Merge branch 'indev' into feature-update-function

This commit is contained in:
Vlammar 2020-11-05 01:17:33 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit c123455922
No known key found for this signature in database
21 changed files with 1851 additions and 92 deletions

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
package fr.moribus.imageonmap;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.commands.maptool.*;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.image.ImageIOExecutor;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.image.ImageRendererExecutor;
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ import;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.migration.MigratorExecutor;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.migration.V3Migrator;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.ui.MapItemManager;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.commands.CommandWorkers;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.commands.Commands;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.gui.Gui;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.i18n.I18n;
@ -60,7 +62,6 @@ public final class ImageOnMap extends ZPlugin
static private final String IMAGES_DIRECTORY_NAME = "images";
static private final String MAPS_DIRECTORY_NAME = "maps";
static private ImageOnMap plugin;
private File imagesDirectory;
private final File mapsDirectory;
@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ public final class ImageOnMap extends ZPlugin
return new File(imagesDirectory, "map"+mapID+".png");
@SuppressWarnings ("unchecked")
public void onEnable()
@ -100,9 +102,10 @@ public final class ImageOnMap extends ZPlugin
loadComponents(I18n.class, Gui.class, Commands.class, PluginConfiguration.class, ImageIOExecutor.class, ImageRendererExecutor.class);
loadComponents(I18n.class, Gui.class, Commands.class, PluginConfiguration.class, ImageIOExecutor.class, ImageRendererExecutor.class, CommandWorkers.class);
//Init all the things !
@ -111,14 +114,19 @@ public final class ImageOnMap extends ZPlugin

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
* Copyright or © or Copr. Moribus (2013)
* Copyright or © or Copr. ProkopyL <> (2015)
* Copyright or © or Copr. Amaury Carrade <> (2016 2020)
@ -42,16 +43,20 @@ public enum Permissions
NEW("", "imageonmap.userender"),
private final String permission;
private final String[] aliases;

View File

@ -57,14 +57,9 @@ import java.util.List;
@WithFlags ({"confirm"})
public class DeleteCommand extends IoMCommand
protected void run() throws CommandException
ImageMap map = getMapFromArgs();
if (!hasFlag("confirm"))
RawText msg = new RawText(I.t("You are going to delete") + " ")
private static RawText deleteMsg(Class klass,ImageMap map){
return new RawText(I.t("You are going to delete") + " ")
.then(". " + I.t("Are you sure ? "))
@ -72,9 +67,18 @@ public class DeleteCommand extends IoMCommand
.hover(new RawText(I.t("{red}This map will be deleted {bold}forever{red}!")))
.command(getClass(), map.getId(), "--confirm")
.command(klass, map.getId(), "--confirm")
protected void run() throws CommandException
ImageMap map = getMapFromArgs();
if (!hasFlag("confirm"))
RawText msg = deleteMsg(getClass(),map);
@ -89,7 +93,7 @@ public class DeleteCommand extends IoMCommand
catch (MapManagerException ex)
PluginLogger.warning("A non-existent map was requested to be deleted", ex);
PluginLogger.warning(I.t("A non-existent map was requested to be deleted", ex));
warning(I.t("This map does not exist."));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
* Copyright or © or Copr. Moribus (2013)
* Copyright or © or Copr. ProkopyL <> (2015)
* Copyright or © or Copr. Amaury Carrade <> (2016 2020)
* Copyright or © or Copr. Vlammar <> (2019 2020)
* This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow insertion of
* custom images in a Minecraft world.
* This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
* "".
* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
* liability.
* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
* same conditions as regards security.
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
package fr.moribus.imageonmap.commands.maptool;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.Permissions;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.commands.IoMCommand;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.commands.CommandException;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.commands.CommandInfo;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.commands.WithFlags;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.i18n.I;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
@CommandInfo (name = "deleteother", usageParameters = "<player name> <map name>")
@WithFlags ({"confirm"})
public class DeleteOtherCommand extends IoMCommand
protected void run() throws CommandException
if(args.length < 2) {
warning(I.t("Not enough parameters! Usage: /maptool deleteother <playername> <mapname>"));
Player player = null;
UUID uuid = null;
OfflinePlayer op = null;
player = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
if(player == null){
op = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[0]);
if(op.hasPlayedBefore()) uuid = op.getUniqueId();
else warning(I.t("We've never seen that player before!"));
else uuid = player.getUniqueId();
warning(I.t("Player not found"));
ImageMap map = getMapFromArgs(player, 1, true);
if(player != null) MapManager.clear(player.getInventory(), map);
info(I.t("{gray}Map successfully deleted."));
catch (MapManagerException ex)
PluginLogger.warning(I.t("A non-existent map was requested to be deleted", ex));
warning(ChatColor.RED+(I.t("This map does not exist.")));
protected List<String> complete() throws CommandException
if(args.length == 1)
return getMatchingMapNames(playerSender(), args[0]);
return null;
public boolean canExecute(CommandSender sender)
return Permissions.DELETEOTHER.grantedTo(sender);

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class ExploreCommand extends IoMCommand
protected void run() throws CommandException
{, new MapListGui());, new MapListGui(playerSender()));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Copyright or © or Copr. Moribus (2013)
* Copyright or © or Copr. ProkopyL <> (2015)
* Copyright or © or Copr. Amaury Carrade <> (2016 2020)
* Copyright or © or Copr. Vlammar <> (2019 2020)
* This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow insertion of
* custom images in a Minecraft world.
* This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
* "".
* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
* liability.
* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
* same conditions as regards security.
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
package fr.moribus.imageonmap.commands.maptool;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.Permissions;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.commands.IoMCommand;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.gui.MapListGui;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.commands.CommandException;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.commands.CommandInfo;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.gui.Gui;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.i18n.I;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
@CommandInfo (name = "exploreother")
public class ExploreOtherCommand extends IoMCommand
protected void run() throws CommandException
if(args.length < 1) {
warning(I.t("Not enough parameters! Usage: /maptool exploreother <playername>"));
OfflinePlayer player=getOfflinePlayerParameter(0);
String name=args[0];
if(player!=null), new MapListGui(player,name));
catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e){
warning(I.t("Can't find player"));
public boolean canExecute(CommandSender sender)
return Permissions.LISTOTHER.grantedTo(sender);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
* Copyright or © or Copr. Moribus (2013)
* Copyright or © or Copr. ProkopyL <> (2015)
* Copyright or © or Copr. Amaury Carrade <> (2016 2020)
* Copyright or © or Copr. Vlammar <> (2019 2020)
* This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow insertion of
* custom images in a Minecraft world.
* This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
* "".
* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
* liability.
* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
* same conditions as regards security.
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
package fr.moribus.imageonmap.commands.maptool;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.Permissions;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.commands.IoMCommand;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.commands.CommandException;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.commands.CommandInfo;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.i18n.I;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.UUID;
@CommandInfo (name = "getother", usageParameters = "<PlayerName> <MapName>")
public class GetOtherCommand extends IoMCommand
protected void run() throws CommandException
if(args.length < 2) {
warning(I.t("Not enough parameters! Usage: /maptool getother <playername> <mapname>"));
Player player = null;
UUID uuid = null;
player = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
if(player == null){
OfflinePlayer op = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[0]);
if(op.hasPlayedBefore()) uuid = op.getUniqueId();
else warning(I.t("We've never seen that player before!"));
else {
uuid = player.getUniqueId();
ImageMap map = null;
String mapName = "";
mapName = args[1];
if(args.length > 2) {
for(int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) {
mapName += (" " + args[i - 1]);
map = MapManager.getMap(uuid, mapName);
warning(I.t("Unknown map {0}",mapName));
public boolean canExecute(CommandSender sender)
return Permissions.GETOTHER.grantedTo(sender);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
* Copyright or © or Copr. Moribus (2013)
* Copyright or © or Copr. ProkopyL <> (2015)
* Copyright or © or Copr. Amaury Carrade <> (2016 2020)
* Copyright or © or Copr. Vlammar <> (2019 2020)
* This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow insertion of
* custom images in a Minecraft world.
* This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
* "".
* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
* liability.
* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
* same conditions as regards security.
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.
package fr.moribus.imageonmap.commands.maptool;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.Permissions;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.commands.IoMCommand;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.commands.CommandException;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.commands.CommandInfo;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.i18n.I;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.rawtext.RawText;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.rawtext.RawTextPart;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
@CommandInfo (name = "listother", usageParameters = "<PlayerName>")
public class ListOtherCommand extends IoMCommand
protected void run() throws CommandException
if(args.length < 1){
warning(I.t("Not enough parameters! Usage: /maptool listother <playername>"));
Player player = null;
UUID uuid = null;
player = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
if(player == null){
OfflinePlayer op = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(args[0]);
if(op.hasPlayedBefore()) {
uuid = op.getUniqueId();
else {
warning(I.t("We've never seen that player before!"));
uuid = player.getUniqueId();
List<ImageMap> mapList = null;
mapList = MapManager.getMapList(uuid);
catch(Exception e){
info(I.t("No map found."));
info("{white}{bold}{0} map found.", "{white}{bold}{0} maps found.", mapList.size()));
RawTextPart rawText = new RawText("");
rawText = addMap(rawText, mapList.get(0));
for(int i = 1, c = mapList.size(); i < c; i++)
rawText = rawText.then(", ").color(ChatColor.GRAY);
rawText = addMap(rawText, mapList.get(i));
private RawTextPart<?> addMap(RawTextPart<?> rawText, ImageMap map)
final String size = map.getType() == ImageMap.Type.SINGLE ? "1 × 1" : ((PosterMap) map).getColumnCount() + " × " + ((PosterMap) map).getRowCount();
return rawText
.command(GetCommand.class, map.getId())
.hover(new RawText()
.then(map.getName()).style(ChatColor.BOLD, ChatColor.GREEN).then("\n")
.then(map.getId() + ", " + size).color(ChatColor.GRAY).then("\n\n")
.then(I.t("{white}Click{gray} to get this map"))
public boolean canExecute(CommandSender sender)
return Permissions.LISTOTHER.grantedTo(sender);

View File

@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ public class ConfirmDeleteMapGui extends ActionGui
@GuiAction ("delete")
protected void delete()
// Does the player still have the permission to delete a map?
if (!Permissions.DELETE.grantedTo(getPlayer()))

View File

@ -47,21 +47,25 @@ import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.gui.GuiAction;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.gui.PromptGui;
import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.i18n.I;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
public class MapDetailGui extends ExplorerGui<Integer>
private final ImageMap map;
private OfflinePlayer p;
private String name;
public MapDetailGui(ImageMap map)
{ = map;
public MapDetailGui(ImageMap map, OfflinePlayer p, String name){;
protected ItemStack getViewItem(int x, int y)
@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ public class MapDetailGui extends ExplorerGui<Integer>
if (map instanceof SingleMap)
return MapItemManager.createMapItem((SingleMap)map);
return MapItemManager.createMapItem((SingleMap)map,true);
else if (map instanceof PosterMap)
@ -136,7 +140,12 @@ public class MapDetailGui extends ExplorerGui<Integer>
protected void onUpdate()
/// Title of the map details GUI
if(p.getUniqueId().equals(getPlayer().getUniqueId())) {
setTitle(I.t(getPlayerLocale(), "Your maps » {black}{0}", map.getName()));
setTitle(I.t(getPlayerLocale(), "{1}'s maps » {black}{0}", map.getName(),name));
if (map instanceof PosterMap)
@ -242,7 +251,6 @@ public class MapDetailGui extends ExplorerGui<Integer>
}, new ConfirmDeleteMapGui(map), this);

View File

@ -49,12 +49,25 @@ import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.i18n.I;
import org.bukkit.Color;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.MapMeta;
public class MapListGui extends ExplorerGui<ImageMap>
private OfflinePlayer p;
private String name;
public MapListGui(Player sender){
public MapListGui(OfflinePlayer p,String name){
protected ItemStack getViewItem(ImageMap map)
@ -106,23 +119,29 @@ public class MapListGui extends ExplorerGui<ImageMap>
protected ItemStack getEmptyViewItem()
ItemStackBuilder builder = new ItemStackBuilder(Material.BARRIER)
.title(, "{red}You don't have any map."));
ItemStackBuilder builder = new ItemStackBuilder(Material.BARRIER);
if(p.getUniqueId().equals(getPlayer().getUniqueId())) {
builder.title(, "{red}You don't have any map."));
if (Permissions.NEW.grantedTo(getPlayer()))
builder.longLore(, "{gray}Get started by creating a new one using {white}/tomap <URL> [resize]{gray}!"));
builder.longLore(, "{gray}Unfortunately, you are not allowed to create one."));
builder.title(, "{red}{0} doesn't have any map.",name));
return builder.item();
protected void onRightClick(ImageMap data)
{, new MapDetailGui(data), this);, new MapDetailGui(data,getPlayer(),name), this);
protected ItemStack getPickedUpItem(ImageMap map)
@ -131,7 +150,7 @@ public class MapListGui extends ExplorerGui<ImageMap>
if (map instanceof SingleMap)
return MapItemManager.createMapItem(map.getMapsIDs()[0], map.getName(), false);
return MapItemManager.createMapItem(map.getMapsIDs()[0], map.getName(), false,true);
else if (map instanceof PosterMap)
@ -151,19 +170,22 @@ public class MapListGui extends ExplorerGui<ImageMap>
protected void onUpdate()
ImageMap[] maps = MapManager.getMaps(getPlayer().getUniqueId());
ImageMap[] maps = MapManager.getMaps(p.getUniqueId());
/// The maps list GUI title
//Equal if the person who send the command is the owner of the mapList
setTitle(, "{black}Your maps {reset}({0})", maps.length));
setTitle(, "{black}{1}'s maps {reset}({0})", maps.length, name ));
/* ** Statistics ** */
int imagesCount = MapManager.getMapList(getPlayer().getUniqueId()).size();
int mapPartCount = MapManager.getMapPartCount(getPlayer().getUniqueId());
int imagesCount = MapManager.getMapList(p.getUniqueId()).size();
int mapPartCount = MapManager.getMapPartCount(p.getUniqueId());
int mapGlobalLimit = PluginConfiguration.MAP_GLOBAL_LIMIT.get();
int mapPersonalLimit = PluginConfiguration.MAP_PLAYER_LIMIT.get();

View File

@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ import java.util.concurrent.Future;
@WorkerAttributes(name = "Image Renderer", queriesMainThread = true)
public class ImageRendererExecutor extends Worker
static private URLConnection HTTPconnection(final URL url) throws IOException {
private static URLConnection connecting(URL url)throws IOException{
final URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
connection.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0");
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ public class ImageRendererExecutor extends Worker
return connection;
static private void checkSizeLimit(final UUID playerUUID, final BufferedImage image ) throws IOException {
static private void checkSizeLimit(final UUID playerUUID, final BufferedImage image) throws IOException {
if ((PluginConfiguration.LIMIT_SIZE_X.get() > 0 || PluginConfiguration.LIMIT_SIZE_Y.get() > 0) && !Permissions.BYPASS_SIZE.grantedTo(Bukkit.getPlayer(playerUUID)))
if (PluginConfiguration.LIMIT_SIZE_X.get() > 0)
@ -94,36 +95,69 @@ public class ImageRendererExecutor extends Worker
private enum extension{
png, jpg, jpeg, gif
static public void render(final URL url, final ImageUtils.ScalingType scaling, final UUID playerUUID, final int width, final int height, WorkerCallback<ImageMap> callback)
submitQuery(new WorkerRunnable<ImageMap>()
public ImageMap run() throws Throwable
public ImageMap run() throws Throwable {
final URLConnection connection = HTTPconnection(url);
BufferedImage image=null;
//If the link is an imgur one
if (url.toString().contains("")) {
final InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream();
final BufferedImage image =;
//Not handled, can't with the hash only access the image in<hash>.<extension>
if (image == null) throw new IOException(I.t("The given URL is not a valid image"));
// Limits are in place and the player does NOT have rights to avoid them.
checkSizeLimit(playerUUID, image);
if (scaling != ImageUtils.ScalingType.NONE && height <= 1 && width <= 1)
return renderSingle(scaling.resize(image, ImageMap.WIDTH, ImageMap.HEIGHT), playerUUID);
if (url.toString().contains("gallery/")) {
throw new IOException("We do not support imgur gallery yet, please use direct link to image instead. Right click on the picture you want to use then select copy picture link:) ");
for (extension ext : extension.values()) {
String newLink = "" + url.toString().split("")[1] + "." + ext.toString();
URL url2 = new URL(newLink);
//Try connecting
URLConnection connection = connecting(url2);
final InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream();
image =;
//valid image
if (image != null) break;
//If not an Imgur link
else {
//Try connecting
URLConnection connection = connecting(url);
final InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream();
image =;
if (image == null) throw new IOException(I.t("The given URL is not a valid image"));
// Limits are in place and the player does NOT have rights to avoid them.
checkSizeLimit(playerUUID, image);
if (scaling != ImageUtils.ScalingType.NONE && height <= 1 && width <= 1) {
return renderSingle(scaling.resize(image, ImageMap.WIDTH, ImageMap.HEIGHT), playerUUID);
final BufferedImage resizedImage = scaling.resize(image, ImageMap.WIDTH * width, ImageMap.HEIGHT * height);
return renderPoster(resizedImage, playerUUID);
}, callback);
public static void update(final URL url, final ImageUtils.ScalingType scaling, final UUID playerUUID, final ImageMap map, final int width, final int height, WorkerCallback<ImageMap> callback) {
submitQuery(new WorkerRunnable<ImageMap>()
@ -172,6 +206,7 @@ public class ImageRendererExecutor extends Worker
static private ImageMap renderSingle(final BufferedImage image, final UUID playerUUID) throws Throwable
MapManager.checkMapLimit(1, playerUUID);
@ -193,10 +228,11 @@ public class ImageRendererExecutor extends Worker
public Void call() throws Exception
Renderer.installRenderer(image, mapID);
return null;
return MapManager.createMap(playerUUID, mapID);
@ -204,7 +240,6 @@ public class ImageRendererExecutor extends Worker
final PosterImage poster = new PosterImage(image);
final int mapCount = poster.getImagesCount();
MapManager.checkMapLimit(mapCount, playerUUID);
final Future<int[]> futureMapsIds = submitToMainThread(new Callable<int[]>()
@ -214,13 +249,11 @@ public class ImageRendererExecutor extends Worker
return MapManager.getNewMapsIds(mapCount);
final int[] mapsIDs = futureMapsIds.get();
ImageIOExecutor.saveImage(mapsIDs, poster);
if (PluginConfiguration.SAVE_FULL_IMAGE.get())
ImageIOExecutor.saveImage(ImageMap.getFullImageFile(mapsIDs[0], mapsIDs[mapsIDs.length - 1]), image);
@ -237,6 +270,8 @@ public class ImageRendererExecutor extends Worker
return MapManager.createMap(poster, playerUUID, mapsIDs);

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
package fr.moribus.imageonmap.ui;
import fr.moribus.imageonmap.Permissions;
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ import fr.zcraft.zlib.core.ZLib;
import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.entity.ItemFrame;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ public class MapItemManager implements Listener
static public boolean give(Player player, SingleMap map)
return give(player, createMapItem(map));
return give(player, createMapItem(map,true));
static public boolean give(Player player, PosterMap map)
@ -137,12 +139,16 @@ public class MapItemManager implements Listener
return !given;
static public ItemStack createMapItem(SingleMap map)
return createMapItem(map.getMapsIDs()[0], map.getName(), false);
static public ItemStack createMapItem(SingleMap map, boolean goldTitle)
return createMapItem(map.getMapsIDs()[0], map.getName(), false, goldTitle);
static public ItemStack createMapItem(PosterMap map, int index)
return createMapItem(map.getMapIdAt(index), getMapTitle(map, index), true);
@ -165,20 +171,31 @@ public class MapItemManager implements Listener
return I.t("{0} (part {1})", map.getName(), index + 1);
static public ItemStack createMapItem(int mapID, String text, boolean isMapPart)
static public ItemStack createMapItem(int mapID, String text, boolean isMapPart, boolean goldTitle)
final ItemStack mapItem = new ItemStackBuilder(Material.FILLED_MAP)
ItemStack mapItem;
if(goldTitle) {
mapItem = new ItemStackBuilder(Material.FILLED_MAP)
.title( ChatColor.GOLD, text)
mapItem= new ItemStackBuilder(Material.FILLED_MAP)
final MapMeta meta = (MapMeta) mapItem.getItemMeta();
meta.setColor(isMapPart ? Color.LIME : Color.GREEN);
return mapItem;
static public ItemStack createMapItem(int mapID, String text, boolean isMapPart)
return createMapItem( mapID, text, isMapPart,false);
* Returns the item to place to display the (col;row) part of the given poster.
@ -247,18 +264,22 @@ public class MapItemManager implements Listener
if (frame.getItem().getType() != Material.AIR) return;
if (!MapManager.managesMap(mapItem)) return;
if (SplatterMapManager.hasSplatterAttributes(mapItem))
if (!SplatterMapManager.placeSplatterMap(frame, player,event)){
event.setCancelled(true); //In case of an error allow to cancel map placement
if(frame.getFacing()!= BlockFace.UP&&frame.getFacing()!= BlockFace.DOWN)
if(frame.getFacing()!= BlockFace.UP&&frame.getFacing()!= BlockFace.DOWN)
// If the item has a display name, bot not one from an anvil by the player, we remove it
// If it is not displayed on hover on the wall.
if (mapItem.hasItemMeta() && mapItem.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName() && mapItem.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().startsWith("§r"))
if (mapItem.hasItemMeta() && mapItem.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName() && mapItem.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().startsWith("§6"))
final ItemStack frameItem = mapItem.clone();
@ -285,6 +306,8 @@ public class MapItemManager implements Listener
ItemStack item = frame.getItem();
if (frame.getItem().getType() != Material.FILLED_MAP) return;
if (Permissions.REMOVE_SPLATTER_MAP.grantedTo(player))
if (player.isSneaking())
PosterMap poster = SplatterMapManager.removeSplatterMap(frame,player);
@ -298,6 +321,7 @@ public class MapItemManager implements Listener
if (!MapManager.managesMap(frame.getItem())) return;

View File

@ -298,10 +298,7 @@ abstract public class SplatterMapManager {
frame.setItem(new ItemStackBuilder(Material.FILLED_MAP).nbt(ImmutableMap.of("map", id)).craftItem());
//Force reset of rotation
if(i==0){//First map need to be rotate one time Clockwise

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Plugin language. Empty: system language.
# Available: en-US (default, fallback), fr-FR, ru-RU, de-DE.
# Available: en-US (default, fallback), fr-FR, ru-RU, de-DE, zh-CN, ja-JP.

View File

@ -2,9 +2,13 @@ This command manages and creates ImagesOnMaps.
new: Creates a new ImageOnMap
delete: Deletes a map.
delete-noconfirm: Deletes a map. Deletion is permanent and made without confirmation
deleteother: Deletes another map.
get: Gives you a map.
getother: Gets another player's map.
getremaining: Gives you the remaining maps that could not fit in your inventory
list: Lists all the map you currently have.
listother: list all the map of another player.
explore: Opens a GUI to see and manage your maps.
exploreother: Opens a GUI to see and manage another player maps.
migrate: Lauches the migration process from V2.7 to V3.x.
help : Use help for more information about a command.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Gets another player's map.
§6<playername>: §rThe name of the player who owns the map.
§6<mapname>: §rThe name of the map. Use /maptool listother to get map names.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Lists another player's maps.
§6<playername>: §rThe name of the player you want to list map from.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-07-27 21:02+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-27 21:38+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Kotlia\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: ja_JP\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n < 1 || n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit\n"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/
msgid "You need to give a map name."
msgstr "マップ名が必要です!"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "This map does not exist."
msgstr "このマップは存在しません"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "You are going to delete"
msgstr "これを削除します"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Are you sure ? "
msgstr "大丈夫ですか?"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "[Confirm]"
msgstr "[確定]"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "{red}This map will be deleted {bold}forever{red}!"
msgstr "{red}このマップは {bold}復元不可能になります{red}!"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Map successfully deleted."
msgstr "削除に成功しました"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "The requested map was too big to fit in your inventory."
msgstr "マップのサイズがインベントリに対して大きすぎます"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Use '/maptool getremaining' to get the remaining maps."
msgstr "残りのマップを取得するには '/maptool getremaining' を実行して下さい。"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "You have no remaining map."
msgstr "残りのマップは存在しません"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid ""
"Your inventory is full! Make some space before requesting the remaining maps."
msgstr ""
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
#, java-format
msgid "There is {0} map remaining."
msgid_plural "There are {0} maps remaining."
msgstr[0] "残り {0} 枚のマップが残っています"
msgstr[1] "残り {0} 枚のマップが残っています"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "No map found."
msgstr "マップが見つかりませんでした"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "{white}{bold}{0} map found."
msgid_plural "{white}{bold}{0} maps found."
msgstr[0] "{white}{bold}{0} 枚のマップを発見しました"
msgstr[1] "{white}{bold}{0} 枚のマップを発見しました"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "{white}Click{gray} to get this map"
msgstr "{gray}マップを取得するには{white}ここをクリック"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "A migration process is already running. Check console for details."
msgstr "移行中...コンソールで詳細を確認できます"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Migration started. See console for details."
msgstr "移行開始...コンソールで詳細を確認できます"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "You must give an URL to take the image from."
msgstr "画像URLが必要です"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Invalid URL."
msgstr "無効なURLです"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Rendering..."
msgstr "レンダリング中..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Rendering finished!"
msgstr "レンダリング完了!"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "The rendered map was too big to fit in your inventory."
msgstr "レンダリングされたマップはインベントリに対して大きすぎます!"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "{ce}Map rendering failed: {0}"
msgstr "{ce}レンダリング失敗: {0}"
#. The title of the map deletion GUI. {0}: map name.
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{0} » {black}Confirm deletion"
msgstr "{0} » {black}削除確認"
#. The title of the map deletion item
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{red}You're about to destroy this map..."
msgstr "{red}このマップを破壊しようとしています..."
#. The end, in the lore, of a title starting with “You're about to destroy this map...”.
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{red}...{italic}forever{red}."
msgstr "{red}...{italic}永遠{red}."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Name: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}名前: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Map ID: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}マップ ID: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Maps inside: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}マップ: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Map successfully deleted."
msgstr "{gray}マップの削除に成功しました"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{green}Map part"
msgstr "{green}マップ部分"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Column: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}縦: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Row: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}横: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}» {white}Click{gray} to get only this part"
msgstr "{gray}» {gray} ここだけを入手するには {white}クリック"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Part: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}部分: {white}{0}"
#. Title of the map details GUI
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "Your maps » {black}{0}"
msgstr "あなたのマップ » {black}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{blue}Rename this image"
msgstr "{blue}このイメージの名前を変更"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid ""
"{gray}Click here to rename this image; this is used for your own "
msgstr ""
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{red}Delete this image"
msgstr "{red}この写真を削除"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid ""
"{gray}Deletes this map {white}forever{gray}. This action cannot be undone!"
msgstr ""
"{white}削除・永久{gray} {gray}に復旧出来ません。"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}You will be asked to confirm your choice if you click here."
msgstr "{gray}You will be asked to confirm your choice if you click here."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{green}« Back"
msgstr "{green}« 戻る"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Go back to the list."
msgstr "{gray}表に戻る"
#. Displayed subtitle description of a single map on the list GUI
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}Single map"
msgstr "{white}一つのマップ"
#. Displayed subtitle description of a poster map on the list GUI (columns × rows in english)
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}Poster map ({0} × {1})"
msgstr "{white}ポスターマップ ({0} × {1})"
#. Displayed subtitle description of a poster map without column data on the list GUI
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}Poster map ({0} parts)"
msgstr "{white}ポスターマップ ({0} 部分)"
#. Displayed title of a map on the list GUI
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{green}{bold}{0}"
msgstr "{green}{bold}{0}"
#. Map ID displayed in the tooltip of a map on the list GUI
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Map ID: {0}"
msgstr "{gray}マップ ID: {0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}» {white}Left-click{gray} to get this map"
msgstr "{gray}» {white}左クリック{gray} でこのマップを入手"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}» {white}Right-click{gray} for details and options"
msgstr "{gray}» {white}右クリック{gray} で詳細を表示"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{red}You don't have any map."
msgstr "{red}あなたはマップを持っていません!"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid ""
"{gray}Get started by creating a new one using {white}/tomap <URL> [resize]"
msgstr ""
"{gray}まずは作ってみましょう!コマンド: {white}/tomap <URL> [resize]"
#. The maps list GUI title
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{black}Your maps {reset}({0})"
msgstr "{black}あなたのマップ {reset}({0})"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{blue}Usage statistics"
msgstr "{blue}あなたの統計情報"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}{0}{gray} image rendered"
msgid_plural "{white}{0}{gray} images rendered"
msgstr[0] "{white}{0}{gray} 画像レンダリング完了"
msgstr[1] "{white}{0}{gray} 画像レンダリング完了"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}{0}{gray} Minecraft map used"
msgid_plural "{white}{0}{gray} Minecraft maps used"
msgstr[0] "{white}{0}{gray} 使用したマップ"
msgstr[1] "{white}{0}{gray} 使用したマップ"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{blue}Minecraft maps limits"
msgstr "{blue}minecraftマップリミット"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Server-wide limit: {white}unlimited"
msgstr "{gray}Server-wide limit: {white}unlimited"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Server-wide limit: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}Server-wide limit: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Per-player limit: {white}unlimited"
msgstr "{gray}Per-player limit: {white}unlimited"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Per-player limit: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}Per-player limit: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}{0} %{gray} of your quota used"
msgstr "{white}{0} %{gray} of your quota used"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}{0}{gray} map left"
msgid_plural "{white}{0}{gray} maps left"
msgstr[0] "{white}{0}{gray} map left"
msgstr[1] "{white}{0}{gray} maps left"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/image/
#, java-format
msgid "HTTP error : {0} {1}"
msgstr "HTTP error : {0} {1}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/image/
msgid "The given URL is not a valid image"
msgstr "これは有効な画像URLではありません"
#. The default display name of a map
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/map/
msgid "Map"
msgstr "マップ"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/map/
#, java-format
msgid "You have too many maps (maximum : {0})."
msgstr "保有するマップが多すぎます! (maximum : {0})."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/map/
msgid "The server ImageOnMap limit has been reached."
msgstr "The server ImageOnMap limit has been reached."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/map/
msgid "The given map does not exist."
msgstr "マップが存在しません."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Migration is already running."
msgstr "移行は実行中です"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Waiting for migration to finish..."
msgstr "移行終了待ち..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"Migration thread has been interrupted while waiting to finish. It may not "
"have ended correctly."
msgstr ""
"Migration thread has been interrupted while waiting to finish. It may not "
"have ended correctly."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Error while preparing migration"
msgstr "Error while preparing migration"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Aborting migration. No change has been made."
msgstr "Aborting migration. No change has been made."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Error while migrating"
msgstr "Error while migrating"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Aborting migration. Some changes may already have been made."
msgstr "Aborting migration. Some changes may already have been made."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"Before trying to migrate again, you must recover player files from the "
"backups, and then move the backups away from the plugin directory to avoid "
"overwriting them."
msgstr ""
"Before trying to migrate again, you must recover player files from the "
"backups, and then move the backups away from the plugin directory to avoid "
"overwriting them."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Looking for configuration files to migrate..."
msgstr "Looking for configuration files to migrate..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "Detected former posters file {0}"
msgstr "Detected former posters file {0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "Detected former maps file {0}"
msgstr "Detected former maps file {0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "There is nothing to migrate. Stopping."
msgstr "There is nothing to migrate. Stopping."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Done."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Backup directories already exists."
msgstr "Backup directories already exists."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"This means that a migration has already been done, or may not have ended "
msgstr ""
"This means that a migration has already been done, or may not have ended "
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"To start a new migration, you must move away the backup directories so they "
"are not overwritten."
msgstr ""
"To start a new migration, you must move away the backup directories so they "
"are not overwritten."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Backing up map data before migrating..."
msgstr "Backing up map data before migrating..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Backup complete."
msgstr "Backup complete."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Fetching UUIDs from Mojang..."
msgstr "Fetching UUIDs from Mojang..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "An error occurred while fetching the UUIDs from Mojang"
msgstr "An error occurred while fetching the UUIDs from Mojang"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "The migration worker has been interrupted"
msgstr "The migration worker has been interrupted"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "Fetching done. {0} UUID have been retrieved."
msgid_plural "Fetching done. {0} UUIDs have been retrieved."
msgstr[0] "Fetching done. {0} UUID have been retrieved."
msgstr[1] "Fetching done. {0} UUIDs have been retrieved."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "Mojang did not find UUIDs for {0} player at the current time."
msgid_plural "Mojang did not find UUIDs for {0} players at the current time."
msgstr[0] "Mojang did not find UUIDs for {0} player at the current time."
msgstr[1] "Mojang did not find UUIDs for {0} players at the current time."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"The Mojang servers limit requests rate at one per second, this may take some "
msgstr ""
"The Mojang servers limit requests rate at one per second, this may take some "
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "Mojang did not find player data for {0} player"
msgid_plural "Mojang did not find player data for {0} players"
msgstr[0] "Mojang did not find player data for {0} player"
msgstr[1] "Mojang did not find player data for {0} players"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "The following players do not exist or do not have paid accounts :"
msgstr "The following players do not exist or do not have paid accounts :"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Mojang could not find any of the registered players."
msgstr "Mojang could not find any of the registered players."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Merging map data..."
msgstr "Merging map data..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} registered minecraft map is missing from the save."
msgid_plural "{0} registered minecraft maps are missing from the save."
msgstr[0] "{0} registered minecraft map is missing from the save."
msgstr[1] "{0} registered minecraft maps are missing from the save."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"These maps will not be migrated, but this could mean the save has been "
"altered or corrupted."
msgstr ""
"These maps will not be migrated, but this could mean the save has been "
"altered or corrupted."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "The following maps are missing : {0} "
msgstr "The following maps are missing : {0} "
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Saving changes..."
msgstr "Saving changes..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Cleaning up old data files..."
msgstr "Cleaning up old data files..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Deleting old map data file..."
msgstr "Deleting old map data file..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} map could not be migrated."
msgid_plural "{0} maps could not be migrated."
msgstr[0] "{0} map could not be migrated."
msgstr[1] "{0} maps could not be migrated."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Deleting old poster data file..."
msgstr "Deleting old poster data file..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} poster could not be migrated."
msgid_plural "{0} posters could not be migrated."
msgstr[0] "{0} poster could not be migrated."
msgstr[1] "{0} posters could not be migrated."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Data that has not been migrated will be kept in the old data files."
msgstr "Data that has not been migrated will be kept in the old data files."
#. The name of a map item given to a player, if splatter maps are not used. 0 = map name; 1 = index.
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} (part {1})"
msgstr "{0} (部分 {1})"
#. The name of a map item given to a player, if splatter maps are not used. 0 = map name; 1 = row; 2 = column.
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} (row {1}, column {2})"
msgstr "{0} (横 {1}, 縦 {2})"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid "Splatter Map"
msgstr "拡散マップ"
#. Title in a splatter map tooltip
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid "Item frames needed"
msgstr "アイテムフレームが必要です"
#. Size of a map stored in a splatter map
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} × {1}"
msgstr "横: {0} × 縦: {1}"
#. Size of a map stored in a splatter map, including the total frames count
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} × {1} (total {2} frames)"
msgstr "横: {0} × 縦: {1} (合計 {2} フレーム)"
#. Title in a splatter map tooltip
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid "How to use this?"
msgstr "これをどうやって使いますか?"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid ""
"Place empty item frames on a wall, enough to host the whole map. Then, right-"
"click on the bottom-left frame with this map."
msgstr ""
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid ""
"Shift-click one of the placed maps to remove the whole poster in one shot."
msgstr ""
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid "{ce}There is not enough space to place this map ({0} × {1})."
msgstr "{ce}このマップを設置するのに十分なスペースがありません! (横: {0} × 縦: {1})"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-07-10 03:07+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-10 03:08+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Souir_Tommer\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n < 1 || n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit\n"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/
msgid "You need to give a map name."
msgstr "你需要提供名称"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "This map does not exist."
msgstr "该地图不存在"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "You are going to delete"
msgstr "你将要删除"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Are you sure ? "
msgstr "你确定吗? "
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "[Confirm]"
msgstr "[确定]"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "{red}This map will be deleted {bold}forever{red}!"
msgstr "{red}这个地图将会永久 {bold}删除{red}!"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Map successfully deleted."
msgstr "地图已成功删除"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "The requested map was too big to fit in your inventory."
msgstr "请求的地图太大,无法容纳到您的背包中"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Use '/maptool getremaining' to get the remaining maps."
msgstr "Use '/maptool getremaining' to get the remaining maps."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "You have no remaining map."
msgstr "你没有剩余的地图"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid ""
"Your inventory is full! Make some space before requesting the remaining maps."
msgstr ""
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
#, java-format
msgid "There is {0} map remaining."
msgid_plural "There are {0} maps remaining."
msgstr[0] "剩余 {0} 张地图"
msgstr[1] "剩余 {0} 张地图"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "No map found."
msgstr "找不到地图"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "{white}{bold}{0} map found."
msgid_plural "{white}{bold}{0} maps found."
msgstr[0] "{white}{bold}{0} 地图"
msgstr[1] "{white}{bold}{0} 地图"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "{white}Click{gray} to get this map"
msgstr "{white}点击{gray} 得到这张地图"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "A migration process is already running. Check console for details."
msgstr "进程已在运行..请等待"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Migration started. See console for details."
msgstr "开始..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "You must give an URL to take the image from."
msgstr "您必须提供URL才能从中获取图像"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Invalid URL."
msgstr "无效的网址"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Rendering..."
msgstr "渲染..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "Rendering finished!"
msgstr "渲染完成!"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "The rendered map was too big to fit in your inventory."
msgstr "渲染的地图太大"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/commands/maptool/
msgid "{ce}Map rendering failed: {0}"
msgstr "{ce}地图渲染失败: {0}"
#. The title of the map deletion GUI. {0}: map name.
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{0} » {black}Confirm deletion"
msgstr "{0} » {black}确认删除"
#. The title of the map deletion item
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{red}You're about to destroy this map..."
msgstr "{red}您将要销毁这张地图..."
#. The end, in the lore, of a title starting with “You're about to destroy this map...”.
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{red}...{italic}forever{red}."
msgstr "{red}...{italic}永久{red}."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Name: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}名称: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Map ID: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}地图 ID: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Maps inside: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}地图: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Map successfully deleted."
msgstr "{gray}地图已成功删除"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{green}Map part"
msgstr "{green}地图部分"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Column: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}高: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Row: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}宽: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}» {white}Click{gray} to get only this part"
msgstr "{gray}» {white}点击{gray} 得到这部分"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Part: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}部分: {white}{0}"
#. Title of the map details GUI
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "Your maps » {black}{0}"
msgstr "你的地图 » {black}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{blue}Rename this image"
msgstr "{blue}重命名这张图片"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid ""
"{gray}Click here to rename this image; this is used for your own "
msgstr ""
"{gray}点击此处重命名该图像; 这只对自己生效"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{red}Delete this image"
msgstr "{red}删除这张图片"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid ""
"{gray}Deletes this map {white}forever{gray}. This action cannot be undone!"
msgstr ""
"{white}永久{gray} {gray}删除这张地图,此操作无法撤消!"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}You will be asked to confirm your choice if you click here."
msgstr "{gray}You will be asked to confirm your choice if you click here."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{green}« Back"
msgstr "{green}« 返回"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Go back to the list."
msgstr "{gray}返回到列表"
#. Displayed subtitle description of a single map on the list GUI
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}Single map"
msgstr "{white}单张地图"
#. Displayed subtitle description of a poster map on the list GUI (columns × rows in english)
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}Poster map ({0} × {1})"
msgstr "{white}地图大小 ({0} × {1})"
#. Displayed subtitle description of a poster map without column data on the list GUI
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}Poster map ({0} parts)"
msgstr "{white}地图大小 ({0} 部分)"
#. Displayed title of a map on the list GUI
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{green}{bold}{0}"
msgstr "{green}{bold}{0}"
#. Map ID displayed in the tooltip of a map on the list GUI
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Map ID: {0}"
msgstr "{gray}地图 ID: {0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}» {white}Left-click{gray} to get this map"
msgstr "{gray}» {white}左击{gray} 获得地图"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}» {white}Right-click{gray} for details and options"
msgstr "{gray}» {white}右击{gray} 打开更多设置"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{red}You don't have any map."
msgstr "{red}你还没有任何地图"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid ""
"{gray}Get started by creating a new one using {white}/tomap <URL> [resize]"
msgstr ""
"{gray}使用指令创建地图吧 {white}/tomap <URL> [resize]"
#. The maps list GUI title
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{black}Your maps {reset}({0})"
msgstr "{black}你的地图 {reset}({0})"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{blue}Usage statistics"
msgstr "{blue}使用状态"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}{0}{gray} image rendered"
msgid_plural "{white}{0}{gray} images rendered"
msgstr[0] "{white}{0}{gray} 渲染地图"
msgstr[1] "{white}{0}{gray} 渲染地图"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}{0}{gray} Minecraft map used"
msgid_plural "{white}{0}{gray} Minecraft maps used"
msgstr[0] "{white}{0}{gray} 张地图用量"
msgstr[1] "{white}{0}{gray} 张地图用量"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{blue}Minecraft maps limits"
msgstr "{blue}minecraft地图限制"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Server-wide limit: {white}unlimited"
msgstr "{gray}Server-wide limit: {white}unlimited"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Server-wide limit: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}Server-wide limit: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Per-player limit: {white}unlimited"
msgstr "{gray}Per-player limit: {white}unlimited"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{gray}Per-player limit: {white}{0}"
msgstr "{gray}Per-player limit: {white}{0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}{0} %{gray} of your quota used"
msgstr "{white}{0} %{gray} of your quota used"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/gui/
msgid "{white}{0}{gray} map left"
msgid_plural "{white}{0}{gray} maps left"
msgstr[0] "{white}{0}{gray} map left"
msgstr[1] "{white}{0}{gray} maps left"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/image/
#, java-format
msgid "HTTP error : {0} {1}"
msgstr "HTTP error : {0} {1}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/image/
msgid "The given URL is not a valid image"
msgstr "指定的网址不是有效的图片"
#. The default display name of a map
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/map/
msgid "Map"
msgstr "地图"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/map/
#, java-format
msgid "You have too many maps (maximum : {0})."
msgstr "You have too many maps (maximum : {0})."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/map/
msgid "The server ImageOnMap limit has been reached."
msgstr "The server ImageOnMap limit has been reached."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/map/
msgid "The given map does not exist."
msgstr "地图不存在."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Migration is already running."
msgstr "迁移已在运行"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Waiting for migration to finish..."
msgstr "等待迁移完成..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"Migration thread has been interrupted while waiting to finish. It may not "
"have ended correctly."
msgstr ""
"Migration thread has been interrupted while waiting to finish. It may not "
"have ended correctly."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Error while preparing migration"
msgstr "Error while preparing migration"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Aborting migration. No change has been made."
msgstr "Aborting migration. No change has been made."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Error while migrating"
msgstr "Error while migrating"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Aborting migration. Some changes may already have been made."
msgstr "Aborting migration. Some changes may already have been made."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"Before trying to migrate again, you must recover player files from the "
"backups, and then move the backups away from the plugin directory to avoid "
"overwriting them."
msgstr ""
"Before trying to migrate again, you must recover player files from the "
"backups, and then move the backups away from the plugin directory to avoid "
"overwriting them."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Looking for configuration files to migrate..."
msgstr "Looking for configuration files to migrate..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "Detected former posters file {0}"
msgstr "Detected former posters file {0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "Detected former maps file {0}"
msgstr "Detected former maps file {0}"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "There is nothing to migrate. Stopping."
msgstr "There is nothing to migrate. Stopping."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Done."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Backup directories already exists."
msgstr "Backup directories already exists."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"This means that a migration has already been done, or may not have ended "
msgstr ""
"This means that a migration has already been done, or may not have ended "
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"To start a new migration, you must move away the backup directories so they "
"are not overwritten."
msgstr ""
"To start a new migration, you must move away the backup directories so they "
"are not overwritten."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Backing up map data before migrating..."
msgstr "Backing up map data before migrating..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Backup complete."
msgstr "Backup complete."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Fetching UUIDs from Mojang..."
msgstr "Fetching UUIDs from Mojang..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "An error occurred while fetching the UUIDs from Mojang"
msgstr "An error occurred while fetching the UUIDs from Mojang"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "The migration worker has been interrupted"
msgstr "The migration worker has been interrupted"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "Fetching done. {0} UUID have been retrieved."
msgid_plural "Fetching done. {0} UUIDs have been retrieved."
msgstr[0] "Fetching done. {0} UUID have been retrieved."
msgstr[1] "Fetching done. {0} UUIDs have been retrieved."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "Mojang did not find UUIDs for {0} player at the current time."
msgid_plural "Mojang did not find UUIDs for {0} players at the current time."
msgstr[0] "Mojang did not find UUIDs for {0} player at the current time."
msgstr[1] "Mojang did not find UUIDs for {0} players at the current time."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"The Mojang servers limit requests rate at one per second, this may take some "
msgstr ""
"The Mojang servers limit requests rate at one per second, this may take some "
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "Mojang did not find player data for {0} player"
msgid_plural "Mojang did not find player data for {0} players"
msgstr[0] "Mojang did not find player data for {0} player"
msgstr[1] "Mojang did not find player data for {0} players"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "The following players do not exist or do not have paid accounts :"
msgstr "The following players do not exist or do not have paid accounts :"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Mojang could not find any of the registered players."
msgstr "Mojang could not find any of the registered players."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Merging map data..."
msgstr "Merging map data..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} registered minecraft map is missing from the save."
msgid_plural "{0} registered minecraft maps are missing from the save."
msgstr[0] "{0} registered minecraft map is missing from the save."
msgstr[1] "{0} registered minecraft maps are missing from the save."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid ""
"These maps will not be migrated, but this could mean the save has been "
"altered or corrupted."
msgstr ""
"These maps will not be migrated, but this could mean the save has been "
"altered or corrupted."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "The following maps are missing : {0} "
msgstr "The following maps are missing : {0} "
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Saving changes..."
msgstr "Saving changes..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Cleaning up old data files..."
msgstr "Cleaning up old data files..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Deleting old map data file..."
msgstr "Deleting old map data file..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} map could not be migrated."
msgid_plural "{0} maps could not be migrated."
msgstr[0] "{0} map could not be migrated."
msgstr[1] "{0} maps could not be migrated."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Deleting old poster data file..."
msgstr "Deleting old poster data file..."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} poster could not be migrated."
msgid_plural "{0} posters could not be migrated."
msgstr[0] "{0} poster could not be migrated."
msgstr[1] "{0} posters could not be migrated."
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/migration/
msgid "Data that has not been migrated will be kept in the old data files."
msgstr "Data that has not been migrated will be kept in the old data files."
#. The name of a map item given to a player, if splatter maps are not used. 0 = map name; 1 = index.
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} (part {1})"
msgstr "{0} (部分 {1})"
#. The name of a map item given to a player, if splatter maps are not used. 0 = map name; 1 = row; 2 = column.
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} (row {1}, column {2})"
msgstr "{0} (宽 {1}, 高 {2})"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid "Splatter Map"
msgstr "扩散地图"
#. Title in a splatter map tooltip
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid "Item frames needed"
msgstr "展示框空间所需"
#. Size of a map stored in a splatter map
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} × {1}"
msgstr "宽: {0} × 高: {1}"
#. Size of a map stored in a splatter map, including the total frames count
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
#, java-format
msgid "{0} × {1} (total {2} frames)"
msgstr "宽: {0} × 高: {1} (共需要 {2} 展示框)"
#. Title in a splatter map tooltip
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid "How to use this?"
msgstr "如何使用?"
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid ""
"Place empty item frames on a wall, enough to host the whole map. Then, right-"
"click on the bottom-left frame with this map."
msgstr ""
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid ""
"Shift-click one of the placed maps to remove the whole poster in one shot."
msgstr ""
#: src/main/java/fr/moribus/imageonmap/ui/
msgid "{ce}There is not enough space to place this map ({0} × {1})."
msgstr "{ce}这里没有足够的空间 (宽: {0} × 高: {1})"

View File

@ -20,34 +20,51 @@ permissions:
imageonmap.userender: true true
imageonmap.list: true
imageonmap.listother: true
imageonmap.get: true
imageonmap.getother: true
imageonmap.explore: true
imageonmap.exploreother: true
imageonmap.rename: true
imageonmap.removesplattermap: true
imageonmap.delete: true
imageonmap.deleteother: false
imageonmap.bypasssize: false
imageonmap.update: true
imageonmap.updateother: false
description: "Allows you to use /tomap and related commands (/maptool getremaing). Alias of"
description: "Allows you to use /tomap and related commands (/maptool getremaining). Alias of"
default: true
description: "Allows you to use /tomap and related commands (/maptool getremaing)."
description: "Allows you to use /tomap and related commands (/maptool getremaining)."
default: true
description: "Allows you to list the images you rendered."
default: true
description: "Allows you to list the images a player have rendered."
default: false
description: "Allows you to get a new map among the ones you already rendered, and related commands (/maptool getremaing)."
description: "Allows you to get a new map among the ones you already rendered, and related commands (/maptool getremaining)."
default: true
description: "Allows you to get a new map among the ones a player have already rendered."
default: false
description: "Allows you to open a GUI with all your maps."
default: true
description: "Allows you to open a GUI with all of the player maps."
default: false
description: "Allows you to rename a map you rendered in the past."
default: true
@ -56,6 +73,14 @@ permissions:
description: "Allows you to delete a map you rendered in the past."
default: true
description: "Allows you to delete a map a player rendered in the past."
default: false
description: "Allows you to remove a splatter map from a wall by sneaking and breaking a map."
default: true
description: "Allows you to perform administrative tasks (like /maptool migrate)."
default: op