
flag-not-found="&cFlag &f{flag}&c not found."
flag-not-set="{flag}&f is currently not set.\nThe default claim value of {value}&f will be active until set."
flag-overridden="&cFailed to set claim flag. The flag &f{flag}&c has been overridden by an admin."
flag-override-not-supported="&cClaim type {type}&c does not support flag overrides."
flag-reset-success="&aClaim flags reset to defaults successfully."
flag-reset-warning="&6Are you sure you want to reset this claim's flag data back to default?"
flag-set-permission-target="&aSet {type}&a permission &b{permission}&a to {value}&a with contexts &7{contexts}&a on &6{target}&a."
flag-ui-click-allow="Click here to allow this flag."
flag-ui-click-deny="Click here to deny this flag."
flag-ui-click-remove="Click here to remove this flag."
flag-ui-click-toggle="Click here to toggle {flag}&f value."
flag-ui-event-cancel="Could not toggle flag definition! Event was cancelled by a plugin."
flag-ui-hover-active-result="Active Result"
flag-ui-hover-default-value="Default Value"
flag-ui-hover-definition-contexts="Definition Contexts"
flag-ui-info-claim="Claim is checked before default values. Allows claim owners to specify flag settings in claim only."
flag-ui-info-default="Default is last to be checked. Both claim and override take priority over this."
flag-ui-info-inherit="Inherit is an enforced flag set by a parent claim that cannot changed."
flag-ui-info-override="Override has highest priority and is checked above both default and claim values. Allows admins to override all basic and admin claims."
flag-ui-inherit-parent="This flag is inherited from parent claim {name}&f and &ncannot&f be changed."
flag-ui-override-no-permission="This flag has been overridden by an administrator and can &n&cNOT&f be changed."
flag-ui-override-permission="{flag}&f is currently being &coverridden&f by an administrator.\nClick here to remove this flag."
flag-ui-return-flags="Return to flags"
mode-admin="&aAdministrative claims mode active. Any claims created will be free and editable by other administrators."
mode-basic="&aBasic claim creation mode enabled."
mode-nature="&aReady to restore claim! Right click on a block to restore, and use &f/modebasic&c to stop."
mode-subdivision="&aSubdivision creation mode enabled. Use &f/modebasic&a to exit."
mode-town="&aTown creation mode enabled."
option-apply-player-deny-flight="&cYou do not have access to fly in this claim and have been teleported to a safe spot on ground."
option-apply-player-deny-godmode="&cYou do not have access to use god mode in this claim."
option-apply-player-fly-speed="&aYour fly speed has been changed to &6{speed}&a."
option-apply-player-gamemode="&aYour gamemode has been changed to &6{gamemode}&a."
option-apply-player-walk-speed="&aYour walk speed has been changed to &6{speed}&a."
option-apply-player-weather="&aYour local weather has been changed to &6{weather}&a."
option-apply-spawn-limit="&cThis claim has reached the &a{type}&c spawn limit of &6{limit}&c and can no longer spawn any more."
option-description-abandon-delay="&aThe amount of days before a newly created claim can be abandoned."
option-description-abandon-return-ratio="&aThe portion of basic claim blocks returned to a player when a claim is abandoned."
option-description-blocks-accrued-per-hour="&aBlocks earned per hour.\n&dNote&f: See /playerinfo for more information."
option-description-chest-expiration="&aNumber of days of inactivity before an automatic chest claim will expire.\n&dNote&f: On expiration, a claim may either be restored back to original state or be deleted. This depends on the server configuration. Contact an administrator for more information."
option-description-create-limit="&aMaximum number of basic claims per player.\n&dNote&f: Setting a value under 0 will make it unlimited."
option-description-create-mode="&aThe claim create mode type (Area = 2D, Volume = 3D).\n&dNote&f: &bArea&a only affects x and z axis.\n&bVolume&a affects x, y, and z axis."
option-description-economy-block-cost="&aThe economy amount to charge per block of a claim.\n&dNote&f: The formula to calculate price is amount * total claim blocks."
option-description-economy-block-sell-return="&aThe return ration for selling claim blocks.\n&dNote&f: The formula to calculate return is ratio * total claim blocks."
option-description-expiration="&aNumber of days of inactivity before a claim will expire.\n&dNote&f: On expiration, a claim may either be restored back to original state or be deleted. This depends on the server configuration. Contact an administrator for more information."
option-description-initial-blocks="&aThe number of claim blocks a player has initially, by default."
option-description-max-accrued-blocks="&aThe limit on accrued blocks (over time).\n&dNote&f: This doesn't limit purchased or admin-gifted blocks."
option-description-max-level="&aThe maximum level, on y-axis, that a claim can be created in."
option-description-max-size-x="&aThe max size in blocks that the x-axis can be."
option-description-max-size-y="&aThe max size in blocks that the y-axis can be."
option-description-max-size-z="&aThe max size in blocks that the z-axis can be."
option-description-min-level="&aThe minimum level, on y-axis, that a claim can be created in."
option-description-min-size-x="&aThe min size in blocks that the x-axis can be."
option-description-min-size-y="&aThe min size in blocks that the y-axis can be."
option-description-min-size-z="&aThe min size in blocks that the z-axis can be."
option-description-player-command-enter="&aUsed for executing a command with specific contexts when a player enters a claim."
option-description-player-command-exit="&aUsed for executing a command with specific contexts when a player exits a claim."
option-description-player-deny-flight="&aUsed to determine if a player is unable to fly in a claim.\n&dNote&f: This does not give players the ability to fly, it merely removes the ability if set. This provides the greatest compatibility with plugins."
option-description-player-deny-godmode="&aUsed to determine if a player can be in godmode within a claim.\n&dNote&f: This does not give players the ability to be in godmode, it merely removes the ability if set. This provides the greatest compatibility with plugins."
option-description-player-deny-hunger="&aUsed to if a player's hunger is denied in a claim.\n&dNote&f: This does not give players the ability to gain hunger, it merely removes the ability to cause hunger if set. This provides the greatest compatibility with plugins."
option-description-player-gamemode="&aUsed to determine the gamemode of a player in a claim."
option-description-player-health-regen="&aUsed to set the health regen amount for a player in a claim.\n&dNote&f: If the player is at max health, this will have no effect. \n&dNote&f: A value of &6-1&f disables this option."
option-description-player-keep-inventory="&aUsed to determine if a player can keep inventory after death in a claim."
option-description-player-keep-level="&aUsed to determine if a player can keep their level after death in a claim."
option-description-player-teleport-delay="&aUsed to determine the delay before teleporting a player to a new location."
option-description-player-walk-speed="&aUsed to set a player's walk speed in a claim.\n&dNote&f: A value of &6-1&f disables this option."
option-description-player-weather="&aUsed to set a player's weather in a claim."
option-description-pvp="&aUsed to determine if players can combat each other."
option-description-pvp-combat-command="&aUsed to determine if a player can use commands during PvP combat."
option-description-pvp-combat-teleport="&aUsed to determine if a player can teleport during PvP combat."
option-description-pvp-combat-timeout="&aUsed to determine how many seconds PvP combat is considered to continue after the most recent damage."
option-description-radius-inspect="&aThe radius in blocks used to search for nearby claims while inspecting."
option-description-radius-list="&aThe radius in blocks used to list nearby claims."
option-description-spawn-limit="&aUsed to determine the spawn limit for a specific set of contexts in a claim."
option-description-tax-expiration="&aNumber of days after not paying taxes before a claim will be frozen.\n&dNote&f: A frozen state means you will have no access to build or interact in claim until taxes are paid."
option-description-tax-expiration-days-keep="&aNumber of days to keep a basic claim after frozen and before expiring.\n&dNote&f: On expiration, a claim may either be restored back to original state or be deleted. This depends on the server configuration. Contact an administrator for more information."
option-description-tax-rate="&aThe tax rate of claim.\n&dNote&f: Tax rate is calculated by the number of claimblocks in the basic claim."
option-invalid-context="&cInvalid context '&f{context}&c' entered for option &f{option}&c."
option-invalid-target="&cInvalid target '&f{target}&c' entered for option &f{option}&c."
option-invalid-value="&cInvalid value '&6{value}&c' entered for option &f{option}&c.\n&dNote&f: This option only accepts &f{type}&c values."
option-not-enabled="&cOption &f{option}&c not enabled."
option-not-found="&cOption &f{option}&c not found."
option-not-set="{option}&f is currently not set.\n&dNote&f: The default option value of {value}&f will be active until set."
option-override-not-supported="&cClaim type {type}&c does not support option overrides."
option-requires-contexts="&cThis option requres contexts '&a{contexts}&c' to be set."
option-reset-success="&aClaim options reset to defaults successfully."
option-set-target="&aSet {type}&a option &b{option}&a to {value}&a with contexts &7{contexts}&a on &6{target}&a."
option-ui-click-toggle="Click here to toggle {option}&f value."
option-ui-inherit-parent="This option is inherited from parent claim {name}&f and &ncannot&f be changed."
option-ui-not-defined="This value is NOT defined and cannot go any lower."
option-ui-overridden="&cFailed to set option. The option &f{option}&c has been overridden by an admin."
option-ui-override-no-permission="This option has been overridden by an administrator and can &n&cNOT&f be changed."
owner-admin="an administrator"
permission-access="&cYou don't have &6{player}&c's permission to access that."
permission-assign-without-having="&cYou are not allowed to assign a permission that you do not have."
permission-ban-block="&cThe block {id}&c has been &l&nBANNED&c and cannot be used."
permission-ban-entity="&cThe entity {id}&c has been &l&nBANNED&c and cannot be used."
permission-ban-item="&cThe item {id}&c has been &l&nBANNED&c and cannot be used."
permission-build="&cYou don't have &6{player}&c's permission to build."
permission-build-near-claim="&cYou don't have &6{player}&c's permission to build near claim."
permission-claim-create="&cYou don't have permission to claim land."
permission-claim-delete="&cYou don't have permission to delete {type}&c claims."
permission-claim-enter="&cYou don't have permission to enter this claim."
permission-claim-exit="&cYou don't have permission to exit this claim."
permission-claim-ignore="&cYou do not have permission to ignore {type}&c claims."
permission-claim-list="&cYou don't have permission to get information about another player's land claims."
permission-claim-manage="&cYou don't have permission to manage {type}&c claims."
permission-claim-reset-flags="&cYou don't have permission to reset {type}&c claims to flag defaults."
permission-claim-reset-flags-self="&cYou don't have permission to reset your claim flags to defaults."
permission-claim-resize="&cYou don't have permission to resize this claim."
permission-claim-sale="&cYou don't have permission to sell this claim."
permission-claim-transfer-admin="&cYou don't have permission to transfer admin claims."
permission-clear="&cCleared permissions in this claim. To set permission for ALL your claims, stand outside them."
permission-clear-all="&cOnly the claim owner can clear all permissions."
permission-command-trust="&cYou don't have permission to use this type of trust."
permission-cuboid="&cYou don't have permission to create/resize basic claims in 3D mode."
permission-edit-claim="&cYou don't have permission to edit this claim."
permission-fire-spread="&cYou don't have permission to spread fire in this claim."
permission-flag-arg="&cYou don't have permission to use the flag command with arguments."
permission-flag-defaults="&cYou don't have permission to manage flag defaults."
permission-flag-gui="&cYou don't have permission to use the flag GUI."
permission-flag-overrides="&cYou don't have permission to manage flag overrides."
permission-flag-use="&cYou don't have permission to use this flag."
permission-flow-liquid="&cYou don't have permission to flow liquid in this claim."
permission-global-option="&cYou don't have permission to manage global options."
permission-grant="&cYou can't grant a permission you don't have yourself."
permission-group-option="&cYou don't have permission to assign an option to a group."
permission-interact-block="&cYou don't have &6{player}'s &cpermission to interact with the block &d{block}&c."
permission-interact-entity="&cYou don't have &6{player}'s &cpermission to interact with the entity &d{entity}&c."
permission-interact-item="&cYou don't have &6{player}'s &cpermission to interact with the item &d{item}&c."
permission-interact-item-block="&cYou don't have permission to use &d{item}&c on a &b{block}&c."
permission-interact-item-entity="&cYou don't have permission to use &d{item}&c on a &b{entity}&c."
permission-inventory-open="&cYou don't have &6{player}'s&c permission to open &d{block}&c."
permission-item-drop="&cYou don't have &6{player}'s&c permission to drop the item &d{item}&c in this claim."
permission-item-use="&cYou can't use the item &d{item}&c in this claim."
permission-option-defaults="&cYou don't have permission to manage option defaults."
permission-option-overrides="&cYou don't have permission to manage option overrides."
permission-option-use="&cYou don't have permission to use this option."
permission-override-deny="&cThe action you are attempting to perform has been denied by an administrator's override flag."
permission-player-admin-flags="&cYou don't have permission to change flags on an admin player."
permission-player-option="&cYou don't have permission to assign an option to a player."
permission-player-view-others="&cYou don't have permission to view other players."
permission-portal-from="&cYou can't use this portal because you don't have &6{player}'s &cpermission to teleport from this claim."
permission-portal-to="&cYou can't use this portal because you don't have &6{player}'s &cpermission to teleport to the destination claim."
permission-protected-portal="&cYou don't have permission to use portals in this claim owned by &6{player}'s&c."
permission-tax="&cYou don't have permission to manage tax in this claim."
permission-teleport-from="&cYou don't have &6{player}'s &cpermission to teleport from this claim."
permission-teleport-to="&cYou don't have &6{player}'s &cpermission to teleport to the destination claim."
permission-trust="&cYou don't have &6{player}'s&c permission to manage permissions here."
permission-visual-claims-nearby="&cYou don't have permission to visualize nearby claims."
player-accrued-blocks-exceeded="&cPlayer &6{player}&c has a total of &6{total}&c and will exceed the maximum allowed accrued claim blocks if granted an additional &6{amount}&c of blocks.\nEither lower the amount or have an admin grant the user with an override."
player-item-drops-lock="&aYour dropped items are protected. Use &f/unlockdrops&a to allow other players to pick them up."
player-no-claims-to-delete="&aPlayer &6{player}&a has no claims to delete."
player-remaining-blocks-2d="&aYou may claim up to &6{block-amount}&a more blocks."
player-remaining-blocks-3d="&aYou may claim up to &6{chunk-amount}&a more chunks. &f({block-amount})"
playerinfo-ui-abandon-return-ratio="&eAbandoned Return Ratio&f : &a{ratio}"
playerinfo-ui-block-accrued="&eAccrued Blocks&f : &a{amount} &7(&6{block_amount}&7 per hour)"
playerinfo-ui-block-bonus="&eBonus Blocks&f : &a{amount}"
playerinfo-ui-block-initial="&eInitial Blocks&f : &a{amount}"
playerinfo-ui-block-max-accrued="&eMax Accrued Blocks&f : &a{amount}"
playerinfo-ui-block-remaining="&eRemaining Blocks&f : &a{amount}"
playerinfo-ui-block-total="&eTotal Blocks&f : &a{amount}"
playerinfo-ui-chunk-total="&eTotal Claimable Chunks&f : &a{amount}"
playerinfo-ui-claim-creation-limit="&eClaim Creation Limits&f : &7BASIC &6{basic_limit}&7, &7SUB &6{sub_limit}&7, &7TOWN &6{town_limit}"
playerinfo-ui-claim-level="&eMin/Max Claim Level&f : &a{level}"
playerinfo-ui-claim-size-limit="&eClaim Size Limits&f : &a{limit}"
playerinfo-ui-claim-total="&eTotal Claims&f : &a{amount} &7(&6{block_amount}&7 blocks used)"
playerinfo-ui-economy-block-available-purchase="&eRemaining Blocks for Purchase&f : &a{amount}"
playerinfo-ui-economy-block-cost="&eClaim Block Price&f : &a{amount} per block"
playerinfo-ui-economy-block-sell-return="&eClaim Block Sell Return&f : &a{amount} per block"
playerinfo-ui-last-active="&eLast Active&f : &7{date}"
playerinfo-ui-tax-current-rate="&eCurrent Claim Tax Rate&f : &a{rate}"
playerinfo-ui-tax-global-claim-rate="&eGlobal Claim Tax Rate&f : &a{rate}"
playerinfo-ui-tax-global-town-rate="&eGlobal Town Tax Rate&f : &a{rate}"
playerinfo-ui-tax-total="&eTotal Tax&f : &a{amount}"
playerinfo-ui-title="&bPlayer Info &f[&6{name}&f]"
playerinfo-ui-uuid="&eUUID&f : &7{id}"
playerinfo-ui-world="&eWorld&f : &7{name}"
plugin-command-not-found="&cCould not locate the command '&a{command}&c' for plugin &b{id}&c."
plugin-event-cancel="&cA plugin has cancelled this action."
plugin-not-found="&cCould not locate plugin with id &b{id}&c."
plugin-reload="&aGriefDefender has been reloaded."
pvp-claim-not-allowed="&cYou are not allowed to &6PvP&c in this claim."
pvp-in-combat-not-allowed="&cYou cannot perform this action while in &6PvP&c combat. &aYou must stay out of combat for &6{time-remaining}&a more seconds."
pvp-source-creative-not-allowed="&cYou cannot attack players while in &6creative&c mode."
pvp-source-fly-not-allowed="&cYou cannot attack players while &6flying&c."
pvp-source-not-allowed="&cYou are not allowed to &6PvP&c."
pvp-target-not-allowed="&cYou cannot attack players who are not participating in &6PvP&c."
registry-block-not-found="&cThe block {id}&c could not be found in registry."
registry-entity-not-found="&cThe entity {id}&c could not be found in registry."
registry-item-not-found="&cThe item {id}&c could not be found in registry."
rent-system-disabled="&cThe rent system is not enabled."
rent-ui-click-cancel="Click here to cancel "
rent-ui-click-rent="Click here to rent"
rent-ui-end-date="End Date"
rent-ui-hover-end-date="Claim rental will end on this date. To extend max, speak to claim owner."
rent-ui-info-header="Rent Information"
rent-ui-minimum="Minimum Time"
rent-ui-next-payment-due-date="Next Payment Due"
rent-ui-no-transactions="No rent transactions have been made in this claim."
rent-ui-return-info="Return to rent info"
rent-ui-start-date="Start Date"
rent-ui-title-transactions="Rent Transactions"
rent-ui-view-transactions="View Transactions"
resize-overlap="&cCan't resize here because it would overlap another nearby claim."
resize-overlap-subdivision="&cYou can't create a subdivision here because it would overlap an existing subdivision."
resize-same-location="&cYou must select a different block location to resize claim."
resize-start="&aResizing claim. Use your tool again at the new location for this corner."
resize-success-2d="&aClaim resized. You have &6{block-amount} &amore blocks remaining."
resize-success-3d="&aClaim resized. You have &6{chunk-amount} &amore chunks remaining. &f({block-amount})"
result-type-change-deny="&cYou cannot change a claim to {type}."
result-type-change-not-admin="&cYou do not have administrative permissions to change type to {type}&c."
result-type-child-same="{type}&c claims cannot have direct {type}&c children claims."
result-type-create-deny="{type}'s&c cannot be created in the {target_type}."
result-type-no-children="{type}'s&c cannot contain children claims."
result-type-only-subdivision="{type}'s&c can only contain subdivisions."
result-type-requires-owner="&cCould not convert {type} claim to {target_type}. Owner is required."
schematic-abandon-all-restore-warning="&6Are you sure you want to &nabandon&6 &cALL&6 your claims? &cALL DATA WILL BE LOST&f!!&6 Your claims will be restored back to their original state of creation on confirmation."
schematic-abandon-all-restore-warning-world="&6Are you sure you want to &nabandon&6 &cALL&6 your claims in &a{world}? &cALL DATA WILL BE LOST&f!!&6 Your claims will be restored back to their original state of creation on confirmation."
schematic-abandon-restore-warning="&6Are you sure you want to &nabandon&6 this claim? &cALL DATA WILL BE LOST&f!!&6 This claim will be restored back to its original state of creation on confirmation."
schematic-create="&aCreating schematic backup..."
schematic-create-complete="&aSchematic backup complete."
schematic-create-fail="&cSchematic could not be created."
schematic-deleted="&aSchematic {name} has been deleted."
schematic-none="&aThere are no schematic backups for this claim."
schematic-restore-click="&aClick here to restore claim schematic.\nName: {name}\nCreated: {date}"
schematic-restore-confirmation="&6Are you sure you want to restore? Clicking confirm will restore &cALL&6 claim data with schematic. Use cautiously!"
schematic-restore-confirmed="&aYou have successfully restored your claim from schematic backup &b{name}&a."
spawn-not-set="&cNo claim spawn has been set."
spawn-set-success="&aSuccessfully set claim spawn to &b{location}&a."
spawn-teleport="&aTeleported to claim spawn at &b{location}&a."
tax-expired="&cThis claim has been frozen due to unpaid taxes. The current amount owed is '&a{amount}&c'.\nThere are '&a{days}&c' days left to pay your tax balance in order to unfreeze this claim.\nFailure to pay this debt will result in deletion of claim.\nNote: To pay your balance, use &f/claimtax pay <amount>."
tax-expired-bank="&cThis claim has been frozen due to unpaid taxes. The current amount owed is '&a{amount}&c'.\nThere are '&a{days}&c' days left to deposit payment to claim bank in order to unfreeze this claim.\nFailure to pay this debt will result in deletion of claim.\nNote: To deposit funds to claimbank, use &f/claimbank deposit <amount>."
tax-info="&aYour next scheduled tax payment of &6{amount}&a will be withdrawn from your account on &b{date}&a."
tax-no-balance="&aYou currently have no outstanding tax balance."
tax-paid-balance="&aThe tax debt of '&6{amount}&a' has been paid. Your claim has been unfrozen and is now available for use."
tax-paid-partial="&aThe tax debt of '&6{amount}&a' has been partially paid. In order to unfreeze your claim, the remaining tax owed balance of '&6{balance}&a' must be paid."
tax-past-due="&cYou currently have a past due tax balance of &a{balance}&c that must be paid by &b{date}&c. Failure to pay off your tax balance will result in losing your property."
tax-system-disabled="&cThe tax system is not enabled."
teleport-confirm="&aAre you sure you want to teleport to {pos}? Click confirm to proceed."
teleport-delay-notice="&aYou will teleport in {delay}&a seconds."
teleport-move-cancel="&cTeleport cancelled! You cannot move while attempting to teleport."
teleport-no-safe-location="&cNo safe location found in claim to teleport!\n&aUse the '&f/claiminfo&a' command to set a safe spawn point instead."
teleport-success="&aYou have been teleported to {name}&a."
tool-not-equipped="&cYou do not have {tool}&c equipped."
town-chat-disabled="&aTown chat disabled."
town-chat-enabled="&aTown chat enabled."
town-create-not-enough-funds="&cYou do not have enough funds to create this town for &a{amount}&c. You currently have a balance of &a{balance}&c and need &a{amount-needed}&c more for creation."
town-name="&aSet town name to {name}&a."
town-not-found="&cTown not found."
town-not-in="&cYou are not in a town."
town-owner="&cThat belongs to the town."
town-tag="&aSet town tag to {tag}."
town-tag-clear="&aThe town tag has been cleared."
town-tax-no-claims="&cYou must own property in this town in order to be taxed."
trust-already-has="&c{target} already has {type}&c permission."
trust-click-show-list="Click here to show list of all players and groups trusted in claim."
trust-grant="&aGranted &6{target}&a {type}&a permission in current claim."
trust-individual-all-claims="&aGranted &6{player}'s&a full trust to all your claims. To unset permissions for ALL your claims, use &f/untrustall&a."
trust-invalid="&cInvalid trust type entered.\nThe allowed types are : accessor, builder, container, and manager."
trust-list-header="Explicit permissions here:"
trust-no-claims="&cYou have no claims to trust."
trust-plugin-cancel="&cCould not trust {target}&c. A plugin has denied it."
trust-self="&cYou cannot trust yourself."
tutorial-claim-basic="&eClick for Land Claim Help: &a"
ui-click-add="Click here to add"
ui-click-add-target="Click here to add &6{target}&f"
ui-click-confirm="Click to confirm"
ui-click-filter-type="Click here to filter by {type}&f"
ui-click-record-chat="Click here to see recorded chat."
ui-click-remove="Click here to remove"
ui-click-return-command="&bReturn to &6{command}"
ui-click-view="Click here to view {target}"
ui-click-view-transactions="Click here to view transactions."
ui-conflict-data="Conflict Data"
untrust-individual-all-claims="&aRevoked &6{target}'s&a access to ALL your claims. To set permissions for a single claim, stand inside it and use &f/untrust&a."
untrust-individual-single-claim="&aRevoked &6{target}'s&a access to this claim. To unset permissions for ALL your claims, use &f/untrustall&a."
untrust-no-claims="&cYou have no claims to untrust."
untrust-owner="&6{owner}&a is owner of claim and cannot be untrusted."
untrust-self="&cYou cannot untrust yourself."
visual-update-in-progress="&aUpdating claim visuals. Pending: &6{count}&a visual blocks. Please wait."