Updated Claim Management (markdown)

bloodmc 2021-01-23 20:25:35 -05:00
parent 74febf5ca2
commit 3c61586bbb

@ -245,3 +245,20 @@ Most GD commands will use the claim you are standing in. Simply stand in the cla
**7. How do I test flags as a non-trusted user in a claim?**
Use `/cfdebug` to put yourself into claim flag debug mode then perform any action. This will internally set you as a non-trusted player for all claims. When done, simply run `/cfdebug` command again.
**8. Is there a way to allow a permission within all claims but deny it in the wild?**
* To deny a specific player permission in wilderness
1. Assign permission to all players in LuckPerms.
2. Stand in wilderness claim.
3. Execute command `/cpp <playername> <permission> false`
* To deny a specific group permission in wilderness
1. Assign permission to all players in LuckPerms.
2. Stand in wilderness claim.
3. Execute command `/cpg <group> <permission> false`
Note: The same steps can be applied to any claim.