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synced 2025-02-12 17:51:22 +01:00
🌿 Major config refactoring
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package xyz.nkomarn.Harbor;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import xyz.nkomarn.Harbor.command.HarborCommand;
import xyz.nkomarn.Harbor.listener.AfkListener;
@ -12,35 +10,32 @@ import xyz.nkomarn.Harbor.util.Config;
import xyz.nkomarn.Harbor.util.Metrics;
public class Harbor extends JavaPlugin {
public static Harbor instance;
public static String version = "1.6.2";
public static Essentials essentials;
private static Harbor harbor;
private static Essentials essentials;
public static final String version = "1.6.2";
public void onEnable() {
instance = this;
harbor = this;
new Checker(), 0L, Config.getInteger("values.timer") * 20);
final PluginManager pluginManager = getServer().getPluginManager();
getCommand("harbor").setExecutor(new HarborCommand());
pluginManager.registerEvents(new BedListener(), this);
if (!Config.getString("version").equals(version)) {
getLogger().warning(String.format("The configuration version is '%s' but you're running Harbor " +
"version '%s'. Please update your configuration.", Config.getString("version"), version));
// bStats
new Metrics(this);
// Essentials hook
essentials = (Essentials) getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Essentials");
getCommand("harbor").setExecutor(new HarborCommand());
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new BedListener(), this);
new Checker(), 0L, Config.getInteger("interval") * 20);
// If Essentials isn't present, enable fallback AFK system
if (essentials == null) {
essentials = (Essentials) getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Essentials");
if (essentials == null) { // If Essentials isn't present, enable fallback AFK system
getLogger().info("Essentials not present- registering fallback AFK detection system.");
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new AfkListener(), this);
public static Harbor getHarbor() {
return harbor;
public static Essentials getEssentials() {
return essentials;
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class HarborCommand implements TabExecutor {
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("reload")) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', prefix
+ "&7Reloaded configuration."));
return true;
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class HarborCommand implements TabExecutor {
new AccelerateNightTask(world).runTaskTimer(Harbor.instance, 0L, 1);
new AccelerateNightTask(world).runTaskTimer(Harbor.getHarbor(), 0L, 1);
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', prefix
+ "&7Forcing night skip in your world."));
return true;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public class BedListener implements Listener {
public void onBedEnter(final PlayerBedEnterEvent event) {
if (event.getBedEnterResult() != PlayerBedEnterEvent.BedEnterResult.OK) return;
if (Checker.skippingWorlds.contains(event.getPlayer().getWorld())) return;
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(Harbor.instance, () -> Messages.sendWorldChatMessage(event.getBed().getWorld(),
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(Harbor.getHarbor(), () -> Messages.sendWorldChatMessage(event.getBed().getWorld(),
.replace("[player]", event.getPlayer().getName())
.replace("[displayname]", event.getPlayer().getDisplayName())), 1);
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
package xyz.nkomarn.Harbor.task;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Statistic;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import xyz.nkomarn.Harbor.Harbor;
import xyz.nkomarn.Harbor.util.Config;
import xyz.nkomarn.Harbor.util.Messages;
@ -13,23 +11,16 @@ public class AccelerateNightTask extends BukkitRunnable {
public AccelerateNightTask(final World world) {
this.world = world;
Messages.sendRandomChatMessage(world, "messages.chat.night-skipping");
public void run() {
final long time = world.getTime();
final int interval = Config.getInteger("values.interval");
// Variable interval based on player count
if (!(time >= 450 && time <= 1000)) {
world.setTime(time + interval);
} else {
if (!Config.getBoolean("features.phantoms")) {
world.getPlayers().forEach(player ->
player.setStatistic(Statistic.TIME_SINCE_REST, 0));
final int dayTime = Config.getInteger("night-skip.daytime-ticks");
final int timeRate = Config.getInteger("night-skip.time-rate");
if (time >= (dayTime - timeRate * 2) && time <= dayTime) {
if (Config.getBoolean("features.clear-rain")) {
@ -38,9 +29,15 @@ public class AccelerateNightTask extends BukkitRunnable {
if (Config.getBoolean("night-skip.reset-phantom-statistic")) {
world.getPlayers().forEach(player -> player.setStatistic(Statistic.TIME_SINCE_REST, 0));
Messages.sendRandomChatMessage(world, "messages.chat.skipped");
Messages.sendRandomChatMessage(world, "messages.chat.night-skipped");
} else {
world.setTime(time + timeRate);
@ -22,36 +22,35 @@ public class Checker implements Runnable {
public void run() {
private void checkWorld(final World world) {
final int sleeping = getSleeping(world).size();
final int needed = getNeeded(world);
// Send actionbar sleeping notification
if (sleeping > 0 && needed > 0) {
double percentage = Math.min(1, (double) sleeping / getSkipAmount(world));
// TODO redo bossbars
final double sleepingPercentage = Math.min(1, (double) sleeping / getSkipAmount(world));
Messages.sendBossBarMessage(world, Config.getString("messages.bossbar.sleeping.message"),
BarColor.valueOf(Config.getString("messages.bossbar.sleeping.color")), percentage);
Messages.sendActionBarMessage(world, Config.getString("messages.actionbar.sleeping"));
BarColor.valueOf(Config.getString("messages.bossbar.sleeping.color")), sleepingPercentage);
Messages.sendActionBarMessage(world, Config.getString("messages.actionbar.players-sleeping"));
} else if (needed == 0 && sleeping > 0) {
Messages.sendBossBarMessage(world, Config.getString("messages.bossbar.everyone.message"),
BarColor.valueOf(Config.getString("messages.bossbar.everyone.color")), 1);
Messages.sendActionBarMessage(world, Config.getString("messages.actionbar.everyone"));
if (!Config.getBoolean("features.skip")) return;
if (Config.getBoolean("features.instant-skip")) {
Messages.sendActionBarMessage(world, Config.getString("messages.actionbar.night-skipping"));
if (!Config.getBoolean("night-skip.enabled")) return;
if (Config.getBoolean("night-skip.instant-skip")) {
} else {
new AccelerateNightTask(world).runTaskTimer(Harbor.instance, 0L, 1);
new AccelerateNightTask(world).runTaskTimer(Harbor.getHarbor(), 1, 1);
Messages.sendRandomChatMessage(world, "messages.chat.accelerateNight");
@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ public class Checker implements Runnable {
private boolean isBlacklisted(final World world) {
return Config.getList("blacklist").contains(world.getName());
return Config.getList("blacklisted-worlds").contains(world.getName());
private boolean isNight(final World world) {
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ public class Checker implements Runnable {
public static int getSkipAmount(final World world) {
return (int) Math.ceil(getPlayers(world) * (Config.getDouble("values.percent") / 100));
return (int) Math.ceil(getPlayers(world) * (Config.getDouble("night-skip.percentage") / 100));
public static int getPlayers(final World world) {
@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ public class Checker implements Runnable {
public static int getNeeded(final World world) {
return Math.max(0, (int) Math.ceil((getPlayers(world))
* (Config.getDouble("values.percent") / 100)
* (Config.getDouble("night-skip.percentage") / 100)
- getSleeping(world).size()));
@ -92,12 +91,14 @@ public class Checker implements Runnable {
private static boolean isExcluded(final Player player) {
final boolean excludedByGameMode = Config.getBoolean("features.ignore") && player.getGameMode() != GameMode.SURVIVAL;
final boolean excludedByPermission = Config.getBoolean("features.bypass") && player.hasPermission("harbor.bypass");
final boolean excludedByCreative = Config.getBoolean("exclusions.exclude-creative") && player.getGameMode() == GameMode.CREATIVE;
final boolean excludedBySpectator = Config.getBoolean("exclusions.exclude-spectator") && player.getGameMode() == GameMode.SPECTATOR;
final boolean excludedByPermission = Config.getBoolean("exclusions.bypass-permission") && player.hasPermission("harbor.bypass");
final boolean excludedByAfk = Afk.isAfk(player);
if (Config.getBoolean("features.vanish")) {
if (Config.getBoolean("exclusions.exclude-vanished")) {
for (MetadataValue meta : player.getMetadata("vanished")) if (meta.asBoolean()) return true;
return excludedByGameMode || excludedByPermission || excludedByAfk;
return excludedByCreative || excludedBySpectator || excludedByPermission || excludedByAfk;
@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ public class Afk {
private static HashMap<Player, Long> activity = new HashMap<>();
public static boolean isAfk(Player player) {
if (!Config.getBoolean("features.afk")) return false;
if (!Config.getBoolean("afk-detection.enabled")) return false;
if (Harbor.essentials != null) {
return Harbor.essentials.getUser(player).isAfk();
if (Harbor.getEssentials() != null) {
return Harbor.getEssentials().getUser(player).isAfk();
if (!activity.containsKey(player)) return false;
long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(System.currentTimeMillis() - activity.get(player));
return minutes >= Config.getInteger("values.timeout");
return minutes >= Config.getInteger("afk-detection.timeout");
public static void updateActivity(Player player) {
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ public class Config {
* @param location Configuration location of the boolean
public static boolean getBoolean(final String location) {
return Harbor.instance.getConfig().getBoolean(location, false);
return Harbor.getHarbor().getConfig().getBoolean(location, false);
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class Config {
* @param location Configuration location of the string
public static String getString(final String location) {
return Harbor.instance.getConfig().getString(location, "");
return Harbor.getHarbor().getConfig().getString(location, "");
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class Config {
* @param location Configuration location of the integer
public static int getInteger(final String location) {
return Harbor.instance.getConfig().getInt(location, 0);
return Harbor.getHarbor().getConfig().getInt(location, 0);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class Config {
* @param location Configuration location of the double
public static double getDouble(final String location) {
return Harbor.instance.getConfig().getDouble(location, 0.0);
return Harbor.getHarbor().getConfig().getDouble(location, 0.0);
@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ public class Config {
* @param location Configuration location of the list
public static List<String> getList(final String location) {
return (List<String>) Harbor.instance.getConfig().getList(location, new ArrayList<>());
return (List<String>) Harbor.getHarbor().getConfig().getList(location, new ArrayList<>());
@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ public class Messages {
public static void sendWorldChatMessage(final World world, final String message) {
if (!Config.getBoolean("messages.chat.chat") || message.length() < 1) return;
if (!Config.getBoolean("messages.chat.enabled") || message.length() < 1) return;
world.getPlayers().forEach(player -> player.sendMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&',
prepareMessage(world, message))));
public static void sendActionBarMessage(final World world, final String message) {
if (!Config.getBoolean("messages.actionbar.actionbar") || message.length() < 1) return;
if (!Config.getBoolean("messages.actionbar.enabled") || message.length() < 1) return;
world.getPlayers().forEach(player -> player.spigot().sendMessage(ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR,
TextComponent.fromLegacyText(prepareMessage(world, message))));
public static void sendBossBarMessage(final World world, final String message, final BarColor color, final double percentage) {
if (!Config.getBoolean("messages.bossbar.bossbar") || message.length() < 1) return;
if (!Config.getBoolean("messages.bossbar.enabled") || message.length() < 1) return;
BossBar bar = Bukkit.createBossBar(Messages.prepareMessage(world, message), color, BarStyle.SOLID);
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(Harbor.instance, bar::removeAll, Config.getInteger("values.timer") * 20);
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(Harbor.getHarbor(), bar::removeAll, Config.getInteger("interval") * 20);
private static String prepareMessage(final World world, final String message) {
@ -1,72 +1,69 @@
# Harbor - A Sleep Enhancement Plugin!
# An open-source project by Mykyta (TechToolbox)
# https://harbor.nkomarn.xyz
# Harbor - Sleep mechanics enhancement plugin
# An open-source project by TechToolbox (@nkomarn)
# https://github.com/nkomarn/Harbor
# Ahoy, matey! You've arrived at the configuration file, where things get a bit scary.
# Every single thing within this plugin is customizable (at least I tried to make it that way),
# so every message and plugin module can be modified here. If you would like to report a bug
# or suggest a feature, make sure to add an issue on the GitHub page for this plugin!
# GitHub URL: https://github.com/nkomarn/Harbor/issues
# Important note regarding Essentials:
# Please make sure you negate the permission "essentials.sleepingignored" to prevent issues with Harbor and server operators
# Important note regarding Essentials
# Please make sure you negate the permission "essentials.sleepingignored"
# to prevent issues with Harbor and server operators
enabled: true # Skip the night if a percentage of the players in a world are sleeping
percentage: 50 # Percentage of players required to be sleeping to skip the night (0 - 100)
time-rate: 60 # The amount of ticks added to the current time every tick when skipping the night
daytime-ticks: 1000 # The time in ticks that Harbor considers day TODO
instant-skip: false # Instantly skip the night instead of showing the full animation
variable-speed: false # Increase the night skipping speed based on the amount of sleeping players
speed-multiplier: 0.5 # Multiplier used for variable night skipping (TODO explain formula)
clear-rain: true # Clear rain (if it's raining) when the night is skipped
clear-thunder: true # Clear thunder (if it's thundering) when the night is skipped
reset-phantom-statistic: true # Treats everyone online as if they have slept in the last 3 days after the night is skipped (check out /gamerule doInsomnia on 1.15+)
timer: 2 # How often (in seconds) to run the clock task (used to detect sleep, AFK players, time actionbar, etc.)
percent: 50 # Percent of players that need to sleep to skip night (must be between 0 to 100)
interval: 60 # Time skip interval that is added when the night is accelerated.
multiplier: 0.4 # Used as the variable multiplier for the variable-interval feature.
timeout: 15 # Time (in minutes) until a player is considered AFK (for internal AFK detection system only- when Essentials isn't present)
bypass-permission: true # Exclude players with the permission "harbor.bypass" from the sleeping count
exclude-creative: true # Exclude players in creative mode from the sleeping count
exclude-spectator: true # Exclude players in spectator mode from the sleeping count
exclude-vanished: true # Exclude vanished players from the sleeping count
skip: true # Toggle night skipping feature. Configure amount of players needed to skip above (percent)
instant-skip: false # Toggle the instant skipping of night (instead of showing the full animation). Requires "skip" to be true.
variable-interval: false # Change the night skip tick interval based on the amount of online players
clear-rain: true # Clear rain when skipping the night
clear-thunder: true # Clear thunder when skipping the night
phantoms: false # Reset the sleep statistic (practically disables phantom spawns - false = no phantoms | Set the doInsomnia gamerule to false to disable phantoms if you're on 1.15+)
bypass: true # Toggle exclusion of operators/players with permission "harbor.bypass" from sleep count
ignore: true # Toggle exclusion of players in creative and spectator mode
exclude-vanished: true # Toggle exclusion of vanished players
afk: true # Detect AFK players and remove them from the sleep count (Essentials API used for detection when possible)
# Detect AFK players and automatically remove them from the required sleeping count
# Essentials API is used for AFK detection when available- otherwise a fallback system is used
enabled: true
timeout: 15 # Time in minutes until a player is considered AFK
chat: true # Toggle chat messages
skipped: # Night skipped chat messages
- "&eThe night has been skipped."
- "&eAhhh, finally morning."
- "&eArghh, it's so bright outside."
sleeping: "&e[player] is now sleeping ([sleeping]/[needed], [more] more needed to skip)." # Display which player went to bed
left: "&e[player] got out of bed ([sleeping]/[needed], [more] more needed to skip)." # Display when a player left their bed
accelerateNight: # Display when the night is being accelerated.
- "&eAccelerating the night."
- "&eRapidly approaching daytime."
actionbar: true # Enable/disable actionbar messages
sleeping: "&e[sleeping] out of [needed] players are sleeping ([more] more needed to skip)." # Shown when some players are in bed
everyone: "&eEveryone is sleeping. Sweet dreams!" # Shown when all players are in bed
bossbar: # Use colors from https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/boss/BarColor.html
bossbar: true # Enable/disable bossbar messages
message: "&f&l[sleeping] out of [needed] are sleeping &7&l([more] more needed)" # Shown when some players are in bed
color: BLUE
message: "&f&lEveryone is sleeping. Sweet dreams!" # Shown when all players are in bed
color: GREEN
prefix: "&8&l(&6&lHarbor&8&l)&r " # Prefix for Harbor command/miscellaneous messages
permission: "&7Insufficient permissions." # Sent when player doesn't have permissions to run command
unrecognized: "&7Unrecognized command." # Sent when command argument isn't recognized
# Blacklist for worlds
# Harbor will be disabled in these worlds
# Blacklist for worlds- Harbor will ignore these worlds
- "world_nether"
- "world_the_end"
# Spooky controls
# (don't change)
enabled: true
player-sleeping: "&e[player] is now sleeping ([sleeping]/[needed], [more] more needed to skip)."
player-left-bed: "&e[player] got out of bed ([sleeping]/[needed], [more] more needed to skip)."
- "&eAccelerating the night."
- "&eRapidly approaching daytime."
- "&eThe night has been skipped."
- "&eAhhh, finally morning."
- "&eArghh, it's so bright outside."
enabled: true
players-sleeping: "&e[sleeping] out of [needed] players are sleeping ([more] more needed to skip)."
night-skipping: "&eEveryone is sleeping. Sweet dreams!"
enabled: true
message: "&f&l[sleeping] out of [needed] are sleeping &7&l([more] more needed)"
color: BLUE
message: "&f&lEveryone is sleeping. Sweet dreams!"
color: GREEN
chat-prefix: "&8&l(&6&lHarbor&8&l)&7 "
insufficient-permissions: "Insufficient permissions."
unrecognized-command: "Unrecognized command."
# Spooky internal controls
version: 1.6.2
interval: 2
debug: false
Reference in New Issue
Block a user