canceled, set it to 0 and let it to do its thing.
Optimize for boost permission check on each action. Calculate only every
one minute if needed.
Try to create points table every time, to avoid missing table.
using old version of it.
Optimized Jobs long shutdown caused by Explorer feature recording to
data base taking to much time. Now its more or less instantaneous.
Fixed (fingers crossed) issue with limited items, now its should work
Changed item name in itemList.yml for flint
Changed default jobConfig.yml file, now there will be job with name of
exampleJob witch one will be ignored even if left in config file.Put
proper Woodcutter job beneath it to serve as correct woodcutter job.
Changed some data storage methods for better performance and possible
small issue fixing.
Changed jobs.petpay permission to jobs.vippetpay to be more accurate for
what it stands.