mirror of https://github.com/Zrips/Jobs.git synced 2025-02-12 18:31:32 +01:00

Update languages from Crowdin

This commit is contained in:
montlikadani 2020-08-25 16:43:19 +02:00
parent 126bc43e01
commit 96754de707
8 changed files with 2068 additions and 670 deletions

View File

@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ command:
cantJoin: '&cDu kannst dem ausgewählten Beruf nicht beitreten.' cantJoin: '&cDu kannst dem ausgewählten Beruf nicht beitreten.'
max: '&eMaximales Level:&f ' max: '&eMaximales Level:&f '
back: '&e<<< Zurück' back: '&e<<< Zurück'
next: '&eNext >>>' next: '&eNächste >>>'
output: output:
break: break:
info: 'Zerstören' info: 'Zerstören'
@ -511,10 +511,10 @@ command:
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp' list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp'
prev: '&e<<<<< Vorherige Seite &2|' prev: '&e<<<<< Vorherige Seite &2|'
next: '&2|&e Nächste Seite >>>>' next: '&2|&e Nächste Seite >>>>'
show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2top list' show: '&2Zeigt von &e[from] &2bis &e[until] &2die Top Liste'
gtop: gtop:
help: help:
info: Shows top players by global jobs level. info: Zeigt die Top Spieler nach dem globalen Job Level.
args: '' args: ''
error: error:
nojob: Keine Informationen gefunden. nojob: Keine Informationen gefunden.
@ -523,13 +523,13 @@ command:
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp' list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp'
prev: '&e<<<<< Vorherige Seite &2|' prev: '&e<<<<< Vorherige Seite &2|'
next: '&2|&e Nächste Seite >>>>' next: '&2|&e Nächste Seite >>>>'
show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2global top list' show: '&2Zeigt von &e[from] &2bis &e[until] &2die Top Liste'
area: area:
help: help:
info: Modifiziere eingeschränkte Bereiche. info: Modifiziere eingeschränkte Bereiche.
args: add/remove/info/list args: add/remove/info/list
addUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area add [areaName/wg:worldGuardAreaName] [bonus]' addUsage: '&eBenutzung: &6/Jobs area add [areaName/wg:worldGuardAreaName] [bonus]'
removeUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area remove [areaName]' removeUsage: '&eBenutzung: &6/Jobs area remove [areaName]'
output: output:
addedNew: '&eAdded a new restricted area with &6%bonus% &ebonus' addedNew: '&eAdded a new restricted area with &6%bonus% &ebonus'
removed: '&eRemoved the restricted area &6%name%' removed: '&eRemoved the restricted area &6%name%'
@ -538,9 +538,9 @@ command:
noAreas: '&eThere are no saved restricted areas' noAreas: '&eThere are no saved restricted areas'
noAreasByLoc: '&eThere are no restricted areas in this location' noAreasByLoc: '&eThere are no restricted areas in this location'
areaList: '&eRestricted areas by your location: &6%list%' areaList: '&eRestricted areas by your location: &6%list%'
selected1: '&eSelected the first point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%' selected1: '&eErster Punkt ausgewählt: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
selected2: '&eSelected the second point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%' selected2: '&eZweiter Punkt ausgewählt: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
select: '&eSelect 2 points with the selection tool (%tool%)' select: '&e2 Punkte mit dem Auswähl-Tool (%tool%) ausgewählt'
exist: '&eRestriction area by this name already exists' exist: '&eRestriction area by this name already exists'
dontExist: '&eRestriction area by this name does not exist' dontExist: '&eRestriction area by this name does not exist'
wgDontExist: '&eEine WorldGuard Region mit diesem Namen existiert nicht' wgDontExist: '&eEine WorldGuard Region mit diesem Namen existiert nicht'
@ -551,10 +551,10 @@ command:
output: output:
topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************' topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************'
ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%'
money: '&6money: %amount% ' money: '&6Geld: %amount% '
exp: '&eErfahrung: &%amount% ' exp: '&eErfahrung: &%amount% '
points: '&6Punkte: %amount%' points: '&6Punkte: %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%' totalIncomes: ' &6Gesamtes Geld:&2 %money%&6, Gesamte Exp:&2 %exp%&6, Gesamte Punkte:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7***********************************************************' bottomline: '&7***********************************************************'
prev: '&e<<<<< Vorherige Seite &2|' prev: '&e<<<<< Vorherige Seite &2|'
next: '&2|&e Nächste Seite >>>>' next: '&2|&e Nächste Seite >>>>'
@ -569,15 +569,15 @@ command:
money: '&6Geld: %amount% ' money: '&6Geld: %amount% '
exp: '&eErfahrung: %amount% ' exp: '&eErfahrung: %amount% '
points: '&6Punkte: %amount%' points: '&6Punkte: %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%' totalIncomes: ' &6Gesamtes Geld:&2 %money%&6, Gesamte Exp:&2 %exp%&6, Gesamte Punkte:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7**************************************************************' bottomline: '&7**************************************************************'
nodata: '&cDaten nicht gefunden' nodata: '&cDaten nicht gefunden'
transfer: transfer:
help: help:
info: Transfer a player's job from an old job to a new job. info: Wechselt den Job eines Spielers von einem alten Job zu einem neuen.
args: '[playername] [oldjob] [newjob]' args: '[playername] [oldjob] [newjob]'
output: output:
target: You have been transferred from %oldjobname% to %newjobname%. target: Du wurdest von %oldjobname% zu %newjobname% gewechselt.
promote: promote:
help: help:
info: Beförder den Spieler um X Level in einem Beruf. info: Beförder den Spieler um X Level in einem Beruf.
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ command:
error: error:
nojob: '&cDer Spieler muss zuerst einen Beruf wählen.' nojob: '&cDer Spieler muss zuerst einen Beruf wählen.'
output: output:
target: '&eYour exp was changed for %jobname% &eand now you at &6%level%lvl &eand with &6%exp%exp.' target: '&eDeine Exp wurde für %jobname% &egeändert und bist nun &6%level% Level &e und bei &6%exp% exp.'
level: level:
help: help:
info: Ändert das Level eines Spielers in einem Beruf. info: Ändert das Level eines Spielers in einem Beruf.
@ -599,61 +599,61 @@ command:
error: error:
nojob: '&cDieser Spieler muss zuerst einen Beruf wählen.' nojob: '&cDieser Spieler muss zuerst einen Beruf wählen.'
output: output:
target: '&eYour level was changed for %jobname% &eand now you at &6%level%lvl &eand with &6%exp%exp.' target: '&eDein Level für %jobname% &ewurde geändert und bist nun &6%level% Level &eund bei &6%exp% exp.'
demote: demote:
help: help:
info: Demote the player X levels in a job. info: Stuft den Spieler X Level in einem Job zurück.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]' args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]'
output: output:
target: You have been demoted %levelslost% levels in %jobname%. target: Du wurdest %levelslost% Level in %jobname% zurück gestuft.
grantxp: grantxp:
help: help:
info: Grants the player X experience in a job. info: Gibt dem Spieler X Erfahrung in einem Job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]' args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]'
output: output:
target: You have been granted %xpgained% experience in %jobname%. target: Dir wurde %xpgained% Erfahrung in %jobname% gegeben.
removexp: removexp:
help: help:
info: Remove X experience from the player in a job. info: Entfernt X Erfahrung von einem Spieler in einem Job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]' args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]'
output: output:
target: You have lost %xplost% experience in %jobname%. target: Du hast %xplost% Erfahrung in %jobname% verloren.
signupdate: signupdate:
help: help:
info: Manually updates a sign by its name info: Manually updates a sign by its name
args: '[jobname]' args: '[jobname]'
bp: bp:
help: help:
info: Shows block protections around you in 10 block radius info: Zeigt geschützte Blöcke um dich herum in einem Radius von 10 Blöcken
args: '' args: ''
output: output:
found: '&eFound &6%amount% &eprotected blocks around you' found: '&eEs wurden &6%amount% &egeschützte Blöcke um dich herum gefunden'
notFound: '&eNo protected blocks found around you' notFound: '&eEs wurden keine geschützten Blöcke um dich herum gefunden'
reload: reload:
help: help:
info: Reload configurations. info: Konfigurationen neu laden.
toggle: toggle:
help: help:
info: Toggles payment output on action bar or bossbar. info: Toggles payment output on action bar or bossbar.
args: actionbar/bossbar args: actionbar/bossbar
output: output:
turnedoff: '&4This feature is turned off!' turnedoff: '&4Diese Funktion ist deaktiviert!'
paid: paid:
main: '&aYou got:' main: '&aDu erhältst:'
money: '&e[amount] money' money: '&e[amount] Geld'
exp: '&7[exp] exp' exp: '&7[exp] exp'
points: '&6[points] points' points: '&6[points] Punkte'
'on': '&aToggled: &aON' 'on': '&aGeschaltet: &aEin'
'off': '&aToggled: &4OFF' 'off': '&aGeschaltet: &4Aus'
message: message:
skillup: skillup:
broadcast: '%playername% has been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%.' broadcast: '%playername% wurde zu einem %titlename% %jobname%befördert.'
nobroadcast: Congratulations, you have been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%. nobroadcast: Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du wurdest zum %titlename%%jobname% befördert.
levelup: levelup:
broadcast: '%playername% is now a level %joblevel% %jobname%.' broadcast: '%playername% ist nun ein Level %joblevel%%jobname%.'
nobroadcast: You are now level %joblevel% %jobname%. nobroadcast: Du bist nun Level %joblevel% in %jobname%.
leveldown: leveldown:
message: '&cYou lost level&e %lostLevel%&c in&e %jobname%&c job! Level:&6 %joblevel%&c.' message: '&cDu hast Level&e %lostLevel%&c in&e %jobname%&c job verloren! Level:&6 %joblevel%&c.'
cowtimer: '&eDu musst immernoch &6%time% &eSekunden warten bevor du für diesen Beruf bezahlt wirst.' cowtimer: '&eDu musst immernoch &6%time% &eSekunden warten bevor du für diesen Beruf bezahlt wirst.'
blocktimer: '&eDu musst noch weitere &e[time] &eSekunden warten bevor du dafür bezahlt wirst!' blocktimer: '&eDu musst noch weitere &e[time] &eSekunden warten bevor du dafür bezahlt wirst!'
placeblocktimer: '&eDu kannst Blöcke nicht schneller als &6[time] Sekunden am selben Ort platzieren!' placeblocktimer: '&eDu kannst Blöcke nicht schneller als &6[time] Sekunden am selben Ort platzieren!'

View File

@ -109,14 +109,14 @@ command:
output: output:
topline: '&7**************** &2[money] &6[points] &e[exp] &7****************' topline: '&7**************** &2[money] &6[points] &e[exp] &7****************'
permission: ' &eBonus permanente: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' permission: ' &eBonus permanente: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
item: ' &eItem bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' item: ' &eBonificacion de objeto: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
global: ' &eGlobal bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' global: ' &eBonificacion global: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
dynamic: ' &eDynamic bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' dynamic: ' &eBonificacion dinamica: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
nearspawner: ' &eSpawner bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' nearspawner: ' &eBonificacion de spawner: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
petpay: ' &ePetPay bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' petpay: ' &ePetPay bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
area: ' &eArea bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' area: ' &eBonificacion de area: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
mcmmo: ' &eMcMMO bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' mcmmo: ' &eMcMMO bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
final: ' &eFinal bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' final: ' &eBonificacion final: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
finalExplanation: ' &eNo se incluye la prima de Mascota o la penalización de proximidad de spawner.' finalExplanation: ' &eNo se incluye la prima de Mascota o la penalización de proximidad de spawner.'
convert: convert:
help: help:
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ command:
lookHover: '&6Clic izquierdo para obtener información sobre el bloque que estás mirando' lookHover: '&6Clic izquierdo para obtener información sobre el bloque que estás mirando'
editquests: editquests:
help: help:
info: Edit current quests. info: Editar misiones actuales.
args: '' args: ''
list: list:
quest: '&eMisiones:' quest: '&eMisiones:'
@ -204,12 +204,12 @@ command:
objectiveAdd: ' -> &e[&2+&e]' objectiveAdd: ' -> &e[&2+&e]'
modify: modify:
newValue: '&eIngresa nuevo valor' newValue: '&eIngresa nuevo valor'
enter: '&eEnter new name or press ' enter: '&eIngresa nuevo nombre o presiona '
hand: '&6HAND ' hand: '&6MANO '
handHover: '&6Press to grab info from item in your hand' handHover: '&6Presiona para obtener información sobre el objeto en tu mano'
or: '&eor ' or: '&eo '
look: '&6LOOKING AT' look: '&6MIRANDO'
lookHover: '&6Press to grab info from block you are looking' lookHover: '&6Presiona para obtener información sobre el bloque que estás mirando'
blockinfo: blockinfo:
help: help:
info: Muestra información sobre el bloque que estas mirando. info: Muestra información sobre el bloque que estas mirando.
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ command:
error: error:
nojob: Debes trabajar primero en una profesión. nojob: Debes trabajar primero en una profesión.
output: '&bNivel &3%joblevel% &bde &r%jobname%. &aExperiencia &2%jobxp% &ade &2%jobmaxxp%' output: '&bNivel &3%joblevel% &bde &r%jobname%. &aExperiencia &2%jobxp% &ade &2%jobmaxxp%'
bossBarOutput: 'Lvl %joblevel% %jobname%: %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% xp%gain%' bossBarOutput: 'Nvl %joblevel% %jobname%: %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% Exp%gain%'
bossBarGain: ' &7(&f%gain%&7)' bossBarGain: ' &7(&f%gain%&7)'
shop: shop:
help: help:
@ -305,57 +305,57 @@ command:
jobinfo: '&e[jobname] información' jobinfo: '&e[jobname] información'
actions: '&eAcciones validas:' actions: '&eAcciones validas:'
leftClick: '&eClic izquierdo para mas información' leftClick: '&eClic izquierdo para mas información'
middleClick: '&eMiddle Click to leave this job' middleClick: '&eClic central para dejar este trabajo'
rightClick: '&eClic derecho para trabajar en la profesión' rightClick: '&eClic derecho para trabajar en la profesión'
leftSlots: '&ePuestos libres:&f ' leftSlots: '&ePuestos libres:&f '
working: '&2&nTrabajando actualmente' working: '&2&nTrabajando actualmente'
cantJoin: '&cYou can''t join to the selected job.' cantJoin: '&cNo puedes unirte al trabajo seleccionado.'
max: '&eNivel máximo:&f ' max: '&eNivel máximo:&f '
back: '&e<<< Volver' back: '&e<<< Volver'
next: '&eNext >>>' next: '&eSiguiente >>>'
output: output:
break: break:
info: '&eBreak' info: '&ePausa'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por romper bloques.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por romper bloques.'
tntbreak: tntbreak:
info: '&eTNTBreak' info: '&eExplotar con TNT'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por estallar bloques con dinamita.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por estallar bloques con dinamita.'
place: place:
info: '&ePlace' info: '&eColocar'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por colocar bloques.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por colocar bloques.'
striplogs: striplogs:
info: '&eTira de registros' info: '&eTira de registros'
none: '%jobname% no recibe dinero por pelar troncos.' none: '%jobname% no recibe dinero por pelar troncos.'
kill: kill:
info: '&eKill' info: '&eMatar'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por matar monstruos.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por matar monstruos.'
mmkill: mmkill:
info: '&eMMKill' info: '&eMMKill'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por matar monstruos míticos.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por matar monstruos míticos.'
fish: fish:
info: '&eFish' info: '&ePescar'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por pescar peces.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por pescar peces.'
craft: craft:
info: '&eCraft' info: '&eCraftear'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por fabricar objetos.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por fabricar objetos.'
smelt: smelt:
info: '&eSmelt' info: '&eFundir'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por hornear.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por hornear.'
brew: brew:
info: '&eBrew' info: '&eFermentar'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por destilar pociones.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por destilar pociones.'
eat: eat:
info: '&eEat' info: '&eComer'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por comer.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por comer.'
dye: dye:
info: '&eTeñir' info: '&eTeñir'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por teñir ropa.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por teñir ropa.'
enchant: enchant:
info: '&eEnchant' info: '&eEncantar'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por encantar herramientas.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por encantar herramientas.'
vtrade: vtrade:
info: '&eComercio de aldeanos' info: '&eComercio de aldeanos'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for trading a villager.' none: '%jobname% no recibe dinero por tradear con un aldeano.'
repair: repair:
info: '&eReparar' info: '&eReparar'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por reparar.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por reparar.'
@ -375,11 +375,11 @@ command:
info: '&eExplorar' info: '&eExplorar'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por explorar el mundo.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por explorar el mundo.'
custom-kill: custom-kill:
info: '&eCustom kill' info: '&eBaja personalizada'
none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por asesinar jugadores específicos.' none: 'Con la profesión de %jobname% no vas a recibir dinero por asesinar jugadores específicos.'
collect: collect:
info: '&eRecoger' info: '&eRecoger'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for collecting blocks.' none: 'El trabajo %jobname% no recibe dinero por recoger bloques.'
bake: bake:
info: '&eHornear' info: '&eHornear'
none: '%jobname% no recibe dinero por cocinar alimentos.' none: '%jobname% no recibe dinero por cocinar alimentos.'
@ -404,20 +404,20 @@ command:
info: Abandonar la profesión. info: Abandonar la profesión.
args: '[oldplayerjob]' args: '[oldplayerjob]'
success: Has abandonado la profesión de %jobname%. success: Has abandonado la profesión de %jobname%.
confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from&e [jobname]&c job? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!' confirmationNeed: '&c¿Estás seguro de quieres abandonar el trabajo de &e [jobname]&c? ¡Escribe de nuevo el comando en menos de &6 [time] segundos &cpara confirmar!'
leaveall: leaveall:
help: help:
info: Abandonar todas las profesiones. info: Abandonar todas las profesiones.
error: error:
nojobs: No tienes ninguna profesión que abandonar nojobs: No tienes ninguna profesión que abandonar
success: Has abandonado todas tus profesiones. success: Has abandonado todas tus profesiones.
confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from all jobs? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!' confirmationNeed: '&c¿Estás seguro de quieres abandonar &eTODOS los trabajos&c? ¡Escribe de nuevo el comando en menos de &6 [time] segundos &cpara confirmar!'
explored: explored:
help: help:
info: Comprobar quien ha visitado este chunk info: Comprobar quien ha visitado este chunk
error: error:
noexplore: Nadie a visitado este chunk noexplore: Nadie a visitado este chunk
fullExplore: '&aThis chunk is fully explored' fullExplore: '&aEste chunk ha sido explorado por completo'
list: '&e%place%. %playername%' list: '&e%place%. %playername%'
browse: browse:
help: help:
@ -454,10 +454,10 @@ command:
cleared: '&2Se han eliminado &7[furnaces] &2hornos y &7[brewing] &2Soportes para Pociones' cleared: '&2Se han eliminado &7[furnaces] &2hornos y &7[brewing] &2Soportes para Pociones'
skipquest: skipquest:
help: help:
info: Skip defined quest and get new one info: Omite la misión en progreso y obten una nueva
args: '[jobname] [questname] (playerName)' args: '[jobname] [questname] (NombreJugador)'
output: output:
questSkipForCost: '&2You skipped the quest and paid:&e %amount%$' questSkipForCost: '&2Te saltaste la misión y pagaste:&e %amount%$'
quests: quests:
help: help:
info: Ver la lista de misiones disponibles. info: Ver la lista de misiones disponibles.
@ -466,110 +466,110 @@ command:
noquests: 'No hay misiones.' noquests: 'No hay misiones.'
toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6[playerName] &2(&f[questsDone]&2) &7***********************' toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6[playerName] &2(&f[questsDone]&2) &7***********************'
status: status:
changed: '&2The quests status has been changed to&r %status%' changed: '&2El estado de la misión ha cambiado a&r %status%'
started: '&aStarted' started: '&aComenzado'
stopped: '&cStopped' stopped: '&cDetenido'
output: output:
completed: '&2 !Completado!&r ' completed: '&2 !Completado!&r '
questLine: '[progress] &7[questName] &f[done]&7/&8[required]' questLine: '[progress] &7[questName] &f[done]&7/&8[required]'
skip: '&7Click to skip this quest' skip: '&7Clic para saltar la misión'
skips: '&7Left skips: &f[skips]' skips: '&7Saltos de misión restantes: &f[skips]'
hover: "&f[jobName] \n[desc] \n&7Nueva misión en: [time]" hover: "&f[jobName] \n[desc] \n&7Nueva misión en: [time]"
fire: fire:
help: help:
info: Fire the player from the job. info: Despedir al jugador del trabajo.
args: '[playername] [jobname]' args: '[playername] [jobname]'
error: error:
nojob: Player does not have the job %jobname%. nojob: El jugador no tiene el trabajo %jobname%.
output: output:
target: You have been fired from %jobname%. target: Has sido despedido de tu trabajo de %jobname%.
fireall: fireall:
help: help:
info: Fire player from all their jobs. info: Despedir al jugador de todos sus trabajos.
args: '[playername]/all' args: '[playername]/all'
error: error:
nojobs: Player does not have any jobs to be fired from! nojobs: '¡El jugador no tiene trabajos de los que ser despedidos!'
output: output:
target: You have been fired from all your jobs. target: Has sido despedido de todos tus trabajos.
employ: employ:
help: help:
info: Employ the player to the job. info: Contratar a este jugador.
args: '[playername] [jobname]' args: '[playername] [jobname]'
error: error:
alreadyin: Player is already in the job %jobname%. alreadyin: El jugador ya está trabajando de %jobname%.
fullslots: You cannot join the job %jobname%, there are no slots available. fullslots: No puedes entrar en el trabajo de %jobname%, no hay cupos disponibles.
output: output:
target: You have been employed as a %jobname%. target: Has sido contratado para trabajar como %jobname%.
top: top:
help: help:
info: Shows top players by jobs name. info: Muestra el top de jugadores acorde al nombre del trabajo.
args: '[jobname]' args: '[jobname]'
error: error:
nojob: Can't find any job with this name. nojob: No se pudo encontrar ningún trabajo con ese nombre.
output: output:
topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &aplayers by &e%jobname% &ajob' topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &ade jugadores por su trabajo de &e%jobname%'
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp' list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &anivel &e%level% &acon&e %exp% &ade experiencia'
prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|' prev: '&e<<<<< Página anterior &2|'
next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>' next: '&2|&e Página siguiente >>>>'
show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2top list' show: '&2Muestra el top global desde &e[from] &2hasta &e[until]'
gtop: gtop:
help: help:
info: Shows top players by global jobs level. info: Muestra jugadores según el nivel global de trabajos.
args: '' args: ''
error: error:
nojob: Can't find any information. nojob: No se pudo encontrar ninguna información.
output: output:
topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &aplayers by global job level' topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &ajugadores según el nivel global de trabajos'
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp' list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &anivel &e%level% &acon&e %exp% &aexp'
prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|' prev: '&e<<<<< Página anterior &2|'
next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>' next: '&2|&e Página siguiente >>>>'
show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2global top list' show: '&2Muestra el top global desde &e[from] &2hasta &e[until]'
area: area:
help: help:
info: Modify restricted areas. info: Modifica áreas restringidas.
args: add/remove/info/list args: add/remove/info/list
addUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area add [areaName/wg:worldGuardAreaName] [bonus]' addUsage: '&eUsa: &6/Jobs area add [areaName/wg:worldGuardAreaName] [bonus]'
removeUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area remove [areaName]' removeUsage: '&eUsa: &6/Jobs area remove [areaName]'
output: output:
addedNew: '&eAdded a new restricted area with &6%bonus% &ebonus' addedNew: '&eSe ha añadido una nueva área restringida con un bonus de &6%bonus%'
removed: '&eRemoved the restricted area &6%name%' removed: '&eSe ha eliminado el área restringida &6%name%'
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%areaname% &e%worldname% (&a%x1%:%y1%:%z1%/&e%x2%:%y2%:%z2%) &6%bonus%' list: '&e%number%&a. &e%areaname% &e%worldname% (&a%x1%:%y1%:%z1%/&e%x2%:%y2%:%z2%) &6%bonus%'
wgList: '&e%number%&a. WorldGuard: &e%areaname% &6%bonus%' wgList: '&e%number%&a. WorldGuard: &e%areaname% &6%bonus%'
noAreas: '&eThere are no saved restricted areas' noAreas: '&eNo hay áreas restringidas guardadas'
noAreasByLoc: '&eThere are no restricted areas in this location' noAreasByLoc: '&eNo hay áreas restringidas en esta ubicación'
areaList: '&eRestricted areas by your location: &6%list%' areaList: '&eÁreas restringidas en tu ubicación: &6%list%'
selected1: '&eSelected the first point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%' selected1: '&ePrimer punto seleccionado: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
selected2: '&eSelected the second point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%' selected2: '&eSegundo punto seleccionado: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
select: '&eSelect 2 points with the selection tool (%tool%)' select: '&eSelecciona 2 puntos con la herramienta de selección (%tool%)'
exist: '&eRestriction area by this name already exists' exist: '&eYa existe un área restringida con este nombre'
dontExist: '&eRestriction area by this name does not exist' dontExist: '&eNo existe ningún área restringida con este nombre'
wgDontExist: '&eWorldGuard area by this name does not exist' wgDontExist: '&eNo existe ninguna región WorldGuard con este nombre'
log: log:
help: help:
info: Shows statistics. info: Muestra las estadísticas.
args: '[playername]' args: '[playername]'
output: output:
topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************' topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************'
ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &ecantidad: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &ecantidad: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%'
money: '&6dinero: %amount% ' money: '&6dinero: %amount% '
exp: '&eexp: %amount% ' exp: '&eExperiencia: &%amount% '
points: '&6puntos: %amount%' points: '&6puntos: %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%' totalIncomes: ' &6Dinero total:&2 %money%&6, Exp total:&2 %exp%&6, Total puntos:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7***********************************************************' bottomline: '&7***********************************************************'
prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|' prev: '&e<<<<< Página anterior &2|'
next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>' next: '&2|&e Página siguiente >>>>'
nodata: '&cDatos no encontrados' nodata: '&cDatos no encontrados'
glog: glog:
help: help:
info: Shows global statistics. info: Muestra estadísticas globales.
args: '' args: ''
output: output:
topline: '&7*********************** &6Global statistics &7***********************' topline: '&7*********************** &6Estadísticas globales &7***********************'
ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%'
money: '&6dinero: %amount% ' money: '&6dinero: %amount% '
exp: '&eexp: %amount% ' exp: '&eexp: %amount% '
points: '&6puntos: %amount%' points: '&6puntos: %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%' totalIncomes: ' &6Dinero total:&2 %money%&6, Exp total:&2 %exp%&6, Total puntos:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7**************************************************************' bottomline: '&7**************************************************************'
nodata: '&cDatos no encontrados' nodata: '&cDatos no encontrados'
transfer: transfer:
@ -577,13 +577,13 @@ command:
info: Transfer a player's job from an old job to a new job. info: Transfer a player's job from an old job to a new job.
args: '[playername] [oldjob] [newjob]' args: '[playername] [oldjob] [newjob]'
output: output:
target: You have been transferred from %oldjobname% to %newjobname%. target: Has sido transferido de %oldjobname% a %newjobname%.
promote: promote:
help: help:
info: Promote the player X levels in a job. info: Promote the player X levels in a job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]' args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]'
output: output:
target: You have been promoted %levelsgained% levels in %jobname%. target: Has sido ascendido %levelsgained% niveles en tu trabajo de %jobname%.
exp: exp:
help: help:
info: Change the player exp for job. info: Change the player exp for job.
@ -628,10 +628,10 @@ command:
args: '' args: ''
output: output:
found: '&eFound &6%amount% &eprotected blocks around you' found: '&eFound &6%amount% &eprotected blocks around you'
notFound: '&eNo protected blocks found around you' notFound: '&eNo se encontraron bloques de protección alrededor tuyo'
reload: reload:
help: help:
info: Reload configurations. info: Recarga las configuraciones.
toggle: toggle:
help: help:
info: Toggles payment output on action bar or bossbar. info: Toggles payment output on action bar or bossbar.
@ -639,61 +639,61 @@ command:
output: output:
turnedoff: '&4This feature is turned off!' turnedoff: '&4This feature is turned off!'
paid: paid:
main: '&aYou got:' main: '&aTienes:'
money: '&e[amount] dinero' money: '&e[amount] dinero'
exp: '&7[exp] exp' exp: '&7[exp] exp'
points: '&6[points] puntos' points: '&6[points] puntos'
'on': '&aToggled: &aON' 'on': '&aEstado: &aON'
'off': '&aToggled: &4OFF' 'off': '&aEstado: &aOFF'
message: message:
skillup: skillup:
broadcast: '%playername% has been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%.' broadcast: '%playername% ha sido ascendido a %titlename% %jobname%.'
nobroadcast: Congratulations, you have been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%. nobroadcast: Felicidades, has sido ascendido a %titlename% %jobname%.
levelup: levelup:
broadcast: '%playername% is now a level %joblevel% %jobname%.' broadcast: '%playername% ahora es nivel %joblevel% %jobname%.'
nobroadcast: You are now level %joblevel% %jobname%. nobroadcast: Ahora eres nivel %joblevel% %jobname%.
leveldown: leveldown:
message: '&cYou lost level&e %lostLevel%&c in&e %jobname%&c job! Level:&6 %joblevel%&c.' message: '&c¡Has perdido&e %lostLevel%&c en tu trabajo de&e %jobname%&c! Nivel:&6 %joblevel%&c.'
cowtimer: '&eYou still need to wait &6%time% &esec to get paid for this job.' cowtimer: '&eAún tienes que esperar &6%time% &esegundos para ser pagado por este trabajo.'
blocktimer: '&eYou need to wait &3[time] &esec more to get paid for this!' blocktimer: '&e¡Tienes que esperar &3[time] &epara ser pagado por esto!'
placeblocktimer: '&eYou can''t place blocks faster than &6[time] &esec in the same place!' placeblocktimer: '&e¡No puedes poner bloques más rápido que en &6[time] &esegundos en el mismo sitio!'
taxes: '&3[amount] &eserver taxes were transferred to this account' taxes: '&3[amount] &eimpuestos del servidor se transfirieron a esta cuenta'
boostStarted: '&eJobs boost time have been started!' boostStarted: '&e¡Acaba de empezar el boost de trabajos!'
boostStoped: '&eJobs boost time have been ended!' boostStoped: '&e¡Acaba de terminar el boost de trabajos!'
crafting: crafting:
fullinventory: '&cYour inventory is full!' fullinventory: '&c¡Tu inventario está lleno!'
signs: signs:
List: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[level]' List: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[level]'
questList: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[quests]' questList: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[quests]'
SpecialList: SpecialList:
p1: '&b** &8First &b**' p1: '&b** &8Primero &b**'
p2: '&b** &8Second &b**' p2: '&b** &8Segundo &b**'
p3: '&b** &8Third &b**' p3: '&b** &8Tercero &b**'
p4: '&b** &8Fourth &b**' p4: '&b** &8Cuarto &b**'
p5: '&b** &8Fifth &b**' p5: '&b** &8Quinto &b**'
p6: '&b** &8Sixth &b**' p6: '&b** &8Sexto &b**'
p7: '&b** &8Seventh &b**' p7: '&b** &8Séptimo &b**'
p8: '&b** &8Eight &b**' p8: '&b** &8Octavo &b**'
p9: '&b** &8Ninth &b**' p9: '&b** &8Noveno &b**'
p10: '&b** &8Tenth &b**' p10: '&b** &8Décimo &b**'
name: '&9[player]' name: '&9[player]'
level: '&8nivel [level]' level: '&8nivel [level]'
quests: '&8misiones [quests]' quests: '&8misiones [quests]'
bottom: '&b************' bottom: '&b************'
cantcreate: '&4You can''t create this sign!' cantcreate: '&4¡No puedes crear este cartel!'
cantdestroy: '&4You can''t destroy this sign!' cantdestroy: '&4¡No puedes destrozar este cartel!'
topline: '&0[Jobs]' topline: '&0[Jobs]'
secondline: secondline:
join: '&0Unirse' join: '&0Unirse'
leave: '&0Salir' leave: '&0Salir'
toggle: '&0Toggle' toggle: '&0Alternar'
top: '&0Top' top: '&0Top'
browse: '&0Navegar' browse: '&0Navegar'
stats: '&0Stats' stats: '&0Estadísticas'
limit: '&0Limit' limit: '&0Límite'
info: '&0Información' info: '&0Información'
archive: '&0Archive' archive: '&0Archivo'
scoreboard: scoreboard:
topline: '&2Top &e%jobname%' topline: '&2Top &e%jobname%'
gtopline: '&2Global top list' gtopline: '&2Top Global'
line: '&2%number%. &e%playername% (&6%level%&e)' line: '&2%number%. &e%playername% (&6%level%&e)'

View File

@ -110,13 +110,13 @@ command:
topline: '&7**************** &2[money] &6[points] &e[exp] &7****************' topline: '&7**************** &2[money] &6[points] &e[exp] &7****************'
permission: ' &ePerm bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' permission: ' &ePerm bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
item: ' &eItem bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' item: ' &eItem bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
global: ' &eGlobal bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' global: ' &eBonus global: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
dynamic: ' &eDynamic bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' dynamic: ' &eBonus dynamique: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
nearspawner: ' &eSpawner bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' nearspawner: ' &eBonus de Spawner: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
petpay: ' &ePetPay bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' petpay: ' &ePetPay bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
area: ' &eArea bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' area: ' &eBonus de zone: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
mcmmo: ' &eMcMMO bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' mcmmo: ' &eMcMMO bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
final: ' &eFinal bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' final: ' &eBonus final: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
finalExplanation: ' &eN''inclut pas les bonus/pénalités des spawners à proximité et de PetPay' finalExplanation: ' &eN''inclut pas les bonus/pénalités des spawners à proximité et de PetPay'
convert: convert:
help: help:
@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ command:
reachedmoneylimit: '&4Vous avez atteint le maximum d''argent gagné pendant le temps imparti!' reachedmoneylimit: '&4Vous avez atteint le maximum d''argent gagné pendant le temps imparti!'
reachedmoneylimit2: '&eVous pouvez vérifier la limite en faisant &2/jobs limit' reachedmoneylimit2: '&eVous pouvez vérifier la limite en faisant &2/jobs limit'
reachedmoneylimit3: '&e L''argent récolté est maintenant réduite exponentiellement... Mais tu gagne toujours un petit peu!' reachedmoneylimit3: '&e L''argent récolté est maintenant réduite exponentiellement... Mais tu gagne toujours un petit peu!'
reachedexplimit: '&4You have reached exp limit in given time!' reachedexplimit: '&4Vous avez atteint le maximum dexpérience gagné pendant le temps imparti!'
reachedexplimit2: '&eVous pouvez vérifier la limite en faisant &2/jobs limit' reachedexplimit2: '&eVous pouvez vérifier la limite en faisant &2/jobs limit'
reachedpointslimit: '&4Vous avez atteint le maximum de points gagné pendant le temps imparti!' reachedpointslimit: '&4Vous avez atteint le maximum de points gagné pendant le temps imparti!'
reachedpointslimit2: '&eVous pouvez vérifier la limite en faisant &2/jobs limit' reachedpointslimit2: '&eVous pouvez vérifier la limite en faisant &2/jobs limit'
notenabled: '&eMoney limit is not enabled' notenabled: '&eLa limite d''argent n''est pas activée'
resetlimit: resetlimit:
help: help:
info: Remet à zéro les limites de paiements des joueurs info: Remet à zéro les limites de paiements des joueurs
@ -206,10 +206,10 @@ command:
newValue: '&eEntrez une nouvelle valeur' newValue: '&eEntrez une nouvelle valeur'
enter: '&eEntrez un nouveau nom ou cliquez ' enter: '&eEntrez un nouveau nom ou cliquez '
hand: '&6MAIN ' hand: '&6MAIN '
handHover: '&6Press to grab info from item in your hand' handHover: '&6Cliquez pour afficher les infos de l''objet dans votre main'
or: '&eou ' or: '&eou '
look: '&6LOOKING AT' look: '&6Regarde à'
lookHover: '&6Press to grab info from block you are looking' lookHover: '&6Cliquez pour afficher les infos du bloc que vous regardez'
blockinfo: blockinfo:
help: help:
info: Affiche les informations du bloc que vous regardez. info: Affiche les informations du bloc que vous regardez.
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ command:
cantJoin: '&cYou can''t join to the selected job.' cantJoin: '&cYou can''t join to the selected job.'
max: '&eNiveau maximum :&f ' max: '&eNiveau maximum :&f '
back: '&e<<< Retour' back: '&e<<< Retour'
next: '&eNext >>>' next: '&eSuivant >>>'
output: output:
break: break:
info: '&eCasser' info: '&eCasser'
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ command:
none: '%jobname% ne gagne pas d''argent en collectant les blocs.' none: '%jobname% ne gagne pas d''argent en collectant les blocs.'
bake: bake:
info: '&eCuire' info: '&eCuire'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for cooking foods.' none: '%jobname% ne reçoit pas d''argent pour la cuisson des aliments.'
playerinfo: playerinfo:
help: help:
info: Donne le montant payé de chaque action pour un certain métier sur un autre joueur. info: Donne le montant payé de chaque action pour un certain métier sur un autre joueur.
@ -398,26 +398,26 @@ command:
rejoin: '&cVous ne pouvez pas retourner dans ce métier maintenant. Attendez [time]' rejoin: '&cVous ne pouvez pas retourner dans ce métier maintenant. Attendez [time]'
rejoin: '&aClique pour rejoindre ce métier: ' rejoin: '&aClique pour rejoindre ce métier: '
success: Vous exercez maintenant le métier de %jobname%. success: Vous exercez maintenant le métier de %jobname%.
confirm: '&2Click to confirm joining action for the &7[jobname] &2job.' confirm: '&2Clique pour confirmer l''action de rejoindre le &2métier &7[jobname].'
leave: leave:
help: help:
info: Quitter le métier sélectionné. info: Quitter le métier sélectionné.
args: '[oldplayerjob]' args: '[oldplayerjob]'
success: Vous n'exercez plus le métier de %jobname%. success: Vous n'exercez plus le métier de %jobname%.
confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from&e [jobname]&c job? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!' confirmationNeed: '&cEs-tu sûr que tu veux quitter le métier [jobname]&c ? Tape la commande une seconde fois dans les [time] secondes qui suivent pour confirmer !'
leaveall: leaveall:
help: help:
info: Quitter tous vos métiers. info: Quitter tous vos métiers.
error: error:
nojobs: Vous n'exercez aucun métier ! nojobs: Vous n'exercez aucun métier !
success: Vous avez quitté tous vos métiers. success: Vous avez quitté tous vos métiers.
confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from all jobs? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!' confirmationNeed: '&cEs-tu sûr que tu veux quitter tous tes métiers ? Tape la commande une seconde fois dans les [time] secondes qui suivent pour confirmer !'
explored: explored:
help: help:
info: Vérifie qui a visité ce tronçon info: Vérifie qui a visité ce tronçon
error: error:
noexplore: Personne n'a visité ce tronçon noexplore: Personne n'a visité ce tronçon
fullExplore: '&aThis chunk is fully explored' fullExplore: '&aCe chunk est complètement exploré'
list: '&e%place%. %playername%' list: '&e%place%. %playername%'
browse: browse:
help: help:
@ -497,12 +497,12 @@ command:
args: '[playername] [jobname]' args: '[playername] [jobname]'
error: error:
alreadyin: Ce joueur exerce déjà le métier de %jobname%. alreadyin: Ce joueur exerce déjà le métier de %jobname%.
fullslots: You cannot join the job %jobname%, there are no slots available. fullslots: Vous ne pouvez pas devenir %jobname%, il n'y a plus de places disponibles.
output: output:
target: Vous avez été embauché pour être %jobname%. target: Vous avez été embauché pour être %jobname%.
top: top:
help: help:
info: Shows top players by jobs name. info: Affiche le top des joueurs par nom de métiers.
args: '[jobname]' args: '[jobname]'
error: error:
nojob: Aucun métier ne porte ce nom. nojob: Aucun métier ne porte ce nom.
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ command:
show: '&2Montre la Top List de &e[from] &2jusqu''à &e[until]' show: '&2Montre la Top List de &e[from] &2jusqu''à &e[until]'
gtop: gtop:
help: help:
info: Shows top players by global jobs level. info: Affiche le top des joueurs par niveau global de métiers.
args: '' args: ''
error: error:
nojob: Impossible de trouver des informations. nojob: Impossible de trouver des informations.
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ command:
money: '&6argent : %amount% ' money: '&6argent : %amount% '
exp: '&eXP : %amount% ' exp: '&eXP : %amount% '
points: '&6points : %amount%' points: '&6points : %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%' totalIncomes: ' &6Total gains:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7***********************************************************' bottomline: '&7***********************************************************'
prev: '&e<<<<< Page précédente &2|' prev: '&e<<<<< Page précédente &2|'
next: '&2|&e Page suivante >>>>' next: '&2|&e Page suivante >>>>'
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ command:
money: '&6argent : %amount% ' money: '&6argent : %amount% '
exp: '&eXP : %amount% ' exp: '&eXP : %amount% '
points: '&6points : %amount%' points: '&6points : %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%' totalIncomes: ' &6Total gains:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7**************************************************************' bottomline: '&7**************************************************************'
nodata: '&cDonnées introuvables' nodata: '&cDonnées introuvables'
transfer: transfer:
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ command:
error: error:
nojob: '&cCe joueur doit d''abord choisir un métier.' nojob: '&cCe joueur doit d''abord choisir un métier.'
output: output:
target: '&eYour level was changed for %jobname% &eand now you at &6%level%lvl &eand with &6%exp%exp.' target: '&eVotre niveau a été changé pour %jobname%&e et maintenant vous êtes niveau &6%level%lvl &eet avec &6%exp%exp.'
demote: demote:
help: help:
info: Rétrograde le joueur de X niveaux dans un métier. info: Rétrograde le joueur de X niveaux dans un métier.
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ message:
broadcast: '%playername% est maintenant %jobname% niveau %joblevel%.' broadcast: '%playername% est maintenant %jobname% niveau %joblevel%.'
nobroadcast: Vous êtes maintenant %jobname% niveau %joblevel%. nobroadcast: Vous êtes maintenant %jobname% niveau %joblevel%.
leveldown: leveldown:
message: '&cYou lost level&e %lostLevel%&c in&e %jobname%&c job! Level:&6 %joblevel%&c.' message: '&cVous avez perdu &e%lostLevel%&c niveau dans le métier de %jobname%! &6Niveau: %joblevel%&c.'
cowtimer: '&eVous devez attendre &6%time% &esec avant d''être payé à nouveau.' cowtimer: '&eVous devez attendre &6%time% &esec avant d''être payé à nouveau.'
blocktimer: '&eVous devez attendre &3[time] &esec avant d''être payé à nouveau.' blocktimer: '&eVous devez attendre &3[time] &esec avant d''être payé à nouveau.'
placeblocktimer: '&eVous ne pouvez placer des blocs que toutes les &6[time] &esec au même endroit!' placeblocktimer: '&eVous ne pouvez placer des blocs que toutes les &6[time] &esec au même endroit!'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
nomoney: '&cSorry, no money left in national bank!'
levelup: '&cYou need to level up in [jobname] to use this item!'
Spawner: '&r[type] Spawner'
toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6%playername% &7***********************'
separator: '&7*******************************************************'
days: '&e%days% &6days '
hours: '&e%hours% &6hours '
mins: '&e%mins% &6min '
secs: '&e%secs% &6sec '
invalidPage: '&cInvalid page'
'true': '&2True'
'false': '&cFalse'
error: '&cThere was an error in the command.'
success: '&eYour command has been performed.'
noHelpPage: '&cThere is no help page by this number!'
notNumber: '&ePlease use numbers!'
job: '&cThe job you selected does not exist or you not joined to this'
noCommand: '&cThere is no command by this name!'
permission: '&cYou do not have permission to do that!'
noinfo: '&cNo information found!'
noinfoByPlayer: '&cNo information found by [%playername%] player name!'
ingame: '&cYou can use this command only in game!'
fromconsole: '&cYou can use this command only from console!'
worldisdisabled: '&cYou can''t use command in this world!'
newFurnaceRegistration: '&eRegistered new ownership for furnace &7[current]&e/&f[max]'
newBrewingRegistration: '&eRegistered new ownership for brewing stand &7[current]&e/&f[max]'
noFurnaceRegistration: '&cYou''ve reached max furnace count!'
noBrewingRegistration: '&cYou''ve reached max brewing stand count!'
info: Type /jobs [cmd] ? for more information about a command.
cmdUsage: '&2Usage: &7[command]'
label: Jobs
cmdInfoFormat: '[command] &f- &2[description]'
cmdFormat: '&7/[command] &f[arguments]'
helpPageDescription: '&2* [description]'
title: '&e-------&e ======= &6Jobs &e======= &e-------'
page: '&e-----&e ====== Page &6[1] &eof &6[2] &e====== &e-----'
fliperSimbols: '&e----------'
prevPage: '&2----<< &6Prev '
prevPageOff: '&7----<< Prev '
nextPage: '&6 Next &2>>----'
nextPageOff: '&7 Next >>----'
pageCount: '&2[current]/[total]'
pageCountHover: '&e[totalEntries] entries'
prevPageGui: '&6Previous page '
nextPageGui: '&6Next Page'
info: Boosts money gain for all players
args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all'
allreset: All money boosts turned off
jobsboostreset: Money boost has been turned off for %jobname%
nothingtoreset: Nothing to reset
boostalladded: Money boost of %boost% added for all jobs!
boostadded: Money boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!
infostats: '&c-----> &aMoney rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------'
info: Boosts point gain for all players
args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all'
allreset: All point boosts turned off
jobsboostreset: Point boost has been turned off for %jobname%
nothingtoreset: Nothing to reset
boostalladded: Points boost of %boost% added for all jobs!
boostadded: Points boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!
infostats: '&c-----> &aPoints rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------'
info: Boosts exp gain for all players
args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all'
allreset: All exp boosts turned off
jobsboostreset: Exp boost has been turned off for %jobname%
nothingtoreset: Nothing to reset
boostalladded: Exp boost of %boost% added for all jobs!
boostadded: Exp boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!
infostats: '&c-----> &aExp rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------'
info: Check item bonus
args: ''
list: '&e[jobname]: %money% %points% %exp%'
notAplyingList: '&7[jobname]: %money% %points% %exp%'
hover: '&7%itemtype%'
hoverLevelLimits: "&7From level: %from% \n&7Until level: %until%"
info: Edit item boost bonus
args: list/add/remove [jobname] [itemBoostName]
info: Show job bonuses
args: '[jobname]'
topline: '&7**************** &2[money] &6[points] &e[exp] &7****************'
permission: ' &ePerm bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
item: ' &eItem bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
global: ' &eGlobal bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
dynamic: ' &eDynamic bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
nearspawner: ' &eSpawner bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
petpay: ' &ePetPay bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
area: ' &eArea bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
mcmmo: ' &eMcMMO bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
final: ' &eFinal bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
finalExplanation: ' &eDoes not include Petpay and Near spawner bonus/penalty'
info: Converts the database system from one system to another. If you are currently running SQLite, this will convert it to MySQL and vice versa.
args: ''
info: Shows payment limits for jobs
args: '[playername]'
moneytime: '&eTime left until money limit resets: &2%time%'
moneyLimit: '&eMoney limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%'
exptime: '&eTime left until Exp limit resets: &2%time%'
expLimit: '&eExp limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%'
pointstime: '&eTime left until Point limit resets: &2%time%'
pointsLimit: '&ePoint limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%'
reachedmoneylimit: '&4You have reached money limit in given time!'
reachedmoneylimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand'
reachedmoneylimit3: '&eMoney earned is now reduced exponentially... But you still earn a little!'
reachedexplimit: '&4You have reached exp limit in given time!'
reachedexplimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand'
reachedpointslimit: '&4You have reached exp limit in given time!'
reachedpointslimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand'
notenabled: '&eMoney limit is not enabled'
info: Resets a player's payment limits
args: '[playername]'
reseted: '&ePayment limits have been reset for: &2%playername%'
info: Resets a player's quest
args: '[playername] [jobname]'
reseted: '&eQuest has been reset for: &2%playername%'
noQuests: '&eCan''t find any quests'
info: Shows how much points does a player have.
args: '[playername]'
currentpoints: ' &eCurrent point amount: &6%currentpoints%'
totalpoints: ' &eTotal amount of collected points until now: &6%totalpoints%'
info: Edit player's points.
args: set/add/take [playername] [amount]
set: '&ePlayers (&6%playername%&e) points was set to &6%amount%'
add: '&ePlayer (&6%playername%&e) got additional &6%amount% &epoints. Now they have &6%total%'
take: '&ePlayer (&6%playername%&e) lost &6%amount% &epoints. Now they have &6%total%'
info: Edit current jobs.
args: ''
job: '&eJobs:'
jobs: ' -> [&e%jobname%&r]'
actions: ' -> [&e%actionname%&r]'
material: ' -> [&e%materialname%&r] '
materialRemove: '&c[X]'
materialAdd: ' -> &e[&2+&e]'
money: ' -> &eMoney: &6%amount%'
exp: ' -> &eExp: &6%amount%'
points: ' -> &ePoints: &6%amount%'
newValue: '&eEnter new value'
enter: '&eEnter new name or press '
hand: '&6HAND '
handHover: '&6Press to grab info from item in your hand'
or: '&eor '
look: '&6LOOKING AT'
lookHover: '&6Press to grab info from block you are looking'
info: Edit current quests.
args: ''
quest: '&eQuests:'
jobs: ' -> [&e%jobname%&r]'
quests: ' -> [&e%questname%&r]'
actions: ' -> [&e%actionname%&r]'
objectives: ' -> [&e%objectivename%&r]'
objectiveRemove: '&c[X]'
objectiveAdd: ' -> &e[&2+&e]'
newValue: '&eEnter new value'
enter: '&eEnter new name or press '
hand: '&6HAND '
handHover: '&6Press to grab info from item in your hand'
or: '&eor '
look: '&6LOOKING AT'
lookHover: '&6Press to grab info from block you are looking'
info: Shows information for the block you are looking at.
args: ''
name: ' &eBlock name: &6%blockname%'
id: ' &eBlock id: &6%blockid%'
data: ' &eBlock data: &6%blockdata%'
usage: ' &eUsage: &6%first% &eor &6%second%'
info: Shows information for the item you are holding.
args: ''
name: ' &eItem name: &6%itemname%'
id: ' &eItem id: &6%itemid%'
data: ' &eItem data: &6%itemdata%'
usage: ' &eUsage: &6%first% &eor &6%second%'
info: List out all placeholders
args: (parse) (placeholder)
list: '&e[place]. &7[placeholder]'
outputResult: ' &eresult: &7[result]'
parse: '&6[placeholder] &7by [source] &6result &8|&f[result]&8|'
info: Shows all possible entities that can be used with the plugin.
args: ''
info: Show the level you are in each job you are part of.
args: '[playername]'
nojob: Please join a job first.
output: 'Level %joblevel% for %jobname%: %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% xp'
bossBarOutput: 'Lvl %joblevel% %jobname%: %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% xp%gain%'
bossBarGain: ' &7(&f%gain%&7)'
info: Opens special jobs shop.
args: ''
title: '&e------- &8Jobs shop &e-------'
currentPoints: '&eYou have: &6%currentpoints%'
price: '&ePrice: &6%price%'
reqJobs: '&eRequired jobs:'
reqJobsList: ' &6%jobsname%&e: &e%level% lvl'
reqTotalLevel: '&6Required total level: &e%totalLevel%'
reqJobsColor: '&c'
reqJobsLevelColor: '&4'
reqTotalLevelColor: '&4'
cantOpen: '&cCan''t open this page'
NoPermForItem: '&cYou don''t have required permissions for this item!'
NoPermToBuy: '&cNo permissions to buy this item'
NoJobReqForitem: '&cYou don''t have the required job (&6%jobname%&e) with required (&6%joblevel%&e) level'
NoPoints: '&cYou don''t have enough points'
NoTotalLevel: '&cTotal jobs level is too low (%totalLevel%)'
Paid: '&eYou have paid &6%amount% &efor this item'
info: Shows all jobs saved in archive by user.
args: '[playername]'
nojob: There is no jobs saved.
info: Gives item by jobs name and item category name. Player name is optional
args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]'
notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!'
noitem: '&4Can''t find any item by given name!'
title: '&2*** &eJobs&2 ***'
info: Show how much each job is getting paid and for what.
penalty: '&eThis job has a penalty of &c[penalty]% &ebecause there are too many players working in it.'
bonus: '&eThis job has a bonus of &2[bonus]% &ebecause there are not enough players working in it.'
args: '[jobname] [action]'
actions: '&eValid actions are: &f%actions%'
max: ' - &emax level:&f '
newMax: ' &eMax level: &f[max]'
material: '&7%material%'
levelRange: ' &a(&e%levelFrom% &a- &e%levelUntil% &alevels)'
levelFrom: ' &a(from &e%levelFrom% &alevel)'
levelUntil: ' &a(until &e%levelUntil% &alevel)'
money: ' &2%money%$'
points: ' &6%points%pts'
exp: ' &e%exp%xp'
pickjob: '&ePick your job!'
jobinfo: '&e[jobname] info!'
actions: '&eValid actions are:'
leftClick: '&eLeft Click for more info'
middleClick: '&eMiddle Click to leave this job'
rightClick: '&eRight click to join job'
leftSlots: '&eLeft slots:&f '
working: '&2&nAlready working'
cantJoin: '&cYou can''t join to the selected job.'
max: '&eMax level:&f '
back: '&e<<< Back'
next: '&eNext >>>'
info: '&eBreak'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for breaking blocks.'
info: '&eTNTBreak'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for breaking blocks with TNT.'
info: '&ePlace'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for placing blocks.'
info: '&eStrip logs'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for stripping logs.'
info: '&eKill'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for killing monsters.'
info: '&eMMKill'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for killing Mythic monsters.'
info: '&eFish'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from fishing.'
info: '&eCraft'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from crafting.'
info: '&eSmelt'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from smelting.'
info: '&eBrew'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from brewing.'
info: '&eEat'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from eating food.'
info: '&eDye'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from dyeing.'
info: '&eEnchant'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from enchanting.'
info: '&eVillager trade'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for trading a villager.'
info: '&eRepair'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from repairing.'
info: '&eBreed'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from breeding.'
info: '&eTame'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from taming.'
info: '&eMilk'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from milking cows.'
info: '&eShear'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from shearing sheep.'
info: '&eExplore'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from exploring.'
info: '&eCustom kill'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from custom player kills.'
info: '&eCollect'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for collecting blocks.'
info: '&eBake'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for cooking foods.'
info: Show how much each job is getting paid and for what on another player.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [action]'
info: Join the selected job.
args: '[jobname]'
alreadyin: You are already in the job %jobname%.
fullslots: You cannot join the job %jobname%, there are no slots available.
maxjobs: You have already joined too many jobs.
rejoin: '&cCan''t rejoin this job. Wait [time]'
rejoin: '&aClick to rejoin this job: '
success: You have joined the job %jobname%.
confirm: '&2Click to confirm joining action for the &7[jobname] &2job.'
info: Leave the selected job.
args: '[oldplayerjob]'
success: You have left the job %jobname%.
confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from&e [jobname]&c job? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!'
info: Leave all your jobs.
nojobs: You do not have any jobs to leave!
success: You have left all your jobs.
confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from all jobs? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!'
info: Check who visited this chunk
noexplore: No one visited this chunk
fullExplore: '&aThis chunk is fully explored'
list: '&e%place%. %playername%'
info: List the jobs available to you.
nojobs: There are no jobs you can join.
header: 'You are allowed to join the following jobs:'
footer: For more information type in /jobs info [JobName]
totalWorkers: ' &7Workers: &e[amount]'
penalty: ' &4Penalty: &c[amount]%'
bonus: ' &2Bonus: &a[amount]%'
newHeader: '&2========== [amount] Available Jobs ========='
description: '[description]'
list: ' &8[place]. &7[jobname]'
newHeader: '&2========== [amount] Available Jobs ========='
description: '[description]'
totalWorkers: ' &7Workers: &e[amount]'
penalty: ' &4Penalty: &c[amount]%'
bonus: ' &2Bonus: &a[amount]%'
list: ' &6[jobname]'
newMax: ' &eMax level: &f[max]'
click: '&bClick on the job to see more info about it!'
detailed: '&bClick to see more detailed list on job actions'
jobHeader: '&2========== [jobname] ========='
chooseJob: '&7&n&oChoose this job'
chooseJobHover: '&7Click here to get this job'
info: Clear block ownership
args: '[playername]'
cleared: '&2Removed &7[furnaces] &2furnaces and &7[brewing] &2brewing stands'
info: Skip defined quest and get new one
args: '[jobname] [questname] (playerName)'
questSkipForCost: '&2You skipped the quest and paid:&e %amount%$'
info: List available quests
args: '[playername]'
noquests: '&cThere are no quests'
toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6[playerName] &2(&f[questsDone]&2) &7***********************'
changed: '&2The quests status has been changed to&r %status%'
started: '&aStarted'
stopped: '&cStopped'
completed: '&2 !Completed!&r '
questLine: '[progress] &7[questName] &f[done]&7/&8[required]'
skip: '&7Click to skip this quest'
skips: '&7Left skips: &f[skips]'
hover: "&f[jobName] \n[desc] \n&7New quest in: [time]"
info: Fire the player from the job.
args: '[playername] [jobname]'
nojob: Player does not have the job %jobname%.
target: You have been fired from %jobname%.
info: Fire player from all their jobs.
args: '[playername]/all'
nojobs: Player does not have any jobs to be fired from!
target: You have been fired from all your jobs.
info: Employ the player to the job.
args: '[playername] [jobname]'
alreadyin: Player is already in the job %jobname%.
fullslots: You cannot join the job %jobname%, there are no slots available.
target: You have been employed as a %jobname%.
info: Shows top players by jobs name.
args: '[jobname]'
nojob: Can't find any job with this name.
topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &aplayers by &e%jobname% &ajob'
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp'
prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|'
next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>'
show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2top list'
info: Shows top players by global jobs level.
args: ''
nojob: Can't find any information.
topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &aplayers by global job level'
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp'
prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|'
next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>'
show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2global top list'
info: Modify restricted areas.
args: add/remove/info/list
addUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area add [areaName/wg:worldGuardAreaName] [bonus]'
removeUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area remove [areaName]'
addedNew: '&eAdded a new restricted area with &6%bonus% &ebonus'
removed: '&eRemoved the restricted area &6%name%'
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%areaname% &e%worldname% (&a%x1%:%y1%:%z1%/&e%x2%:%y2%:%z2%) &6%bonus%'
wgList: '&e%number%&a. WorldGuard: &e%areaname% &6%bonus%'
noAreas: '&eThere are no saved restricted areas'
noAreasByLoc: '&eThere are no restricted areas in this location'
areaList: '&eRestricted areas by your location: &6%list%'
selected1: '&eSelected the first point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
selected2: '&eSelected the second point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
select: '&eSelect 2 points with the selection tool (%tool%)'
exist: '&eRestriction area by this name already exists'
dontExist: '&eRestriction area by this name does not exist'
wgDontExist: '&eWorldGuard area by this name does not exist'
info: Shows statistics.
args: '[playername]'
topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************'
ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%'
money: '&6money: %amount% '
exp: '&eexp: %amount% '
points: '&6points: %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7***********************************************************'
prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|'
next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>'
nodata: '&cData not found'
info: Shows global statistics.
args: ''
topline: '&7*********************** &6Global statistics &7***********************'
ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%'
money: '&6money: %amount% '
exp: '&eexp: %amount% '
points: '&6points: %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7**************************************************************'
nodata: '&cData not found'
info: Transfer a player's job from an old job to a new job.
args: '[playername] [oldjob] [newjob]'
target: You have been transferred from %oldjobname% to %newjobname%.
info: Promote the player X levels in a job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]'
target: You have been promoted %levelsgained% levels in %jobname%.
info: Change the player exp for job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] set/add/take [amount]'
nojob: '&cThis player must first join a job.'
target: '&eYour exp was changed for %jobname% &eand now you at &6%level%lvl &eand with &6%exp%exp.'
info: Change the player's level in a job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] set/add/take [amount]'
nojob: '&cThis player must first join a job.'
target: '&eYour level was changed for %jobname% &eand now you at &6%level%lvl &eand with &6%exp%exp.'
info: Demote the player X levels in a job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]'
target: You have been demoted %levelslost% levels in %jobname%.
info: Grants the player X experience in a job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]'
target: You have been granted %xpgained% experience in %jobname%.
info: Remove X experience from the player in a job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]'
target: You have lost %xplost% experience in %jobname%.
info: Manually updates a sign by its name
args: '[jobname]'
info: Shows block protections around you in 10 block radius
args: ''
found: '&eFound &6%amount% &eprotected blocks around you'
notFound: '&eNo protected blocks found around you'
info: Reload configurations.
info: Toggles payment output on action bar or bossbar.
args: actionbar/bossbar
turnedoff: '&4This feature is turned off!'
main: '&aYou got:'
money: '&e[amount] money'
exp: '&7[exp] exp'
points: '&6[points] points'
'on': '&aToggled: &aON'
'off': '&aToggled: &4OFF'
broadcast: '%playername% has been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%.'
nobroadcast: Congratulations, you have been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%.
broadcast: '%playername% is now a level %joblevel% %jobname%.'
nobroadcast: You are now level %joblevel% %jobname%.
message: '&cYou lost level&e %lostLevel%&c in&e %jobname%&c job! Level:&6 %joblevel%&c.'
cowtimer: '&eYou still need to wait &6%time% &esec to get paid for this job.'
blocktimer: '&eYou need to wait &3[time] &esec more to get paid for this!'
placeblocktimer: '&eYou can''t place blocks faster than &6[time] &esec in the same place!'
taxes: '&3[amount] &eserver taxes were transferred to this account'
boostStarted: '&eJobs boost time have been started!'
boostStoped: '&eJobs boost time have been ended!'
fullinventory: '&cYour inventory is full!'
List: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[level]'
questList: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[quests]'
p1: '&b** &8First &b**'
p2: '&b** &8Second &b**'
p3: '&b** &8Third &b**'
p4: '&b** &8Fourth &b**'
p5: '&b** &8Fifth &b**'
p6: '&b** &8Sixth &b**'
p7: '&b** &8Seventh &b**'
p8: '&b** &8Eight &b**'
p9: '&b** &8Ninth &b**'
p10: '&b** &8Tenth &b**'
name: '&9[player]'
level: '&8[level] level'
quests: '&8[quests] quests'
bottom: '&b************'
cantcreate: '&4You can''t create this sign!'
cantdestroy: '&4You can''t destroy this sign!'
topline: '&0[Jobs]'
join: '&0Join'
leave: '&0Leave'
toggle: '&0Toggle'
top: '&0Top'
browse: '&0Browse'
stats: '&0Stats'
limit: '&0Limit'
info: '&0Info'
archive: '&0Archive'
topline: '&2Top &e%jobname%'
gtopline: '&2Global top list'
line: '&2%number%. &e%playername% (&6%level%&e)'

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
--- ---
economy: economy:
error: error:
nomoney: 'Desculpe, saldo insuficiente no banco do Reino!' nomoney: '&cDesculpe, saldo insuficiente no banco!'
limitedItem: limitedItem:
error: error:
levelup: 'Você precisa subir de nível em [jobname] para usar este item!' levelup: '&cVocê precisa subir de nível em [jobname] para usar este item!'
general: general:
Spawner: '&r[type] Spawner' Spawner: '&r[type] Spawner'
info: info:
toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6%playername% &7***********************' toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6%playername% &7***********************'
separator: '&7*******************************************************' separator: '&7*******************************************************'
time: time:
days: '&e%days% &6Dias ' days: '&e%days% &6dias '
hours: '&e%hours% &6horas ' hours: '&e%hours% &6horas '
mins: '&e%mins% &6min ' mins: '&e%mins% &6min '
secs: '&e%secs% &6seg ' secs: '&e%secs% &6seg '
invalidPage: '&Pagina Invalida' invalidPage: '&cPágina inválida'
'true': '&2Verdadeiro' 'true': '&2Verdadeiro'
'false': '&cFalso' 'false': '&cFalso'
admin: admin:
@ -24,22 +24,22 @@ general:
error: error:
noHelpPage: '&cNão existe nenhuma página de ajuda com este número!' noHelpPage: '&cNão existe nenhuma página de ajuda com este número!'
notNumber: '&ePor favor, use números!' notNumber: '&ePor favor, use números!'
job: '&cThe job you selected does not exist or you not joined to this' job: '&cO trabalho que você escolheu não existe ou você não trabalha nele'
noCommand: '&cNão há comando com esse nome!' noCommand: '&cNão há comando com esse nome!'
permission: '&cVocê não tem permissão para fazer isso!' permission: '&cVocê não tem permissão para fazer isso!'
noinfo: '&cNenhuma informação encontrada!' noinfo: '&cNenhuma informação encontrada!'
noinfoByPlayer: '&c nenhuma informação encontrada para [%playername%]!' noinfoByPlayer: '&cNenhuma informação encontrada para [%playername%]!'
ingame: '&cVocê pode usar este comando apenas no jogo!' ingame: '&cVocê pode usar este comando apenas no jogo!'
fromconsole: '&cVocê pode usar este comando apenas no console!' fromconsole: '&cVocê pode usar este comando apenas no console!'
worldisdisabled: '&cVocê não pode usar o comando neste mundo!' worldisdisabled: '&cVocê não pode usar o comando neste mundo!'
newFurnaceRegistration: '&eNova propriedade registrada para fornalha &7[current]&e/&f[max]' newFurnaceRegistration: '&eNova propriedade registrada para fornalha &7[current]&e/&f[max]'
newBrewingRegistration: '&eNovo proprietário registrada para suporte de poções &7[current]&e/&f[max]' newBrewingRegistration: '&eNovo proprietário registrado para suporte de poções &7[current]&e/&f[max]'
noFurnaceRegistration: '&cVocê atingiu a quantidade máxima de fornos!' noFurnaceRegistration: '&cVocê atingiu a quantidade máxima de fornalhas!'
noBrewingRegistration: 'Você atingiu a quantidade máxima de suporte de poção!' noBrewingRegistration: '&cVocê atingiu a quantidade máxima de suporte de poção!'
command: command:
help: help:
output: output:
info: Digite / jobs [cmd] para mais informações sobre um comando. info: Digite /jobs [cmd] ? para mais informações sobre um comando.
cmdUsage: '&2Uso: &7[command]' cmdUsage: '&2Uso: &7[command]'
label: Jobs label: Jobs
cmdInfoFormat: '[command] &f- &2[description]' cmdInfoFormat: '[command] &f- &2[description]'
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ command:
area: ' &eBônus de área: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' area: ' &eBônus de área: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
mcmmo: ' &eBônus do McMMO: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' mcmmo: ' &eBônus do McMMO: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
final: ' &eBônus final: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%' final: ' &eBônus final: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
finalExplanation: ' & Não inclui bônus / penalidade de Petpay e spawner proximo' finalExplanation: ' & Não inclui bônus/penalidade de Petpay e spawners próximos'
convert: convert:
help: help:
info: Converte o sistema de banco de dados de um sistema para outro. Se você estiver atualmente executando o SQLite, isso o converterá no MySQL e vice-versa. info: Converte o sistema de banco de dados de um sistema para outro. Se você estiver atualmente executando o SQLite, isso o converterá no MySQL e vice-versa.
@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ command:
pointstime: '&eTempo restante até que o limite de pontos seja redefinido: &2%time%' pointstime: '&eTempo restante até que o limite de pontos seja redefinido: &2%time%'
pointsLimit: '&eLimite de pontos: &2%current%&e/&2%total%' pointsLimit: '&eLimite de pontos: &2%current%&e/&2%total%'
reachedmoneylimit: '&4Você atingiu o limite de dinheiro em determinado período!' reachedmoneylimit: '&4Você atingiu o limite de dinheiro em determinado período!'
reachedmoneylimit2: 'Você pode verificar seu limite com o comando & 2 /jobs limit' reachedmoneylimit2: '&eVocê pode verificar seu limite com o comando &2/jobs limit'
reachedmoneylimit3: '&eO dinheiro ganho agora é reduzido exponencialmente... Mas você ainda ganha um pouco!' reachedmoneylimit3: '&eO dinheiro ganho agora é reduzido exponencialmente... Mas você ainda ganha um pouco!'
reachedexplimit: '&4Você atingiu o limite de exp em um determinado período!' reachedexplimit: '&4Você atingiu o limite de exp em um determinado período!'
reachedexplimit2: '&eVocê pode verificar seu limite com o comando & 2 /jobs limit' reachedexplimit2: '&eVocê pode verificar seu limite com o comando &2/jobs limit'
reachedpointslimit: '&4Você atingiu o limite de exp em um determinado período!' reachedpointslimit: '&4Você atingiu o limite de exp em um determinado período!'
reachedpointslimit2: '&eVocê pode verificar seu limite com o comando & 2 /jobs limit' reachedpointslimit2: '&eVocê pode verificar seu limite com o comando &2/jobs limit'
notenabled: 'O limite de dinheiro não está ativado' notenabled: 'O limite de dinheiro não está ativado'
resetlimit: resetlimit:
help: help:
@ -165,12 +165,12 @@ command:
info: Edite os pontos do jogador. info: Edite os pontos do jogador.
args: set/add/take [playername] [amount] args: set/add/take [playername] [amount]
output: output:
set: '&eJogador(&6%playername%&e) pontos definidos para &6%amount%' set: '&eJogador (&6%playername%&e) teve seus pontos definidos para &6%amount%'
add: '&eJogador (&6%playername%&e) recebeu &6%amount% adicionais e &epoints. e agora tem &6%total%' add: '&eJogador (&6%playername%&e) recebeu &6%amount% &epontos adicionais. Agora tem &6%total%'
take: '&eJogador (&6%playername%&e) perdeu &6%amount% adicionais e &epoints. e agora tem &6%total%' take: '&eJogador (&6%playername%&e) perdeu &6%amount% &epontos adicionais. Agora tem &6%total%'
editjobs: editjobs:
help: help:
info: Edite as Profissões atuais. info: Editar as Profissões atuais.
args: '' args: ''
list: list:
job: '&eProfissões:' job: '&eProfissões:'
@ -212,11 +212,11 @@ command:
lookHover: '&6Pressione para pegar as informações do bloco que você está olhando' lookHover: '&6Pressione para pegar as informações do bloco que você está olhando'
blockinfo: blockinfo:
help: help:
info: Mostra informações do bloco que você está vendo. info: Mostra informações do bloco que você está olhando.
args: '' args: ''
output: output:
name: ' &eNome do bloco: &6%blockname%' name: ' &eNome do bloco: &6%blockname%'
id: ' &eid do bloco: &6%blockid%' id: ' &eId do bloco: &6%blockid%'
data: ' &eDados do bloco: &6%blockdata%' data: ' &eDados do bloco: &6%blockdata%'
usage: ' &eUso: &6%first% &eou &6%second%' usage: ' &eUso: &6%first% &eou &6%second%'
iteminfo: iteminfo:
@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ command:
args: '' args: ''
output: output:
name: ' &eNome do item: &6%itemname%' name: ' &eNome do item: &6%itemname%'
id: ' &eid do item: &6%itemid%' id: ' &eId do item: &6%itemid%'
data: ' &edados do item: &6%itemdata%' data: ' &eDados do item: &6%itemdata%'
usage: ' &eUso: &6%first% &eou &6%second%' usage: ' &eUso: &6%first% &eou &6%second%'
placeholders: placeholders:
help: help:
@ -251,13 +251,13 @@ command:
bossBarGain: ' &7(&f%gain%&7)' bossBarGain: ' &7(&f%gain%&7)'
shop: shop:
help: help:
info: Abre uma loja de profissão especial. info: Abre uma loja especial de profissões.
args: '' args: ''
info: info:
title: '&e------- &8Loja de Profissão&e-------' title: '&e------- &8Loja de Profissões&e-------'
currentPoints: '&eVocê tem: &6%currentpoints%' currentPoints: '&eVocê tem: &6%currentpoints%'
price: '&ePreço: &6%price%' price: '&ePreço: &6%price%'
reqJobs: '&e Profissões necessárias:' reqJobs: '&eProfissões necessárias:'
reqJobsList: ' &6%jobsname%&e: &e%level% lvl' reqJobsList: ' &6%jobsname%&e: &e%level% lvl'
reqTotalLevel: '&6Nível total necessário: &e%totalLevel%' reqTotalLevel: '&6Nível total necessário: &e%totalLevel%'
reqJobsColor: '&c' reqJobsColor: '&c'
@ -266,9 +266,9 @@ command:
cantOpen: '&cNão é possível abrir esta página' cantOpen: '&cNão é possível abrir esta página'
NoPermForItem: '&cVocê não tem as permissões necessárias para usar esse item!' NoPermForItem: '&cVocê não tem as permissões necessárias para usar esse item!'
NoPermToBuy: '&cVocê não tem permissão para comprar esse item' NoPermToBuy: '&cVocê não tem permissão para comprar esse item'
NoJobReqForitem: '&cVocê não tem a profissão necessária (&6%jobname%&e) com o nível (&6%joblevel%&e)' NoJobReqForitem: '&cVocê não tem a profissão necessária (&6%jobname%&e) com o nível necessário (&6%joblevel%&e)'
NoPoints: '&cVocê não tem pontos' NoPoints: '&cVocê não tem pontos suficientes'
NoTotalLevel: '&cO nível total de profissões é muito baixo' NoTotalLevel: '&cO nível total de profissões é muito baixo (%totalLevel%)'
Paid: '&eVocê pagou &6%amount% &epor este item' Paid: '&eVocê pagou &6%amount% &epor este item'
archive: archive:
help: help:
@ -281,41 +281,41 @@ command:
info: Fornece item por profissão e por categoria de item o nome do jogador é opcional info: Fornece item por profissão e por categoria de item o nome do jogador é opcional
args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]' args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]'
output: output:
notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!' notonline: '&4Nenhum player online com este nome!'
noitem: '&4Não foi possível encontrar nenhum item com o mesmo nome!' noitem: '&4Não foi possível encontrar nenhum item com o mesmo nome!'
info: info:
help: help:
title: '&2*** &eProfissões&2 ***' title: '&2*** &eProfissões&2 ***'
info: Mostra quanto cada trabalho está sendo pago e por quê. info: Mostra quanto cada trabalho está sendo pago e por quê.
penalty: '&eEsssa profissão tem uma penalidade de &c[penalty]% &eporque muitos players estão trabalhando nela.' penalty: '&eEssa profissão tem uma penalidade de &c[penalty]% &eporque muitos players estão trabalhando nela.'
bonus: '&eEssa profissão tem um bônus de &2[bonus]% &eporque há poucos players trabalhando nela.' bonus: '&eEssa profissão tem um bônus de &2[bonus]% &eporque há poucos players trabalhando nela.'
args: '[jobname] [action]' args: '[jobname] [action]'
actions: '&eAs ações validas são: &f%actions%' actions: '&eAs ações validas são: &f%actions%'
max: ' - &eLever maxl:&f ' max: ' - &eNível max:&f '
newMax: ' &eLevel Max: &f[max]' newMax: ' &eNível max: &f[max]'
material: '&7%material%' material: '&7%material%'
levelRange: ' &a(&e%levelFrom% &a- &e%levelUntil% &aníveis)' levelRange: ' &a(&e%levelFrom% &a- &e%levelUntil% &aníveis)'
levelFrom: ' &a(De &e%levelFrom% &alevel)' levelFrom: ' &a(do nível &e%levelFrom%&a)'
levelUntil: ' &a(until &e%levelUntil% &alevel)' levelUntil: ' &a(até o nível &e%levelUntil%&a)'
money: ' &2%money%$' money: ' &2%money%$'
points: ' &6%points%pts' points: ' &6%points%pts'
exp: ' &e%exp%xp' exp: ' &e%exp%xp'
gui: gui:
pickjob: '&eEscolha a sua Profissão!' pickjob: '&eEscolha a sua Profissão!'
jobinfo: '&e[jobname] info!' jobinfo: '&eInfo sobre [jobname]!'
actions: '&eAções validas são:' actions: '&eAs ações disponíveis são:'
leftClick: '&eClique esquerdo para mais informações' leftClick: '&eClique esquerdo para mais informações'
middleClick: '&eClique no botão do meio para sair esta profissão' middleClick: '&eClique no botão do meio para sair da profissão'
rightClick: 'Clique direito para mais informações' rightClick: '&eClique direito para entrar na profissão'
leftSlots: '&eSlots Esquerdo:&f ' leftSlots: '&eSlots esquerdos:&f '
working: '&2&nJá esta nessa profissão' working: '&2&nJá esta nessa profissão'
cantJoin: '&cYou can''t join to the selected job.' cantJoin: '&cVocê não pode entrar nesta profissão.'
max: '&eLevel Maxl:&f ' max: '&eNível max:&f '
back: '&e<< Voltar' back: '&e<<< Voltar'
next: '&eNext >>>' next: '&ePróx. >>>'
output: output:
break: break:
info: '&ePausa' info: '&eQuebrar'
none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por quebrar blocos.' none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por quebrar blocos.'
tntbreak: tntbreak:
info: '&eQuebrar com Tnt' info: '&eQuebrar com Tnt'
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ command:
info: '&eColocar' info: '&eColocar'
none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por colocar blocos.' none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por colocar blocos.'
striplogs: striplogs:
info: '&eMadeira descascada' info: '&eDescascar madeira'
none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por descascar madeira.' none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por descascar madeira.'
kill: kill:
info: '&eMatar' info: '&eMatar'
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ command:
none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro com a pesca.' none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro com a pesca.'
craft: craft:
info: '&eCriar' info: '&eCriar'
none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro com artesanato.' none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro com criação.'
smelt: smelt:
info: '&eFundir' info: '&eFundir'
none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro ao usar a fornalha.' none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro ao usar a fornalha.'
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ command:
none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro ao reparar.' none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro ao reparar.'
breed: breed:
info: '&eProcriar' info: '&eProcriar'
none: '%jobname% não recebe dinheiro de reprodução.' none: '%jobname% não recebe dinheiro com reprodução.'
tame: tame:
info: '&eDomesticar' info: '&eDomesticar'
none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por domesticar.' none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por domesticar.'
@ -375,8 +375,8 @@ command:
info: '&eExplorar' info: '&eExplorar'
none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por explorar.' none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por explorar.'
custom-kill: custom-kill:
info: '&eEliminação personalizada' info: '&eMorte personalizada'
none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por eliminações personalizadas de jogadores.' none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por mortes personalizadas de jogadores.'
collect: collect:
info: '&eColetar' info: '&eColetar'
none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por coletar blocos.' none: '%jobname% não ganha dinheiro por coletar blocos.'
@ -395,23 +395,23 @@ command:
alreadyin: Você já entrou na profissão %jobname%. alreadyin: Você já entrou na profissão %jobname%.
fullslots: Você não pode entrar na profissão %jobname% porque não há vagas disponíveis. fullslots: Você não pode entrar na profissão %jobname% porque não há vagas disponíveis.
maxjobs: Você já ingressou em muitas profissões. maxjobs: Você já ingressou em muitas profissões.
rejoin: '&cNão é possível voltar a este trabalho. espere[time]' rejoin: '&cNão é possível voltar a este trabalho. Aguarde [time]'
rejoin: '&aClique para entrar na profissão: ' rejoin: '&aClique para entrar na profissão: '
success: Você entrou na profissão %jobname%. success: Você entrou na profissão %jobname%.
confirm: 'Clique para confirmar a ação de ingressar na profissão &7[jobname].' confirm: '&2Clique para confirmar a ação de ingressar na profissão &7[jobname].'
leave: leave:
help: help:
info: Deixar na profissão selecionada. info: Sair da profissão selecionada.
args: '[oldplayerjob]' args: '[oldplayerjob]'
success: Você deixou a profissão %jobname%. success: Você deixou a profissão %jobname%.
confirmationNeed: 'Tem certeza de que deseja sair da profissão &e [jobname] Digite o comando novamente em &6 [time] &cpara Confirmar!' confirmationNeed: '&cTem certeza de que deseja sair da profissão &e[jobname]&c? Digite o comando novamente em&6 [time] segundos &cpara Confirmar!'
leaveall: leaveall:
help: help:
info: Sair de todas as profissões. info: Sair de todas as profissões.
error: error:
nojobs: Você não têm nenhuma profissão para sair! nojobs: Você não têm nenhuma profissão para sair!
success: Você saiu de todas as suas profissões. success: Você saiu de todas as suas profissões.
confirmationNeed: '&cTem certeza que deseja sair de todas as suas profissões? Digite o comando novamente em &6 [time] segundos &cpara confirmar!' confirmationNeed: '&cTem certeza que deseja sair de todas as suas profissões? Digite o comando novamente em&6 [time] segundos &cpara confirmar!'
explored: explored:
help: help:
info: Verificar quem visitou este chunk info: Verificar quem visitou este chunk
@ -440,12 +440,12 @@ command:
penalty: ' &4Penalidade: &c[amount]%' penalty: ' &4Penalidade: &c[amount]%'
bonus: ' &2Bônus: &a[amount]%' bonus: ' &2Bônus: &a[amount]%'
list: ' &6[jobname]' list: ' &6[jobname]'
newMax: ' &eLevel Max: &f[max]' newMax: ' &eNível max: &f[max]'
click: '&bClique na profissão para ver mais informações!' click: '&bClique na profissão para ver mais informações!'
detailed: '& bClique para ver a lista mais detalhada das ações da profissão' detailed: '&bClique para ver a lista mais detalhada das ações da profissão'
jobHeader: '&2========== [jobname] =========' jobHeader: '&2========== [jobname] ========='
chooseJob: '&7&n&oEscolha essa profissão' chooseJob: '&7&n&oEscolha essa profissão'
chooseJobHover: '& 7Clique aqui para obter esta profissão' chooseJobHover: '&7Clique aqui para pegar essa profissão'
clearownership: clearownership:
help: help:
info: Remover posse do bloco info: Remover posse do bloco
@ -454,43 +454,43 @@ command:
cleared: '&2Removidas &7[furnaces] &2fornalhas e &7[brewing] &2suportes de poções' cleared: '&2Removidas &7[furnaces] &2fornalhas e &7[brewing] &2suportes de poções'
skipquest: skipquest:
help: help:
info: Pular missão definida e obter outra info: Pular missão escolhida e obter outra
args: '[jobname] [questname] (playerName)' args: '[jobname] [questname] (playerName)'
output: output:
questSkipForCost: '&2Você pulou a missão e pagou:&e %amount%$' questSkipForCost: '&2Você pulou a missão e pagou:&e %amount%$'
quests: quests:
help: help:
info: Lista Quests disponiveis info: Lista as missões disponíveis
args: '[playername]' args: '[playername]'
error: error:
noquests: '&cNão há missões disponíveis' noquests: '&cNão há missões disponíveis'
toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6[playerName] &2(&f[questsDone]&2) &7***********************' toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6[playerName] &2(&f[questsDone]&2) &7***********************'
status: status:
changed: '&2The quests status has been changed to&r %status%' changed: '&2O status das missões foi alterado para&r %status%'
started: '&aStarted' started: '&aIniciado'
stopped: '&cStopped' stopped: '&cParado'
output: output:
completed: '&2 !Completado!&r ' completed: '&2 !Completado!&r '
questLine: '[progress] &7[questName] &f[done]&7/&8[required]' questLine: '[progress] &7[questName] &f[done]&7/&8[required]'
skip: '&7Clique para pular esta missão' skip: '&7Clique para pular esta missão'
skips: '&7Pulos restantes: &f[skips]' skips: '&7Pulos restantes: &f[skips]'
hover: "&f[jobName] \n[desc] \n&7Nova quest em: [time]" hover: "&f[jobName] \n[desc] \n&7Nova missão em: [time]"
fire: fire:
help: help:
info: Despedir o jogador de uma profissão. info: Demitir o jogador de uma profissão.
args: '[playername] [jobname]' args: '[playername] [jobname]'
error: error:
nojob: Esse jogador não trabalha como %jobname%. nojob: Esse jogador não trabalha como %jobname%.
output: output:
target: Você foi despedido de %jobname%. target: Você foi demitido de %jobname%.
fireall: fireall:
help: help:
info: Despedir jogador de todas as suas profissões. info: Demitir o jogador de todas as suas profissões.
args: '[playername]/all' args: '[playername]/all'
error: error:
nojobs: O jogador não tem quaisquer profissões para ser despedido! nojobs: O jogador não tem profissões para ser demitido!
output: output:
target: Você foi despedido de todas as suas profissões. target: Você foi demitido de todas as suas profissões.
employ: employ:
help: help:
info: Contratar o jogador para uma profissão. info: Contratar o jogador para uma profissão.
@ -507,14 +507,14 @@ command:
error: error:
nojob: Não foi possível encontrar nenhuma profissão com este nome. nojob: Não foi possível encontrar nenhuma profissão com este nome.
output: output:
topline: '&aTop&e %amount% %jobname% &ajogadores' topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &ajogadores em &e%jobname%'
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &anível &e%level% &acom &e %exp% &aexperiência' list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &anível &e%level% &acom &e%exp% &aexperiência'
prev: '&e<<<<< Página ant. &2|' prev: '&e<<<<< Página ant. &2|'
next: '&2|&e Próx. Página >>>>' next: '&2|&e Próx. Página >>>>'
show: '&2Mostrar top desde &e[from] &2até &e[until]' show: '&2Mostrar de &e[from] &2até &e[until]'
gtop: gtop:
help: help:
info: Shows top players by global jobs level. info: Mostra os melhores jogadores por nível de emprego global.
args: '' args: ''
error: error:
nojob: Não foi possível encontrar qualquer informação. nojob: Não foi possível encontrar qualquer informação.
@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ command:
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &anível &e%level% &acom&e %exp% &aexperiência' list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &anível &e%level% &acom&e %exp% &aexperiência'
prev: '&e<<<<< Página ant. &2|' prev: '&e<<<<< Página ant. &2|'
next: '&2|&e Próx. Página >>>>' next: '&2|&e Próx. Página >>>>'
show: '&2Mostrar top global desde &e[from] &2até &e[until]' show: '&2Mostrar top global de &e[from] &2até &e[until]'
area: area:
help: help:
info: Modificar áreas restritas. info: Modificar áreas restritas.
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ command:
wgList: '&e%number%&a. WorldGuard: &e%areaname% &6%bonus%' wgList: '&e%number%&a. WorldGuard: &e%areaname% &6%bonus%'
noAreas: '&eNão há áreas restritas salvas' noAreas: '&eNão há áreas restritas salvas'
noAreasByLoc: '&eNão há áreas restritas nessa localização' noAreasByLoc: '&eNão há áreas restritas nessa localização'
areaList: '&eÁreas restristas na sua localização: &6%list%' areaList: '&eÁreas restritas na sua localização: &6%list%'
selected1: '&eSelecionado o primeiro ponto: &6%x%:%y%:%z%' selected1: '&eSelecionado o primeiro ponto: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
selected2: '&eSelecionado o segundo ponto: &6%x%:%y%:%z%' selected2: '&eSelecionado o segundo ponto: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
select: '&eSelecione 2 pontos com a ferramenta de seleção (%tool%)' select: '&eSelecione 2 pontos com a ferramenta de seleção (%tool%)'
@ -552,22 +552,22 @@ command:
topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************' topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************'
ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &equant: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &equant: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%'
money: '&6dinheiro: %amount% ' money: '&6dinheiro: %amount% '
exp: '&eExperiência: %amount% ' exp: '&eexp: %amount% '
points: '&6pontos: %amount%' points: '&6pontos: %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%' totalIncomes: ' &6Dinheiro total:&2 %money%&6, Exp. total:&2 %exp%&6, Pontos totais:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7***********************************************************' bottomline: '&7***********************************************************'
prev: '&e<<<<< Pag Ant &2|' prev: '&e<<<<< Pág. Ant. &2|'
next: '&2|&e Prox Pag >>>>' next: '&2|&e Próx. Pág. >>>>'
nodata: '&cDados não encontrados' nodata: '&cDados não encontrados'
glog: glog:
help: help:
info: Mostra estatísticas globais. info: Mostra estatísticas globais.
args: '' args: ''
output: output:
topline: '&7 *********************** & 6Estatísticas globais &7 ***********************' topline: '&7*********************** &6Estatísticas globais &7***********************'
ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &equant: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%' ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &equant: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%'
money: '&6dinheiro: %amount% ' money: '&6dinheiro: %amount% '
exp: '&eExperiência: %amount% ' exp: '&eexp: %amount% '
points: '&6pontos: %amount%' points: '&6pontos: %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total de dinheiro:&2 %money%&6, Total de exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total de pontos:&2 %points%' totalIncomes: ' &6Total de dinheiro:&2 %money%&6, Total de exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total de pontos:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7**************************************************************' bottomline: '&7**************************************************************'
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ command:
info: Altera a experiência do jogador numa profissão. info: Altera a experiência do jogador numa profissão.
args: '[playername] [jobname] set/add/take [amount]' args: '[playername] [jobname] set/add/take [amount]'
error: error:
nojob: '&cPrimeiramente, este jogador deve estar numa profissão.' nojob: '&cEste jogador deve estar numa profissão primeiro.'
output: output:
target: '&eA sua experiência como %jobname% &efoi alterada e agora você é nível &6%level% &ecom &6%exp% experiência.' target: '&eA sua experiência como %jobname% &efoi alterada e agora você é nível &6%level% &ecom &6%exp% experiência.'
level: level:
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ command:
info: Altera o nível do jogador numa profissão. info: Altera o nível do jogador numa profissão.
args: '[playername] [jobname] set/add/take [amount]' args: '[playername] [jobname] set/add/take [amount]'
error: error:
nojob: '&cPrimeiramente, este jogador deve estar numa profissão.' nojob: '&cEste jogador deve estar numa profissão primeiro.'
output: output:
target: '&eO seu nível como %jobname% &efoi alterado e agora você é nível &6%level% &ecom &6%exp% experiência.' target: '&eO seu nível como %jobname% &efoi alterado e agora você é nível &6%level% &ecom &6%exp% experiência.'
demote: demote:
@ -634,17 +634,17 @@ command:
info: Recarregar configurações. info: Recarregar configurações.
toggle: toggle:
help: help:
info: Ativa/Desativa a saída de pagamento na barra de ação ou na bossbar. info: Ativa/Desativa exibir os pagamentos na barra de ação ou na bossbar.
args: actionbar/bossbar args: actionbar/bossbar
output: output:
turnedoff: '&4Esta função está desativada!' turnedoff: '&4Esta função está desativada!'
paid: paid:
main: '&aVocê tem:' main: '&aVocê tem:'
money: '&e[amount] moedas' money: '&e[amount] moedas'
exp: '&7[exp] experiência' exp: '&7[exp] exp'
points: '&6[points] pontos' points: '&6[points] pontos'
'on': '&aAtivado' 'on': '&aAlterado: &aLIG.'
'off': '&4Desativado' 'off': '&aAlterado: &4DESL.'
message: message:
skillup: skillup:
broadcast: '%playername% foi promovido a %titlename% %jobname%.' broadcast: '%playername% foi promovido a %titlename% %jobname%.'
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ message:
nobroadcast: Agora você é nível %joblevel% %jobname%. nobroadcast: Agora você é nível %joblevel% %jobname%.
leveldown: leveldown:
message: '&cVocê perdeu &e%lostLevel% níveis &c como&e %jobname%&c! Nível:&6 %joblevel%&c.' message: '&cVocê perdeu &e%lostLevel% níveis &c como&e %jobname%&c! Nível:&6 %joblevel%&c.'
cowtimer: '&eVocê precisa aguardar &6%time% &esegundos para ser pago nesta profissão.' cowtimer: '&eVocê ainda precisa aguardar &6%time% &esegundos para ser pago nesta profissão.'
blocktimer: '&eVocê precisa aguardar &3[time] &esegundos para ser pago por isso!' blocktimer: '&eVocê precisa aguardar &3[time] &esegundos para ser pago por isso!'
placeblocktimer: '&eVocê não pode colocar blocos mais rápido do que &6[time] &esegundos no mesmo lugar!' placeblocktimer: '&eVocê não pode colocar blocos mais rápido do que &6[time] &esegundos no mesmo lugar!'
taxes: '&3[amount] &eimpostos do servidor foram transferidos para esta conta' taxes: '&3[amount] &eimpostos do servidor foram transferidos para esta conta'
@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ signs:
secondline: secondline:
join: '&0Entrar' join: '&0Entrar'
leave: '&0Sair' leave: '&0Sair'
toggle: '&0Ativar/Desativar' toggle: '&0Alterar'
top: '&0Top' top: '&0Top'
browse: '&0Navegar' browse: '&0Navegar'
stats: '&0Estatísticas' stats: '&0Estatísticas'

View File

@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ command:
info: Показывает все работы, сохраненные в архиве пользователем. info: Показывает все работы, сохраненные в архиве пользователем.
args: '[playername]' args: '[playername]'
error: error:
nojob: Нет сохранёных работ. nojob: Нет сохранённых работ.
give: give:
help: help:
info: Выдать предмет по названию Работы либо по категории. Имя игрока необязательно. info: Выдать предмет по названию Работы либо по категории. Имя игрока необязательно.
@ -302,12 +302,12 @@ command:
exp: ' &e%exp%оп.' exp: ' &e%exp%оп.'
gui: gui:
pickjob: '&eВыберите Вашу работу!' pickjob: '&eВыберите Вашу работу!'
jobinfo: '&eИнформация о[jobname]!' jobinfo: '&eИнформация о [jobname]!'
actions: '&eДоступные действия:' actions: '&eДоступные действия:'
leftClick: '&eНажмите ЛКМ, чтобы узнать подробнее' leftClick: '&eНажмите ЛКМ, чтобы узнать подробнее'
middleClick: '&eКликните средней кнопкой мыши чтобы покинуть эту профессию' middleClick: '&eНажмите СКМ, чтобы покинуть эту профессию'
rightClick: '&eНажмите ПКМ, чтобы устроиться на работу' rightClick: '&eНажмите ПКМ, чтобы устроиться на работу'
leftSlots: '&e"Осталось вакансий":&f ' leftSlots: '&eОсталось вакансий:&f '
working: '&2&nТекущая работа' working: '&2&nТекущая работа'
cantJoin: '&cВы не можете устроиться в указанной профессии.' cantJoin: '&cВы не можете устроиться в указанной профессии.'
max: '&eМаксимальный уровень:&f ' max: '&eМаксимальный уровень:&f '
@ -315,13 +315,13 @@ command:
next: '&eNext >>>' next: '&eNext >>>'
output: output:
break: break:
info: 'Разрушение блоков' info: '&eРазрушение блоков'
none: '%jobname% не получает денег за разрушение блоков.' none: '%jobname% не получает денег за разрушение блоков.'
tntbreak: tntbreak:
info: 'TNT-подрыв' info: '&eTNT-подрыв'
none: '%jobname% не получает денег за подрыв блоков с помощью TNT.' none: '%jobname% не получает денег за подрыв блоков с помощью TNT.'
place: place:
info: 'Размещение блоков' info: '&eРазмещение блоков'
none: '%jobname% не получает денег за размещение блоков.' none: '%jobname% не получает денег за размещение блоков.'
striplogs: striplogs:
info: '&eНарубить брёвен' info: '&eНарубить брёвен'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
nomoney: '&cTyvärr, inga pengar kvar i nationalbanken!'
levelup: '&cDu behöver gå upp en nivå i [jobname] för att använda detta föremål!'
Spawner: '&r[type] Spawner'
toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6%playername% &7***********************'
separator: '&7*******************************************************'
days: '&e%days% &6dagar '
hours: '&e%hours% &6timmar '
mins: '&e%mins% &6min '
secs: '&e%secs% &6sek '
invalidPage: '&cOgiltig sida'
'true': '&2Sant'
'false': '&cFalskt'
error: '&cDet blev ett fel i kommandot. Försök igen.'
success: '&eDitt kommando har körts.'
noHelpPage: '&cDet finns ingen hjälpsida med detta nummer!'
notNumber: '&eSnälla använd siffror!'
job: '&cJobbet du har valt existerar inte eller så har du inte gått med på detta'
noCommand: '&cDet finns inte ett kommando med detta namn!'
permission: '&cDu har inte tillåtelse till att göra detta!'
noinfo: '&cIngen information hittad!'
noinfoByPlayer: '&cIngen information hittad av [%playername%] spelar namn!'
ingame: '&cDu kan bara använda detta kommando i spelet!'
fromconsole: '&cDu kan bara använda detta kommando i konsolen!'
worldisdisabled: '&cDu kan inte använda kommanot i denna värld!'
newFurnaceRegistration: '&eRegistrerade nytt ägarskap för ugn &7[current]&e/&f[max]'
newBrewingRegistration: '&eRegistrerade nytt ägarskap för bryggningsstånd &7[current]&e/&f[max]'
noFurnaceRegistration: '&cDu har nått max antal ugnar!'
noBrewingRegistration: '&cDu har nått max antal bryggstånd!'
info: Skriv /jobs [cmd] ? för mer information om ett kommando.
cmdUsage: '&2Användning: &7[command]'
label: Jobs
cmdInfoFormat: '[command] &f- &2[description]'
cmdFormat: '&7/[command] &f[arguments]'
helpPageDescription: '&2* [description]'
title: '&e-------&e ======= &6Jobs &e======= &e-------'
page: '&e-----&e ====== Sida &6[1] &eof &6[2] &e====== &e-----'
fliperSimbols: '&e----------'
prevPage: '&2----<< &6Föregående '
prevPageOff: '&7----<< Föregående '
nextPage: '&6 Nästa &2>>----'
nextPageOff: '&7 Nästa >>----'
pageCount: '&2[current]/[total]'
pageCountHover: '&e[totalEntries] uppgifter'
prevPageGui: '&6Föregående sida '
nextPageGui: '&6Nästa sida'
info: Ökar inkomsten av pengar för alla spelare
args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all'
allreset: Alla ökningar av inkomst stängdes av
jobsboostreset: Pengarökningen har stängts av för %jobname%
nothingtoreset: Inget att återställa
boostalladded: Money boost of %boost% added for all jobs!
boostadded: Money boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!
infostats: '&c-----> &aMoney rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------'
info: Boosts point gain for all players
args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all'
allreset: All point boosts turned off
jobsboostreset: Point boost has been turned off for %jobname%
nothingtoreset: Inget att återställa
boostalladded: Points boost of %boost% added for all jobs!
boostadded: Points boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!
infostats: '&c-----> &aPoints rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------'
info: Boosts exp gain for all players
args: '[jobname]/all/reset [rate]/all'
allreset: All exp boosts turned off
jobsboostreset: Exp boost has been turned off for %jobname%
nothingtoreset: Inget att återställa
boostalladded: Exp boost of %boost% added for all jobs!
boostadded: Exp boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!
infostats: '&c-----> &aExp rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------'
info: Kolla föremåls bonus
args: ''
list: '&e[jobname]: %money% %points% %exp%'
notAplyingList: '&7[jobname]: %money% %points% %exp%'
hover: '&7%itemtype%'
hoverLevelLimits: "&7Från level: %from% \n&7Till level: %until%"
info: Ändra föremåls boost bonus
args: list/add/remove [jobname] [itemBoostName]
info: Visa jobb bonusar
args: '[jobname]'
topline: '&7**************** &2[money] &6[points] &e[exp] &7****************'
permission: ' &ePerm bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
item: ' &eItem bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
global: ' &eGlobal bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
dynamic: ' &eDynamic bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
nearspawner: ' &eSpawner bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
petpay: ' &ePetPay bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
area: ' &eArea bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
mcmmo: ' &eMcMMO bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
final: ' &eFinal bonus: &2%money% &6%points% &e%exp%'
finalExplanation: ' &eDoes not include Petpay and Near spawner bonus/penalty'
info: Converts the database system from one system to another. If you are currently running SQLite, this will convert it to MySQL and vice versa.
args: ''
info: Shows payment limits for jobs
args: '[playername]'
moneytime: '&eTime left until money limit resets: &2%time%'
moneyLimit: '&eMoney limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%'
exptime: '&eTime left until Exp limit resets: &2%time%'
expLimit: '&eExp limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%'
pointstime: '&eTime left until Point limit resets: &2%time%'
pointsLimit: '&ePoint limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%'
reachedmoneylimit: '&4You have reached money limit in given time!'
reachedmoneylimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand'
reachedmoneylimit3: '&eMoney earned is now reduced exponentially... But you still earn a little!'
reachedexplimit: '&4You have reached exp limit in given time!'
reachedexplimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand'
reachedpointslimit: '&4You have reached exp limit in given time!'
reachedpointslimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand'
notenabled: '&eMoney limit is not enabled'
info: Resets a player's payment limits
args: '[playername]'
reseted: '&ePayment limits have been reset for: &2%playername%'
info: Återställer en spelares uppdrag
args: '[playername] [jobname]'
reseted: '&eQuest has been reset for: &2%playername%'
noQuests: '&eKan inte hitta några uppdrag'
info: Shows how much points does a player have.
args: '[playername]'
currentpoints: ' &eCurrent point amount: &6%currentpoints%'
totalpoints: ' &eTotal amount of collected points until now: &6%totalpoints%'
info: Edit player's points.
args: set/add/take [playername] [amount]
set: '&ePlayers (&6%playername%&e) points was set to &6%amount%'
add: '&ePlayer (&6%playername%&e) got additional &6%amount% &epoints. Now they have &6%total%'
take: '&ePlayer (&6%playername%&e) lost &6%amount% &epoints. Now they have &6%total%'
info: Redigera nuvarande jobb.
args: ''
job: '&eJobs:'
jobs: ' -> [&e%jobname%&r]'
actions: ' -> [&e%actionname%&r]'
material: ' -> [&e%materialname%&r] '
materialRemove: '&c[X]'
materialAdd: ' -> &e[&2+&e]'
money: ' -> &ePengar: &6%amount%'
exp: ' -> &eXP: &6%amount%'
points: ' -> &ePoäng: &6%amount%'
newValue: '&eMata in nytt värde'
enter: '&eMata in nya namnet eller tryck '
hand: '&6HAND '
handHover: '&6Tryck för att ta information om objektet i handen'
or: '&eeller '
look: '&6TITTAR PÅ'
lookHover: '&6Tryck för att ta information från blocket du tittar på'
info: Redigera nuvarande uppdrag.
args: ''
quest: '&eUppdrag:'
jobs: ' -> [&e%jobname%&r]'
quests: ' -> [&e%questname%&r]'
actions: ' -> [&e%actionname%&r]'
objectives: ' -> [&e%objectivename%&r]'
objectiveRemove: '&c[X]'
objectiveAdd: ' -> &e[&2+&e]'
newValue: '&eMata in nytt värde'
enter: '&eMata in nya namnet eller tryck '
hand: '&6HAND '
handHover: '&6Tryck för att ta information om objektet i handen'
or: '&eor '
look: '&6TITTAR PÅ'
lookHover: '&6Tryck för att ta information från blocket du tittar på'
info: Shows information for the block you are looking at.
args: ''
name: ' &eBlock name: &6%blockname%'
id: ' &eBlock id: &6%blockid%'
data: ' &eBlock data: &6%blockdata%'
usage: ' &eUsage: &6%first% &eor &6%second%'
info: Shows information for the item you are holding.
args: ''
name: ' &eItem name: &6%itemname%'
id: ' &eItem id: &6%itemid%'
data: ' &eItem data: &6%itemdata%'
usage: ' &eUsage: &6%first% &eor &6%second%'
info: List out all placeholders
args: (parse) (placeholder)
list: '&e[place]. &7[placeholder]'
outputResult: ' &eresult: &7[result]'
parse: '&6[placeholder] &7by [source] &6result &8|&f[result]&8|'
info: Shows all possible entities that can be used with the plugin.
args: ''
info: Show the level you are in each job you are part of.
args: '[playername]'
nojob: Please join a job first.
output: 'Level %joblevel% for %jobname%: %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% xp'
bossBarOutput: 'Lvl %joblevel% %jobname%: %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% xp%gain%'
bossBarGain: ' &7(&f%gain%&7)'
info: Opens special jobs shop.
args: ''
title: '&e------- &8Jobs shop &e-------'
currentPoints: '&eYou have: &6%currentpoints%'
price: '&ePrice: &6%price%'
reqJobs: '&eRequired jobs:'
reqJobsList: ' &6%jobsname%&e: &e%level% lvl'
reqTotalLevel: '&6Required total level: &e%totalLevel%'
reqJobsColor: '&c'
reqJobsLevelColor: '&4'
reqTotalLevelColor: '&4'
cantOpen: '&cCan''t open this page'
NoPermForItem: '&cYou don''t have required permissions for this item!'
NoPermToBuy: '&cNo permissions to buy this item'
NoJobReqForitem: '&cYou don''t have the required job (&6%jobname%&e) with required (&6%joblevel%&e) level'
NoPoints: '&cYou don''t have enough points'
NoTotalLevel: '&cTotal jobs level is too low (%totalLevel%)'
Paid: '&eYou have paid &6%amount% &efor this item'
info: Shows all jobs saved in archive by user.
args: '[playername]'
nojob: There is no jobs saved.
info: Gives item by jobs name and item category name. Player name is optional
args: '[playername] [jobname] [items/limiteditems] [jobitemname]'
notonline: '&4Player with that name is not online!'
noitem: '&4Can''t find any item by given name!'
title: '&2*** &eJobs&2 ***'
info: Show how much each job is getting paid and for what.
penalty: '&eThis job has a penalty of &c[penalty]% &ebecause there are too many players working in it.'
bonus: '&eThis job has a bonus of &2[bonus]% &ebecause there are not enough players working in it.'
args: '[jobname] [action]'
actions: '&eValid actions are: &f%actions%'
max: ' - &emax level:&f '
newMax: ' &eMax level: &f[max]'
material: '&7%material%'
levelRange: ' &a(&e%levelFrom% &a- &e%levelUntil% &alevels)'
levelFrom: ' &a(from &e%levelFrom% &alevel)'
levelUntil: ' &a(until &e%levelUntil% &alevel)'
money: ' &2%money%$'
points: ' &6%points%pts'
exp: ' &e%exp%xp'
pickjob: '&ePick your job!'
jobinfo: '&e[jobname] info!'
actions: '&eValid actions are:'
leftClick: '&eLeft Click for more info'
middleClick: '&eMiddle Click to leave this job'
rightClick: '&eRight click to join job'
leftSlots: '&eLeft slots:&f '
working: '&2&nAlready working'
cantJoin: '&cYou can''t join to the selected job.'
max: '&eMax level:&f '
back: '&e<<< Back'
next: '&eNext >>>'
info: '&eBreak'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for breaking blocks.'
info: '&eTNTBreak'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for breaking blocks with TNT.'
info: '&ePlace'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for placing blocks.'
info: '&eStrip logs'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for stripping logs.'
info: '&eKill'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for killing monsters.'
info: '&eMMKill'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for killing Mythic monsters.'
info: '&eFish'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from fishing.'
info: '&eCraft'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from crafting.'
info: '&eSmelt'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from smelting.'
info: '&eBrew'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from brewing.'
info: '&eEat'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from eating food.'
info: '&eDye'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from dyeing.'
info: '&eEnchant'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from enchanting.'
info: '&eVillager trade'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for trading a villager.'
info: '&eRepair'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from repairing.'
info: '&eBreed'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from breeding.'
info: '&eTame'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from taming.'
info: '&eMilk'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from milking cows.'
info: '&eShear'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from shearing sheep.'
info: '&eExplore'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from exploring.'
info: '&eCustom kill'
none: '%jobname% does not get money from custom player kills.'
info: '&eCollect'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for collecting blocks.'
info: '&eBake'
none: '%jobname% does not get money for cooking foods.'
info: Show how much each job is getting paid and for what on another player.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [action]'
info: Join the selected job.
args: '[jobname]'
alreadyin: You are already in the job %jobname%.
fullslots: You cannot join the job %jobname%, there are no slots available.
maxjobs: You have already joined too many jobs.
rejoin: '&cCan''t rejoin this job. Wait [time]'
rejoin: '&aClick to rejoin this job: '
success: You have joined the job %jobname%.
confirm: '&2Click to confirm joining action for the &7[jobname] &2job.'
info: Leave the selected job.
args: '[oldplayerjob]'
success: You have left the job %jobname%.
confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from&e [jobname]&c job? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!'
info: Leave all your jobs.
nojobs: You do not have any jobs to leave!
success: You have left all your jobs.
confirmationNeed: '&cAre you sure you want to leave from all jobs? Type the command again within&6 [time] seconds &cto confirm!'
info: Check who visited this chunk
noexplore: No one visited this chunk
fullExplore: '&aThis chunk is fully explored'
list: '&e%place%. %playername%'
info: List the jobs available to you.
nojobs: There are no jobs you can join.
header: 'You are allowed to join the following jobs:'
footer: For more information type in /jobs info [JobName]
totalWorkers: ' &7Workers: &e[amount]'
penalty: ' &4Penalty: &c[amount]%'
bonus: ' &2Bonus: &a[amount]%'
newHeader: '&2========== [amount] Available Jobs ========='
description: '[description]'
list: ' &8[place]. &7[jobname]'
newHeader: '&2========== [amount] Available Jobs ========='
description: '[description]'
totalWorkers: ' &7Workers: &e[amount]'
penalty: ' &4Penalty: &c[amount]%'
bonus: ' &2Bonus: &a[amount]%'
list: ' &6[jobname]'
newMax: ' &eMax level: &f[max]'
click: '&bClick on the job to see more info about it!'
detailed: '&bClick to see more detailed list on job actions'
jobHeader: '&2========== [jobname] ========='
chooseJob: '&7&n&oChoose this job'
chooseJobHover: '&7Click here to get this job'
info: Clear block ownership
args: '[playername]'
cleared: '&2Removed &7[furnaces] &2furnaces and &7[brewing] &2brewing stands'
info: Skip defined quest and get new one
args: '[jobname] [questname] (playerName)'
questSkipForCost: '&2You skipped the quest and paid:&e %amount%$'
info: List available quests
args: '[playername]'
noquests: '&cThere are no quests'
toplineseparator: '&7*********************** &6[playerName] &2(&f[questsDone]&2) &7***********************'
changed: '&2The quests status has been changed to&r %status%'
started: '&aStarted'
stopped: '&cStopped'
completed: '&2 !Completed!&r '
questLine: '[progress] &7[questName] &f[done]&7/&8[required]'
skip: '&7Click to skip this quest'
skips: '&7Left skips: &f[skips]'
hover: "&f[jobName] \n[desc] \n&7New quest in: [time]"
info: Fire the player from the job.
args: '[playername] [jobname]'
nojob: Player does not have the job %jobname%.
target: You have been fired from %jobname%.
info: Fire player from all their jobs.
args: '[playername]/all'
nojobs: Player does not have any jobs to be fired from!
target: You have been fired from all your jobs.
info: Employ the player to the job.
args: '[playername] [jobname]'
alreadyin: Player is already in the job %jobname%.
fullslots: You cannot join the job %jobname%, there are no slots available.
target: You have been employed as a %jobname%.
info: Shows top players by jobs name.
args: '[jobname]'
nojob: Can't find any job with this name.
topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &aplayers by &e%jobname% &ajob'
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp'
prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|'
next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>'
show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2top list'
info: Shows top players by global jobs level.
args: ''
nojob: Can't find any information.
topline: '&aTop&e %amount% &aplayers by global job level'
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp'
prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|'
next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>'
show: '&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2global top list'
info: Modify restricted areas.
args: add/remove/info/list
addUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area add [areaName/wg:worldGuardAreaName] [bonus]'
removeUsage: '&eUsage: &6/Jobs area remove [areaName]'
addedNew: '&eAdded a new restricted area with &6%bonus% &ebonus'
removed: '&eRemoved the restricted area &6%name%'
list: '&e%number%&a. &e%areaname% &e%worldname% (&a%x1%:%y1%:%z1%/&e%x2%:%y2%:%z2%) &6%bonus%'
wgList: '&e%number%&a. WorldGuard: &e%areaname% &6%bonus%'
noAreas: '&eThere are no saved restricted areas'
noAreasByLoc: '&eThere are no restricted areas in this location'
areaList: '&eRestricted areas by your location: &6%list%'
selected1: '&eSelected the first point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
selected2: '&eSelected the second point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%'
select: '&eSelect 2 points with the selection tool (%tool%)'
exist: '&eRestriction area by this name already exists'
dontExist: '&eRestriction area by this name does not exist'
wgDontExist: '&eWorldGuard area by this name does not exist'
info: Shows statistics.
args: '[playername]'
topline: '&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************'
ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%'
money: '&6money: %amount% '
exp: '&eexp: %amount% '
points: '&6points: %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7***********************************************************'
prev: '&e<<<<< Prev page &2|'
next: '&2|&e Next Page >>>>'
nodata: '&cData not found'
info: Shows global statistics.
args: ''
topline: '&7*********************** &6Global statistics &7***********************'
ls: '&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% %money%%exp%%points%'
money: '&6money: %amount% '
exp: '&eexp: %amount% '
points: '&6points: %amount%'
totalIncomes: ' &6Total money:&2 %money%&6, Total exp:&2 %exp%&6, Total points:&2 %points%'
bottomline: '&7**************************************************************'
nodata: '&cData not found'
info: Transfer a player's job from an old job to a new job.
args: '[playername] [oldjob] [newjob]'
target: You have been transferred from %oldjobname% to %newjobname%.
info: Promote the player X levels in a job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]'
target: You have been promoted %levelsgained% levels in %jobname%.
info: Change the player exp for job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] set/add/take [amount]'
nojob: '&cThis player must first join a job.'
target: '&eYour exp was changed for %jobname% &eand now you at &6%level%lvl &eand with &6%exp%exp.'
info: Change the player's level in a job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] set/add/take [amount]'
nojob: '&cThis player must first join a job.'
target: '&eYour level was changed for %jobname% &eand now you at &6%level%lvl &eand with &6%exp%exp.'
info: Demote the player X levels in a job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]'
target: You have been demoted %levelslost% levels in %jobname%.
info: Grants the player X experience in a job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]'
target: You have been granted %xpgained% experience in %jobname%.
info: Remove X experience from the player in a job.
args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]'
target: You have lost %xplost% experience in %jobname%.
info: Manually updates a sign by its name
args: '[jobname]'
info: Shows block protections around you in 10 block radius
args: ''
found: '&eFound &6%amount% &eprotected blocks around you'
notFound: '&eNo protected blocks found around you'
info: Reload configurations.
info: Toggles payment output on action bar or bossbar.
args: actionbar/bossbar
turnedoff: '&4This feature is turned off!'
main: '&aYou got:'
money: '&e[amount] money'
exp: '&7[exp] exp'
points: '&6[points] points'
'on': '&aToggled: &aON'
'off': '&aToggled: &4OFF'
broadcast: '%playername% has been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%.'
nobroadcast: Congratulations, you have been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%.
broadcast: '%playername% is now a level %joblevel% %jobname%.'
nobroadcast: You are now level %joblevel% %jobname%.
message: '&cYou lost level&e %lostLevel%&c in&e %jobname%&c job! Level:&6 %joblevel%&c.'
cowtimer: '&eYou still need to wait &6%time% &esec to get paid for this job.'
blocktimer: '&eYou need to wait &3[time] &esec more to get paid for this!'
placeblocktimer: '&eYou can''t place blocks faster than &6[time] &esec in the same place!'
taxes: '&3[amount] &eserver taxes were transferred to this account'
boostStarted: '&eJobs boost time have been started!'
boostStoped: '&eJobs boost time have been ended!'
fullinventory: '&cYour inventory is full!'
List: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[level]'
questList: '&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[quests]'
p1: '&b** &8Första &b**'
p2: '&b** &8Andra &b**'
p3: '&b** &8Tredje &b**'
p4: '&b** &8Fourth &b**'
p5: '&b** &8Fifth &b**'
p6: '&b** &8Sixth &b**'
p7: '&b** &8Seventh &b**'
p8: '&b** &8Eight &b**'
p9: '&b** &8Ninth &b**'
p10: '&b** &8Tenth &b**'
name: '&9[player]'
level: '&8[level] level'
quests: '&8[quests] quests'
bottom: '&b************'
cantcreate: '&4You can''t create this sign!'
cantdestroy: '&4You can''t destroy this sign!'
topline: '&0[Jobs]'
join: '&0Join'
leave: '&0Lämmna'
toggle: '&0Växla'
top: '&0Top'
browse: '&0Bläddra'
stats: '&0Statistik'
limit: '&0Begränsning'
info: '&0Information'
archive: '&0Arkiv'
topline: '&2Top &e%jobname%'
gtopline: '&2Global topplista'
line: '&2%number%. &e%playername% (&6%level%&e)'