# _ # /\ /\__ _ _ __| |__ ___ _ __ # / /_/ / _` | '__| '_ \ / _ \| '__| # / __ / (_| | | | |_) | (_) | | # \/ /_/ \__,_|_| |_.__/ \___/|_| # # An open-source project by TechToolbox # https://techtoolbox.tk/ # # Ahoy, matey! You've arrived at the configuration file, where things get scary. # Every single thing within this plugin is customizable (at least I tried to make it that way), # so every message and plugin module can be modified here. If you would like to report a bug # or suggest a feature, make sure to add an issue on the GitHub page for this plugin! # GitHub URL: https://github.com/nkomarn/Harbor/issues values: # How often (in seconds) to check if a player is in a bed (increase for slower servers) check: 1 # Percent of players that need to sleep to skip night (must be 0.0 to 1.0) percent: 0.5 features: # Toggle night skipping feature. Configure amount of players needed to skip above (percent) skipNight: true # Clear weather when skipping night clearWeather: true # Display debug information in console debug: false messages: chat: # Toggle chat messages chat: true # "Night skipped" chat message skipped: "&eThe night has been skipped." # Display which player went to bed in chat sleeping: "&e[player] is now sleeping ([sleeping]/[online]. [needed] more needed to skip)." # Sent to player when they sleep with "harbor.bypass" permission bypass: "&eYou've been excluded from the sleep count." actionbar: # Enable/Disable actionbar message actionbar: true # Shown when some players are in bed sleeping: "&e[sleeping] out of [online] players are sleeping ([needed] more needed to skip)." # Shown when all players are in bed everyone: "&eEveryone is sleeping. Sweet dreams!" miscellaneous: # Prefix for Harbor command messages prefix: "&8&l(&6&lHarbor&8&l) " # Display server version in console running: "&7Running on version [version]." # Sent in console when the plugin isn't compatible with the server incompatible: "&7Spigot version [version] isn't compatible with Harbor." # Harbor reload message reloaded: "&7Reloaded Harbor" reloadError: "&7Error reloading Harbor." # Sent when player doesn't have permissions to run command permission: "&7Insufficient permissions." # Version identifier (do not change) version: 1.4