* NEW: The preview of the map takes all the available space except a line and a column for the sliders. The other tools are placed between the horizontal sliders.
* NEW: Added a book displaying statistics on the maps list GUI, with images rendered, Minecraft maps used, and Minecraft-maps-limits-related statistics if these limits exists.
* NEW: Added a delete button to the details view.
* NEW: A click on the delete button opens a confirmation GUI with two big buttons, one to confirm, the other to cancel.
* NEW: Right-clicking on a GUI opens another one with details about the map.
* NEW: The details GUI displays the map on a screen with scrollbars to consult the map per-minecraft-map.
* NEW: Each part of the map can be taken independently.
* NEW: Single maps are intuitively taken from the GUI, like any other chest item (shift-click supported).
* NEW: The posters are still given (until the splatter map, see #11), but the inventory is no longer closed.
* BUG: Fixed players unable to shift-click an item from the player inventory to the GUI.
* NEW: Added a direct access to the InventoryAction in the methods.
* OPT: Code style, avoiding too many nested blocs.
* OPT: Raw types in the class attributes (meh @IamBlueSlime).
* NEW: Added another onClick signature with the full event as the last parameter.
* NEW: Added a new method triggered when an item is dropped in the inventory GUI (`onItemDeposit`), with various signatures.
* BUG: Click triggered on click on a slot with the same raw number on the player inventory (out of the GUI).
* BUG: Fixed items ate by the GUI when dragged on it by cancelling all drags on managed inventories.
* NEW: Added a reflection-based API to remove all vanilla infos from the tooltips. Only effective on Bukkit 1.8.3+.
* NEW: Now using this API to remove the “Unknown map” or “Scaled at 1:8” texts from the maps in the GUI.
* NEW: Command `/maptool manage` to open a GUI used to manage the maps.
* NEW: GUI to manage the maps, organized per-category (first GUI to select the map type; then a GUI to view them). Pages of 21 maps (3×7).
* NEW: You can get a map by left-clicking on it on the GUI.
* NEW: Refactored PluginLogger for multi-thread usage and message formatting.
* NEW: Posters and maps that could not be migrated are now saved back
to their original files.
* NEW: Moved the maptool-migration command to the /maptool migrate subcommand.
* NEW: PosterMap can now be used without having row/column count information.
* NEW: Added a detailed help message for the migration command.
* BUG: Fixed UUIDFetcher's HTTP GET request sending.
* BUG: Fixed Name->UUID time-specific matching.
* OPT: Removed the CommandPermission structure, it is actually useless.
* OPT: Renamed Migrator to MigratorExecutor.
* NEW: UUIDFetcher can now fetch uuids at a specific timestamp.
* BUG: Old map files are not loaded twice anymore.
* OPT: Reduced minimum time between requests.
* NEW: Added Migration worker.
* NEW: Added the maptool-migration op-only command.
* NEW: Added pre-v3 map files loading support.
* NEW: Implemented v3 migration preparation.
* NEW: Commands : added support for runtime permission checking.
* NEW: Worker threads are now named based upon their worker's name.
* BUG: Fix MapItemManager exiting if it has not been properly initialized.
* NEW: Implemented the per-player map limit.
* NEW: Implemented the global map limit.
* NEW: The map manager can now raise exceptions for some requests.
* NEW: The configuration can now have deprecated field names.
These fields are automatically migrated if present in the config file.
* NEW: The configuration now writes default values when loading the plugin.
* BUG: Fixed configuration loading.
* BUG: Fixed player store loading's thread-safety.
* OPT: Cleaned up map loading events initialisation.
* NEW: Implemented the RendererExecutor for splitted and scaled images.
* NEW: Implemented image saving.
* NEW: Worker callbacks now take as a parameter the return value of the Runnable.
* NEW: Worker runnables can now request data from the main thread using the Future API.
* BUG: null is now a valid value for the "name" field.
* BUG: Fix map loading for Posters and Single maps.
* OPT: The PosterImage class now only makes the primary calculations when instanciated.
The splitting is now a separate method.
* OPT: When a map data entry is invalid, only the error message is shown in console
rather than the full backtrace.
* NEW: Added proper license headers.
* NEW: New image loading management.
* NEW: Added a threaded worker to run the image loading/saving.
* OPT: Moved images to the images/ subdirectory.
* NEW: Added the commands and image packages.
* NEW: ImageMap is now an abstract class rather than an interface,
allowing to add several useful common methods.
* NEW: The MapType enumeration is now part of the ImageMap class.
* NEW: Added some utility methods to the MapType enumeration.
* NEW: imageName, ownerName and worldName are now common map properties.
* NEW: The PosterImage class (was previously Poster) is now used to hold
the sub-images in the PosterMap class, instead of holding an array of
* NEW: Completely rewrote the image splitting algorithm.
* NEW: Removed the MapData and PosterData classes. They were uselessly
wrapped by the PosterMap and SingleMap classes.
* BUG: Fixed some method's accessibility.
* OPT: Cleaned up the map renderer a bit.