2016-11-19 09:27:43 +01:00
package com.gamingmesh.jobs.config ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit ;
import org.bukkit.Location ;
import org.bukkit.World ;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection ;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration ;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player ;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.Jobs ;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.RestrictedArea ;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.ChatColor ;
public class RestrictedAreaManager {
protected ArrayList < RestrictedArea > restrictedAreas = new ArrayList < RestrictedArea > ( ) ;
private Jobs plugin ;
public RestrictedAreaManager ( Jobs plugin ) {
this . plugin = plugin ;
/ * *
* Gets the area multiplier for the player
* @param player
* @return - the multiplier
* /
public synchronized double getRestrictedMultiplier ( Player player ) {
for ( RestrictedArea area : restrictedAreas ) {
if ( area . inRestrictedArea ( player ) )
return area . getMultiplier ( ) ;
return 0D ;
/ * *
* Method to load the restricted areas configuration
* loads from Jobs / restrictedAreas . yml
* /
public synchronized void load ( ) {
this . restrictedAreas . clear ( ) ;
File f = new File ( plugin . getDataFolder ( ) , " restrictedAreas.yml " ) ;
YamlConfiguration conf = YamlConfiguration . loadConfiguration ( f ) ;
conf . options ( ) . indent ( 2 ) ;
conf . options ( ) . copyDefaults ( true ) ;
StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
header . append ( " Restricted area configuration " ) ;
header . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " Configures restricted areas where you cannot get experience or money " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " when performing a job. " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " The multiplier changes the experience/money gains in an area. " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " A multiplier of 0.0 means no money or xp, while 0.5 means you will get half the normal money/exp " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " restrictedareas: " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " area1: " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " world: 'world' " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " multiplier: 0.0 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " point1: " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " x: 125 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " y: 0 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " z: 125 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " point2: " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " x: 150 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " y: 100 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " z: 150 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " area2: " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " world: 'world_nether' " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " multiplier: 0.0 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " point1: " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " x: -100 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " y: 0 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " z: -100 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " point2: " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " x: -150 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " y: 100 " ) . append ( System . getProperty ( " line.separator " ) )
. append ( " z: -150 " ) ;
conf . options ( ) . header ( header . toString ( ) ) ;
ConfigurationSection areaSection = conf . getConfigurationSection ( " restrictedareas " ) ;
if ( areaSection ! = null ) {
for ( String areaKey : areaSection . getKeys ( false ) ) {
String worldName = conf . getString ( " restrictedareas. " + areaKey + " .world " ) ;
double multiplier = conf . getDouble ( " restrictedareas. " + areaKey + " .multiplier " , 0 . 0 ) ;
World world = Bukkit . getServer ( ) . getWorld ( worldName ) ;
if ( world = = null )
continue ;
Location point1 = new Location ( world , conf . getDouble ( " restrictedareas. " + areaKey + " .point1.x " , 0 . 0 ) , conf . getDouble ( " restrictedareas. " + areaKey
+ " .point1.y " , 0 . 0 ) , conf . getDouble ( " restrictedareas. " + areaKey + " .point1.z " , 0 . 0 ) ) ;
Location point2 = new Location ( world , conf . getDouble ( " restrictedareas. " + areaKey + " .point2.x " , 0 . 0 ) , conf . getDouble ( " restrictedareas. " + areaKey
+ " .point2.y " , 0 . 0 ) , conf . getDouble ( " restrictedareas. " + areaKey + " .point2.z " , 0 . 0 ) ) ;
this . restrictedAreas . add ( new RestrictedArea ( point1 , point2 , multiplier ) ) ;
Bukkit . getConsoleSender ( ) . sendMessage ( ChatColor . YELLOW + " [Jobs] Loaded " + restrictedAreas . size ( ) + " restricted areas! " ) ;
try {
conf . save ( f ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;