From 2ba71946cae60f735e70c378201bd148fa158386 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: montlikadani Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 15:28:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Updated locale files --- src/main/resources/locale/messages_cs.yml | 732 +++++++++++++++---- src/main/resources/locale/messages_cz.yml | 600 --------------- src/main/resources/locale/messages_de.yml | 10 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_es.yml | 72 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_et.yml | 12 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_fr.yml | 10 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_hu.yml | 10 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_ja.yml | 10 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_lt.yml | 12 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_pl.yml | 10 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_pt_BR.yml | 10 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_ro.yml | 10 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_ru.yml | 50 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_tr.yml | 10 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_zhcn.yml | 10 +- src/main/resources/locale/messages_zhtw.yml | 10 +- 16 files changed, 720 insertions(+), 858 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/main/resources/locale/messages_cz.yml diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_cs.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_cs.yml index 4d534b4a..9cfaa8b7 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_cs.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_cs.yml @@ -1,230 +1,692 @@ +--- economy: error: - nomoney: Nezbyly zadne penize v bance! + nomoney: '&cSorry, no money left in national bank!' +limitedItem: + error: + levelup: '&cYou need to level up in [jobname] to use this item!' +general: + Spawner: '&r[type] Spawner' + info: + toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6%playername% &7***********************' + separator: '&7*******************************************************' + time: + days: '&e%days% &6dny ' + hours: '&e%hours% &6hodiny ' + mins: '&e%mins% &6minuty ' + secs: '&e%secs% &6sekundy ' + invalidPage: '&cInvalid page' + 'true': '&2Povoleno' + 'false': '&cFalse' + admin: + error: '&cThere was an error in the command.' + success: '&eYour command has been performed.' + error: + noHelpPage: '&cThere is no help page by this number!' + notNumber: '&ePlease use numbers!' + job: '&cThe job you selected does not exist or you not joined to this' + noCommand: '&cThere is no command by this name!' + permission: '&cYou do not have permission to do that!' + noinfo: '&cNo information found!' + noinfoByPlayer: '&cNo information found by [%playername%] player name!' + ingame: '&cYou can use this command only in game!' + fromconsole: '&cYou can use this command only from console!' + worldisdisabled: '&cYou can''t use command in this world!' + newFurnaceRegistration: '&eRegistered new ownership for furnace &7[current]&e/&f[max]' + newBrewingRegistration: '&eRegistered new ownership for brewing stand &7[current]&e/&f[max]' + noFurnaceRegistration: '&cYou''ve reached max furnace count!' + noBrewingRegistration: '&cYou''ve reached max brewing stand count!' command: - boost: - help: - info: Zvysuje Exp/penezni zisk pro vsechny hrace. - args: '[JmenoPrace] [Hodnota]' + help: output: - allreset: Vsechny exp/penezni boosty byly vypnuty. - jobsboostreset: Boost pro %jobname% byl vypnut. - nothingtoreset: Neni nic, co by se dalo resetovat. - boostalladded: Boost hodnoty %boost% byl zvysen pro vsechny prace. - boostadded: Boost hodnoty &e%boost% &abyl zvysen pro praci &e%jobname%! - infostats: '&c-----> &aExp/penezni zisk x%boost% je zapnut&c <-------' + info: Type /jobs [cmd] ? for more information about a command. + cmdUsage: '&2Usage: &7[command]' + label: Jobs + cmdInfoFormat: '[command] &f- &2[description]' + cmdFormat: '&7/[command] &f[arguments]' + helpPageDescription: '&2* [description]' + title: '&e-------&e ======= &6Jobs &e======= &e-------' + page: '&e-----&e ====== Strana &6[1] &ez &6[2] &e====== &e-----' + fliperSimbols: '&e----------' + prevPage: '&2----<< &6Prev ' + prevPageOff: '&7----<< Prev ' + nextPage: '&6 Next &2>>----' + nextPageOff: '&7 Next >>----' + pageCount: '&2[current]/[total]' + pageCountHover: '&e[totalEntries] entries' + prevPageGui: '&6Previous page ' + nextPageGui: '&6Next Page' + moneyboost: + help: + info: Boosts money gain for all players + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' + output: + allreset: All money boosts turned off + jobsboostreset: Money boost has been turned off for %jobname% + nothingtoreset: Nothing to reset + boostalladded: Money boost of %boost% added for all jobs! + boostadded: Money boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%! + infostats: '&c-----> &aMoney rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------' + pointboost: + help: + info: Boosts point gain for all players + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' + output: + allreset: All point boosts turned off + jobsboostreset: Point boost has been turned off for %jobname% + nothingtoreset: Nothing to reset + boostalladded: Points boost of %boost% added for all jobs! + boostadded: Points boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%! + infostats: '&c-----> &aPoints rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------' + expboost: + help: + info: Boosts exp gain for all players + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' + output: + allreset: All exp boosts turned off + jobsboostreset: Exp boost has been turned off for %jobname% + nothingtoreset: Nothing to reset + boostalladded: Exp boost of %boost% added for all jobs! + boostadded: Exp boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%! + infostats: '&c-----> &aExp rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------' + itembonus: + help: + info: Check item bonus + args: '' + output: + list: '&e[jobname]: %money% %points% %exp%' + notAplyingList: '&7[jobname]: %money% %points% %exp%' + hover: '&7%itemtype%' + hoverLevelLimits: "&7Od levelu: %from% \n&7Do levelu: %until%" + edititembonus: + help: + info: Edit item boost bonus + args: list/add/remove [jobname] [itemBoostName] + bonus: + help: + info: Show job bonuses + args: '[jobname]' + output: + topline: '&7**************** &2[money] &6[points] &e[exp] &7****************' + permission: ' &ePerm bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' + item: ' &eItem bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' + global: ' &eGlobal bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' + dynamic: ' &eDynamic bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' + nearspawner: ' &eSpawner bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' + petpay: ' &ePetPay bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' + area: ' &eArea bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' + mcmmo: ' &eMcMMO bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' + final: ' &eFinal bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' + finalExplanation: ' &eDoes not include Petpay and Near spawner bonus/penalty' convert: help: - info: Prevede data z jednoho zpusobu databaze na jiny. Pokud prve pouzivate SQLite, bude preveden na MySQL a naopak. + info: Converts the database system from one system to another. If you are currently running SQLite, this will convert it to MySQL and vice versa. args: '' limit: help: - info: Vypise limit plateb pro prce. + info: Shows payment limits for jobs + args: '[playername]' + output: + moneytime: '&eTime left until money limit resets: &2%time%' + moneyLimit: '&eMoney limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%' + exptime: '&eTime left until Exp limit resets: &2%time%' + expLimit: '&eExp limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%' + pointstime: '&eTime left until Point limit resets: &2%time%' + pointsLimit: '&ePoint limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%' + reachedmoneylimit: '&4You have reached money limit in given time!' + reachedmoneylimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand' + reachedmoneylimit3: '&eMoney earned is now reduced exponentially... But you still earn a little!' + reachedexplimit: '&4You have reached exp limit in given time!' + reachedexplimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand' + reachedpointslimit: '&4You have reached exp limit in given time!' + reachedpointslimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand' + notenabled: '&eMoney limit is not enabled' + resetlimit: + help: + info: Resets a player's payment limits + args: '[playername]' + output: + reseted: '&ePayment limits have been reset for: &2%playername%' + resetquest: + help: + info: Resets a player's quest + args: '[playername] [jobname]' + output: + reseted: '&eQuest has been reset for: &2%playername%' + noQuests: '&eCan''t find any quests' + points: + help: + info: Shows how much points does a player have. + args: '[playername]' + currentpoints: ' &eCurrent point amount: &6%currentpoints%' + totalpoints: ' &eTotal amount of collected points until now: &6%totalpoints%' + editpoints: + help: + info: Edit player's points. + args: set/add/take [playername] [amount] + output: + set: '&ePlayers (&6%playername%&e) points was set to &6%amount%' + add: '&ePlayer (&6%playername%&e) got additional &6%amount% &epoints. Now they have &6%total%' + take: '&ePlayer (&6%playername%&e) lost &6%amount% &epoints. Now they have &6%total%' + editjobs: + help: + info: Edit current jobs. + args: '' + list: + job: '&eJobs:' + jobs: ' -> [&e%jobname%&r]' + actions: ' -> [&e%actionname%&r]' + material: ' -> [&e%materialname%&r] ' + materialRemove: '&c[X]' + materialAdd: ' -> &e[&2+&e]' + money: ' -> &eMoney: &6%amount%' + exp: ' -> &eExp: &6%amount%' + points: ' -> &ePoints: &6%amount%' + modify: + newValue: '&eEnter new value' + enter: '&eEnter new name or press ' + hand: '&6HAND ' + handHover: '&6Press to grab info from item in your hand' + or: '&enebo ' + look: '&6LOOKING AT' + lookHover: '&6Press to grab info from block you are looking' + editquests: + help: + info: Edit current quests. + args: '' + list: + quest: '&eQuesty:' + jobs: ' -> [&e%jobname%&r]' + quests: ' -> [&e%questname%&r]' + actions: ' -> [&e%actionname%&r]' + objectives: ' -> [&e%objectivename%&r]' + objectiveRemove: '&c[X]' + objectiveAdd: ' -> &e[&2+&e]' + modify: + newValue: '&eZadej novou hodnotu' + enter: '&eEnter new name or press ' + hand: '&6HAND ' + handHover: '&6Press to grab info from item in your hand' + or: '&enebo ' + look: '&6LOOKING AT' + lookHover: '&6Press to grab info from block you are looking' + blockinfo: + help: + info: Shows information for the block you are looking at. args: '' output: - lefttime: '&eZbyvajici cas do restartovani limitu penez: &2%hour% &ehour &2%min% &emin &2%sec% - &esec' - moneylimit: '&eLimit penez: &2%money%&e/&2%totalmoney%' - reachedlimit: '&4Dosahl jsi limitu penez v danem case!' - reachedlimit2: '&eMuzes zjistit svuj limit pomoci &2/jobs limit &eprikazu' - notenabled: '&eLimit penez neni zapnuty.' - admin: - error: Doslo k chybe v prikazu. - success: Prikaz byl vykonan. - error: - job: Prace kterou jsis vybral neexistuje. - permission: Nemas povoleni na tuto akci. - help: + name: ' &eBlock name: &6%blockname%' + id: ' &eBlock id: &6%blockid%' + data: ' &eBlock data: &6%blockdata%' + usage: ' &eUsage: &6%first% &eor &6%second%' + iteminfo: + help: + info: Shows information for the item you are holding. + args: '' output: - info: Napis /jobs [cmd] ? pro vice informaci o prikazu. - usage: 'Pouziti: %usage%' + name: ' &eItem name: &6%itemname%' + id: ' &eItem id: &6%itemid%' + data: ' &eItem data: &6%itemdata%' + usage: ' &eUsage: &6%first% &eor &6%second%' + placeholders: + help: + info: List out all placeholders + args: (parse) (placeholder) + output: + list: '&e[place]. &7[placeholder]' + outputResult: ' &eresult: &7[result]' + parse: '&6[placeholder] &7by [source] &6result &8|&f[result]&8|' + entitylist: + help: + info: Shows all possible entities that can be used with the plugin. + args: '' stats: help: - info: Vypise level v pracich ve kterych jses/byl jsi zamestnany. - args: '[JmenoHrace]' + info: Show the level you are in each job you are part of. + args: '[playername]' error: - nojob: Prosim, nejdrive se pripoj do prace. - output: 'lvl%joblevel% %jobname% : %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% xp' + nojob: Please join a job first. + output: 'Level %joblevel% pro %jobname%: %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% xp' + shop: + help: + info: Opens special jobs shop. + args: '' + info: + title: '&e------- &8Jobs shop &e-------' + currentPoints: '&eYou have: &6%currentpoints%' + price: '&eCena: &6%price%' + reqJobs: '&eRequired jobs:' + reqJobsList: ' &6%jobsname%&e: &e%level% lvl' + reqTotalLevel: '&6Required total level: &e%totalLevel%' + reqJobsColor: '&c' + reqJobsLevelColor: '&4' + reqTotalLevelColor: '&4' + cantOpen: '&cCan''t open this page' + NoPermForItem: '&cYou don''t have required permissions for this item!' + NoPermToBuy: '&cNo permissions to buy this item' + NoJobReqForitem: '&cYou don''t have the required job (&6%jobname%&e) with required (&6%joblevel%&e) level' + NoPoints: '&cYou don''t have enough points' + NoTotalLevel: '&cTotal jobs level is too low (%totalLevel%)' + Paid: '&eYou have paid &6%amount% &efor this item' archive: help: - info: Vypise vsechny prace ulozene v archivu podle uzivatele. - args: '[JmenoHrace]' + info: Shows all jobs saved in archive by user. + args: '[playername]' error: - nojob: Nejsou zadne ulozene prace. - output: lvl %joblevel% (%getbackjoblevel%) %jobname% + nojob: There is no jobs saved. give: help: - info: D item podle nzvu prce a nzvu kategorie. Jmeno Hrace neni povinny udaj. - args: '[JmenoHrace] [JmenoPrace] [JmenoItemu]' + info: Gives item by jobs name and item category name. Player name is optional + args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4Hrac [%playername%] neni online!' - noitem: '&4Nelze najit nejaky item s timto jmenem!' + notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!' + noitem: '&4Can''t find any item by given name!' info: help: - title: '&2*** &ePrace&2 ***' - info: Vypise, jak moc a za co vydelava nejaka prace. - args: '[JmenoPrace] [akce]' - actions: '&ePlatne akce jsou: &f%actions%' + title: '&2*** &eJobs&2 ***' + info: Show how much each job is getting paid and for what. + penalty: '&eThis job has a penalty of &c[penalty]% &ebecause there are too many players working in it.' + bonus: '&eThis job has a bonus of &2[bonus]% &ebecause there are not enough players working in it.' + args: '[jobname] [action]' + actions: '&eValid actions are: &f%actions%' max: ' - &emax level:&f ' + newMax: ' &eMax level: &f[max]' material: '&7%material%' + levelRange: ' &a(&e%levelFrom% &a- &e%levelUntil% &alevely)' + levelFrom: ' &a(from &e%levelFrom% &alevel)' + levelUntil: ' &a(until &e%levelUntil% &alevel)' + money: ' &2%money%$' + points: ' &6%points%pts' + exp: ' &e%exp%xp' + gui: + pickjob: '&ePick your job!' + jobinfo: '&e[jobname] info!' + actions: '&eValid actions are:' + leftClick: '&eLeft Click for more info' + middleClick: '&eMiddle Click to leave this job' + rightClick: '&eRight click to join job' + leftSlots: '&eLeft slots:&f ' + working: '&2&nAlready working' + cantJoin: '&cYou can''t join to the selected job.' + max: '&eMax level:&f ' + back: '&e<<< Back' output: break: - info: Kopani - none: '%jobname% nevydelava penize za kopani blocku.' + info: '&eBreak' + none: '%jobname% does not get money for breaking blocks.' + tntbreak: + info: '&eTNTBreak' + none: '%jobname% does not get money for breaking blocks with TNT.' place: - info: Staveni - none: '%jobname% nevydelava penize za staveni blocku.' + info: '&ePlace' + none: '%jobname% does not get money for placing blocks.' + striplogs: + info: '&eStrip logs' + none: '%jobname% does not get money for stripping logs.' kill: - info: Zabijeni - none: '%jobname% nevydelava penize za zabijeni monster.' + info: '&eKill' + none: '%jobname% does not get money for killing monsters.' + mmkill: + info: '&eMMKill' + none: '%jobname% does not get money for killing Mythic monsters.' fish: - info: Rybareni - none: '%jobname% nevydelava penize za rybaren ryb.' + info: '&eFish' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from fishing.' craft: - info: Craft - none: '%jobname% nevydelava penize za craften vec.' + info: '&eCraft' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from crafting.' smelt: - info: Peceni - none: '%jobname% nevydelava penize za pecen v peci.' + info: '&eSmelt' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from smelting.' brew: - info: Vareni - none: '%jobname% nevydelava penize za vareni lektvaru.' + info: '&eBrew' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from brewing.' + eat: + info: '&eEat' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from eating food.' + dye: + info: '&eDye' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from dyeing.' enchant: - info: Ocarovani - none: '%jobname% nevydelava penize za ocarovvn/enchant itemu.' + info: '&eEnchant' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from enchanting.' + vtrade: + info: '&eVillager trade' + none: '%jobname% does not get money for trading a villager.' repair: - info: Opravovani - none: '%jobname% nevydelava penize za opravovn predmetu.' + info: '&eRepair' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from repairing.' breed: - info: Farmareni - none: '%jobname% nevydelava penize za farmareni.' + info: '&eBreed' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from breeding.' tame: - info: Ochocovani - none: '%jobname% nevydelava penize za ochocovani zvirat.' + info: '&eTame' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from taming.' + milk: + info: '&eMilk' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from milking cows.' + shear: + info: '&eShear' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from shearing sheep.' + explore: + info: '&eExplore' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from exploring.' + custom-kill: + info: '&eCustom kill' + none: '%jobname% does not get money from custom player kills.' + collect: + info: '&eCollect' + none: '%jobname% does not get money for collecting blocks.' + bake: + info: '&eBake' + none: '%jobname% does not get money for cooking foods.' playerinfo: help: - info: Vypise, jako moc v jake praci a za co, vydelava nejaky hrac. - args: '[JmenoHrace] [JmenoPrace] [akce]' + info: Show how much each job is getting paid and for what on another player. + args: '[playername] [jobname] [action]' join: help: - info: Zamestnat se od prace. - args: '[JmenoPrace]' + info: Join the selected job. + args: '[jobname]' error: - alreadyin: Uz pracujes jako %jobname%. - fullslots: Nemuzes se pripojit do prace %jobname%, nejsou zde zadna volna mista. - maxjobs: Jiz ms prlis mnoho prac. - success: Zamestnal ses jako %jobname%. + alreadyin: You are already in the job %jobname%. + fullslots: You cannot join the job %jobname%, there are no slots available. + maxjobs: You have already joined too many jobs. + rejoin: '&cCan''t rejoin this job. Wait [time]' + rejoin: '&aClick to rejoin this job: ' + success: You have joined the job %jobname%. + confirm: '&2Click to confirm joining action for the &7[jobname] &2job.' leave: help: - info: Opustit vybranou praci. - args: '[JmenoPrace]' - success: Opustil jsi praci %jobname%. + info: Leave the selected job. + args: '[oldplayerjob]' + success: You have left the job %jobname%. + confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from&e [jobname]&c job? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!' leaveall: help: - info: Opustit vsechny svoje prace + info: Leave all your jobs. error: - nojobs: Nemas zadne prace, ktere by jsi mohl opustit. - success: Opustil jsi vechny sve prace. + nojobs: You do not have any jobs to leave! + success: You have left all your jobs. + confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from all jobs? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!' + explored: + help: + info: Check who visited this chunk + error: + noexplore: No one visited this chunk + fullExplore: '&aThis chunk is fully explored' + list: '&e%place%. %playername%' browse: help: - info: List prac dostupnch pro tebe + info: List the jobs available to you. error: - nojobs: Nejsou zadne prace, ve kterych by jsi mohl byt zamestnan. + nojobs: There are no jobs you can join. output: - header: 'Mas povoleni na zamestnani v dannych pracch:' - footer: Pro vce info napis /jobs info [JmenoPrace] + header: 'You are allowed to join the following jobs:' + footer: For more information type in /jobs info [JobName] + totalWorkers: ' &7Workers: &e[amount]' + penalty: ' &4Penalty: &c[amount]%' + bonus: ' &2Bonus: &a[amount]%' + newHeader: '&2========== [amount] Available Jobs =========' + description: '[description]' + list: ' &8[place]. &7[jobname]' + console: + newHeader: '&2========== [amount] Available Jobs =========' + description: '[description]' + totalWorkers: ' &7Workers: &e[amount]' + penalty: ' &4Penalty: &c[amount]%' + bonus: ' &2Bonus: &a[amount]%' + list: ' &6[jobname]' + newMax: ' &eMax level: &f[max]' + click: '&bClick on the job to see more info about it!' + detailed: '&bClick to see more detailed list on job actions' + jobHeader: '&2========== [jobname] =========' + chooseJob: '&7&n&oChoose this job' + chooseJobHover: '&7Click here to get this job' + clearownership: + help: + info: Clear block ownership + args: '[playername]' + output: + cleared: '&2Removed &7[furnaces] &2furnaces and &7[brewing] &2brewing stands' + skipquest: + help: + info: Skip defined quest and get new one + args: '[jobname] [questname] (playerName)' + output: + questSkipForCost: '&2You skipped the quest and paid:&e %amount%$' + quests: + help: + info: List available quests + args: '[playername]' + error: + noquests: '&cThere are no quests' + toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6[playerName] &2(&f[questsDone]&2) &7***********************' + output: + completed: '&2 !Completed!&r ' + questLine: '[progress] &7[questName] &f[done]&7/&8[required]' + skip: '&7Click to skip this quest' + skips: '&7Left skips: &f[skips]' + hover: "&f[jobName] \n[desc] \n&7New quest in: [time]" fire: help: - info: Vykopnout hrace z danne prace. - args: '[JmenoHrace] [JmenoPrace]' + info: Fire the player from the job. + args: '[playername] [jobname]' error: - nojob: Hrac neni zamestnan jako %jobname%. + nojob: Player does not have the job %jobname%. output: - target: Byl jsi vyhozen z prace %jobname%. + target: You have been fired from %jobname%. fireall: help: - info: Vykopnout hrace ze vsech prac. - args: '[JmenoHrace]' + info: Fire player from all their jobs. + args: '[playername]/all' error: - nojobs: Hrac nema zadne prace, ze kterych by mohl byt vykopnut. + nojobs: Player does not have any jobs to be fired from! output: - target: Byl jsi vykopnut se vsech prac. + target: You have been fired from all your jobs. employ: help: - info: Zamestnat hrace do prace. - args: '[JmenoHrace] [JmenoPrace]' + info: Employ the player to the job. + args: '[playername] [jobname]' error: - alreadyin: Hrac jiz je v praci %jobname%. + alreadyin: Player is already in the job %jobname%. + fullslots: You cannot join the job %jobname%, there are no slots available. output: - target: Byl jsi zamestnan jako %jobname%. + target: You have been employed as a %jobname%. top: help: - info: Zobrazi Top 10 hracu podle prace. - args: '[JmenoPrace]' + info: Shows top players by jobs name. + args: '[jobname]' error: - nojob: Nelze najit zadnou praci s timto jmenem. + nojob: Can't find any job with this name. output: - topline: '&aTop&e 10 &ahrac podle &e%jobname% &ajob' + topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &aplayers by &e%jobname% &ajob' list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp' + prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|' + next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>' + show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2top list' + gtop: + help: + info: Shows top %amount% players by global jobs level. + args: '' + error: + nojob: Can't find any information. + output: + topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &aplayers by global job level' + list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp' + prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|' + next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>' + show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2global top list' + area: + help: + info: Modify restricted areas. + args: add/remove/info/list + addUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area add [areaName/wg:worldGuardAreaName] [bonus]' + removeUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area remove [areaName]' + output: + addedNew: '&eAdded a new restricted area with &6%bonus% &ebonus' + removed: '&eRemoved the restricted area &6%name%' + list: '&e%number%&a. &e%areaname% &e%worldname% (&a%x1%:%y1%:%z1%/&e%x2%:%y2%:%z2%) &6%bonus%' + wgList: '&e%number%&a. WorldGuard: &e%areaname% &6%bonus%' + noAreas: '&eThere are no saved restricted areas' + noAreasByLoc: '&eThere are no restricted areas in this location' + areaList: '&eRestricted areas by your location: &6%list%' + selected1: '&eSelected the first point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%' + selected2: '&eSelected the second point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%' + select: '&eSelect 2 points with the selection tool (%tool%)' + exist: '&eRestriction area by this name already exists' + dontExist: '&eRestriction area by this name does not exist' + wgDontExist: '&eWorldGuard area by this name does not exist' + log: + help: + info: Shows statistics. + args: '[playername]' + output: + topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************' + ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' + money: '&6money: %amount% ' + exp: '&eexp: %amount% ' + points: '&6points: %amount%' + totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%' + bottomline: '&7***********************************************************' + prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|' + next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>' + nodata: '&cData not found' + glog: + help: + info: Shows global statistics. + args: '' + output: + topline: '&7*********************** &6Global statistics &7***********************' + ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' + money: '&6money: %amount% ' + exp: '&eexp: %amount% ' + points: '&6points: %amount%' + totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%' + bottomline: '&7**************************************************************' + nodata: '&cData nenalezena' transfer: help: - info: Prevede hrcovu prci ze star prce do nov. - args: '[JmenoHrace] [StaraPrace] [NovaPrace]' + info: Transfer a player's job from an old job to a new job. + args: '[playername] [oldjob] [newjob]' output: target: You have been transferred from %oldjobname% to %newjobname%. promote: help: - info: Prida hracovi X zkusenosti do danne prace. - args: '[JmenoHrace] [JmenoPrace] [levely]' + info: Promote the player X levels in a job. + args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]' output: - target: Bylo ti pridano %levelsgained% levelu v praci %jobname%. + target: You have been promoted %levelsgained% levels in %jobname%. + exp: + help: + info: Change the player exp for job. + args: '[playername] [jobname] set/add/take [amount]' + error: + nojob: '&cThis player must first join a job.' + output: + target: '&eYour exp was changed for %jobname% &eand now you at &6%level%lvl &eand with &6%exp%exp.' + level: + help: + info: Change the player's level in a job. + args: '[playername] [jobname] set/add/take [amount]' + error: + nojob: '&cThis player must first join a job.' + output: + target: '&eYour level was changed for %jobname% &eand now you at &6%level%lvl &eand with &6%exp%exp.' demote: help: - info: Odebere hracovi X zkusenosti z danne prace. - args: '[JmenoHrace] [JmenoPrace] [levely]' + info: Demote the player X levels in a job. + args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]' output: - target: Bylo ti odebrano %levelslost% levelu v praci %jobname%. + target: You have been demoted %levelslost% levels in %jobname%. grantxp: help: - info: Prida hracovi X zkusenosti do prace. - args: '[JmenoHrace] [JmenoPrace] [xp]' + info: Grants the player X experience in a job. + args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]' output: - target: Dostal jsi %xpgained% zkusenosti v praci %jobname%. + target: You have been granted %xpgained% experience in %jobname%. removexp: help: - info: Odstrani hracovi X zkusenostiz danne prace. - args: '[JmenoHrace] [JmenoPrace] [xp]' + info: Remove X experience from the player in a job. + args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]' output: - target: Ztratil jsi %xplost% zkusenosti v praci %jobname%. + target: You have lost %xplost% experience in %jobname%. + signupdate: + help: + info: Manually updates a sign by its name + args: '[jobname]' + bp: + help: + info: Shows block protections around you in 10 block radius + args: '' + output: + found: '&eFound &6%amount% &eprotected blocks around you' + notFound: '&eNo protected blocks found around you' reload: help: - info: Reloadne configurace. + info: Reload configurations. toggle: help: - info: Prepina vystup plateb na panelu akci. + info: Toggles payment output on action bar or bossbar. + args: actionbar/bossbar output: - paid: '&aDostal jsi penize za: &2[amount]' - 'on': '&aZmeneno: &aON' - 'off': '&aZmeneno: &4OFF' + turnedoff: '&4This feature is turned off!' + paid: + main: '&aYou got:' + money: '&e[amount] money' + exp: '&7[exp] exp' + points: '&6[points] points' + 'on': '&aToggled: &aON' + 'off': '&aToggled: &4OFF' message: skillup: - broadcast: '%playername% byl povisen na %titlename% %jobname%.' - nobroadcast: Gratulujeme, byl jsi povysen na %titlename% %jobname%. + broadcast: '%playername% has been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%.' + nobroadcast: Congratulations, you have been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%. levelup: - broadcast: 'Hrac %playername% ziskal level %joblevel% v praci %jobname%.' - nobroadcast: Ziskal jsi level %joblevel% v praci %jobname%. + broadcast: '%playername% is now a level %joblevel% %jobname%.' + nobroadcast: You are now level %joblevel% %jobname%. + leveldown: + message: '&cYou lost level&e %lostLevel%&c in&e %jobname%&c job! Level:&6 %joblevel%&c.' + cowtimer: '&eYou still need to wait &6%time% &esec to get paid for this job.' + blocktimer: '&eYou need to wait &3[time] &esec more to get paid for this!' + placeblocktimer: '&eYou can''t place blocks faster than &6[time] &esec in the same place!' + taxes: '&3[amount] &eserver taxes were transferred to this account' + boostStarted: '&eJobs boost time have been started!' + boostStoped: '&eJobs boost time have been ended!' crafting: - fullinventory: Mas plny inventar! + fullinventory: '&cYour inventory is full!' signs: - cantcreate: '&4Nemuzes vytvorit tuto cedulku!' - topline: '&e[Jobs]' + List: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[level]' + questList: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[quests]' + SpecialList: + p1: '&b** &8First &b**' + p2: '&b** &8Second &b**' + p3: '&b** &8Third &b**' + p4: '&b** &8Fourth &b**' + p5: '&b** &8Fifth &b**' + p6: '&b** &8Sixth &b**' + p7: '&b** &8Seventh &b**' + p8: '&b** &8Eight &b**' + p9: '&b** &8Ninth &b**' + p10: '&b** &8Tenth &b**' + name: '&9[player]' + level: '&8[level] level' + quests: '&8[quests] quests' + bottom: '&b************' + cantcreate: '&4You can''t create this sign!' + cantdestroy: '&4You can''t destroy this sign!' + topline: '&0[Jobs]' secondline: - join: '&2Join' - leave: '&4Leave' - toggle: '&eToggle' - top: '&eTop' - browse: '&eBrowse' - stats: '&eStats' - limit: '&eLimit' - info: '&eInfo' - archive: '&eArchive' \ No newline at end of file + join: '&0Join' + leave: '&0Leave' + toggle: '&0Toggle' + top: '&0Top' + browse: '&0Browse' + stats: '&0Stats' + limit: '&0Limit' + info: '&0Info' + archive: '&0Archive' +scoreboard: + topline: '&2Top &e%jobname%' + gtopline: '&2Global top list' + line: '&2%number%. &e%playername% (&6%level%&e)' diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_cz.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_cz.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 3223f605..00000000 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_cz.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,600 +0,0 @@ -economy: - error: - nomoney: '&cOmlouvame se, ale nemate dostatek financi, pro vykonani teto akce!' -limitedItem: - error: - levelup: '&cMusite ziskat vetsi level v praci [jobname] pro pouziti toho itemu!' -general: - Spawner: '&r[type] Spawner' - info: - toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6%playername% &7***********************' - separator: '&7*******************************************************' - time: - days: '&e%days% &6dni ' - hours: '&e%hours% &6hodin ' - mins: '&e%mins% &6min ' - secs: '&e%secs% &6sek ' - invalidPage: '&cNeplatna stranka' - admin: - error: '&cPrikaz nebylo mozne dokoncit, nastala chyba!' - success: '&2Vas prikaz byl proveden.' - error: - noHelpPage: '&cNebyla nelezena zadna stranka napovedy, odpovidajici tomuto cislu!' - notNumber: '&cProsim pouzijte cisla!' - job: '&cPrace, kterou jste si vybrali, nebyla nelezena!' - noCommand: '&cPrikaz, ktery jste zadali neexistuje!' - permission: '&cNemate dostatecna opravneni na provedeni teto akce!' - noinfo: '&cNebyly nelezeny zadne informace!' - noinfoByPlayer: '&cNabyly nalezeny zadne informace o hraci jmenem [%playername%]!' - ingame: '&cTento prikaz lze vykokonat pouze jako hrac!' - fromconsole: '&cTento prikaz lze spustit pouze z konzole!' - worldisdisabled: '&cTento prikaz nelze pouzit v aktualnim svete!' - newFurnaceRegistration: '&eRegistrovano nove vlastnictvi pece &7[current]&e/&f[max]' - newBrewingRegistration: '&eRegistrovano nove vlastnictvi Brewing standu &7[current]&e/&f[max]' - noFurnaceRegistration: '&cPrekrocili jste limit maximalniho poctu registraci pro Furnace!' - noBrewingRegistration: '&cPrekrocili jste limit maximalniho poctu registraci pro Brewing Stand!' -command: - help: - output: - info: Typ /jobs [cmd] ? pro vice informaci informaci o prikazech. - cmdUsage: '&2Pouziti: &7[command]' - label: jobs - cmdInfoFormat: '[command] &f- &2[description]' - cmdFormat: '&7/[command]&f[arguments]' - helpPageDescription: '&2* [description]' - title: '&e-------&e ======= &6Prace &e======= &e-------' - page: '&e-----&e ====== Stranka &6[1] &ez &6[2] &e====== &e-----' - fliperSimbols: '&e----------' - prevPage: '&2----<< &6Predchozi stranka ' - prevPageOff: '&7----<< Predchozi stranka ' - nextPage: '&6 Dalsi stranka &2>>----' - nextPageOff: '&7 Dalsi stranka >>----' - pageCount: '&2[current]/[total]' - moneyboost: - help: - info: Zvysuje penezni zisk pro vsechny hrace - args: '[jobname] [rate]' - output: - allreset: Vsechny boosty na penize byly resetovany - jobsboostreset: Penezni boost pro %jobname% byl deaktivovan - nothingtoreset: Nic, co by bylo mozne resetovat - boostalladded: Penezni boost %boost% byl pridan na vsechny dostupne prace! - boostadded: Penezni boost &e%boost% &abyl pridan na praci &e%jobname%! - infostats: '&c-----> &aPenezni boost x%boost% aktivovan&c <-------' - pointboost: - help: - info: Zvysuje bodovy zisk pro vsechny hrace - args: '[jobname] [rate]' - output: - allreset: Vsechny boosty na body byly resetovany - jobsboostreset: Bodovy boost pro %jobname% byl deaktivovan - nothingtoreset: Nic, co by bylo mozne resetovat - boostalladded: Bodovy boost %boost% byl pridan na vsechny dostupne prace! - boostadded: Bodovy boost &e%boost% &abyl pridan na praci &e%jobname%! - infostats: '&c-----> &aBodovy boost x%boost% aktivovan&c <-------' - expboost: - help: - info: Zvysuje exp zisk pro vsechny hrace - args: '[jobname] [rate]' - output: - allreset: Vsechny boosty na exp byly resetovany - jobsboostreset: Exp boost pro %jobname% byl deaktivovan - nothingtoreset: Nic, co by bylo mozne resetovat - boostalladded: Exp boost %boost% byl pridan na vsechny dostupne prace! - boostadded: Exp boost &e%boost% &abyl pridan na praci &e%jobname%! - infostats: '&c-----> &aExp boost x%boost% aktivovan&c <-------' - itembonus: - help: - info: Zkontrolujte bonusove itemy - args: '' - output: - list: '&e[jobname]: %money% %points% %exp%' - edititembonus: - help: - info: Upravit bonus zvysujici itemy - args: '[list/add/remove] [jobsName] [itemBoostName]' - bonus: - help: - info: Zobrazte bonusy pro praci - args: '[jobname]' - output: - topline: '&7**************** &2[money] &6[points] &e[exp] &7****************' - permission: ' &eBonus z opravneni: %money% %points% %exp%' - item: ' &eItem bonus: %money% %points% %exp%' - global: ' &eGlobalni bonus: %money% %points% %exp%' - dynamic: ' &eDynamicky bonus: %money% %points% %exp%' - nearspawner: ' &eSpawner bonus: %money% %points% %exp%' - petpay: ' &ePetPay bonus: %money% %points% %exp%' - area: ' &eOblast bonus: %money% %points% %exp%' - mcmmo: ' &eMcMMO bonus: %money% %points% %exp%' - final: ' &eCelkovy bonus: %money% %points% %exp%' - finalExplanation: ' &eNezahrnuje bonus Petpay a Blizky spawner bonus' - convert: - help: - info: Prevede data z jednoho zpusobu databaze na jiny. Pokud prave pouzivate SQLite, bude preveden na MySQL a naopak. - args: '' - limit: - help: - info: Zobrazi limity penez - args: '' - output: - moneytime: '&eZbyvajici cas dokud se neobnovi limit penez: &2%time%' - moneyLimit: '&eLimit penez: &2%current%&e/&2%total%' - exptime: '&eZbyvajici cas dokud: &2%time%' - expLimit: '&eExp limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%' - pointstime: '&eZbyvajici cas dokud se neobnovi limit bodů: &2%time%' - pointsLimit: '&eLimit bodů: &2%current%&e/&2%total%' - reachedmoneylimit: '&4Dosahli jste limitu penez!' - reachedmoneylimit2: '&eLimit můzete zkontrolovat pomoci &2/jobs limit &eprikazu' - reachedexplimit: '&4Dosahli jste limitu exp!' - reachedexplimit2: '&eLimit můzete zkontrolovat pomoci &2/jobs limit &eprikazu' - reachedpointslimit: '&4Dosahli jste limitu bodů!' - reachedpointslimit2: '&eLimit můzete zkontrolovat pomoci &2/jobs limit &eprikazu' - notenabled: '&ePenezni limit neni aktivni' - resetlimit: - help: - info: Resetovat limit hrace - args: '[playername]' - output: - reseted: '&eResetovali jste limit penez hraci: &2%playername%' - points: - help: - info: Zobrazi kolik ma hrac bodů. - args: '[playername]' - currentpoints: ' &eAktualni pocet bodů hrace je: &6%currentpoints%' - totalpoints: ' &eCelkove hrac nazbyral uz: &6%totalpoints%' - editpoints: - help: - info: Upravit body hrace. - args: '[set/add/take] [playername] [amount]' - output: - set: '&eHracovy (&6%playername%&e) body nastaveny na &6%amount%' - add: '&eHrac (&6%playername%&e) ziskal(a) &6%amount% &epoints. Nyni ma - &6%total%' - take: '&eHrac (&6%playername%&e) priesel o &6%amount% &ebodů. Nyni ma &6%total%' - editjobs: - help: - info: Upravit praci. - args: '' - list: - job: '&ePrace:' - jobs: ' -> [&e%jobname%&r]' - actions: ' -> [&e%actionname%&r]' - material: ' -> [&e%materialname%&r] ' - materialRemove: '&c[X]' - materialAdd: ' -> &e[&2+&e]' - money: ' -> &ePenez: &6%amount%' - exp: ' -> &eExp: &6%amount%' - points: ' -> &eBodů: &6%amount%' - modify: - newValue: '&eZadejte novou hodnotu' - enter: '&eZadejte novy nazev nebo stisknete ' - hand: '&6MUSiTE DRzET V RUCE ' - handHover: '&6Pouzijte pro ziskani informaci z itemu v ruce' - or: '&enebo ' - look: '&6MUSiTE KOUKAT' - lookHover: '&6Pouzijte pro ziskani informaci z bloku, ktery hledate' - blockinfo: - help: - info: Zobrazuje informace o bloku, na ktery se divate. - args: '' - output: - name: ' &eJmeno bloku: &6%blockname%' - id: ' &eID bloku: &6%blockid%' - data: ' &eData bloku: &6%blockdata%' - usage: ' &ePouziti: &6%first% &enebo &6%second%' - iteminfo: - help: - info: Zobrazuje inforamce o itemu, ktery drzite v ruce. - args: '' - output: - name: ' &eJmeno itemu: &6%itemname%' - id: ' &eID itemu: &6%itemid%' - data: ' &eData itemu: &6%itemdata%' - usage: ' &ePouziti: &6%first% &enebo &6%second%' - entitylist: - help: - info: Ukaze, vsechny mozne entity mohou byt pouzity s pluginem. - args: '' - stats: - help: - info: Zobraza úroveň, kterou mate v kazde praci, ktere jste soucasti. - args: '[playername]' - error: - nojob: Nejprve se musite zamestnat (/jobs join) - output: ' lvl%joblevel% %jobname% : %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% xp' - shop: - help: - info: Otevre specialni shop. - args: '' - info: - title: '&e------- &8Obchod praci &e-------' - currentPoints: '&eMate: &6%currentpoints%' - price: '&eCena: &6%price%' - reqJobs: '&ePozadovane prace:' - reqJobsList: ' &6%jobsname%&e: &e%level% lvl' - reqTotalLevel: '&6Pozadovana celkova úroveň: &e%totalLevel%' - cantOpen: '&cNelze otevrit tuto stranku' - NoPermForItem: '&cNemate dostatecne opravneni pro tento item!' - NoPermToBuy: '&cNemate dostatecna opravneni pro zakoupeni tohoto itemu' - NoJobReqForitem: '&cNemate pozadovanou praci (&6%jobname%&e) nebo pozadovanou úroveň - (&6%joblevel%&e)' - NoPoints: '&cNemate dostatek bodů' - NoTotalLevel: '&cVase celkova úroveň praci je prilis nizka (%totalLevel%)' - Paid: '&eZaplatili jste &6%amount% &eza item' - archive: - help: - info: Zobrazuje vsechny prace ulozene v archivu hrace. - args: '[playername]' - error: - nojob: zadne prace nejsou ulozeny. - give: - help: - info: Givne hraci item podle nazvu prace a nazvu kategorie itemu. Nazev hrace je nepovinny - args: '[playername] [jobname] [itemname]' - output: - notonline: '&4Hrac [%playername%] neni pripojen!' - noitem: '&4Nepodarilo se vyhledat zadny item s timto jmenem!' - info: - help: - title: '&2*** &ePrace&2 ***' - info: Ukaze, kolik je v kazdem zamestnani vyplaceno a za co. - penalty: '&eTato prace ma &c[penalty]% &epenale protoze je v ni zamestnano prilis mnoho hraců.' - bonus: '&eTato prace obsahuje &2[bonus]% &ebonus protoze je v ni zamestnano prilis malo hraců.' - args: '[jobname] [action]' - actions: '&ePlatne akce: &f%actions%' - max: ' - &emax level:&f ' - newMax: ' &eMax level: &f[max]' - material: '&7%material%' - levelRange: ' &a(&e%levelFrom% &a- &e%levelUntil% &alevels)' - levelFrom: ' &a(od &e%levelFrom% &alevel)' - levelUntil: ' &a(az do &e%levelUntil% &alevel)' - money: ' &2%money%$' - points: ' &6%points%pts' - exp: ' &e%exp%xp' - gui: - pickjob: '&eVyber jsi praci!' - jobinfo: '&e[jobname] info!' - actions: '&eNeplatna akce, seznam akci:' - leftClick: '&eLevym tlacitkem zobrazite vice info' - rightClick: '&ePravym tlacitkem se pripojite do prace' - leftSlots: '&eLeve sloty:&f ' - working: '&2&nAktualne jste jiz zamestnani v teto praci' - max: '&eMax level:&f ' - back: '&e<<< Zpet' - output: - break: - info: Niceni bloků - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z niceni bloků.' - tntbreak: - info: Niceni pomoci TNT - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z niceni bloků za pomoci TNT.' - place: - info: Pokladani bloků - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z pokladani bloků.' - kill: - info: Zabijeni priser - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize ze zabijeni priser a zvirat.' - mmkill: - info: MMKill - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize ze zabijeni Mystickych priser.' - fish: - info: Rybareni - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z rybareni.' - craft: - info: Vyroba - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z vyroby nastrojů a ostatnich itemů.' - smelt: - info: Pouziti pece - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z pouziti pece.' - brew: - info: Alchymie - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z alchymie (vyroba lektvarů).' - eat: - info: Jezeni - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z jezeni jidla.' - dye: - info: Barveni - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z barveni.' - enchant: - info: Ocarovavani nastrojů - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z ocarovavani nastrojů a brneni.' - repair: - info: Opravovani - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z opravy itemů.' - breed: - info: Pestovani - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z pestovani.' - tame: - info: Obchocovani - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z ochocovani zvirat.' - milk: - info: Dojeni krav - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z dojeni krav.' - shear: - info: Strihani ovci - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize ze strihani ovci.' - explore: - info: Průzkum mapy - none: '%jobname% nedostava penize z průzkumu mapy.' - custom-kill: - info: Vlastni zabijeni - none: '%jobname% nedostava z vlastniho zabijeni hraců.' - playerinfo: - help: - info: Zobrazi vysi vydelku prace k dane akci urciteho hrace. - args: '[playername] [jobname] [action]' - join: - help: - info: Zamestnat se do prace. - args: '[jobname]' - error: - alreadyin: Jiz jste zamestnani jako %jobname%. - fullslots: Nelze se zamestnat do prace %jobname%, nejsou zde zadna volna mista. - maxjobs: Nemůzete se zamestnat do prace, prekrocili jste stanoveny limit. - rejoin: '&cOpetovne pripojeni do vybrane prace bude mozne az za [time]' - success: Gratulujeme, zamestnali jste se jako %jobname%. - confirm: '&2Kliknete pro potvrzeni akce pro &7[jobname] &2praci.' - leave: - help: - info: Opustit vybranou praci.. - args: '[oldplayerjob]' - success: Opustili jste praci %jobname%. - leaveall: - help: - info: Opustit vsechny prace. - error: - nojobs: Nemate zadne prace, ktere je mozne opustit! - success: Opustlili jste vsechny vase prace. - explored: - help: - info: Zkontrolovat, kdo navstivil tento chunk - error: - noexplore: Nikdo navstivil tento chunk - list: '&e%place%. %playername%' - browse: - help: - info: Vypise seznam dostupnych praci. - error: - nojobs: Neexistuji zadne prace, do kterych se můzete pripojit. - output: - header: 'Mate opravneni zamestnat se do techto praci:' - footer: Pro vice informaci pouzijte /jobs info [JobName] - totalWorkers: ' &7V teto praci je zamestano: &e[amount] &7hraců' - penalty: ' &4Trest: &c[amount]%' - bonus: ' &2Bonus: &a[amount]%' - newHeader: '&2========== [amount] Dostupne prace =========' - list: ' &8[place]. &7[jobname]' - click: '&bKlepnutim na praci ziskate ziskate vice informaci!' - detailed: '&bKliknutim zobrazite vice informaci o akcich praci' - jobHeader: '&2========== [jobname] =========' - chooseJob: '&7&n&oVybrat tuto praci' - chooseJobHover: '&7Kliknete pro pripojeni do teto prace' - clearownership: - help: - info: Smazat vlastnictvi bloků - args: (playername) - output: - cleared: '&2Smazali jste &7[furnaces] &2peci a &7[brewing] &2brewing standů' - quests: - help: - info: List dostupnych úkolů - args: (playername) - error: - noquests: '&cNeexistuji zadne dostupne úkoly' - toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6[playerName]&2(&f[questsDone]&2) - &7***********************' - output: - completed: '&2 !Dokonceno!&r ' - questLine: '[progress] &7[questName] &f[done]&7/&8[required]' - hover: - - '&f[jobName]' - - '[desc]' - - '&7Dalsi úkol za: [time]' - fire: - help: - info: Vyhodit hrace z prace. - args: '[playername] [jobname]' - error: - nojob: Hrac neni zamestnat jako %jobname%. - output: - target: Byli jste vyhozeni z prace %jobname%. - fireall: - help: - info: Vyhodit hrace ze vsech praci. - args: '[playername]' - error: - nojobs: Hrac neni zamestnan v zadne praci! - output: - target: Byli jste vyhozeni ze vsech praci. - employ: - help: - info: Zamestnat hrace do prace. - args: '[playername] [jobname]' - error: - alreadyin: Hrac je jiz zamestnan jako %jobname%. - output: - target: Byli jste zamestnani jako %jobname%. - top: - help: - info: Zobrazit top %amount% hraců podle vybrane prace. - args: '[jobname]' - error: - nojob: Nepodarilo se vyhledat praci s timto nazvem. - output: - topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &ahraců pro praci &e%jobname%' - list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp' - prev: '&e<<<<< Predchozi stranka &2|' - next: '&2|&e Dalsi stranka >>>>' - show: '&2Zobrazit od &e[from] &2az po &e[until] &2top listu' - gtop: - help: - info: Zobrazit globalnich top %amount% hraců. - args: '' - error: - nojob: Nedopodarilo se vyhledat dostatecne informace. - output: - topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &ahraců podle globalniho top levelu' - list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp' - prev: '&e<<<<< Predchozi stranka &2|' - next: '&2|&e Dalsi stranka >>>>' - show: '&2Zobrazit &e[from] &2az po &e[until] &2globalni top list' - area: - help: - info: Upravit vyhrazene oblasti. - args: add/remove/info/list - addUsage: '&ePouziti: &6/Jobs area add [areaName/wg:worldGuardAreaName] [bonus]' - removeUsage: '&ePouziti: &6/Jobs area remove [areaName]' - output: - addedNew: '&ePridana nova vyhrazene oblast s bonusem &6%bonus%' - removed: '&eOdestranena vyhrazena oblast s nazvem &6%name%' - list: '&e%number%&a. &e%areaname% &e%worldname% (&a%x1%:%y1%:%z1%/&e%x2%:%y2%:%z2%) - &6%bonus%' - wgList: '&e%number%&a. WorldGuard: &e%areaname% &6%bonus%' - noAreas: '&eNeexistuji zadne ulozene vyhrazene oblasti' - noAreasByLoc: '&eThere is no restricted areas in this location' - areaList: '&eVyhrazene oblastni podle vasi polohy: &6%list%' - selected1: '&eVybran prvni bod: &6%x%:%y%:%z%' - selected2: '&eVybran druhy bod: &6%x%:%y%:%z%' - select: '&eVyberte 2 body pomoci (%tool%)' - exist: '&eVyhrazena oblast s timto nazvem jiz existuje' - dontExist: '&eVyhrazena oblast s timto nazvem neexistuje' - wgDontExist: '&eWorldGuard region s timto nazvem neexistuje' - log: - help: - info: Zobrazit statistiky. - args: '[playername]' - output: - topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************' - ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' - money: '&6Stav konta: %amount% ' - exp: '&eExp: %amount% ' - points: '&6Bodů: %amount%' - bottomline: '&7***********************************************************' - prev: '&e<<<<< Predchozi stranka &2|' - next: '&2|&e Dalsi stranka >>>>' - nodata: '&cData nebyla nalezena' - glog: - help: - info: Zobrazit globalni statistiky. - args: '' - output: - topline: '&7*********************** &6Global statistiky &7***********************' - ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' - money: '&6Stav konta: %amount% ' - exp: '&eExp: %amount% ' - points: '&6Bodů: %amount%' - bottomline: '&7**************************************************************' - nodata: '&cData nebyla nalezena' - transfer: - help: - info: Preneste data hrace ze stare prace na novou praci. - args: '[playername] [oldjob] [newjob]' - output: - target: Byl(a) jste preveden(a) z %oldjobname% na %newjobname%. - promote: - help: - info: Propagujte úrovne X hrace v praci. - args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]' - output: - target: Byl jste povyseni o %levelsgained% levelů v praci %jobname%. - exp: - help: - info: Navyste exp. Hraci pro praci. - args: '[playername] [jobname] [set/add/take] [amount]' - output: - target: '&eVas exp level byl zmenen v praci %jobname% &enyni mate &6%level%lvl - &es &6%exp%exp.' - demote: - help: - info: Snizte exp. Hraci v praci. - args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]' - output: - target: Vas exp lebel zmenen v praci %levelslost% nyni mate %jobname%lvl. - grantxp: - help: - info: Udelte zkusenosti hraci v praci. - args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]' - output: - target: Bylo vam udeleno %xpgained% zkusenosti v praci %jobname%. - removexp: - help: - info: Odeberte hraci zkusenosti v praci. - args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]' - output: - target: Bylo vam odebrano %xplost% zkusenosti v praci %jobname%. - signupdate: - help: - info: Manualni aktulizace cedulek - args: '[jobname]' - bp: - help: - info: Zobrazi ochranu kolem vas v 10 polomeru bloků - args: '' - output: - found: '&eNalezeno &6%amount% &eokolo vas' - notFound: '&eV okoli nejsou zadne chranene bloky' - reload: - help: - info: Znovu nacte konfiguraci pluginu. - toggle: - help: - info: Vypne/Zapne ukazovani akci v actionbaru a bossbaru. - args: '[actionbar/bossbar]' - output: - turnedoff: '&4Tato funkce je jiz vypnuta!' - paid: - main: '&aZiskal(a) jsi:' - money: '&e[amount] penez' - exp: '&7[exp] exp' - points: '&6[points] bodů' - 'on': '&aPrepnuto na: &aZAP' - 'off': '&aPrepnuto na: &4VYP' -message: - skillup: - broadcast: '%playername% byl povysen na %titlename% %jobname%.' - nobroadcast: Gratulujeme, byli jste povyseni na %titlename% %jobname%. - levelup: - broadcast: '%playername% ma nyni %joblevel% úroven v praci %jobname%.' - nobroadcast: Nyni mate %joblevel% úroven v praci %jobname%. - cowtimer: '&eMusite pockat &6%time% &epro ziskani dalsi finacni odmeny v praci.' - blocktimer: '&eMusite pockat: &3[time] &epro ziskani dalsi financni odmeny!' - placeblocktimer: '&eBloky nelze umistit rychleji nez &6[time] &esec intervalu na stejne misto!' - taxes: '&3[amount] &eserverove dane byly prevedeny na tento úcet' - boostStarted: '&eBoost praci byl zapnut!' - boostStoped: '&eBoost praci byl vypnut!' - crafting: - fullinventory: Vas inventar je plny! -signs: - List: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[level]' - SpecialList: - p1: '&b** &8Prvni &b**' - p2: '&b** &8Druhy &b**' - p3: '&b** &8Treti &b**' - p4: '&b** &8ctvrty &b**' - p5: '&b** &8Paty &b**' - p6: '&b** &8sesty &b**' - p7: '&b** &8Sedmy &b**' - p8: '&b** &8Osmy &b**' - p9: '&b** &8Devaty &b**' - p10: '&b** &8Desaty &b**' - name: '&9[player]' - level: '&8[level] level' - bottom: '&b************' - cantcreate: '&4Nemate opravneni k vytvoreni teto cedulky!' - cantdestroy: '&4Nemůze znicit tuto cedulku!' - topline: '&0[Jobs]' - secondline: - join: '&0Zamestnat' - leave: '&0Odejit' - toggle: '&0Prepnout' - top: '&0Top' - browse: '&0Seznam praci' - stats: '&0Staty' - limit: '&0Limity' - info: '&0Info' - archive: '&0Archiv' -scoreboard: - topline: '&2Top &e%jobname%' - gtopline: '&2Globalni top list' - line: '&2%number%. &e%playername% (&6%level%&e)' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_de.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_de.yml index e0c32d7d..0dfbb6b9 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_de.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_de.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: Der Geldbonus für alle Spieler wird erhöht. - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Alle Geld-Bonis sind ausgeschaltet. jobsboostreset: Der Geld-Bonus für %jobname% wurde ausgeschaltet. @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: Punktebonus für alle Spieler wird erhöht - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Alle Punkte-Bonis sind abgeschaltet. jobsboostreset: Der Punkte-Bonus für %jobname% wurde abgeschaltet. @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: Erfahrungsgewinn wird erhöht. - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Alle XP-Bonis zurückgesetzt. jobsboostreset: Der XP-Bonus für %jobname% wurde ausgeschaltet. @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: Vergibt je nach Job Items. Der Spielername ist optional. args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4[%playername%] ist nicht online!' + notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!' noitem: '&4Es ist kein solches Item vorhanden!' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: Entlasse Spieler aus allen Berufen. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: Der Spieler hat keinen Beruf aus dem er entlassen werden könnte! output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_es.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_es.yml index d990404a..fb4543ef 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_es.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_es.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: Aumentar el salario de todos los jugadores - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Se han anulado el aumento de salario jobsboostreset: Se ha anulado el aumento de salario de la profesión %jobname% @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: Aumentar los puntos de todos los jugadores - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Se ha anulado el aumento de puntos jobsboostreset: Se ha anulado el aumento de puntos de la profesión %jobname% @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: Aumentar la Experiencia de todos los jugadores - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Se ha anulado el aumento de experiencia jobsboostreset: Se ha anulado el aumento de Experiencia para la profesión de %jobname% @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: Obtener el objeto a partir del nombre o la categoría. El nombre de jugador es opcional. args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4%playername% no esta conectado.' + notonline: '&4¡El jugador con ese nombre no está conectado!' noitem: '&4No se han encontrado jugadores con ese nombre.' info: help: @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ command: info: '&eEat' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por comer.' dye: - info: '&eDye' + info: '&eTeñir' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por teñir ropa.' enchant: info: '&eEnchant' @@ -354,32 +354,32 @@ command: info: '&eComercio de aldeanos' none: '%jobname% does not get money for trading a villager.' repair: - info: '&eRepair' + info: '&eReparar' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por reparar.' breed: - info: '&eBreed' + info: '&eCriar' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por criar animales.' tame: - info: '&eTame' + info: '&eDomesticar' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por domar animales.' milk: - info: '&eMilk' + info: '&eOrdeñar' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por ordeñar vacas.' shear: - info: '&eShear' + info: '&eEsquilar' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por esquilar ovejas.' explore: - info: '&eExplore' + info: '&eExplorar' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por explorar el mundo.' custom-kill: info: '&eCustom kill' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por asesinar jugadores específicos.' collect: - info: '&eCollect' + info: '&eRecoger' none: '%jobname% does not get money for collecting blocks.' bake: - info: '&eBake' - none: '%jobname% does not get money for cooking foods.' + info: '&eHornear' + none: '%jobname% no recibe dinero por cocinar alimentos.' playerinfo: help: info: Muestra cuanto se paga a alguien y por que acción. @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ command: fullslots: No puedes trabajar en la profesión de %jobname%, ya que no hay puestos libres. maxjobs: No puedes trabajar en más profesiones. rejoin: '&cNo te puedes volver a trabajar en esta profesión. Debes esperar [time]' - rejoin: '&aClick to rejoin this job: ' + rejoin: '&aHaz clic para unirte a este trabajo: ' success: Ahora trabajas de %jobname%. confirm: '&2Clic aquí para trabajar en la profesión de &7[jobname]&2.' leave: @@ -431,13 +431,13 @@ command: description: '[description]' list: ' &8[place]. &7[jobname]' console: - newHeader: '&2========== [amount] Available Jobs =========' + newHeader: '&2========== [amount] Trabajos Disponibles =========' description: '[description]' - totalWorkers: ' &7Workers: &e[amount]' - penalty: ' &4Penalty: &c[amount]%' + totalWorkers: ' &7Trabajadores: &e[amount]' + penalty: ' &4Penalización: &c[amount]%' bonus: ' &2Bonus: &a[amount]%' list: ' &6[jobname]' - newMax: ' &eMax level: &f[max]' + newMax: ' &eNivel Máx: &f[max]' click: '&b¡Clic en la profesión para obtener más información!' detailed: '&bClic aquí para mostrar los detalles de la profesión.' jobHeader: '&2========== [jobname] =========' @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ command: questLine: '[progress] &7[questName] &f[done]&7/&8[required]' skip: '&7Click to skip this quest' skips: '&7Left skips: &f[skips]' - hover: "&f[jobName] \n[desc] \n&7New quest in: [time]" + hover: "&f[jobName] \n[desc] \n&7Nueva misión en: [time]" fire: help: info: Fire the player from the job. @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: Fire player from all their jobs. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: Player does not have any jobs to be fired from! output: @@ -543,15 +543,15 @@ command: args: '[playername]' output: topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************' - ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' - money: '&6money: %amount% ' + ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &ecantidad: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' + money: '&6dinero: %amount% ' exp: '&eexp: %amount% ' - points: '&6points: %amount%' + points: '&6puntos: %amount%' totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%' bottomline: '&7***********************************************************' prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|' next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>' - nodata: '&cData not found' + nodata: '&cDatos no encontrados' glog: help: info: Shows global statistics. @@ -559,12 +559,12 @@ command: output: topline: '&7*********************** &6Global statistics &7***********************' ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' - money: '&6money: %amount% ' + money: '&6dinero: %amount% ' exp: '&eexp: %amount% ' - points: '&6points: %amount%' + points: '&6puntos: %amount%' totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%' bottomline: '&7**************************************************************' - nodata: '&cData not found' + nodata: '&cDatos no encontrados' transfer: help: info: Transfer a player's job from an old job to a new job. @@ -633,9 +633,9 @@ command: turnedoff: '&4This feature is turned off!' paid: main: '&aYou got:' - money: '&e[amount] money' + money: '&e[amount] dinero' exp: '&7[exp] exp' - points: '&6[points] points' + points: '&6[points] puntos' 'on': '&aToggled: &aON' 'off': '&aToggled: &4OFF' message: @@ -670,21 +670,21 @@ signs: p9: '&b** &8Ninth &b**' p10: '&b** &8Tenth &b**' name: '&9[player]' - level: '&8[level] level' - quests: '&8[quests] quests' + level: '&8nivel [level]' + quests: '&8misiones [quests]' bottom: '&b************' cantcreate: '&4You can''t create this sign!' cantdestroy: '&4You can''t destroy this sign!' topline: '&0[Jobs]' secondline: - join: '&0Join' - leave: '&0Leave' + join: '&0Unirse' + leave: '&0Salir' toggle: '&0Toggle' top: '&0Top' - browse: '&0Browse' + browse: '&0Navegar' stats: '&0Stats' limit: '&0Limit' - info: '&0Info' + info: '&0Información' archive: '&0Archive' scoreboard: topline: '&2Top &e%jobname%' diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_et.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_et.yml index d487daa6..d48038f0 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_et.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_et.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: Võimendab raha saamist kõikide mängijate jaoks - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Kõik palgavõimendused on väljalülitatud jobsboostreset: Palgavõimendus on ameti %jobname% jaoks välja lülitatud @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: Võimendab punktide saamist kõikide mängijate jaoks - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Kõik punktivõimendused on välja lülitatud jobsboostreset: Punktivõimendus on ameti %jobname% jaoks välja lülitatud @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: Võimendab kogemuste saamist kõikide mängijate jaoks - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Kõik kogemuste võimendused on välja lülitatud jobsboostreset: Kogemuste võimendus on ameti %jobname% jaoks välja lülitatud @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ command: placeholders: help: info: Nimetab kõik kohatäited - args: (töötlemine) (kohatäide) + args: (parse) (placeholder) output: list: '&e[place]. &7[placeholder]' outputResult: ' &etulemus: &7[result]' @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: Annab eseme ametinime ja eseme kategooria järgi. Mängija nimi on valikuline. args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4Mängija [%playername%] pole võrgus!' + notonline: '&4Selle nimega mängijat pole võrgus!' noitem: '&4Antud nimele vastavaid esemeid ei leitud!' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: Vallanda mängija kõigist ametitest. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: Mängijal pole ühtegi ametit! output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_fr.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_fr.yml index 73498a09..8f08e630 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_fr.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_fr.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: Booster le gain d'argent pour tous les joueurs - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Tous les boost d'argent ont été désactivés jobsboostreset: Le boost d'argent pour le métier %jobname% a été désactivé @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: Booster les points pour tous les joueurs - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Tous les boosts de points ont été désactivés jobsboostreset: Le boost de points pour le métier %jobname% a été désactivé @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: Booster l'XP pour tous les joueurs - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Tous les boost d'XP ont été désactivés jobsboostreset: Le boost d'EXP pour le métier %jobname% a été désactivé @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: Donne un objet par nom de métier et nom de catégorie d'objet. Le pseudo est facultatif. args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4Player [%playername%] est hors-ligne !' + notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!' noitem: '&4Ce nom ne correspond à aucun objet !' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: Renvoie le joueur de tous ses métiers. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: Le joueur n'a aucun métier! output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_hu.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_hu.yml index 46358bae..39f3e233 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_hu.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_hu.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: Növeli a pénzszerzést minden játékos számára - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Minden pénznövekedés kikapcsolva jobsboostreset: '&cPénznövekedés a(z) %jobname% munkánál kikapcsolva' @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: Növeli a játékosok pontszerzését minden játékos számára - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: '&aMinden pont lendülete kikapcsolva.' jobsboostreset: '&cPont lendület a(z) %jobname% munkánál visszaállítva.' @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: Növeli az összes játékos exp nyereségét. - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: '&aMinden tapasztalat növelés kikapcsolva.' jobsboostreset: '&cTapasztalat lendület a(z) %jobname% munkánál kikapcsolva.' @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: A tárgyakat a feladatok neve és az elemek kategóriája alapján adja meg. A játékos neve opcionális. args: '[playername] [jobname]/[jobitemname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4[%playername%] nem elérhető!' + notonline: '&4Játékos ezzel a névvel nem elérhető!' noitem: '&4Nincs találat ezzel a névvel lévő tárgyról!' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: Kirúgás minden munkából. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: '&cA játékosnak nincsenek olyan munkái, amelyekről ki lehet rúgni.' output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ja.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ja.yml index a15e334b..a2b8e556 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ja.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ja.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: '[職業名]の収入(お金)を[倍率]倍にします' - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: 上げた収入(お金)をリセットしました jobsboostreset: '&a%jobname% の収入(お金)をリセットしました' @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: '[職業名]の獲得ポイントを[倍率]倍にします' - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: 上げた獲得ポイントをリセットしました jobsboostreset: '&a%jobname% のポイント獲得をリセットしました' @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: '[職業名]の獲得経験値を[倍率]倍にします' - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: 上げた獲得経験値をリセットしました jobsboostreset: '&a%jobname% の獲得経験値をリセットしました' @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: '[player]はオプションです' args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4[%playername%] さんはオフラインです' + notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!' noitem: '&4指定された名前は見つけられませんでした' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: '[player]に就いてる職業全てを強制的に離職させます' - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: プレイヤーが職業についていないため離職させられませんでした output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_lt.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_lt.yml index 1ef87a40..5aca413d 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_lt.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_lt.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: Paspartina pinigų gavima darbuotojams - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Visi pinigų gavimo paspartinimai išjungti jobsboostreset: Pinigų paspartinimas darbui %jobname% dabar išjungtas @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: Paspartina taškų gavimą žaidėjams - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Visi taškų paspartinimai išjungti jobsboostreset: Taškų gavimo paspartinimas išjungtas darbui %jobname% @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: Paspartina EXP gavimą žaidėjams - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Visi EXP paspartinimai išjungti jobsboostreset: EXP paspartinimas išjungtas darbui %jobname% @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ command: args: '[jobname]' output: topline: '&7**************** &2[money] &6[points] &e[exp] &7****************' - permission: ' &ePerm bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' + permission: ' &eLeidimu bonusas: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' item: ' &eItem bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' global: ' &eGlobal bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' dynamic: ' &eDynamic bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: Duoda daikta pagal darbo varda ir daikto kategorija args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4Žaidėjas [%playername%] nėra prisijungęs!' + notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!' noitem: '&4Negaliu rasti jokio daikto pagal nurodyta pavadinimą!' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: Fire player from all their jobs. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: Player does not have any jobs to be fired from! output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_pl.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_pl.yml index 498f5bab..cdfad98d 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_pl.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_pl.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: Zwiększa zysk pieniężny dla wszystkich graczy - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Wszystkie boostery pieniężne zostały wyłączone jobsboostreset: Boost pieniężny został wyłączony dla %jobname% @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: Zwiększa zysk punktów dla wszystkich graczy - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Wszystkie boosty punktowe zostały wyłączone jobsboostreset: Boost punktów został wyłączony dla %jobname% @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: Zwiększa zysk exp dla wszystkich graczy - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Wszystkie boosty exp wyłączone jobsboostreset: Exp boost został wyłączony dla %jobname% @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: Daje przedmiot poprzez nazwę pracy i nazwę kategorii przedmiotu. Nazwa gracza jest opcjonalna args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4Gracz [%playername%] nie jest online!' + notonline: '&4Gracz z tą nazwą nie jest online!' noitem: '&4Nie można znaleźć żadnego przedmiotu z daną nazwą!' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: Zwalnia gracza z wszystkich jego prac. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: Gracz nie ma żadnych prac z których może być zwolniony! output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_pt_BR.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_pt_BR.yml index fbf66bfb..11adc098 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_pt_BR.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_pt_BR.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: Aumenta o ganho de dinheiro para todos os jogadores - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Todo o impulso de aumento de dinheiro desativado jobsboostreset: O impulso de dinheiro foi desativado para %jobname% @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: Aumenta o impulso de ganho de pontos para todos os jogadores - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Todos os pontos impulsos foram desativados jobsboostreset: O impulso de pontos foi desativado para %jobname% @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: Aumenta o bônus ganho de experiência para todos os jogadores - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Todos os impulsos de experiência foram desativados jobsboostreset: O impulso de experiência foi desativado para %jobname% @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: Fornece item por profissão e por categoria de item o nome do jogador é opcional args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4Jogador[%playername%] não esta online!' + notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!' noitem: '&4Não foi possível encontrar nenhum item com o mesmo nome!' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: Despedir jogador de todas as suas profissões. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: O jogador não tem quaisquer profissões para ser despedido! output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ro.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ro.yml index ba2994c3..ab5372f7 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ro.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ro.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: Boosts money gain for all players - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: All money boosts turned off jobsboostreset: Money boost has been turned off for %jobname% @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: Boosts point gain for all players - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: All point boosts turned off jobsboostreset: Point boost has been turned off for %jobname% @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: Boosts exp gain for all players - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: All exp boosts turned off jobsboostreset: Exp boost has been turned off for %jobname% @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: Gives item by jobs name and item category name. Player name is optional args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4Player [%playername%] is not online!' + notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!' noitem: '&4Can''t find any item by given name!' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: Fire player from all their jobs. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: Player does not have any jobs to be fired from! output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ru.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ru.yml index cde95d41..f4a4bc44 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ru.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_ru.yml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ general: error: noHelpPage: '&cНет страницы справочника с этим номером!' notNumber: '&eПожалуйста, используйте целые числа!' - job: '&cThe job you selected does not exist or you not joined to this' + job: '&cУказанной профессии не существует или вы не устроились в ней' noCommand: '&cТакой команды не существует!' permission: '&cУ вас нет прав на совершение этого дествия!' noinfo: '&cИнформация не найдена!' @@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ command: nextPageOff: '&7 Следующая страница >>----' pageCount: '&2[current]/[total]' pageCountHover: '&e[totalEntries] entries' - prevPageGui: '&6Previous page ' - nextPageGui: '&6Next Page' + prevPageGui: '&6Предыдущая страница ' + nextPageGui: '&6Следующая страница' moneyboost: help: info: Ускоряет получение денег для всех игроков - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Ускорение получения денег отключено jobsboostreset: Ускорение получения денег %jobname% было отключено @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: Ускоряет получение очков для всех игроков - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Ускорение получения очков отключено jobsboostreset: Ускорение получения очков %jobname% было отключено @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: Ускоряет получение опыта для всех игроков - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Ускорение получения опыта отключено jobsboostreset: Ускорение получения опыта %jobname% было отключено @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ command: pointsLimit: '&eЛимит очков: &2%current%&e/&2%total%' reachedmoneylimit: '&4Вы достигли предела денег, которые можно получить!' reachedmoneylimit2: '&eВы можете проверить лимит командой &2/jobs limit' - reachedmoneylimit3: '&eMoney earned is now reduced exponentially... But you still earn a little!' + reachedmoneylimit3: '&eВаш заработок постепенно уменьшается... Но вы еще можете заработать немного!' reachedexplimit: '&4Вы достигли предела опыта, которые можно получить!' reachedexplimit2: '&eВы можете проверить лимит командой &2/jobs limit' reachedpointslimit: '&4Вы достигли предела очков, которые можно получить!' @@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ command: objectiveRemove: '&c[X]' objectiveAdd: ' -> &e[&2+&e]' modify: - newValue: '&eEnter new value' - enter: '&eEnter new name or press ' + newValue: '&eВведите новое значение' + enter: '&eВведите новое название или нажмите ' hand: '&6HAND ' handHover: '&6Press to grab info from item in your hand' or: '&eor ' @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: Выдать предмет по названию Работы либо по категории. Имя игрока необязательно. args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&Игрок [%playername%] не на сервере!' + notonline: '&4Этот игрок не в сети!' noitem: '&4Нет предмета с таким именем!' info: help: @@ -303,11 +303,11 @@ command: jobinfo: '&eИнформация о[jobname]!' actions: '&eДоступные действия:' leftClick: '&eНажмите ЛКМ, чтобы узнать подробнее' - middleClick: '&eMiddle Click to leave this job' + middleClick: '&eКликните средней кнопкой мыши чтобы покинуть эту профессию' rightClick: '&eНажмите ПКМ, чтобы устроиться на работу' leftSlots: '&e"Осталось вакансий":&f ' working: '&2&nТекущая работа' - cantJoin: '&cYou can''t join to the selected job.' + cantJoin: '&cВы не можете устроиться в указанной профессии.' max: '&eМаксимальный уровень:&f ' back: '&e<--Вернуться' output: @@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ command: info: 'Размещение блоков' none: '%jobname% не получает денег за размещение блоков.' striplogs: - info: '&eStrip logs' - none: '%jobname% does not get money for stripping logs.' + info: '&eНарубить брёвен' + none: '%jobname% не зарабатывает на рубке брёвен.' kill: info: 'Сражение с мобами' none: '%jobname% не получает денег за убийство мобов.' @@ -351,8 +351,8 @@ command: info: 'Зачарование' none: '%jobname% не получает денег за зачарование.' vtrade: - info: '&eVillager trade' - none: '%jobname% does not get money for trading a villager.' + info: '&eТорговля с жителями' + none: '%jobname% не зарабатывает на торговле с жителями.' repair: info: 'Восстановление предметов' none: '%jobname% не получает денег за восстановление предметов.' @@ -375,11 +375,11 @@ command: info: 'Специальное ликвидация' none: '%jobname% не получает денег за убийство игрока.' collect: - info: '&eCollect' - none: '%jobname% does not get money for collecting blocks.' + info: '&eДобыча' + none: '%jobname% не зарабатывает на добыче блоков.' bake: - info: '&eBake' - none: '%jobname% does not get money for cooking foods.' + info: '&eВыпекание' + none: '%jobname% не зарабатывает на выпекании еды.' playerinfo: help: info: Вывести информацию о игроке. @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ command: fullslots: Невозможно устроиться на %jobname% - нет свободных мест. maxjobs: Слишком много работ. rejoin: '&cВы не можете устроиться прямо сейчас. Подождите [time]' - rejoin: '&aClick to rejoin this job: ' + rejoin: '&aКликните чтобы заново устроиться на эту профессию: ' success: Вы устроились на %jobname%. confirm: '&2Кликните, чтобы подтвердить приём на работу &7[jobname]' leave: @@ -401,20 +401,20 @@ command: info: Уволиться с работы. args: '[oldplayerjob]' success: Вы уволились с %jobname%. - confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from&e [jobname]&c job? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!' + confirmationNeed: '&cВы действительно хотите покинуть профессию&e [jobname]&c? Для подтверждения, введите команду повторно в течение&6 [time] секунд!' leaveall: help: info: Уволиться со всех работ. error: nojobs: Нет работ с которых можно уволится! success: Вы уволились со всех работ. - confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from all jobs? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!' + confirmationNeed: '&cВы действительно хотите покинуть все ваши профессии? Для подтверждения, введите команду повторно в течение&6 [time] секунд!' explored: help: info: Проверить, кто посещал этот чанк. error: noexplore: Никто ещё не был замечен на этом чанке - fullExplore: '&aThis chunk is fully explored' + fullExplore: '&aЭта область исследована полностью' list: '&e%place%. %playername%' browse: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: Fire player from all their jobs. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: Player does not have any jobs to be fired from! output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_tr.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_tr.yml index 22db116d..d63c94fc 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_tr.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_tr.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: Tüm oyunculara para avansı verir. - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Tüm oyuncuların para avansı kapatıldı. jobsboostreset: Para avansı %jobname% mesleği için kapatıldı. @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: Tüm oyunculara puan avansı verir. - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Tüm puan avansları kapatıldı jobsboostreset: Puan avansı %jobname% mesleği için kapatıldı. @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: Tüm oyunculara exp avansı verir. - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: Tüm exp avansları kapatıldı. jobsboostreset: Exp avansı %jobname% mesleği için kapatıldı. @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: Meslek marketinden item verir. Oyuncu ismi opsiyoneldir args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4Oyuncu [%playername%] şuan açık değil!' + notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!' noitem: '&4Böyle bir item bulunamadı!' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: Oyuncunun tüm mesleklerini siler. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: Şuan hiçbir mesleği yok! output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_zhcn.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_zhcn.yml index 8db9ccc4..37d7100f 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_zhcn.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_zhcn.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: 加成玩家得到的游戏币 - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: 游戏币加成重置 jobsboostreset: '%jobname% 职业的游戏币加成重置' @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: 加成玩家得到的点数 - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: 点数加成重置 jobsboostreset: '%jobname% 职业的点数加成重置' @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: 加成玩家得到的经验 - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: 经验加成重置 jobsboostreset: '%jobname% 职业的经验加成重置' @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: 玩家名可选. 给玩家职业以物品 args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4玩家 [%playername%] 不在线!' + notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!' noitem: '&4没有找到此物品!' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: 将玩家撤销所有职业. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: 玩家不能被炒鱿鱼, 因为玩家根本没有职业! output: diff --git a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_zhtw.yml b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_zhtw.yml index 35811700..c02dbaab 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/locale/messages_zhtw.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/locale/messages_zhtw.yml @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ command: moneyboost: help: info: 加成玩家得到的遊戲幣 - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: 遊戲幣加成重置 jobsboostreset: '%jobname% 職業的遊戲幣加成重置' @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ command: pointboost: help: info: 加成玩家得到的點數 - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: 點數加成重置 jobsboostreset: '%jobname% 職業的點數加成重置' @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ command: expboost: help: info: 加成玩家得到的經驗 - args: '[jobname] [rate]' + args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all' output: allreset: 經驗加成重置 jobsboostreset: '%jobname% 職業的經驗加成重置' @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ command: info: 玩家名可選. 给玩家職業以物品 args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' output: - notonline: '&4玩家 [%playername%] 不在線上!' + notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!' noitem: '&4沒有找到此物品!' info: help: @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ command: fireall: help: info: 將玩家撤銷所有職業. - args: '[playername]' + args: '[playername]/all' error: nojobs: 玩家不能被開除, 因為玩家根本沒有職業! output: