package net.craftcitizen.imagemaps; import; import de.craftlancer.core.LambdaRunnable; import de.craftlancer.core.SemanticVersion; import de.craftlancer.core.Utils; import de.craftlancer.core.util.MessageLevel; import de.craftlancer.core.util.MessageUtil; import de.craftlancer.core.util.Tuple; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.Rotation; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.configuration.Configuration; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization; import org.bukkit.entity.*; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.Listener; import org.bukkit.event.block.Action; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.MapMeta; import; import; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import; // TODO permissions per image or folder // TODO per-user maps public class ImageMaps extends JavaPlugin implements Listener { private static final String MAPS_YML = "maps.yml"; private static final String CONFIG_VERSION_KEY = "storageVersion"; private static final int CONFIG_VERSION = 1; private static final long AUTOSAVE_PERIOD = 18000L; // 15 minutes public static final String PLACEMENT_METADATA = ""; public static final int MAP_WIDTH = 128; public static final int MAP_HEIGHT = 128; private static final String IMAGES_DIR = "images"; private Map imageCache = new HashMap<>(); private Map maps = new HashMap<>(); private Material toggleItem; static { ConfigurationSerialization.registerClass(ImageMap.class); } @Override public void onEnable() { BaseComponent prefix = new TextComponent(new ComponentBuilder("[").color(ChatColor.GRAY).append("ImageMaps") .color(ChatColor.AQUA).append("]") .color(ChatColor.GRAY).create()); MessageUtil.registerPlugin(this, prefix, ChatColor.GRAY, ChatColor.YELLOW, ChatColor.RED, ChatColor.DARK_RED, ChatColor.DARK_AQUA); if (!new File(getDataFolder(), IMAGES_DIR).exists()) new File(getDataFolder(), IMAGES_DIR).mkdirs(); saveDefaultConfig(); toggleItem = Material.matchMaterial(getConfig().getString("toggleItem",; if (toggleItem == null) { toggleItem = Material.WOODEN_HOE; getLogger().warning("Given toggleItem is invalid, defaulting to WOODEN_HOE"); } getCommand("imagemap").setExecutor(new ImageMapCommandHandler(this)); getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this); loadMaps(); new LambdaRunnable(this::saveMaps).runTaskTimer(this, AUTOSAVE_PERIOD, AUTOSAVE_PERIOD); } @Override public void onDisable() { saveMaps(); } @EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true) public void onToggleFrameProperty(PlayerInteractEntityEvent event) { if (!isInvisibilitySupported()) return; if (event.getRightClicked().getType() != EntityType.ITEM_FRAME && (!isGlowingSupported() || event.getRightClicked().getType() != EntityType.GLOW_ITEM_FRAME)) return; ItemFrame frame = (ItemFrame) event.getRightClicked(); Player p = event.getPlayer(); if (p.getInventory().getItemInMainHand().getType() != toggleItem) return; if (p.isSneaking()) { if (p.hasPermission("imagemaps.toggleFixed")) { event.setCancelled(true); frame.setFixed(!frame.isFixed()); MessageUtil.sendMessage(this, p, MessageLevel.INFO, String.format("Frame set to %s.", frame.isFixed() ? "fixed" : "unfixed")); } } else if (p.hasPermission("imagemaps.toggleVisible")) { event.setCancelled(true); frame.setVisible(!frame.isVisible()); MessageUtil.sendMessage(this, p, MessageLevel.INFO, String.format("Frame set to %s.", frame.isVisible() ? "visible" : "invisible")); } } public boolean isInvisibilitySupported() { SemanticVersion version = Utils.getMCVersion(); return version.getMajor() >= 1 && version.getMinor() >= 16; } public boolean isGlowingSupported() { SemanticVersion version = Utils.getMCVersion(); return version.getMajor() >= 1 && version.getMinor() >= 17; } public boolean isUpDownFaceSupported() { SemanticVersion version = Utils.getMCVersion(); if (version.getMajor() < 1) return false; if (version.getMajor() == 1 && version.getMinor() == 14 && version.getRevision() >= 4) return true; return version.getMinor() > 14; } public boolean isSetTrackingSupported() { SemanticVersion version = Utils.getMCVersion(); return version.getMajor() >= 1 && version.getMinor() >= 14; } private void saveMaps() { FileConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration(); config.set(CONFIG_VERSION_KEY, CONFIG_VERSION); config.set("maps", maps.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getValue, Entry::getKey))); BukkitRunnable saveTask = new LambdaRunnable(() -> { try { File(getDataFolder(), MAPS_YML)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); if (isEnabled()) saveTask.runTaskAsynchronously(this); else; } private void loadMaps() { File configFile = new File(getDataFolder(), MAPS_YML); if (!configFile.exists()) return; Configuration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile); int version = config.getInt(CONFIG_VERSION_KEY, -1); if (version == -1) config = convertLegacyMaps(config); ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("maps"); if (section != null) section.getValues(false).forEach((a, b) -> { int id = Integer.parseInt(a); ImageMap imageMap = (ImageMap) b; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") MapView map = Bukkit.getMap(id); BufferedImage image = getImage(imageMap.getFilename()); maps.put(imageMap, id); if (image == null) { getLogger().warning(() -> "Image file " + imageMap.getFilename() + " not found!"); return; } if (map == null) { getLogger().warning(() -> "Map " + id + " referenced but does not exist!"); return; } if (isSetTrackingSupported()) map.setTrackingPosition(false); map.getRenderers().forEach(map::removeRenderer); map.addRenderer(new ImageMapRenderer(this, image, imageMap.getX(), imageMap.getY(), imageMap.getScale())); }); } public int cleanupMaps() { int start = maps.size(); maps.entrySet().removeIf(a -> { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") MapView map = Bukkit.getMap(a.getValue().intValue()); BufferedImage image = getImage(a.getKey().getFilename()); return map == null || image == null; }); return start - maps.size(); } private Configuration convertLegacyMaps(Configuration config) { getLogger().info("Converting maps from Version <1.0"); try { Files.copy(new File(getDataFolder(), MAPS_YML), new File(getDataFolder(), MAPS_YML + ".backup")); } catch (IOException e) { getLogger().severe("Failed to backup maps.yml!"); e.printStackTrace(); } Map map = new HashMap<>(); for (String key : config.getKeys(false)) { int id = Integer.parseInt(key); String image = config.getString(key + ".image"); int x = config.getInt(key + ".x") / MAP_WIDTH; int y = config.getInt(key + ".y") / MAP_HEIGHT; double scale = config.getDouble(key + ".scale", 1.0); map.put(id, new ImageMap(image, x, y, scale)); } config = new YamlConfiguration(); config.set(CONFIG_VERSION_KEY, CONFIG_VERSION); config.createSection("maps", map); return config; } public boolean hasImage(String filename) { if (imageCache.containsKey(filename.toLowerCase())) return true; File file = new File(getDataFolder(), IMAGES_DIR + File.separatorChar + filename); return file.exists() && getImage(filename) != null; } // TODO stop returning null, begin throwing exception public BufferedImage getImage(String filename) { if (filename.contains("/") || filename.contains("\\") || filename.contains(":")) { getLogger().warning("Someone tried to get image with illegal characters in file name."); return null; } if (imageCache.containsKey(filename.toLowerCase())) return imageCache.get(filename.toLowerCase()); File file = new File(getDataFolder(), IMAGES_DIR + File.separatorChar + filename); BufferedImage image = null; if (!file.exists()) return null; try { image =; imageCache.put(filename.toLowerCase(), image); } catch (IOException e) { getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("Error while trying to read image %s.", file.getName()), e); } if (image == null) getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, () -> String.format("Failed to read file as image %s.", file.getName())); return image; } @EventHandler public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { Player player = event.getPlayer(); if (!player.hasMetadata(PLACEMENT_METADATA)) return; if (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR) { player.removeMetadata(PLACEMENT_METADATA, this); MessageUtil.sendMessage(this, player, MessageLevel.NORMAL, "Image placement cancelled."); return; } if (event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) return; PlacementData data = (PlacementData) player.getMetadata(PLACEMENT_METADATA).get(0).value(); PlacementResult result = placeImage(player, event.getClickedBlock(), event.getBlockFace(), data); switch (result) { case INVALID_FACING: MessageUtil.sendMessage(this, player, MessageLevel.WARNING, "You can't place an image on this block face."); break; case INVALID_DIRECTION: MessageUtil.sendMessage(this, player, MessageLevel.WARNING, "Couldn't calculate how to place the map."); break; case EVENT_CANCELLED: MessageUtil.sendMessage(this, player, MessageLevel.NORMAL, "Image placement cancelled by another plugin."); break; case INSUFFICIENT_SPACE: MessageUtil.sendMessage(this, player, MessageLevel.NORMAL, "Map couldn't be placed, the space is blocked."); break; case INSUFFICIENT_WALL: MessageUtil.sendMessage(this, player, MessageLevel.NORMAL, "Map couldn't be placed, the supporting wall is too small."); break; case OVERLAPPING_ENTITY: MessageUtil.sendMessage(this, player, MessageLevel.NORMAL, "Map couldn't be placed, there is another entity in the way."); break; case SUCCESS: break; } player.removeMetadata(PLACEMENT_METADATA, this); event.setCancelled(true); } private PlacementResult placeImage(Player player, Block block, BlockFace face, PlacementData data) { if (!isAxisAligned(face)) { getLogger().severe("Someone tried to create an image with an invalid block facing"); return PlacementResult.INVALID_FACING; } if (face.getModY() != 0 && !isUpDownFaceSupported()) return PlacementResult.INVALID_FACING; Block b = block.getRelative(face); BufferedImage image = getImage(data.getFilename()); Tuple size = getImageSize(data.getFilename(), data.getSize()); BlockFace widthDirection = calculateWidthDirection(player, face); BlockFace heightDirection = calculateHeightDirection(player, face); if (widthDirection == null || heightDirection == null) return PlacementResult.INVALID_DIRECTION; // check for space for (int x = 0; x < size.getKey(); x++) for (int y = 0; y < size.getValue(); y++) { Block frameBlock = b.getRelative(widthDirection, x).getRelative(heightDirection, y); if (!block.getRelative(widthDirection, x).getRelative(heightDirection, y).getType().isSolid()) return PlacementResult.INSUFFICIENT_WALL; if (frameBlock.getType().isSolid()) return PlacementResult.INSUFFICIENT_SPACE; if (!b.getWorld().getNearbyEntities(frameBlock.getLocation().add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, Hanging.class::isInstance) .isEmpty()) return PlacementResult.OVERLAPPING_ENTITY; } ImagePlaceEvent event = new ImagePlaceEvent(player, block, widthDirection, heightDirection, size.getKey(), size.getValue(), data); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) return PlacementResult.EVENT_CANCELLED; // spawn item frame for (int x = 0; x < size.getKey(); x++) for (int y = 0; y < size.getValue(); y++) { Class itemFrameClass = data.isGlowing() ? GlowItemFrame.class : ItemFrame.class; ItemFrame frame = block.getWorld().spawn( b.getRelative(widthDirection, x) .getRelative(heightDirection, y).getLocation(), itemFrameClass); frame.setFacingDirection(face); frame.setItem(getMapItem(image, x, y, data)); frame.setRotation(facingToRotation(heightDirection, widthDirection)); if (isInvisibilitySupported()) { frame.setFixed(data.isFixed()); frame.setVisible(!data.isInvisible()); } } return PlacementResult.SUCCESS; } public boolean deleteImage(String filename) { File file = new File(getDataFolder(), IMAGES_DIR + File.separatorChar + filename); boolean fileDeleted = false; if (file.exists()) { fileDeleted = file.delete(); } imageCache.remove(filename.toLowerCase()); Iterator> it = maps.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry entry =; ImageMap imageMap = entry.getKey(); if (!imageMap.getFilename().equalsIgnoreCase(filename)) { continue; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") MapView map = Bukkit.getMap(entry.getValue()); if (map == null) { continue; } map.getRenderers().forEach(map::removeRenderer); it.remove(); } saveMaps(); return fileDeleted; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean reloadImage(String filename) { if (!imageCache.containsKey(filename.toLowerCase())) return false; imageCache.remove(filename.toLowerCase()); BufferedImage image = getImage(filename); if (image == null) { getLogger().warning(() -> "Failed to reload image: " + filename); return false; } maps.entrySet().stream().filter(a -> a.getKey().getFilename().equalsIgnoreCase(filename)) .map(a -> Bukkit.getMap(a.getValue())).flatMap(a -> a.getRenderers().stream()) .filter(ImageMapRenderer.class::isInstance).forEach(a -> ((ImageMapRenderer) a).recalculateInput(image)); return true; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private ItemStack getMapItem(BufferedImage image, int x, int y, PlacementData data) { ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.FILLED_MAP); ImageMap imageMap = new ImageMap(data.getFilename(), x, y, getScale(image, data.getSize())); if (maps.containsKey(imageMap)) { MapMeta meta = (MapMeta) item.getItemMeta(); meta.setMapId(maps.get(imageMap)); item.setItemMeta(meta); return item; } MapView map = getServer().createMap(getServer().getWorlds().get(0)); map.getRenderers().forEach(map::removeRenderer); map.addRenderer(new ImageMapRenderer(this, image, x, y, getScale(image, data.getSize()))); if (isSetTrackingSupported()) map.setTrackingPosition(false); MapMeta meta = ((MapMeta) item.getItemMeta()); meta.setMapView(map); item.setItemMeta(meta); maps.put(imageMap, map.getId()); return item; } public Tuple getImageSize(String filename, Tuple size) { BufferedImage image = getImage(filename); if (image == null) return new Tuple<>(0, 0); double finalScale = getScale(image, size); int finalX = (int) ((MAP_WIDTH - 1 + Math.ceil(image.getWidth() * finalScale)) / MAP_WIDTH); int finalY = (int) ((MAP_HEIGHT - 1 + Math.ceil(image.getHeight() * finalScale)) / MAP_HEIGHT); return new Tuple<>(finalX, finalY); } public double getScale(String filename, Tuple size) { return getScale(getImage(filename), size); } public double getScale(BufferedImage image, Tuple size) { if (image == null) return 1.0; int baseX = image.getWidth(); int baseY = image.getHeight(); double finalScale = 1D; if (size != null) { int targetX = size.getKey() * MAP_WIDTH; int targetY = size.getValue() * MAP_HEIGHT; double scaleX = size.getKey() > 0 ? (double) targetX / baseX : Double.MAX_VALUE; double scaleY = size.getValue() > 0 ? (double) targetY / baseY : Double.MAX_VALUE; finalScale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY); if (finalScale >= Double.MAX_VALUE) finalScale = 1D; } return finalScale; } private static Rotation facingToRotation(BlockFace heightDirection, BlockFace widthDirection) { switch (heightDirection) { case WEST: return Rotation.CLOCKWISE_45; case NORTH: return widthDirection == BlockFace.WEST ? Rotation.CLOCKWISE : Rotation.NONE; case EAST: return Rotation.CLOCKWISE_135; case SOUTH: return widthDirection == BlockFace.WEST ? Rotation.CLOCKWISE : Rotation.NONE; default: return Rotation.NONE; } } private static BlockFace calculateWidthDirection(Player player, BlockFace face) { float yaw = (360.0f + player.getLocation().getYaw()) % 360.0f; switch (face) { case NORTH: return BlockFace.WEST; case SOUTH: return BlockFace.EAST; case EAST: return BlockFace.NORTH; case WEST: return BlockFace.SOUTH; case UP: case DOWN: if (Utils.isBetween(yaw, 45.0, 135.0)) return BlockFace.NORTH; else if (Utils.isBetween(yaw, 135.0, 225.0)) return BlockFace.EAST; else if (Utils.isBetween(yaw, 225.0, 315.0)) return BlockFace.SOUTH; else return BlockFace.WEST; default: return null; } } private static BlockFace calculateHeightDirection(Player player, BlockFace face) { float yaw = (360.0f + player.getLocation().getYaw()) % 360.0f; switch (face) { case NORTH: case SOUTH: case EAST: case WEST: return BlockFace.DOWN; case UP: if (Utils.isBetween(yaw, 45.0, 135.0)) return BlockFace.EAST; else if (Utils.isBetween(yaw, 135.0, 225.0)) return BlockFace.SOUTH; else if (Utils.isBetween(yaw, 225.0, 315.0)) return BlockFace.WEST; else return BlockFace.NORTH; case DOWN: if (Utils.isBetween(yaw, 45.0, 135.0)) return BlockFace.WEST; else if (Utils.isBetween(yaw, 135.0, 225.0)) return BlockFace.NORTH; else if (Utils.isBetween(yaw, 225.0, 315.0)) return BlockFace.EAST; else return BlockFace.SOUTH; default: return null; } } private static boolean isAxisAligned(BlockFace face) { switch (face) { case DOWN: case UP: case WEST: case EAST: case SOUTH: case NORTH: return true; default: return false; } } }