Created Commands (markdown)

bloodmc 2019-06-15 19:25:25 -04:00
parent 5b649d4089
commit 6cf64d2b09

377 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
# Command Overview
Arguments Key: \<required\> [optional]
### Claims
* [/gd abandon claim](
* [/gd abandon all](
* [/gd abandon top](
* [/gd claim we](
* [/gd claim farewell \<"message"\>](
* [/gd claim greeting \<"message"\>](
* [/gd buy blocks [numberOfBlocks]](
* [/gd buy claim](
* [/gd sell blocks [numberOfBlocks]](
* [/gd sell claim \<price\>](
* [/gd claim inherit](
* [/gd claim list [\<player\> [world]]](
* [/gd claim info [id]](
* [/gd claim setspawn](
* [/gd claim spawn](
* [/gd claim transfer [player]](
* [/gd claim name ["name"]](
* [/gd mode basic](
* [/gd mode cuboid](
* [/gd mode subdivide](
* [/gd mode town](
* [/gd player info \<player\> \<world\>|\<player\>|[\<world\>]](
### Flags
* [/gd flag debug](
* [/gd flag claim [\<flag\> \<target\> \<value\> [context[key=value]]]](
* [/gd flag group \<group\> [\<flag\> \<target\> \<value\> [context[key=value]]]](
* [/gd flag player \<player\> [\<flag\> \<target\> \<value\> [context[key=value]]]](
* [/gd flag reset](
### Options
* [/gd option [\<option\> \<value\>]](
* [/gd option group \<group\> [\<option\> \<value\>]](
* [/gd option player \<player\> [\<option\> \<value\>]](
### Trust
Note: Use `public` if you want to trust all users.
* [/gd trust player \<player\>|public <none|accessor|container|builder|manager> ](
* [/gd trust group \<group\>|public <none|accessor|container|builder|manager> ](
* [/gd trustall \<player\>|public](
* [/gd trustall group \<group\>|public](
* [/gd trust list](
### Admin
* [/gd player setbonusblocks \<player\> \<amount\> [world]](
* [/gd player setaccruedblocks \<player\> \<amount\> [\<world\>]](
* [/gd claim clear \<target\> [\<claim\> [\<world\>]]](
* [/gd delete claim](
* [/gd delete all [player]](
* [/gd delete alladmin](
* [/gd claim ignore](
* [/gd claim restore](
* [/gd mode admin](
* [/gd mode nature](
* [/gd permission group \<group\> [\<permission\> \<value\>]](
* [/gd permission player \<player\> [\<permission\> \<value\>]](
* [/gd debug \<on\>\<off\>\<record\>\<paste\> [\<player\>]](
* [/gd reload](
### Main Command
* [/gd](
### Misc
* [/gd version](
# Command Detail
### Claims
#### `/gd abandon claim`
Abandons a claim
#### `/gd abandon all`
Abandons ALL your claims
#### `/gd abandon top`
Abandons a claim and all its subdivisions
#### `/gd mode basic`
**Aliases**: `modebasic`
Switches the shovel tool back to basic claims mode.
#### `/gd claim we`
Claims a selection made in WorldEdit.
Note: This command will not work unless the server has WorldEdit.
#### `/gd claim farewell <"message">`
Sets the farewell message of your claim
To unset, `/gd claim farewell ""`
#### `/gd claimgreeting <"message">`
Sets the greeting message of your claim
To unset, `/gd claim greeting ""`
#### `/gd buy claim`
View a list of claims for sale. Click [Buy] to purchase.
#### `/gd sell claim [price]`
Puts your claim up for sale at the set price. To disable sale, set the price to -1 or set ForSale setting in /claiminfo to false.
#### `/gd buy blocks [numberOfBlocks]`
**Aliases**: `buyblocks`
Purchases additional claim blocks with server money. Doesn't work on servers without any economy plugin.
#### `/gd sell blocks [numberOfBlocks]`
**Aliases**: `sellblocks`
Sell your claim blocks for server money. Doesn't work on servers without any economy plugin.
#### `/gd mode cuboid`
**Aliases**: `modecuboid`
Toggles 3D cuboid claims mode.
#### `/gd claim inherit`
**Aliases**: `inherit`
Toggles parent claim inherit mode
#### `/gd claim list [<player> [world]]`
**Aliases**: `claimlist`
List information about a player's claims.
#### `/gd claim info [id]`
**Aliases**: `claiminfo`
Gets information about a claim you are standing in or by claim id.
#### `/gd claim setspawn`
**Aliases**: `claimsetspawn`
Sets the spawn of your claim to the location you are standing in.
#### `/gd claim spawn`
**Aliases**: `claimspawn`
Teleports you to claim spawn, if available.
#### `/gd mode subdivide`
**Aliases**: `modesubdivide`
Switches the shovel tool to subdivision mode, used to subdivide your claims
#### `/gd claim transfer [player]`
**Aliases**: `transferclaim`
Transfer the claim you're standing in to a player.
#### `/gd claim name ["name"]`
Sets the name of your claim
#### `/gd player info <player> <world>|<player>|[<world>]`
Gets information about a player and their claimblocks
### Flags
#### `/gd flag debug`
**Aliases**: `cfd`
Toggles claim flag debug mode
#### `/gd flag [<flag> <target> <value> context[key=value]]`
**Aliases**: `cf`
Gets/Sets claim flags in the claim you are standing in.
#### `/gd flag group <group> <flag> <target> <value> context[key=value]]`
**Aliases**: `cfg`
Gets/Sets flag permission for a group in claim you are standing in.
#### `/gd flag player <player> <flag> <target> <value> context[key=value]]`
**Aliases**: `cfp`
Adds flag permission to player.
#### `/gd flag reset`
**Aliases**: `cfr`
Resets a claim to flag defaults.
### Options
#### `/gd option claim [<option> <value>]`
**Aliases**: `co`
Gets/Sets options in the claim you are standing in.
#### `/gd option group <group> [<option> <value>]`
**Aliases**: `cog`
Gets/Sets options for a group in claim you are standing in.
#### `/gd option player <player> [<option> <value>]`
**Aliases**: `cop`
Gets/Sets options for a player in claim you are standing in.
### Trust
Note: `public` is for all users.
#### `/trust player <player>|public <trusttype>`
*None*: `Revokes a player's access to your claim`
*Accessor*: `Grants a player entry to your claim(s) and use of your bed`
*Container*: `Grants a player access to your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers`
*Builder*: `Grants a player edit access to your claim(s)`
*Manager*: `Grants a player access to all of the above including claim settings`
**Aliases**: `trust`
Grants a player access to your claim(s)
#### `/trust group <group>|public <trusttype>`
*None*: `Revokes a group's access to your claim`
*Accessor*: `Grants a group entry to your claim(s) and use of your bed`
*Container*: `Grants a group access to your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers`
*Builder*: `Grants a group edit access to your claim(s)`
*Manager*: `Grants a group access to all of the above including claim settings`
**Aliases**: `trustgroup`
Grants a group access to your claim(s)
#### `/trustall player <player>|public <trusttype>`
*None*: `Revokes a player's access to ALL your claim`
*Accessor*: `Grants a player entry to ALL your claim(s) and use of your bed`
*Container*: `Grants a player access to ALL your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers`
*Builder*: `Grants a player edit access to ALL your claim(s)`
*Manager*: `Grants a player access to all of the above including claim settings`
**Aliases**: `trust`
Grants a player access to ***ALL*** your claim(s)
#### `/trustall group <group>|public <trusttype>`
*None*: `Revokes a group's access to ALL your claim`
*Accessor*: `Grants a group entry to ALL your claim(s) and use of your bed`
*Container*: `Grants a group access to ALL your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers`
*Builder*: `Grants a group edit access to ALL your claim(s)`
*Manager*: `Grants a group access to all of the above including claim settings`
**Aliases**: `trustgroup`
Grants a group access to ***ALL*** your claim(s)
#### `/gd trust list`
Lists permissions for the claim you're standing in
### Admin
#### `/gd player adjustbonusblocks <player> <amount> [world]`
**Aliases**: `adjustbonusblocks`
Adds or subtracts bonus claim blocks for a player
#### `/gd player setaccruedblocks <player> <amount> [<world>]`
**Aliases**: `setaccruedblocks`
Updates a player's accrued claim block total.
#### `/gd mode admin`
**Aliases**: `modeadmin`
Switches the shovel tool to administrative claims mode
#### `/gd delete claim`
**Aliases**: `deleteclaim`
Deletes the claim you're standing in, even if it's not your claim
#### `/gd delete all [player]`
**Aliases**: `deleteall`
Delete all of another player's claims
#### `/gd delete alladmin`
Deletes all administrative claims
#### `/gd claim ignore`
**Aliases**: `ignoreclaims`
Toggles ignore claims mode
#### `/gd claim clear <target> [<claim> [<world>]]`
Allows clearing of entities within one or more claims.
#### `/gd permission group <group> [<permission> <value>]`
**Aliases**: `cpg`
Sets a permission on a group with a claim context
#### `/gd permission player <player> [<permission> <value>]`
**Aliases**: `cpp`
Sets a permission on a player with a claim context
#### `/gd mode nature`
**Aliases**: `rn`
Switches the shovel tool to restoration mode
#### `/gd debug <on>|<off>|<record>|<paste> [<player>]`
Toggles debug
#### `/gd reload`
Reloads Grief Prevention's configuration settings
### Misc
#### `/gd`
Lists detailed information on each command.