mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 13:21:41 +01:00
Code cleanup
- Now %jobsr_user_points% will display only 3 digits, Closes #761 - Fix when resetting quests for all jobs
This commit is contained in:
@ -661,10 +661,7 @@ public class Jobs extends JavaPlugin {
if (setupPlaceHolderAPI()) {
consoleMsg("&ePlaceholderAPI was found - Enabling capabilities.");
PlaceholderAPIEnabled = true;
PlaceholderAPIEnabled = setupPlaceHolderAPI();
try {
YmlMaker jobConfig = new YmlMaker(this, "jobConfig.yml");
@ -947,7 +944,7 @@ public class Jobs extends JavaPlugin {
if (pointAmount != 0D)
HashMap<CurrencyType, Double> payments = new HashMap<CurrencyType, Double>();
HashMap<CurrencyType, Double> payments = new HashMap<>();
if (income != 0D)
payments.put(CurrencyType.MONEY, income);
if (pointAmount != 0D)
@ -1111,7 +1108,7 @@ public class Jobs extends JavaPlugin {
consoleMsg("&c[Jobs] Some issues with boss bar feature accured, try disabling it to avoid it.");
HashMap<CurrencyType, Double> payments = new HashMap<CurrencyType, Double>();
HashMap<CurrencyType, Double> payments = new HashMap<>();
if (income != 0D)
payments.put(CurrencyType.MONEY, income);
if (pointAmount != 0D)
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.gamingmesh.jobs.Placeholders;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@ -409,7 +410,8 @@ public class Placeholder {
case user_totallevels:
return Integer.toString(user.getTotalLevels());
case user_points:
return format.format(user.getPointsData().getCurrentPoints());
DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("00.0");
return dec.format(user.getPointsData().getCurrentPoints());
case user_total_points:
format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
return format.format(user.getPointsData().getTotalPoints());
@ -1038,34 +1038,38 @@ public class PlayerManager {
public void AutoJoinJobs(final Player player) {
if (player == null)
if (player.isOp())
if (!Jobs.getGCManager().AutoJobJoinUse)
if (player == null || player.isOp() || !Jobs.getGCManager().AutoJobJoinUse)
Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Jobs.getInstance(), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (!player.isOnline())
JobsPlayer jPlayer = getJobsPlayer(player);
if (jPlayer == null)
if (player.hasPermission("jobs.*"))
int confMaxJobs = Jobs.getGCManager().getMaxJobs();
for (Job one : Jobs.getJobs()) {
if (one.getMaxSlots() != null && Jobs.getUsedSlots(one) >= one.getMaxSlots())
short PlayerMaxJobs = (short) jPlayer.getJobProgression().size();
if (confMaxJobs > 0 && PlayerMaxJobs >= confMaxJobs && !getJobsLimit(jPlayer, PlayerMaxJobs))
if (jPlayer.isInJob(one))
if (player.hasPermission("jobs.autojoin." + one.getName().toLowerCase()))
joinJob(jPlayer, one);
}, Jobs.getGCManager().AutoJobJoinDelay * 20L);
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public class BossBarManager {
BarStyle style = BarStyle.SOLID;
switch (Jobs.getGCManager().SegementCount) {
switch (Jobs.getGCManager().SegmentCount) {
case 6:
style = BarStyle.SEGMENTED_6;
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ public class ConfigManager {
if (jobSection.contains("BossBarColour")) {
bossbar = jobSection.getString("BossBarColour", "");
if (bossbar.isEmpty()) {
color = ChatColor.WHITE;
bossbar = "GREEN";
log.warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid BossBarColour property.");
@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ public class ConfigManager {
if (material != null && material.getMaterial() != null && material.getMaterial() == Material.AIR) {
log.warning("Job " + jobKey + " " + actionType.getName() + " cant recognize material! (" + key + ")");
log.warning("Job " + jobKey + " " + actionType.getName() + " can't recognize material! (" + key + ")");
@ -46,8 +46,7 @@ public class GeneralConfigManager {
public ArrayList<String> keys;
public List<Integer> BroadcastingLevelUpLevels = new ArrayList<>();
public List<String> FwColors = new ArrayList<>();
public List<String> DisabledWorldsList = new ArrayList<>();
public List<String> FwColors = new ArrayList<>(), DisabledWorldsList = new ArrayList<>();
public List<Schedule> BoostSchedule = new ArrayList<>();
public HashMap<CMIMaterial, HashMap<Enchantment, Integer>> whiteListedItems = new HashMap<>();
@ -56,130 +55,55 @@ public class GeneralConfigManager {
private HashMap<String, List<String>> commandArgs = new HashMap<>();
protected Locale locale;
protected int savePeriod;
protected boolean economyAsync;
protected boolean isBroadcastingSkillups;
protected boolean isBroadcastingLevelups;
protected boolean payInCreative;
protected boolean payExploringWhenFlying;
public boolean payExploringWhenGliding;
public boolean disablePaymentIfMaxLevelReached;
public boolean disablePaymentIfRiding;
protected boolean addXpPlayer;
public boolean boostedItemsInOffHand;
public boolean preventCropResizePayment;
public boolean payItemDurabilityLoss;
protected boolean hideJobsWithoutPermission;
protected int maxJobs;
protected boolean payNearSpawner;
protected boolean modifyChat;
public String modifyChatPrefix;
public String modifyChatSuffix;
public String modifyChatSeparator;
protected int economyBatchDelay;
protected boolean saveOnDisconnect;
protected boolean MultiServerCompatability;
// public boolean LocalOfflinePlayersData;
public boolean MythicMobsEnabled;
public boolean LoggingUse;
public boolean PaymentMethodsMoney;
public boolean PaymentMethodsPoints;
public boolean PaymentMethodsExp;
private String getSelectionTool;
public boolean enableSchedule;
public int jobExpiryTime;
private int ResetTimeHour;
private int ResetTimeMinute;
private int DailyQuestsSkips;
public double skipQuestCost;
private ConfigReader c = null;
public boolean PayForRenaming, PayForEnchantingOnAnvil, PayForEachCraft, SignsEnabled,
protected boolean economyAsync, isBroadcastingSkillups, isBroadcastingLevelups, payInCreative, payExploringWhenFlying,
addXpPlayer, hideJobsWithoutPermission, payNearSpawner, modifyChat, saveOnDisconnect, MultiServerCompatability;
public String modifyChatPrefix, modifyChatSuffix, modifyChatSeparator, FireworkType, SoundLevelupSound,
SoundTitleChangeSound, ServerAccountName, ServertaxesAccountName, localeString = "";
private String getSelectionTool, DecimalPlacesMoney, DecimalPlacesExp, DecimalPlacesPoints;
public int jobExpiryTime, BlockProtectionDays, FireworkPower, ShootTime,
globalblocktimer, CowMilkingTimer, InfoUpdateInterval, JobsTopAmount, PlaceholdersPage, ConfirmExpiryTime,
SegmentCount, BossBarTimer, AutoJobJoinDelay, DBCleaningJobsLvl, DBCleaningUsersDays;
protected int savePeriod, maxJobs, economyBatchDelay;
private int ResetTimeHour, ResetTimeMinute, DailyQuestsSkips, FurnacesMaxDefault, BrewingStandsMaxDefault,
BrowseAmountToShow, JobsGUIRows, JobsGUIBackButton, JobsGUIStartPosition, JobsGUIGroupAmount, JobsGUISkipAmount;
public double skipQuestCost, MinimumOveralPaymentLimit, MinimumOveralPointsLimit, MonsterDamagePercentage,
DynamicPaymentMaxPenalty, DynamicPaymentMaxBonus, TaxesAmount;
public Double TreeFellerMultiplier, gigaDrillMultiplier, superBreakerMultiplier;
public Integer levelLossPercentageFromMax, levelLossPercentage, SoundLevelupVolume, SoundLevelupPitch, SoundTitleChangeVolume,
SoundTitleChangePitch, ToplistInScoreboardInterval;
public float maxPaymentCurveFactor;
private boolean FurnacesReassign, BrewingStandsReassign, useTnTFinder = false, ShowNewVersion;
public boolean useBlockProtection, enableSchedule, PayForRenaming, PayForEnchantingOnAnvil, PayForEachCraft, SignsEnabled,
SignsColorizeJobName, ShowToplistInScoreboard, useGlobalTimer, useSilkTouchProtection, UseCustomNames,
PreventSlimeSplit, PreventMagmaCubeSplit, PreventHopperFillUps, PreventBrewingStandFillUps,
public int globalblocktimer, CowMilkingTimer, InfoUpdateInterval;
public Double TreeFellerMultiplier, gigaDrillMultiplier, superBreakerMultiplier;
public String localeString = "";
private boolean FurnacesReassign, BrewingStandsReassign;
private int FurnacesMaxDefault, BrewingStandsMaxDefault, BrowseAmountToShow;
public boolean useBlockProtection;
public int BlockProtectionDays;
private boolean useTnTFinder = false;
public boolean applyToNegativeIncome, useMinimumOveralPayment, useMinimumOveralPoints, useBreederFinder = false,
BrowseUseNewLook, payExploringWhenGliding, disablePaymentIfMaxLevelReached, disablePaymentIfRiding,
boostedItemsInOffHand, preventCropResizePayment, payItemDurabilityLoss,
applyToNegativeIncome, useMinimumOveralPayment, useMinimumOveralPoints, useBreederFinder = false,
CancelCowMilking, fixAtMaxLevel, TitleChangeChat, TitleChangeActionBar, LevelChangeChat,
LevelChangeActionBar, SoundLevelupUse, SoundTitleChangeUse, UseServerAccount, EmptyServerAccountChat,
EmptyServerAccountActionBar, ActionBarsMessageByDefault, ShowTotalWorkers, ShowPenaltyBonus, useDynamicPayment,
JobsGUIOpenOnBrowse, JobsGUIShowChatBrowse, JobsGUISwitcheButtons, UseInversedClickToLeave, ShowActionNames,
DisableJoiningJobThroughGui, FireworkLevelupUse, UseRandom, UseFlicker, UseTrail, UsePerPermissionForLeaving,
EnableConfirmation, FilterHiddenPlayerFromTabComplete, jobsInfoOpensBrowse, MonsterDamageUse = false, useMaxPaymentCurve,
hideJobsInfoWithoutPermission, UseTaxes, TransferToServerAccount, TakeFromPlayersPayment, AutoJobJoinUse, AllowDelevel,
BossBarEnabled, BossBarShowOnEachAction, BossBarsMessageByDefault, ExploreCompact, DBCleaningJobsUse, DBCleaningUsersUse,
DisabledWorldsUse, UseAsWhiteListWorldList, PaymentMethodsMoney, PaymentMethodsPoints, PaymentMethodsExp, MythicMobsEnabled,
public boolean FireworkLevelupUse, UseRandom, UseFlicker, UseTrail;
public String FireworkType;
public int FireworkPower, ShootTime;
private int JobsGUIRows, JobsGUIBackButton,
private String DecimalPlacesMoney, DecimalPlacesExp, DecimalPlacesPoints;
public ItemStack guiBackButton;
public ItemStack guiFiller;
public boolean UsePerPermissionForLeaving, EnableConfirmation, FilterHiddenPlayerFromTabComplete, jobsInfoOpensBrowse;
public int JobsTopAmount, PlaceholdersPage, ConfirmExpiryTime;
public Integer levelLossPercentageFromMax, levelLossPercentage, SoundLevelupVolume, SoundLevelupPitch, SoundTitleChangeVolume,
SoundTitleChangePitch, ToplistInScoreboardInterval;
public double MinimumOveralPaymentLimit;
public double MinimumOveralPointsLimit;
public boolean MonsterDamageUse = false;
public double MonsterDamagePercentage;
public double DynamicPaymentMaxPenalty;
public double DynamicPaymentMaxBonus;
public boolean useMaxPaymentCurve;
public float maxPaymentCurveFactor;
public double TaxesAmount;
public String SoundLevelupSound, SoundTitleChangeSound, ServerAccountName, ServertaxesAccountName;
public boolean hideJobsInfoWithoutPermission;
public boolean UseTaxes;
public boolean TransferToServerAccount;
public boolean TakeFromPlayersPayment;
public int AutoJobJoinDelay;
public boolean AutoJobJoinUse;
public boolean AllowDelevel;
public boolean BossBarEnabled;
public boolean BossBarShowOnEachAction;
public int SegementCount;
public int BossBarTimer;
public boolean BossBarsMessageByDefault;
public ItemStack guiBackButton, guiFiller;
public Parser DynamicPaymentEquation;
public boolean ExploreCompact;
public boolean DisabledWorldsUse;
public boolean UseAsWhiteListWorldList;
public boolean DBCleaningJobsUse;
public int DBCleaningJobsLvl;
public boolean DBCleaningUsersUse;
public int DBCleaningUsersDays;
private boolean ShowNewVersion;
public HashMap<String, List<String>> getCommandArgs() {
return commandArgs;
@ -632,8 +556,8 @@ public class GeneralConfigManager {
"With this set to true names like Stone:1 will be translated to Granite", "Name list is in TranslatableWords.yml file");
UseCustomNames = c.get("UseCustomNames", true);
c.addComment("economy-batch-delay", "Changes how often, in seconds, players are paid out. Default is 5 seconds.",
"Setting this too low may cause tick lag. Increase this to improve economy performance (at the cost of delays in payment)");
c.addComment("economy-batch-delay", "Changes how often, in seconds, players are paid out. Default is 5 seconds.",
"Setting this too low may cause tick lag. Increase this to improve economy performance (at the cost of delays in payment)");
economyBatchDelay = c.get("economy-batch-delay", 5);
c.addComment("economy-async", "Enable async economy calls.", "Disable this if you have issues with payments or your plugin is not thread safe.");
@ -659,8 +583,8 @@ public class GeneralConfigManager {
"When set to true income which is belove 0 will get bonus aplied to it",
"In example, if you would loose 5 bucks for placing diamond block, with 100% payment bonus, that penalty disapears",
"When set to true income which is belove 0 will get bonus applied to it",
"In example, if you would loose 5 bucks for placing diamond block, with 100% payment bonus, that penalty disappears",
"When this left at false penalty for action will remain unchanged");
applyToNegativeIncome = c.get("Economy.ApplyToNegativeIncome", false);
@ -942,8 +866,8 @@ public class GeneralConfigManager {
c.addComment("BossBar.ShowOnEachAction", "If enabled boss bar will update after each action",
"If disabled, BossBar will update only on each payment. This can save some server resources");
BossBarShowOnEachAction = c.get("BossBar.ShowOnEachAction", false);
c.addComment("BossBar.SegementCount", "Defines in how many parts bossabr will be split visually","Valid options: 1, 6, 10, 12, 20");
SegementCount = c.get("BossBar.SegementCount", 1);
c.addComment("BossBar.SegmentCount", "Defines in how many parts bossbar will be split visually", "Valid options: 1, 6, 10, 12, 20");
SegmentCount = c.get("BossBar.SegmentCount", 1);
c.addComment("BossBar.Timer", "How long in sec to show BossBar for player",
"If you have disabled ShowOnEachAction, then keep this number higher than payment interval for better experience");
BossBarTimer = c.get("BossBar.Timer", economyBatchDelay + 1);
@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ public class JobsPlayer {
for (Entry<ActionType, HashMap<String, QuestObjective>> base : oneQ.getQuest().getObjectives().entrySet()) {
for (Entry<String, QuestObjective> obj : base.getValue().entrySet()) {
oneQ.setAmountDone(obj.getValue(), 0);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user