package xyz.nkomarn.harbor.task; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.metadata.MetadataValue; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import xyz.nkomarn.harbor.Harbor; import xyz.nkomarn.harbor.util.Config; import xyz.nkomarn.harbor.util.Messages; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import static; public class Checker extends BukkitRunnable { private final Harbor harbor; private final Set skippingWorlds; public Checker(@NotNull Harbor harbor) { this.harbor = harbor; this.skippingWorlds = new HashSet<>(); runTaskTimerAsynchronously(harbor, 0L, harbor.getConfiguration().getInteger("interval") * 20); } @Override public void run() { Bukkit.getWorlds().stream() .filter(this::validateWorld) .forEach(this::checkWorld); } /** * Checks if a given world is applicable for night skipping. * * @param world The world to check. * @return Whether Harbor should run the night skipping check below. */ private boolean validateWorld(@NotNull World world) { return !skippingWorlds.contains(world.getUID()) && !isBlacklisted(world) && isNight(world); } /** * Checks if enough people are sleeping, and in the case there are, starts the night skip task. * * @param world The world to check. */ private void checkWorld(@NotNull World world) { Config config = harbor.getConfiguration(); Messages messages = harbor.getMessages(); int sleeping = getSleepingPlayers(world).size(); int needed = getNeeded(world); if (sleeping < 1) { messages.clearBar(world); return; } if (needed > 0) { double sleepingPercentage = Math.min(1, (double) sleeping / getSkipAmount(world)); messages.sendActionBarMessage(world, config.getString("messages.actionbar.players-sleeping")); messages.sendBossBarMessage(world, config.getString("messages.bossbar.players-sleeping.message"), config.getString("messages.bossbar.players-sleeping.color"), sleepingPercentage); } else if (needed == 0) { messages.sendActionBarMessage(world, config.getString("messages.actionbar.night-skipping")); messages.sendBossBarMessage(world, config.getString("messages.bossbar.night-skipping.message"), config.getString("messages.bossbar.night-skipping.color"), 1); if (!config.getBoolean("night-skip.enabled")) { return; } if (config.getBoolean("night-skip.instant-skip")) { messages.sendRandomChatMessage(world, ""); Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(harbor, () -> world.setTime(config.getInteger("night-skip.daytime-ticks"))); return; } skippingWorlds.add(world.getUID()); new AccelerateNightTask(harbor, this, world); } } /** * Checks if the time in a given world is considered to be night. * * @param world The world to check. * @return Whether it is currently night in the provided world. */ private boolean isNight(@NotNull World world) { return world.getTime() > 12950 || world.getTime() < 23950; } /** * Checks if a current world has been blacklisted (or whitelisted) in the configuration. * * @param world The world to check. * @return Whether a world is excluded from Harbor checks. */ public boolean isBlacklisted(@NotNull World world) { boolean blacklisted = harbor.getConfiguration().getStringList("blacklisted-worlds").contains(world.getName()); if (harbor.getConfiguration().getBoolean("whitelist-mode")) { return !blacklisted; } return blacklisted; } /** * Checks if a given player is in a vanished state. * * @param player The player to check. * @return Whether the provided player is vanished. */ public boolean isVanished(@NotNull Player player) { for (MetadataValue meta : player.getMetadata("vanished")) { if (meta.asBoolean()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the amount of players that should be counted for Harbor's checks, ignoring excluded players. * * @param world The world for which to check player count. * @return The amount of players in a given world, minus excluded players. */ public int getPlayers(@NotNull World world) { return Math.max(0, world.getPlayers().size() - getExcluded(world).size()); } /** * Returns a list of all sleeping players in a given world. * * @param world The world in which to check for sleeping players. * @return A list of all currently sleeping players in the provided world. */ @NotNull public List getSleepingPlayers(@NotNull World world) { return world.getPlayers().stream() .filter(Player::isSleeping) .collect(toList()); } /** * Returns the amount of players that must be sleeping to skip the night in the given world. * * @param world The world for which to check skip amount. * @return The amount of players that need to sleep to skip the night. */ public int getSkipAmount(@NotNull World world) { return (int) Math.ceil(getPlayers(world) * (harbor.getConfiguration().getDouble("night-skip.percentage") / 100)); } /** * Returns the amount of players that are still needed to skip the night in a given world. * * @param world The world for which to check the amount of needed players. * @return The amount of players that still need to get into bed to start the night skipping task. */ public int getNeeded(@NotNull World world) { double percentage = harbor.getConfiguration().getDouble("night-skip.percentage"); return Math.max(0, (int) Math.ceil((getPlayers(world)) * (percentage / 100) - getSleepingPlayers(world).size())); } /** * Returns a list of players that are considered to be excluded from Harbor's player count checks. * * @param world The world for which to check for excluded players. * @return A list of excluded players in the given world. */ @NotNull private List getExcluded(@NotNull World world) { return world.getPlayers().stream() .filter(this::isExcluded) .collect(toList()); } /** * Checks if a given player is considered excluded from Harbor's checks. * * @param player The player to check. * @return Whether the given player is excluded. */ private boolean isExcluded(@NotNull Player player) { ConfigurationSection exclusions = harbor.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("exclusions"); if (exclusions == null) { return false; } boolean excludedByAdventure = exclusions.getBoolean("exclude-adventure", false) && player.getGameMode() == GameMode.ADVENTURE; boolean excludedByCreative = exclusions.getBoolean("exclude-creative", false) && player.getGameMode() == GameMode.CREATIVE; boolean excludedBySpectator = exclusions.getBoolean("exclude-spectator", false) && player.getGameMode() == GameMode.SPECTATOR; boolean excludedByPermission = exclusions.getBoolean("ignored-permission", false) && player.hasPermission("harbor.ignored"); boolean excludedByVanish = exclusions.getBoolean("exclude-vanished", false) && isVanished(player); return excludedByAdventure || excludedByCreative || excludedBySpectator || excludedByPermission || excludedByVanish || harbor.getPlayerManager().isAfk(player) || player.isSleepingIgnored(); } /** * Checks whether the night is currently being skipped in the given world. * * @param world The world to check. * @return Whether the night is currently skipping in the provided world. */ public boolean isSkipping(@NotNull World world) { return skippingWorlds.contains(world.getUID()); } /** * Forces a world to begin skipping the night, skipping over the checks. * * @param world The world in which to force night skipping. */ public void forceSkip(@NotNull World world) { skippingWorlds.add(world.getUID()); new AccelerateNightTask(harbor, this, world); } /** * Resets the provided world to a non-skipping status. * * @param world The world for which to reset status. */ public void resetStatus(@NotNull World world) { skippingWorlds.remove(world.getUID()); } }